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The occurrence of double aneuploidy in the same individual is a relatively rare phenomenon. We describe twin newborns with typical clinical features of Down's syndrome, of which one revealed 48,XXY,+21 GTG-band karyotype. The second newborn died 2 days after its birth, and was clinically diagnosed having Down syndrome. Due to the same clinical features of the twins, the common placenta and amniotic sac, we speculate that they were monozygotics and as a result the second newborn should also be a Klinefelter. The purpose of this report is to present a rare case of possible coincidence of double aneuploidy in newborn twins. A review of the literature showed that double trisomy (48,XXY,+21) in a twin newborn infant has never occurred.  相似文献   

A patient is reported, carrier of a double aneuploidy (trisomy 21 and XXY) associated with a pericentric inversion 22 inherited from the mother. The role of this structural rearrangement at the origin of the double aneuploidy is discussed.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of two numerical chromosomal abnormalities in same individual (double aneuploidy) is relatively rare and its clinical presentations are variable depending on the predominating aneuploidy or a combination effect of both. Furthermore, double aneuploidy involving both autosomal and sex chromosomes is seldom described. In this study, we present three patients with double aneuploidy involving chromosome 21 and sex chromosomes. They all had the classical non disjunction trisomy 21; that was associated with monosomy X in two of them and double X in the other. Clinically, they had most of the phenotypic features of Down syndrome as well as variable features characteristic of Turner or Klinefelter syndrome. Cytogenetic studies and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis were carried out for all patients and their parents. The first patient was a male, mosaic with 2 cell lines (45,X/47,XY,+21) by regular banding techniques and had an affected sib with Down syndrome (47,XY,+21). The second was a female, mosaic (46,X,+21/47,XX,+21) where monosomy X was detected only by FISH in 15 percentages of cells, nevertheless, stigmata of Turner syndrome was more obvious in this patient. The third patient had non mosaic double trisomy; Down-Klinefelter (48,XXY,+21) presented with Down syndrome phenotype. Parental karyotypes and FISH studies for these patients were normal with no evidence of mosaicism. In this report, we review the variable clinical presentations among the few reported cases with the same aneuploidy in relation to ours. Also, the proposed mechanisms of double aneuploidy and the occurrence of non-disjunction in more than one family member are discussed. This study emphasizes the importance of molecular cytogenetics studies for more than one tissue in cases with atypical features of characteristic chromosomal aberration syndromes. To our knowledge, this is the first report of double aneuploidy, Down-Turner and Down-Klinefelter syndromes in Egyptian patients.  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormalities are seen in nearly 1% of live born infants. We report a 5-year-old boy with the clinical features of Down syndrome, which is the most common human aneuploidy. Cytogenetic analysis showed a mosaicism for a double aneuploidy, Down syndrome and XYY. The karyotype was 47, XY,+21[19]/48, XYY,+21[6]. ish XYY (DXZ1 × 1, DYZ1 × 2). Mosaic double aneuploidies are very rare and features of only one of the aneuploidies may predominate in childhood. Cytogenetic analysis is recommended even if the typical features of a recognized aneuploidy are present so that any associated abnormality may be detected. This will enable early intervention to provide the adequate supportive care and management.  相似文献   

We reviewed the frequency and distribution of disomy in spermatozoa obtained by multicolor-FISH analysis on decondensed sperm nuclei in (a) healthy men, (b) fathers of aneuploid offspring of paternal origin and (c) individuals with Klinefelter syndrome and XYY males. In series of healthy men, disomy per autosome is approximately 0.1% but may range from 0.03 (chromosome 8) to 0.47 (chromosome 22). The great majority of authors find that chromosome 21 (0.18%) and the sex chromosomes (0.27%) have significantly elevated frequencies of disomy although these findings are not universal. The total disomy in FISH studies is 2.26% and the estimated aneuploidy (2× disomy) is 4.5%, more than double that seen in sperm karyotypes (1.8%). Increased disomy levels of low orders of magnitude have been reported in spermatozoa of some normal men (stable variants) and in men who have fathered children with Down, Turner and Klinefelter syndromes. These findings suggest that men with a moderately elevated aneuploidy rate may be at a higher risk of fathering paternally derived aneuploid pregnancies. Among lifestyle factors, smoking, alcohol and caffeine have been studied extensively but the compounding effects of the 3 are difficult to separate because they are common lifestyle behaviors. Increases in sex chromosome abnormalities, some autosomal disomies, and in the number of diploid spermatozoa are general features in 47,XXY and 47,XYY males. Aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes is more frequent than aneuploidy of any of the autosomes not only in normal control individuals, but also in patients with sex chromosome abnormalities and fathers of paternally derived Klinefelter, Turner and Down syndromes.  相似文献   

