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A simple axisymmetric finite element model of a human spine segment containing two adjacent vertebrae and the intervening intervertebral disk was constructed. The model incorporated four substructures: one to represent each of the vertebral bodies, the annulus fibrosus, and the nucleus pulposus. A semi-analytic technique was used to maintain the computational economies of a two-dimensional analysis when nonaxisymmetric loads were imposed on the model. The annulus material was represented as a layered fiber-reinforced composite. This paper describes the selection of material constants to represent the anisotropic layers of the annulus. It shows that a single set of material constants can be chosen so that model predictions of gross disk behavior under compression, torsion, shear, and moment loading are in reasonable agreement with the mean and range of experimentally measured disk behaviors. It also examines the effects of varying annular material properties.  相似文献   

Computational implementation of physical and physiologically realistic constitutive models is critical for numerical simulation of soft biological tissues in a variety of biomedical applications. It is well established that the highly nonlinear and anisotropic mechanical behaviors of soft tissues are an emergent behavior of the underlying tissue microstructure. In the present study, we have implemented a structural constitutive model into a finite element framework specialized for membrane tissues. We noted that starting with a single element subjected to uniaxial tension, the non-fibrous tissue matrix must be present to prevent unrealistic tissue deformations. Flexural simulations were used to set the non-fibrous matrix modulus because fibers have little effects on tissue deformation under three-point bending. Multiple deformation modes were simulated, including strip biaxial, planar biaxial with two attachment methods, and membrane inflation. Detailed comparisons with experimental data were undertaken to insure faithful simulations of both the macro-level stress–strain insights into adaptations of the fiber architecture under stress, such as fiber reorientation and fiber recruitment. Results indicated a high degree of fidelity and demonstrated interesting microstructural adaptions to stress and the important role of the underlying tissue matrix. Moreover, we apparently resolve a discrepancy in our 1997 study (Billiar and Sacks, 1997. J. Biomech. 30 (7), 753–756) where we observed that under strip biaxial stretch the simulated fiber splay responses were not in good agreement with the experimental results, suggesting non-affine deformations may have occurred. However, by correctly accounting for the isotropic phase of the measured fiber splay, good agreement was obtained. While not the final word, these simulations suggest that affine fiber kinematics for planar collagenous tissues is a reasonable assumption at the macro level. Simulation tools such as these are imperative in the design and simulation of native and engineered tissues.  相似文献   

Quantitative computer tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral body provide better prediction of vertebral strength than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. However, most models were validated against compression of vertebral bodies with endplates embedded in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA). Yet, loading being as important as bone density, the absence of intervertebral disc (IVD) affects the strength. Accordingly, the aim was to assess the strength predictions of the classic FE models (vertebral body embedded) against the in vitro and in silico strengths of vertebral bodies loaded via IVDs. High resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) were performed on 13 segments (T11/T12/L1). T11 and L1 were augmented with PMMA and the samples were tested under a 4° wedge compression until failure of T12. Specimen-specific model was generated for each T12 from the HR-pQCT data. Two FE sets were created: FE-PMMA refers to the classical vertebral body embedded model under axial compression; FE-IVD to their loading via hyperelastic IVD model under the wedge compression as conducted experimentally. Results showed that FE-PMMA models overestimated the experimental strength and their strength prediction was satisfactory considering the different experimental set-up. On the other hand, the FE-IVD models did not prove significantly better (Exp/FE-PMMA: R²=0.68; Exp/FE-IVD: R²=0.71, p=0.84). In conclusion, FE-PMMA correlates well with in vitro strength of human vertebral bodies loaded via real IVDs and FE-IVD with hyperelastic IVDs do not significantly improve this correlation. Therefore, it seems not worth adding the IVDs to vertebral body models until fully validated patient-specific IVD models become available.  相似文献   

The setting up of predictive models of the pelvic organ motion and deformation may prove an efficient tool in the framework of prostate cancer radiotherapy, in order to deliver doses more accurately and efficiently to the clinical target volume (CTV). A finite element (FE) model of the prostate, rectum and bladder motion has been developed, investigating more specifically the influence of the rectum and bladder repletions on the gland motion. The required organ geometries are obtained after processing the computed tomography (CT) images, using specific softwares. Due to their structural characteristics, a 3D shell discretization is adopted for the rectum and the bladder, whereas a volume discretization is adopted for the prostate. As for the mechanical behavior modelling, first order Ogden hyperelastic constitutive laws for both the rectum and bladder are identified. The prostate is comparatively considered as more rigid and is accordingly modelled as an elastic tissue undergoing small strains. A FE model is then created, accounting for boundary and contact conditions, internal and applied loadings being selected as close as possible to available anatomic data.The order of magnitude of the prostate motion predicted by the FE simulations is similar to the measurements done on a deceased person, accounting for the delineation errors, with a relative error around 8%. Differences are essentially due to uncertainties in the constitutive parameters, pointing towards the need for the setting up of direct measurement of the organs mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

