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During Escherichia coli cell division, an intracellular complex of cell division proteins known as the Z-ring assembles at midcell during early division and serves as the site of constriction. While the predominant protein in the Z-ring is the widely conserved tubulin homolog FtsZ, the actin homolog FtsA tethers the Z-ring scaffold to the cytoplasmic membrane by binding to FtsZ. While FtsZ is known to function as a dynamic, polymerized GTPase, the assembly state of its partner, FtsA, and the role of ATP are still unclear. We report that a substitution mutation in the FtsA ATP-binding site impairs ATP hydrolysis, phospholipid vesicle remodeling in vitro, and Z-ring assembly in vivo. We demonstrate by transmission electron microscopy and Förster Resonance Energy Transfer that a truncated FtsA variant, FtsA(ΔMTS) lacking a C-terminal membrane targeting sequence, self assembles into ATP-dependent filaments. These filaments coassemble with FtsZ polymers but are destabilized by unassembled FtsZ. These findings suggest a model wherein ATP binding drives FtsA polymerization and membrane remodeling at the lipid surface, and FtsA polymerization is coregulated with FtsZ polymerization. We conclude that the coordinated assembly of FtsZ and FtsA polymers may serve as a key checkpoint in division that triggers cell wall synthesis and division progression.  相似文献   

Cell division proteins FtsZ (FtsA, ZipA, ZapA), FtsE/X, FtsK, FtsQ, FtsL/B, FtsW, PBP3, FtsN and AmiC localize at mid cell in Escherichia coli in an interdependent order as listed. To investigate whether this reflects a time dependent maturation of the divisome, the average cell age at which FtsZ, FtsQ, FtsW, PBP3 and FtsN arrive at their destination was determined by immuno- and GFP-fluorescence microscopy of steady state grown cells at a variety of growth rates. Consistently, a time delay of 14-21 min, depending on the growth rate, between Z-ring formation and the mid cell recruitment of proteins down stream of FtsK was found. We suggest a two-step model for bacterial division in which the Z-ring is involved in the switch from cylindrical to polar peptidoglycan synthesis, whereas the much later localizing cell division proteins are responsible for the modification of the envelope shape into that of two new poles.  相似文献   

Assembly of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase holoenzyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The production and assembly of the four fumarate reductase polypeptides into holoenzyme was studied in vivo in a T7-promoter-conditional expression system. No posttranslational modification of any of the subunits was detected, although the ratio of polypeptides produced varied with the temperature at which expression occurred. FrdC and FrdD, the membrane anchor polypeptides, assembled rapidly into the membrane and then were capped with FrdA and FrdB in separate events. Truncation of the C-terminal domain of FrdD by insertion of transposon Tn5 into the frdD cistron interfered with membrane insertion of the anchor polypeptides and assembly of the holoenzyme. Proteolytic degradation of truncated FrdD was implicated in the production of a soluble FrdABC trimer.  相似文献   

The rod‐shaped bacterium Escherichia coli grows by insertion of peptidoglycan into the lateral wall during cell elongation and synthesis of new poles during cell division. The monofunctional transpeptidases PBP2 and PBP3 are part of specialized protein complexes called elongasome and divisome, respectively, which catalyse peptidoglycan extension and maturation. Endogenous immunolabelled PBP2 localized in the cylindrical part of the cell as well as transiently at midcell. Using the novel image analysis tool Coli‐Inspector to analyse protein localization as function of the bacterial cell age, we compared PBP2 localization with that of other E. coli cell elongation and division proteins including PBP3. Interestingly, the midcell localization of the two transpeptidases overlaps in time during the early period of divisome maturation. Försters Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) experiments revealed an interaction between PBP2 and PBP3 when both are present at midcell. A decrease in the midcell diameter is visible after 40% of the division cycle indicating that the onset of new cell pole synthesis starts much earlier than previously identified by visual inspection. The data support a new model of the division cycle in which the elongasome and divisome interact to prepare for cell division.  相似文献   

The timing of the appearance of the FtsZ ring at the future site of division in Escherichia coli was determined by in situ immunofluorescence microscopy for two strains grown under steady-state conditions. The strains, B/rA and K-12 MC4100, differ largely in the duration of the D period, the time between termination of DNA replication and cell division. In both strains and under various growth conditions, the assembly of the FtsZ ring was initiated approximately simultaneously with the start of the D period. This is well before nucleoid separation or initiation of constriction as determined by fluorescence and phase-contrast microscopy. The durations of the Z-ring period, the D period, and the period with a visible constriction seem to be correlated under all investigated growth conditions in these strains. These results suggest that (near) termination of DNA replication could provide a signal that initiates the process of cell division.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌分子伴侣GroE系统及其协助的Rubisco蛋白装配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子伴侣协助蛋白质在体内正确组装,对分子伴侣结构和作用机制的研究不仅在生物大分子结构和功能研究中具有重要的理论意义,而且还具有广泛的应用价值。大肠杆菌分子伴侣GroE系统是迄今为止研究得最为透彻的分子伴侣。本文侧重总结了GroE系统的作用机制以及在该系统的帮助下光合细菌核酮糖1,5二磷酸羧化/加氧酶(Rubisco蛋白)的装配情况。  相似文献   

