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BACKGROUND/AIMS: To evaluate quality of life (QoL) in adolescents born SGA without spontaneous catch-up growth, treated with and without long-term growth hormone (GH) therapy. Additionally, to assess whether GH treatment has a positive effect on QoL, besides improving adult height and height SDS during childhood. METHODS: Two groups of adolescents born SGA without spontaneous catch-up growth participated in the QoL evaluation; a GH-treated group (n = 44, mean GH duration: 8.8 (1.7) years) and an untreated group (n = 28), both mean age 15.8 (2.1) years. QoL was measured by self-reports of the TACQOL-S, a disorder-specific questionnaire, and the CHQ, a generic questionnaire. RESULTS: The GH group scored significantly better health status and health-related QoL on several scales of the TACQOL-S. On all TACQOL-S scales the GH group scored better QoL than the untreated group, with effect sizes of moderate to large, not all differences reaching statistical significance. The generic CHQ did not reveal significant differences in QoL between the GH group and the untreated group. CONCLUSIONS: Firstly, adolescents born SGA, with a GH-induced improved height, had in many aspects a better QoL than untreated adolescents born SGA, according to the disorder-specific questionnaire. Secondly, we advise to use, in addition to a generic questionnaire, a disorder-specific questionnaire for measuring QoL in children treated for short stature, as the generic CHQ did not reveal such differences.  相似文献   

As the proportion of physicians who enter residency training in family practice steadily increases, so does the need to evaluate the impact of their training and postgraduate education on the quality of care in their practices. We audited the practices of 120 randomly selected family physicians in Ontario, who were separated into four groups: nonmembers of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), members of the CFPC with no certification in family medicine, certificated members without residency training in family medicine and certificated members with residency training in family medicine. The practices were assessed according to predetermined criteria for charting, procedures in periodic health examination, quality of medical care and use of indicator drugs. Generally the scores were significantly higher for CFPC members with residency training in family medicine than for those in the other groups, nonmembers having the lowest scores. Patient questionnaires indicated no difference in satisfaction with specific aspects of care between the four groups. Self-selection into residency training and CFPC membership may account for some of the results; nevertheless, the findings support the contention that residency training in family medicine should be mandatory for family physicians.  相似文献   



The EuroSCORE, worldwide used as a model for prediction of mortality after cardiac surgery, has recently been renewed. Since October 2011, the EuroSCORE II calculator is available at the EuroSCORE website and recommended for clinical use. The intention of this paper is to compare the use of the initial EuroSCORE and EuroSCORE II as a risk evaluation tool.


100 consecutive patients who underwent combined mitral valve and coronary bypass surgery (MVR + CABG) and 100 consecutive patients undergoing combined aortic valve surgery and coronary bypass surgery (AVR + CABG) at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center before 10 October 2011 were included. For both groups the initial EuroSCORE and the EuroSCORE II model were used for risk calculation and based on the calculated risks, cumulative sum charts (CUSUM) were constructed to evaluate the impact on performance monitoring.


For the MVR + CABG group the calculated risk using the initial logistic EuroSCORE was 9.95 ± 8.47 (1.51–45.37) versus 5.08 ± 4.03 (0.67–19.76) for the EuroSCORE II. For the AVR + CABG group 9.50 ± 8.6 (1.51–69.5) versus 4.77 ± 6.6 (0.96–64.24), respectively. For both groups the calculated risk by the EuroSCORE II was statistically lower compared with the initial EuroSCORE (p < 0.001). This lower expected risk has influence on performance monitoring, using risk-adjusted CUSUM analysis.


The EuroSCORE II, based on a recently updated database, reduces the overestimation of the calculated risk by the initial EuroSCORE. This difference is statistically significant and the EuroSCORE II may also reflect better current surgical performance.  相似文献   

What does it take to make a heart?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ever increasing advances are being made in our quest to understand what it takes to direct pluripotent precursor cells to adopt a specific developmental fate. Eventually, the obvious goal is that targeted manipulation of these precursor cells will result in an efficient and reliable production of tissue‐specific cells, which can be safely employed for therapeutic purposes. We have gained an incredible insight as to which molecular pathways are involved in governing neural, skeletal and cardiac muscle fate decisions. However, we still face the challenge of how to direct, for example, a cardiac fate in stem cells in the amounts needed to be employed for regenerative means. Equally importantly, we need to resolve critical questions such as: can the in vitro generated cardiomyocytes actually functionally replace damaged heart tissue? Here I will provide an overview of the molecules and signalling pathways that have first been demonstrated in embryological studies to function in cardiogenesis, and summarize how this knowledge is being applied to differentiate mouse and human embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Although tailored print materials (TPMs) have been assessed for a variety of behavioral targets, their effectiveness as decision aids for genetic testing had not been evaluated at the time this study began. We compared TPMs and non-tailored print material (NPMs) that included similar content about genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility. TPMs were prepared especially for an individual based on information from and about her. We mailed baseline surveys to 461 women referred by physicians or identified through a tumor registry. All had personal and family histories of breast and/or ovarian cancer and, on the basis of these histories, an estimated > or =10% probability of carrying a mutation in the breast/ovarian cancer genes BRCA1 or BRCA2. The 325 (70%) who responded were randomly assigned to receive TPM or NPM. Followup surveys, mailed 2 weeks following receipt of print materials, were returned by 262 women (81% of baseline responders). Participants were predominately white (94%) and well-educated (50% college graduates). The mean age was 49 years. At follow-up, TPM recipients exhibited significantly greater improvement in percent of correct responses for the 13-item true/false measure of knowledge (24% increase for TPM vs. 16% for NPM; p < 0.0001) and significantly less over-estimation of risk of being a mutation carrier (40% TPM group overestimated vs. 70% NPM; p < 0.0001). Anxiety did not differ significantly between groups. Reactions to materials differed on two items: "seemed to be prepared just for me" (76% TPM vs. 52% NPM; p < 0.001) and "told me what I wanted to know about BRCA1 and 2 testing" (98% TPM vs. 91% NPM; p < 0.05). TPMs showed an advantage in increasing knowledge and enhancing accuracy of perceived risk. Both are critical components of informed decision making.  相似文献   

