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Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling plays important roles in brain development. Fgf3 and Fgf8 are crucial for the formation of the forebrain and hindbrain. Fgf8 is also required for the midbrain to form. Here, we identified zebrafish Fgf19 and examined its roles in brain development by knocking down Fgf19 function. We found that Fgf19 expressed in the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain was involved in cell proliferation and cell survival during embryonic brain development. Fgf19 was also essential for development of the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon. Regional specification is linked to cell type specification. Fgf19 was also essential for the specification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and oligodendrocytes generated in the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon. The cross talk between Fgf and Hh signaling is critical for brain development. In the forebrain, Fgf19 expression was down-regulated on inhibition of Hh but not of Fgf3/Fgf8, and overexpression of Fgf19 rescued partially the phenotype on inhibition of Hh. The present findings indicate that Fgf19 signaling is crucial for forebrain development by interacting with Hh and provide new insights into the roles of Fgf signaling in brain development.  相似文献   

We present evidence for a temporal control of GABAergic neurotransmitter specification in the basal forebrain orchestrated by the LIM-homeodomain factor Lhx7. In Xenopus, using in vivo overexpression experiments, we show that x-Lhx7 and x-Nkx2.1 inhibit GABAergic specification in the Dlx-expressing areas of the forebrain (subpallium and diencephalon). In addition, x-Lhx7 almost totally represses GABAergic differentiation at early but not late embryonic stages in subpallial mouse primary neurons in culture, indicating that x-Lhx7 is not able to withdraw the GABAergic phenotype once it is acquired. Moreover, anatomical data show striking correlations between x-Lhx7 expression and the GABAergic/cholinergic phenotypes. These functional and anatomical observations suggest a sequential role for x-Lhx7 in neurotransmitter specification. Thus, x-Lhx7 would first prevent a pool of cells to become GABAergic early in development and then promote cholinergic differentiation later on in this pool. We propose two distinct modulatory roles for a single LIM-hd factor, depending on the developmental time window.  相似文献   

The telencephalon shows the greatest degree of size variation in the vertebrate brain. Understanding the genetic cascade that regulates telencephalon growth is crucial to our understanding of how evolution of the normal human brain has supported such a variation in size. Here, we present a simple and quick approach to analyze this cascade that combines caged-mRNA technology and the use of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides in zebrafish embryos. Lhx2, a LIM-homeodomain protein, and Six3s (Six3b and Six3a), another homeodomain proteins, show very similar expression patterns early in forebrain development, and these are known to be involved in the growth of this part of the brain. The telencephalon of six3b and six3a double morphant (six3 morphant) embryos is markedly reduced in size due to impaired cellular proliferation. Head-specific overexpression of Lhx2 by photoactivation of a caged-lhx2 mRNA completely rescued this size reduction, whereas similar head-specific activation of Six3b could not rescue the knockdown effect of lhx2. In the forebrain of medaka embryos, Six3 facilitates cellular proliferation by sequestration of Geminin from Cdt1, a key component in the assembly of the prereplication complex. Our results suggest that Lhx2 may mediate an alternative or parallel pathway for control of cellular proliferation in the developing forebrain via Six3.  相似文献   

Complex spatiotemporal expression patterns of fgf3 and fgf8 within the developing zebrafish forebrain suggest their involvement in its regionalisation and early development. These factors have unique and combinatorial roles during development of more posterior brain regions, and here we report similar findings for the developing forebrain. We show that Fgf8 and Fgf3 regulate different aspects of telencephalic development, and that Fgf3 alone is required for the expression of several telencephalic markers. Within the diencephalon, Fgf3 and Fgf8 act synergistically to pattern the ventral thalamus, and are implicated in the regulation of optic stalk formation, whereas loss of Fgf3 alone results in defects in ZLI development. Forebrain commissure formation was abnormal in the absence of either Fgf3 or Fgf8; however, most severe defects were observed in the absence of both. Defects were observed in patterning of both the midline territory, within which the commissures normally form, and neuronal populations, whose axons comprise the commissures. Analysis of embryos treated with an FGFR inhibitor suggests that continuous FGF signalling is required from gastrulation stages for normal forebrain patterning, and identifies additional requirements for FGFR activity.  相似文献   