FtsK is a multifunctional protein involved in both cell division and chromosome segregation. As far as its role in cell division is concerned, FtsK is among the first divisome proteins that localizes at mid-cell, after FtsZ, FtsA and ZipA, and is required for the recruitment of the other divisome components. The ability of FtsK to interact with several cell division proteins, namely FtsZ, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI, by the two-hybrid assay was already shown by our group. In this work, we describe the identification of the protein domain(s) involved in the interaction with the cell division partner proteins. The biological role of some interactions is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motor is a highly ordered and complex supramolecular structure that powers rotation of flagella and serves as a type III export apparatus for flagellar assembly. Motor biogenesis represents a formidable example of self-assembly, but little is known about early steps of the motor structure formation. Here we used a combination of fluorescence microscopy techniques to dissect the order of the motor assembly in Escherichia coli cells, to map in vivo the underlying protein interactions and to investigate dynamics of protein exchange in the assembled motor structure. Our data suggest that motor self-assembly is initiated by oligomerization of the membrane export apparatus protein FlhA, which is followed by the recruitment of the MS ring component FliF and by the ordered association of other motor proteins. The assembly process combines the hierarchy with cooperativity, whereby the association of each subsequent motor structure stabilizes the growing assembly. Our results provide a novel and so far the most complete view of the early steps in flagellar motor assembly and improve understanding of the motor structure and regulation.  相似文献   

The bacterium Escherichia coli is one of the most popular model systems to study the assembly of membrane proteins of the so-called helix-bundle class. Here, based on this system, we review and discuss what is currently known about the assembly of these membrane proteins. In addition, we will briefly review and discuss how E. coli has been used as a vehicle for the overexpression of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

K88菌毛介导产肠毒索性大肠杆菌在小肠上皮细胞的粘附,是引起新生仔猪腹泻的主要致病因子之一.菌毛的合成与装配是由fae操纵子调控的,fae操纵子包含10个基,faeA-fae J,其中有些基因表达菌毛装配所需的各种结构蛋白、分子伴侣和调控因子.菌毛的装配过程是由fae操纵子调控,通过分子伴侣,锚定蛋白的相互协同作用完成,组装成结构蛋白的多聚体.继阐明K88菌毛装配调控机理之后,K88菌毛在非毒素源性大肠杆菌及其它原核生物中装配也取得成功,同时菌毛结构蛋白在真核生物中组装也取得了很大进展.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) secretes many Esps (E. coli-secreted proteins) and effectors via the type III secretion (TTS) system. We previously identified a novel needle complex (NC) composed of a basal body and a needle structure containing an expandable EspA sheath-like structure as a central part of the EPEC TTS apparatus. To further investigate the structure and protein components of the EPEC NC, we purified it in successive centrifugal steps. Finally, NCs with long EspA sheath-like structures could be separated from those with short needle structures on the basis of their densities. Although the highly purified NC appeared to lack an inner ring in the basal body, its core structure, composed of an outer ring and a central rod, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Western blot, and immunoelectron microscopic analyses revealed that EscC was a major protein component of the outer ring in the core basal body. To investigate the mechanisms of assembly of the basal body, interactions between the presumed components of the EPEC TTS apparatus were analyzed by a glutathione S-transferase pulldown assay. The EscC outer ring protein was associated with both the EscF needle protein and EscD, a presumed inner membrane protein. EscF was also associated with EscJ, a presumed inner ring protein. Furthermore, escC, escD, and escJ mutant strains were unable to produce the TTS apparatus, and thereby the secretion of the Esp proteins and Tir effector was abolished. These results indicate that EscC, EscD, and EscJ are required for the formation of the TTS apparatus.  相似文献   

