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Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding, a technique for retrieving multispecies DNA from environmental samples, can detect a diverse array of marine species from filtered seawater samples. There is a growing potential to integrate eDNA alongside existing monitoring methods in order to establish or improve the assessment of species diversity. Remote island reefs are increasingly vulnerable to climate‐related threats and as such there is a pressing need for cost‐effective whole‐ecosystem surveying to baseline biodiversity, study assemblage changes and ultimately develop sustainable management plans. We investigated the utility of eDNA metabarcoding as a high‐resolution, multitrophic biomonitoring tool at the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia (CKI)—a remote tropical coral reef atoll situated within the eastern Indian Ocean. Metabarcoding assays targeting the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and CO1 genes, as well as the 18S rRNA nuclear gene, were applied to 252 surface seawater samples collected from 42 sites within a 140 km2 area. Our assays successfully detected a wide range of bony fish and elasmobranchs (244 taxa), crustaceans (88), molluscs (37) and echinoderms (7). Assemblage composition varied significantly between sites, reflecting habitat partitioning across the island ecosystem and demonstrating the localisation of eDNA signals, despite extensive tidal and oceanic movements. In addition, we document putative new occurrence records for 46 taxa and compare the efficiency of our eDNA approach to visual survey techniques at CKI. Our study demonstrates the utility of a multimarker metabarcoding approach in capturing multitrophic biodiversity across an entire coral reef atoll and sets an important baseline for ongoing monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Oceanographic features influence the transport and delivery of marine larvae, and physical retention mechanisms, such as eddies, can enhance self‐recruitment (i.e. the return of larvae to their natal population). Knowledge of exact locations of hatching (origin) and settlement (arrival) of larvae of reef animals provides a means to compare observed patterns of self‐recruitment ‘connectivity’ with those expected from water circulation patterns. Using parentage inference based on multiple sampling years in Moorea, French Polynesia, we describe spatial and temporal variation in self‐recruitment of the anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus, evaluate the consistency of net dispersal distances of self‐recruits against the null expectation of passive particle dispersal and test the hypothesis that larvae originating in certain reef habitats (lagoons and passes) would be retained and thus more likely to self‐recruit than those originating on the outer (fore) reef. Estimates of known self‐recruitment were consistent across the sampling years (~25–27% of sampled recruits). For most (88%) of these self‐recruits, the net distance between hatching and settlement locations was within the maximum dispersal distance expected for a neutrally buoyant passive particle based on the longest duration of the larval dispersive phase and the average direction and speed of current flow around Moorea. Furthermore, a parent of a given body size on the outer (fore) reef of Moorea was less likely to produce self‐recruits than those in passes. Our findings show that even a simple dispersal model based on net average flow and direction of alongshore currents can provide insight into landscape‐scale retention patterns of reef fishes.  相似文献   

Recombination breaks up ancestral linkage disequilibrium, creates combinations of alleles, affects the efficiency of natural selection, and plays a major role in crop domestication and improvement. However, there is little knowledge regarding the variation in the population‐scaled recombination rate in cotton. We constructed recombination maps and characterized the difference in the genomic landscape of the population‐scaled recombination rate between Gossypium hirsutum and G. arboreum and sub‐genomes based on the 381 sequenced G. hirsutum and 215 G. arboreum accessions. Comparative genomics identified large structural variations and syntenic genes in the recombination regions, suggesting that recombination was related to structural variation and occurred preferentially in the distal chromosomal regions. Correlation analysis indicated that recombination was only slightly affected by geographical distribution and breeding period. A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was performed with 15 agronomic traits using 267 cotton accessions and identified 163 quantitative trait loci (QTL) and an important candidate gene (Ghir_COL2) for early maturity traits. Comparative analysis of recombination and a GWAS revealed that the QTL of fibre quality traits tended to be more common in high‐recombination regions than were those of yield and early maturity traits. These results provide insights into the population‐scaled recombination landscape, suggesting that recombination contributed to the domestication and improvement of cotton, which provides a useful reference for studying recombination in other species.  相似文献   

