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The extent and stability of the expression of developmental isoforms of myosin heavy chain (MHCd), and their association with cellular morphology, were determined in adult rat skeletal muscle fibres following injury induced by eccentrically-biased exercise. Adult female Wistar rats [274 (10) g] were either assigned as non-exercised controls or subjected to 30 min of treadmill exercise (grade, -16 degrees; speed, 15 m x min(-1)), and then sacrificed following 1, 2, 4, 7, or 12 days of recovery (n = 5-6 per group). Histologically and immunohistologically stained serial, transverse cryosections of the soleus (S), vastus intermedius (VI), and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were examined using light microscopy and digital imaging. Fibres staining positively for MHCd (MHCd+) were seldom detected in the TA. In the VI and S, higher proportions of MHCd+ fibres (0.8% and 2.5%, respectively) were observed in rats at 4 and 7 days post-exercise, in comparison to all other groups combined (0.2%, 1.2%; P < or = 0.01). In S, MHCd+ fibres were observed less frequently by 12 days (0.7%) than at 7 days (2.6%) following exercise. The majority (85.1%) of the MHCd+ fibres had morphological characteristics indicative of either damage, degeneration, repair or regeneration. Most of the MHCd+ fibres also expressed adult slow, and/or fast myosin heavy chain. Quantitatively, the MHCd+ fibres were smaller (< 2500 microm2) and more angular than fibres not expressing MHCd. Thus, there was a transient increase in a small, but distinct population of MHCd+ fibres following unaccustomed, functional exercise in adult rat S and VI muscles. The observed close coupling of MHCd expression with morphological changes within muscle fibres suggests that these characteristics have a common, initial exercise-induced injury-related stimulus.  相似文献   

Mutations in the myostatin gene are associated with hypermuscularity, suggesting that myostatin inhibits skeletal muscle growth. We postulated that increased tissue-specific expression of myostatin protein in skeletal muscle would induce muscle loss. To investigate this hypothesis, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress myostatin protein selectively in the skeletal muscle, with or without ancillary expression in the heart, utilizing cDNA constructs in which a wild-type (MCK/Mst) or mutated muscle creatine kinase (MCK-3E/Mst) promoter was placed upstream of mouse myostatin cDNA. Transgenic mice harboring these MCK promoters linked to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expressed the reporter protein only in skeletal and cardiac muscles (MCK) or in skeletal muscle alone (MCK-3E). Seven-week-old animals were genotyped by PCR of tail DNA or by Southern blot analysis of liver DNA. Myostatin mRNA and protein, measured by RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively, were significantly higher in gastrocnemius, quadriceps, and tibialis anterior of MCK/Mst-transgenic mice compared with wild-type mice. Male MCK/Mst-transgenic mice had 18-24% lower hind- and forelimb muscle weight and 18% reduction in quadriceps and gastrocnemius fiber cross-sectional area and myonuclear number (immunohistochemistry) than wild-type male mice. Male transgenic mice with mutated MCK-3E promoter showed similar effects on muscle mass. However, female transgenic mice with either type of MCK promoter did not differ from wild-type controls in either body weight or skeletal muscle mass. In conclusion, increased expression of myostatin in skeletal muscle is associated with lower muscle mass and decreased fiber size and myonuclear number, decreased cardiac muscle mass, and increased fat mass in male mice, consistent with its role as an inhibitor of skeletal muscle mass. The mechanism of gender specificity remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Signalling and the control of skeletal muscle size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skeletal muscle is highly adaptive to environmental stimuli and can alter its mass accordingly. This tissue is almost unique in that it can increase its size through two distinct mechanisms. It can grow through a cellular process mediated by cell fusion, or it can increase its size simply by increasing its protein content. Understanding how these processes are regulated is crucial for the development of potential therapies against debilitating skeletal muscle wasting diseases. Two key signalling molecules, Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF) and GDF-8/myostatin, have emerged in recent years to be potent regulators of skeletal muscle size. In this review we bring together recent data highlighting the important and novel aspects of both molecules and their signalling pathways, culminating in a discussion of the cellular and tissue phenotypic outcomes of their stimulation or antagonism. We emphasise the complex regulatory mechanisms and discuss the temporal and spatial differences that control their action, understanding of which is crucial to further their use as potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare pure eccentric and concentric isokinetic training with respect to their possible specificity in the adaptation of strength and morphology of the knee extensor muscles. Ten moderately trained male physical education students were divided into groups undertaking eccentric (ETG) and concentric (CTG) training. They performed 10 weeks of maximal isokinetic (90 degrees x s(-1)) training of the left leg, 4x10 repetitions - three times a week, followed by a second 10-week period of similar training of the right-leg. Mean eccentric and concentric peak torques increased by 18% and 2% for ETG and by 10% and 14% for CTG, respectively. The highest increase in peak torque occurred in the eccentric 90 degrees x s(-1) test for ETG (35%) whereas in CTG strength gains ranged 8%-15% at velocities equal or lower than the training velocity. Significant increases in strength were observed in the untrained contra-lateral leg only at the velocity and mode used in ipsilateral training. Cross-sectional area of the quadriceps muscle increased 3%-4% with training in both groups, reaching statistical significance only in ETG. No major changes in muscle fibre composition or areas were detected in biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle for either leg or training group. In conclusion, effects of eccentric training on muscle strength appeared to be more mode and speed specific than corresponding concentric training. Only minor adaptations in gross muscle morphology indicated that other factors, such as changes in neural activation patterns, were causing the specific training-induced gains in muscle strength.  相似文献   

