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How nitric oxide (NO) activates its primary receptor, α1/β1 soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC or GC‐1), remains unknown. Likewise, how stimulatory compounds enhance sGC activity is poorly understood, hampering development of new treatments for cardiovascular disease. NO binding to ferrous heme near the N‐terminus in sGC activates cyclase activity near the C‐terminus, yielding cGMP production and physiological response. CO binding can also stimulate sGC, but only weakly in the absence of stimulatory small‐molecule compounds, which together lead to full activation. How ligand binding enhances catalysis, however, has yet to be discovered. Here, using a truncated version of sGC from Manduca sexta, we demonstrate that the central coiled‐coil domain, the most highly conserved region of the ~150,000 Da protein, not only provides stability to the heterodimer but is also conformationally active in signal transduction. Sequence conservation in the coiled coil includes the expected heptad‐repeating pattern for coiled‐coil motifs, but also invariant positions that disfavor coiled‐coil stability. Full‐length coiled coil dampens CO affinity for heme, while shortening of the coiled coil leads to enhanced CO binding. Introducing double mutation αE447L/βE377L, predicted to replace two destabilizing glutamates with leucines, lowers CO binding affinity while increasing overall protein stability. Likewise, introduction of a disulfide bond into the coiled coil results in reduced CO affinity. Taken together, we demonstrate that the heme domain is greatly influenced by coiled‐coil conformation, suggesting communication between heme and catalytic domains is through the coiled coil. Highly conserved structural imperfections in the coiled coil provide needed flexibility for signal transduction.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a unicellular eukaryotic pathogen that belongs to the Apicomplexa phylum, which encompasses some of the deadliest pathogens of medical and veterinary importance. The centrosome is key to the organisation and coordination of the cell cycle and division of apicomplexan parasites. The T. gondii centrosome possesses a particular bipartite structure (outer and inner cores). One of the main roles of the centrosome is to ensure proper coordination of karyokinesis. However, how these 2 events are coordinated is still unknown in T. gondii, for which the centrosome components are poorly described. To gain more insights into the biology and the composition of the T. gondii centrosome, we characterised a protein that resides at the interface of the outer and inner core centrosomes. TgCep530 is a large coiled‐coil protein with an essential role in the survival of the parasite. Depletion of this protein leads to the accumulation of parasites lacking nuclei and disruption of the normal cell cycle. Lack of TgCep530 results in a discoordination between the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle that yields fully formed parasites without nuclei. TgCep530 has a crucial role in the coordination of karyokinesis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

BST‐2/tetherin is a human extracellular transmembrane protein that serves as a host defense factor against HIV‐1 and other viruses by inhibiting viral spreading. Structurally, BST‐2 is a homo‐dimeric coiled‐coil that is connected to the host cell membrane by N and C terminal transmembrane anchors. The C‐terminal membrane anchor of BST‐2 is inserted into the budding virus while the N‐terminal membrane anchor remains in the host cell membrane creating a viral tether. The structural mechanism of viral budding and tethering as mediated by BST‐2 is not clear. To more fully describe the mechanism of viral tethering, we created a model of BST‐2 embedded in a membrane and used steered molecular dynamics to simulate the transition from the host cell membrane associated form to the cell‐virus membrane bridging form. We observed that BST‐2 did not transition as a rigid structure, but instead bent at positions with a reduced interface between the helices of the coiled‐coil. The simulations for the human BST‐2 were then compared with simulations on the mouse homolog, which has no apparent weak spots. We observed that the mouse homolog spread the bending across the ectodomain, rather than breaking at discrete points as observed with the human homolog. These simulations support previous biochemical and cellular work suggesting some flexibility in the coiled‐coil is necessary for viral tethering, while also highlighting how subtle changes in protein sequence can influence the dynamics and stability of proteins with overall similar structure.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 complex generates branched actin networks that exert pushing forces onto different cellular membranes. WASH complexes activate Arp2/3 complexes at the surface of endosomes and thereby fission transport intermediates containing endocytosed receptors, such as α5β1 integrins. How WASH complexes are assembled in the cell is unknown. Here, we identify the small coiled‐coil protein HSBP1 as a factor that specifically promotes the assembly of a ternary complex composed of CCDC53, WASH, and FAM21 by dissociating the CCDC53 homotrimeric precursor. HSBP1 operates at the centrosome, which concentrates the building blocks. HSBP1 depletion in human cancer cell lines and in Dictyostelium amoebae phenocopies WASH depletion, suggesting a critical role of the ternary WASH complex for WASH functions. HSBP1 is required for the development of focal adhesions and of cell polarity. These defects impair the migration and invasion of tumor cells. Overexpression of HSBP1 in breast tumors is associated with increased levels of WASH complexes and with poor prognosis for patients.  相似文献   

