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The N-terminal 17 residues of ubiquitin have been shown by 1H NMR to fold autonomously into a beta-hairpin structure in aqueous solution. This structure has a specific, native-like register, though side-chain contacts differ in detail from those observed in the intact protein. An autonomously folding hairpin has previously been identified in the case of streptococcal protein G, which is structurally homologous with ubiquitin, but remarkably, the two are not in topologically equivalent positions in the fold. This suggests that the organization of folding may be quite different for proteins sharing similar tertiary structures. Two smaller peptides have also been studied, corresponding to the isolated arms of the N-terminal hairpin of ubiquitin, and significant differences from simple random coil predictions observed in the spectra of these subfragments, suggestive of significant limitation of the backbone conformational space sampled, presumably as a consequence of the strongly beta-structure favoring composition of the sequences. This illustrates the ability of local sequence elements to express a propensity for beta-structure even in the absence of actual sheet formation. Attempts were made to estimate the population of the folded state of the hairpin, in terms of a simple two-state folding model. Using published "random coil" values to model the unfolded state, and values derived from native ubiquitin for the putative unique, folded state, it was found that the apparent population varied widely for different residues and with different NMR parameters. Use of the spectra of the subfragment peptides to provide a more realistic model of the unfolded state led to better agreement in the estimates that could be obtained from chemical shift and coupling constant measurements, while making it clear that some other approaches to population estimation could not give meaningful results, because of the tendency to populate the beta-region of conformational space even in the absence of the hairpin structure.  相似文献   

A series of designed peptides has been analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy in order to investigate the influence of cross-strand side-chain interactions in beta-hairpin formation. The peptides differ in the N-terminal residues of a previously designed linear decapeptide that folds in aqueous solution into two interconverting beta-hairpin conformations, one with a type I turn (beta-hairpin 4:4) and the other with a type I + G1 beta-bulge turn (beta-hairpin 3:5). Analysis of the conformational behavior of the peptides studied here demonstrates three favorable and two unfavorable cross-strand side-chain interactions for beta-hairpin formation. These results are in agreement with statistical data on side-chain interactions in protein beta-sheets. All the peptides in this study form significant populations of the beta-hairpin 3:5, but only some of them also adopt the beta-hairpin 4:4. The formation of beta-hairpin 4:4 requires the presence of at least two favorable cross-strand interactions, whereas beta-hairpin 3:5 seems to be less susceptible to side-chain interactions. A protein database analysis of beta-hairpins 3:5 and beta-hairpins 4:4 indicates that the former occur more frequently than the latter. In both peptides and proteins, beta-hairpins 3:5 have a larger right-handed twist than beta-hairpins 4:4, so that a factor contributing to the higher stability of beta-hairpin 3:5 relative to beta-hairpin 4:4 is due to an appropriate backbone conformation of the type I + G1 beta-bulge turn toward the right-handed twist usually observed in protein beta-sheets. In contrast, as suggested previously, backbone geometry of the type I turn is not adequate for the right-handed twist. Because analysis of buried hydrophobic surface areas on protein beta-hairpins reveals that beta-hairpins 3:5 bury more hydrophobic surface area than beta-hairpins 4:4, we suggest that the right-handed twist observed in beta-hairpin 3:5 allows a better packing of side chains and that this may also contribute to its higher intrinsic stability.  相似文献   

We have measured the aqueous solution vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra of concanavalin A, alpha-chymotrypsin, and beta-lactoglobulin, all of which are rich in beta-sheet, together with that of the model beta-turn peptide L-pro-L-leu-gly-NH2. Possible ROA signatures of antiparallel beta-sheet include a strong sharp positive band at approximately 1,313 cm-1 associated with backbone amide III C alpha H and NH deformations, and an amide I couplet, negative at low wavenumber and positive at high, centered at approximately 1,658 cm-1. Negative ROA bands in the range approximately 1,340-1,380 cm-1, which might originate in glycine CH2 deformations, appear to be characteristic of beta-turns. Our results provide further evidence that ROA is a more incisive probe of protein conformation than conventional vibrational spectroscopy, infrared, or Raman, because only those few vibrational coordinates within a given normal mode that sample the skeletal chirality directly contribute to the corresponding ROA band intensity.  相似文献   