Certain fish and amphibians regenerate entire fins and limbs after amputation, whereas such potential is absent in birds and limited in mammals to digit tips [1, 2]. Additionally, regenerative success can change during life stages. Anuran tadpoles gradually lose the capacity to regenerate limbs [3,?4], and digit regeneration occurs more effectively in fetal mice and human children than adults [5-8]. Little is known about mechanisms that control regenerative capacity. Here, we identify an unexpected difference between male and female zebrafish in the regenerative potential of a major appendage. Males display regenerative defects in amputated pectoral fins, caused by impaired blastemal proliferation. This regenerative failure emerges after sexual maturity, is mimicked in androgen-treated females, and is suppressed in males by androgen receptor antagonism. Androgen signaling maintains expression of dkk1b and igfbp2a, which encode secreted inhibitors of Wnt and Igf signaling, respectively. Furthermore, the regulatory target of Wnts and Igfs, GSK3β, is inefficiently inactivated in male fin regenerates compared with females. Pharmacological inhibition of GSK3 in males increases blastemal proliferation and restores regenerative pattern. Our findings identify a natural sex bias in appendage regenerative capacity and indicate an underlying regulatory circuit in which androgen locally restricts key morphogenetic programs after amputation.  相似文献   

In the past year, several new techniques have been used with great success in the study of nervous system development in the zebrafish. Perhaps the most exciting results have come from experiments in which single identified cells or small groups of cells have been transplanted between embryos in order to examine cell determination and the site of action of genetic mutations.  相似文献   

NK cell activity is controlled by the integration of signals from numerous activating and inhibitory receptors at the immunological synapse (IS). However, the importance of segregation and patterning of proteins at the NK cell IS is unknown. In this study, we report that the level of expression of HLA-C on target cells determined its supramolecular organization and segregation from ICAM-1 at the NK cell IS, as well as its capacity to inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity. At YTS NK cell synapses formed with target cells expressing low levels of HLA-C (i.e., 10(4)/cell surface), a multifocal patterning of MHC class I protein predominated, whereas for higher levels of expression (10(5)/cell surface), clusters of HLA-C were more commonly homogeneous, ring-shaped, or containing multiple exclusions. This correlation of protein density with its patterning at the IS was independent of ATP- or actin-driven processes. Importantly, ICAM-1 and HLA-C segregated only at synapses involving target cells expressing high levels of MHC protein. For peripheral blood NK clones, there were specific thresholds in the level of target cell HLA-C needed to inhibit cytotoxicity and to cause segregation of HLA-C from ICAM-1 at the synapse. Thus, the synapse organization of HLA-C, determined by its level of expression, could directly influence NK cell inhibition, e.g., by regulating the proximity of activating and inhibitory receptors. For the first time, this suggests an important function for the assembly of an inhibitory NK cell IS. More broadly, segregation of proteins at intercellular contacts could transmit information about protein expression levels between cells.  相似文献   

To shed light on the organization of the rostral embryonic brain of a lower vertebrate, we have directly compared the expression patterns of dlx, fgf, hh, hlx, otx, pax, POU, winged helix and wnt gene family members in the fore- and midbrain of the zebrafish. We show that the analyzed genes are expressed in distinct transverse and longitudinal domains and share expression boundaries at stereotypic positions within the fore- and midbrain. Some of these shared expression boundaries coincide with morphological landmarks like the pathways of primary axon tracts. We identified a series of eight transverse diencephalic domains suggestive of neuromeric subdivisions within the rostral brain. In addition, we identified four molecularly distinct longitudinal subdivisions and provide evidence for a strong bending of the longitudinal rostral brain axis at the cephalic flexure. Our data suggest a strong conservation of early forebrain organization between lower and higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

