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In this paper, based on low-rank representation and eigenface extraction, we present an improvement to the well known Sparse Representation based Classification (SRC). Firstly, the low-rank images of the face images of each individual in training subset are extracted by the Robust Principal Component Analysis (Robust PCA) to alleviate the influence of noises (e.g., illumination difference and occlusions). Secondly, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is applied to extract the eigenfaces from these low-rank and approximate images. Finally, we utilize these eigenfaces to construct a compact and discriminative dictionary for sparse representation. We evaluate our method on five popular databases. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method.  相似文献   

来自多方面的研究表明,面孔的分类和识别位于特定脑区.同时,已有行为实验研究表明,图像的空间高低频特征在面孔分类的不同范畴中起不同的贡献,例如身份更多被低频信号传递,性别被高低频共同传递,而表情更多被高频传递.然而,空间频率在面孔分类中的贡献,其表征和神经机制目前相关研究很少.利用特定癫痫患者植入颅内电极的监控期,呈现不同类型面孔图像,同时记录其颅内脑电,用事件相关电位方法考察了据认为是面孔特定成分的相关电位的潜伏期在170 ms的波形(N170波形)的变化;用电极反应显著性分析考察了空间频率在不同分类特征上的贡献.结果表明,空间高频(HSF)图像的N170潜伏期显著延迟.只呈现空间低频(LSF)图像,N170的潜伏期对普通人面孔会延迟,而对熟悉的名人则没有这个差异.女性面孔诱发的N170在HSF条件下潜伏期明显晚于LSF条件,而男性面孔诱发的波形则不存在这个差异.表情在N170上没有体现出任何差异.但是基于电极的显著性分析表明,有更多的额叶电极参与了表情的加工;身份特征加工有更多电极在空间低频上表现出差异,而性别加工则空间高低频比较平衡.与以往行为结果不同的是,表情加工也有更多低频贡献,而且表情的差异可以在早达114 ms的时候就发生.这符合表情信息在颞枕区域有一个快速基本加工,再传递到其他脑区的认知模型.因此,空间高低频信息在身份和性别上的贡献,可能发生在经典的面孔加工脑区,由N170表达,表情信息不由N170表达,而是在颞枕较广泛的范围内快速加工再传递到别的脑区,如额叶.这是首次利用颅内脑电就空间频率在面孔分类中的贡献的神经机制进行研究,为深入理解脑内面孔各种特征加工的动态过程提供了一个新的切入点.  相似文献   

