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In this study, C57BL/6J male mice were fed normal chow (NC; control) or a high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks, and HFD mice were supplemented with oral administration of Streptococcus thermophilus MN-ZLW-002 (HFD + MN002); n=20/group. Body weight, visceral fat, blood glucose, blood lipids and liver lipid deposition increased in the HFD group, and the composition of gut microbiota, cecum short-chain fatty acids and fecal bile acids (BAs) also changed. Oral-fed MN-002 increased the relative abundances of Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae and Streptococcaceae and improved blood glucose, liver cholesterol deposition, and serum IL-10, CCL-3 and the fecal BAs composition. In conclusion, the high-fat diet changed the composition of bile acids by shaping the gut microbiota into an obese type, leading to metabolic disturbances. Streptococcus thermophilus MN-ZLW-002 regulated gut microbiota by adjusting the composition of bile acids and improved the perturbation caused by high-fat diets. However, the effect of MN002 observed in animal experiments needs to be verified by long-term clinical trials.  相似文献   

Gut microbiomes perform essential services for their hosts, including helping them to digest food and manage pathogens and parasites. Performing these services requires a diverse and constantly changing set of metabolic functions from the bacteria in the microbiome. The metabolic repertoire of the microbiome is ultimately dependent on the outcomes of the ecological interactions of its member microbes, as these interactions in part determine the taxonomic composition of the microbiome. The ecological processes that underpin the microbiome's ability to handle a variety of metabolic challenges might involve rapid turnover of the gut microbiome in response to new metabolic challenges, or it might entail maintaining sufficient diversity in the microbiome that any new metabolic demands can be met from an existing set of bacteria. To differentiate between these scenarios, we examine the gut bacteria and resident eukaryotes of two generalist‐insectivore lizards, while simultaneously identifying the arthropod prey each lizard was digesting at the time of sampling. We find that the cohorts of bacteria that occur significantly more or less often than expected with arthropod diet items or eukaryotes include bacterial species that are highly similar to each other metabolically. This pattern in the bacterial microbiome could represent an early step in the taxonomic shifts in bacterial microbiome that occur when host lineages change their diet niche over evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

Studies have indicated that the abundance and community structure of gut microbiota are altered by diet. In this study, next‐generation sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene amplicon was performed to evaluate variations in the gut microbiota of wild and captive individuals of both sexes of Calotes versicolor. The results showed that there was a significant sex difference in microbial community structure for wild C. versicolor, Bacteroide was the dominant genus in wild females (WF), whereas Ochrobactrum was the dominant genus in wild males (WM). Acinetobacter and Hymenobacter were the dominant genera in WF, while Clostridium was the dominant genus in captive females (CF). The results indicated that differences in diet between wild and captive C. versicolor also resulted in variations in gut microbiota. Thus, it was not surprising that captivity and sex shape the gut microbiota in C. versicolor. In summary, the fundamental information presented about the gut microbiota of both sexes of wild (and captive females) C. versicolor, indicates that the artificial environments are not suitable for the wild C. versicolor.  相似文献   

Over the last two or three decades meat and especially liver have been looked upon as unhealthy food with high fat content and carcinogenic potential. In addition, its content of highly valuable micronutrients has mostly been ignored. As a result, the mean uptake and serum levels of several micronutrients in the population are below the recommended levels. In the meantime, the contamination of liver with heavy metals and other contaminants has fallen far below the allowed thresholds and sometimes even below the detection limit while its content of micronutrients like iron, folate, selenium or zinc are still high. As a further advantage, the bioavailability of many micronutrients often is better from meat and liver then from plant sources. Considering these advantages and the low content of contaminants in meat and liver leads us to propose that meat - including liver - should be a regular part of a mixed and balanced healthy diet along with vegetables and fruits as the major components to ensure an optimal supply of micronutrients.  相似文献   

硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)是肠道菌群的重要组成成员之一。SRB在其增殖与新陈代谢过程中会产生硫化氢。现有研究显示,SRB的过度繁殖与炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)、肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)、乳糜泻(celiac disease,CLD)和结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)等密切相关,但目前尚无相关文献对SRB在肠道疾病中扮演的角色、致病机理和肠道微生态等研究进行系统性的综述。SRB在肠道疾病中的分布特征及其致病机制值得进一步总结与探讨。本文收集过去10年来发表的关于SRB与肠道疾病的文献并进行详细分析与归纳,对SRB在宿主肠道内的分布与生理特征、SRB在不同肠道疾病的相关分布特点,以及SRB致病机制的研究进展等方面进行详细论述,以期增加本领域研究人员对SRB的重视。同时,本文对未来如何深化SRB在肠道相关疾病的研究方向进行探讨,以期为SRB相关肠道疾病的预防与治疗提供一定参考。  相似文献   