We report on a case of double aneuploidy involving Down and Turner cell lines in a female child with a massive capillary hemangioma of the left orbit and mild clinical features of Down syndrome. Cytogenetic findings with G-banding revealed mosaicism in her peripheral blood, i.e. mos45,X[48]/47,XX,+21[28]/46,XX[12/47,XXX[12]. Mosaicism of such nature is rare and to our knowledge the present case is the first reported of Turner-Down double aneuploidy mosaicism associated with an orbital capillary hemangioma. An annotated bibliography of earlier reported cases with documented karyotyping is also included.  相似文献   

A 35-year-old male was investigated for primary infertility. Clinical examination showed an intelligent man with normal facial appearance and moustache and small firm testes. Testicular histopathology revealed marked atrophy of the testes with no spermatogenesis and absence of germ cells. Hormonal profile showed elevated levels of FSH,LH and low levels of testosterone. Chromosome analysis from whole blood culture showed cells with 46,XX/46,XY/47,XXY/48,XXXY/48,XXYY mosaicism. The predominant cell line was 47,XXY (87.86%). 46,XY/47,XXY mosaicism is not uncommon. However, mosaicism of multiple sex chromosome aneuploidy is rarely observed. This is the first report of mosaicism in Klinefelter's syndrome variant with five cell lines.  相似文献   

Summary A family in which the proband showed phenotypic signs of both the Turner and Down syndromes was studied cytogenetically and with restriction fragment length polymorphisms. The proband's karyotype was 46,X,+21, showing double aneuploidy without any signs of mosaicism. The single X and one chromosome 21 were of paternal origin while two chromosomes 21 were of maternal origin. The nondisjunction of chromosome 21 took place in maternal meiosis II. If it is assumed that the absence of mosaicism renders postzygotic mitotic loss of the X chromosome unlikely, then the X chromosome would have been lost in maternal meiosis I or II. Recombination had occurred between the nondisjoined chromosomes 21. We conclude that double nondisjunction took place in one parent and that asynapsis was not a prerequisite for the autosomal nondisjunction.  相似文献   

With increasing availability of drugs for impotence and advanced reproductive technologies for the treatment of subfertility, more men are fathering children at advanced ages. We conducted a study of the chromosomal content of sperm of healthy men aged 24-57 years to (a) determine whether father's age was associated with increasing frequencies of aneuploid sperm including XY, disomy X, disomy Y, disomy 21, and sperm diploidy, and (b) examine the association between the frequencies of disomy 21 and sex-chromosomal aneuploidies. The study group consisted of 38 fathers of boys with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) recruited nationwide, and sperm aneuploidy was assessed using multicolor X-Y-21 sperm FISH ( approximately 10,000 sperm per donor). Paternal age was significantly correlated with the sex ratio of sperm (Y/X; P=.006) and with the frequency of XY sperm (P=.02), with a clear trend with age by decades (P<.006). Compared with fathers in their 20s (who had an average frequency of 7.5 XY sperm per 10,000), the frequencies of XY sperm were 10% higher among fathers in their 30s, 31% higher among those in their 40s, and 160% higher among those in their 50s (95% CI 69%-300%). However, there was no evidence for age effects on frequencies of sperm carrying nullisomy sex; disomies X, Y, or 21; or meiosis I or II diploidies. The frequencies of disomy 21 sperm were significantly associated with sex-chromosomal aneuploidy (P=.04)-in particular, with disomy X (P=.004), but disomy 21 sperm did not preferentially carry either sex chromosome. These findings suggest that older fathers produce higher frequencies of XY sperm, which may place them at higher risk of fathering boys with Klinefelter syndrome, and that age effects on sperm aneuploidy are chromosome specific.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):342-349
As part of an extensive cytological study in natural populations of Thomas’ pine vole Microtus thomasi, two cases of XXY aneuploidy (2n=45, FN=47) from different localities of NW Peloponnesus, Greece were recently recorded. These constitute the first report of sex chromosome aneuploidy for this species, in a sample of 366 individuals from 89 localities of Greece. Both individuals appeared with a male phenotype and normal morphology; however, measurements and histological examination in the testes of one of the two individuals imply a severely impaired fertility. The above findings translate to a relatively high rate of sex chromosome aneuploidy (0.55%) (upper 95% CI 1.96%) for the natural populations of Microtus thomasi and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

As a group, sex chromosome aneuploidies - the 47,XXY, 47,XYY, 47,XXX and 45,X conditions - constitute the most common class of chromosome abnormality in human live-births. Considerable attention has been given to the somatic abnormalities associated with these conditions, but less is known about their meiotic phenotypes; that is, how does sex chromosome imbalance influence the meiotic process. This has become more important with the advent of assisted reproductive technologies, because individuals previously thought to be infertile can now become biological parents. Indeed, there are several recent reports of successful pregnancies involving 47,XXY fathers, and suggestions that cryopreservation of ovarian tissue might impart fertility to at least some Turner syndrome individuals. Thus, the possible consequences of sex chromosome aneuploidy on meiotic chromosome segregation need to be explored.  相似文献   