The primate visual system achieves remarkable visual object recognition performance even in brief presentations, and under changes to object exemplar, geometric transformations, and background variation (a.k.a. core visual object recognition). This remarkable performance is mediated by the representation formed in inferior temporal (IT) cortex. In parallel, recent advances in machine learning have led to ever higher performing models of object recognition using artificial deep neural networks (DNNs). It remains unclear, however, whether the representational performance of DNNs rivals that of the brain. To accurately produce such a comparison, a major difficulty has been a unifying metric that accounts for experimental limitations, such as the amount of noise, the number of neural recording sites, and the number of trials, and computational limitations, such as the complexity of the decoding classifier and the number of classifier training examples. In this work, we perform a direct comparison that corrects for these experimental limitations and computational considerations. As part of our methodology, we propose an extension of “kernel analysis” that measures the generalization accuracy as a function of representational complexity. Our evaluations show that, unlike previous bio-inspired models, the latest DNNs rival the representational performance of IT cortex on this visual object recognition task. Furthermore, we show that models that perform well on measures of representational performance also perform well on measures of representational similarity to IT, and on measures of predicting individual IT multi-unit responses. Whether these DNNs rely on computational mechanisms similar to the primate visual system is yet to be determined, but, unlike all previous bio-inspired models, that possibility cannot be ruled out merely on representational performance grounds.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that infants’ face recognition rests on a robust face representation that is resilient to a variety of facial transformations such as rotations in depth, motion, occlusion or deprivation of inner/outer features. Here, we investigated whether 3-month-old infants’ ability to represent the invariant aspects of a face is affected by the presence of an external add-on element, i.e. a hat. Using a visual habituation task, three experiments were carried out in which face recognition was investigated by manipulating the presence/absence of a hat during face encoding (i.e. habituation phase) and face recognition (i.e. test phase). An eye-tracker system was used to record the time infants spent looking at face-relevant information compared to the hat. The results showed that infants’ face recognition was not affected by the presence of the external element when the type of the hat did not vary between the habituation and test phases, and when both the novel and the familiar face wore the same hat during the test phase (Experiment 1). Infants’ ability to recognize the invariant aspects of a face was preserved also when the hat was absent in the habituation phase and the same hat was shown only during the test phase (Experiment 2). Conversely, when the novel face identity competed with a novel hat, the hat triggered the infants’ attention, interfering with the recognition process and preventing the infants’ preference for the novel face during the test phase (Experiment 3). Findings from the current study shed light on how faces and objects are processed when they are simultaneously presented in the same visual scene, contributing to an understanding of how infants respond to the multiple and composite information available in their surrounding environment.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition clinically characterized by social interaction and communication difficulties. To date, the majority of research efforts have focused on brain mechanisms underlying the deficits in interpersonal social cognition associated with ASD. Recent empirical and theoretical work has begun to reveal evidence for a reduced or even absent self-preference effect in patients with ASD. One may hypothesize that this is related to the impaired attentional processing of self-referential stimuli. The aim of our study was to test this hypothesis. We investigated the neural correlates of face and name detection in ASD. Four categories of face/name stimuli were used: own, close-other, famous, and unknown. Event-related potentials were recorded from 62 electrodes in 23 subjects with ASD and 23 matched control subjects. P100, N170, and P300 components were analyzed. The control group clearly showed a significant self-preference effect: higher P300 amplitude to the presentation of own face and own name than to the close-other, famous, and unknown categories, indicating preferential attentional engagement in processing of self-related information. In contrast, detection of both own and close-other''s face and name in the ASD group was associated with enhanced P300, suggesting similar attention allocation for self and close-other related information. These findings suggest that attention allocation in the ASD group is modulated by the personal significance factor, and that the self-preference effect is absent if self is compared to close-other. These effects are similar for physical and non-physical aspects of the autistic self. In addition, lateralization of face and name processing is attenuated in ASD, suggesting atypical brain organization.  相似文献   

Jeff Rushen 《Animal behaviour》1982,30(4):1129-1137
The development of peck orders in mixed sex groups of domestic chickens was observed to determine how linearity occurred. Based on threats, head-pecks and submission, dominance relationships emerged in a virtual peck right form. Leaping by males, however, did not closely conform to dominance relationships. There were no rank reversals in 50% of male-male and 80% of female-female relationships, and only single changes occurred in most of the others. These resulted from the movements of individuals up the hierarchy rather than from any general reorganization of relationships. Reversals did not necessarily occur between rank neighbours, and stable triangles were sometimes introduced. The initial status of males and females depended upon the age at which they first showed aggression, while the final, stable status of males depended upon the age at which they were first submitted to. Sexual maturity of the males produced a number of changes, with earlier-maturing birds tending to rise in status above their later-maturing companions. Linear hierarchies therefore appear to result from birds developing at different rates.  相似文献   

Patients with frontotemporal dementia have pervasive changes in emotion recognition and social cognition, yet the neural changes underlying these emotion processing deficits remain unclear. The multimodal system model of emotion proposes that basic emotions are dependent on distinct brain regions, which undergo significant pathological changes in frontotemporal dementia. As such, this syndrome may provide important insight into the impact of neural network degeneration upon the innate ability to recognise emotions. This study used voxel-based morphometry to identify discrete neural correlates involved in the recognition of basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise and happiness) in frontotemporal dementia. Forty frontotemporal dementia patients (18 behavioural-variant, 11 semantic dementia, 11 progressive nonfluent aphasia) and 27 healthy controls were tested on two facial emotion recognition tasks: The Ekman 60 and Ekman Caricatures. Although each frontotemporal dementia group showed impaired recognition of negative emotions, distinct associations between emotion-specific task performance and changes in grey matter intensity emerged. Fear recognition was associated with the right amygdala; disgust recognition with the left insula; anger recognition with the left middle and superior temporal gyrus; and sadness recognition with the left subcallosal cingulate, indicating that discrete neural substrates are necessary for emotion recognition in frontotemporal dementia. The erosion of emotion-specific neural networks in neurodegenerative disorders may produce distinct profiles of performance that are relevant to understanding the neurobiological basis of emotion processing.  相似文献   