The structural and dynamical behavior of the 41-56 beta-hairpin from the protein G B1 domain (GB1) has been studied at different temperatures using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in an aqueous environment. The purpose of these simulations is to establish the stability of this hairpin in view of its possible role as a nucleation site for protein folding. The conformation of the peptide in the crystallographic structure of the protein GB1 (native conformation) was lost in all simulations. The new equilibrium conformations are stable for several nanoseconds at 300K (>10 ns), 350 K (>6.5 ns), and even at 450 K (up to 2.5 ns). The new structures have very similar hairpin-like conformations with properties in agreement with available experimental nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data. The stability of the structure in the hydrophobic core region during the simulations is consistent with the experimental data and provides further evidence for the role played by hydrophobic interactions in hairpin structures. Essential dynamics analysis shows that the dynamics of the peptide at different temperatures spans basically the same essential subspace. The main equilibrium motions in this subspace involve large fluctuations of the residues in the turn and ends regions. Of the six interchain hydrogen bonds, the inner four remain stable during the simulations. The space spanned by the first two eigenvectors, as sampled at 450 K, includes almost all of the 47 different hairpin structures found in the database. Finally, analysis of the hydration of the 300 K average conformations shows that the hydration sites observed in the native conformation are still well hydrated in the equilibrium MD ensemble.  相似文献   

Ganesh S  Jayakumar R 《Biopolymers》2003,70(3):336-345
Self-assembly of two tripeptide derivatives containing three nonpolar isoleucine moieties and polar oxyethylene groups are studied in methanol. Peptide A [CH3(OCH2CH2)3OCH2CO(Ile)3OCH3] and peptide B [CH3(OCH2CH2)3OCH2CO(Ile)3NH (CH2CH2O)3CH3] take a mixture of unordered and helical conformation at low concentration (8.5 x 10(-4) M). However, at high concentration (2 x 10(-3) M), both the peptide showed significant increase in the helical conformation. An interesting conformational transition of peptides A and B at various methanol contents was observed in the solvated films of these compounds by spectroscopic methods like the far-uv circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques. Peptide B, which contains more polar oxyethylene groups than A, showed a highly cooperative conformational transition when the methanol content was decreased. This transition was characterized by a large increase of beta-sheet, retaining a alpha-helical contribution. Peptide A showed a conformational transition resulting in a beta-sheet in the aggregated state. From the CD spectra, the ratio in the ellipticity indicates that peptide B forms twisted antiparallel beta-sheet conformation, whereas peptide A takes a parallel beta-sheet conformation. The results obtained in this work indicates the role of polar derivatization on the conformational preference of peptides having similar sequence.  相似文献   

A computational study of the five soybean beta-amylase X-ray structure reported so far revealed a peculiar conformational transition after substrate (or inhibitor) binding, which affects a segment of the beta-strand 6 (residues 341-343) in the (beta/alpha)8 molecular scaffold. Backbone distortions that involve considerable changes in the phi and psi angles were observed, as well as two sharp rotamer transitions for the Thr342 and Cys343 side chains. These changes caused the outermost CA-layer (at the C-terminal side of the barrel), which is involved in the catalysis, to shrink. Our observations strongly suggest that the 341FTC343 residue conformations in the free enzyme are not optimal for protein stability. Furthermore, as a result of conformational transitions in the ligand-binding process, there is a negative enthalpy change for these residues (-27 and -34 kcal/mol, after substrate or inhibitor binding, respectively). These findings support the proposed "stability-function" hypothesis for proteins that recognize a ligand (Shoichet BK, Baase WA, Kuroki R, Matthews BW. 1995. A relationship between protein stability and protein function. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92:452-456). They are also in good agreement with other experimental results in the literature that describe the role of the 341-343 segment in beta-amylase activity. Site-directed mutagenesis focused on these residues could be useful for undertaking functional studies of beta-amylase.  相似文献   