ELF3 and GI are two important components of the Arabidopsis circadian clock. They are not only essential for the oscillator function but are also pivotal in mediating light inputs to the oscillator. Lack of either results in a defective oscillator causing severely compromised output pathways, such as photoperiodic flowering and hypocotyl elongation. Although single loss of function mutants of ELF3 and GI have been well studied, their genetic interaction remains unclear. We generated an elf3 gi double mutant to study their genetic relationship in clock‐controlled growth and phase transition phenotypes. We found that ELF3 and GI repress growth differentially during the night and the day, respectively. Circadian clock assays revealed that ELF3 and GI are essential that enable the oscillator to synchronize the endogenous cellular mechanisms to external environmental signals. In their absence, the circadian oscillator fails to synchronize to the light–dark cycles even under diurnal conditions. Consequently, clock‐mediated photoperiod‐responsive growth and development are completely lost in plants lacking both genes, suggesting that ELF3 and GI together convey photoperiod sensing to the central oscillator. Since ELF3 and GI are conserved across flowering plants and represent important breeding and domestication targets, our data highlight the possibility of developing photoperiod‐insensitive crops by adjusting the allelic combination of these two key genes.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a zebrafish recessive maternal effect mutant, ichabod, that results in severe anterior and dorsal defects during early development. The ichabod mutation is almost completely penetrant, but exhibits variable expressivity. All mutant embryos fail to form a normal embryonic shield; most fail to form a head and notochord and have excessive development of ventral tail fin tissue and blood. Abnormal dorsal patterning can first be observed at 3.5 hpf by the lack of nuclear accumulation of (beta)-catenin in the dorsal yolk syncytial layer, which also fails to express bozozok/dharma/nieuwkoid and znr2/ndr1/squint. At the onset of gastrulation, deficiencies in expression of dorsal markers and expansion of expression of markers of ventral tissues indicate a dramatic alteration of dorsoventral identity. Injection of (beta)-catenin RNA markedly dorsalized ichabod embryos and often completely rescued the phenotype, but no measurable dorsalization was obtained with RNAs encoding upstream Wnt pathway components. In contrast, dorsalization was obtained when RNAs encoding either Bozozok/Dharma/Nieuwkoid or Znr2/Ndr1/Squint were injected. Moreover, injection of (beta)-catenin RNA into ichabod embryos resulted in activation of expression of these two genes, which could also activate each other. RNA injection experiments strongly suggest that the component affected by the ichabod mutation acts on a step affecting (beta)-catenin nuclear localization that is independent of regulation of (beta)-catenin stability. This work demonstrates that a maternal gene controlling localization of (beta)-catenin in dorsal nuclei is necessary for dorsal yolk syncytial layer gene activity and formation of the organizer in the zebrafish.  相似文献   

The Rx1 protein, as many resistance proteins of the nucleotide binding-leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) class, is predicted to be cytoplasmic because it lacks discernable nuclear targeting signals. Here, we demonstrate that Rx1, which confers extreme resistance to Potato virus X, is located both in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Manipulating the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of Rx1 or its elicitor revealed that Rx1 is activated in the cytoplasm and cannot be activated in the nucleus. The coiled coil (CC) domain was found to be required for accumulation of Rx1 in the nucleus, whereas the LRR domain promoted the localization in the cytoplasm. Analyses of structural subdomains of the CC domain revealed no autonomous signals responsible for active nuclear import. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and nuclear fractionation indicated that the CC domain binds transiently to large complexes in the nucleus. Disruption of the Rx1 resistance function and protein conformation by mutating the ATP binding phosphate binding loop in the NB domain, or by silencing the cochaperone SGT1, impaired the accumulation of Rx1 protein in the nucleus, while Rx1 versions lacking the LRR domain were not affected in this respect. Our results support a model in which interdomain interactions and folding states determine the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of Rx1.  相似文献   

Three major axon pathways cross the midline of the vertebrate forebrain early in embryonic development: the postoptic commissure (POC), the anterior commissure (AC) and the optic nerve. We show that a small population of Gfap+ astroglia spans the midline of the zebrafish forebrain in the position of, and prior to, commissural and retinal axon crossing. These glial ;bridges' form in regions devoid of the guidance molecules slit2 and slit3, although a subset of these glial cells express slit1a. We show that Hh signaling is required for commissure formation, glial bridge formation, and the restricted expression of the guidance molecules slit1a, slit2, slit3 and sema3d, but that Hh does not appear to play a direct role in commissural and retinal axon guidance. Reducing Slit2 and/or Slit3 function expanded the glial bridges and caused defasciculation of the POC, consistent with a ;channeling' role for these repellent molecules. By contrast, reducing Slit1a function led to reduced midline axon crossing, suggesting a distinct role for Slit1a in midline axon guidance. Blocking Slit2 and Slit3, but not Slit1a, function in the Hh pathway mutant yot (gli2DR) dramatically rescued POC axon crossing and glial bridge formation at the midline, indicating that expanded Slit2 and Slit3 repellent function is largely responsible for the lack of midline crossing in these mutants. This analysis shows that Hh signaling helps to pattern the expression of Slit guidance molecules that then help to regulate glial cell position and axon guidance across the midline of the forebrain.  相似文献   

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