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Placement of sperm deep in the equine uterine horn allows fewer sperm to be inseminated while maintaining acceptable fertility, and has been promoted for use in circumstances when fertility would be expected to be low if standard insemination were used (e.g., semen from a subfertile stallion, or frozen-thawed semen). Two main techniques, transrectally guided (TRG) and hysteroscopic (HYS) insemination, have been developed for this purpose; however, there is some controversy regarding their comparative efficacy. This study was conducted to compare pregnancy rates when mares were inseminated by TRG or HYS, using sperm numbers approaching and under the minimum threshold, resulting in reduced fertility. When 1 × 106 sperm were inseminated, pregnancy rates were not different (P > 0.10) between techniques HYS (10/13, 77%) and TRG (11/15, 73%). Similarly, when 0.5 × 106 sperm were inseminated, pregnancy rates were not different (P > 0.10) between techniques HYS (3/15, 20%) and TRG (4/13, 31%). Combined pregnancy rates for the two treatments were 13/28 (46%) for HYS and 15/28 (54%) for TRG (P > 0.10). Pregnancy rates using a subthreshold number of sperm were not significantly affected by a deep-horn insemination technique.  相似文献   

Mares were inseminated deep in the uterine horn with 25 million sperm selected by glass wool/Sephadex (GWS) filtration, Percoll separation (PS) or absolute number (AN). Deep-horn insemination using a low-volume, smooth tipped, flexible pipette/catheter delivery system allowed more efficient use of stallion sperm and reduced post-breeding uterine reaction in mares. Mares were pregnant in 15/30, 13/30 and 10/30 cycles for GWS, PS and AN selection methods, respectively. Sperm selection method did not effect pregnancy outcome (P=0.422). However, sperm selected for deep-horn insemination by filtration through a glass wool/Sephadex column tended to improve fertility over simply using an absolute number of sperm (P=0.105).  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein dairy cows (n=1,533) were allocated to one of three treatment groups, with Group I (n=514) receiving 10 mug of a GnRH analogue (buserelin) at artificial insemination (AI) and Group II (n=503) receiving 10 mug of the same analogue at both the time of AI and at 12 days post AI. Herdmates in Group III (n=516) were inseminated on the same day and served as contemporary AI controls. The trial was conducted on five large dairy farms during the spring and summer months in Saudi Arabia. Pregnancy rates were determined by palpation per rectum between 33 and 50 days following AI. The first service pregnancy rate for the control cows (42.4%) was lower (P<0.05) than that for cows treated with the GnRH analogue at AI (48.8%) or for the combined treatment at AI and at Day 12 post AI (51.5%). No additive effect on the pregnancy rate was noted from the combined analog treatment. The overall increase in pregnancy rate from the analogue treatment at AI resulted from an 11% increase in pregnancy rate in first parity cows over that of contemporary controls (P<0.05) and a 14.7% increase in pregnancy for cows mated at 40 to 59 days post partum and treated with the analogue at AI over that of the corresponding controls (P<0.05). The pregnancy rates from repeat AI (interval 相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine pregnancy rates in mares inseminated 1) with 5, 25 and 500 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa (pms), or 2) with 25 x 10(6) sex-sorted cells. In Experiment 1, mares were assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: Group 1 (n=20) was inseminated into the uterine body with 500 x 10(6) pms. Group 2 (n=21) and Group 3 (n=20) were inseminated into the tip of the uterine horn ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle with 25 and 5 x 10(6) pms, respectively. Mares in all 3 groups were inseminated either 40 (n=32) or 34 h (n=29) after GnRH administration. More mares became pregnant when inseminated with 500 x 10(6) (18/20 = 90%) than with 25 x 10(6) pms (12/21 = 57%; P<0.05), but pregnancy rates were similar for mares inseminated with 25 x 10(6) vs 5 x 10(6) pms (7/20 = 35%) (P>0.1). In Experiment 2, mares were assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: Group A (n=11) was inseminated with 25 x 10(6) spermatozoa sorted into X and Y chromosome-bearing populations in a skimmilk extender. Group B (n=10) mares were inseminated similarly except that spermatozoa were sorted into the skimmilk extender + 4% egg yolk. Inseminations