A sequence in yeast MATalpha2/MCM1/DNA complex that folds into alpha-helix or beta-hairpin depending on the surroundings has been known as "chameleon" sequence. We obtained the free-energy landscape of this sequence by using a generalized-ensemble method, multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation, to sample the conformational space. The system was expressed with an all-atom model in explicit water, and the initial conformation for the simulation was a random one. The free-energy landscape demonstrated that this sequence inherently has an ability to form either alpha or beta structure: The conformational distribution in the landscape consisted of two alpha-helical clusters with different packing patterns of hydrophobic residues, and four beta-hairpin clusters with different strand-strand interaction patterns. Narrow pathways connecting the clusters were found, and analysis on the pathways showed that a compact structure formed at the N-terminal root of the chameleon sequence controls the cluster-cluster transitions. The free-energy landscape indicates that a small conditional change induces alpha-beta transitions. Additional unfolding simulations done with replacing amino acids showed that the chameleon sequence has an advantage to form an alpha-helix. Current study may be useful to understand the mechanism of diseases resulting from abnormal chain folding, such as amyloid disease.  相似文献   

The conformational transition states of a beta-hairpin peptide in explicit water were identified from the free energy landscapes obtained from the multicanonical ensemble, using an enhanced conformational sampling calculation. The beta-hairpin conformations were significant at 300 K in the landscape, and the typical nuclear Overhauser effect signals were reproduced, consistent with the previously reported experiment. In contrast, the disordered conformations were predominant at higher temperatures. Among the stable conformations at 300 K, there were several free energy barriers, which were not visible in the landscapes formed with the conventional parameters. We identified the transition states around the saddle points along the putative folding and unfolding paths between the beta-hairpin and the disordered conformations in the landscape. The characteristic features of these transition states are the predominant hydrophobic contacts and the several hydrogen bonds among the side-chains, as well as some of the backbone hydrogen bonds. The unfolding simulations at high temperatures, 400 K and 500 K, and their principal component analyses also provided estimates for the transition state conformations, which agreed well with those at 400 K and 500 K deduced from the current free energy landscapes at 400 K and 500 K, respectively. However, the transition states at high temperatures were much more widely distributed on the landscape than those at 300 K, and their conformations were different.  相似文献   

We have investigated the folding of polyalanine by combining discontinuous molecular dynamics simulation with our newly developed off-lattice intermediate-resolution protein model. The thermodynamics of a system containing a single Ac-KA(14)K-NH(2) molecule has been explored by using the replica exchange simulation method to map out the conformational transitions as a function of temperature. We have also explored the influence of solvent type on the folding process by varying the relative strength of the side-chain's hydrophobic interactions and backbone hydrogen bonding interactions. The peptide in our simulations tends to mimic real polyalanine in that it can exist in three distinct structural states: alpha-helix, beta-structures (including beta-hairpin and beta-sheet-like structures), and random coil, depending upon the solvent conditions. At low values of the hydrophobic interaction strength between nonpolar side-chains, the polyalanine peptide undergoes a relatively sharp transition between an alpha-helical conformation at low temperatures and a random-coil conformation at high temperatures. As the hydrophobic interaction strength increases, this transition shifts to higher temperatures. Increasing the hydrophobic interaction strength even further induces a second transition to a beta-hairpin, resulting in an alpha-helical conformation at low temperatures, a beta-hairpin at intermediate temperatures, and a random coil at high temperatures. At very high values of the hydrophobic interaction strength, polyalanines become beta-hairpins and beta-sheet-like structures at low temperatures and random coils at high temperatures. This study of the folding of a single polyalanine-based peptide sets the stage for a study of polyalanine aggregation in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