寄生于人体的肠道菌群是一个高度动态化和个体化的复杂生态系统,受遗传、环境、饮食、年龄和运动等因素的影响,并通过其产生的代谢物与机体众多组织器官产生广泛的应答效应。短链脂肪酸(short chain fatty acid, SCFA)主要是由位于盲肠和结肠内的菌群以膳食纤维为底物发酵产生,其被吸收进入肠系膜上下静脉,随后汇入门静脉至肝。部分短链脂肪酸被肝作为糖异生和脂质合成的底物,剩余的短链脂肪酸以游离脂肪酸的形式经肝静脉进入外周循环。研究发现,运动可使产生SCFA的肠道菌群组分的丰度提高和参与调控SCFA生成的相关基因表达增加,使肠道中短链脂肪酸含量增加。由短链脂肪酸刺激结肠内分泌细胞合成分泌的胰高血糖素样肽1(glucagon like peptide-1, GLP-1)可促使胰岛B细胞合成分泌胰岛素,进而调节骨骼肌的葡萄糖摄取与糖原合成。此外,短链脂肪酸通过提高骨骼肌胰岛素受体底物1(insulin receptor substrate 1,IRS1)基因转录起始位点附近的组蛋白乙酰化水平,增强骨骼肌的胰岛素敏感性。同时,短链脂肪酸通过激活腺苷酸活化蛋白质激酶(AMP-activated protein kinase, AMPK)促进骨骼肌的脂肪酸摄取、脂肪分解和线粒体生物发生,抑制脂肪合成。本文就肠道菌群代谢物——短链脂肪酸概述、运动对产生短链脂肪酸的肠道菌群的影响和运动介导肠道菌群代谢物——短链脂肪酸对骨骼肌代谢调控机制的最新研究进展进行综述,为骨骼肌运动适应的新机制研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

肠道菌群紊乱可导致宿主病理性骨质流失,其通过产生的代谢物从肠道扩散到体循环对骨代谢发挥重要的调控作用。短链脂肪酸(Short Chain Fatty Acids,SCFAs)是肠道细菌产生的代谢物家族中最受关注的代谢产物,近年来研究表明,SCFAs在骨代谢相关疾病的发生发展中具有重要调节作用。本文就其在骨骼系统中的作用、调节骨组织中细胞的机制及作为靶点防治骨代谢疾病骨质疏松的研究进行综述,并为此新兴且具有前景的研究领域在未来的基础研究和转化研究提供展望。  相似文献   

Despite the success of colonoscopy screening and recent advances in cancer treatment, colorectal cancer (CRC) still remains one of the most commonly diagnosed and deadly cancers, with a significantly increased incidence in developing countries where people are adapting to Western lifestyle. Diet has an important impact on risk of CRC. Multiple epidemiological studies have suggested that excessive animal protein and fat intake, especially red meat and processed meat, could increase the risk of developing CRC while fiber could protect against colorectal tumorigenesis. Mechanisms have been investigated by animal studies.Diet could re-shape the community structure of gut microbiota and influence its function by modulating the production of metabolites. Butyrate, one of the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which act as a favorable source for colonocytes, could protect colonic epithelial cells from tumorigenesis via anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic properties through cell metabolism, microbiota homeostasis, antiproliferative, immunomodulatory and genetic/epigenetic regulation ways. In contrast, protein fermentation and bile acid deconjugation, which cause damage to colonic cells through proinflammatory and proneoplastic ways, lead to increasedriskofdevelopingCRC.In conclusion, abalanced diet with an increased abundance of fiber should be adopted to reduce the risk and prevent CRC.  相似文献   