were performed 34 h after GnRH administration. Freshly collected semen was incubated in 224 microM Hoechst 33342 at 400 x 10(6) sperm/mL in HBGM-3 for 1 hr at 35 degrees C and then diluted to 100 x 10(6) sperm/mL for sorting. Sperm were sorted by sex using flow cytometer/cell sorters. Spermatozoa were collected at approximately 900 cells/sec into either the extender alone (Group A) or extender + 4% egg yolk (Group B), centrifuged and suspended to 25 x 10 sperm/mL and immediately inseminated. Pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.1) between the sperm treatments (extender alone = 13/10, 30% vs 4% EY + extender = 5/10, 50%). Based on ultrasonography, fetal sex at 60 to 70 d correlated perfectly with the sex of the sperm inseminated, demonstrating that foals of predetermined sex can be obtained following nonsurgical insemination with sexed spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Mares were inseminated with motile spermatozoa suspended in 30-150 microliters Tyrode's medium directly onto the uterotubal papilla at the anterior tip of the uterine horn, ipsilateral to the ovary containing a dominant preovulatory follicle of > or = 35 mm in diameter, by means of a fine gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) catheter passed through the working channel of a strobed light videoendoscope. Insemination of 10, 8, 25, 14, 11 and 10 mares with, respectively, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 or 0.001 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa resulted in conception rates of, respectively, 60, 75, 64, 29, 22 and 10%. Deposition of 1.0 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa onto the uterotubal papilla began to approach the limit of successful fertilization. These doses are far lower than the 3-15 x 10(9) spermatozoa normally ejaculated by fertile stallions during mating, and the accepted minimum dose of 500 x 10(6) spermatozoa used for conventional uterine body insemination in mares. The simplicity of the technique offers a practical means of exploiting new breeding technologies that require very small numbers of spermatozoa in horse breeding.  相似文献   

In six field trials, doses between 1.0 and 6.0 x 10(6) total sexed, frozen-thawed sperm were inseminated into the uterine body or bilaterally into the uterine horns of heifers and nursing Angus cows 12 or 24h after observed estrus. Except for one comparison in one trial in which uterine body insemination was slightly superior (P<0.05) to uterine horn insemination, there was no significant (P>0.1) difference between sites of semen deposition. Additionally, except for one small study with limited numbers, there was essentially no difference in pregnancy rates in the range between 1.5 and 6 x 10(6) sexed, frozen-thawed sperm per inseminate. Pregnancy rates with smaller doses of sexed sperm averaged about 75% of controls of 20 x 10(6) total frozen-thawed, unsexed sperm. While 1.0 x 10(6) sexed, frozen-thawed sperm per insemination dose resulted in decreased pregnancy rates compared to larger doses, the lesser fertility with sexed sperm could not be compensated by increasing sperm numbers in the range of 1.5-6 x 10(6) sperm per dose. Pregnancy rates with 2 x 10(6) sexed, frozen-thawed sperm per dose were not markedly less than control pregnancy rates with 20 x 10(6) frozen-thawed unsexed sperm/dose in well-managed herds.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted with 105 superovulating Holstein dairy cows in attempts to improve the fertilization rate. Cows were superovulated with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and time of estrus was regulated with prostaglandin F(2)alpha (PGF(2)alpha). Semen was deposited on each infundibulum through a laparoscope inserted through the flank (Experiment 1) or near the uterotubal junctions through flexible tubing passed through the cervix and uterine horns (Experiment 2). In the third experiment, high numbers of sperm in fresh semen were deposited in the uterus. Cows were necropsied and ova were recovered and examined about 3.5 d after the beginning of estrus. Deposition of 0.5 ml of frozen-thawed semen on each infundibulum (Experiment 1) reduced both ovum recovery and fertilization. In ten cows inseminated on the infundibulum, ova representing 43% of ovulation points were recovered and 9% of these recovered ova were fertilized. In ten control cows, ova representing 80% of ovulation points were recovered and 62% of them were fertilized. In a 2 x 2 experiment with 36 superovulating cows (Experiment 2), 1 ml of diluted fresh or frozen semen was deposited either near the uterotubal junction or in the uterine body. The overall fertilization rate was 61%, with no significant effect of site of semen deposition or type of semen used. In Experiment 3, 2 or 3 ml of neat semen (average of 4.4 billion sperm) was deposited in the uterus of 12 cows; 183 of 197 intact ova (93%) were fertilized. In 56 control cows inseminated with 0.5 to 1.5 ml of frozen diluted semen (average of 70 million sperm), 502 of 947 intact ova were fertilized (53%, P<0.001). Insemination with high numbers of fresh sperm overcame problems of sperm loss or sperm transport and improved the fertilization rate.  相似文献   