Little is known about the structure and function of most nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) in bacteria. One reason for this is that the distribution and structure of the proteins is obfuscated by the diffraction limit in standard wide-field and confocal fluorescence imaging. In particular, the distribution of HU, which is the most abundant NAP, has received little attention. In this study, we investigate the distribution of HU in Caulobacter crescentus using a combination of super-resolution fluorescence imaging and spatial point statistics. By simply increasing the laser power, single molecules of the fluorescent protein fusion HU2-eYFP can be made to blink on and off to achieve super-resolution imaging with a single excitation source. Through quantification by Ripley's K-test and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations, we find the protein is slightly clustered within a mostly uniform distribution throughout the swarmer and stalked stages of the cell cycle but more highly clustered in predivisional cells. The methods presented in this letter should be of broad applicability in the future study of prokaryotic NAPs.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus cells respond to a sudden increase in temperature by transiently inducing the synthesis of several polypeptides. Two of the proteins induced, Hsp62 and Hsp70, were shown to be analogous to the heat shock proteins of Escherichia coli, GroEL and DnaK, respectively, by immunological cross-reactivity with antibodies raised against the E. coli proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic resolution of extracts of cells labeled with [35S]methionine during heat shock led to the identification of 20 distinct Hsps in C. crescentus which are coordinately expressed, in response to heat, at the various stages of the cell division cycle. Thus, a developmental control does not seem to be superimposed on the transient activation of the heat shock genes. Nonetheless, under normal temperature conditions, four Hsps (Hsp70, Hsp62, Hsp24b, and Hsp23a) were shown to be synthesized, and their synthesis was cell cycle regulated.  相似文献   

Jensen RB  Wang SC  Shapiro L 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(17):4952-4963
The in vivo intracellular location of components of the Caulobacter replication apparatus was visualized during the cell cycle. Replisome assembly occurs at the chromosomal origin located at the stalked cell pole, coincident with the initiation of DNA replication. The replisome gradually moves to midcell as DNA replication proceeds and disassembles upon completion of DNA replication. Although the newly replicated origin regions of the chromosome are rapidly moved to opposite cell poles by an active process, the replisome appears to be an untethered replication factory that is passively displaced towards the center of the cell by the newly replicated DNA. These results are consistent with a model in which unreplicated DNA is pulled into the replication factory and newly replicated DNA is bidirectionally extruded from the complex, perhaps contributing to chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellum is important for motility and adaptation to environmental niches. The sequence of events required for the synthesis of the flagellar apparatus has been extensively studied, yet the events that dictate where the flagellum is placed at the onset of flagellar biosynthesis remain largely unknown. We addressed this question for alphaproteobacteria by using the polarly flagellated alphaproteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus as an experimental model system. To identify candidates for a role in flagellar placement, we searched all available alphaproteobacterial genomes for genes of unknown function that cluster with early flagellar genes and that are present in polarly flagellated alphaproteobacteria while being absent in alphaproteobacteria with other flagellation patterns. From this in silico screen, we identified pflI. Loss of PflI function in C. crescentus results in an abnormally high frequency of cells with a randomly placed flagellum, while other aspects of cell polarization remain normal. In a wild-type background, a fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and PflI localizes to the pole where the flagellum develops. This polar localization is independent of the flagellar protein FliF, whose oligomerization into the MS ring is thought to define the site of flagellar synthesis, suggesting that PflI acts before or independently of this event. Overproduction of PflI-GFP often leads to ectopic localization at the wrong, stalked pole. This is accompanied by a high frequency of flagellum formation at this ectopic site, suggesting that the location of PflI is a sufficient marker for a site for flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

During division of Gram‐negative bacteria, invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane and inward growth of the peptidoglycan (PG) are followed by the cleavage of connective septal PG to allow cell separation. This PG splitting process requires temporal and spatial regulation of cell wall hydrolases. In Escherichia coli, LytM factors play an important role in PG splitting. Here we identify and characterize a member of this family (DipM) in Caulobacter crescentus. Unlike its E. coli counterparts, DipM is essential for viability under fast‐growth conditions. Under slow‐growth conditions, the ΔdipM mutant displays severe defects in cell division and FtsZ constriction. Consistent with its function in division, DipM colocalizes with the FtsZ ring during the cell cycle. Mutagenesis suggests that the LytM domain of DipM is essential for protein function, despite being non‐canonical. DipM also carries two tandems of the PG‐binding LysM domain that are sufficient for FtsZ ring localization. Localization and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching microscopy experiments suggest that DipM localization is mediated, at least in part, by the ability of the LysM tandems to distinguish septal, multilayered PG from non‐septal, monolayered PG.  相似文献   

