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The activities of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), and nitrate reductase (NR) and the levels of soluble protein and NO-3 were assayed in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves over a 48-h period with the initial 24 h under a light-dark cycle (LD 16:8) followed by 24 h of continuous light (LL). Plants had been entrained for 30 days under the LD regime. Maize (Zea mays) leaves (10 days old) under a LD 15:9 cycle were assayed only for NR and nitrite reductase (NiR). Data were subjected to frequency analysis by the least squares method to determine probabilities for cosine function periods (τ's) between 10 and 30 h. NR activities for both soybean and Zea leaves had 24 h τ's with P values < 0.05 indicating circadian periodicity. GDH in soybeans had a 24-h rhythm under LD conditions which lengthened under LL conditions. The 24-h rhythm of GDH displayed maximal activity toward the end of the dark period of the LD cycle whereas the highest activity of NR was early in the light period. Total soluble protein displayed a rhythm with a best fitting τ of greater than 24 h under both LD and LL. GDH, GS, NR, NO3, and soluble protein in soybeans and NiR in Zea, all displayed that were ultradian (10–18 h), indicating that a τ of about one half a circadian periodicity may be a common characteristic of the enzymes of primary nitrogen metabolism in higher plants. These data also demonstrate that although both NR and GDH are circadian in their activity, the 24-h rhythm may be greatly influenced by ultradian oscillations in activity.  相似文献   

Nodulated and non-nodulated (not inoculated) soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Wells) were grown in controlled environments with N2 or nonlimiting levels of NO3, respectively, serving as sole source of nitrogen. The efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was compared with that of the nitrate-supplied plants on the basis of both plant age and plant size. Efficiency evaluations of the plants were expressed as the ratio of moles of carbon respired by the whole plant to the moles of nitrogen incorporated into plant material.

Continuous 24-hour CO2 exchange measurements on shoot and root systems made at the beginning of flowering (28 days after planting) indicated that N2-fixing plants respired 8.28 moles of carbon per mole of N, fixed from dinitrogen, while nitrate-supplied plants respired only 4.99 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. Twenty-one-day-old nitrate-supplied plants were even more efficient, respiring only 3.18 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. The decreased efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was not due to plant size since, on a dry weight basis, the 28-day-old N2-fixing plants were intermediate between the 28- and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants.

The calculated efficiencies were predominantly a reflection of root-system respiration. N2-fixing plants lost 25% of their daily net photosynthetic input of carbon through root-system respiration, compared with 16% for 28-day-old nitrate-supplied plants and 12% for 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants. Shoot dark respiration was similar for all three plant groups, varying between 7.9% and 9.0% of the apparent photosynthate.

The increased respiratory loss by the roots of the N2-fixing plants was not compensated for by increased net photosynthetic effectiveness. Canopy photosynthesis expressed on a leaf area basis was similar for 28-day-old N2-fixing plants (15.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour) and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants (14.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour). Both were similar in total canopy leaf area. The larger nitrate-supplied plants (28-day-old) had lower photosynthetic rates (12.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour), presumably due to self-shading of the leaves.

These data indicate that, during the early stages of plant development, dependence solely on N2-fixation is an expensive process compared to nitrate reduction in nitrate-supplied plants, since the N2-fixing plants retained 8% to 12% less of their photosynthate as dry matter.


Treatments were applied to vary C and N availability in Alnusglutinosa L. and plant growth, nodule activity (including acetylenereduction) and amino acid composition of the xylem sap weremeasured. Removing the buds, a sink for N, caused a decreasein nodule activity. Flushing root systems daily with 100% O2destroyed nitrogenase activity and substantially decreased theamount of citrulline in the xylem sap. The amino acid compositionof xylem saps also altered according to the mode of N nutrition.In plants fed , xylem sap composition was similar to N2-fixing plants, however, when plants were fed, citrulline content increased. The assimilation and subsequent distribution of nitrate wasfollowed in an experiment in which labelled 15 was added to the base of plant pots. After 12 h7% of root N was from applied 15 and this increased to 75% at 7 d; substantial enrichment ofN from 15 also occurred in stems, buds and leaves. After 7 d, 3.5% of nodule N was from15, consistent with some N being supplied by recycling of shoot N. Xylem saps were alsocollected and after 12 h, glutamate and aspartate were enrichedwith 15N to 53% and 37% increasing after 7 d to 80% and 49%,respectively. Citrulline content of the xylem sap increasedfrom 3 to 9 µmol cm–3 following addition of 15 and at 7 d 80% of the N in the citrullinehad been derived from 15N. It is hypothesized that the growthand activity of A. glutinosa root nodules is sensitive to theN status of the plant and that the level of citrulline (or otheramino acids) returning to the nodules may feed back to regulatenodule growth and activity. Key words: Alnus glutinosa, citrulline, nitrate, feedback mechanism, N2-fixation.  相似文献   