Poor conception rates in highly productive lactating cattle is especially prevalent in large, intensively-managed commercial herds. One of the causative factors is sub-optimal pre-implantation embryonic development which appears to result from inadequate circulating concentrations of progesterone. In the present study, the efficacy of very modest progesterone supplementation, between Days 3.5 and 10 post-AI, on pregnancy rates was determined in a commercial herd where bovine somatotropin (bST) was used as a management tool. All lactating cattle that were deemed to be in estrus and inseminated over a 4-week period were randomly assigned to either a control group (no treatment) or CIDR-1.9g (previously used for estrous synchronization) treatment from Day 3.5 to Day 10 post-AI. Milk samples were collected four times: on the day of AI, at Day 2 or 3, at Day 4 and at Day 22 post-AI and were analyzed for progesterone content. Data from a total of 130 breedings were used in the final analysis. The CIDR treatment increased circulating concentrations of progesterone in treated animals over those of control animals on Day 4 by 0.7ng/ml (P<0.05) and increased pregnancy rate from 35% (22/63) to 48% (32/67) (P=0.068). The effect of treatment was greater in first and second lactation cows, where pregnancy rates were 33% (18/55) in controls and 51% (31/61) in treated animals (P=0.03). The results of this study indicate that the timing of onset of the progesterone influence is important for successful pregnancy outcome, particularly in first and second lactation cows.  相似文献   

Behan JR  Watson PF 《Theriogenology》2006,66(2):338-343
A novel insemination catheter with a smaller polyurethane tip for deeper insertion into the cervix of gilts was compared with the conventional catheter. The novel catheter could be inserted 31.4 mm deeper than the conventional catheter into the gilt cervix, but the difference diminished with parity until the sixth parity when there was no difference in penetration depth between the catheters. In Experiment 1, cyclic gilts were inseminated upon display of oestrus (back pressure test) in the presence of a boar (0 h) and 24 h later. The control group (n = 300) were inseminated with 2 x 10(9) total spermatozoa and the treatment group (n = 300) with 1 x 10(9) total spermatozoa per inseminate, in both cases utilising the novel insemination catheter. No significant differences were observed for farrowing rate and litter size, the values of which were those expected for natural mating. In Experiment 2, 66 cyclic gilts were subjected to the same heat detection and service regime as for Experiment 1 but were served with <1 x 10(9) total sperm cells per inseminate using the new device. Conception rates and embryo counts were recorded. Conception rate declined with <500 x 10(6) spermatozoa, and number of embryos (a reflection of potential litter size) was significantly reduced. Use of the new catheter for gilts with 1 x 10(9) total sperm cells per inseminate will achieve commercially acceptable fertility and fecundity levels, and offer substantial commercial benefits with more rapid genetic gains.  相似文献   

A successful outcome after artificial insemination with cooled semen is dependent on many factors, the sperm quality of the ejaculate being one. Previous studies have shown that spermatozoa with good motility, normal morphology, and good chromatin integrity can be selected by means of colloid centrifugation, particularly single layer centrifugation (SLC) using species-specific colloids. The purpose of the present study was to conduct an insemination trial with spermatozoa from “normal” ejaculates, i.e., from stallions with no known fertility problem, to determine whether the improvements in sperm quality seen in SLC-selected sperm samples compared with uncentrifuged controls in laboratory tests are reflected in an increased pregnancy rate after artificial insemination. In a multicentre study, SLC-selected sperm samples and uncentrifuged controls from eight stallions were inseminated into approximately 10 mares per treatment per stallion. Ultrasound examination was carried out approximately 16 days after insemination to detect an embryonic vesicle. The pregnancy rates per cycle were 45% for controls and 69% for SLC-selected sperm samples, which is statistically significant (P < 0.0018). Thus, the improvement in sperm quality reported previously for SLC-selected sperm samples is associated with an increase in pregnancy rate, even for ejaculates from stallions with no known fertility problem.