Habitat dynamics interacting with species dispersal abilities could generate gradients in species diversity and prevalence of species traits when the latter are associated with species dispersal potential. Using a process‐based model of diversification constrained by a dispersal parameter, we simulated the interplay between reef habitat dynamics during the past 140 million years and dispersal, shaping lineage diversification history and assemblage composition globally. The emerging patterns from the simulations were compared to current prevalence of species traits related to dispersal for 6315 tropical reef fish species. We found a significant spatial congruence between the prevalence of simulated low dispersal values and areas with a large proportion of species characterized by small adult body size, narrow home range mobility behaviour, pelagic larval duration shorter than 21 days and diurnal activity. Species characterized by such traits were found predominantly in the Indo‐Australian Archipelago and the Caribbean Sea. Furthermore, the frequency distribution of the dispersal parameter was found to match empirical distributions for body size, PLD and home range mobility behaviour. Also, the dispersal parameter in the simulations was associated to diversification rates and resulted in trait frequency matching empirical distributions. Overall, our findings suggest that past habitat dynamics, in conjunction with dispersal processes, influenced diversification in tropical reef fishes, which may explain the present‐day geography of species traits.  相似文献   

【目的】研究湛江沿海硇洲岛和徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区潮间带产胞外纤溶酶样酶和纤溶酶原激活物海洋真菌的生物多样性,为发掘新型溶栓药物奠定基础。【方法】采用马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)和酵母膏蛋白胨葡萄糖(YPD)培养基分离培养海洋真菌,采用真菌r DNA转录间隔区1-5.8S r DNA-转录间隔区2(ITS1-5.8S-ITS2)片段的序列分析及其系统进化树构建的方法鉴定分离培养的海洋真菌,采用脱脂牛奶马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(SM-PDA)培养基培养法筛选产胞外蛋白酶的海洋真菌,采用海水纤维蛋白马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(FN-PDA)培养基培养法筛选产胞外纤溶酶样酶和/或纤溶酶原激活物的海洋真菌。【结果】从湛江沿海的硇洲岛和徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区潮间带分离、培养和鉴定了海洋真菌446株,含真菌的98个种,分布于真菌域子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota)的6个纲、18个目、46个科、65个属;其中产胞外蛋白酶的海洋真菌有265株,61个种,分布于41个属;产胞外纤溶酶样酶的海洋真菌有67株,22个种,分布于14个属;产胞外纤溶酶原激活物的海洋真菌有84株,23种,分布于13个属;优势属为曲霉属(Aspergillus),其次为青霉属(Penicillium)。【结论】湛江沿海潮间带可分离培养的产胞外纤溶酶样酶和纤溶酶原激活物的海洋真菌物种丰富多样,是发掘新型溶栓药的丰富资源。  相似文献   

In recent decades, the Florida reef tract has lost over 95% of its coral cover. Although isolated coral assemblages persist, coral restoration programs are attempting to recover local coral populations. Listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, Acropora cervicornis is the most widely targeted coral species for restoration in Florida. Yet strategies are still maturing to enhance the survival of nursery‐reared outplants of A. cervicornis colonies on natural reefs. This study examined the survival of 22,634 A. cervicornis colonies raised in nurseries along the Florida reef tract and outplanted to six reef habitats in seven geographical subregions between 2012 and 2018. A Cox proportional hazards regression was used within a Bayesian framework to examine the effects of seven variables: (1) coral‐colony size at outplanting, (2) coral‐colony attachment method, (3) genotypic diversity of outplanted A. cervicornis clusters, (4) reef habitat, (5) geographical subregion, (6) latitude, and (7) the year of monitoring. The best models included coral‐colony size at outplanting, reef habitat, geographical subregion, and the year of monitoring. Survival was highest when colonies were larger than 15 cm (total linear extension), when outplanted to back‐reef and fore‐reef habitats, and when outplanted in Biscayne Bay and Broward–Miami subregions, in the higher latitudes of the Florida reef tract. This study points to several variables that influence the survival of outplanted A. cervicornis colonies and highlights a need to refine restoration strategies to help restore their population along the Florida reef tract.  相似文献   

In situ observations of diurnal foraging behaviour of a common site‐attached shallow reef mesopredator Parapercis australis during late summer, revealed that although diet composition was unaffected by seawater temperature (range 28.3–32.4°C), feeding strikes and distance moved increased with temperature up to 30.5°C, beyond which they sharply declined, indicative of currently living beyond their thermal optimum. Diel feeding strikes and distance moved were however, tightly linked to ambient temperature as it related to the population's apparent thermal optimum, peaking at times when it was approached (1230 and 1700 h) and declining up to four fold at times deviating from this. These findings suggest that although this population may be currently living beyond its thermal optimum, it copes by down regulating energetically costly foraging movement and consumption and under future oceanic temperatures, these behavioural modifications are probably insufficient to avoid deleterious effects on population viability without the aid of long‐term acclimation or adaptation.  相似文献   