When detached soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Hark, nodules assimilate [13N]N2, the initial organic product of fixation is glutamine; glutamate becomes more highly radioactive than glutamine within 1 minute; 13N in alanine becoms detectable at 1 minute of fixation and increases rapidly between 1 and 2 minutes. After 15 minutes of fixation, the major 13N-labeled organic products in both detached and attached nodules are glutamate and alanine, plus, in the case of attached nodules, an unidentified substance, whereas [13N]glutamine comprises only a small fraction of organic 13N, and very little 13N is detected in asparagine. The fixation of [13N]N2 into organic products was inhibited more than 99% by C2H2 (10%, v/v). The results support the idea that the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway is the primary route for assimilation of fixed nitrogen in soybean nodules.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation and assimilation in nodules and roots were studied in soybean (Glycine max L.) exposed to different levels of aluminium (Al) stress (0, 50, 200 and 500 μM). Al at 500 μM induced oxidative stress, which became evident from an increase in lipid peroxidation accompanied by a concomitant decline in antioxidant enzyme activities and leghaemoglobin breakdown. Consequently, there was also a reduction in nitrogenase activity. However, the leghaemoglobin levels and nitrogenase activity were unexpectedly found to be higher in nodules when the plants were treated with 200 μM Al. Of the enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation, the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase-NADH was reduced in nodules under Al stress, but it was significantly higher in roots at 500 μM Al as compared to that in the control. In nodules, the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase-NADH pathway, assayed in terms of activity and expression of both the enzymes, was inhibited at >50 μM Al; but in roots this inhibitory effect was apparent only at 500 μM Al. No significant changes in ammonium and protein contents were recorded in the nodules or roots when the plants were treated with 50 μM Al. However, Al at ≥200 μM significantly increased the ammonium levels and decreased the protein content in the nodules. But these contrasting effects on ammonium and protein contents due to Al stress were observed in the roots only at 500 μM Al. The results suggest that the effect of Al stress on nitrogen assimilation is more conspicuous in nodules than that in the roots of soybean plants.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobial inoculation trials were conducted in an acid heavy clay soil in Mekong Delta, Viet Nam, using peat based inoculants produced locally and the commercial granular product of Nitragin CCo., Wisconsin, USA. The pH of these soils ranged from 4.5 to 5.1. Two soybean cultivars, MTD6 and MTD10, were tested as host plants. There were no significant differences between locally made inoculant treated plants and the uninoculated controls in both cultivars. But, the Nitragin inoculation improved all plant characteristics examined in both cultivars. Grain yields of Nitragin inoculated plants of cultivar MTD6 and cultivar MTD10 were 6.5 and 5.5 times as much as those of the controls; protein content of grain increased 11 and 16 percent, respectively. Well nodulated plants had shorter life cycles, flowering durations, and days to flowering. The Rhizobium symbiosis resulted in an additional 153 kg grain-N/ha. These studies show that a surface coated commercial multistrain inoculant can be used to successfully grow soybeans in the acid, heavy clay soils of the Mekong Delta.  相似文献   

Control of Seed Growth in Soya Beans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seed is the primary sink for photosynthate during reproductivegrowth and an understanding of the mechanisms controlling therate of seed growth is necessary to understand completely theyield production process. The growth rate of individual seedsof seven soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] cultivars withgenetic differences in seed size varied from 10.8 to 3.9 mgseed–1 day–1. The growth rates were highly correlatedwith final seed size. The growth rate of cotyledons culturedin a complete nutrient medium was highly correlated with thegrowth rate of seeds developing on the plant and with finalseed size. The number of cells per seed in the cotyledons variedfrom 10.2 to 5.7 x 106 across the seven cultivars. The numberof cells per seed in the cotyledons was significantly correlatedwith final seed size and the seed growth rate both on the plantand in the culture medium. The data suggest that genetic differencesin seed growth rates are controlled by the cotyledons and thenumber of cells in the cotyledons may be the mechanism of control. Glycine max L., soya bean, seed size, growth rate, cell number, sink activity  相似文献   