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to increase fertility with AI of flow-sorted, sexed bovine sperm. In the first trial, a novel competitive fertilization approach was used to compare pressures (30 psi vs 50 psi) for sorting sperm. Both X- and Y-sperm were sorted to approximately 95% purity at 30 and at 50 psi; X-50 + Y-30 (and the converse) were mixed in equal numbers for AI of heifers. Fetal sex divulged which treatment produced the pregnancy; 82% of pregnancies resulted from the 30 psi treatment (P < 0.05). Based on a similar approach, a new-pulsed laser did not damage sperm any more than the previous standard continuous wave laser. In a large field trial, sorting sperm at 40 psi increased pregnancy rates in heifers relative to 50 psi (42.3% vs 34.1%, n = 367/group, P < 0.05). Storing sperm for 20 h before sorting at 40 psi decreased pregnancy rates from 42.3% (n = 367) to 36.8% (n = 368; P < 0.05). Breeding heifers with sexed sperm 55-56 h after CIDR removal and PGF resulted in 34% (n = 32) pregnant, compared to 49% (n = 35) with fixed-time insemination 67-68 h after CIDR removal (P > 0.1). Lactating dairy cows pre-screened for normal reproductive tracts when OvSynch injections (GnRH, prostaglandin, GnRH) were initiated, had similar (P > 0.1) pregnancy rates to timed AI, with 10 × 106 sexed sperm (43.9%, n = 57), 2 × 106 sexed sperm (40.5%, n = 57) and 10 × 106 unsexed control sperm (55.6%, n = 58). A final field trial with unselected, lactating dairy cows resulted in similar pregnancy rates for 2 × 106 sexed sperm in 0.25 mL straws (25.0%, n = 708) and 0.5 mL straws (24.4%, n = 776), but lower (P < 0.05) than unsexed control sperm (37.7%, n = 713). Younger cows and those >84 days in milk had the highest pregnancy rates for both sexed and unsexed sperm. These studies improved sperm sexing procedures, and provided insight into appropriate commercial use of sexed sperm.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) versus gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on ovulatory response and pregnancy rate after timed artificial insemination (TAI) in 605 lactating dairy cows. Cows (mean ± SEM: 2.4 ± 0.08 lactations, 109.0 ± 2.5 d in milk, and 2.8 ± 0.02 body condition score) at three locations were assigned to receive, in a 2 × 2 factorial design, either 100 μg GnRH or 25 mg pLH im on Day 0, 500 μg cloprostenol (PGF) on Day 7, and GnRH or pLH on Day 9, with TAI 14 to 18 h later. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed in a subset of cows on Days 0, 7, 10, and 11 to determine ovulations, presence of corpus luteum, and follicle diameter and in all cows 32 d after TAI for pregnancy determination. In 35 cows, plasma progesterone concentrations were determined 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12 d after ovulation. The proportion of noncyclic cows and cows with ovarian cysts on Day 0 were 12% and 6%, respectively. Ovulatory response to first treatment was 62% versus 44% for pLH and GnRH and 78% versus 50% for noncyclic and cyclic cows (P < 0.01). Location, ovulatory response to first pLH or GnRH, cyclic status, presence of an ovarian cyst, and preovulatory follicle size did not affect pregnancy rate. Plasma progesterone concentrations after TAI did not differ among treatments. Pregnancy rate to TAI was greater (P < 0.01) in the GnRH/PGF/pLH group (42%) than in the other three groups (28%, 30%, and 26% for GnRH/PGF/GnRH, pLH/PGF/GnRH, and pLH/PGF/pLH, respectively). Although only 3% of cows given pLH in lieu of GnRH on Day 9 lost their embryo versus 7% in those subjected to a conventional TAI using two GnRH treatments, the difference was not statistically significant. In summary, pLH treatment on Day 0 increased ovulatory response but not pregnancy rate. Cows treated with GnRH/PGF/pLH had the highest pregnancy rate to TAI, but progesterone concentrations after TAI were not increased. In addition, preovulatory follicle diameter did not affect pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

