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Cardiac revascularization is presently performed without real-time visual assessment of myocardial blood flow or perfusion. Moreover, gene therapy of the heart cannot, at present, be directed to specific territories at risk for myocardial infarction. We have developed a surgical imaging system that exploits the low autofluorescence, deep tissue penetration, low tissue scatter, and invisibility of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent light. By completely isolating visible and NIR light paths, one is able to visualize, simultaneously, the anatomy and/or function of the heart, or any desired tissue. In rat model systems, we demonstrate that the heptamethine indocyanine-type NIR fluorophores IR-786 and the carboxylic acid form of IRDye78 can be injected intravenously in the living animal to provide real-time visual assessment of myocardial blood flow or perfusion intraoperatively. This imaging system may prove useful for the refinement of revascularization techniques, and for the administration of cardiac gene therapy.  相似文献   

A recently developed near-infrared fluorescence-labeled folate probe (NIR2-folate) was tested for in vivo imaging of arthritis using a lipopolysaccharide intra-articular injection model and a KRN transgenic mice serum induction mouse model. In the lipopolysaccharide injection model, the fluorescence signal intensity of NIR2-folate (n = 12) and of free NIR2 (n = 5) was compared between lipopolysaccharide-treated and control joints. The fluorescence signal intensity of the NIR2-folate probe at the inflammatory joints was found to be significantly higher than the control normal joints (up to 2.3-fold, P < 0.001). The NIR2-free dye injection group showed a persistent lower enhancement ratio than the NIR2-folate probe injection group. Excessive folic acid was also given to demonstrate a competitive effect with the NIR2-folate. In the KRN serum transfer model (n = 4), NIR2-folate was applied at different time points after serum transfer, and the inflamed joints could be detected as early as 30 hours after arthritogenic antibody transfer (1.8-fold increase in signal intensity). Fluorescence microscopy, histology, and immunohistochemistry validated the optical imaging results. We conclude that in vivo arthritis detection was feasible using a folate-targeted near-infrared fluorescence probe. This receptor-targeted imaging method may facilitate improved arthritis diagnosis and early assessment of the disease progress by providing an in vivo characterization of active macrophage status in inflammatory joint diseases.  相似文献   

In vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Photon penetration into living tissue is highly dependent on the absorption and scattering properties of tissue components. The near-infrared region of the spectrum offers certain advantages for photon penetration, and both organic and inorganic fluorescence contrast agents are now available for chemical conjugation to targeting molecules. This review focuses on those parameters that affect image signal and background during in vivo imaging with near-infrared light and exogenous contrast agents. Recent examples of in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging of animals and humans are presented, including imaging of normal and diseased vasculature, tissue perfusion, protease activity, hydroxyapatite and cancer.  相似文献   

The development and application of a methodology for measurement of oxygen within single mammalian cells are presented, which employ novel macromolecular near infrared (NIR) oxygen probes based on new metalloporphyrin dyes. The probes, which display optimal spectral characteristics and sensitivity to oxygen, excellent photostability, and low cytotoxicity and phototoxicity, are loaded into cells by simple transfection procedures and subsequently analyzed by high-resolution fluorescence microscopy. The methodology is demonstrated by sensing intracellular oxygen in different mammalian cell lines, including A549, Jurkat, and HeLa, and monitoring rapid and transient changes in response to mitochondrial uncoupling by valinomycin and inhibition by antimycin A. Furthermore, the effect of ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca(2+) influx on cellular oxygen uptake is shown by substantial changes in the level of intracellular oxygen. The results demonstrate the ability of this technique to measure small, rapid, and transient changes in intracellular oxygen in response to different biological effectors. Moreover, this technique has wide ranging applicability in cell biology and is particularly useful in the study of low oxygen environments (cellular hypoxia), mitochondrial and cellular (dys)function, and for therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular and neurological research, metabolic diseases, and cancer.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT; brown fat) is the principal site of adaptive thermogenesis in the human newborn and other small mammals. Of paramount importance for thermogenesis is vascular perfusion, which controls the flow of cool blood in, and warmed blood out, of BAT. We have developed an optical method for the quantitative imaging of BAT perfusion in the living, intact animal using the heptamethine indocyanine IR-786 and near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent light. We present a detailed analysis of the physical, chemical, and cellular properties of IR-786, its biodistribution and pharmacokinetics, and its uptake into BAT. Using transgenic animals with homozygous deletion of Type II iodiothyronine deiodinase, or homozygous deletion of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) 1 and 2, we demonstrate that BAT perfusion can be measured noninvasively, accurately, and reproducibly. Using these techniques, we show that UCP -1/-2 knockout animals, when compared to wild-type animals, have a higher baseline perfusion of BAT but a similar maximal response to beta 3-receptor agonist. These results suggest that compensation for UCP deletion is mediated, in part, by the control of BAT perfusion. Taken together, BAT perfusion can now be measured noninvasively using NIR fluorescent light, and pharmacological modulators of thermogenesis can be screened at relatively high throughput in living animals.  相似文献   

