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The locations and habitat features of freshwater holding areas and the timing of fall migration are undocumented for Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage, Mississippi. Our objectives were to identify and characterize holding areas for Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi), document their summer and fall movement patterns, and determine migration cues. To do this we captured, radio‐tagged, and monitored movement of Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage and analyzed these data using geographic information systems. From May to November Gulf sturgeon congregate in a holding area in the lower portion of the Pascagoula River and Big Black Creek [river kilometers (rkm) 57–68] and near Cumbest Bluff (rkm 40), before they return to the Gulf of Mexico. While in the holding area, Gulf sturgeon were typically found in deep locations, either in or downstream from river bends. As found in other rivers, Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River showed little movement within the holding area and often stayed within a single river bend; although we observed local movements by some individuals (under 10 rkm). In the Pascagoula River, Gulf sturgeon initiated their migration out of fresh water from late‐September to mid‐October, coincident with shorter day length, falling water temperature (mean = 23.7°C, range 21–26°C), and elevated river flow. Our work demonstrates that the lower Pascagoula River serves as a vital area for Gulf sturgeon.  相似文献   

The Pascagoula watershed likely offers the greatest possibility for the survival of the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, within Mississippi. Thus, understanding and preserving the connectivity between distant habitats in this region plays a major role in protecting and managing such anadromous fish populations. The focus of this project was to determine the within‐river routes Gulf sturgeon take through the lower Pascagoula River downstream of the point where it splits (river kilometer 23) into two distinct distributaries. Sixty days were sampled throughout a two‐year period with a total effort of 81 947 net‐meter‐hours and eight Gulf sturgeon were captured, ranging from 74 to 189 cm FL and weighing from 3.6 to 52.6 kg. Using an array of automated telemetry receivers, acoustically tagged Gulf sturgeon movements were monitored within the lower river and associated estuary. Estimated residence times (days) suggest Gulf sturgeon appear to prefer the eastern distributary upriver from Bayou Chemise as the primary travel corridor between freshwater habitats and marine feeding grounds. The western distributary mouth was more highly used by Gulf sturgeon during both seasonal migrations between upriver and offshore habitats. Thus, the western distributary appears to represent the main entrance point utilized by Gulf sturgeon to the Pascagoula River watershed and should be protected as the eastern distributary mouth has been altered from a natural marsh edge to one of hardened surfaces.  相似文献   

Gut contents of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon from the lower and middle Mississippi River were obtained by colonic flushing, a safe and easily implemented alternative to gastric lavage. Diets of both species were dominated numerically by immature Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera. Primary prey, based on volume, for shovelnose sturgeon were Trichoptera, and for pallid sturgeon were various fishes. Geographic and seasonal nuances in diet were observed for both species, but the general dichotomy of shovelnose sturgeon as browser on invertebrates and pallid sturgeon as predator on fishes did not change. Data indicate that both species require hard substrates for feeding. Data demonstrate that colonic flushing is an effective technique for describing diet and inferring ecological and behavioral information about sturgeon.  相似文献   

Age and growth of pallid sturgeon in the free-flowing Mississippi River   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Trotlines were used to capture pallid sturgeon in the free‐flowing Mississippi River, which extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the mouth of the Missouri River. Trotlines were baited with worms, and set overnight usually along the channel border. The pectoral fin rays of 165 pallid sturgeon caught in the Mississippi River were aged; 118 were from the lower Mississippi River (LMR) between the Gulf and mouth of the Ohio River, and 47 were from the middle Mississippi River (MMR) between the mouths of the Ohio and Missouri rivers. Initial agreement within ±1 year between two readers ranged from 53% for the LMR specimens, which were read first, to 84% for the MMR. Final age was agreed upon by both readers. For LMR pallid sturgeon, final age estimates ranged from 3 to 21 years with a mean (±SD) of 11.0 ± 4.7. For MMR pallid sturgeon, final age estimates ranged from 5 to 14 years with a mean of 9.5 ± 2.1. Seven pallid sturgeon marked with coded wire tags (CWT), indicating hatchery origin, were collected in the MMR. Age estimates for CWT fish were 7–8 years representing 1997 stocked fish, and 11–12 years representing 1992 progeny stocked in 1994. Von Bertalanffy growth equations for length indicated that pallid sturgeon in the MMR had higher growth rates for a given age than pallid sturgeon in the LMR. However, there were no significant differences (anova , P > 0.5) in the length–weight relationships between reaches. In the LMR, pallid sturgeon fully recruited to trotlines at age 11 and instantaneous total mortality (Z; slope of catch curve) was estimated at −0.12 (n = 10 year classes, r2 = 0.55, P = 0.01). Of the 118 sectioned rays from the LMR, 28 could not be reliably aged (only one section from the MMR could not be aged). Therefore, age was predicted from length using the von Bertalanffy equation. The catch curve was re‐calculated using the predicted ages of the 28 pallid sturgeon in the LMR resulting in Z = −0.07. In the MMR, pallid sturgeon fully recruited to trotlines at age 9 and Z was estimated at −0.36 (n = 6 year classes, r2 = 0.67, P = 0.04), which was significantly higher (anova , P = 0.04) than the LMR estimate. Higher mortality in the MMR may be due to habitat limitations compared to a larger, more diverse channel in the LMR, and incidental take of larger, older individuals during commercial harvesting of shovelnose sturgeon. Commercial take of shovelnose does not occur in the LMR except in the northern portion of the reach. Considering the presence of pallid sturgeon with CWT, recruitment of older individuals in the MMR may have been influenced by stocking a decade earlier. Management strategies for this endangered species should consider the differences in mortality rates among reaches, the impacts of commercial fishing on recovery of pallid sturgeon in the MMR, and the long‐term effects of hatchery fish now recruiting into the free‐flowing Mississippi River.  相似文献   

