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Native microorganisms in their original form cannot be patented. However, microbes like yeasts, bacteria, protozoa, unicellular algae, fungi, actinomycetes and viruses can be patented if they have been genetically modified. The process and the product obtained can also be patented.  相似文献   

Commonly used definitions of osteoporosis rely upon the measurement of bone mass or bone mineral density and regard the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis as gradual. An alternative definition has been proposed by Harold Frost, suggesting that osteopenia is the bone's physiological response to disuse. On the contrary, true osteoporoses imply the bone's inability to adapt to the loads imposed on them by their habitual mechanical usage. As a consequence, fractures occur with no or very little trauma in osteoporotic, but not in osteopenic bones. There is now ample evidence that mechanical stimuli can increase strength. Accordingly, exercise, in particular some new forms of it that involve high strain rates, seems to be preventing bone loss and possibly also induces increases in bone mass even at older ages. Hence, exercise may ameliorate osteopenia in the sense of Frost's definition. However, exercise must be feared to facilitate rather than to ameliorate the occurrence of true osteoporoses, e.g., due to microdamage accumulation. This is in sharp contrast to the general 'understanding'.  相似文献   

Can bacterial interference prevent infection?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The concept that one bacterial species can interfere with the ability of another to colonize and infect the host has at its foundation the prerequisite that bacteria must attach to biological surfaces to cause infection. Although this is an over-simplification of pathogenesis, it has led to studies aimed at creating vaccines that block adhesion events. Arguably, the use of commensal bacteria (also referred to as "normal flora", "indigenous" or "autochthonous" microorganisms) to inhibit pathogens has even greater potential than vaccine use, because these bacteria are natural competitors of pathogens and their action does not require host immune stimulation. Exogenous application of commensal organisms (probiotics) has been shown to reduce the risk of infections in the gut, urogenital tract and wound sites. To manipulate and optimize these effects, further studies are required to understand cell signaling amongst commensals and pathogens within biofilms adherent to host tissues. The potential for new therapeutic regimens using probiotics is significant and worthy of further study.  相似文献   

Cu-induced oxidative damage is associated with cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative and age related diseases. The quest for Cu-chelators as potential antioxidants spans the past decades. Yet, biocompatible Cu-chelators that do not alter the normal metal-ion homeostasis are still lacking. Here, we explored the potential of natural and synthetic nucleotides and inorganic phosphates as inhibitors of the Cu(I)/(II)-induced ()OH formation via either the Fenton or Haber-Weiss mechanisms. For this purpose, we studied by ESR the modulation of Cu-induced ()OH production, from the decomposition of H(2)O(2), by nucleotides and phosphates. ATP inhibited both Cu(I) and Cu(II) catalyzed reactions (IC(50) 0.11 and 0.04mM, respectively). Likewise, adenosine 5'-beta,gamma-methylene triphosphate (AMP-PCP), adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP-gamma-S), ADP and tripolyphosphate were identified as good inhibitors. However, AMP and adenosine were poor inhibitors in the Cu(I)-H(2)O(2) system, IC(50) ca. 1.2mM, and radical enhancers in the Cu(II)-H(2)O(2) system. The best antioxidant was adenosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imino] triphosphate (AMP-PNP) (IC(50) 0.05mM at Cu(I)-H(2)O(2) system) which was 15 times more active than the known antioxidant Trolox. ATP and analogues inhibit Cu-induced ()OH formation through an ion chelation rather than a scavenging mechanism. Two phosphate groups are required for making active Fenton-reaction inhibitors. Nucleotides and phosphates triggered a biphasic modulation of the Haber-Weiss reaction, but a monophasic inhibition of the Fenton reaction. We conclude that nucleotides at sub mM concentrations can prevent Cu-induced OH radical formation from H(2)O(2), and hence may possibly prevent oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Avian flu pandemic: Can we prevent it?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa have led to devastating consequences for poultry, and have resulted in numerous infections in humans. Although these infections from the animal reservoir continue to accumulate, the virus does not seem to spread extensively among humans. However, for example, a process of genetic reassortment could occur in a human who is co-infected with avian influenza A virus and a human strain of influenza A virus. The resulting new virus might then be able to easily infect humans and spread from human to human. Therefore, many experts expect the occurrence of a pandemic due to a mutant virus which can be easily transmitted among humans. Thus, currently, a major public health concern is the next influenza pandemic; yet it remains unclear how to control such a crisis. In this paper, we investigate relations between the evolution of virulence and an effectiveness of pandemic control measures after the emergence of mutant avian influenza; one is an elimination policy of infected birds with avian influenza and the other is a quarantine policy of infected humans with mutant avian influenza. We found that each of these prevention policies can be ineffective (i.e., increase human morbidity or mortality). Further, interestingly, the same intervention might, under the same conditions, increase human morbidity and decrease human mortality, or vice versa. Our practical findings are that the quarantine policy can effectively reduce both human morbidity and mortality but the elimination policy increases either human morbidity or mortality in a worst case situation.  相似文献   

