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The [PSI+] yeast prion is formed when Sup35 misfolds into amyloid aggregates. [PSI+], like other yeast prions, is dependent on the molecular chaperone Hsp104, which severs the prion seeds so that they pass on as the yeast cells divide. Surprisingly, however, overexpression of Hsp104 also cures [PSI+]. Several models have been proposed to explain this effect: inhibition of severing, asymmetric segregation of the seeds between mother and daughter cells, and dissolution of the prion seeds. First, we found that neither the kinetics of curing nor the heterogeneity in the distribution of the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled Sup35 foci in partially cured yeast cells is compatible with Hsp104 overexpression curing [PSI+] by inhibiting severing. Second, we ruled out the asymmetric segregation model by showing that the extent of curing was essentially the same in mother and daughter cells and that the fluorescent foci did not distribute asymmetrically, but rather, there was marked loss of foci in both mother and daughter cells. These results suggest that Hsp104 overexpression cures [PSI+] by dissolution of the prion seeds in a two-step process. First, trimming of the prion seeds by Hsp104 reduces their size, and second, their amyloid core is eliminated, most likely by proteolysis.  相似文献   

Although propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae prions requires Hsp104 protein disaggregating activity, overproducing Hsp104 “cures” cells of [PSI+] prions. Earlier evidence suggests that the Hsp70 mutant Ssa1-21 impairs [PSI+] by a related mechanism. Here, we confirm this link by finding that deletion of STI1 both suppresses Ssa1-21 impairment of [PSI+] and blocks Hsp104 curing of [PSI+]. Hsp104''s tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) interaction motif was dispensable for curing; however, cells expressing Sti1 defective in Hsp70 or Hsp90 interaction cured less efficiently, and the Hsp90 inhibitor radicicol abolished curing, implying that Sti1 acts in curing through Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactions. Accordingly, strains lacking constitutive or inducible Hsp90 isoforms cured at reduced rates. We confirm an earlier finding that elevating free ubiquitin levels enhances curing, but it did not overcome inhibition of curing caused by Hsp90 defects, suggesting that Hsp90 machinery is important for the contribution of ubiquitin to curing. We also find curing associated with cell division. Our findings point to crucial roles of Hsp70, Sti1, and Hsp90 for efficient curing by overexpressed Hsp104 and provide evidence supporting the earlier suggestion that destruction of prions by protein disaggregation does not adequately explain the curing.Saccharomyces cerevisiae prions are self-replicating misfolded forms of normal cellular proteins. They are believed to propagate as amyloid, which is a highly ordered fibrous aggregate. What triggers prion formation is uncertain, but in order to be maintained in an expanding yeast population, prions must grow, replicate, and be transmitted to daughter cells during cell division. Growth occurs when soluble protein joins the fiber ends and is converted into the prion form (30, 52, 58). Replication is associated with fragmentation of prion polymers, which generates new prions from preexisting material (37, 50). Transmission is believed to occur by passive diffusion of prions with cytoplasm (57).Although it is uncertain to what extent cellular factors influence growth or transmission of prions, it is clear that the Hsp104 disaggregation machinery is necessary for prion replication (10, 17, 55, 70). Hsp104 is a hexameric AAA+ chaperone that protects cells from a variety of stresses by resolubilizing proteins from aggregates (24, 25, 53). With help from Hsp70 and Hsp40, it extracts monomers from aggregates and extrudes them through its central pore (24, 41, 68). This machinery could act in prion replication by extracting monomers from amyloid fibers (29, 68), which would destabilize the fibers, causing them to break into more numerous pieces that each can continue to propagate the prion.Paradoxically, overexpressing Hsp104 very efficiently “cures” cells of the [PSI+] prion, which is composed of the translation termination factor Sup35 (10). A widely held view of this curing is that elevating the cellular protein disaggregation activity causes complete destruction of prions. However, elevating Hsp104 has little or no effect on most other amyloidogenic prions (15, 16, 38, 47, 54, 66), although it can be inferred to cure [MCA] prions in cells also propagating a prion of an Mca1-Sup35 fusion (49). Together, these results suggest that prions of Sup35, and perhaps those of Mca1, are particularly sensitive to Hsp104 disaggregation activity. Alternatively, something in addition to or other than a simple increase in protein disaggregation is involved in the curing.Although protein disaggregation activity of Hsp104 is required for both thermotolerance and prion propagation, we and others have identified mutations in Hsp104 that affect these processes separately (27, 32, 39, 60). The ability of Hsp104 to thread proteins through its central pore, however, is required for both processes (29, 41, 68), so this distinction in Hsp104 function could be due to differences in how Hsp104 interacts with amorphous aggregates of thermally denatured proteins and highly ordered prion aggregates or with cofactors that interact with the different prions as substrates. In any scenario, efficiency and specificity of Hsp104 function are affected by interactions with other components of the disaggregation machinery, in particular the Hsp70s and Hsp40s, which are believed to interact first with substrates to facilitate action of Hsp100 family disaggregases (2, 71, 72).Increasing expression of either ubiquitin (Ub) or Ssb, an Hsp70 that has roles in protein translation and proteasome degradation, enhances Hsp104 curing of [PSI+] (3, 11, 12). Predictably, reducing expression of either of them reduces curing efficiency. The mechanisms underlying these effects are unknown, but the combined effects of Ssb and Ub are additive, suggesting that they act in different pathways. The role of Ub is indirect, as Sup35 is neither ubiquitylated nor degraded during curing. Whether other chaperones are involved in the effects of Ub on curing has not been investigated.Earlier we isolated a mutant of the Hsp70 Ssa1, designated Ssa1-21, that weakens and destabilizes [PSI+] propagation (33). We later isolated several Hsp104 mutants that suppress this antiprion effect (29). The Hsp104 mutants retain normal functions in thermotolerance, protein disaggregation, and prion propagation, but when overexpressed, they are unable to cure [PSI+], even in wild-type cells. These findings argue against a specific hypersensitivity of [PSI+] to disaggregation and support the notion that something distinct from or in addition to complete destruction of prions is involved in the curing. They also imply that Ssa1-21 and elevated Hsp104 inhibit [PSI+] prions by similar mechanisms. A prediction from this conclusion is that other suppressors of Ssa1-21 will also inhibit curing of [PSI+] by overexpressed Hsp104. Indeed, we find here that alterations that suppress Ssa1-21 inhibition of [PSI+] do interfere with curing of [PSI+] by overexpressed Hsp104. We also provide evidence that Hsp90 has a critical role in this curing and that the ability of Ub to enhance curing depends on proper function of Hsp90 machinery.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 is not only a key component of the cellular machinery induced to disassemble aggregated proteins in stressed cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae but also plays an essential role in the propagation of the [PSI+], [URE3], and [RNQ/PIN+] prions in this organism. Here we demonstrate that the fungal pathogen Candida albicans carries an 899-residue stress-inducible orthologue of Hsp104 (CaHsp104) that shows a high degree of amino acid identity to S. cerevisiae Hsp104 (ScHsp104). This identity is significantly lower in the N- and C-terminal regions implicated in substrate recognition and cofactor binding, respectively. CaHsp104 is able to provide all known functions of ScHsp104 in an S. cerevisiae hsp104 null mutant, i.e., tolerance to high-temperature stress, reactivation of heat-denatured proteins, and propagation of the [PSI+] prion. As also observed for ScHsp104, overexpression of CaHsp104 leads to a loss of the [PSI+] prion. However, unlike that of ScHsp104, CaHsp104 function is resistant to guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), an inhibitor of the ATPase activity of this chaperone. These findings have implications both in terms of the mechanism of inhibition of Hsp104 by GdnHCl and in the evolution of the ability of fungal species to propagate prions.  相似文献   

