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Extracting a subset of informative genes from microarray expression data is a critical data preparation step in cancer classification and other biological function analyses. Though many algorithms have been developed, the Support Vector Machine - Recursive Feature Elimination (SVM-RFE) algorithm is one of the best gene feature selection algorithms. It assumes that a smaller "filter-out" factor in the SVM-RFE, which results in a smaller number of gene features eliminated in each recursion, should lead to extraction of a better gene subset. Because the SVM-RFE is highly sensitive to the "filter-out" factor, our simulations have shown that this assumption is not always correct and that the SVM-RFE is an unstable algorithm. To select a set of key gene features for reliable prediction of cancer types or subtypes and other applications, a new two-stage SVM-RFE algorithm has been developed. It is designed to effectively eliminate most of the irrelevant, redundant and noisy genes while keeping information loss small at the first stage. A fine selection for the final gene subset is then performed at the second stage. The two-stage SVM-RFE overcomes the instability problem of the SVM-RFE to achieve better algorithm utility. We have demonstrated that the two-stage SVM-RFE is significantly more accurate and more reliable than the SVM-RFE and three correlation-based methods based on our analysis of three publicly available microarray expression datasets. Furthermore, the two-stage SVM-RFE is computationally efficient because its time complexity is O(d*log(2)d}, where d is the size of the original gene set.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: One problem with discriminant analysis of DNA microarray data is that each sample is represented by quite a large number of genes, and many of them are irrelevant, insignificant or redundant to the discriminant problem at hand. Methods for selecting important genes are, therefore, of much significance in microarray data analysis. In the present study, a new criterion, called LS Bound measure, is proposed to address the gene selection problem. The LS Bound measure is derived from leave-one-out procedure of LS-SVMs (least squares support vector machines), and as the upper bound for leave-one-out classification results it reflects to some extent the generalization performance of gene subsets. RESULTS: We applied this LS Bound measure for gene selection on two benchmark microarray datasets: colon cancer and leukemia. We also compared the LS Bound measure with other evaluation criteria, including the well-known Fisher's ratio and Mahalanobis class separability measure, and other published gene selection algorithms, including Weighting factor and SVM Recursive Feature Elimination. The strength of the LS Bound measure is that it provides gene subsets leading to more accurate classification results than the filter method while its computational complexity is at the level of the filter method. AVAILABILITY: A companion website can be accessed at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home5/pg02776030/lsbound/. The website contains: (1) the source code of the gene selection algorithm; (2) the complete set of tables and figures regarding the experimental study; (3) proof of the inequality (9). CONTACT: ekzmao@ntu.edu.sg.  相似文献   



Various statistical and machine learning methods have been successfully applied to the classification of DNA microarray data. Simple instance-based classifiers such as nearest neighbor (NN) approaches perform remarkably well in comparison to more complex models, and are currently experiencing a renaissance in the analysis of data sets from biology and biotechnology. While binary classification of microarray data has been extensively investigated, studies involving multiclass data are rare. The question remains open whether there exists a significant difference in performance between NN approaches and more complex multiclass methods. Comparative studies in this field commonly assess different models based on their classification accuracy only; however, this approach lacks the rigor needed to draw reliable conclusions and is inadequate for testing the null hypothesis of equal performance. Comparing novel classification models to existing approaches requires focusing on the significance of differences in performance.  相似文献   



The selection of genes that discriminate disease classes from microarray data is widely used for the identification of diagnostic biomarkers. Although various gene selection methods are currently available and some of them have shown excellent performance, no single method can retain the best performance for all types of microarray datasets. It is desirable to use a comparative approach to find the best gene selection result after rigorous test of different methodological strategies for a given microarray dataset.  相似文献   

Microarray data contains a large number of genes (usually more than 1000) and a relatively small number of samples (usually fewer than 100). This presents problems to discriminant analysis of microarray data. One way to alleviate the problem is to reduce dimensionality of data by selecting important genes to the discriminant problem. Gene selection can be cast as a feature selection problem in the context of pattern classification. Feature selection approaches are broadly grouped into filter methods and wrapper methods. The wrapper method outperforms the filter method but at the cost of more intensive computation. In the present study, we proposed a wrapper-like gene selection algorithm based on the Regularization Network. Compared with classical wrapper method, the computational costs in our gene selection algorithm is significantly reduced, because the evaluation criterion we proposed does not demand repeated training in the leave-one-out procedure.  相似文献   