Light dependency of nitrate and nitrite assimilation to reduced-N in leaves remains a controversial issue in the literature. With the objective of resolving this controversy, the light requirement for nitrate and nitrite assimilation was investigated in several plant species. Dark and light assimilation of [15N]nitrate and [15N]nitrite to ammonium and amino-N was determined with leaves of wheat, corn, soybean, sunflower, and tobacco. In dark aerobic conditions, assimilation of [15N]nitrate as a percentage of the light rate was 16 to 34% for wheat, 9 to 16% for tobacco, 26% for corn, 35 to 76% for soybean, and 55 to 63% for sunflower. In dark aerobic conditions, assimilation of [15N]nitrite as a percentage of the light rate was 11% for wheat, 7% for tobacco, 13% for corn, 28 to 36% for soybeans, and 12% for sunflower. It is concluded that variation among plant species in the light requirement for nitrate and nitrite assimilation explains some of the contradictory results in the literature, but additional explanations must be sought to fully resolve the controversy.

In dark anaerobic conditions, the assimilation of [15N]nitrate to ammonium and amino-N in leaves of wheat, corn, and soybean was 43 to 58% of the dark aerobic rate while dark anaerobic assimilation of [15N]nitrite for the same species was 31 to 41% of the dark aerobic rate. In contrast, accumulation of nitrite in leaves of the same species in the dark was 2.5-to 20-fold higher under anaerobic than aerobic conditions. Therefore, dark assimilation of nitrite cannot alone account for the absence of nitrite accumulation in the in vivo nitrate reductase assay under aerobic conditions. Oxygen apparently inhibits nitrate reduction in the dark even in leaves of plant species that exhibit a relatively high dark rate of [15N]nitrite assimilation.


15N kinetic labelling studies were done on liquid cultures of wild-type Aspergillus nidulans. The labelling pattern of major amino acids under 'steady state' conditions suggests that glutamate and glutamine-amide are the early products of ammonia assimilation in A. nidulans. In the presence of phosphinothricin, an inhibitor or glutamine synthetase, 15N labelling of glutamate, alanine and aspartate was maintained whereas the labelling of glutamine was low. This pattern of labelling is consistent with ammonia assimilation into glutamate via the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway. In the presence of azaserine, an inhibitor of glutamate synthase, glutamate was initially more highly labelled than any other amino acid, whereas its concentration declined. Isotope also accumulated in glutamine. Observations with these two inhibitors suggest that ammonia assimilation can occur concurrently via the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase and the glutamate dehydrogenase pathways in low-ammonia-grown A. nidulans. From a simple model it was estimated that about half of the glutamate was synthesized via the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway; the other half was formed from glutamine via the glutamate synthase pathway. The transfer coefficients of nine other amino acids were also determined.  相似文献   

The soybean is a major crop in the agricultural systems of the Brazilian Cerrados (Savannahs), whose soils are acidic, devoid of nutrients and need to be amended before they are cultivated. However, below the ploughed layer there is a scarcity of nutrients and toxic aluminium (Al). These limit root growth, subsequently causing nutritional imbalance and drought stress. Our aim in the investigation described here was to identify genetic differences in the aluminium tolerance of soybeans by a 9 × 9 diallel cross among contrasting varieties grown in high-Al areas and in hydroponics. Combining ability analysis indicated predominantly additive gene effects, and the additive-dominance model explained most of the genetic differences in this germ plasm for mineral element absorption and root growth under aluminium stress. The relationship between the two factors suggest that conjugation hydroponics and field evaluations in breeding programmes would further improve soybeans with respect to yield stability under tropical cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos and embryogenic tissues were initiated from immature zygotic embryos of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Fayette]. Zygotic embryos were placed on a medium containing 40 mg/l of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 6% sucrose. Somatic embryos were first seen 4 weeks after cultures were initiated. Following transfer, secondary somatic embryos proliferated directly from the apical or terminal portions of the older primary somatic embryos. Single somatic embryos or clusters of embryos were seen growing directly from the top of older somatic embryos. Light microscopy revealed that these embryos were of surface or subsurface origin. The apical soybean somatic embryo tissue may represent cotyledonary tissue (which has been shown to be most responsive) at a very young and manipulatable state.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid Salaries and research support were provided by state and federal funds appropriated to OARDC-OSU. Journal Article No. 131-87  相似文献   

