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Generating lineage-committed intestinal stem cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) could provide a tractable experimental system for understanding intestinal differentiation pathways and may ultimately provide cells for regenerating damaged intestinal tissue. We tested a two-step differentiation procedure in which ESCs were first cultured with activin A to favor formation of definitive endoderm, and then treated with fibroblast-conditioned medium with or without Wnt3A. The definitive endoderm expressed a number of genes associated with gut-tube development through mouse embryonic day 8.5 (Sox17, Foxa2, and Gata4 expressed and Id2 silent). The intestinal stem cell marker Lgr5 gene was also activated in the endodermal cells, whereas the Msi1, Ephb2, and Dcamkl1 intestinal stem cell markers were not. Exposure of the endoderm to fibroblast-conditioned medium with Wnt3A resulted in the activation of Id2, the remaining intestinal stem cell markers and the later gut markers Cdx2, Fabp2, and Muc2. Interestingly, genes associated with distal gut-associated mesoderm (Foxf2, Hlx, and Hoxd8) were also simulated by Wnt3A. The two-step differentiation protocol generated gut bodies with crypt-like structures that included regions of Lgr5-expressing proliferating cells and regions of cell differentiation. These gut bodies also had a smooth muscle component and some underwent peristaltic movement. The ability of the definitive endoderm to differentiate into intestinal epithelium was supported by the vivo engraftment of these cells into mouse colonic mucosa. These findings demonstrate that definitive endoderm derived from ESCs can carry out intestinal cell differentiation pathways and may provide cells to restore damaged intestinal tissue.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can proliferate indefinitely, maintain an undifferentiated pluripotent state and differentiate into any cell type. Differentiation of ESCs into various specific cell-types may be able to cure or alleviate the symptoms of various degenerative diseases. Unresolved issues regarding maintaining function, possible apoptosis and tumor formation in vivo mean a prudent approach should be taken towards advancing ESCs into human clinical trials. Rhesus macaques provide the ideal model organism for testing the feasibility, efficacy and safety of ESC based therapies and significant numbers of primate ESC lines are now available. In this review, we will summarize progress in evaluating the genetic and epigenetic integrity of primate ESCs, examine their current use in pre-clinical trials and discuss the potential of producing ESC-derived cell populations that are genetically identical (isogenic) to the host by somatic cell nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, cell transplantation has been recognized as a mean of repairing infarcted myocardium. Both adult stem cells and differentiated cells have yielded encouraging results with regard to engraftment into postinfarction scars. However, these cells now feature serious restrictions. Asan alternative, embryonic stem (ES) cells are particularly attractive, because of their plasticity and the subsequent possibility to drive them towards a cardiomyogenic phenotype after exposure to appropriate growth factors. An additional theoretical advantage of ES cells is their expected immune privilege. In this article, we summarize the findings obtained in cell therapy using ES cells and discuss the molecular mechanisms of cardiac specification of the cells.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞的心脏应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xiao YF 《生理学报》2003,55(5):493-504
心肌梗死期间死亡的心肌细胞将由没有收缩功能的疤痕组织替代,因而极可能引起心力衰竭。对治疗心衰来说,修复死亡或损伤的心肌以及改善心功能仍面临着极大挑战。干细胞移植已在近年来的实验中用于修复损失的心肌。本文总结了近期在心肌损伤动物中实施胚胎干细胞移植的实验结果,并着重介绍对这类特定细胞的研究进展。胚胎干细胞取源于早期哺乳类胚胎的胚芽细胞,属于多功能干细胞。这类细胞具有长期增殖而不分化的能力,或台色够在培养过程中分化成包括心肌细胞在内的所有特殊体细胞。由于胚胎干细胞具有极大的增殖和分化为成熟组织的能力,它们可能成为一种潜在的很有实用价值的细胞来源,可用于对病态心脏的功能心肌再生的细胞治疗。新近的研究表明,在心肌梗死动物模型中,心肌内移植胚胎干细胞或由其分化成的心肌样细胞,能导致已损伤心肌的再生,并改善心脏功能。另外,在病毒性心肌炎小鼠中,静脉输入胚胎干细胞可明显提高生存率和减轻心肌损伤。有关人类胚胎干细胞在体外分化成心肌细胞以及这些细胞的特性,近来已有报道。然而,要在临床能应用人类胚胎干细胞或由其分化成的心肌细胞来治疗晚期心脏疾病,还必须越过大量的伦理、法律和科学上的障碍。  相似文献   

