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Metallothionein (MT) is a ubiquitous, metal-inducible protein with an important role in the homeostasis and in the detoxification of heavy metals. This work reports the cloning and sequencing of a MT gene encoding a MT isoform (MT20-IIIa) in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam, a lamellibranch mollusc known to accumulate and to detoxify large amounts of metal. The MT gene, lacking the 5' promoter region, is 1865 bp long and has a tripartite structure consisting of three exons and two introns. The putative open reading frame (ORF) encodes a polypeptide of 72 amino acids, which corresponds to the MT-I class, type 2 family (http://www.unizh.ch/~mtpage/classif.html). The structure of the gene and the putative MT20-III protein have been compared with those of other species. The putative biological significance of the differences at the amino acid level among the different MTs is discussed.  相似文献   

In the chick retina, the D1 dopaminergic system differentiates very early, as shown by receptor-mediated increases in intracellular cyclic AMP concentration and the presence of [(3)H]SCH23390-specific binding sites. Here, we characterized, by RT-PCR, the expression of defined D1 receptor subtypes D(1A), D(1B), and D(1D) during the development of the chick retina. Total RNA was extracted from retinas of 6-day-old embryos (E6) to 1-day-old hatched chickens and reverse-transcribed. The resulting cDNA was amplified using D(1A)-, D(1B)-, or D(1D)-specific primers, and the PCR-amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis. The fragment corresponding to D(1A) receptor was detected in developing retina as early as E7, whereas the fragment corresponding to D(1B) was observed starting around E10. No PCR product corresponding to D(1D) was observed in the retina, although it was detected in chick brain. As synaptogenesis in chick retina begins after E11 and [(3)H]SCH 23390 D1 binding sites increase after this stage, the present results show that expression of D(1B) receptor increases during synaptogenesis, whereas D(1A) is the receptor subtype associated with the D1-like actions of dopamine early in retina development.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins are cysteine-rich, metal-binding proteins ubiquitously expressed in living organisms. In the last past years, a plethora of vertebrate metallothionein sequences have become available, but so far there has been an almost absolute lack of data about sequences of metallothionein of non-avian diapsida. In the framework of the investigations on structural and functional properties of non-mammalian metallothioneins, we have cloned and sequenced the cDNAs encoding for metallothioneins of 10 squamate reptiles, belonging to 5 different infraorders. These sequences have been used to gain insight into the evolutionary history of metallothioneins in reptiles. Phylogenetic analysis shows that reptilian metallothionein phylogeny is inconsistent with the species phylogeny. Such findings allow us to hypothesize that the identified metallothionein in each squamate species used for this study might be considered a paralogous gene derived from more events of gene duplication and losses occurred during the diversification of the squamate species. Finally, through vertebrate metallothionein comparisons and phylogenetic analysis, we also add a novel contribution to the understanding of the evolution of metallothionein genes along the major vertebrate lineages.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of two new metallothionein (MT) genes (TrosMTT1 and TrosMTT2), isolated as cDNAs, from the ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena rostrata. The TrosMTT1 inferred protein has been identified as a CdMT and included into the 7a subfamily of Tetrahymena MTs, while TrosMTT2 has been identified as a CuMT (including it into 7b subfamily), due to its similarity to TpigMT-2 and its significant induction by copper. TrosMTT1 protein sequence reveals a remarkably regular and hierarchical modular organization, as it is known for other Tetrahymena CdMTs, showing a bi-modular structure. TrosMTT2 presents a structural organization based on CKCX(2-5)CKC repeats, like it occurs in other Tetrahymena CuMTs, indicating that an evolutionary history based on intra-gene duplications might be also possible. Both are also multi-stress-inducible genes because they are induced by other heavy metals and stressors, as it has been shown by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. It is the first time that the gene expression of a putative Tetrahymena CuMT is analyzed by quantitative PCR, confirming it as a CuMT. These two new Tetrahymena MTs complete, at present, the actual view of this protein superfamily, and corroborate the unique features of ciliate MTs. Furthermore, both, a comparative analysis of relative gene expression values obtained by quantitative RT-PCR on other Tetrahymena MT genes and an analysis of the different Tetrahymena MTs based on the different Cys clusters of these proteins are carried out, which show an update view of Tetrahymena MT gene family.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are small soluble proteins ubiquitously expressed in animals and plants. Different isoforms are present in deuterostomes and protostomes. They do not differ greatly in primary structure, but are clearly distinguishable. Here, I present the gene and the complete cDNA of a novel MT from the mollusk Megathura crenulata. This protein is closely related to the Cu-inducible MTs of the vineyard snail Helix pomatia, but has also some minor sequence features typical of Cd-inducible isoforms of H. pomatia and other molluscs. Overall, the deduced primary structure is similar to the known molluscan MTs, but in addition possesses an insertion of 5 amino acids not found in any other molluscan MTs, protostomic or deuterostomic MTs. In addition, a pentapeptide insertion, characteristic of mammalian MT-3 is present but it lacks the functional tetrapeptide CPCP within the beta-region of those MT-3 proteins that are known to suppress neuronal growth processes. The M. crenulata MT is a novel form of MT in comparison to all other known MTs. Possible functional aspects for this new MT are discussed.  相似文献   