The detection of human malignancies by near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence will require the conjugation of cancer-specific ligands to NIR fluorophores that have optimal photoproperties and pharmacokinetics. IRDye78, a tetra-sulfonated heptamethine indocyanine NIR fluorophore, meets most of the criteria for an in vivo imaging agent, and is available as an N-hydroxysuccinimide ester for conjugation to low-molecular-weight ligands. However, IRDye78 has a high charge-to-mass ratio, complicating purification of conjugates. It also has a potentially labile linkage between fluorophore and ligand. We have developed an ion-pairing purification strategy for IRDye78 that can be performed with a standard C18 column under neutral conditions, thus preserving the stability of fluorophore, ligand, and conjugate. By employing parallel evaporative light scatter and absorbance detectors, all reactants and products are identified, and conjugate purity is maximized. We describe reversible and irreversible conversions of IRDye78 that can occur during sample purification, and describe methods for preserving conjugate stability. Using seven ligands, spanning several classes of small molecules and peptides (neutral, charged, and/or hydrophobic), we illustrate the robustness of these methods, and confirm that IRDye78 conjugates so purified retain bioactivity and permit NIR fluorescence imaging of specific targets.  相似文献   

Human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2) is a well-known biomarker that is overexpressed in many breast carcinomas. HER2 expression level is an important factor to optimize the therapeutic strategy and monitor the treatment. We used albumin binding domain-fused HER2-specific Affibody molecules, labeled with Alexa Fluor750 dye, to characterize HER2 expression in vivo. Near-infrared optical imaging studies were carried out using mice with subcutaneous HER2-positive tumors. Animals were divided into groups of five: no treatment and 12 hours and 1 week after treatment of the tumors with the Hsp90 inhibitor 17-dimethylaminoethylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-DMAG). The compartmental ligands-receptor model, describing binding kinetics, was used to evaluate HER2 expression from the time sequence of the fluorescence images after the intravenous probe injection. The normalized rate of accumulation of the specific fluorescent biomarkers, estimated from this time sequence, linearly correlates with the conventional ex vivo enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) readings for the same tumor. Such correspondence makes properly arranged fluorescence imaging an excellent candidate for estimating HER2 overexpression in tumors, complementing ELISA and other ex vivo assays. Application of this method to the fluorescence data from HER2-positive xenografts reveals that the 17-DMAG treatment results in downregulation of HER2. Application of the AngioSense 750 probe confirmed the antiangiogenic effect of 17-DMAG found with Affibody-Alexa Fluor 750 conjugate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the use of lead sulfide quantum dot (PbS QD) bioconjugates as near infrared (NIR) contrast agents for targeted molecular imaging with expanded emission wavelengths beyond 1000 nm. The red-shifted emission band, coupled with the small particle size, which will facilitate clearance, both afford PbS QDs unique properties for noninvasive, high resolution in vivo NIR imaging applications. We have performed imaging experiments at the molecular level using surface-modified PbS NIR QDs, together with our lab-built NIR imaging system. This novel instrumentation and fluorescent contrast agent have enabled us to study the relatively unexplored NIR biomedical imaging spectral region of 900-1200 nm. Preliminary experimental results indicate that PbS-QD/antibody bioconjugates are promising candidates for targeted NIR molecular imaging and future in vivo NIR tissue imaging applications.  相似文献   

In vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging of osteoblastic activity.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In vertebrates, the development and integrity of the skeleton requires hydroxyapatite (HA) deposition by osteoblasts. HA deposition is also a marker of, or a participant in, processes as diverse as cancer and atherosclerosis. At present, sites of osteoblastic activity can only be imaged in vivo using gamma-emitting radioisotopes. The scan times required are long, and the resultant radioscintigraphic images suffer from relatively low resolution. We have synthesized a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent bisphosphonate derivative that exhibits rapid and specific binding to HA in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate NIR light-based detection of osteoblastic activity in the living animal, and discuss how this technology can be used to study skeletal development, osteoblastic metastasis, coronary atherosclerosis, and other human diseases.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains a leading cause of mortality and warrants new imaging approaches to better guide clinical care. We report on a miniaturized, hybrid intravascular catheter and imaging system for comprehensive coronary artery imaging in vivo. Our catheter exhibits a total diameter of 1.0 mm (3.0 French), equivalent to standalone clinical intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheters but enables simultaneous near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) and IVUS molecular-structural imaging. We demonstrate NIRF-IVUS imaging in vitro in coronary stents using NIR fluorophores, and compare NIRF signal strengths for prism and ball lens sensor designs in both low and high scattering media. Next, in vivo intravascular imaging in pig coronary arteries demonstrates simultaneous, co-registered molecular-structural imaging of experimental CAD inflammation on IVUS and distance-corrected NIRF images. The obtained results suggest substantial potential for the NIRF-IVUS catheter to advance standalone IVUS, and enable comprehensive phenotyping of vascular disease to better assess and treat patients with CAD.  相似文献   

We examined the feasibility of using a two-color time-resolved detection scheme with microdevices for DNA sequencing applications. A home-built dual-color optical-fiber-based time-resolved near-infrared (IR) fluorescence microscope successfully coupled lifetime discrimination with color discrimination, increasing fluorescence multiplexing capabilities. The instrument was constructed by using two pulsed-diode lasers (680/780-nm excitation) and two avalanche photodiodes as the basic building blocks. The data were processed using electronics configured in a time-correlated single-photon counting format. The use of near-IR fluorescence detection greatly simplified the hardware and allowed low detection limits (< 0.1nM). We examined the separation of a single-base tract on a microchip and compared the performance with that of conventional capillary gel electrophoresis. The microchip was fabricated in glass and contained an effective separation length of 7.0 cm. It was found that, without incorporating a solid-phase reversible immobilization cleanup procedure, the calculated lifetime of the dye label on the microchip was longer and the standard deviation was larger than those of the same sample analyzed using capillary electrophoresis. Using cleanup steps, the accuracy and precision of the measurements improved. Lifetimes of four near-IR dyes (AlexaFluor680, IRD700, IRD800, and IRD40) used in this study were determined to be 986 ps (RSD=2.1%), 1551 ps (RSD=1.8%), 520 ps (RSD=3.3%), and 788 ps (RSD=4.9%), respectively, in a microchannel filled with poly(dimethylacrylamide) (POP-6) gel. The lifetimes calculated using maximum likelihood estimators provided favorable precision on the microchip, where small numbers of photocounts were collected. An M13mp18 template was sequenced on the microchip using a two-color two-lifetime format with POP-6 as the sieving polymer. Read lengths of 294 bp with calling accuracies of 90.8 and 83.7% were achieved in each color channel. The relatively low calling accuracy and the short read length resulted primarily from the short separation channel, which yielded low electrophoretic resolution.  相似文献   

AbstractWe delivered adenovirus vector (Ad) via intravitreous injection and monitored transgene (luciferase) expression in living mice (BALB/c) at multiple time points. In vivo live imaging technology was able to assess dynamically intraocular luciferase expression in a single animal population throughout the entire experiment period. Using this information, we were able to determine the optimal time point for readministration of Ad into the eyes and to dynamically study the time course of expression of a second Ad administration. Optical imaging demonstrated the limited period of transgene expression in eyes. Significant transgene signal was also detected in livers. The repeat intraocular delivery of the adenovirus resulted in significant blunting of transgene expression in both eyes and livers compared to the initial delivery. Periocular corticosteroid (triamcinolone acetonide) injection combined with initial Ad delivery was effective to rescue luciferase expression on repeat Ad vector delivery. However, this effect was not observed when corticosteroid was combined with repeat Ad delivery. Although corticosteroid enhanced ocular transgene expression, it also increased transgene expression in liver, which has potential safety implications. This dynamic transgene expression in eyes was successfully traced and monitored via a live imaging technique.  相似文献   

