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The tissue distribution of indinavir, free or incorporated into sterically stabilized anti-HLA-DR immunoliposomes, has been evaluated after a single subcutaneous injection to C3H mice. Administration of free indinavir resulted in low drug levels in lymphoid organs. In contrast, sterically stabilized anti-HLA-DR immunoliposomes were very efficient in delivering high concentrations of indinavir to lymphoid tissues for at least 15 days post-injection increasing by up to 126 times the drug accumulation in lymph nodes. The efficacy of free and immunoliposomal indinavir has been evaluated in vitro. Results showed that immunoliposomal indinavir was as efficient as the free agent to inhibit HIV-1 replication in cultured cells. The toxicity and immunogenicity of repeated administrations of liposomal formulations have also been investigated in rodents. No significant differences in the levels of hepatic enzymes of mice treated with free or liposomal indinavir were observed when compared to baseline and control untreated mice. Furthermore, histopathological studies revealed no significant damage to liver and spleen when compared to the control group. Liposomes bearing Fab′ fragments were 2.3-fold less immunogenic than liposomes bearing the entire IgG. Incorporation of antiviral agents into sterically stabilized immunoliposomes could represent a novel therapeutic strategy to target specifically HIV reservoirs and treat more efficiently this retroviral infection.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of indinavir, free or incorporated into sterically stabilized anti-HLA-DR immunoliposomes, has been evaluated after a single subcutaneous injection to C3H mice. Administration of free indinavir resulted in low drug levels in lymphoid organs. In contrast, sterically stabilized anti-HLA-DR immunoliposomes were very efficient in delivering high concentrations of indinavir to lymphoid tissues for at least 15 days post-injection increasing by up to 126 times the drug accumulation in lymph nodes. The efficacy of free and immunoliposomal indinavir has been evaluated in vitro. Results showed that immunoliposomal indinavir was as efficient as the free agent to inhibit HIV-1 replication in cultured cells. The toxicity and immunogenicity of repeated administrations of liposomal formulations have also been investigated in rodents. No significant differences in the levels of hepatic enzymes of mice treated with free or liposomal indinavir were observed when compared to baseline and control untreated mice. Furthermore, histopathological studies revealed no significant damage to liver and spleen when compared to the control group. Liposomes bearing Fab' fragments were 2.3-fold less immunogenic than liposomes bearing the entire IgG. Incorporation of antiviral agents into sterically stabilized immunoliposomes could represent a novel therapeutic strategy to target specifically HIV reservoirs and treat more efficiently this retroviral infection.  相似文献   

The ability of liposomes bearing anti-HLA-DR Fab' fragments at the end termini of polyethyleneglycol chains (sterically stabilized immunoliposomes) to target HLA-DR expressing cells and increase the accumulation of liposomes into lymphoid organs has been evaluated and compared to that of conventional liposomes, sterically stabilized liposomes and conventional immunoliposomes after a single subcutaneous injection to mice. The accumulation of sterically stabilized liposomes in lymph nodes was higher than that of conventional liposomes. Sterically stabilized immunoliposomes accumulated much better than conventional immunoliposomes in all tissues indicating that the presence of PEG has an important effect on the uptake of immunoliposomes by the lymphatic system. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that sterically stabilized liposomes are mainly localized in macrophage-rich areas such as the subcapsular region of lymph nodes and in the red pulp and marginal zone of the spleen. In contrast, sterically stabilized immunoliposomes mostly accumulated in the cortex in which follicles are located and in the white pulp of the spleen. As the human HLA-DR determinant of the major histocompatibility complex class II is expressed on activated CD4+ T lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells such as monocyte/macrophages and dendritic cells, known as the cellular reservoirs of HIV-1, liposomes bearing anti-HLA-DR antibodies constitute an attractive approach to concentrate drugs in HIV-1 reservoirs and improve their therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

