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Factors promoting the evolution of specialists versus generalists have been little studied in ecological context. In a large-scale comparative field experiment, we studied genotypes from naturally evolved populations of a closely related generalist/specialist species pair (Polygonum persicaria and P. hydropiper), reciprocally transplanting replicates of multiple lines into open and partially shaded sites where the species naturally co-occur. We measured relative fitness, individual plasticity, herbivory, and genetic variance expressed in the contrasting light habitats at both low and high densities. Fitness data confirmed that the putative specialist out-performed the generalist in only one environment, the favorable full sun/low-density environment to which it is largely restricted in nature, while the generalist had higher lifetime reproduction in both canopy and dense neighbor shade. The generalist, P. persicaria, also expressed greater adaptive plasticity for biomass allocation and leaf size in shaded conditions than the specialist. We found no evidence that the ecological specialization of P. hydropiper reflects either genetically based fitness trade-offs or maintenance costs of plasticity, two types of genetic constraint often invoked to prevent the evolution of broadly adaptive genotypes. However, the patterns of fitness variance and herbivore damage revealed how release from herbivory in a new range can cause an introduced species to evolve as a specialist in that range, a surprising finding with important implications for invasion biology. Patterns of fitness variance between and within sites are also consistent with a possible role for the process of mutation accumulation (in this case, mutations affecting shade-expressed phenotypes) in the evolution and/or maintenance of specialization in P. hydropiper.  相似文献   

Wiggins NL  McArthur C  Davies NW 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):650-657
Generalist mammalian herbivores exploit a diverse diet. A generalised feeding strategy utilises a mixed diet to obtain a range of nutrients and to reduce the detoxication load of similar groups of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs). There is limited research investigating how mammalian herbivores achieve this dietary mixing in their daily foraging activities. We investigated the patterns of, and behaviours associated with, dietary mixing in a generalist mammalian folivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Possums were offered foliage of two eucalypt species (Eucalyptus globulus and E. regnans) as either (a) Full choice: both species offered for 8 h; (b) Restricted choice: both species offered for 2×2 h blocks; (c) G–R no choice: E. globulus offered for the first 4 h, E. regnans offered for next 4 h; and (d) R–G no choice: E. regnans offered for first 4 h, E. globulus offered for next 4 h. We hypothesised that possums would maximise intake on the Full choice diet, where time availability was greatest in combination with a choice of foliage. We also hypothesised that diet switching, defined as the frequency of changing between food types while feeding, would play a fundamental role in maximising intake. Possums achieved maximum intake on the Full choice diet and minimum intake on the No choice diets. Although intake was similar between the Restricted choice and No choice diets, possums achieved this intake in half the amount of time when able to switch regularly between foliage on the Restricted choice diet. We conclude that a generalist herbivore’s ability to effectively switch diets when foraging is fundamental to maximising intake. Hence, the degree of plant heterogeneity in an environment, and the spatial scale at which it occurs, may affect an herbivore’s foraging decisions and, ultimately, influence its foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