The cDNAs complementary to mouse immunoglobulin alpha heavy chain mRNAs have been cloned into the PstI site of the plasmid vector pBR322. Recombinant plasmids have been identified by hybrid-arrested translation and purification of alpha heavy chain mRNA on DNA-DBM filters. The nucleotide sequence of the inserts encodes the constant and 3' untranslated regions of the alpha heavy chain mRNA. The CH3 domains of human and mouse alpha chains are highly homologous, including a 36 amino acid fragment not reported in the protein sequence (Robinson and Appella, 1980). As in the case of the mu secreted heavy chain, the alpha heavy chain contains a carboxy terminal piece of 20 amino acids.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白是一类普遍存在于生物体内、富含半胱氨酸的小分子蛋白,能螯合多种金属离子。本研究根据EST序列信息,利用RACE技术克隆到1条家蝇Musca domestica金属硫蛋白基因MdMtn(GenBank登录号为GU289398)。序列分析表明,MdMtn cDNA全长408 bp,包含1个123 bp的开放阅读框,编码40个氨基酸残基,其中半胱氨酸残基10个,呈-C-X-C-方式排列。此蛋白理论分子量为3.8 kD,等电点为878。为了解家蝇金属硫蛋白对重金属的结合活性,构建了pET-DsbA-MT表达载体,并转化Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)宿主菌进行融合表达。研究发现MT重组菌对重金属镉的耐受性得到了明显加强,提示MdMtn基因可能在家蝇适应重金属环境中起到积极作用。  相似文献   

First cadmium metallothionein like gene PMCd1 of a ciliate, Paramecium sp., isolated from industrial wastewater has been cloned and sequenced. PMCd1 is an intronless gene, encoding 612 nucleotides, with TAA coding for glutamine. The coding region of PMCd1 comprises 203 amino acids, including 37 cysteine residues with a conserved structural pattern in the form of recurring structural motifs, arranged in 17 x-cys-x-y-cys-x, 1 x-cys-cys-x and x-cys-x contexts. Both, the deduced amino acids and nucleotide sequence differ, not only from other animal metallothioneins (MTs), but also from the previously characterized Tetrahymena Cu and Cd-MTs. The translated protein of PMCd1 contains conserved cysteine residues, peculiar characteristic of stress inducible metallothionein genes of ciliates and other groups of organisms.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequences of chicken and hagfish prothrombin have been determined. The sequences predict that prothrombin from both species is synthesized as a prepro-protein consisting of a putative Gla domain, two kringle domains, and a two-chain protease domain. Chicken and hagfish prothrombin share 51.6% amino acid sequence identity (313/627 residues). Both chicken and hagfish prothrombin are structurally very similar to human, bovine, rat, and mouse prothrombin and all six species share 41% amino acid sequence identity. Amino acid sequence alignments of human, bovine, rat, mouse, chicken, and hagfish prothrombin suggest that the thrombin B-chain and the propeptide-Gla domain are the regions most constrained for the common function(s) of vertebrate prothrombins.The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL/Genbank database under the following secession numbers: M 81391 for Gallus gallus, M 81393 for Eptatretus stouti.Correspondence to: R.T.A. MacGillivray  相似文献   

Abstract: Aromatase in the diencephalic neurons, the level of which increases transiently during the prenatal to neonatal period, has been suggested to be involved in control of sexual behavior and differentiation of the CNS. Effects of neurotransmitters on levels of aromatase mRNA in cultured neurons were investigated to determine factors regulating the developmental increase that occurs in level of fetal brain aromatase. The expression of aromatase in diencephalic neurons of fetal mice at embryonic day 13, cultured in vitro, was significantly affected by α1-adrenergic receptor ligands. Aromatase mRNA levels were higher in neurons treated with the α1-agonist phenylephrine than in control neurons, whereas prazosin, an α1-antagonist, suppressed this increase, and ligands for α2- or β-adrenergic receptors did not exert any influence. The profile of α1-adrenergic receptor subtypes during actual development in vivo suggested that the α1B subtype is in fact responsible for the signal transduction. Substance P, cholecystokinin, neurotensin, and brain natriuretic peptide also increased the level of expression along with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and dibutyryl-cyclic GMP, whereas forskolin and dibutyryl-cyclic AMP caused a decrease. These data indicate that stimulation via α1 (possibly α1B)-adrenergic receptors, as well as receptors of specific neuropeptides, controls the expression of aromatase in embryonic day 13 diencephalic neurons through activation of protein kinase C or G. β-Adrenergic receptors would not appear to participate in the regulation, judging from their developmental profile, although cyclic AMP might be a suppressive second messenger.  相似文献   