The conformational equilibrium between 3(10)- and alpha-helical structure has been studied via high-resolution NMR spectroscopy by Millhauser and coworkers using the MW peptide Ac-AMAAKAWAAKA AAARA-NH2. Their 750-MHz nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra were interpreted to reflect appreciable populations of 3(10)-helix throughout the peptide, with the greatest contribution at the N and C termini. The presence of simultaneous alphaN(i,i + 2) and alphaN(i,i + 4) NOE cross-peaks was proposed to represent conformational averaging between 3(10)- and alpha-helical structures. In this study, we describe 25-nsec molecular dynamics simulations of the MW peptide at 298 K, using both an 8 A and a 10 A force-shifted nonbonded cutoff. The ensemble averages of both simulations are in reasonable agreement with the experimental helical content from circular dichroism (CD), the (3)J(HNalpha) coupling constants, and the 57 observed NOEs. Analysis of the structures from both simulations revealed very little formation of contiguous i --> i + 3 hydrogen bonds (3(10)-helix); however, there was a large population of bifurcated i --> i + 3 and i --> i + 4 alpha-helical hydrogen bonds. In addition, both simulations contained considerable populations of pi-helix (i --> i + 5 hydrogen bonds). Individual turns formed over residues 1-9, which we predict contribute to the intensities of the experimentally observed alphaN(i,i + 2) NOEs. Here we show how sampling of both folded and unfolded structures can provide a structural framework for deconvolution of the conformational contributions to experimental ensemble averages.  相似文献   

Structurally characterizing partially folded states is problematic given the nature of these transient species. A peptide 20mer, T38AQLIATLKNGRKISLDLQA57 (P20), which has been shown to partially fold in a relatively stable turn/loop conformation (LKNGR) and transient beta-sheet structure, is a good model for studying backbone and side-chain mobilities in a transiently folded peptide by using 13C-NMR relaxation. Here, four residues in P20, A43, T44, G48, and 151, chosen for their positions in or near the loop conformation and for compositional variety, have been selectively 13C-enriched. Proton-coupled and decoupled 13C-NMR relaxation experiments have been performed to obtain the temperature dependencies (278 K to 343 K) of auto- and cross-correlation motional order parameters and correlation times. In order to differentiate sequence-neighbor effects from folding effects, two shorter peptides derived from P20, IATLK (P5) and NGRKIS (P6), were similarly 13C-enriched and investigated. For A43, T44, G48, and 151 residues in P20 relative to those in P5/P6, several observations are consistent with partial folding in P20: (1) C alpha H motional tendencies are all about the same, vary less with temperature, and are relatively more restricted, (2) G48 C alpha H2 phi (t) psi (t) rotations are more correlated, and (3) methyl group rotations are slower and yield lower activation energies consistent with formation of hydrophobic "pockets." In addition, T44 and 151 C beta H mobilities in P20 are more restricted at lower temperature than those of their C alpha H and display significantly greater sensitivity to temperature suggesting a larger enthalpic contribution to side-chain mobility. Moreover, at higher temperatures, side-chain methyls and methylenes in P20 are more motionally restricted than those in P5/P6, suggesting that some type of "folded" or "collapsed" structure remains in P20 for what normally would be considered an "unfolded" state.  相似文献   

Xu J  Huang L  Shakhnovich EI 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1704-1714
In this work, we apply a detailed all‐atom model with a transferable knowledge‐based potential to study the folding kinetics of Formin‐Binding protein, FBP28, which is a canonical three‐stranded β‐sheet WW domain. Replica exchange Monte Carlo simulations starting from random coils find native‐like (Cα RMSD of 2.68 Å) lowest energy structure. We also study the folding kinetics of FBP28 WW domain by performing a large number of ab initio Monte Carlo folding simulations. Using these trajectories, we examine the order of formation of two β‐hairpins, the folding mechanism of each individual β‐hairpin, and transition state ensemble (TSE) of FBP28 WW domain and compare our results with experimental data and previous computational studies. To obtain detailed structural information on the folding dynamics viewed as an ensemble process, we perform a clustering analysis procedure based on graph theory. Further, a rigorous Pfold analysis is used to obtain representative samples of the TSEs showing good quantitative agreement between experimental and simulated Φ values. Our analysis shows that the turn structure between first and second β strands is a partially stable structural motif that gets formed before entering the TSE in FBP28 WW domain and there exist two major pathways for the folding of FBP28 WW domain, which differ in the order and mechanism of hairpin formation. Proteins 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wei G  Mousseau N  Derreumaux P 《Proteins》2004,56(3):464-474
The determination of the folding mechanisms of proteins is critical to understand the topological change that can propagate Alzheimer and Creutzfeld-Jakobs diseases, among others. The computational community has paid considerable attention to this problem; however, the associated time scale, typically on the order of milliseconds or more, represents a formidable challenge. Ab initio protein folding from long molecular dynamics simulations or ensemble dynamics is not feasible with ordinary computing facilities and new techniques must be introduced. Here we present a detailed study of the folding of a 16-residue beta-hairpin, described by a generic energy model and using the activation-relaxation technique. From a total of 90 trajectories at 300 K, three folding pathways emerge. All involve a simultaneous optimization of the complete hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions. The first two pathways follow closely those observed by previous theoretical studies (folding starting at the turn or by interactions between the termini). The third pathway, never observed by previous all-atom folding, unfolding, and equilibrium simulations, can be described as a reptation move of one strand of the beta-sheet with respect to the other. This reptation move indicates that non-native interactions can play a dominant role in the folding of secondary structures. Furthermore, such a mechanism mediated by non-native hydrogen bonds is not available for study by unfolding and Gō model simulations. The exact folding path followed by a given beta-hairpin is likely to be influenced by its sequence and the solvent conditions. Taken together, these results point to a more complex folding picture than expected for a simple beta-hairpin.  相似文献   