陈小珊  王丽蕊 《微生物学通报》2023,50(11):5124-5136
肠道干细胞(intestinal stem cells, ISCs)是肠道各类上皮细胞的来源,通过平衡增殖与分化维持肠道稳态。同时,肠道菌群及其代谢物在维持宿主肠道稳态中也发挥着重要作用。随着技术的发展,研究者认识到ISCs与肠道菌群之间存在相互作用。研究表明,ISCs对上皮细胞亚型的调控影响肠道菌群的组成,并且肠道菌群及其代谢物也影响ISCs介导的上皮发育。本文阐述了ISCs分化对肠道菌群的影响,重点总结了肠道菌群及其代谢物调控ISCs增殖分化的研究进展,从菌群调控ISCs的角度探讨肠道损伤的治疗思路,并对未来可能的研究方向进行讨论。  相似文献   

The consumption of citrus flavonoid, hesperidin may inhibit the bone loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of hesperidin on the bioavailability of Ca, a probable reason to prevent bone loss. Citrus flavonoid (hesperidin) in combination with citric acid and ascorbic acid was scrutinized to estimate the bioavailability of micronutrients from chicken egg shells using in vitro method. Effect of citric acid, ascorbic acid and hesperidin on the bioavailability of minerals (Zn, Fe) and macro elements (Ca, Mg, P) was evaluated and the amounts required to get maximum bioavailability were concluded. The highest bioavailability of Ca, Mg, P, Fe and Zn was 89.25 ± 2.13, 92.28 ± 1.87, 40.32 ± 3.09, 32.81 ± 1.24 and 46.19 ± 0.83%, respectively after the addition of 3 g of citric acid, 100 mg of ascorbic acid and 4 mg of hesperidin per gram of chicken eggshell powder. Citric acid greatly affects the bioavailability of Ca, Mg, P, and Zn, whereas addition of ascorbic acid enhances the bioavailability of Fe, and hesperidin boosts the bioavailability (p < 0.05) of all micronutrients of the chicken eggshells.  相似文献   

益生菌及益生元调节骨代谢的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨质疏松症已成为威胁中老年人健康的主要疾病之一,越来越多的人受到该病症的危害.肠道菌群是定殖在机体肠道内,与宿主形成共生关系的微生物,对宿主的免疫及代谢等产生重要影响,研究发现,肠道菌群与骨代谢之间存在密切关系,本文从肠道菌群与免疫、骨代谢与免疫、肠道菌群与骨代谢、益生菌及益生元调节骨代谢等几个方面阐述,肠道菌群有望成为骨质疏松症治疗的一个新靶点,通过益生菌或益生元来干预肠道菌群组成,进而调节免疫系统状态,抑制促炎因子的生成,从而降低骨吸收作用,达到预防和治疗骨质疏松症的目的.  相似文献   

昆虫肠道微生物对其寄主的生长发育、营养代谢、免疫以及农药抗性等方面都发挥着重要作用。为研究斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫肠道细菌的多样性,并为其功能验证做准备,本文利用传统微生物分离纯培养方法从斜纹夜蛾4龄幼虫肠道中共分离鉴定得到10株细菌,分别为属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)的脱氮假单胞菌(Pseudomonas denitrificans),不动细菌(Acinetobacter sp.),肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)和肠杆菌(Enterobacter sp.);属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)的鸡葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus gallinarum),蒙氏肠球菌(Enterococcus mundtii),蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)和枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)以及放线菌门(Actinobacteria)的微杆菌(Microbacteriums sp.)和乳酪棒杆菌(Corynebacterium casei)。变形菌门和厚壁菌门是斜纹夜蛾肠道可培养细菌中的优势菌群。功能验证实验表明肠杆菌具备纤维素降解能力,微杆菌具备很强的苯酚降解能力。本研究为未来深入研究斜纹夜蛾肠道微生物的功能提供了方向和菌株材料。  相似文献   