Sieme H  Bonk A  Hamann H  Klug E  Katila T 《Theriogenology》2004,62(5):915-928
The effects of different artificial insemination (AI) techniques and sperm doses on pregnancy rates of normal Hanoverian breed mares and mares with a history of barrenness or pregnancy failure using fresh or frozen-thawed sperm were investigated. The material included 187 normal mares (148 foaling and 39 young maiden mares) and 85 problem mares with abnormal reproductive history. Mares were randomly allotted into groups with respect to AI technique (routine AI into the uterine body, transrectally controlled deep intracornual AI ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle, or hysteroscopic AI onto the uterotubal junction ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle), storage method of semen (fresh, frozen-thawed), AI volume (0.5, 2, 12 ml), and sperm dose (50 x 10(6) or 300 x 10(6) progressively motile sperm (pms) for fresh semen and 100 or 800 x 10(6) frozen-thawed sperm with >35% post-thaw motility). The mares were inseminated once per cycle, 24 h after hCG administration when fresh semen was used, or 30 h for frozen-thawed semen. Differences in pregnancy rates between treatment groups were analyzed by Chi-squared test, and for most relevant factors (insemination technique, mare, semen, and stallion) expectation values and confidence intervals were calculated using multivariate logistic models. Neither insemination technique, volume, sperm dose, nor mare or stallion had significant effects (P > 0.05) on fertility. Type of semen, breeding mares during foal heat, and an interaction between insemination technique, semen parameters, and mares did have significant effects (P < 0.05). In problem mares, frozen semen AI yielded significantly lower pregnancy rates than fresh semen AI (16/43, 37.2% versus 25/42, 59.5%), but this was not the case in normal mares. In normal mares, hysteroscopic AI with fresh semen gave significantly (P < 0.05) better pregnancy rates than uterine body AI (27/38, 71% versus 18/38, 47.3%), whereas in problem mares this resulted in significantly lower pregnancy rates than uterine body AI (5/15, 33.3% versus 16/19, 84.2%). Our results demonstrate that for problem mares, conventional insemination into the uterine body appears to be superior to hysteroscopic insemination and in normal mares, the highest pregnancy rates can be expected by hysteroscopic insemination.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 40 ewes were used in a 2 x 2 factorial design to investigate the effects of intrauterine versus cervical insemination and superovulation using pig FSH or PMSG and GnRH on egg recovery and fertilization rate. Cervical inseminations were carried out at 48 and 60 h (N = 20 ewes) and intrauterine insemination at 52 h (N = 20 ewes) after progestagen pessary withdrawal. Eggs were recovered on Day 3 of the oestrous cycle. Ovulation, egg recovery and fertilization rates were independent of the type of superovulatory hormone used. Fertilization rate was high irrespective of insemination site but intrauterine insemination at 52 h was associated with a significant (P less than 0.01) decrease in egg recovery of over 40% compared with cervically inseminated ewes. In Exp. 2 ewes were inseminated at 36 (N = 5), 48 (N = 6) or 60 (N = 6) h after pessary withdrawal to determine the optimum intrauterine insemination time to maximize both fertilization rate and egg recovery. Egg recovery per ewe flushed was 23, 59 and 67% after intrauterine insemination at 36, 48 and 60 h respectively. Correspondingly, 0, 85 and 100% of the eggs recovered were fertilized. The results of Exps 1 and 2 suggest that when intrauterine insemination occurs before or during ovulation it interferes with oocyte collection by the fimbria. In Exp. 3 egg recovery and fertilization rates were determined after cervical insemination at 48 and 60 h (N = 8) or intrauterine insemination at 48 (N = 9) or 60 (N = 8) h after progestagen withdrawal. Ewes in the last two groups were subdivided and inseminated unilaterally or bilaterally. Egg recovery was high after cervical insemination (95%) but only 36% of these eggs were fertilized. Unilateral intrauterine insemination was as effective as bilateral in ensuring high fertilization rates (100 versus 97%). Intrauterine insemination at 48 h compared with 60 h resulted in a significantly lower (P less than 0.05) percentage of eggs recovered (42 versus 90% respectively). However, reducing the degree of interference by adopting unilateral rather than bilateral insemination did not alleviate the detrimental effects of the 48-h insemination time on egg recovery. From these results we advocate the adoption of intrauterine insemination at 60 h after progestagen withdrawal to maximize fertilization rate and egg recovery in superovulated ewes.  相似文献   