Myostatin, which is a member of the TGF-beta superfamily, is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle formation. Double-muscled Piedmontese cattle have a C313Y mutation in myostatin and show increased skeletal muscle mass which resulted from an increase of myofiber number (hyperplasia) without that of myofiber size (hypertrophy). To examine whether this mutation in myostatin gene affects muscle development in a dominant negative manner, we generated transgenic mice overexpressing the mutated gene. The transgenic mice exhibited dramatic increases in the skeletal muscle mass resulting from hyperplasia without hypertrophy. In contrast, it has been reported that a myostatin mutated at its cleavage site produces hypertrophy without hyperplasia in the muscle. Thus, these results suggest that (1) the myostatin containing the missense mutation exhibits a dominant negative activity and that (2) there are two types in the dominant negative form of myostatin, causing either hypertrophy or hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Objectives:The study reports longitudinal changes in grip strength, muscle mass and muscle power of lower extremities. The aim is to identify early muscular changes to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia.Methods:Grip strength was measured by hand dynamometer, muscle mass by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and muscle power by performing a chair rise test and two-leg jumps (2LJP) on the Leonardo Mechanograph®. Longitudinal changes were analysed using paired t-tests by age group and sex. Differences between groups in terms of the annual change were tested by Analysis of Variance and the Dunnett’s test. Comparisons between the variables were performed using one sample t-tests.Results:Six-year changes were determined in 318 randomly selected healthy participants aged 20-90 years from Berlin. 2LJP declined significantly earlier in 20-39 years old women (-3.70 W/kg) and men (-5.97 W/kg, both p<0.001). This is an absolute annual decline of -0.46 W/kg in females and -0.75 W/kg in males. In the oldest age group, 2LJP showed the highest absolute annual loss with -0.99 W/kg in women and -0.88 W/kg in men. 2LJP was significantly different compared to all variables of muscle mass and strength (p<0.01).Conclusions:The results underline the importance of assessing muscle power using 2LJP during aging.  相似文献   