The development and validation of a multiscopic near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) probe, cinnamoyl-F-(D)L-F-(D)L-F-PEG-cyanine7 (cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7), that targets formyl peptide receptor on neutrophils using a mice ear inflammation model is described. Acute inflammation was induced in mice by topical application of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate to left ears 24 hours before probe administration. Noninvasive NIRF imaging was longitudinally performed up to 24 hours following probe injection. The in vivo neutrophil-targeting specificity of the probe was characterized by a blocking study with preadministration of excess nonfluorescent peptide cFlFlF-PEG and by an imaging study with a scrambled peptide probe cLFFFL-PEG-Cy7. NIRF imaging of mice injected with cinnamoyl-L-F-F-F-L-PEG-cyanine7 (cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7) revealed that the fluorescence intensity for inflamed left ears was approximately fourfold higher than that of control right ears at 24 hours postinjection. In comparison, the ratios acquired with the scrambled probe and from the blocking study were 1.5- and 2-fold at 24 hours postinjection, respectively. Moreover, a microscopic immunohistologic study confirmed that the NIRF signal of cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7 was associated with activated neutrophils in the inflammatory tissue. With this probe, in vivo neutrophil chemotaxis could be correlatively imaged macroscopically in live animals and microscopically at tissue and cellular levels.  相似文献   



Endoglin (CD105) is overexpressed on tumor cells and tumor vasculatures, making it a potential target for diagnostic imaging and therapy of different neoplasms. Therefore, studies on nanocarrier systems designed for endoglin-directed diagnostic and drug delivery purposes would expose the feasibility of targeting endoglin with therapeutics.


Liposomes carrying high concentrations of a near-infrared fluorescent dye in the aqueous interior were prepared by the lipid film hydration and extrusion procedure, then conjugated to single chain antibody fragments either selective for murine endoglin (termed mEnd-IL) or directed towards human endoglin (termed hEnd-IL). A combination of Dynamic Light Scattering, electron microscopy, cell binding and uptake assays, confocal microscopy and in vivo fluorescence imaging of mice bearing xenografted human breast cancer and human fibrosarcoma models were implemented to elucidate the potentials of the liposomes.


The mEnd-IL and hEnd-IL were highly selective for the respective murine- and human endoglin expressing cells in vitro and in vivo. Hence, the hEnd-IL bound distinctly to the tumor cells and enabled suitable fluorescence imaging of the tumors, whereas the mEnd-IL bound the tumor vasculature, but also to the liver, kidney and lung vasculature of mice.


The work highlights key differences between targeting vascular (murine) and neoplastic (human) endoglin in animal studies, and suggests that the hEnd-IL can serve as a delivery system that targets human endoglin overexpressed in pathological conditions.

General significance

The endoglin-targeting liposomes presented herewith represent strategic tools for the future implementation of endoglin-directed neoplastic and anti-angiogenic therapies.  相似文献   

We have developed a high-sensitivity near-infrared (NIR) optical imaging system for noninvasive cancer detection based on the molecular-labeled fluorescent contrast agents. Recent developments in molecular beacons offer a way to selectively tag various precancer and cancer signatures and provide high tumor-to-background contrast. Near-infrared imaging can deeply probe tissue up to a couple of centimeters; thus, it possesses the potential for noninvasive detection of breast or lymph node cancer. A phase cancellation (in- and antiphase) device is used to increase the sensitivity in detecting fluorescent photons and the accuracy of tumor localization. The optoelectronic system consists of the laser diode sources, fiber optics, interference filter (to select the fluorescent photons), and the high-sensitivity photon detector (photomultiplier tube). The source-detector pair scans the tissue surface in multiple directions, and the localization image can be obtained by angular back-projection reconstruction. Simulations and experimental data demonstrated the feasibility of detection and localization offluorescent object embedded inside the highly scattering media. Tumor-bearing mouse model with injection of fluorescent contrast agents is used to simulate the human breast tumor labeled with molecular beacons. The system can detect fluorescent contrast agents as small as one nanomole at the depth of three centimeters, with a three-millimeter localization error. This instrument has the potential for tumor diagnosis and imaging, and the accuracy of the localization suggests that this system could help guide the clinical fine-needle biopsy. Also, this portable device would be complementary to x-ray mammography and provide add-on information on early diagnosis and localization of breast tumor.  相似文献   