Latently infected cells form the major obstacle to HIV eradication. Studies of HIV latency have been generally hindered by the lack of a robust and rapidly deployable cell model that involves primary human CD4 T lymphocytes. Latently infected cell lines have proven useful, but it is unclear how closely these proliferating cells recapitulate the conditions of viral latency in non-dividing CD4 T lymphocytes in vivo. Current primary lymphocyte models more closely reflect the in vivo state of HIV latency, but they are limited by protracted culture periods and often low cell yields. Additionally, these models are always established in a single latently infected cell type that may not reflect the heterogeneous nature of the latent reservoir. Here we describe a rapid, sensitive, and quantitative primary cell model of HIV-1 latency with replication competent proviruses and multiple reporters to enhance the flexibility of the system. In this model, post-integration HIV-1 latency can be established in all populations of CD4 T cells, and reactivation of latent provirus assessed within 7 days. The kinetics and magnitude of reactivation were evaluated after stimulation with various cytokines, small molecules, and T-cell receptor agonists. Reactivation of latent HIV proviruses was readily detected in the presence of strong activators of NF-κB. Latently infected transitional memory CD4 T cells proved more responsive to these T-cell activators than latently infected central memory cells. These findings reveal potentially important biological differences within the latently infected pool of memory CD4 T cells and describe a flexible primary CD4 T-cell system to evaluate novel antagonists of HIV latency.  相似文献   

为了解HIV抗体阳性血浆中的HIV-1病毒基因亚型的情况,应用逆转录PCR和DNA序列测定技术,对6份获自高危人群的抗HIV-1阳性血浆进行序列分析和基因亚型分型的研究,结果表明均属HIV-1B亚型.V3环氨基酸序列分析指出这些HIV-1B亚型病毒株与泰国HIV-1B亚型病毒株核苷酸和氨基酸序列相似;同时发现HIV-1 cDNA和氨基酸序列均相同,推测这6份标本可能来自同时感染同一株HIV病毒的感染者.本研究对了解高危人群中HIV-1流行的遗传变异和HIV-1亚型病毒株的分子流行病分析具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

