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This study was performed to determine whether exercise produces vasodilatation in regions of the brain that are associated with motor functions despite the associated vasoconstrictor effect of hypocapnia. Total and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) were measured with microspheres in dogs during treadmill exercise of moderate intensity. Flow was also measured at rest after stimulation of ventilation with doxapram. During moderate exercise, total CBF was not changed significantly, but regional flow was increased in structures associated with motor-sensory control; blood flow to motor-sensory cortex, neocerebellar and paleocerebellar cortex, and spinal cord increased 30 +/- 7%, 39 +/- 8%, and 29 +/- 4%, respectively (P less than 0.05). After doxapram, which increased arterial blood pressure and decreased arterial PCO2 to levels similar to those during exercise, total CBF decreased and there was no redistribution of CBF. These results indicate that exercise in conscious dogs increases blood flow in regions of the brain associated with movement despite the associated vasoconstrictor stimulus of arterial hypocapnia. Thus, during exercise, local dilator influences that presumably result from increases in metabolism predominate over a potent constrictor stimulus in regulation of cerebral vascular resistance.  相似文献   

Arm blood flow at rest and during arm exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To test the applicability of a dye-dilution method to quantitate total arm blood flow at rest and during arm exercise, indocyanine green was infused at a constant rate into the brachial artery. Eight subjects performed continuous 30-min arm exercises with an increase in intensity every 10 min (30, 60, and 90 W). The loads corresponded to 29 +/- 1, 48 +/- 2, and 78 +/- 4% (means +/- SE) of the maximal O2 uptake (VO2max 2.13 +/- 0.08 l/min) during arm exercise. VO2max during arm exercise was 61 +/- 1.7% of that during leg exercise. The dye concentration was analyzed in blood samples from three arm veins, two ipsi- and one contralateral, at shoulder level. Corresponding dye concentrations in both ipsilateral veins and a stable concentration difference between ipsi- and contralateral veins were achieved. Total arm blood flow was calculated to be 0.21 +/- 0.04 l/min at rest and 2.43 +/- 0.14 l/min at 90 W. Arm O2 uptake rose from 9 +/- 2 to 323 +/- 21 ml/min. Arm blood flow and O2 uptake each correlated linearly with both work load (r = 0.98) and pulmonary O2 uptake (r greater than or equal to 0.98). Mechanical efficiency for the arm and body was 34-44 and 16-19%, respectively. We conclude that arm blood flow can be determined by continuous infusion of indocyanine green.  相似文献   

Because pleural pressure (Ppl) has important effects on venous return and left ventricular function, it is possible that the magnitude of respiratory fluctuations in Ppl importantly influences cardiac output (pulmonary blood flow, QL) during exercise. To examine this question, we increased (+15 cmH2O) and decreased (-11 cmH2O) the amplitude of fluctuations in Ppl by elastic loading and unloading, respectively, during steady-state exercise (50 W) and estimated the corresponding changes in QL from measurement of breath-by-breath alveolar O2 consumption [(Vo2)A] by a modification of the technique of Beaver et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 51: 1662-1675, 1981). Load changes were applied for three breaths. Using oscilloscopic volume feedback, subjects maintained constant breathing pattern and end-expiratory volume during control and experimental breaths. This procedure minimized errors in computing (Vo2)A. Furthermore, because over the brief period of load change (especially the first 1 or 2 breaths) mixed venous and arterial O2 contents were not likely to have changed, changes in (Vo2)A reflected changes in QL according to the Fick principle. In six normal subjects, neither loading nor unloading had any effect on (Vo2)A in the first, second, or third breath (P greater than 0.5). Additional studies at rest produced equally negative results. We conclude that the magnitude of respiratory fluctuations in Ppl has no short-term effect on pulmonary blood flow at rest or during mild exercise.  相似文献   