1. It is widely accepted that density-dependent processes play an important role in most natural populations. However, persistent challenges in our understanding of density-dependent population dynamics include evaluating the shape of the relationship between density and demographic rates (linear, concave, convex), and identifying extrinsic factors that can mediate this relationship. 2. I studied the population dynamics of the cactus bug Narnia pallidicornis on host plants (Opuntia imbricata) that varied naturally in relative reproductive effort (RRE, the proportion of meristems allocated to reproduction), an important plant quality trait. I manipulated per-plant cactus bug densities, quantified subsequent dynamics, and fit stage-structured models to the experimental data to ask if and how density influences demographic parameters. 3. In the field experiment, I found that populations with variable starting densities quickly converged upon similar growth trajectories. In the model-fitting analyses, the data strongly supported a model that defined the juvenile cactus bug retention parameter (joint probability of surviving and not dispersing) as a nonlinear decreasing function of density. The estimated shape of this relationship shifted from concave to convex with increasing host-plant RRE. 4. The results demonstrate that host-plant traits are critical sources of variation in the strength and shape of density dependence in insects, and highlight the utility of integrated experimental-theoretical approaches for identifying processes underlying patterns of change in natural populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Polyphagous insect herbivores could be expected to perform relatively well in new areas because of their ability to exploit alternative resources. We investigated relative abundance patterns of the polyphagous thrips species Frankliniella schultzei , which is characteristically found on plants from many different families, to establish the role of different host plant species in a single locality where the species is not indigenous (Brisbane, south-eastern Queensland, Australia). F. schultzei females and larvae were always present in flowers (where oviposition takes place) and never on leaves of the eight plant species that we surveyed regularly over one year. They were present in flowers of Malvaviscus arboreus in much higher densities than for any other host. F. schultzei females were more fecund and larvae developed faster on floral tissue diets of M . arboreus than on those of other hosts. M. arboreus is therefore regarded as the 'primary' host plant of F. schultzei in the locality that we investigated. The other species are regarded as 'minor' hosts. Available evidence indicates a common geographical origin of F. schultzei and M. arboreus . F. schultzei may therefore be primarily adapted to M. arboreus . The flowers of the minor species on which F. schultzei is also found may coincidentally share some features of the primary host. Adult thrips may therefore accumulate on minor hosts and breed there, but to a lesser extent than on the primary host. The general implications for investigating polyphagous host relationships and interpreting the ecology of these species as generalist invaders are spelt out.  相似文献   

Defense against natural enemies constitutes an important driver of herbivore host range evolution in the wild. Populations of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae), have recently incorporated an exotic plant, Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae), into their dietary range. To understand the tritrophic consequences of utilizing this exotic host plant, we examined immune performance, chemical defense, and interactions with a natural entomopathogen (Junonia coenia densovirus, Parvoviridae) across wild populations of this specialist herbivore. We measured three immune parameters, sequestration of defensive iridoid glycosides (IGs), and viral infection load in field‐collected caterpillars using either P. lanceolata or a native plant, Chelone glabra (Plantaginaceae). We found that larvae using the exotic plant exhibited reduced immunocompetence, compositional differences in IG sequestration, and higher in situ viral burdens compared to those using the native plant. On both host plants, high IG sequestration was associated with reduced hemocyte concentration in the larval hemolymph, providing the first evidence of incompatibility between sequestered chemical defenses and the immune response (i.e., the “vulnerable host” hypothesis) from a field‐based study. However, despite this negative relationship between IG sequestration and cellular immunity, caterpillars with greater sequestration harbored lower viral loads. While survival of virus‐infected individuals decreased with increasing viral burden, it ultimately did not differ between the exotic and native plants. These results provide evidence that: (1) phytochemical sequestration may contribute to defense against pathogens even when immunity is compromised and (2) herbivore persistence on exotic plant species may be facilitated by sequestration and its role in defense against natural enemies.  相似文献   

  1. Ecotones, characterized by adjacent yet distinct biotic communities, provide natural laboratories in which to investigate how environmental selection influences the ecology and evolution of organisms. For wild herbivores, differential plant availability across sharp ecotones may be an important source of dietary‐based selection.
  2. We studied small herbivore diet composition across a sharp ecotone where two species of woodrat, Neotoma bryanti and N. lepida, come into secondary contact with one another and hybridize. We quantified woodrat dietary preference through trnL metabarcoding of field‐collected fecal pellets and experimental choice trials. Despite gene flow, parental N. bryanti and N. lepida maintain distinct diets across this fine spatial scale, and across temporal scales that span both wet and dry conditions.
  3. Neotoma bryanti maintained a more diverse diet, with Frangula californica (California coffeeberry) making up a large portion of its diet. Neotoma lepida maintains a less diverse diet, with Prunus fasciculata (desert almond) comprising more than half of its diet. Both F. californica and P. fasciculata are known to produce potentially toxic plant secondary compounds (PSCs), which should deter herbivory, yet these plants have relatively high nutritional value as measured by crude protein content.
  4. Neotoma bryanti and N. lepida consumed F. californica and P. fasciculata, respectively, in greater abundance than these plants are available on the landscape—indicating dietary selection. Finally, experimental preference trials revealed that N. bryanti exhibited a preference for F. californica, while N. lepida exhibited a relatively stronger preference for P. fasciculata. We find that N. bryanti exhibit a generalist herbivore strategy relative to N. lepida, which exhibit a more specialized feeding strategy in this study system.
  5. Our results suggest that woodrats respond to fine‐scale environmental differences in plant availability that may require different metabolic strategies in order to balance nutrient acquisition while minimizing exposure to potentially toxic PSCs.