Optimized LOWESS normalization parameter selection for DNA microarray data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Microarray data normalization is an important step for obtaining data that are reliable and usable for subsequent analysis. One of the most commonly utilized normalization techniques is the locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) algorithm. However, a much overlooked concern with the LOWESS normalization strategy deals with choosing the appropriate parameters. Parameters are usually chosen arbitrarily, which may reduce the efficiency of the normalization and result in non-optimally normalized data. Thus, there is a need to explore LOWESS parameter selection in greater detail.  相似文献   

A random forest method has been selected to perform both gene selection and classification of the microarray data. In this embedded method, the selection of smallest possible sets of genes with lowest error rates is the key factor in achieving highest classification accuracy. Hence, improved gene selection method using random forest has been proposed to obtain the smallest subset of genes as well as biggest subset of genes prior to classification. The option for biggest subset selection is done to assist researchers who intend to use the informative genes for further research. Enhanced random forest gene selection has performed better in terms of selecting the smallest subset as well as biggest subset of informative genes with lowest out of bag error rates through gene selection. Furthermore, the classification performed on the selected subset of genes using random forest has lead to lower prediction error rates compared to existing method and other similar available methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve a maximally diverse grouping problem. It has been applied for the classification of an unbalanced database of 801 samples of gene expression RNA-Seq data in 5 types of cancer. The samples are composed by 20,531 genes. GGA extracts several groups of genes that achieve high accuracy in multiple classification. Accuracy has been evaluated by an Extreme Learning Machine algorithm and was found to be slightly higher in balanced databases than in unbalanced ones. The final classification decision has been made through a weighted majority vote system between the groups of features. The proposed algorithm finally selects 49 genes to classify samples with an average accuracy of 98.81% and a standard deviation of 0.0174.  相似文献   



Microarray data analysis is notorious for involving a huge number of genes compared to a relatively small number of samples. Gene selection is to detect the most significantly differentially expressed genes under different conditions, and it has been a central research focus. In general, a better gene selection method can improve the performance of classification significantly. One of the difficulties in gene selection is that the numbers of samples under different conditions vary a lot.  相似文献   

Most of the conventional feature selection algorithms have a drawback whereby a weakly ranked gene that could perform well in terms of classification accuracy with an appropriate subset of genes will be left out of the selection. Considering this shortcoming, we propose a feature selection algorithm in gene expression data analysis of sample classifications. The proposed algorithm first divides genes into subsets, the sizes of which are relatively small (roughly of size h), then selects informative smaller subsets of genes (of size r < h) from a subset and merges the chosen genes with another gene subset (of size r) to update the gene subset. We repeat this process until all subsets are merged into one informative subset. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by analyzing three distinct gene expression data sets. Our method shows promising classification accuracy for all the test data sets. We also show the relevance of the selected genes in terms of their biological functions.  相似文献   

The advent of DNA microarray technology has offered the promise of casting new insights onto deciphering secrets of life by monitoring activities of thousands of genes simultaneously. Current analyses of microarray data focus on precise classification of biological types, for example, tumor versus normal tissues. A further scientific challenging task is to extract disease-relevant genes from the bewildering amounts of raw data, which is one of the most critical themes in the post-genomic era, but it is generally ignored due to lack of an efficient approach. In this paper, we present a novel ensemble method for gene extraction that can be tailored to fulfill multiple biological tasks including (i) precise classification of biological types; (ii) disease gene mining; and (iii) target-driven gene networking. We also give a numerical application for(i) and (ii) using a public microarrary data set and set aside a separate paper to address (iii).  相似文献   

An ensemble method for gene discovery based on DNA microarray data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
DNA microarrays are now able to measure the expressions of thousands of genes simultaneously. These measurements or gene profiling provides a snapshot?of life that maps to a cross section of ge-netic activities in a four-dimension space of time and the biological entity. Although recent microarray ex-periments[1, 2] hold the promise of the innovative tech-nology to cast new insights onto discovery of secrets of life, development of powerful and efficient analysis strategies for microarray dat…  相似文献   