ECG-triggered computed tomography (CT) was used during passage of iodinated contrast to determine regional pulmonary blood flow (PBF) in anesthetized prone/supine dogs. PBF was evaluated as a function of height within the lung (supine and prone) as a function of various normalization methods: raw unit volume data (PBFraw) or PBF normalized to regional fraction air (PBFair), fractional non-air (PBFgm), or relative number of alveoli (PBFalv). The coefficient of variation of PBFraw, PBFair, PBFalv, and PBFgm ranged between 30 and 50% in both lungs and both body postures. The position of maximal flow along the height of the lung (MFP) was calculated for PBFraw, PBFair, PBFalv, and PBFgm. Only PBFgm showed a significantly different MFP height supine vs. prone (whole lung: 2.60 +/- 1.08 cm supine vs. 5.08 +/- 1.61 cm prone, P < 0.01). Mean slopes (ml/min/gm water content/cm) of PBFgm were steeper supine vs. prone in the right (RL) but not left lung (LL) (RL: -0.65 +/- 0.29 supine vs. -0.26 +/- 0.25 prone, P < 0.02; LL: -0.47 +/- 0.21 supine vs. -0.32 +/- 0.26 prone, P > 0.10). Mean slopes of PBFgm vs. vertical lung height were not different prone vs. supine above this vertical height of MFP (VMFP), but PBFgm slopes were steeper in the supine position below the VMFP in the RL. We conclude that PBFgm distribution was posture dependent in RL but not LL. Support of the heart may play a role. We demonstrate that normalization factors can lead to differing attributions of gravitational effects on PBF heterogeneity.  相似文献   

To determine whether renal blood flow is reduced or redistributed during exercise, we measured total renal flow (TRF) and intrarenal flow distribution (IRFD) in nine dogs. They ran on a motor-driven treadmill at 3-8 mph at grades of 8-15% for an average of 35 min. We measured aortic pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output (CO) via chronically implanted catheters and an electromagnetic flow probe. We injected 15-mum radiolabeled microspheres (85Sr, 141Ce, and 51Cr) via a left atrial catheter during resting control, steady state (SS) and exhaustive (EE) exercise; measured their distribution by gamma spectrometry; and determined TRF as % CO and as ml/100 g per min. We determined IRFD for the outer and inner cortex and the outer medulla. TRF as %CO dropped (P less than 0.05) during both levels of exercise: from 10.2 +/- 0.7% to 3.9 +/- 0.4% (SS) and 3.4 +/- 0.6% (EE). TRF in ml/100 g per min did not change significantly from control (228 +/- 30 ml/100 g per min). IRFD was unchanged with exercise, remaining at about 80, 20, and 3% of TRF for the outer and inner cortex and outer medulla, respectively. We conclude that blood flow is not diverted from the kidneys during severe exercise in the dog.  相似文献   

Transcranial Doppler ultrasound-determined middle (MCA) and anterior (ACA) cerebral artery mean flow velocities (Vmean) and pulsatility indexes (PI) were measured during "no-load" [21, 60, and 102 revolutions/min (rpm)] and loaded cycling (30, 60, and 149 W) at approximately 60 rpm. At rest Vmean MCA was 51 (36-55) cm/s (median and range; n = 10) and Vmean ACA was 41 (36-49) cm/s (n = 7; P < 0.05). With no load on the cycle Vmean MCA increased 4 (2-36), 10 (0-47), and 27% (4-58) (P < 0.05) at the three pedaling frequencies, respectively; arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) remained constant. During loaded cycling the increases were 19 (6-42), 25 (2-45), and 32% (12-67) (P < 0.01), respectively, with only a minimal change in PaCO2. No significant changes were observed in Vmean ACA. Changes in Vmean MCA were similar to those recorded by the initial slope index (ISI) of the 133Xe clearance method (n = 11), which in turn were smaller than increases recorded by the fast-compartment flow. PI ACA followed PI MCA during no-load as well as loaded exercise and increased with work rate, perhaps reflecting an increase in pulse pressure from 56 (48-63) mmHg at rest to 109 (88-123) mmHg at 149 W (P < 0.01). Data demonstrate a graded increase in regional cerebral perfusion during dynamic exercise corresponding to the MCA territory.  相似文献   

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