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Cross-sectional studies in athletes and untrained subjects suggest that exercise training induces adaptations in cardiac structure and function. However, the role of genetic variation on the results has largely been ignored in these studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term volitionally increased physical activity on electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters in male monozygotic twin pairs discordant for physical activity and fitness. On the basis of the mailed questionnaires, a telephone interview, and the inclusion criteria, 12 pairs of young adult male monozygotic twins were recruited from a Finnish twin cohort. All subjects completed a maximal oxygen uptake (.VO2 (max)) test and electrocardiography and echocardiography studies. Nine pairs had at least 9% difference in .VO2(max) and were selected for further analysis and for a second echocardiography study. Twins were divided into the more (MAG) and less active group (LAG), according to their VO2(max). On average, MAG had 18% higher VO2(max) compared with LAG. In electrocardiography, MAG had 29% (P = 0.02) higher Cornell voltage and 37% (P = 0.01) higher right-side hypertrophy index. In echocardiography, no significant differences were observed between the groups, and left ventricular mass index was only 7% (P = 0.16) higher in MAG. These results show that the volitionally increased physical activity that has led to an 18% increase in cardiorespiratory fitness induces greater changes in electro- than echocardiographic parameters. Electrocardiographic changes were suggestive of left ventricular hypertrophy, and echocardiography showed a similar but statistically nonsignificant trend.  相似文献   

Retroviral-related amplicons were used in modified RDA to identify four sequences from affected members of three pairs of monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia. One sequence (schizophrenia associated retrovirus, SZRV-1, GenBank Accession No. AF135487) is characterized here. It is similar to two known sequences of retroviral origin: multiple sclerosis-associated retrovirus, MSRV (GenBank Accession No. AF009668), and ERV-9 (GenBank Accession No. S77575). It is present in multiple copies in the human genome and has been localized to six different chromosomal sites. A zooblot shows that this multicopy sequence is predominant in the primate lineage and present in rhesus monkeys and humans. SZRV-1 is expressed as a 9-kb RNA band in the placenta. This could offer support to the hypothesis that retroviral sequences transposing during fetal growth may alter neurodevelopmental genes and cause diseases, although its direct involvement in the causation of schizophrenia remains to be established.  相似文献   

Multivariate modelling of anxiety and depression data in twins has suggested that the two phenotypes are largely underpinned by one genetic factor, while other studies have indicated a relationship between these disorders and the neuroticism personality trait. As part of a study to identify quantitative trait loci for anxiety and depression, questionnaire responses and interviews of 15,027 Australian twins and 11,389 of their family members conducted during the past 20 years were reviewed to identify individuals with neuroticism, anxiety and depression scores in the upper or lower deciles of the population. This information was then used to identify extreme discordant and concordant (EDAC) sib pairs. 1373 high-scoring and 1571 low-scoring subjects (2357 sib pairs) were selected for participation, and extremely high participation rates were achieved, with over 90% of contactable prospective participants completing the interview phase, and over 90% of these providing blood or buccal samples. Participation bias arising from the nature of the selection variables was minimal, with only a small difference between rates of interview participation among prospective participants with high and low selection scores (89.4% vs 91.6%). The interview permitted the diagnosis of depression and several anxiety disorders (OCD, agoraphobia, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder) in this sample according to DSM-IV criteria. The methodology for selection of prospective subjects was demonstrated to be extremely successful, with highly significant differences in depression and anxiety disorder prevalence rates between individuals in the two selection groups. The success of this EDAC sampling scheme will enhance the power for QTL linkage and association analysis in this sample.  相似文献   

The exploration of copy-number variation (CNV), notably of somatic cells, is an understudied aspect of genome biology. Any differences in the genetic makeup between twins derived from the same zygote represent an irrefutable example of somatic mosaicism. We studied 19 pairs of monozygotic twins with either concordant or discordant phenotype by using two platforms for genome-wide CNV analyses and showed that CNVs exist within pairs in both groups. These findings have an impact on our views of genotypic and phenotypic diversity in monozygotic twins and suggest that CNV analysis in phenotypically discordant monozygotic twins may provide a powerful tool for identifying disease-predisposition loci. Our results also imply that caution should be exercised when interpreting disease causality of de novo CNVs found in patients based on analysis of a single tissue in routine disease-related DNA diagnostics.  相似文献   