Reducing atmospheric loads of greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially CO2 and CH4, has been considered the key to alleviating global crises we are facing, such as climate change, sea level elevation and ocean acidification. To this end, development of strategies and technologies for carbon capture, sequestration and utilization (CCSU) is urgently needed. Although physicochemical methods have been the most actively studied in the early stages of developing CCSU technologies, there have recently been growing interests in developing microbe-based CCSU processes. In this article, we discuss advantages of microbe-based CCSU technologies over physicochemical approaches and even plant-based approaches. Next, various parts of the global carbon cycle where microorganisms can contribute, such as sequestering atmospheric GHGs, facilitating the carbon cycle, and slowing down the depletion of carbon reservoirs are described, emphasizing the impacts of microbes on the carbon cycle. Strategies to upgrade microbes and increase their performance in assimilating GHGs or converting GHGs to value-added chemicals are also provided. Moreover, several examples of exploiting microbes to address environmental crises are discussed. Finally, we discuss things to overcome in microbe-based CCSU technologies and provide future perspectives.  相似文献   

Ecology has been characterized by a central controversy for decades: namely, whether the distribution and abundance of organisms are determined by species interactions, such as competitive exclusion, or by environmental conditions. In part, this is because competitive exclusion has not been convincingly demonstrated in open, natural systems. In addition, traditional theoretical models cannot predict the outcome of competitive interactions in the presence of environmental variability. In this paper we document the limiting influence of strong interspecific competition on population dynamics and nestling mortality in a mixed population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared flycatchers (F. albicollis in a narrow zone of sympatry. Whereas the former species was limited mainly by interspecific competition, the latter species was limited by the concerted influences of intraspecific competition and climate. The analysis suggests a march towards competitive exclusion of the pied flycatcher during warm periods. However, competitive exclusion is apparently prohibited on a local scale because intraspecific competition among individual collared flycatchers intensifies when they are forced to cope with severe environmental conditions, promoting the temporary and local presence of pied flycatchers.  相似文献   

Microbes can influence host physiology and behavior in many ways. Here we review evidence suggesting that some microbes can contribute to host stress (and other microbes can contribute to increased resilience to stress). We explain how certain microbes, which we call “stress microbes,” can potentially benefit evolutionarily from inducing stress in a host, gaining access to host resources that can help fuel rapid microbial replication by increasing glucose levels in the blood, increasing intestinal permeability, and suppressing the immune system. Other microbes, which we term “resilience microbes,” can potentially benefit from making hosts more resilient to stress. We hypothesize that “stress microbes” use a fast life history strategy involving greater host exploitation while “resilience microbes” use a slow life history strategy characterized by more aligned evolutionary interests with the host. In this paper, we review the evidence that microbes affect host stress and explain the evolutionary pressures that could lead microbes to manipulate host stress, discuss the physiological mechanisms that are known to be involved in both stress and microbial activity, and provide some testable predictions that follow from this hypothesis.  相似文献   

There is a large literature focused on the color perception of matte surface. However, recent research showed that the component of surface specular reflection, such as glossiness, also affects categorical color perception. For instance, the color term “gold” was used to name high specular stimuli within a specific range of chromaticity, which overlaps with those of yellow and orange for low specular stimuli. In the present study, we investigated whether the component of surface specular reflectance affects the color perception of 5- to 8-month-old infants by using the preferential looking technique. In the first experiment, we conducted a simple test to determine whether infants perceive yellow and gold as the same color by comparing their preference for these colors over green. If the infants perceive yellow and gold as the same color, they would show similar preference scores over green. On the other hand, if infants show different preference scores over green, it indicates that infants do not perceive yellow and gold as the same color. Only the 7–8 month-old infants showed different preference scores for gold and yellow over green. This result indicates that the 7–8 month-old infants perceive gold and yellow as different colors. In Experiment 2, we eliminated the component of specular reflectance on the gold surface and presented it against green to infants. A similar preference score of yellow over green was obtained. This result suggests that the difference between the preference scores for gold and yellow over green in Experiment 1 was based on representations of glossiness.  相似文献   