A multiyear study of pallid sturgeon distribution and relative abundance was conducted in the lower and middle Mississippi river (LMR and MMR, respectively). The LMR and MMR comprise the free‐flowing Mississippi River extending 1857 river kilometers (rkm) from its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico upstream to the mouth of the Missouri River. A total of 219 pallid sturgeon and 6018 shovelnose sturgeon was collected during the periods 1996–1997 and 2000–2006. Trotlines baited with worms were the primary collecting gear. The smallest pallid sturgeon captured on trotlines was 405 mm FL and the largest was 995 mm FL. Mean size of pallid sturgeon was statistically smaller in the Mississippi River below the Atchafalaya River near Baton Rouge, LA (621 mm FL). Mean abundance (catch per trotline night) of pallid sturgeon was highest at water temperatures around 10°C. There was a latitudinal trend in mean abundance of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon, but the pattern differed between species. Pallid sturgeon abundance was statistically (P < 0.05) higher (0.3 fish per trotline night) in the lower reach between the Atchafalaya River and New Orleans (rkm 154–507), and at the Chain of Rocks (COR), a low water dam near the mouth of the Missouri River. Pallid sturgeon abundance between these two locations was statistically the same (0.12–0.23). Shovelnose sturgeon abundance increased going upstream, but was disproportionally higher at the COR (22 fish per line compared with <6 fish per line in other reaches). Overall, the ratio between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon varied from a high of 1 : 6 at the lower reach, and gradually decreased upstream to a low of 1 : 77 at the COR. Based on differences in sturgeon abundance, size and habitat characteristics, the free‐flowing Mississippi River can be divided into two reaches in the MMR (i.e. COR is a separate location), and four reaches (i.e., including the Atchafalaya River) in the LMR where management goals may differ.  相似文献   

Estimated number of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus impacted annually by towboat entrainment in navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River were compared against estimates of fishery harvest and ambient population densities to evaluate the relevance of entrainment at the population level. Mean number of sturgeon entrained per kilometer of navigation was estimated at 0.02, and mean number entrained annually considering towboat traffic was estimated at 0.38 sturgeon/ha. Losses associated with entrainment were mostly lower than fishery harvest, although differences were not large. The two sources of mortality combined could potentially reduce the mature adult population to a level where it no longer has the reproductive capacity to replenish itself. Thus, through a combination of entrainment and fishing mortality shovelnose sturgeon may be looming near unsustainable population levels. These estimates are preliminary considering the many uncertainties associated with quantifying entrainment and its effects. Additional research is needed not only to derive better estimates, but also to develop options for managing entrainment.  相似文献   

Harvest of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus for caviar has increased. To determine whether populations can withstand increased harvest, detailed information regarding sexual demographics is needed. We describe gender and reproductive development of 306 shovelnose sturgeon from the Middle Mississippi River (River km 0–322) during September 2001 through December 2003. Using dissection and histology, we identified three of the four gonadal stages described previously for male lake sturgeon and all seven stages for females. Males reached maturity at a smaller size than did females. Gonads can be rapidly inspected for sex and stage of development for the shovelnose sturgeon. The sex ratio was not different from 1 : 1. Seven intersexual fish occurred. Female fecundity was positively related to body weight (number of eggs = 30.24 × body weight − 8392; P = 0.013; r2 = 0.45) and weakly related to fork length (number of eggs = 146.37 × fork length − 66 176, P = 0.053, r2 = 0.23).  相似文献   