Analysis of recursive gene selection approaches from microarray data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Finding a small subset of most predictive genes from microarray for disease prediction is a challenging problem. Support vector machines (SVMs) have been found to be successful with a recursive procedure in selecting important genes for cancer prediction. However, it is not well understood how much of the success depends on the choice of the specific classifier and how much on the recursive procedure. We answer this question by examining multiple classifers [SVM, ridge regression (RR) and Rocchio] with feature selection in recursive and non-recursive settings on three DNA microarray datasets (ALL-AML Leukemia data, Breast Cancer data and GCM data). RESULTS: We found recursive RR most effective. On the AML-ALL dataset, it achieved zero error rate on the test set using only three genes (selected from over 7000), which is more encouraging than the best published result (zero error rate using 8 genes by recursive SVM). On the Breast Cancer dataset and the two largest categories of the GCM dataset, the results achieved by recursive RR are also very encouraging. A further analysis of the experimental results shows that different classifiers penalize redundant features to different extent and this property plays an important role in the recursive feature selection process. RR classifier tends to penalize redundant features to a much larger extent than the SVM does. This may be the reason why recursive RR has a better performance in selecting genes.  相似文献   



The number of genes declared differentially expressed is a random variable and its variability can be assessed by resampling techniques. Another important stability indicator is the frequency with which a given gene is selected across subsamples. We have conducted studies to assess stability and some other properties of several gene selection procedures with biological and simulated data.  相似文献   



In class prediction problems using microarray data, gene selection is essential to improve the prediction accuracy and to identify potential marker genes for a disease. Among numerous existing methods for gene selection, support vector machine-based recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE) has become one of the leading methods and is being widely used. The SVM-based approach performs gene selection using the weight vector of the hyperplane constructed by the samples on the margin. However, the performance can be easily affected by noise and outliers, when it is applied to noisy, small sample size microarray data.  相似文献   

Differential analysis of DNA microarray gene expression data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Here, we review briefly the sources of experimental and biological variance that affect the interpretation of high-dimensional DNA microarray experiments. We discuss methods using a regularized t-test based on a Bayesian statistical framework that allow the identification of differentially regulated genes with a higher level of confidence than a simple t-test when only a few experimental replicates are available. We also describe a computational method for calculating the global false-positive and false-negative levels inherent in a DNA microarray data set. This method provides a probability of differential expression for each gene based on experiment-wide false-positive and -negative levels driven by experimental error and biological variance.  相似文献   



Accurate diagnosis of cancer subtypes remains a challenging problem. Building classifiers based on gene expression data is a promising approach; yet the selection of non-redundant but relevant genes is difficult.  相似文献   

Minimum redundancy feature selection from microarray gene expression data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
How to selecting a small subset out of the thousands of genes in microarray data is important for accurate classification of phenotypes. Widely used methods typically rank genes according to their differential expressions among phenotypes and pick the top-ranked genes. We observe that feature sets so obtained have certain redundancy and study methods to minimize it. We propose a minimum redundancy - maximum relevance (MRMR) feature selection framework. Genes selected via MRMR provide a more balanced coverage of the space and capture broader characteristics of phenotypes. They lead to significantly improved class predictions in extensive experiments on 6 gene expression data sets: NCI, Lymphoma, Lung, Child Leukemia, Leukemia, and Colon. Improvements are observed consistently among 4 classification methods: Naive Bayes, Linear discriminant analysis, Logistic regression, and Support vector machines. SUPPLIMENTARY: The top 60 MRMR genes for each of the datasets are listed in http://crd.lbl.gov/~cding/MRMR/. More information related to MRMR methods can be found at http://www.hpeng.net/.  相似文献   

Yi Wang  Hong Yan 《Bioinformation》2008,3(3):124-129
DNA microarray allows the measurement of expression levels of tens of thousands of genes simultaneously and has many applications in biology and medicine. Microarray data are very noisy and this makes it difficult for data analysis and classification. Sub-dimension based methods can overcome the noise problem by partitioning the conditions into sub-groups, performing classification with each group and integrating the results. However, there can be many sub-dimensional groups, which lead to a high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose an entropy-based method to evaluate and select important sub-dimensions and eliminate unimportant ones. This improves the computational efficiency considerably. We have tested our method on four microarray datasets and two other real-world datasets and the experiment results prove the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

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