Recently, dated phylogenies have been increasingly used for ecological studies on community structure and conservation planning. There is, however, a major impediment to a systematic application of phylogenetic methods in ecology: reliable phylogenies with time-calibrated branch lengths are lacking for a large number of taxonomic groups and this condition is likely to continue for a long time. A solution for this problem consists in using undated phylogenies or taxonomic hierarchies as proxies for dated phylogenies. Nonetheless, little is known on the potential loss of information of these approaches compared to studies using dated phylogenies with time-calibrated branch lengths. The aim of this study is to ask how the use of undated phylogenies and taxonomic hierarchies biases a very simple measure of diversity, the mean pairwise phylogenetic distance between community species, compared to the diversity of dated phylogenies derived from the freely available software Phylomatic. This is illustrated with three sets of data on plant species sampled at different scales. Our results show that: (1) surprisingly, the diversity computed from dated phylogenies derived from Phylomatic is more strongly related to the diversity computed from taxonomic hierarchies than to the diversity computed from undated phylogenies, while (2) less surprisingly, the strength of this relationship increases if we consider only angiosperm species.  相似文献   

The mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) gene encodes a very large nuclear protein homologous to Drosophila trithorax (trx). MLL is required for the proper maintenance of HOX gene expression during development and hematopoiesis. The exact regulatory mechanism of HOX gene expression by MLL is poorly understood, but it is believed that MLL functions at the level of chromatin organization. MLL was identified as a common target of chromosomal translocations associated with human acute leukemias. About 50 different MLL fusion partners have been isolated to date, and while similarities exist between groups of partners, there exists no unifying property shared by all the partners. MLL gene rearrangements are found in leukemias with both lymphoid and myeloid phenotypes and are often associated with infant and secondary leukemias. The immature phenotype of the leukemic blasts suggests an important role for MLL in the early stages of hematopoietic development. Mll homozygous mutant mice are embryonic lethal and exhibit deficiencies in yolk sac hematopoiesis. Recently, two different MLL-containing protein complexes have been isolated. These and other gain- and loss-of-function experiments have provided insight into normal MLL function and altered functions of MLL fusion proteins. This article reviews the progress made toward understanding the function of the wild-type MLL protein. While many advances in understanding this multifaceted protein have been made since its discovery, many challenging questions remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Abstract. Different measures of species abundance, particularly cover and biomass, are often used as if they were interchangeable. We ask to what extent the measure of abundance affects conclusions reached in plant community ecology. The test data comprised 35 plots, each 1 m × 1 m, on serpentine vegetation in Tuscany, Italy, in which both cover and biomass were measured. The measure of abundance used made rather little difference when plots were examined in terms of the rank abundance of the species present, and little difference to the results of a DCA-ordination. Likewise, species showed similar variation across plots in cover as in biomass. In calculating species diversity, agreement between measures of abundance was lower, but still good. For evenness, the correlation between cover and biomass results was lower again, though more so with some indices than with others. For the shape of the RAD (Relative Abundance Distribution), cover and biomass gave quite different results, the Zipf-Mandelbrot RAD model most commonly giving the best fit to the cover data, but the General lognormal model to the biomass data. These tendencies can be related to the intrinsic characteristics of cover and biomass as measures of abundance. The parameters of the model fits also differed between abundance measures. We conclude that the importance of using biomass as the measure of abundance depends on the ecological feature being examined. The difference between the two measures may be greater in other vegetation; very little information is available. In the current state of knowledge it is dangerous to use another measure as a surrogate for biomass.  相似文献   