Banana is a widely consumed fruit, which contains considerable amounts of potential prebiotic indigestible carbohydrates. In our randomised, controlled trial we aimed to evaluate the in vivo prebiotic effect of banana consumption on faecal microbiota. Thirty-four healthy women participated in the study, having Body Mass Index (BMI) 24–30 kg/m2, age 19–45 years, without history of gastrointestinal disease and no antibiotic and other medication use two months prior the initiation and during the study. All women were asked to maintain their usual dietary habits for 60 days and they were randomly assigned to consume twice a day a pre-meal snack, either one medium banana, or one cup of banana-flavoured drink or one cup of water (control group). Stool samples were collected at baseline, on days 30 and 60 of intervention for enumeration of total anaerobes, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli by plate count techniques, as well as for pH and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) measurement. Gastrointestinal symptoms were also recorded. Mean bifidobacterial levels were increased only in the banana group both at 30 and 60 days of intervention, but this change did not reach a statistical significance. No significant overall differences in the total concentrations and molar ratios of SCFAs were detected according to dietary intervention. Analysis of the gastrointestinal symptoms records revealed significantly lower bloating levels in the banana group, compared to controls, at 26–35 days (p = 0.009) and 51–60 days (p = 0.010). Banana consumption had also no adverse effects on evacuation patterns. We concluded that daily consumption of bananas is a well-tolerated eating behaviour, which may induce bifidogenesis in healthy women experiencing body weight problems.  相似文献   

Bumblebees play an important role in maintaining the balance of natural and agricultural ecosystems,and the characteristic gut microbiota of bumblebees exhibit significant mutualistic functions.China has the highest diversity of bumblebees;however,gut microbiota of Chinese bumblebees have mostly been investigated through cultureindependent studies.Here,we analyzed the gut communities of bumblebees from Sichuan,Yunnan,and Shaanxi provinces in China through 16S ribosomal RNA amplicon sequencing and bacterial isolation.It revealed that the bumblebees examined in this study harbored two gut enterotypes as previously reported:one is dominated by Gilliamella and Snodgrassella,and the other is distinguished by prevalent environmental species.The gut compositions obviously varied among different individual bees.We then isolated 325 bacterial strains and the comparative genomic analysis of Gillianiella strains revealed that galactose and pectin digestion pathways were conserved in strains from bumblebees,while genes for the utilization of arabinose,mannose,xylose,and rhamnose were mostly lost.Only two strains from the Chinese bumblebees possess the multidrug-resistant gene emrB,which is phylogenetically closely related to that from the symbionts of soil entomopathogenic nematode.In contrast,tetracycline-resistant genes were uniquely present in three strains from the USA.Our results illustrate the prevalence of strain-level variations in the metabolic potentials and the distributions of antibiotic-resistant genes in Chinese bumblebee gut bacteria.  相似文献   


从人粪便中分离Collinsella aerofaciens,并给予正常和高脂饮食的C57BL/6J小鼠,观察Collinsella aerofaciens对小鼠糖脂代谢及肠道菌群结构的影响。


将40只C57BL/6J雄性小鼠随机分成正常饮食组(NCD组)、正常饮食+菌液组(NCD+B组)、高脂饮食组(HFD组)和高脂饮食+菌液组(HFD+B组),每组10只。NCD组和HFD组给予100 μL的生理盐水,其余组给予Collinsella aerofaciens 1×109 CFU/mL,连续灌胃12周。第0、4、8和12周通过试剂盒检测空腹血糖(FBG)、随机血糖(GLU)、总胆固醇(TC)和三酰甘油(TG)水平。第12周,对各组小鼠进行口服糖耐量和胰岛素耐量试验,并检测血浆高、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C、LDL-C)水平。收集小鼠粪便,采用高通量测序技术检测16S rRNA V3‒V4区序列,分析肠道菌群结构变化。


第8和12周4组小鼠间TC水平差异有统计学意义(F = 132.424,P<0.001;F = 107.601,P<0.001),与NCD组相比,NCD+B组小鼠TC水平显著升高(P<0.050);与HFD组相比,HFD+B组小鼠TC水平显著升高(P<0.050)。4组小鼠间HDL-C和LDL-C水平差异有统计学意义(F = 7.809,P<0.001;F = 41.521,P<0.001),与NCD组相比,NCD+B组小鼠HDL-C水平显著降低(P<0.050),LDL-C水平显著升高(P<0.050);与HFD组相比,HFD+B组小鼠LDL-C水平显著升高(P<0.050)。Spearman相关性分析发现小鼠肠道中Desulfovibrionaceae丰度与FBG、GLU、TC和LDL-C水平呈正相关(r = 0.512,P = 0.011;r = 0.445,P = 0.029;r = 0.728,P<0.001;r = 0.758,P<0.001)。


人粪便中分离的Collinsella aerofaciens可以影响小鼠糖脂代谢,可能与其破坏肠道菌群平衡有关,同时为防治血糖血脂异常代谢提供靶点。


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