We developed 16 pairs of primers for microsatellite loci of the fierce shrimpgoby, Ctenogobiops feroculus. Analysis of 35–40 gobies per locus from five islands in French Polynesia indicated that allele frequency varied from two to 30 per locus, while observed heterozygosity ranged between 0.05 and 0.98. These microsatellites should provide insight into patterns of dispersal and connectivity among populations of this common coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Characterizing patterns of larval dispersal is essential to understanding the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of marine metapopulations. Recent research has measured local dispersal within populations, but the development of marine dispersal kernels from empirical data remains a challenge. We propose a framework to move beyond point estimates of dispersal towards the approximation of a simple dispersal kernel, based on the hypothesis that the structure of the seascape is a primary predictor of realized dispersal patterns. Using the coral reef fish Elacatinus lori as a study organism, we use genetic parentage analysis to estimate self‐recruitment at a small spatial scale (<1 km). Next, we determine which simple kernel explains the observed self‐recruitment, given the influx of larvae from reef habitat patches in the seascape at a large spatial scale (up to 35 km). Finally, we complete parentage analyses at six additional sites to test for export from the focal site and compare these observed dispersal data within the metapopulation to the predicted dispersal kernel. We find 4.6% self‐recruitment (CI95%: ±3.0%) in the focal population, which is explained by the exponential kernel y = 0.915x (CI95%: y = 0.865x, y = 0.965x), given the seascape. Additional parentage analyses showed low levels of export to nearby sites, and the best‐fit line through the observed dispersal proportions also revealed a declining function y = 0.77x. This study lends direct support to the hypothesis that the probability of larval dispersal declines rapidly with distance in Atlantic gobies in continuously distributed habitat, just as it does in the Indo‐Pacific damselfishes in patchily distributed habitat.  相似文献   

To determine whether enhancing the survival of new recruits is a sensible target for the restorative management of depleted coral‐reef fish populations, settlement‐stage ambon damsel fish Pomacentrus amboinensis were captured, tagged and then either released immediately onto small artificial reefs or held in aquaria for 1 week prior to release. Holding conditions were varied to determine whether they affected survival of fish: half the fish were held in bare tanks (non‐enriched) and the other half in tanks containing coral and sand (enriched). Holding fish for this short period had a significantly positive effect on survivorship relative to the settlement‐stage treatment group that were released immediately. The enrichment of holding conditions made no appreciable difference on the survival of fish once released onto the reef. It did, however, have a positive effect on the survival of fish while in captivity, thus supporting the case for the provision of simple environmental enrichment in fish husbandry. Collecting and holding settlement‐stage fish for at least a week before release appear to increase the short‐term survival of released fish; whether it is an effective method for longer‐term enhancement of locally depleted coral‐reef fish populations will require further study.  相似文献   

Using manipulated patch reefs with combinations of varying live‐coral cover (low, medium and high) and structural complexity (low and high), common community metrics (abundance, diversity, richness and community composition) collected through standard underwater visual census techniques were compared with exhaustive collections using a fish anaesthetic (clove oil). This study showed that reef condition did not influence underwater visual census estimates at a community level, but reef condition can influence the detectability of some small and cryptic species and this may be exacerbated if surveys are conducted on a larger scale.  相似文献   

On evolutionary timescales, sea level oscillations lead to recurrent spatio‐temporal variation in species distribution and population connectivity. In this situation, applying classical concepts of biogeography is challenging yet necessary to understand the mechanisms underlying biodiversity in highly diverse marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. We aimed at studying the outcomes of such complex biogeographic dynamics on reproductive isolation by sampling populations across a wide spatial range of a species‐rich fish genus: the sergeants (Pomacentridae: Abudefduf). We generated a mutlilocus data set that included ten morpho‐species from 32 Indo‐West Pacific localities. We observed a pattern of mito‐nuclear discordance in two common and widely distributed species: Abudefduf sexfasciatus and Abudefduf vaigiensis. The results showed three regional sublineages (Indian Ocean, Coral Triangle region, western Pacific) in A. sexfasciatus (0.6–1.5% divergence at cytb). The other species, A. vaigiensis, is polyphyletic and consists of three distinct genetic lineages (A, B and C) (9% divergence at cytb) whose geographic ranges overlap. Although A. vaigiensis A and A. sexfasciatus were found to be distinct based on nuclear information, A. vaigiensis A was found to be nested within A. sexfasciatus in the mitochondrial gene tree. A. sexfasciatus from the Coral Triangle region and A. vaigiensis A were not differentiated from each other at the mitochondrial locus. We then used coalescent‐based simulation to characterize a spatially widespread but weak gene flow between the two species. We showed that these fishes are good candidates to investigate the evolutionary complexity of the discrepancies between phenotypic and genetic similarity in closely related species.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal is the key process by which populations of most marine fishes and invertebrates are connected and replenished. Advances in larval tagging and genetics have enhanced our capacity to track larval dispersal, assess scales of population connectivity, and quantify larval exchange among no‐take marine reserves and fished areas. Recent studies have found that reserves can be a significant source of recruits for populations up to 40 km away, but the scale and direction of larval connectivity across larger seascapes remain unknown. Here, we apply genetic parentage analysis to investigate larval dispersal patterns for two exploited coral reef groupers (Plectropomus maculatus and Plectropomus leopardus) within and among three clusters of reefs separated by 60–220 km within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. A total of 69 juvenile P. maculatus and 17 juvenile P. leopardus (representing 6% and 9% of the total juveniles sampled, respectively) were genetically assigned to parent individuals on reefs within the study area. We identified both short‐distance larval dispersal within regions (200 m to 50 km) and long‐distance, multidirectional dispersal of up to ~250 km among regions. Dispersal strength declined significantly with distance, with best‐fit dispersal kernels estimating median dispersal distances of ~110 km for P. maculatus and ~190 km for P. leopardus. Larval exchange among reefs demonstrates that established reserves form a highly connected network and contribute larvae for the replenishment of fished reefs at multiple spatial scales. Our findings highlight the potential for long‐distance dispersal in an important group of reef fishes, and provide further evidence that effectively protected reserves can yield recruitment and sustainability benefits for exploited fish populations.  相似文献   