Irina Goia 《Plant biosystems》2019,153(2):187-194
The presence data of 153 bryophyte species, recorded on beech (BDW) and spruce (SDW) deadwood in the managed forests within a montane watershed, were analysed by controlling for different plot size, substrate pH and elevation. Only three pleurocarpous species, which were probably remnant epiphytes from live wood, showed relative specificity for BDW, but none to SDW. The few species displaying preference for BDW or SDW were generally true epixylic, mosses and hepatics, respectively. The chances of occurrence of epiphytic (early successional) and epixylic (mid-late successional) taxa on either deadwood species increased and respectively, decreased with the substrate pH. There was no consistent relationship between bryophyte preference to BDW/SDW and elevation. Neither total nor threatened species richness was related to deadwood species identity. However, at 100 cm2 resolution and within certain extension range, the cumulative number of bryophyte species was significantly higher on BDW than on SDW, despite no significant difference in species pool size. Threatened species richness increased monotonically towards lower elevations, suggesting that valley bottoms might act as refugia with high air humidity. The number of threatened species and in particular, the presence of Lophozia ascendens, were good predictors of total bryophyte richness regardless of deadwood species identity.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex is a prominent, evolutionarily conserved feature of meiotic prophase. The assembly of this structure is closely linked to meiotic recombination. A recent study in budding yeast reveals an unexpected role in centromere pairing for a protein component of the synaptonemal complex, Zip1. These findings have implications for synaptonemal complex formation.  相似文献   

In theory, unisexual taxa have an advantage over ecologically similar bisexual species because unisexuals produce twice as many daughters and, thus, should quickly outcompete coexisting bisexuals in any given population. For sperm‐dependent unisexual (gynogenetic) species, stable coexistence with their bisexual sperm donors can be postulated if male mate choice puts unisexual females at a disadvantage through sperm limitation, thus halving their reproductive output compared to bisexuals (‘behavioural regulation hypothesis’). We tested for a potential life‐history signature of male mate choice in a system of coexisting bisexual sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) and gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). Specifically, we gave P. latipinna males an opportunity to freely interact (and mate) with both types of females and, after 25 days, quantified the proportion of (1) females with sperm in their genital tract and (2) pregnant females. A higher proportion of P. latipinna females (53.7%) had sperm in their genital tract (compared to only 25.9% in P. formosa), corroborating a previous study on wild‐caught fish. This translated into a higher frequency (42.6%) of P. latipinna females being pregnant (compared to 29.6% in P. formosa); however, among pregnant females, no significant differences between species in reproductive life‐history traits (such as offspring number or size) were uncovered. Hence, although the findings of the present study confirm that male discrimination against unisexual females leads to reduced reproductive output in unisexuals, the observed magnitude of differences in targeted life histories between the two types of females is unlikely to be the sole factor regulating stable coexistence in this system. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 598–606.  相似文献   

The arrival to the United States of the Africanized honey bee, a hybrid between European subspecies and the African subspecies Apis mellifera scutellata, is a remarkable model for the study of biological invasions. This immigration has created an opportunity to study the dynamics of secondary contact of honey bee subspecies from African and European lineages in a feral population in South Texas. An 11‐year survey of this population (1991–2001) showed that mitochondrial haplotype frequencies changed drastically over time from a resident population of eastern and western European maternal ancestry, to a population dominated by the African haplotype. A subsequent study of the nuclear genome showed that the Africanization process included bidirectional gene flow between European and Africanized honey bees, giving rise to a new panmictic mixture of A. m. scutellata‐ and European‐derived genes. In this study, we examined gene flow patterns in the same population 23 years after the first hybridization event occurred. We found 28 active colonies inhabiting 92 tree cavities surveyed in a 5.14 km2 area, resulting in a colony density of 5.4 colonies/km2. Of these 28 colonies, 25 were of A. m. scutellata maternal ancestry, and three were of western European maternal ancestry. No colonies of eastern European maternal ancestry were detected, although they were present in the earlier samples. Nuclear DNA revealed little change in the introgression of A. m. scutellata‐derived genes into the population compared to previous surveys. Our results suggest this feral population remains an admixed swarm with continued low levels of European ancestry and a greater presence of African‐derived mitochondrial genetic composition.  相似文献   

The number of hybrids recorded in the field may be biased because these data may simply reflect the detectability of a hybrid pairing. A questionnaire was constructed for assessing the detectability of natural avian hybrids. Ratings from 17 independent experienced observers were subjected to factor analysis and all observers loaded onto the same single factor. The reliability was extremely high (Cronbachs alpha=0.96). Initially, I found a weak positive and significant correlation between the number of hybrids and their detectability index (rs=0.268; P=0.015; n=81). However, the respective correlations within three orders and one family containing enough hybrids for analysis revealed non-significant results. Significant differences existed among orders with respect to both detectability and hybrid frequency. At the family level, differences existed in detectability, but not in the number of hybrids recorded. Furthermore, I found no publication bias. These results suggest a general influence of detectability and on higher taxonomic levels, and that either detectability or the number of hybrids vary between orders possibly due to phylogenetic effects. Data about hybrids should be used in a cautious manner in analyses across a wide range of species, but seem unbiased when restricted to analyses within orders and families. As a rule of thumb, distinctness of hybrids seems to be a function of the plumage difference between the hybridising species.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

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