The pH of the surface ocean is changing as a result of increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and there are concerns about potential impacts of lower pH and associated alterations in seawater carbonate chemistry on the biogeochemical processes in the ocean. However, it is important to place these changes within the context of pH in the present-day ocean, which is not constant; it varies systematically with season, depth and along productivity gradients. Yet this natural variability in pH has rarely been considered in assessments of the effect of ocean acidification on marine microbes. Surface pH can change as a consequence of microbial utilization and production of carbon dioxide, and to a lesser extent other microbially mediated processes such as nitrification. Useful comparisons can be made with microbes in other aquatic environments that readily accommodate very large and rapid pH change. For example, in many freshwater lakes, pH changes that are orders of magnitude greater than those projected for the twenty second century oceans can occur over periods of hours. Marine and freshwater assemblages have always experienced variable pH conditions. Therefore, an appropriate null hypothesis may be, until evidence is obtained to the contrary, that major biogeochemical processes in the oceans other than calcification will not be fundamentally different under future higher CO2/lower pH conditions.  相似文献   

Many microbial pathogens evolved to circumvent the attack of neutrophils, which are essential effector cells of the innate immune system. Here we review six major strategies that pathogenic bacteria and fungi use to evade neutrophil defences: (i) turning on survival and stress responses, (ii) avoiding contact, (iii) preventing phagocytosis, (iv) surviving intracellularly, (v) inducing cell death and (vi) evading killing by neutrophil extracellular traps. For each category we give examples and further focus on one particular pathogenic microbe in more detail. Pathogens include Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Yersinia ssp., Helicobacter pylori, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae.  相似文献   

We present a case report of a 37-year old woman diagnosed with depressive disorder, first episode, who was admitted into a psychiatric hospital after a failed suicidal attempt. She responded to antidepressant therapy, as evidenced by a >50% reduction in MADRS total score. She was discharged after 4 weeks of treatment, denying any suicidal ideations. The following day the patient committed suicide; she burned herself to death. It is very likely that the patient dissimulated her symptoms and ideations. Subsequently, her quantitative EEG records were retrospectively analyzed. An increase of prefrontal theta cordance value after the first week of mirtazapine therapy was found. Recently three small studies have revealed that decrease of prefrontal theta cordance after 1 week of antidepressant administration can predict clinical response in patients with unipolar depression. In our previous study the absence of a decreased theta prefrontal cordance was associated with lack of treatment response with NPV 1.0 (Bares et al., 2007). Thus, we hypothesize that prefrontal theta cordance could become an objective marker of change of depressive symptoms, independent of patients' compliance and symptom dissimulation, more precise than objective and self-rated depression rating scales.  相似文献   

Wetlands have long been suspected to be an important reservoir for Pasteurella multocida and therefore the likely source of avian cholera outbreaks. During the fall of 1995-98 we collected sediment and water samples from 44 wetlands where avian cholera epizootics occurred the previous winter or spring. We attempted to isolate P. multocida in sediment and surface water samples from 10 locations distributed throughout each wetland. We were not able to isolate P. multocida from any of the 440 water and 440 sediment samples collected from these wetlands. In contrast, during other investigations of avian cholera we isolated P. multocida from 20 of 44 wetlands, including 7% of the water and 4.5% of the sediment samples collected during or shortly following epizootic events. Our results indicate that wetlands are an unlikely reservoir for the bacteria that causes avian cholera.  相似文献   

Based on repeatedly reported extensive pantothenic acid disappearance in the rumen, the present study is aimed at examining if pantothenic acid is used for a more efficient ruminal fermentation and microbial growth in an artificial rumen (Rusitec). Three substrates differing in roughage/concentrate ratio were incubated with and without the addition of Ca-D-pantothenate. Pantothenic acid was extensively degraded without notably influencing fermentation, microbial protein synthesis and the status of other B-vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B6 and niacin. Therefore, pantothenic acid supplementation cannot be expected to contribute to microbial benefit for the ruminant animal.  相似文献   

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