A binding protein specific for cyclic guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) has been partially purified from extracts of the eubacterium Caulobacter crescentus and resolved from cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP)-binding activity. Binding of cyclic GMP is not affected by the addition of cyclic AMP or 5'-GMP, but is inhibited about 50 percent by a 50-fold molar excess of dibutyryl cyclic GMP or cyclic hypoxanthine 3':5'-monophosphate. The apparent dissociation constant for the cyclic GMP-binding protein complex is 1.1 X 10(-6) M.  相似文献   

In almost all bacteria, cell division is co‐ordinated by the essential tubulin homologue FtsZ and represents an attractive but as yet unexploited target for new antibiotics. The benzamides, e.g. PC190723, are potent FtsZ inhibitors that have the potential to yield an important new class of antibiotic. However, the evolution of resistance poses a challenge to their development. Here we show that a collection of PC190723‐resistant and ‐dependent strains of Staphylococcus aureus exhibit severe growth and morphological defects, questioning whether these ftsZ mutations would be clinically relevant. Importantly, we show that the most commonly isolated substitution remains sensitive to the simplest benzamide 3‐MBA and likely works by occluding compound binding. Extending this analysis to Bacillus subtilis, we isolated a novel benzamide‐dependent strain that divides using unusual helical division events. The ftsZ mutation responsible encodes the substitution of a highly conserved residue, which lies outside the benzamide‐binding site and forms part of an interface between the N‐ and C‐terminal domains that we show is necessary for normal FtsZ function. Together with an intragenic suppressor mutation that mimics benzamide binding, the results provide genetic evidence that benzamides restrict conformational changes in FtsZ and also highlights their utility as tools to probe bacterial division.  相似文献   

Coiled-coils are widespread protein–protein interaction motifs typified by the heptad repeat (abcdefg)n in which “a” and “d” positions are hydrophobic residues. Although identification of likely coiled-coil sequences is robust, prediction of strand order remains elusive. We present the X-ray crystal structure of a short form (residues 583–611), “Q1-short,” of the coiled-coil assembly specificity domain from the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv7.1 (KCNQ1) determined at 1.7 Å resolution. Q1-short lacks one and half heptads present in a previously studied tetrameric coiled-coil construct, Kv7.1 585–621, “Q1-long.” Surprisingly, Q1-short crystallizes as a trimer. In solution, Q1-short self-assembles more poorly than Q1-long and depends on an R-h-x-x-h-E motif common to trimeric coiled-coils. Addition of native sequences that include “a” and “d” positions C-terminal to Q1-short overrides the R-h-x-x-h-E motif influence and changes assembly state from a weakly associated trimer to a strongly associated tetramer. These data provide a striking example of a naturally occurring amino sequence that exhibits context-dependent folding into different oligomerization states, a three-stranded versus a four-stranded coiled-coil. The results emphasize the degenerate nature of coiled-coil energy landscapes in which small changes can have drastic effects on oligomerization. Discovery of these properties in an ion channel assembly domain and prevalence of the R-h-x-x-h-E motif in coiled-coil assembly domains of a number of different channels that are thought to function as tetrameric assemblies raises the possibility that such sequence features may be important for facilitating the assembly of intermediates en route to the final native state.  相似文献   

All living cells must cope with protein aggregation, which occurs as a result of experiencing stress. In previously studied bacteria, aggregated protein is collected at the cell poles and is retained throughout consecutive cell divisions only in old pole‐inheriting daughter cells, resulting in aggregation‐free progeny within a few generations. In this study, we describe the in vivo kinetics of aggregate formation and elimination following heat and antibiotic stress in the asymmetrically dividing bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Unexpectedly, in this bacterium, protein aggregates form as multiple distributed foci located throughout the cell volume. Time‐lapse microscopy revealed that under moderate stress, the majority of these protein aggregates are short‐lived and rapidly dissolved by the major chaperone DnaK and the disaggregase ClpB. Severe stress or genetic perturbation of the protein quality control machinery induces the formation of long‐lived aggregates. Importantly, the majority of persistent aggregates neither collect at the cell poles nor are they partitioned to only one daughter cell type. Instead, we show that aggregates are distributed to both daughter cells in the same ratio at each division, which is driven by the continuous elongation of the growing mother cell. Therefore, our study has revealed a new pattern of protein aggregate inheritance in bacteria.  相似文献   