There have been long questions about the relationship of schizophrenia to other mental disorders. Lifetime DSM-III-R diagnoses of mood and anxiety disorders in twins with clinically diagnosed schizophrenia (n = 24) and their non-affected co-twins (n = 24) were compared with twins from pairs without schizophrenia (n = 3327) using a sample from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry. Schizophrenic probands had significantly elevated rates of all included disorders (bipolar disorder, major depression, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and PTSD) compared with controls (P<0.01). The odd ratios comparing co-twins of schizophrenic probands with controls was greater than three for every disorder, but did not attain statistical significance. A similar pattern was observed when analyses were restricted to only monozygotic twins (n = 12). Consistent with other studies, schizophrenics appeared to have higher rates of a range of mental disorders. Our results suggest that schizophrenia per se represents a risk factor for other psychiatric disorders, but the absence of significantly elevated risk among non-schizophrenic co-twins suggested that family environmental and/or genetic factors that contribute to risk of schizophrenia do not increase the risk of mood and anxiety disorders to the same extent that the risk of these other disorders is increased by the presence of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The accumulation of epigenetic changes was proposed to contribute to the age-related increase in the risk of most common diseases. In this study on 230 monozygotic twin pairs (MZ pairs), aged 18-89 years, we investigated the occurrence of epigenetic changes over the adult lifespan. Using mass spectrometry, we investigated variation in global (LINE1) DNA methylation and in DNA methylation at INS, KCNQ1OT1, IGF2, GNASAS, ABCA1, LEP, and CRH, candidate loci for common diseases. Except for KCNQ1OT1, interindividual variation in locus-specific DNA methylation was larger in old individuals than in young individuals, ranging from 1.2-fold larger at ABCA1 (P = 0.010) to 1.6-fold larger at INS (P = 3.7 × 10(-07) ). Similarly, there was more within-MZ-pair discordance in old as compared with young MZ pairs, except for GNASAS, ranging from an 8% increase in discordance each decade at CRH (P = 8.9 × 10(-06) ) to a 16% increase each decade at LEP (P = 2.0 × 10(-08) ). Still, old MZ pairs with strikingly similar DNA methylation were also observed at these loci. After 10-year follow-up in elderly twins, the variation in DNA methylation showed a similar pattern of change as observed cross-sectionally. The age-related increase in methylation variation was generally attributable to unique environmental factors, except for CRH, for which familial factors may play a more important role. In conclusion, sustained epigenetic differences arise from early adulthood to old age and contribute to an increasing discordance of MZ twins during aging.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Monozygotic (MZ) twinning is a poorly understood phenomenon that may result in subtle biologic differences between twins, despite their identical inheritance. These differences may in part account for discordant expression of disease in MZ twin pairs. Due to their stochastic nature, differences in X chromosome inactivation patterns are one source of such variation in female MZ twins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated X chromosome inactivation patterns in the blood of 41 MZ twin pairs based on methylation of the androgen receptor gene using a Hpa II-PCR assay. Twenty-six female MZ twin pairs with autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis) were studied. In addition, we studied 15 newborn female MZ twin pairs who were characterized at birth with respect to the anatomy of chorionic membranes (dichorionic versus monochorionic). RESULTS: We found a strong correlation between dichorionic fetal anatomy and differences in X chromosome inactivation patterns between members of an MZ twin pair. In contrast, all monochorionic twin pairs had closely correlated patterns of X chromosome inactivation. X chromosome inactivation patterns did not distinguish between MZ twin pairs who were concordant or discordant for autoimmune disease. CONCLUSIONS: The highly similar patterns of X chromosome inactivation among monochorionic twin pairs may result from their shared placental blood supply during intrauterine life. Alternatively, these patterns may indicate that X chromosome inactivation occurs before the twinning event in this anatomic subgroup of MZ twins. The data further suggest that these factors do not make a major contribution to the high discordance rates for autoimmune disease in MZ twin pairs.  相似文献   

A total of 106 pairs of identical twins, of whom 56 were concordant and 50 discordant for insulin-dependent diabetes, were typed for HLA-DR. In both the concordant and discordant groups there was a high prevalence of the antigens DR3 and DR4, a low prevalence of DR5 and DR7, and a virtual absence of DR2. The heterozygous phenotype DR3,DR4 was more prevalent in concordant than discordant pairs. This was therefore the first demonstration of a genetic difference between concordant and discordant identical twin pairs. These findings suggest that possession of both DR3 and DR4 antigens confers a greater genetic predisposition to insulin-dependent diabetes than does the possession of either antigen alone.  相似文献   