A key strength of computational modeling is that it can provide estimates of muscle, ligament, and joint loads, stresses, and strains through non-invasive means. However, simulations that can predict the forces in the muscles during activity while maintaining sufficient complexity to realistically represent the muscles and joint structures can be computationally challenging. For this reason, the current state of the art is to apply separate rigid-body dynamic and finite-element (FE) analyses in series. However, the use of two or more disconnected models often fails to capture key interactions between the joint-level and whole-body scales. Single framework MSFE models have the potential to overcome the limitations associated with disconnected models in series. The objectives of the current study were to create a multi-scale FE model of the human lower extremity that combines optimization, dynamic muscle modeling, and structural FE analysis in a single framework and to apply this framework to evaluate the mechanics of healthy knee specimens during two activities. Two subject-specific FE models (Model 1, Model 2) of the lower extremity were developed in ABAQUS/Explicit including detailed representations of the muscles. Muscle forces, knee joint loading, and articular contact were calculated for two activities using an inverse dynamics approach and static optimization. Quadriceps muscle forces peaked at the onset of chair rise (2174 N, 1962 N) and in early stance phase (510 N, 525 N), while gait saw peak forces in the hamstrings (851 N, 868 N) in midstance. Joint forces were similar in magnitude to available telemetric patient data. This study demonstrates the feasibility of detailed quasi-static, muscle-driven simulations in an FE framework.  相似文献   

Computational models are effective tools to study cardiac mechanics under normal and pathological conditions. They can be used to gain insight into the physiology of the heart under these conditions while they are adaptable to computer assisted patient-specific clinical diagnosis and therapeutic procedures. Realistic cardiac mechanics models incorporate tissue active/passive response in conjunction with hyperelasticity and anisotropy. Conventional formulation of such models leads to mathematically-complex problems usually solved by custom-developed non-linear finite element (FE) codes. With a few exceptions, such codes are not available to the research community. This article describes a computational cardiac mechanics model developed such that it can be implemented using off-the-shelf FE solvers while tissue pathologies can be introduced in the model in a straight-forward manner. The model takes into account myocardial hyperelasticity, anisotropy, and active contraction forces. It follows a composite tissue modeling approach where the cardiac tissue is decomposed into two major parts: background and myofibers. The latter is modelled as rebars under initial stresses mimicking the contraction forces. The model was applied in silico to study the mechanics of infarcted left ventricle (LV) of a canine. End-systolic strain components, ejection fraction, and stress distribution attained using this LV model were compared quantitatively and qualitatively to corresponding data obtained from measurements as well as to other corresponding LV mechanics models. This comparison showed very good agreement.  相似文献   

A detailed 3D FE model of the human neck was used to assess a possible relationship between risk of injury and cervical spine curvature for various impacts. A FE model was previously developed, representing the head and neck of a 50th percentile human with a normal lordotic curvature. The model behaviour was omni-directionally validated for various impacts using published results. For the present study, the model was deformed in order to obtain a straight and a kyphotic curvature, and for each geometry, rear-end, frontal, lateral and oblique impact were simulated. Although results showed similar kinematic patterns, significant differences were found in the distribution and peak values of ligament elongations, forces and moments along the cervical spine for the three configurations. It was concluded that the variability observed on the curvature of the human cervical spine may have a significant influence both on the behaviour and on the risk of injury of the neck during impact.  相似文献   

Due to its significance in tooth movement, the stress/deformation field of periodontium and the alveolar bone remodeling process, periodontal ligament (PDL) cannot be excluded from the studies investigating dental biomechanics regarding its excessive deformability. Therefore, many analytical and numerical researches are carried out to simulate its response and to create a constitutive model via experiments intending to discover the material properties of PDL. The aim of this study is to formulate a user specified contact model that can be used in conjunction with finite element (FE) software and reflects PDL’s influence on neighboring structures based on the currently available information, without requiring an actual volumetric finite element mesh of ligament. The results show good agreement with available experimental tooth mobility data. Smooth stress fields are obtained on the tooth root and alveolar bone, which is a significant aspect in bone-remodeling studies. The advantage of simulating PDL as a contact model at the interface of tooth root and the alveolar process instead of a solid-meshed FE model with poor geometric morphology and/or very dense mesh is expected to save pre/post-processing workforce, to increase the accuracy and to contribute to the smoothness of interface stress distributions.  相似文献   

Biomechanical models have been proposed in order to simulate the surgical correction of spinal deformities. With these models, different surgical correction techniques have been examined: distraction and rod rotation. The purpose of this study was to simulate another surgical correction technique: the in situ contouring technique. In this way, a comprehensive three-dimensional Finite Element (FE) model with patient-specific geometry and patient-specific mechanical properties was used. The simulation of the surgery took into account elasto–plastic behavior of the rod and multiple moments loading and unloading representing the surgical maneuvers. The simulations of two clinical cases of hyperkyphosis and scoliosis were coherent with the surgeon's experience. Moreover, the results of simulation were compared to post-operative 3D measurements. The mean differences were under 5° for vertebral rotations and 5 mm for spinal lines. These simulations open the way for future predictive tools for surgical planning.  相似文献   