Electron microscope images of negatively stained empty capsids of Caulobacter crescentus bacteriophage φCbK have been analyzed by computer Fourier methods. Two-dimensional computer density maps for the distribution of material in the capsid wall have been obtained by computer Fourier filtering which made possible the complete separation of contributions from the front and back of the capsid including overlapping Fourier coefficients. After scaling for the capsid thickness, using a one-dimensional reconstruction of data from edge-on views of the capsid wall and using topographical information provided by low-angle metal shadowing, a three-dimensional density distribution has been derived. A model for the distribution of subunits in the capsid is proposed which places each of the two major capsid subunit proteins (which are present in a 2:1 ratio) in quasi-equivalent bonding environments. A tentative model is presented in which assembly of the capsid (an elongated T = 7l icosadeltahedron) is regulated by the bonding geometry of the penton proteins.  相似文献   

When Caulobacter crescentus enters S‐phase the replication initiation inhibitor CtrA dynamically positions to the old cell pole to be degraded by the polar ClpXP protease. Polar delivery of CtrA requires PopA and the diguanylate cyclase PleD that positions to the same pole. Here we present evidence that PopA originated through gene duplication from its paralogue response regulator PleD and subsequent co‐option as c‐di‐GMP effector protein. While the C‐terminal catalytic domain (GGDEF) of PleD is activated by phosphorylation of the N‐terminal receiver domain, functional adaptation has reversed signal transduction in PopA with the GGDEF domain adopting input function and the receiver domain serving as regulatory output. We show that the N‐terminal receiver domain of PopA specifically interacts with RcdA, a component required for CtrA degradation. In contrast, the GGDEF domain serves to target PopA to the cell pole in response to c‐di‐GMP binding. In agreement with the divergent activation and targeting mechanisms, distinct markers sequester PleD and PopA to the old cell pole upon S‐phase entry. Together these data indicate that PopA adopted a novel role as topology specificity factor to help recruit components of the CtrA degradation pathway to the protease specific old cell pole of C. crescentus.  相似文献   

Rho‐associated coiled‐coil kinase 1 (ROCK1) is proposed to be implicated in Aβ suppression; however, the role for ROCK1 in amyloidogenic metabolism of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to produce Aβ was unknown. In the present study, we showed that ROCK1 kinase activity and its APP binding were enhanced in AD brain, resulting in increased β‐secretase cleavage of APP. Furthermore, we firstly confirmed that APP served as a substrate for ROCK1 and its major phosphorylation site was located at Ser655. The increased level of APP Ser655 phosphorylation was observed in the brain of APP/PS1 mice and AD patients compared to controls. Moreover, blockade of APP Ser655 phosphorylation, or inhibition of ROCK1 activity with either shRNA knockdown or Y‐27632, ameliorated amyloid pathology and improved learning and memory in APP/PS1 mice. These findings suggest that activated ROCK1 targets APP Ser655 phosphorylation, which promotes amyloid processing and pathology. Inhibition of ROCK1 could be a potential therapeutic approach for AD.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the peptidoglycan cell wall is carefully regulated in time and space. In nature, this essential process occurs in cells that live in fluctuating environments. Here we show that the spatial distributions of specific cell wall proteins in Caulobacter crescentus are sensitive to small external osmotic upshifts. The penicillin-binding protein PBP2, which is commonly branded as an essential cell elongation-specific transpeptidase, switches its localization from a dispersed, patchy pattern to an accumulation at the FtsZ ring location in response to osmotic upshifts as low as 40 mosmol/kg. This osmolality-dependent relocation to the division apparatus is initiated within less than a minute, while restoration to the patchy localization pattern is dependent on cell growth and takes 1 to 2 generations. Cell wall morphogenetic protein RodA and penicillin-binding protein PBP1a also change their spatial distribution by accumulating at the division site in response to external osmotic upshifts. Consistent with its ecological distribution, C. crescentus displays a narrow range of osmotolerance, with an upper limit of 225 mosmol/kg in minimal medium. Collectively, our findings reveal an unsuspected level of environmental regulation of cell wall protein behavior that is likely linked to an ecological adaptation.  相似文献   

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