Klinefelter’s syndrome is a common sex chromosomal aberration generally characterized by hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism and azoospermia. However, spermatogenesis impairment is variable and severe oligozoospermia can be found in some men, particularly those exhibiting a mosaic karyotype 47,XXY/ 46,XY. New reproductive technologies, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), allow Klinefelter patients to have a progeny, even those who are azoospermic after testicular sperm recovery. The question therefore arises of whether or not there is a genetic risk for pregnancies from affected fathers. Sperm karyotyping, by in vitro penetration of zona-free hamster eggs or by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), is a method of choice for measuring aneuploidy rate in spermatozoa of patients carrying gonosomal abnormalities. A theoretical model would predict a high level of 24,XX and/or 24,XY disomic sperm cells in Klinefelter patients if 47,XXY spermatogonia were able to complete meiosis and achieve spermatogenesis. Interestingly, current observations show that the rate of abnormal spermatozoa in these patients is low, around 1–2%, which indicates that only 46,XY spermatogonia can produce mature sperm cells and that oligozoospermic Klinefelter patients probably carry a 47,XXY / 46,XY mosaicism, at least at the testicular level. However, this low but statistically significant level of disomic spermatozoa emphasizes the fact that their spermatogenesis occurs in a compromised environment which could increase the risk of meiotic errors. Therefore, the possible occurrence of autosomal aneuploidies in children born from Klinefelter fathers leads to the following recommendations: a) individual analysis by FISH of the sperm aneuploidy rate in each Klinefelter patient candidate for ICSI; b) proposal of fetal karyotyping after amniocentesis in pregnancies obtained by this technique.  相似文献   

The most common type of karyotype abnormality detected in infertile subjects is represented by Klinefelter's syndrome, and the most frequent non-chromosomal alteration is represented by Y chromosome long arm microdeletions. Here we report our experience and a review of the literature on sperm sex chromosome aneuploidies in these two conditions. Non mosaic 47,XXY Klinefelter patients (12 subjects) show a significantly lower percentage of normal Y-bearing sperm and slightly higher percentage of normal X-bearing sperm. Consistent with the hypothesis that 47,XXY germ cells may undergo and complete meiosis, aneuploidy rate for XX- and XY-disomies is also increased with respect to controls, whereas the percentage of YY-disomies is normal. Aneuploidy rates in men with mosaic 47,XXY/46,XY (11 subjects) are lower than those observed in men with non-mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome, and only the frequency of XY-disomic sperm is significantly higher with respect to controls. Although the great majority of children born by intracytoplasmic sperm injection from Klinefelter subjects are chromosomally normal, the risk of producing offspring with chromosome aneuploidies is significant. Men with Y chromosome microdeletions (14 subjects) showed a reduction of normal Y-bearing sperm, and an increase in nullisomic and XY-disomic sperm, suggesting an instability of the deleted Y chromosome causing its loss in germ cells, and meiotic alterations leading to XY non-disjunction. Intracytoplasmic injection of sperm from Y-deleted men will therefore transmit the deletion to male children, and therefore the spermatogenic impairment, but raises also concerns of generating 45,X and 47,XXY embryos.  相似文献   

Hobbs  Anne  Seabright  Marina  Mould  Sarah 《Human genetics》1977,38(2):239-244
Summary Three patients with mental retardation and multiple congenital abnormalities are described.Although their clinical appearance was not suggestive of Down's syndrome, chromosome studies showed a non-disjunctional trisomy 21 in two of the patients. The third case had an unsuspected XXY karyotype.  相似文献   

A reduction in recombination in the pseudoautosomal region is associated with an increased frequency of aneuploid 24,XY human sperm. Similarly, individuals with paternally derived Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) also have a paucity of recombination in the chromosomes that have undergone nondisjunction. Meiotic studies using newly developed immunocytogenetic techniques have demonstrated errors of chromosome synapsis and significantly reduced recombination in infertile men with nonobstructive azoospermia. These men have an increased risk of aneuploidy in sperm that have been surgically removed from the testes. Thus, evidence is starting to accumulate that reduced recombination has a marked effect on the generation of aneuploid sperm.  相似文献   

Summary Triploidy, 69,XXY, was found in a newborn with multiple abnormalities. Conception had occurred shortly after the mother ceased taking an oral contraceptive. The infant carried a pair of 21s with giant satellites; of the parents, only the father carried a giant-satellited 21. This, together with the XXY constitution, suggested a dispermic origin of the triploidy.  相似文献   

Centrosome amplification has been proposed to contribute to the development of aneuploidy and genome instability. Here, we show that Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) is localized to the centrosome and co-purified with gamma-tubulin. The importance of ATM in centrosome duplication is demonstrated in Atm-deficient primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts that display centrosome amplification. Interestingly, centrosome amplification was not observed in tumor cell lines derived from Atm and p21 double deficient mouse. Our results also indicate that both p53 and p21 operate in the same pathway as ATM in regulating centrosome biogenesis. Finally, a potential role of ATM in spindle checkpoint regulation is demonstrated by which ATM protein is activated by mitotic stress. These results suggest a role of ATM in spindle checkpoint regulation and indicate that ATM suppresses genome instability and cellular transformation by regulating centrosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

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