Human activities threaten reef ecosystems globally, forcing ecological change at rates and scales regarded as unprecedented in the Holocene. These changes are so profound that a cessation of reef accretion (reef ‘turn‐off’) and net erosion of reef structures is argued by many as the ultimate and imminent trajectory. Here, we use a regional scale reef growth dataset, based on 76 core records (constrained by 211 radiometric dates) from 22 reefs along and across the inner‐shelf of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, to examine the timing of different phases of reef initiation (‘turn‐on’), growth and ‘turn‐off’ during the Holocene. This dataset delineates two temporally discrete episodes of reef‐building over the last 8500 years: the first associated with the Holocene transgression‐early highstand period [~8.5–5.5 k calibrated years bp (cal ybp )]; the second since ~2.3 k cal ybp . During both periods, reefs accreted rapidly to sea level before entering late evolutionary states – states naturally characterized by reduced coral cover and low accretion potential – and a clear hiatus occurs between these reef‐building episodes for which no records of reef initiation exist. These transitions mimic those projected under current environmental disturbance regimes, but have been driven entirely by natural forcing factors. Our results demonstrate that, even through the late Holocene, reef health and growth has fluctuated through cycles independent of anthropogenic forcing. Consequently, degraded reef states cannot de facto be considered to automatically reflect increased anthropogenic stress. Indeed, in many cases degraded or nonaccreting reef communities may reflect past reef growth histories (as dictated by reef growth–sea level interactions) as much as contemporary environmental change. Recognizing when changes in reef condition reflect these natural ‘turn‐on’– growth –‘turn‐off’ cycles and how they interact with on‐going human disturbance is critical for effective coral reef management and for understanding future reef ecological trajectories.  相似文献   

Ocean circulation, geological history, geographic distance, and seascape heterogeneity play an important role in phylogeography of coral‐dependent fishes. Here, we investigate potential genetic population structure within the yellowbar angelfish (Pomacanthus maculosus) across the Northwestern Indian Ocean (NIO). We then discuss our results with respect to the above abiotic features in order to understand the contemporary distribution of genetic diversity of the species. To do so, restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) was utilized to carry out population genetic analyses on P. maculosus sampled throughout the species’ distributional range. First, genetic data were correlated to geographic and environmental distances, and tested for isolation‐by‐distance and isolation‐by‐environment, respectively, by applying the Mantel test. Secondly, we used distance‐based and model‐based methods for clustering genetic data. Our results suggest the presence of two putative barriers to dispersal; one off the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula and the other off northern Somalia, which together create three genetic subdivisions of P. maculosus within the NIO. Around the Arabian Peninsula, one genetic cluster was associated with the Red Sea and the adjacent Gulf of Aden in the west, and another cluster was associated with the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the east. Individuals sampled in Kenya represented a third genetic cluster. The geographic locations of genetic discontinuities observed between genetic subdivisions coincide with the presence of substantial upwelling systems, as well as habitat discontinuity. Our findings shed light on the origin and maintenance of genetic patterns in a common coral reef fish inhabiting the NIO, and reinforce the hypothesis that the evolution of marine fish species in this region has likely been shaped by multiple vicariance events.  相似文献   

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