Cancer cachexia describes the progressive skeletal muscle wasting and weakness in many cancer patients and accounts for >20% of cancer-related deaths. We tested the hypothesis that antibody-directed myostatin inhibition would attenuate the atrophy and loss of function in muscles of tumor-bearing mice. Twelve-week-old C57BL/6 mice received a subcutaneous injection of saline (control) or Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) tumor cells. One week later, mice received either once weekly injections of saline (control, n = 12; LLC, n = 9) or a mouse chimera of anti-human myostatin antibody (PF-354, 10 mg·kg?1·wk?1, LLC+PF-354, n = 11) for 5 wk. Injection of LLC cells reduced muscle mass and maximum force of tibialis anterior (TA) muscles by 8-10% (P < 0.05), but the muscle atrophy and weakness were prevented with PF-354 treatment (P > 0.05). Maximum specific (normalized) force of diaphragm muscle strips was reduced with LLC injection (P < 0.05) but was not improved with PF-354 treatment (P > 0.05). PF-354 enhanced activity of oxidative enzymes in TA and diaphragm muscles of tumor-bearing mice by 118% and 89%, respectively (P < 0.05). Compared with controls, apoptosis that was not of myofibrillar or satellite cell origin was 140% higher in TA muscle cross sections from saline-treated LLC tumor-bearing mice (P < 0.05) but was not different in PF-354-treated tumor-bearing mice (P > 0.05). Antibody-directed myostatin inhibition attenuated the skeletal muscle atrophy and loss of muscle force-producing capacity in a murine model of cancer cachexia, in part by reducing apoptosis. The improvements in limb muscle mass and function highlight the therapeutic potential of antibody-directed myostatin inhibition for cancer cachexia.  相似文献   

Adult skeletal muscles are able to regenerate after injury. This process is due to the activation of quiescent muscle precursor cells, also called satellite cells, which proliferate and differentiate to form new myotubes. In this regeneration process, several growth factors which come from the muscle and/or from the motor nerve and inflammatory cells have been shown to play key roles. However, most of our knowledge comes from in vitro studies, where, during myogenesis, proliferation of satellite cells is regulated by FGFs, TGFβs, PDGF, IGF-I and II, while differentiation appears to be promoted mainly by IGFs. During regeneration in vivo, most of these factors have been shown to operate and interact. Other factors also appear to condition the regeneration process, such as LIF, which acts predominantly as a proliferative factor; and HARP/PTN/HB-GAM and other neurotrophic factors, which may be necessary for the formation of new neuromuscular junctions. TGFβ has a major influence on the reorganisation of the extracellular matrix. This review presents a critical summary of the known effects of growth factors on skeletal muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical and immuno-microscopic techniques were used to study temporal involvement of thrombospondin in relation to fibrinogen in muscle regeneration using a rat skeletal muscle-wound model. In undamaged control muscle, no fibrinogen and minimal thrombospondin antigen was found. Following crushing injury, fibrin networks appear immediately, followed by a gradual ordered accumulation of thrombospondin (within a few hours) in the vicinity of the vascular bed and adjacent endomysial connective tissue. Later, thrombospondin becomes associated with connective tissue and basal laminae around muscle fibers throughout the damaged muscle, maximal labelling occurring 3–6 days post-injury. Thrombospondin immunoreactivity decreased thereafter to near normal levels after 7 days post-injury, coincident with the appearance of regenerating muscle fibers. In contrast, little fibrin material remained by five days after injury. Quantitative radioimmunoassay of soluble thrombospondin antigen and radioimmune labelling of thick frozen sections reinforced the qualitative immuno-microscopic observations, with levels peaking at 3–4 days post-trauma, 10-fold over control levels. SDS-PAGE immunoblotting of non-reduced muscle extracts three days after a crush assault shows that the bulk of the thrombospondin incorporated into the injury site exists in a polymerized state (1000 kD). These results demonstrate that the temporal appearance and disappearance of thrombospondin in the healing of a crushing lesion in muscle is related more closely to the regeneration phase of muscle than to the coagulation phase.  相似文献   

Interleukin-15 (IL-15) has been shown to have anabolic effects on skeletal muscle in rodent studies conducted in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism of IL-15 action on muscle appears to be distinct from that of the well-characterized muscle anabolic factor insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). IL-15 action has not been investigated in a human culture system nor in detail in primary skeletal myogenic cells. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of IL-15 and IGF-I in primary human skeletal myogenic cells. Accretion of a major myofibrillar protein, myosin heavy chain (MHC), was used as a measure of muscle anabolism. We found that both growth factors induced increases in MHC accretion in primary human skeletal myogenic cultures; however, IL-15 and IGF-I actions were temporally distinct. IL-15 was more effective at stimulating MHC accretion when added to cultures after differentiation of myoblasts had occurred. In contrast, IGF-I was more effective at stimulating MHC accretion when added to cultures prior to differentiation of myoblasts. These results using a human system support recent findings from rodent models which indicate that the primary mode of IGF-I action on skeletal muscle anabolism is through stimulation of myogenic precursor cells, whereas the primary target of IL-15 action is the differentiated muscle fiber. Further, since clinical and experimental studies have shown IGF-I is not effective in preventing skeletal muscle wasting, the distinct mode of action of IL-15 suggests it may be of potential usefulness in the treatment of muscle wasting disorders.  相似文献   