Dick CW 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(8):1873-1874
Recent methodological advances permit refined inferences of evolutionary processes from the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of plant populations. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Born et al. (2008) exploit the full power of these methods by examining effects of ancient and recent landscape histories in an African rainforest tree species. The authors first detected admixture of distinct gene pools that may have formed in Pleistocene forest refuges. Then, comparing across six study populations in Gabon, the authors found similar patterns of fine-scale spatial genetic structure despite natural and anthropogenic variation in population density. The latter results suggest that enhanced gene dispersal may compensate for low population densities in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes & Richardson, 1905, Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, 1905, 7, 37) are an endangered riverine sturgeon native to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and declining numbers have been attributed to multiple stressors, including habitat loss and alteration. The lower Mississippi River provides a useful context to assess pallid sturgeon habitat selection because, although altered for flood control and navigation, it provides a free-flowing system with a diversity of habitats and a minimally altered hydrograph. A discrete choice model of data collected year-round from two reaches for 3–5 years revealed changes in habitat selection across water temperatures and river stages representative of seasonal variation in habitat for 116 telemetry-tagged pallid sturgeon. Natural bank, island tip, and secondary channel were positively selected and main channel, although frequently used, was avoided. The degree of selection varied among river stages, water temperatures, and reaches. Habitat selection appears to be strongly influenced by preference for locations with moderate depth (median 11.7 m; lower and upper quartiles 8.1 m and 16.3 m) and moderate current velocity (median 0.9 m/s; lower and upper quartiles 0.7 m/s and 1.2 m/s).  相似文献   

Plagiocirrus loboides n. sp. (Digenea: Opecoelidae) is described from Fundulus nottii, F. dispar blairae, F. chrysotus, and Notemigonus crysoleucas from the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Plagiocirrus loboides differs from P. primus Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932, by having a longer postcecal space (14-25% of body length vs. about 7%); a more anterior vitellarium (extending at least to the middle of the ventral sucker vs. to its posterior margin); and larger eggs (51-71 microm long by 23-34 microm wide vs. 40-55 microm long by 30-35 microm wide). Plagiocirrus loboides differs from P. testeus Fritts, 1959, by having a long postcecal space (vs. < 5% of body length); irregular, oblique, contiguous testes (vs. strongly lobed, well separated, tandem testes); and a more extensive vitellarium. Plagiocirrus loboides differs from both congeners by having an ovary comprised of 3 or 4 distinct lobes rather than having an entire ovary. Plagiocirrus wuyienensis Wang, 1981, from Hemimyzon zebroidus in Fujian Province, China, is herein considered a species inquirenda because it has a Y-shaped excretory bladder. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of 28S rDNA gene fragments from P. loboides and 17 digenean species demonstrates that Plagiocirrus belongs in Opecoelidae.  相似文献   

Epiphytic plants occupy three-dimensional space, which allows more individuals to be closely clustered spatially than is possible for populations occupying two dimensions. The unique characteristics of epiphytes can act in concert to influence the fine-scale genetic structure of their populations which can, in turn, influence mating patterns and other population phenomena. Three large populations of Laelia rubescens (Orchidaceae) in the Costa Rican seasonal dry forest were sampled at two levels of intensity to determine: (i) whether individual clusters contain more than one genotype, and (ii) the spatial distribution and fine-scale genetic structure of genotypes within populations. Samples were assayed for their multilocus allozyme genotypes and spatial autocorrelation analyses were performed. High levels of genetic diversity, high genotypic diversity and low among-population variation were found. In the larger clusters, multiple genets per cluster were common with discrete clusters containing up to nine genotypes. Spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated significant positive genetic structure at distances of 相似文献   

The pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) was not described until 1905, when it was commonly caught by commercial fishers. This species began to decline in the early 1900s presumably because of overharvest and habitat degradation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed S. albus as an endangered species in 1990. Because S. albus live in deep, turbid rivers that are difficult to sample, very little is known about its reproductive timing and spawning habitat. The act of spawning has never been observed in nature. Captures of wild young S. albus verifying natural reproduction are rare, the last being a 4‐year‐old fish taken in 1978. In this paper, we describe the first collection of a larval S. albus from the wild and subsequent larval collections in the Mississippi River from 1998 to 2000 using a modified slingshot balloon trawl (the Missouri Trawl) designed to capture small fishes in deep, turbulent rivers. We captured larval Scaphirhynchus spp., including verified S. albus, in association with island habitats often in heavy detritus, especially at downstream tips. We postulate that Scaphirhynchus spp. spawned at the heads of islands upstream from where we collected larvae, but we cannot be certain. The capture of larval S. albus verifies reproduction possibly from the lower Missouri River to the upper and lower Mississippi River. However, we found no evidence of recruitment of S. albus from 1998 to 2000 as we were unable to capture juveniles after 374 trawl hauls that captured over 21 735 fish.  相似文献   