Tracer amounts of atmospheric [13N]-Iabelled ammonia gas, wereabsorbed by leaves of Lupinus albus and Helianthus annuus inboth the light and the dark. Exogenous [13N]-ammonia was onlyabsorbed in the dark when the feeding occurred shortly aftera period of illumination and the tissue was not depleted ofits carbohydrate reserves (e.g. starch). Incorporation of the[13N]-ammonia appeared to occur via the leaf glutamine synthetase/glutamatesynthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle since 2.0 mol m–3 MSX, an inhibitorof the GS reduced uptake in both the light and dark. Photosyntheticincorporation of 11CO2 was not affected by this treatment Therate of movement of [13N]-assimilates in the petiole of attachedleaves of Helianthus and Lupinus was similar to that of the11Cl-photo assimilates. Export of both [13N] and [11C]-Iabelledassimilates from the leaf and movement in the petiole in boththe light and the dark was inhibited by source leaf anoxia (i.e.nitrogen gas). Translocation was re-established at the samerate when the feed leaf was exposed to gas containing more than2% O2 which permitted dark respiration to proceed. After aninitial feeding of either 11CO2 or [13N]-ammonia at ambient(21%) O2 exposure of the source leaf to 2% O2, or 50% O2 didnot alter the rates of translocation, indicating that changesin photosynthetic activity in the source leaf due to photorespiratoryactivity need not markedly alter, at least during the shortperiod, the loading and translocation of either [11C ] or [13N]-labelledleaf products. Key words: Translocation, CO2, NH3, Leaves, Helianthus annuus, Lupinus albus  相似文献   

The short-term metabolic fate of labeled nitrogen derived from [13N]ammonia or from L-[amide-13N]glutamine was determined in murine tumors known to be resistant (Ridgeway Osteogenic Sarcoma (ROS] or sensitive (Sarcoma-180 (S-180)) to glutaminase therapy. At 5 min after intraperitoneal injection of [13N]ammonia or of L-[amide-13N]glutamine, only about 0.7% of the label recovered in both tumors was in protein and nucleic acid. After [13N]ammonia administration, most of the label (over 80%) was in a metabolized form; a large portion of this metabolized label (50-57%) was in the urea fraction with a smaller amount in glutamine (37-42%). The major short-term fate of label derived from L-[amide-13N]glutamine was incorporation into components of the urea cycle with smaller amounts in the acidic metabolites and in acidic amino acids. No labeled urea was found during in vitro studies in which S-180 tumor slices were incubated with [13N]ammonia, suggesting that the [13N]urea formed in the tumor in the in vivo experiments was not due to de novo synthesis through carbamyl phosphate in the tumor. Both tumors exhibited very low glutamine synthetase activity. Following glutaminase treatment, glutamine synthetase and gamma-glutamyltransferase activities, while remaining low, increased in the resistant tumor but not in the sensitive tumor; this increase may be related to the insensitivity of the ROS tumor toward glutaminase treatment.  相似文献   