Photographic identity documents (IDs) are commonly used despite clear evidence that unfamiliar face matching is a difficult and error-prone task. The current study set out to examine the performance of seven individuals with extraordinary face recognition memory, so called “super recognisers” (SRs), on two face matching tasks resembling border control identity checks. In Experiment 1, the SRs as a group outperformed control participants on the “Glasgow Face Matching Test”, and some case-by-case comparisons also reached significance. In Experiment 2, a perceptually difficult face matching task was used: the “Models Face Matching Test”. Once again, SRs outperformed controls both on group and mostly in case-by-case analyses. These findings suggest that SRs are considerably better at face matching than typical perceivers, and would make proficient personnel for border control agencies.  相似文献   

Here we explore the possibility that a core function of sensory cortex is the generation of an internal simulation of sensory environment in real-time. A logical elaboration of this idea leads to a dynamical neural architecture that oscillates between two fundamental network states, one driven by external input, and the other by recurrent synaptic drive in the absence of sensory input. Synaptic strength is modified by a proposed synaptic state matching (SSM) process that ensures equivalence of spike statistics between the two network states. Remarkably, SSM, operating locally at individual synapses, generates accurate and stable network-level predictive internal representations, enabling pattern completion and unsupervised feature detection from noisy sensory input. SSM is a biologically plausible substrate for learning and memory because it brings together sequence learning, feature detection, synaptic homeostasis, and network oscillations under a single unifying computational framework.  相似文献   

利用生物条形码技术对蓝舌病毒VP7蛋白进行微量检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立高灵敏检测蓝舌病毒VP7蛋白的生物条形码检测方法。方法:制备VP7蛋白的多抗及特异DNA链标记的金纳米颗粒探针(NP)和VP7蛋白单抗标记的磁性微球探针(MMP),形成MMP-VP7蛋白-NP三明治复合物后,再利用去杂交将NP探针上标记的DNA链释放出来,通过PCR或芯片检测方法鉴定释放的DNA链,确定VP7蛋白的存在。结果:建立了蓝舌病毒VP7蛋白的生物条形码检测体系,检测灵敏度可达10fg/mL,为常规ELISA检测的106倍。结论:为发展高灵敏度的蓝舌病毒生物条形码检测试剂盒鉴定了基础。  相似文献   

Mapping and decoding brain activity patterns underlying learning and memory represents both great interest and immense challenge. At present, very little is known regarding many of the very basic questions regarding the neural codes of memory: are fear memories retrieved during the freezing state or non-freezing state of the animals? How do individual memory traces give arise to a holistic, real-time associative memory engram? How are memory codes regulated by synaptic plasticity? Here, by applying high-density electrode arrays and dimensionality-reduction decoding algorithms, we investigate hippocampal CA1 activity patterns of trace fear conditioning memory code in inducible NMDA receptor knockout mice and their control littermates. Our analyses showed that the conditioned tone (CS) and unconditioned foot-shock (US) can evoke hippocampal ensemble responses in control and mutant mice. Yet, temporal formats and contents of CA1 fear memory engrams differ significantly between the genotypes. The mutant mice with disabled NMDA receptor plasticity failed to generate CS-to-US or US-to-CS associative memory traces. Moreover, the mutant CA1 region lacked memory traces for “what at when” information that predicts the timing relationship between the conditioned tone and the foot shock. The degraded associative fear memory engram is further manifested in its lack of intertwined and alternating temporal association between CS and US memory traces that are characteristic to the holistic memory recall in the wild-type animals. Therefore, our study has decoded real-time memory contents, timing relationship between CS and US, and temporal organizing patterns of fear memory engrams and demonstrated how hippocampal memory codes are regulated by NMDA receptor synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding allows the identification of an organism by comparing the sequence of selected DNA regions (barcodes) with a previously compiled database, and it can be useful for taxonomic identification of species in complex genera, such as Tamarix. Many species of this genus show convergent morphology, which leads to frequent errors in their identification. Highly variable genetic markers, such as microsatellites or short sequence repeats (SSR), could be used to differentiate species where DNA barcodes fail. Here, we tested the ability of both, 5 different marker regions (rbcL, matK, ITS, trnH-psbA, and ycf1), and 14 microsatellites, to properly identify Tamarix species, especially those from the Mediterranean Basin, and compared the pros and cons of the different analytical methods for species identification. DNA barcoding allows the genetic identification of certain species in Tamarix. The two-locus barcodes matK + ITS and ITS + ycf1 were the best-performing combinations, allowing up to 69% and 70%, respectively, correct identification. However, DNA barcoding failed in phylogenetically close groups, such as many Mediterranean species. The use of SSR can aid the identification of species, and the combination of both types of data (DNA barcoding and SSR) improved the success. The combination of data was especially relevant in detecting the presence of hybridization processes, which are common in the genus. However, caution must be exercised when choosing the clustering methods for the SSR datasince different methods can lead to very different results.  相似文献   