Differences in genetic background and/or environmental exposure among individuals are expected to give rise to differences in measurable characteristics, or phenotypes. Consequently, genetic resemblance and similarities in environment should manifest as similarities in phenotypes. The metabolome reflects many of the system properties, and is therefore an important part of the phenotype. Nevertheless, it has not yet been examined to what extent individuals sharing part of their genome and/or environment indeed have similar metabolomes. Here we present the results of hierarchical clustering of blood plasma lipid profile data obtained by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry from 23 healthy, 18-year-old twin pairs, of which 21 pairs were monozygotic, and 8 of their siblings. For 13 monozygotic twin pairs, within-pair similarities in relative concentrations of the detected lipids were indeed larger than the similarities with any other study participant. We demonstrate such high coclustering to be unexpected on basis of chance. The similarities between dizygotic twins and between nontwin siblings, as well as between nonfamilial participants, were less pronounced. In a number of twin pairs, within-pair dissimilarity of lipid profiles positively correlated with increased blood plasma concentrations of C-reactive protein in one twin. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that in healthy individuals, the individual genetic background contributes to the blood plasma lipid profile. Furthermore, lipid profiling may prove useful in monitoring health status, for example, in the context of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate whether insulin dependent diabetes is responsible for the abnormal behaviour of the carrier in sodium-lithium countertransport and whether the diabetic state is associated with rise in blood pressure. DESIGN--Case-control study. SETTING--London teaching hospital. SUBJECTS--44 twin pairs discordant for insulin dependent diabetes living in United Kingdom and 44 healthy control subjects matched for age, sex, and body mass index. None of the twin pairs or the controls had evidence of microalbuminuria. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Sodium-lithium countertransport activity in erythrocytes and arterial blood pressure. RESULTS--The mean (95% confidence interval) sodium-lithium countertransport activity (mmol Li per litre of red blood cells per h) of the diabetic twins (0.291 (0.244 to 0.338)) was similar to that of their non-diabetic cotwins (0.247 (0.204 to 0.290)); both values were significantly higher than that of the controls (0.187 (0.157 to 0.216); p < 0.05). In addition, systolic blood pressure was higher in those twins with diabetes (127 (122 to 133) mm Hg) than in the non-diabetic cotwins (122 (117 to 127) mm Hg; p < 0.01). There were no significant differences in mean diastolic blood pressure between any of the groups studied. CONCLUSIONS--The raised erythrocyte sodium-lithium countertransport activity in the diabetic twins compared with the controls seems to be inherited rather than a consequence of overt diabetes. The higher systolic blood pressure in diabetic twins than non-diabetic cotwins indicates that insulin dependent diabetes does exert a small influence on systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

This report deals with the molecular characterization of a representational difference analysis (RDA)-derived sequence (SZRV-2, GenBank accession No. AF135486; Genome Database accession Nos. 7692183 and 7501402) from three monozygotic twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia (MZD). The results suggest that it is a primate-specific, heavily methylated, and placentally expressed (-7-kb mRNA) endogenous retroviral-related (ERV) sequence of the human genome. We have mapped this sequence to 12q13 using two SZRV-2 positive BAC clones (4K11 (Genome Survey Sequence Database No. 1752076; GenBank accession No. AZ301773) and 501H16) by fluorescence in situ hybridization. End sequencing of the 4K11 BAC clone has allowed identification of nearby genes from the human genome database at NCBI that may be of interest in schizophrenia research. These include viral-related sequences (potential hot spots for insertions), developmental, channel, and signal transduction genes, as well as genes affecting expression of certain receptors in neurons. Furthermore, when used as a probe on Southern blots, SZRV-2 detected no difference between schizophrenia patients from southwestern Ontario and their matched controls. However, it identified aberrant methylation in one of the eight patients and none of the 21 unaffected controls. Although additional experiments will be required to establish the significance, if any, of SZRV-2 methylation in the complex etiology of schizophrenia, molecular results included offer a novel insight into the role of retroviral-related sequences in the origin, organization, and regulation of the human genome.  相似文献   

Coagulation and fibrinolytic activities are under strong genetic control. We studied the effects of acquired obesity, independent of genetic factors on coagulation and fibrinolysis activities in obesity-discordant healthy monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Fourteen obesity-discordant (BMI within-pair difference >3 kg/m(2)) and 10 concordant (BMI difference <2 kg/m(2)) MZ twin pairs were identified from the nationwide FinnTwin16 study. Body composition (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), abdominal fat distribution (magnetic resonance imaging), liver fat (magnetic resonance spectroscopy), high sensitivity C-reactive protein, insulin sensitivity (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp), and a panel of different markers of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in the fasting state were measured. Strong resemblance was observed in most coagulation factors within all twin pairs, with the intraclass correlations ranging from 0.73 to 0.97, P < 0.03. However, the activities of fibrinogen and FIX, FXI, and FXII, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activities were increased in the obese co-twins (P < 0.05) and strongly correlated with the measures of adiposity, inflammation, and insulin resistance (r = 0.32-0.73, P < 0.05) among the twin individuals. Intrapair differences in fibrinogen and PAI-1 correlated with those in BMI, adiposity, and fasting insulin levels (r = 0.40-0.58, P < 0.05) indicating the independent effect of obesity. Derangements of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis are present already in early adulthood in obese subjects. Acquired obesity, independent of genetic factors, increases the activities of fibrinogen and activities of FIX, FXI, FXII, and PAI-1. This study confirms the mechanisms of simultaneous activities of intrinsic coagulation factors and impaired fibrinolysis predisposing obese subjects to thrombosis.  相似文献   