The physiological site of ethylene action on CO2 assimilation was investigated in intact plants of Glycine max L., using a whole-plant, open exposure system equipped witha remotely operated single-leaf cuvette. The objective of the study was met by investigating in control and ethylene-treated plants the (a) synchrony in response of CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance to water vapor, and substomatal CO2 partial pressure; (b) response of CO2 assimilation as a function of a range of substomatal CO2 partial pressures; and (c) response of CO2 assimilation as a function of a range of photon flux densities. After exposure to 410 micromoles per cubic meter of ethylene for 2.0 hours, CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance declined in synchrony, while substomatal CO2 partial pressure remained unchanged until exposure times equaled and exceeded 3.0 hours. Because incipient changes in CO2 assimilation occurred without a change in the CO2 partial pressure in the leaf interior, it is concluded that both stomatal physiology and the chloroplast's CO2 assimilatory capacity were initial sites of ethylene action. After 3.5 hours the effect of ethylene on stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation exhibited saturation kinetics, and the effect was substantially more pronounced for stomatal conductance than for CO2 assimilation. Based on the response of CO2 assimilation to a range of substomatal CO2 partial pressures, ethylene did not affect either the CO2 compensation point or carboxylation efficiency at subsaturating CO2 partial pressures. Above-ambient supplies of CO2 did not alleviate the diminished rates of CO2 assimilation. In partitioning the limitations imposed on CO2 assimilation in control and ethylene-treated plants, the stomatal component accounted for only 16 and 4%, respectively. The response of CO2 assimilation to a range of photon flux densities suggests that ethylene reduced apparent quantum yield by nearly 50%. Thus, the pronounced decline in net photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in the presence of ethylene was due more to a loss in the mesophyll tissue's intrinsic capacity to assimilate CO2 than to a reduction in stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Steiner W  Gregorius HR 《Genetica》1999,105(3):259-271
Different types of incompatibility systems were found to operate simultaneously in alnus glutinosa in the course of numerous pollination experiments, including self-pollination and pollination with controlled pollen mixtures. Isozyme genetic markers were used to identify the pollen parent of each offspring from the mixed pollination experiments, thus allowing specification of the fertilization success of each pollen parent. In a first step, these results were compared with observations on in vitro pollen germination experiments. This comparison allows for exploration of the explanatory value of different germination media as models of germination conditions on stigmas. In most cases, the data suggest that the in vitro germination conditions resemble the fertilization conditions in vivo, at least in the sense that they favor the same pollen parents. By providing a generic and operable definition of the two basic types of incompatibility, eliminating (inability to fertilize ovules) and cryptic (resulting in lowered fertilization success of a pollen parent under competition), evidence was detected for the existence of both types of incompatibility in alnus glutinosa, where eliminating incompatibility occurred as self-incompatibility only. However, since this incompatibility seems to act primarily via pollen elimination, seed production is not likely to be negatively affected in natural populations, even for comparatively large amounts of self-pollination. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Brazilian tropical adapted soybeans contains, in addition to superior morphological characters, genetic factors for tolerance to cultivation in acidic, mineral-stressed soils. However, the selection process for these hindrances has been empirical, and information on the genetics of mineral element uptake by the plant is necessary. The objective of this investigation was to identify the mode of inheritance for the absorption of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminium, manganese, zinc and copper in a 9 × 9 diallel cross. General combining ability (GCA) was higher than specific combining ability (SCA), with the exception of copper, manganese and zinc, indicating predominantly additive effects. The ratios of GCA/SCA varied between 3.4 (calcium) and 8.5 (magnesium). The regression of covariance (Wr) on variance (Vr) showed that the additive-dominance model explained the genetic differences in this germ plasm. However, the detection of overdominance could be related to possible heterozygosity in the parental varieties for mineral absorption. Broad-sense heritability values were higher than narrow sense heritability values for aluminium, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium, being in the range of 67.9–86.9% and 42.0–56.6%, respectively. This is an indication that soybeans can be further improved to efficient utilisation of nutrients and to tolerate toxic factors in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary Regeneration of several varieties of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] by somatic embryogenesis from cultured epicotyls and primary leaves has been demonstrated. Somatic embryogenesis was induced from epicotyls and primary leaves when cotyledon halves with the intact zygotic embryo axes were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 10 mg 1−1 (45.2 μM) 2,4-D. Stable, continuously proliferating globular embryo cultures (GEC) were established from small groups of somatic embryos on MS medium supplemented with 20 mg 1−1 (90.5 μM) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Rapid multiplication of shoot tips from germinating somatic embryos was achieved on Cheng’s basal medium (CBO) containing 2.5 mg 1−1 (11.3 μM) 6-benzyladenine. Fertile plants were obtained from individual somatic embryos and in vitro propagated adventitious shoot bud cultures.  相似文献   

Successful transformation of plant tissue using Agrobacterium relies on several factors including bacterial infection, host recognition, and transformation competency of the target tissue. Although soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] embryogenic suspension cultures have been transformed via particle bombardment, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of this tissue has not been demonstrated. We report here transformation of embryogenic suspension cultures of soybean using “Sonication-Assisted Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation” (SAAT). For SAAT of suspension culture tissue, 10–20 embryogenic clumps (2–4 mm in diameter) were inoculated with 1 ml of diluted (OD600nm 0.1–0.5) log phase Agrobacterium and sonicated for 0–300 s. After 2 days of co-culture in a maintenance medium containing 100 μM acetosyringone, the medium was removed and replaced with fresh maintenance medium containing 400 mg/l Timentin?. Two weeks after SAAT, the tissue was placed in maintenance medium containing 20 mg/l hygromycin and 400 mg/l Timentin?, and the medium was replenished every week thereafter. Transgenic clones were observed and isolated 6–8 weeks following SAAT. When SAAT was not used, hygromycin-resistant clones were not obtained. Southern hybridization analyses of transformed embryogenic tissue confirmed T-DNA integration. Received: 22 August 1997 / Revision received: 22 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

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