Muscle tissue utilizes a large portion of metabolic energy for its growth and maintenance. Previously, we demonstrated that transgenic over-expression of myostatin propeptide in mice fed a high-fat diet enhanced muscle mass and circulating adiponectin while the wild-type mice developed obesity and insulin resistance. To understand the effects of enhanced muscle growth on adipose tissue metabolism, we analyzed adiponectin, PPAR-α, and PPAR-γ mRNA expressions in several fat tissues. Results indicated muscled transgenic mice fed a high-fat diet displayed increased epididymal adiponectin mRNA expression by 12 times over wild-type littermates. These transgenic mice fed either a high or normal fat diet also displayed significantly high levels of PPAR-α and PPAR-γ expressions above their wild-type littermates in epididymal fat while their expressions in mesenteric fats were not significantly different between transgenic mice and their littermates. This study demonstrates that enhanced muscle growth has positive effects on fat metabolisms through increasing adiponectin expression and its regulations.  相似文献   

During development, skeletal muscles are established in a highly organized manner, which persists throughout life. Molecular and genetic experiments over the last decades have identified many developmental control genes critical for skeletal muscle formation. Developmental studies have shown that skeletal muscles of the body, limb and head have distinct embryonic and cellular origin, and the genetic regulation at work in these domains and during adult myogenesis are starting to be identified. In this review we will summarize the current knowledge on the regulatory circuits that lead to the establishment of skeletal muscle in these different anatomical regions.  相似文献   

By using a conditional gene targeting approach exploiting the cre-lox system, we show that postnatal inactivation of the myostatin gene in striated muscle is sufficient to cause a generalized muscular hypertrophy of the same magnitude as that observed for constitutive myostatin knockout mice. This formally demonstrates that striated muscle is the production site of functional myostatin and that this member of the TGFbeta family of growth and differentiation factors regulates muscle mass not only during early embryogenesis but throughout development. It indicates that myostatin antagonist could be used to treat muscle wasting and to promote muscle growth in man and animals.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases and sarcopenia become more prevalent as individuals age and, therefore, represent a serious issue for the healthcare system. Several studies have reported the relationship between physical activity and reduced incidence of dementia or cognitive deterioration. Thus, exercise and strength training are most recommended treatments, but it is proving difficult to engage individuals to initiate exercise and strength training. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) may provide an alternative and more efficient solution. Although EMS has undergone a decline in use, mainly because of stimulation discomfort, new technologies allow painless application of strong contractions. Such activation can be applied in higher exercise dosages and more efficiently than people are likely to achieve with exercise. Unlike orderly recruitment of motor units (MUs) during low intensity voluntary exercise, EMS activates large fast-twitch MUs with glycolytic fibers preferentially and this could have benefit for prevention and treatment of diabetes and chronic diseases associated with muscle atrophy that ultimately lead to bed-ridden conditions. Recent evidence highlights the potential for EMS to make a major impact on these and other lifestyle related diseases and its role as a useful modality for orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation. This paper will discuss the potential for EMS to break new ground in effective interventions in these frontiers of medical science.  相似文献   