Mutans streptococci glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosyl transfer from sucrose to a glucan chain. We previously identified an aspartyl residue that participates in stabilizing the glucosyl transition state. The sequence surrounding the aspartate was found to have substantial sequence similarity with members of alpha-amylase family. Because little is known of the protein structure beyond the amino acid sequence, we used a knowledge-based interactive algorithm, MACAW, which provided significant level of homology with alpha-amylases and glucosyltransferase from Streptococcus downei gtfI (GTF). The significance of GTF similarity is underlined by GTF/alpha-amylase residues conserved in all but one alpha-amylase invariant residues. Site-directed mutagenesis of the three GTF catalytic residues are homologous with the alpha-amylase catalytic triad. The glucosyltransferases are members of the 4/7-superfamily that have a (beta/alpha)8-barrel structure and belong to family 13 of the glycohydralases.  相似文献   

A systematic survey of seven parallel alpha/beta barrel protein domains, based on exhaustive structural comparisons, reveals that a sizable proportion of the alpha beta loops in these proteins--20 out of a total of 49--belong to either one of two loop types previously described by Thornton and co-workers. Six loops are of the alpha beta 1 type, with one residue between the alpha-helix and beta-strand, and 13 are of the alpha beta 3 type, with three residues between the helix and the strand. Protein fragments embedding the identified loops, and termed alpha beta connections since they contain parts of the flanking helix and strand, have been analyzed in detail revealing that each type of connection has a distinct set of conserved structural features. The orientation of the beta-strand relative to the helix and loop portions is different owing to a very localized difference in backbone conformation. In alpha beta 1 connections, the chain enters the beta-strand via a residue adopting an extended conformation, while in alpha beta 3 it does so via a residue in a near alpha-helical conformation. Other conserved structural features include distinct patterns of side chain orientation relative to the beta-sheet surface and of main chain H-bonds in the loop and the beta-strand moieties. Significant differences also occur in packing interactions of conserved hydrophobic residues situated in the last turn of the helix. Yet the alpha-helix surface of both types of connections adopts similar orientations relative to the barrel sheet surface. Our results suggest furthermore that conserved hydrophobic residues along the sequence of the connections, may be correlated more with specific patterns of interactions made with neighboring helices and sheet strands than with helix/strand packing within the connection itself. A number of intriguing observations are also made on the distribution of the identified alpha beta 1 and alpha beta 3 loops within the alpha/beta-barrel motifs. They often occur adjacent to each other; alpha beta 3 loops invariably involve even numbered beta-strands, while alpha beta 1 loops involve preferentially odd beta-strands; all the analyzed proteins contain at least one alpha beta 3 loop in the first half of the eightfold alpha/beta barrel. Possible origins of all these observations, and their relevance to the stability and folding of parallel alpha/beta barrel motifs are discussed.  相似文献   