In vivo studies have demonstrated that p63 plays complex and pivotal roles in pluristratified squamous epithelial development, but its precise function and the nature of the isoform involved remain controversial. Here, we investigate the role of p63 in epithelial differentiation, using an in vitro ES cell model that mimics the early embryonic steps of epidermal development. We show that the DeltaNp63 isoform is activated soon after treatment with BMP-4, a morphogen required to commit differentiating ES cells from a neuroectodermal to an ectodermal cell fate. DeltaNp63 gene expression remains high during epithelial development. P63 loss of function drastically prevents ectodermal cells to commit to the K5/K14-positive stratified epithelial pathway while gain of function experiments show that DeltaNp63 allows this commitment. Interestingly, other epithelial cell fates are not affected, allowing the production of K5/K18-positive epithelial cells. Therefore, our results demonstrate that DeltaNp63 may be dispensable for some epithelial differentiation, but is necessary for the commitment of ES cells into K5/K14-positive squamous stratified epithelial cells.  相似文献   



The mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells, and those that drive their commitment into particular differentiation lineages, are poorly understood. In fact, even our knowledge of the phenotype of hESC is limited, because the immunological and molecular criteria presently used to define this phenotype describe the properties of a heterogeneous population of cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to differentiate into all cell types. As these cells may be able to provide an unlimited cell source for transplantation therapies, it is necessary to establish reliable methods for their handling and manipulation, including human ES cell cryopreservation. Here, we report the development of a simple and efficient cryopreservation method for primate ES cell lines using vitrification in conventional cryovials. Using standard slow-rate cooling methods, the cryopreservation efficiency for cynomolgus monkey ES cell lines was approximately 0.4%, while that for a human ES cell line was virtually 0%. Primate ES cell lines, however, were successfully cryopreserved by the present vitrification method using conventional cryovials yielding a survival rate of about 6.5% for monkey ES cells and 12.2% for human ES cells. Vitrified ES cells quickly recovered after thawing and exhibited a morphology indistinguishable from non-vitrified cells. In addition, they retained a normal karyotype and continued to express ES cell markers after thawing. Thus, our vitrification ES cell cryopreservation method expands the utility of primate ES cells for various research and clinical purposes.  相似文献   