Divergence estimates were calculated using restriction analysis and cytochrome-b sequences for capelin Mallotus villosus mitochondrial genomes sampled from Newfoundland and Norwegian populations. On average, pairwise divergence values based on cytochrome-b sequences were 2.7 times greater than those based on restriction data. Since the rate of evolution in the cytochrome-b gene is low, it appears that restriction analysis underestimated divergence values, possibly due to limited sensitivity of this method when variable nucleotide positions are not randomly distributed. Mitochondrial genotypes were not shared among the two populations.  相似文献   

以‘同色兜兰’品种为材料,采用RT-PCR和RACE技术获得了DEFICIENS(DEF)-和GLOBOSA(GLO)-like基因的cDNA全长,命名为PcDEF和PcGLO,并用半定量RT-PCR和实时PCR研究了PcDEF和PcGLO在花芽发育过程和不同组织部位的表达特性。结果表明,PcDEF和PcGLO的全长cDNA分别为1 039bp和934bp,分别编码224和210个氨基酸;蛋白比对表明,PcDEF和PcGLO蛋白都具有典型MADS-box蛋白的MADS和K结构域;蛋白同源性分析显示,PcDEF和PcGLO与已登录的其它兰科植物的DEF/AP3和GLO/PI蛋白的相似性分别在75%~96%和87%~98%;系统进化树分析表明,PcDEF和PcGLO分别属于B类MADS-box蛋白家族的AP3和PI亚家族。表达分析显示,PcDEF和PcGLO在花芽发育中均有表达,PcDEF在成熟花、唇瓣和花瓣中的表达量高,在蕊柱、萼片、苞叶和根中次之,在花茎和叶中较低,在子房中几乎不表达;PcGLO在各组织中均有不同丰度的表达。  相似文献   

Rhizomucor miehei is important from a biotechnological aspect in consequence of its content of aspartic proteinase, which has high milk-clotting activity. A genomic library of R. miehei NRRL 5901 has been constructed in a phage (Lambda Fix II) vector. The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) gene was isolated from this library by hybridization of the recombinant phage clones with a gpd-specific gene probe generated by polymerase chain reaction. The complete nucleotide sequence encodes a putative polypeptide chain of 336 amino acids interrupted by 5 introns. The predicted amino acid sequence of this gene shows a high degree of sequence similarity to the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase proteins from yeast and filamentous fungi. The promoter region, containing a consensus TATA box, and 246-bp downstream from the putative stop codon were also determined. The possibility of using the gpd promoter in the construction of new transformation vectors is discussed.  相似文献   

Sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear ITS2 region were used to assess genetic diversity, intraspecific phylogeography and population genetic structure of the oak gall wasp Andricus chodjaii from Turkey. We examined 293 individuals from 21 localities which generated 57 cyt b haplotypes and 8 ITS2 alleles. The average genetic diversity was 0.575 for cyt b and 0.202 ITS2, and the average nucleotide diversity 0.015 for cyt b gene and 0.001 for the ITS2 region. Phylogenetic analyses of cyt b haplotypes produced mostly similar topologies with geographically significant groupings. The ITS2 data provided less resolution without robust and apparent geographic structure. Population demographic analysis indicated that some eastern populations expanded, however, some others underwent either expansion or decline resulting in genetically structured populations. Molecular clock applied to the mtDNA data indicated that ingroup haplotypes diversified from the outgroup haplotypes around Early Pliocene. Further diversification events throughout Pleistocene resulted in major clade formations. It appears that geographic formations and glacial and interglacial cycles of Pleistocene were crucial for shaping the phylogeographic structure of A. chodjaii in Turkey.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of cloned cDNAs were used to determine the primary structures of the precursors of vasotocin (sVT) and isotocin (sIT) from the hypothalamus of the chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta. Two different cDNAs were obtained for each of sVT and sIT precursors (sVT-I and sVT-II; sIT-I and sIT-II). Both sVT and sIT precursors were found to contain a signal peptide and hormone that is connected to a neurophysin by a Gly-Lys-Arg sequence. Northern and Southern blot analyses showed that the sVT and sIT genes are expressed by the same chum salmon hypothalamus, but not by the liver and kidney. Microheterogeneity was found in the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of sVT precursors between our results and the previously reported data (Heierhorst et al. 1990). The conspicuous difference is the occurrence of a stop codon in the middle of sVT-II cDNA. The carboxyl termini of both sVT and sIT neurophysins are about 30 amino acids longer than neurophysins of toad and mammalian neurohypophysial hormone precursors. Although these extended regions do not contain a glycosylation site, they show striking similarity with the glycopeptide moiety (copeptin) of toad vasotocin and mammalian vasopressin precursors. The central portion of the neurophysins shows highest homology among corresponding regions of sVT and sIT precursors. Moreover, calculation of nucleotide substitution rates suggests that a recent gene conversion may have occurred which encompasses the exon that encodes the central segment of the sVT and sIT precursors. A possible pathway for the evolution of precursor molecules of neurohypophysial hormones is discussed.Abbreviations AVP vasopressin - C carboxyl - h human - IT isotocin - MT mesotocin - N amino - OXT oxytocin - S chum salmon - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - t toad - VT vasotocin  相似文献   

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