A low-water organic solvent two-phase system suitable for glycosylation of hydrophobic substrates is described. Almond β-glucosidase adsorbed on polymeric supports has been shown to catalyse alkyl-β-glucoside synthesis via a transferase reaction or through direct condensation of the glucosidic bond. High concentrations of glucosyl donors were present in the aqueous phase, while water-immiscible primary alcohols, which form the organic phase, served as acceptors of glucose. Reaction yield appeared to be thermodynamically controlled. The influence of various support materials, glucosyl donors, and glucosyl acceptors on reaction rate and product yield was investigated.  相似文献   

We have studied the conformation of beta-lactoglobulin in aqueous solution at room temperature over the pH range approximately 2.0-9.0 using vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA). The ROA spectra clearly show that the basic up and down beta-barrel core is preserved over the entire pH range, in agreement with other studies. However, from the shift of a sharp positive ROA band at approximately 1268 to approximately 1294 cm(-1) on going from pH values below that of the Tanford transition, which is centered at pH approximately 7.5, to values above, the Tanford transition appears to be associated with changes in the local conformations of residues in loop sequences possibly corresponding to a migration into the alpha-helical region of the Ramachandran surface from a nearby region. These changes may be related to those detected in X-ray crystal structures which revealed that the Tanford transition is associated with conformational changes in loops which form a doorway to the interior of the protein. The results illustrate how the ability of ROA to detect loop and turn structure separately from secondary structure is useful for studying conformational plasticity in proteins.  相似文献   

In the 35-residue pulmonary surfactant-associated lipopolypeptide C (SP-C), the stability of the valyl-rich alpha-helix comprising residues 9-34 has been monitored by circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in both a mixed organic solvent and in phospholipid micelles. The alpha-helical form of SP-C observed in freshly prepared solutions in a mixed solvent of CHCl3/CH3OH/0.1 M HCl 32:64:5 (v/v/v) at 10 degrees C undergoes within a few days an irreversible transformation to an insoluble aggregate that contains beta-sheet secondary structure. Hydrogen exchange experiments revealed that this conformational transition proceeds through a transition state with an Eyring free activation enthalpy of about 100 kJ mol(-1), in which the polypeptide segment 9-27 largely retains a helical conformation. In dodecylphosphocholine micelles, the helical form of SP-C was maintained after seven weeks at 50 degrees C. The alpha-helical form of SP-C thus seems to be the thermodynamically most stable state in this micellar environment, whereas its presence in freshly prepared samples in the aforementioned mixed solvent is due to a high kinetic barrier for unfolding. These observations support a previously proposed pathway for in vivo synthesis of SP-C through proteolytic processing from a 21-kDa precursor protein.  相似文献   

Daidone I  Amadei A  Di Nola A 《Proteins》2005,59(3):510-518
The folding of the amyloidogenic H1 peptide MKHMAGAAAAGAVV taken from the syrian hamster prion protein is explored in explicit aqueous solution at 300 K using long time scale all-atom molecular dynamics simulations for a total simulation time of 1.1 mus. The system, initially modeled as an alpha-helix, preferentially adopts a beta-hairpin structure and several unfolding/refolding events are observed, yielding a very short average beta-hairpin folding time of approximately 200 ns. The long time scale accessed by our simulations and the reversibility of the folding allow to properly explore the configurational space of the peptide in solution. The free energy profile, as a function of the principal components (essential eigenvectors) of motion, describing the main conformational transitions, shows the characteristic features of a funneled landscape, with a downhill surface toward the beta-hairpin folded basin. However, the analysis of the peptide thermodynamic stability, reveals that the beta-hairpin in solution is rather unstable. These results are in good agreement with several experimental evidences, according to which the isolated H1 peptide adopts very rapidly in water beta-sheet structure, leading to amyloid fibril precipitates [Nguyen et al., Biochemistry 1995;34:4186-4192; Inouye et al., J Struct Biol 1998;122:247-255]. Moreover, in this article we also characterize the diffusion behavior in conformational space, investigating its relations with folding/unfolding conditions.  相似文献   

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