Several investigators have generated long-lived nematode worms (Caenorhabditis elegans) in the past decade by mutation of genes in the organism in order to study the genetics of aging and longevity. Dozens of longevity assurance genes (LAG) that dramatically increase the longevity of this organism have been identified. All long-lived mutants of C. elegans are also resistant to environmental stress, such as high temperature, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ultraviolet irradiation. Double mutations of some LAGs further extended life span up to 400%, providing more insight into cellular mechanisms that put limits on the life span of organisms. With the availability of the LAG mutants and the combined DNA microarray and RNAi technology, the understanding of actual biochemical processes that determine life span is within reach: the downstream signal transduction pathway may regulate life span by up-regulating pro-longevity genes such as those that encode antioxidant enzymes and/or stress-response proteins, and down-regulating specific life-shortening genes. Furthermore, longevity could be modified through chemical manipulation. Results from these studies further support the free radical theory of aging, suggest that the molecular mechanism of aging process may be shared in all organisms, and provide insight for therapeutic intervention in age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Two strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) expressing different reporters, human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and murine heat stable antigen (HSA, CD24), were used for dual infection. Flow cytometric analysis enabled us to distinguish cells not only infected with individual reporter virus but also superinfected with both reporter viruses. When the CD4 positive T cell line, PM1, was dually infected by both reporter viruses with different coreceptor utilization, coinfection with CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 (X4 HIV-1) expressing one reporter increased the rate of cells infected with HIV-1 expressing another reporter. This enhancement was accompanied by an increased level of p24 antigen Gag in culture supernatant, indicating that infectivity of HIV-1 was augmented by X4 HIV-1 coinfection. The CXCR4 antagonist, T140 eliminated this enhancement, suggesting the role of X4 envelope via CXCR4. These results imply the role of X4 HIV-1 at the late stage of infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 pathogenesis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Despite considerable advances in HIV science in the past 20 years, the reason why HIV-1 infection is pathogenic is still debated and the goal of eradicating HIV-1 infection remains elusive. A deeper understanding of the interplay between HIV-1 and its host and why simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is nonpathogenic in some natural hosts may provide a few answers.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Nef is the regulatory protein expressed earliest and most abundantly in the infection cycle. Its expression has been correlated with a plethora of effects detectable either in producer, target, and bystander cells, as well as in the viral particles. Even if the relationship between Nef expression and apoptosis has been already matter of investigation in infected lymphocytes, whose resistance to HIV infection is however limited to few days, this remains to be investigated in cells that in vivo well resist the HIV cytopathic effect. In such an instance, we were interested in establishing whether Nef influences the apoptotic processes in primary human-monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). High efficiency HIV-1 infection of MDM allowed us to establish that virus-expressed Nef strongly counteracts the HIV-1-induced apoptosis. The Nef mutant analysis suggested that this effect relies on the interaction with different protein partners and cell compartments. We also observed that the Nef protection to the HIV-1-induced apoptosis correlated with the hyper-phosphorylation and consequent inactivation of the pro-apoptotic Bad protein. On the basis of these results, we propose the Nef anti-apoptotic effect as a relevant part of the mechanism of the in vivo establishment of the HIV macrophage reservoirs.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infected macrophages play a significant role in the neuropathogenesis of AIDS. HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) not only facilitates HIV-1 infection but also contribute to long-lived persistence in macrophages. Our previous studies using SILAC-based proteomic analysis showed that the expression of critical metabolic enzymes in the glycolytic pathway and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle were altered in response to Vpr expression in macrophages. We hypothesized that Vpr-induced modulation of glycolysis and TCA cycle regulates glutamate metabolism and release in HIV-1 infected macrophages.

We assessed the amount of specific metabolites induced by Vpr and HIV-1 in macrophages at the intracellular and extracellular level in a time-dependent manner utilizing multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) targeted metabolomics. In addition, stable isotope-labeled glucose and an MRM targeted metabolomics assay were used to evaluate the de novo synthesis and release of glutamate in Vpr overexpressing macrophages and HIV-1 infected macrophages, throughout the metabolic flux of glycolytic pathway and TCA cycle activation.

The metabolic flux studies demonstrated an increase in glucose uptake, glutamate release and accumulation of α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) and glutamine in the extracellular milieu in Vpr expressing and HIV-1 infected macrophages. Interestingly, glutamate pools and other intracellular intermediates (glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), fructose-6-phosphate (F6P), citrate, malate, α-KG, and glutamine) showed a decreased trend except for fumarate, in contrast to the glutamine accumulation observed in the extracellular space in Vpr overexpressing macrophages.

Our studies demonstrate that dysregulation of mitochondrial glutamate metabolism induced by Vpr in HIV-1 infected macrophages commonly seen, may contribute to neurodegeneration via excitotoxic mechanisms in the context of NeuroAIDS.  相似文献   

The assembly of an HIV-1 particle is a complex, multistep process involving several viral and cellular proteins, RNAs and lipids. While many macroscopic and fixed-cell microscopic techniques have provided important insights into the structure of HIV-1 particles and the mechanisms by which they assemble, analysis of individual particles and their assembly in living cells offers the potential of surmounting many of the limitations inherent in other approaches. In this review, we discuss how the recent application of live-cell microscopic imaging techniques has increased our understanding of the process of HIV-1 particle assembly. In particular, we focus on recent studies that have employed total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and other single-virion imaging techniques in live cells. These approaches have illuminated the dynamics of Gag protein assembly, viral RNA packaging and ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) protein recruitment at the level of individual viral particles. Overall, the particular advantages of individual particle imaging in living cells have yielded findings that would have been difficult or impossible to obtain using macroscopic or fixed-cell microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

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