It is probable that reduced pregnancy rates in mares bred to subfertile stallions is attributable, in part, to the reduced number of normal spermatozoa that colonize the oviduct. Administration of oxytocin stimulates both uterine and oviductal contractility. The hypothesis that oxytocin may enhance sperm transport to/into the oviducts, and thereby increase pregnancy rates, was tested in 2 trials. For both trials, fertile estrous mares with follicles > or = 35 mm in diameter were inseminated once at 24 h after administration of 1500 to 2000 U hCG. The inseminate dose was limited to 100 million spermatozoa in order to lower pregnancy rates and thus increase the chance of detecting a treatment effect. Pregnancy status was determined by transrectal ultrasound examination 14 to 16 d after insemination. In Trial 1, 49 mares were inseminated with 4 mL extended semen from 1 of 3 stallions (1 fertile and 2 subfertile males). Immediately after insemination, the mares were administered either 20 U oxytocin or 1 mL saline intravenously. In Trial 2, 51 mares were inseminated with 4 mL extended semen from 1 of 4 stallions (1 fertile and 1 subfertile male used in Trial 1, and 2 additional fertile males). Immediately after insemination, and again 30 min later, mares were administered either 5 U oxytocin or 0.25 mL saline intramuscularly. To test for effects of treatment with oxytocin and for the interaction between semen quality and treatment, a generalized linear mixed regression model was used that accounted for the split-plot design (treatment within stallions), the random effect of stallion, the fixed effect of semen quality, the binary outcome of a single breeding trial, and the varying number of trials per stallion/treatment groups. Three treatment protocols or regimens were used: placebo, 5 U oxytocin injected twice intramuscularly, and 20 units oxytocin injected twice intravenously. Semen was classified as high (fertile stallions) or low (subfertile stallions) quality. No interaction between semen quality and treatment was detected (P > 0.10). The pregnancy rate of mares treated with oxytocin immediately after insemination was 30% (15/50) compared with 50% (25/50) for mares treated with saline immediately after breeding. Administration of oxytocin did not affect pregnancy rates (P > 0.10).  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that insemination of mares with twice the recommended dose of cooled semen (2 x 10(9) spermatozoa) would result in higher pregnancy rates than insemination with a single dose (1 x 10(9) spermatozoa) or with 1 x 10(9) spermatozoa on each of 2 consecutive days. A total of 83 cycles from 61 mares was used. Mares were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups when a 40-mm follicle was detected by palpation and ultrasonography. Mares in Group 1 were inseminated with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled in a passive cooling unit to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. A second aliquot of semen from the same collection was stored for an additional 24 h and inseminated at 48 h after collection. Mares in Group 2 were inseminated once with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. Group 3 mares were inseminated once with 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. All mares were given 2500 IU i.v. hCG at the first insemination. Pregnancy was determined by ultrasonography 12, 14 and 16 d after ovulation. On Day 16, mares were administered i.m. 10 mg of PGF2 alpha and, upon returning to estrus, were randomly reassigned to a group for repeated treatment. Semen was collected from one of 3 stallions every 3 d; mares with a 40-mm ovarian follicle were inseminated with semen from the stallion collected on the preceding day. Semen was allocated into doses containing 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa, diluted with dried skim milk-glucose extender to a concentration of 25 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa/ml (total volume 40 ml), placed in a passive cooling unit and cooled to 5 degrees C for 24 or 48 h. Response was measured by number of mares showing pregnancy. Data were analyzed by Chi square. Mares inseminated twice with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa on each of two consecutive days had a higher pregnancy rate (16/25, 64%; P < 0.05) than mares inseminated once with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa (9/29, 31%) or those inseminated once with 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa (12/29, 41%). Pregnancy rates did not differ significantly (P > 0.10) among stallions (69, 34 and 32%). Interval from last insemination to ovulation was 0.9, 2.0 and 2.0 d for mares in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Based on these results, the optimal insemination regimen is a dose of 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa given on two consecutive days. However, a shorter interval (< or = 24 h rather than > 0.9 d) between insemination and ovulation may affect pregnancy rates, and needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

Pony mares (n=480) and 16 stallions were assigned to four herds of 60 mares and one stallion (large herds) and to 12 herds of 20 mares and one stallion (small herds). The stallions remained with the herds continuously for all of the large herds and seven of the small herds. In the five remaining small herds the stallion was put into a herd for three hours every two days for 12 observation periods. Pregnancy rates and day of ovulation were estimated by size of embryonal enlargements. Mean pregnancy rates of 51% and 54% were obtained in the small herds and 42% in the large herds during a 48-day period (equivalent to two estrous cycles). Pregnancy rates for herds with the stallion present continuously were higher (P<0.01) for the small herds than for the large herds for days 1-24 (42% versus 19%). There was no effect of herd size on number of mares becoming pregnant per herd on days 1-24, but more mares (P<0.01) became pregnant during days 25-48 in the large herds (13.2 mares per herd versus 1.8). In the herds in which the stallion was present intermittently, the number of times that the stallion rebred the same mare when more than one mare was in estrus was greater (P<0.01) than what would be expected to occur by chance (observed, 21%; expected, 11%). Repeated breeding of the same mare seemed related to the availability or activity of the mare, since such mares more frequently followed and positioned themselves in the vicinity of the stallion. Most of the interferences by a mare which involved keeping the stallion and another mare apart were directed at the mare, whereas most of the interferences during mounting were directed at the stallion (P<0.01). Mares were more likely (P<0.01) to interfere when in estrus than when in nonestrus. When interfering mares were in nonestrus, their hostility was usually directed at the stallion (92%), whereas when in estrus their interference was more frequently directed at a mare (73%, P<0.01).  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the GnRH agonist Buserelin given on day 10 after ovulation on pregnancy rate and concentrations of progesterone and LH. Altogether 191 warmblood mares were used for two trials. Fresh or frozen/thawed semen from 27 stallions was used for A.I. In trial A 171 mares received either Buserelin (Receptal, Hoechst, Germany, 40 microg/animal) or 10 ml 0.9% NaCl (placebo). On day 16 after A.I. pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasound scanning of the uterus. For statistical analysis, data were analyzed by a mixed model, with four fixed factors (treatment, type of spermatozoa, A.I. number, reproductive status of the mare) and a random factor (stallion). Least Square Means (LSM) for pregnancy rate were 46.0% in GnRH agonist treated mares and 36.4% in the control group (P=0.22). In trial B 20 lactating and cycling mares were used for endocrine studies. Blood samples were recovered for analyses of progesterone and LH from days 0 to 11. The mean progesterone concentrations increased continuously from days 0 to 8 after ovulation in both groups (GnRH group: from 0.81+/-0.48 to 5.47+/-0.48 ng/ml, control group: from 0.63+/-0.68 to 5.83+/-0.68 ng/ml). Moreover, the progesterone concentrations from days 9 to 11 were not different between the GnRH and the control group. In contrast to this LH concentrations were markedly influenced by the GnRH agonist. On day 10 LH concentrations were significantly higher in GnRH agonist treated than in placebo treated animals. From the data obtained from individual animals it can be concluded that GnRH agonist, given during luteal phase may have different effect on luteal function.  相似文献   

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