Double muscling is a trait previously described in several mammalian species including cattle and sheep and is caused by mutations in the myostatin (MSTN) gene (previously referred to as GDF8). Here we describe a new mutation in MSTN found in the whippet dog breed that results in a double-muscled phenotype known as the “bully” whippet. Individuals with this phenotype carry two copies of a two-base-pair deletion in the third exon of MSTN leading to a premature stop codon at amino acid 313. Individuals carrying only one copy of the mutation are, on average, more muscular than wild-type individuals (p = 7.43 × 10−6; Kruskal-Wallis Test) and are significantly faster than individuals carrying the wild-type genotype in competitive racing events (Kendall's nonparametric measure, τ = 0.3619; p ≈ 0.00028). These results highlight the utility of performance-enhancing polymorphisms, marking the first time a mutation in MSTN has been quantitatively linked to increased athletic performance.  相似文献   

Young RE  Young JC 《Life sciences》2007,81(9):710-716
This study investigated the effect of dietary creatine supplementation on hypertrophy and performance of rat skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent either tibialis anterior ablation or partial ablation of the plantaris/gastrocnemius to induce compensatory hypertrophy of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or soleus respectively, or sham surgery. Creatine (300 mg/kg) was administered to one half of each group for 5 weeks, after which force production was measured. With the leg fixed at the knee and ankle, the distal tendon of the EDL or soleus was attached to a force transducer and the muscle was electrically stimulated via the sciatic nerve. Synergist ablation resulted in a significant increase in EDL mass and in soleus mass relative to control muscles. However, no effect of creatine supplementation on muscle mass or performance was found between control and either group of creatine-treated rats. Despite an apparent increase in muscle creatine content, creatine supplementation did not augment muscle hypertrophy or force production in rat EDL or soleus muscle, providing evidence that the potential benefits of creatine supplementation are not due to a direct effect on muscle but rather to an enhanced ability to train.  相似文献   

During muscle development and regeneration of skeletal muscle in mice connexin43 (Cx43) and connexin39 (Cx39) are specifically expressed: Cx43 in satellite cells and myoblasts, whereas Cx39 is exclusively expressed in myogenin-positive cells. We generated Cx39 deficient mice by replacing the coding region of the Gjd4 gene by DNA coding for the enhanced green fluorescent protein eGFP. Adult Cx39 deficient mice exhibit no obvious phenotypic alterations of skeletal muscle compared to wild type mice in the resting state. However, myogenesis in Cx39 deficient embryos is accelerated as indicated by increased myogenin expression on ED13.5 and ED16.5 and increased expression of Cx43 in developing skeletal muscle. In addition, the regeneration process of skeletal muscle in Cx39 deficient mice is accelerated as shown by a 2 day earlier onset of MyoD and myogenin expression, relative to wild type littermates. Interestingly, Cx43 expression was also upregulated in Cx39 deficient mice during regeneration of skeletal muscle. We hypothesize that Cx43 may compensate for the loss of Cx39 during myogenesis and regeneration.  相似文献   

Inclusion body myositis, the most common muscle disorder in the elderly, is partly characterized by abnormal expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and intracellular accumulation of its proteolytic fragments collectively known as β-amyloid. The present study examined the effects of β-amyloid accumulation on mitochondrial structure and function of skeletal muscle from transgenic mice (MCK-βAPP) engineered to accumulate intramyofiber β-amyloid. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that a large fraction of myofibers from 2-3-month-old MCK-βAPP mice contained numerous, heterogeneous alterations in mitochondria, and other cellular organelles. [(1)H-decoupled](13)C NMR spectroscopy showed a substantial reduction in TCA cycle activity and indicated a switch from aerobic to anaerobic glucose metabolism in the MCK-βAPP muscle. Isolated muscle fibers from the MCK-βAPP mice also exhibited a reduction in cytoplasmic pH, an increased rate of ROS production, and a partially depolarized plasmalemma. Treatment of MCK-βAPP muscle cells with Ru360, a mitochondrial Ca(2+) uniporter antagonist, reversed alterations in the plasmalemmal membrane potential (V(m)) and pH. Consistent with altered redox state of the cells, treatment of MCK-βAPP muscle cells with glutathione reversed the effects of β-amyloid accumulation on Ca(2+) transient amplitudes. We conclude that structural and functional alterations in mitochondria precede the reported appearance of histopathological and clinical features in the MCK-βAPP mice and may represent key early events in the pathogenesis of inclusion body myositis.  相似文献   

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