Although tuberculosis is transmitted by the airborne route, direct information on the natural output of bacilli into air by source cases is very limited. We sought to address this through sampling of expelled aerosols in face masks that were subsequently analyzed for mycobacterial contamination.


In series 1, 17 smear microscopy positive patients wore standard surgical face masks once or twice for periods between 10 minutes and 5 hours; mycobacterial contamination was detected using a bacteriophage assay. In series 2, 19 patients with suspected tuberculosis were studied in Leicester UK and 10 patients with at least one positive smear were studied in The Gambia. These subjects wore one FFP30 mask modified to contain a gelatin filter for one hour; this was subsequently analyzed by the Xpert MTB/RIF system.


In series 1, the bacteriophage assay detected live mycobacteria in 11/17 patients with wearing times between 10 and 120 minutes. Variation was seen in mask positivity and the level of contamination detected in multiple samples from the same patient. Two patients had non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections. In series 2, 13/20 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis produced positive masks and 0/9 patients with extrapulmonary or non-tuberculous diagnoses were mask positive. Overall, 65% of patients with confirmed pulmonary mycobacterial infection gave positive masks and this included 3/6 patients who received diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavages.


Mask sampling provides a simple means of assessing mycobacterial output in non-sputum expectorant. The approach shows potential for application to the study of airborne transmission and to diagnosis.  相似文献   

Recognition of the human immunodeficiency virus Rev-responsive element (RRE) RNA by the Rev protein is an essential step in the viral life cycle. Formation of the Rev-RRE complex signals nucleocytoplasmic export of unspliced and partially spliced viral RNA. Essential components of the complex have been localized to a minimal arginine-rich Rev peptide and stem IIB of RRE. In vitro selection studies have identified a synthetic peptide known as RSG 1.2 that binds with better specificity and affinity to RRE than the Rev peptide. NMR structures of both peptide-RNA complexes of Rev and RSG 1.2 bound to RRE stem IIB have been solved and reveal gross structural differences between the two bound complexes. Molecular dynamics simulations of the Rev and RSG 1.2 peptides in complex with RRE stem IIB have been simulated to better understand on an atomic level how two arginine-rich peptides of similar length recognize the same sequence of RNA with such different structural motifs. While the Rev peptide employs some base-specific hydrogen bonding for recognition of RRE, shape recognition, through contact with the sugar-phosphate backbone, and cation-pi interactions are also important. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that RSG 1.2 binds more tightly to the RRE sequence than Rev by forming more base-specific contacts, using water to mediate peptide-RNA contacts, and is held in place by a strong salt bridge network spanning the major groove of the RNA.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the host contact network over which a pathogen is transmitted affect both epidemic spread and the projected effectiveness of control strategies. Given the importance of understanding these contact networks, it is unfortunate that they are very difficult to measure directly. This challenge has led to an interest in methods to infer information about host contact networks from pathogen phylogenies, because in shaping a pathogen''s opportunities for reproduction, contact networks also shape pathogen evolution. Host networks influence pathogen phylogenies both directly, through governing opportunities for evolution, and indirectly by changing the prevalence and incidence. Here, we aim to separate these two effects by comparing pathogen evolution on different host networks that share similar epidemic trajectories. This approach allows use to examine the direct effects of network structure on pathogen phylogenies, largely controlling for confounding differences arising from population dynamics. We find that networks with more heterogeneous degree distributions yield pathogen phylogenies with more variable cluster numbers, smaller mean cluster sizes, shorter mean branch lengths, and somewhat higher tree imbalance than networks with relatively homogeneous degree distributions. However, in particular for dynamic networks, we find that these direct effects are relatively modest. These findings suggest that the role of the epidemic trajectory, the dynamics of the network and the inherent variability of metrics such as cluster size must each be taken into account when trying to use pathogen phylogenies to understand characteristics about the underlying host contact network.  相似文献   

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