In the biomechanics field, material parameters calibration is significant for finite element (FE) model to ensure a legit estimation of biomechanical response. Determining an appropriate combination of calibration factors is challenging as each constitutive component responds differently. This study proposes a statistical factorial analysis approach using L16(45) orthogonal array to evaluate material nonlinearity and applicable calibration factor of the intervertebral disc FE model in pure moment. The calibrated model exhibits improved agreement to the experimental findings for all directions. Appropriate combination of calibration parameter reduces the estimation gap to the experimental findings, ensuring agreeable biomechanical responses.  相似文献   

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a clinical disorder resulting from the compression of the median nerve. The available evidence regarding the association between computer use and CTS is controversial. There is some evidence that computer mouse or keyboard work, or both are associated with the development of CTS. Despite the availability of pressure measurements in the carpal tunnel during computer work (exposure to keyboard or mouse) there are no available data to support a direct effect of the increased intracarpal canal pressure on the median nerve.  相似文献   

Periprosthetic osteolysis in the retroacetabular region with cancellous bone loss is a recognized phenomenon in the long-term follow-up of total hip replacement. The effects on load transfer in the presence of defects are less well known. A finite element model incorporating a retroacetabular defect behind a cementless component was validated against a 4th generation sawbone pelvis. Computational predictions of surface strain and von Mises stresses were closely correlated to experimental findings. The presence of a cancellous defect increased von Mises stress in the cortical bone of the medial wall of the pelvis. At a load of 600 N this was under the predicted failure stress for cortical bone. Increases in the cup size relative to the acetabulum caused increased stress in the cortical bone of the lateral wall of the pelvis, adjacent to the acetabulum. We are confident that our modeling approach can be applied to patient specific defects to predict pelvis stress with large loads and a range of activities.  相似文献   

In the field of biomechanics, the offer of models which are more and more realistic requires to integrate a physiological response, in particular, the controlled muscle bracing and the reflexes. The following work aims to suggest a unique methodology which couples together a sensory and motor loop with a finite element model. Our method is applied to the study of the oscillation of the elbow in the case of a biceps brachial stretch reflex. The results obtained are promising in the purpose of the development of reactive human body models.  相似文献   

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were used extensively to target occupants of military vehicles during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan (2003–2011). War fighters exposed to an IED attack were highly susceptible to lower limb injuries. To appropriately assess vehicle safety and make informed improvements to vehicle design, a novel Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD), called the Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAMan), was designed for vertical loading. The main objective of this study was to develop and validate a Finite Element (FE) model of the WIAMan lower limb (WIAMan-LL). Appropriate materials and contacts were applied to realistically model the physical dummy. Validation of the model was conducted based on experiments performed on two different test rigs designed to simulate the vertical loading experienced during an under-vehicle explosion. Additionally, a preliminary evaluation of the WIAMan and Hybrid-III test devices was performed by comparing force responses to post-mortem human surrogate (PMHS) corridors. The knee axial force recorded by the WIAMan-LL when struck on the plantar surface of the foot (2 m/s) fell mostly within the PMHS corridor, but the corresponding data predicted by the Hybrid-III was almost 60% higher. Overall, good agreements were observed between the WIAMan-LL FE predictions and experiments at various pre-impact speeds ranging from 2 m/s up to 5.8 m/s. Results of the FE model were backed by mean objective rating scores of 0.67–0.76 which support its accuracy relative to the physical lower limb dummy. The observations and objective rating scores show the model is validated within the experimental loading conditions. These results indicate the model can be used in numerical studies related to possible dummy design improvements once additional PMHS data is available. The numerical lower limb is currently incorporated into a whole body model that will be used to evaluate the vehicle design for underbody blast protection.  相似文献   

Many physiological processes such as cell division, endocytosis and exocytosis cause severe local curvature of the cell membrane. Local curvature has been shown experimentally to modulate numerous mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels. In order to quantify the effects of local curvature we introduced a coarse grain representative volume element for the bacterial mechanosensitive ion channel of large conductance (MscL) using continuum elasticity. Our model is designed to be consistent with the channel conformation in the closed and open states to capture its major continuum rheological behavior in response to the local membrane curvature. Herein we show that change in the local curvature of the lipid bilayer can modulate MscL activity considerably by changing both bilayer thickness and lateral pressure profile. Intriguingly, although bending in any direction results in almost the same free-energy cost, inward (cytoplasmic) bending favors channel opening, whereas outward (periplasmic) bending facilitates closing of the narrowest part of the MscL pore. This quantitative study using MscL as a model channel may have wide reaching consequences for the effect of local curvature on the physiological function of other types of prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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