Near-infrared fluorochromes (NIRF) are useful compounds for diverse biotechnology applications and for in vivo biomedical imaging. Such NIRF must have high quantum yield, be biocompatible, and be conjugatable to a wide variety of proteins, peptides, and other affinity ligands. Here, we describe the synthesis of four new nonsymmetrical sulfhydryl-reactive cyanine NIRF with excellent optical and chemical properties. Each fluorochrome was designed to contain an iodoacetamido group that reacts specifically with sulfhydryl-containing molecules. The synthesized fluorochromes were used to label model peptides and sulfhydryl-containing biomolecules.  相似文献   

Clinical and therapeutical implications of EPC biology in atherosclerosis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Bone marrow-derived circulating endothelial progenitor cells have been successfully used to enhance angiogenesis after tissue ischemia. The role of endothelial progenitor cells in endothelial cell homeostasis and their putative role in atherogenesis have been recently investigated. Cardiovascular risk factors negatively influence endothelial progenitor cell number and function while vasculoprotection e.g. by statins, estrogens and physical activity may be partly mediated by progenitor cells. Endogenous mobilization or injection of ex-vivo generated endothelial progenitor cells is associated with an enhanced reendothelialization, an improvement of endothelial function and reduced atherosclerotic burden. In contrast, endothelial progenitor cells may promote plaque angiogenesis in animal models and may negatively influence plaque development and stability. However, in humans with coronary atherosclerotic disease, endothelial progenitor cells are a novel risk predictor for cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. In this review we focus on the role of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in endothelial cell repair mechanisms at the vascular wall and their potentially protective and therapeutic role in atherosclerotic disease.  相似文献   

A variety of proteases are overexpressed or activated during pathogenesis and represent important targets for therapeutic drugs. We have previously shown that optical imaging probes sensitive in the near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) spectrum can be used for in vivo imaging of enzyme activity. In the current study, we show that these probes can be designed with specificity for specific enzymes, for example, cathepsin D which is known to be overexpressed in many tumors. A NIR cyanine fluorochrome served as the optical reporter and was attached to the amino terminal of an 11 amino acid peptide sequence with specificity for cathepsin D. The peptides were subsequently attached to a synthetic graft copolymer for efficient tumoral delivery. The close spatial proximity of the multiple fluorochromes resulted in quenching of fluorescence in the bound state. A 350-fold signal amplification was observed post cleavage during in vitro testing. Cell culture experiments using a rodent tumor cell line stably transfected with human cathepsin D confirmed enzyme specific activation within cells. This sequence but not a scrambled control sequence showed enzyme specificity in vitro. We conclude that activatable NIRF optical probes can be synthesized to potentially probe for specific enzymes in living organisms.  相似文献   

Biliproteins have extended the spectral range of fluorescent proteins into the near-infrared region (NIR, 700–770 nm) of maximal transmission of most tissues and are also favorable for multiplex labeling. Their application, however, presents considerable challenges to increase their stability under physiological conditions and, in particular, to increase their brightness while maintaining the emission in near-infrared regions: their fluorescence yield generally decreases with increasing wavelengths, and their effective brightness depends strongly on the environmental conditions. We report a fluorescent biliprotein triad, termed BDFP1.1:3.1:1.1, that combines a large red-shift (722 nm) with high brightness in mammalian cells and high stability under changing environmental conditions. It is fused from derivatives of the phycobilisome core subunits, ApcE2 and ApcF2. These two subunits are induced by far-red light (FR, 650–700 nm) in FR acclimated cyanobacteria. Two BDFP1.1 domains engineered from ApcF2 covalently bind biliverdin that is accessible in most cells. The soluble BDFP3 domain, engineered from ApcE2, binds phytochromobilin non-covalently, generating BDFP3.1. This phytochromobilin chromophore was added externally; it is readily generated by an improved synthesis in E. coli and subsequent extraction. Excitation energy absorbed in the FR by covalently bound biliverdins in the two BDFP1.1 domains is transferred via fluorescence resonance energy transfer to the non-covalently bound phytochromobilin in the BDFP3.1 domain fluorescing in the NIR around 720 nm. Labeling of a variety of proteins by fusion to the biliprotein triad is demonstrated in prokaryotic and mammalian cells, including human cell lines.  相似文献   

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