Age at natural menopause may be used as parameter for evaluating the rate of ovarian aging. Environmental factors determine only a small part of the large variation in menopausal age. Studies have shown that genetic factors are likely to be involved in variation in menopausal age. To identify quantitative-trait loci for this trait, we performed a genomewide linkage study with age at natural menopause as a continuous quantitative phenotype in Dutch sister pairs, through use of a selective sampling scheme. A total of 165 families were ascertained using extreme selected sampling and were genotyped for 417 markers. Data were analyzed by Haseman-Elston regression and by an adjusted variance-components analysis. Subgroup analyses for early and late menopausal age were conducted by Haseman-Elston regression. In the adjusted variance-components analysis, 12 chromosomes had a LOD score of > or =1.0. Two chromosomal regions showed suggestive linkage: 9q21.3 (LOD score 2.6) and Xp21.3 (LOD score 3.1). Haseman-Elston regression showed rather similar locations of the peaks but yielded lower LOD scores. A permutation test to obtain empirical P values resulted in a significant peak on the X chromosome. To our knowledge, this is the first study to attempt to identify loci responsible for variability in menopausal age and in which several chromosomal regions were identified with suggestive and significant linkage. Although the finding of the region on the X chromosome comes as no surprise, because of its widespread involvement in premature ovarian failure, the definition of which particular gene is involved is of great interest. The region on chromosome 9 deserves further consideration. Both findings require independent confirmation.  相似文献   

We determined whether acquired obesity is associated with increases in liver or intra-abdominal fat or impaired insulin sensitivity by studying monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs discordant and concordant for obesity. We studied nineteen 24- to 27-yr-old MZ twin pairs, with intrapair differences in body weight ranging from 0.1 to 24.7 kg [body mass index (BMI) range 20.0-33.9 kg/m2], identified from a population-based FinnTwin16 sample. Fat distribution was determined by magnetic resonance imaging, percent body fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, liver fat by proton spectroscopy, insulin sensitivity by measuring the fasting insulin concentration, and whole body insulin sensitivity by the euglycemic insulin clamp technique. Intrapair differences in BMI were significantly correlated with those in intra-abdominal fat (r = 0.82, P < 0.001) and liver fat (r = 0.57, P = 0.010). Intrapair differences in fasting insulin correlated with those in subcutaneous abdominal (r = 0.60, P = 0.008), intra-abdominal (r = 0.75, P = 0.0001) and liver (r = 0.49, P = 0.048) fat. Intrapair differences in whole body insulin sensitivity correlated with those in subcutaneous abdominal (r = -0.72, P = 0.001) and intra-abdominal (r = -0.55, P = 0.015) but not liver (r = -0.20, P = 0.20) fat. We conclude that acquired obesity is associated with increases in intra-abdominal and liver fat and insulin resistance, independent of genetic factors.  相似文献   

Several theoretical studies have suggested that large samples of randomly ascertained siblings can be used to ascertain phenotypically extreme individuals and thereby increase power to detect genetic linkage in complex traits. Here, we report a genetic linkage scan using extremely discordant and concordant sibling pairs, selected from 34,580 sibling pairs in the southwest of England who completed a personality questionnaire. We performed a genomewide scan for quantitative-trait loci (QTLs) that influence variation in the personality trait of neuroticism, or emotional stability, and we established genomewide empirical significance thresholds by simulation. The maximum pointwise P values, expressed as the negative logarithm (base 10), were found on 1q (3.95), 4q (3.84), 7p (3.90), 12q (4.74), and 13q (3.81). These five loci met or exceeded the 5% genomewide significance threshold of 3.8 (negative logarithm of the P value). QTLs on chromosomes 1, 12, and 13 are likely to be female specific. One locus, on chromosome 1, is syntenic with that reported from QTL mapping of rodent emotionality, an animal model of neuroticism, suggesting that some animal and human QTLs influencing emotional stability may be homologous.  相似文献   

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