Multilocus F ST estimates revealed a pronounced genetic structure at six microsatellite loci in brown trout Salmo trutta in Nordre Finnvikelv, with at least three breeding units that remained stable over time. Significant differences in allele frequencies were found between five sections within a 3-km range, even when no physical barriers prevented fish from migrating between sections. It is argued that geological structures may rise to patterns resembling isolation by distance. Seemingly, the most important factor causing genetic differentiation in Nordre Finnvikelv is genetic drift in small populations that are geologically subdivided by a tributary and by impassable waterfalls. Some correlation between previous behavioural observations and genetic structures were found.  相似文献   

Shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus are a large‐river fish distributed throughout the Mississippi River basin, including the lower 1,533 km of the Mississippi River where riverine habitat has been and continues to be modified for navigation and is a potential site for development of instream hydrokinetic electric power generation. Information about habitat use and preference is essential to future conservation efforts. Shovelnose sturgeon have previously been found to select particular habitat types, and these selected habitats vary seasonally; although these past analyses do not consider the selected habitats in a landscape context. We used ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) that uses distributions of telemetry locations and environmental variables to model habitat suitability in a landscape context. We recorded 333 locations of shovelnose sturgeon during July–December 2013 that included periods of relatively high and low river stages. The ENFA analysis indicated high‐suitability locations were in or near deep water during both high and low river stages. During high river stages, high‐suitability locations were near island tip habitat, deep water, and steep bottom slope and far from main channel habitat. During low stages, high‐suitability locations were in or near deep water and main channel habitat and far from secondary channel and wing dike habitats. This landscape‐scale analysis supports seasonal shifts in habitat use and provides insights that can be used to inform habitat conservation and management to benefit shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Mississippi River and possibly other large rivers.  相似文献   

Comparison of the fine-scale genetic structure of three dipterocarp species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the fine-scale genetic structure of three tropical-rainforest trees, Hopea dryobalanoides, Shorea parvifolia and S. acuminata (Dipterocarpaceae), in Peninsular Malaysia, all of which cooccurred within a 6-ha plot in Pasoh Forest Reserve. A significant genetic structure was found in H. dryobalanoides, weaker (but still significant) genetic structure in S. parvifolia and nonsignificant structure in S. acuminata. Seeds of all three species are wind dispersed, and their flowers are thought to be insect pollinated. The most obvious difference among these species is their height: S. parvifolia and S. acuminata are canopy species, whereas H. dryobalanoides is a subcanopy species. Clear differences were also found among these species in their range of seed dispersal, which depends on the height of the release point; so taller trees disperse their seed more extensively. The estimates of seed dispersal area were consistent with the degree of genetic structure found in the three species. Therefore, tree height probably had a strong influence on the fine-scale genetic structure of the three species.  相似文献   

The quillwort Isoëtes cangae is a critically endangered species occurring in a single lake in Serra dos Carajás, Eastern Amazon. Low genetic diversity and small effective population sizes (N e) are expected for narrow endemic species (NES). Conservation biology studies centered in a single species show some limitations, but they are still useful considering the limited time and resources available for protection of species at risk of extinction. Here, we evaluated the genetic diversity, population structure, N e, and minimum viable population (MVP) of Icangae to provide information for effective conservation programs. Our analyses were based on 55 individuals collected from the Amendoim Lake and 35,638 neutral SNPs. Our results indicated a single panmictic population, moderate levels of genetic diversity, and N e in the order of thousands, contrasting the expected for NES. Negative FIS values were also found, suggesting that Icangae is not under risk of inbreeding depression. Our findings imply that Icangae contains enough genetic diversity to ensure evolutionary potential and that all individuals should be treated as one demographic unit. These results provide essential information to optimize ex situ conservation efforts and genetic diversity monitoring, which are currently applied to guide Icangae conservation plans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In plant populations the magnitude of spatial genetic structure of apparent individuals (including clonal ramets) can be different from that of sexual individuals (genets). Thus, distinguishing the effects of clonal versus sexual individuals in population genetic analyses could provide important insights for evolutionary biology and conservation. To investigate the effects of clonal spread on the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within plant populations, Hosta jonesii (Liliaceae), an endemic species to Korea, was chosen as a study species. METHODS: Using allozymes as genetic markers, spatial autocorrelation analysis of ramets and of genets was conducted to quantify the spatial scale of clonal spread and genotype distribution in two populations of H. jonesii. KEY RESULTS: Join-count statistics revealed that most clones are significantly aggregated at < 3-m interplant distance. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of all individuals resulted in significantly higher Moran's I values at 0-3-m interplant distance than analyses of population samples in which clones were excluded. However, significant fine-scale genetic structure was still observed when clones were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that clones enhance the magnitude of spatial autocorrelation due to localized clonal spread. The significant fine-scale genetic structure detected in samples excluding clones is consistent with the biological and ecological traits exhibited by H. jonesii including bee pollination and limited seed dispersal. For conservation purposes, genetic diversity would be maximized in local populations of H. jonesii by collecting or preserving individuals that are spaced at least 5 m apart.  相似文献   

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