Challenges of primate embryonic stem cell research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Embryonic stem (ES) cells hold great promise for treating degenerative diseases, including diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, neural degeneration, and cardiomyopathies. This research is controversial to some because producing ES cells requires destroying embryos, which generally means human embryos. However, some of the surplus human embryos available from in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics may have a high rate of genetic errors and therefore would be unsuitable for ES cell research. Although gross chromosome errors can readily be detected in ES cells, other anomalies such as mitochondrial DNA defects may have gone unrecognized. An insurmountable problem is that there are no human ES cells derived from in vivo-produced embryos to provide normal comparative data. In contrast, some monkey ES cell lines have been produced using in vivo-generated, normal embryos obtained from fertile animals; these can represent a "gold standard" for primate ES cells. In this review, we argue a need for strong research programs using rhesus monkey ES cells, conducted in parallel with studies on human ES and adult stem cells, to derive the maximum information about the biology of normal stem cells and to produce technical protocols for their directed differentiation into safe and functional replacement cells, tissues, and organs. In contrast, ES cell research using only human cell lines is likely to be incomplete, which could hinder research progress, and delay or diminish the effective application of ES cell technology to the treatment of human diseases.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelial cell (VEC) differentiation from primate embryonic stem (ES) cells has critical problems: low differentiation efficiencies (<2%) and/or subculture incapability. We report a novel feeder-free culture method for high efficiency production of subculturable VECs from cynomolgus monkey ES cells. Spheres, which were generated from ES cells in the presence of cytokine cocktail, were cultured on gelatin-coated plates. Cobblestone-shaped cells spread out after a few days, which were followed by an emergence of a sac-like structure containing hematopoietic cells. All adherent cells including sac walls cells and surrounding cobblestone cells expressed vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) at intercellular junctions. Subculture of these cells resulted in a generation of homogeneous spindle-shaped population bearing cord-forming activities and a uniform acetylated low density lipoprotein-uptaking capacity with von Willbrand factor and endothelial nitric oxide synthetase expressions. They were freeze-thaw-tolerable and subculturable up to eight passages. Co-existence of pericytes or immature ES cells was ruled out. When introduced in a collagen sponge plug implanted intraperitoneally in mice, ES-derived cells recruited into neovascularity. Although percentages of surface VE-cadherin-positive population varied from 20% to 80% as assessed by flow cytometry, the surface VE-cadherin-negative population showed intracellular VE-cadherin expression and mature functions, as we call it as atypical VECs. When sorted, the surface VE-cadherin-positive population expanded as almost pure (>90%) VE-cadherin/PECAM-1-positive VECs by 160-fold after five passages. Thus, our system provides pure production of functional, subculturable and freeze-thaw-tolerable VECs, including atypical VECs, from primate ES cells.  相似文献   

Human ESCs (hESCs) are a valuable tool for the study of early human development and represent a source of normal differentiated cells for pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications and ultimately for cell replacement therapies. For all applications, it will be necessary to develop assays to validate the efficacy of hESC differentiation. We explored the capacity for FTIR spectroscopy, a technique that rapidly characterises cellular macromolecular composition, to discriminate mesendoderm or ectoderm committed cells from undifferentiated hESCs. Distinct infrared spectroscopic “signatures” readily distinguished hESCs from these early differentiated progeny, with bioinformatic models able to correctly classify over 97% of spectra. These data identify a role for FTIR spectroscopy as a new modality to complement conventional analyses of hESCs and their derivatives. FTIR spectroscopy has the potential to provide low-cost, automatable measurements for the quality control of stem and differentiated cells to be used in industry and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (hES) cells are expected to be useful in the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering due to their pluripotency. Therefore, it is necessary to establish highly efficient and reliable methods for the cryopreservation of hES cells. We have cryopreserved cynomolgus and human ES cells by the vitrification method, using a chemically-defined dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO)-free and serum-free medium composed of Euro-Collins solution as a base medium and 40% (v/v) ethylene glycol (EG) and 10% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG) as cryoprotectants. When the vitrification and the cryoprotectants were combined, the recovery ratio of hES cells was 22.9 ± 7.7%, compared to 0.4 ± 0.2% when the conventional slow-freezing method was used. After the cryopreservation and thawing cycle, hES cells were easily cultured and expressed undifferentiated cell markers such as Nanog, Oct-4, SSEA-4, and alkaline phosphatase activity after several subculturing steps. We also found that the pluripotency of hES cells was maintained, as demonstrated by teratoma formation of ES cells transplanted into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Thus, we conclude that we have successfully cryopreserved primate ES cells with high efficiency using a Me2SO-free, chemically-defined medium.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in cell-fate determination during embryonic development and adult life. In this study, we focus on the role of Notch signaling in governing cell-fate choices in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we achieved both blockade and conditional activation of Notch signaling in several hESC lines. We report here that activation of Notch signaling is required for undifferentiated hESCs to form the progeny of all three embryonic germ layers, but not trophoblast cells. In addition, transient Notch signaling pathway activation enhanced generation of hematopoietic cells from committed hESCs. These new insights into the roles of Notch in hESC-fate determination may help to efficiently direct hESC differentiation into therapeutically relevant cell types.  相似文献   

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