Adaptation in the chemosensory pathways of bacteria like Escherichia coli is mediated by the enzyme-catalyzed methylation (and demethylation) of glutamate residues in the signaling domains of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). MCPs can be methylated in trans, where the methyltransferase (CheR) molecule catalyzing methyl group transfer is tethered to the C terminus of a neighboring receptor. Here, it was shown that E. coli cells exhibited adaptation to attractant stimuli mediated through either engineered or naturally occurring MCPs that were unable to tether CheR as long as another MCP capable of tethering CheR was also present, e.g., either the full-length aspartate or serine receptor (Tar or Tsr). Methylation of isolated membrane samples in which engineered tethering and substrate receptors were coexpressed demonstrated that the truncated substrate receptors (trTsr) were efficiently methylated in the presence of tethering receptors (Tar with methylation sites blocked) relative to samples in which none of the MCPs had tethering sites. The effects of ligand binding on methylation were investigated, and an increase in rate was produced only with serine (the ligand specific for the substrate receptor trTsr); no significant change in rate was produced by aspartate (the ligand specific for the tethering receptor Tar). Although the overall efficiency of methylation was lower, receptor-specific effects were also observed in trTar- and trTsr-containing samples, where neither Tar nor Tsr possessed the CheR binding site at the C terminus. Altogether, the results are consistent with a ligand-induced conformational change that is limited to the methylated receptor dimer and does not spread to adjacent receptor dimers.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase from Escherichia coli exhibited low activity when assayed for hydrogen:methyl viologen reductase activity and no activity when assayed for hydrogen-uptake activity with acceptors of high redox potential (dichloroindophenol, methylene blue). Nor did the enzyme as isolated catalyse proton-tritium exchange activity. Incubation under hydrogen resulted in an increase in hydrogen-uptake activity with methyl viologen and the appearance of hydrogen-uptake activity with dichloroindophenol and methylene blue. Following such treatment, the enzyme also readily catalysed isotope exchange. This process is interpreted as the conversion of the hydrogenase from an inactive 'unready' state to an 'active' state. Oxidation of active hydrogenase with dichloroindophenol caused conversion to a state resembling that of the enzyme as isolated but capable of more rapid activation under reducing conditions. This form is termed the 'ready' state. Such interconversions have been reported for hydrogenases from Desulfovibrio gigas and D. desulfuricans, and the possibility that they constitute a regulatory mechanism suggested.  相似文献   

The periplasmic chaperone Skp has long been implicated in the assembly of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in Escherichia coli. It has been shown to interact with unfolded OMPs, and the simultaneous loss of Skp and the main periplasmic chaperone in E. coli, SurA, results in synthetic lethality. However, a Δskp mutant displays only minor OMP assembly defects, and no OMPs have been shown to require Skp for their assembly. Here, we report a role for Skp in the assembly of the essential OMP LptD. This role may be compensated for by other OMP assembly proteins; in the absence of both Skp and FkpA or Skp and BamB, LptD assembly is impaired. Overexpression of SurA does not restore LptD levels in a Δskp ΔfkpA double mutant, nor does the overexpression of Skp or FkpA restore LptD levels in the ΔsurA mutant, suggesting that Skp acts in concert with SurA to efficiently assemble LptD in E. coli. Other OMPs, including LamB, are less affected in the Δskp ΔfkpA and Δskp bamB::kan double mutants, suggesting that Skp is specifically necessary for the assembly of certain OMPs. Analysis of an OMP with a domain structure similar to that of LptD, FhuA, suggests that common structural features may determine which OMPs require Skp for their assembly.  相似文献   

Assembly proteins of CS1 pili of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Some strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrhoeal disease produce a class of pili represented by those called CS1. For the assembly of the major-pilin subunit, CooA, into pili, each of four linked genes, cooB,A,C, and D, is required. In this study, we have determined the subcellular localization of CooB, C and D, and investigated the molecular interactions of these proteins using specific antisera. CooD appears to be an integral pilus protein because it co-purifies with, and is strongly associated with, CS1 pili. In keeping with its role as an assembly protein, the CooD minor pilin (when overexpressed in CS1-piliated strains) was detected in periplasmic inter-molecular complexes with the major-pilin subunit CooA. CooB is an assembly protein found exclusively in the periplasm of CS1-piliated strains. CooB also forms periplasmic intermolecular complexes with CooA, but does not constitute part of the final pilus structure. Immunoblot analysis of cell fractions showed that CooC is an outer membrane protein of CS1-piliated E. coli. Based on this information, we have proposed a model for CS1 -pilus assembly which is very similar to the model for polymerization of the PapA pilin of uropathogenic E. coli. As the assembly proteins of Pap and CS1 pili are structurally unrelated, this may represent a case of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli actin homologue MreB is part of a helical cytoskeletal structure that winds around the cell between the two poles. It has been shown that MreB redistributes during the cell cycle to form circumferential ring structures that flank the cytokinetic FtsZ ring and appear to be associated with division and segregation of the helical cytoskeleton. We show here that the MreB cytoskeletal ring also contains the MreC, MreD, Pbp2 and RodA proteins. Assembly of MreB, MreC, MreD and Pbp2 into the ring structure required the FtsZ ring but no other known components of the cell division machinery, whereas assembly of RodA into the cytoskeletal ring required one or more additional septasomal components. Strikingly, MreB, MreC, MreD and RodA were each able to independently assemble into the cytoskeletal ring and coiled cytoskeletal structures in the absence of any of the other ring components. This excludes the possibility that one or more of these proteins acts as a scaffold for incorporation of the other proteins into these structures. In contrast, incorporation of Pbp2 required the presence of MreC, which may provide a docking site for Pbp2 entry.  相似文献   

A plasmid carrying a weakly expressed neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene from the transposable element Tn5 was found to confer elevated levels of antibiotic resistance on its host cell when it existed in a non-monomeric state. This activation of the neo gene appeared to be a generalized effect which can be exerted on any plasmid-encoded gene, since specific sequences were not required for enhanced neo expression, and the activity of a plasmid-borne chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene could be similarly induced by oligomerization. The potential role that multiple origins of replication present in such oligomeric plasmids play in these observed increases in gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

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