  1. Ants exert strong selective pressure on herbivorous insects, although some caterpillars can live in symbiosis with them using chemical defensive strategies.
  2. We investigated the adaptive resemblance of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in multitrophic systems involving a guild of facultative myrmecophilous caterpillar species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), tending ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and host plants from three families. We hypothesised that the CHCs of the caterpillars would resemble those of their host plants (chemical camouflage).
  3. We analysed CHCs using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Morisita's similarity index (SI) was used to compare CHC profiles of caterpillar species with different types of ant associations (commensal or mutualistic), ants, and host plants.
  4. We found strong convergence between caterpillars' CHCs and plants, especially for commensal species that do not provide secretion rewards for ants. Moreover, we found unexpected chemical convergence among mutualistic (trophobiotic) caterpillar species that offer caloric reward secretions to ants.
  5. These results show that the studied caterpillars acquire CHCs through their diet and that they vary according to host plant species and type of ant association (commensalism or mutualism). This ‘chemical camouflage’ of myrmecophilous caterpillars may have arisen as a defensive strategy allowing coexistence with ants on plants, whereas ‘chemical conspicuousness’ may have evolved in the context of honest signalling between mutualistic partners.
  6. We suggest the existence of chemical mimicry among myrmecophilous species, especially between mutualistic caterpillars. Cuticular chemical mixtures can play a key adaptive role in decreasing ant attacks and increasing caterpillar survival in multimodal sensory systems.

Herbivores have evolved numerous behavioural and physiological adaptations to host plants; however, molecular adaptations are still poorly understood. One well‐studied case comprises the specialist insects that feed on cardenolide‐containing plants. Here, convergent molecular evolution in the Na+/K+‐ATPase results in a reduced sensitivity to cardenolides across four insect orders. Because different plant species and genotypes differ in toxicity, Na+/K+‐ATPase may be under differential selection from geographically varying host plants. We examined the α subunit of Na+/K+‐ATPase in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) from six worldwide populations to test whether differences in their host plant chemistry result in local adaptation at the molecular level. Although our study revealed multiple synonymous changes, we did not find these to be population‐specific, nor did we identify nonsynonymous changes. Additionally, we compared the amino acid sequence of this subunit across 19 species. We identified two novel changes at sites 836 (K836N) and 840 (E840R) in the αM7‐αM8 regions in the genus Danaus. Although previous studies focused on the first two trans‐membrane domains, C‐terminal domains may also interact with cardenolides. These results reveal a lack of molecular evolution of Na+/K+‐ATPase at the population level, and call for additional attention regarding the C‐terminal regions of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Within the host range of herbivorous insects, performance hierarchies are often correlated with relatedness to a primary host plant, as plant traits are phylogenetically conserved. Therefore, it was hypothesised that differences in herbivore performance on closely related plant species are due to resistance traits that vary in magnitude, rather than in the nature of the traits. 2. This hypothesis was tested by manipulating putative resistance traits of three congeneric thistle species (Cirsium arvense, Cirsium palustre, and Cirsium vulgare) and assessing the performance of the oligophagous, leaf‐feeding beetle, Cassida rubiginosa. Measurements were done of survival, weight gain, and development time of the beetle on its primary host, C. arvense, and two alternative hosts under low and high nutrient availability, and on shaved and unshaved leaves. 3. Survival of C. rubiginosa was strongly dependent on plant species with final mean survival rates of 47%, 16%, and 8% on C. arvense, C. palustre, and C. vulgare, respectively. Survival was primarily explained by leaf trichome densities, and to a lesser extent by specific leaf area. Leaf flavonoid concentrations did not explain differences in beetle survival, and there were no differences in beetle weight gain or development time of individuals that survived to adulthood. 4. No beetles survived on unshaved (hairy) C. vulgare plants, but manipulating leaf trichome densities of the thistle species by shaving the leaves moderated the plant‐specific resistance, and equalised the survival rates. Survival of C. rubiginosa on alternative congeneric hosts was explained by a common physical resistance trait that varied in magnitude.  相似文献   

植物次生代谢产物种类极其丰富,是人类的宝贵资源,这些产物及其合成途径相关酶具有空间特异性分布的特征。植物次生代谢途径的调控是个复杂的过程,受代谢产物水平、多酶复合物相互作用等多种因素的影响。通过遗传操作改造代谢过程,调控产物在植物体内的含量,是一条切实可行和具有广阔发展空间的途径。目前,改造植物次生代谢途径可以采取单基因操作和多基因操作两种策略进行。  相似文献   

Abstract Hypochlora alba (Dodge) is a specialist grasshopper that lives and feeds almost exclusively on Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., a sage plant mostly avoided as food by generalist or polyphagous grasshoppers, such as Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabr.). Adaptations to feeding on the pubescent sage foliage containing high levels of allelochemics may involve behavioural as well as physiological specialization. Using an electronic device to monitor feeding activity, we compared feeding periodicity, bout length, bout frequency, and overall time spent feeding by H.alba on sage foliage and by M.sanguinipes on seedling ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.), the plants on which they had been reared. Although both species fed for about the same amount of time per day (c. 4–5%), they achieved this by two different feeding patterns. H. alba had feeding bouts averaging c. 10 min each, compared to c. 4–5 min for M.sanguinipes. Bout frequency was reversed, with M.sanguinipes feeding about once every hour and H.alba about half as often. Bout length for both species was unaffected by phase of the photoperiod while bout frequency, and consequently the rate of feeding in min/h, was typically reduced by two-thirds or more during the dark phase. The relationship of grasshopper feeding behaviour to host plant specialization is discussed.  相似文献   

One explanation for the widespread host specialization of insect herbivores is the 'Jack of all trades-master of none' principle, which states that genotypes with high performance on one host will perform poorly on other hosts. This principle predicts that cross-host correlation in performance of genotypes will be negative. In this study, we experimentally explored cross-host correlations and performance among families in four species (two generalist and two specialist) of leaf beetles (Cephaloleia spp.) that are currently expanding their diets from native to exotic plants. All four species displayed similar responses in body size, developmental rates and mortality rates to experimentally controlled diets. When raised on novel hosts, body size of larvae, pupae and adults were reduced. Development times were longer, and larval mortality was higher on novel hosts. Genotype × host-plant interactions were not detected for most traits. All significant cross-host correlations were positive. These results indicate very different ecological and evolutionary dynamics than those predicted by the 'Jack of all trades-master of none' principle.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can profoundly affect the interactions of plants with herbivores as well as with the natural enemies of the herbivores. We studied how plant inbreeding affects herbivore oviposition preference, and whether inbreeding of both plants and herbivores alters the probability of predation or parasitism of herbivore eggs. In a laboratory preference test with the specialist herbivore moth Abrostola asclepiadis and inbred and outbred Vincetoxicum hirundinaria plants, we discovered that herbivores preferred to oviposit on outbred plants. A field experiment with inbred and outbred plants that bore inbred or outbred herbivore eggs revealed that the eggs of the outbred herbivores were more likely to be lost by predation, parasitism or plant hypersensitive responses than inbred eggs. This difference did not lead to differences in the realized fecundity as the number of hatched larvae did not differ between inbred and outbred herbivores. Thus, the strength of inbreeding depression in herbivores decreases when their natural enemies are involved. Plant inbreeding did not alter the attraction of natural enemies of the eggs. We conclude that inbreeding can significantly alter the interactions of plants and herbivores at different life-history stages, and that some of these alterations are mediated by the natural enemies of the herbivores.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran stem borers are among the most important insect pests of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in sub‐Saharan Africa. Except for Chilo partellus, the other stem borer pests in Ethiopia are indigenous to Africa and are assumed to have coevolved with some native grasses and sedges in the natural habitat. In addition to pest species, natural habitats harbour diverse non‐economic stem borer species, some of which are new to science. However, with the growing threats to natural habitats, some non‐economic stem borer species may switch or expand their host ranges to include cultivated crops and evolve as “new” pests. Besides host switch, some of the unknown species currently limited to natural habitats may disappear. We examined the diversity, abundance and interactions of lepidopteran stem borers and their wild host plants in five different vegetation mosaics in Ethiopia. The stem borer species diversity varied among vegetation mosaics and host plants. Forty‐four stem borer species belonging to 14 different genera in the families of Noctuidae, Crambidae, Pyralidae and Tortricidae were recorded from 34 wild host plants and through light trap. Among these families, Noctuidae was the highest in species richness in which 31 species were identified, out of which 15 species and two genera were new to science. This paper discusses the ecological interpretation of host plant–stem borer species interactions, particularly in relation to habitat disturbances.  相似文献   

Correlation between plant size and reproductive output may be modified by herbivory in accordance with host plant density and the presence of nonhost plants. To elucidate the effects of nonhost plant density and host plant density on the intensity of herbivory and reproductive output of the host plant in relation to plant size under natural conditions, we investigated the abundance of three lepidopteran insects, Plutella maculipennis, Anthocharis scolymus, and Pieris rapae the intensity of herbivory, and fruit set of their host plant, Turritis glabra (Cruciferae). To elucidate the effects of nonhost and host plant density, we selected four categories of plots under natural conditions: low density of nonhost and high density of host plants; low density of both nonhost and host plants; high density of both nonhost and host plants; and high density of nonhost and low density of host plants. The plant size indicated by stem diameter was a good predictor of the abundance of all herbivorous species. The effects of density of nonhost and host plants on the abundance of insects varied among species and stages of insects. As the abundance of insects affected the intensity of herbivory, herbivory was more apparent on larger host plants in plots with low density of both nonhost and host plants. Consequently, the correlation between plant size and the number of fruits disappeared in low plots with density of both nonhost and host plants. In this T. glabra– herbivorous insect system, the density of nonhost plants and host plants plays an important role in modifying the relationship between plants and herbivores under natural conditions. Received: July 19, 1999 / Accepted: June 15, 2000  相似文献   

Several dioecious plant species exhibit sexual dimorphisms in defensive traits. However, the effects of sexual dimorphism on defense against herbivores remain poorly understood. Eurya japonica (Thunb.) (Theaceae) is a dioecious shrub that shows sexual dimorphism in the chemical defense of flower buds. Female calyces contain higher concentrations of total phenolics and condensed tannins than do male calyces. Male flower buds are edible for a florivore moth, Chloroclystis excisa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), whereas the female flower buds are lethal to the moth larvae. The moths prefer to oviposit on male over female E. japonica flower buds. As the moths also occur in areas lacking E. japonica, we tested whether the oviposition preference for E. japonica flower sex differed between moths sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. The moths sympatric with E. japonica showed a stronger preference for male E. japonica than the moths allopatric with E. japonica. Our phylogeographic study using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences revealed little genetic differentiation between moth populations sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. These results suggest that the adaptive oviposition preference for flower sex of E. japonica has evolved rapidly in C. excisa.  相似文献   

Damaged Allium plants produce and release sulfur allelochemicals, presumably to prevent insect herbivory. Defensive sulfur compounds, particularly dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), are highly toxic for non‐adapted species. The toxicity of DMDS in these insects is due to disruption of the cytochrome oxidase system of their mitochondria. The purpose of this study was to compare susceptibility to DMDS in a specialist and a non‐specialist insect of Allium plants, i.e., Acrolepiopsis assectella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae) and Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) a specialist insect of Leguminosae. Results showed that A. assectella larvae are less susceptible to DMDS than C. maculatus adults. This bruchid becomes more tolerant after a first exposure to 0.2 µl l?1 of DMDS, with second‐exposure toxicity depending on the time lapse between exposures. Higher second‐exposure tolerance could be due to selection and detoxification. To answer this question, the activity of glutathione S‐transferase (GST), a key enzyme in the detoxification system, was analyzed after DMDS exposure of C. maculatus adults and larvae and of A. assectella larvae. Exposure to DMDS increased GST activity in C. maculatus adults and larvae. This finding implies that induced GST is involved in C. maculatus tolerance to DMDS. Exposure to DMDS had no effect on GST activity in A. assectella. Adaptations underlying A. assectella tolerance to sulfur compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

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