Takao Ishikawa 《Mycoscience》2008,49(4):221-228
Prion diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been extensively studied in recent years. Research in this field is being done in highly secured laboratories because of potential transmission of prions to humans. Emerging similarities between mammalian and yeast prions allow using yeast-based assays to examine the activity of anti-prion drugs. Besides the intensively studied clinical aspects of prion diseases, the evolutionary aspects of prion proteins present in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are also extensively investigated. One of the key feature of prions, the ability to be stable in two alternative conformations, seems to play an important role in the evolution of this fungi, although some authors point out the negative influence of these particles upon yeast physiology. In this review, the most intensively studied fields of the research carried out on [PSI+] prion in yeast are summarized.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae [PSI(+)] prion is believed to be a self-propagating cytoplasmic amyloid. Earlier characterization of HSP70 (SSA1) mutations suggested that [PSI(+)] propagation is impaired by alterations that enhance Ssa1p's substrate binding. This impairment is overcome by second-site mutations in Ssa1p's conserved C-terminal motif (GPTVEEVD), which mediates interactions with tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) cochaperones. Sti1p, a TPR cochaperone homolog of mammalian Hop1 (Hsp70/90 organizing protein), activates Ssa1p ATPase, which promotes substrate binding by Ssa1p. Here we find that in SSA1-21 cells depletion of Sti1p improved [PSI(+)] propagation, while excess Sti1p weakened it. In contrast, depletion of Fes1p, a nucleotide exchange factor for Ssa1p that facilitates substrate release, weakened [PSI(+)] propagation, while overproducing Fes1p improved it. Therefore, alterations of Hsp70 cochaperones that promote or prolong Hsp70 substrate binding impair [PSI(+)] propagation. We also find that the GPTVEEVD motif is important for physical interaction with Hsp40 (Ydj1p), another Hsp70 cochaperone that promotes substrate binding but is dispensable for viability. We further find that depleting Cpr7p, an Hsp90 TPR cochaperone and CyP-40 cyclophilin homolog, improved [PSI(+)] propagation in SSA1 mutants. Although Cpr7p and Sti1p are Hsp90 cochaperones, we provide evidence that Hsp90 is not involved in [PSI(+)] propagation, suggesting that Sti1p and Cpr7p functionally interact with Hsp70 independently of Hsp90.  相似文献   

The yeast [PSI+] prion, which is the amyloid form of Sup35, has the unusual property of being cured not only by the inactivation of, but also by the overexpression of Hsp104. Even though this latter observation was made more than two decades ago, the mechanism of curing by Hsp104 overexpression has remained controversial. This question has been investigated in depth by our laboratory by combining live cell imaging of GFP-labeled Sup35 with standard plating assays of yeast overexpressing Hsp104. We will discuss why the curing of [PSI+] by Hsp104 overexpression is not compatible with a mechanism of either inhibition of severing of the prion seeds or asymmetric segregation of the seeds. Instead, our recent data (J. Biol. Chem. 292:8630-8641) indicate that curing is due to dissolution of the prion seeds, which in turn is dependent on the trimming activity of Hsp104. This trimming activity decreases the size of the seeds by dissociating monomers from the fibers, but unlike Hsp104 severing activity, it does not increase the number of prion seeds. Finally, we will discuss the other factors that affect the curing of [PSI+] by Hsp104 overexpression and how these factors may relate to the trimming activity of Hsp104.  相似文献   

[PSI(+)] yeast, containing the misfolded amyloid conformation of Sup35 prion, is cured by inactivation of Hsp104. There has been controversy as to whether inactivation of Hsp104 by guanidine treatment or by overexpression of the dominant negative Hsp104 mutant, Hsp104-2KT, cures [PSI(+)] by the same mechanism- inhibition of the severing of the prion seeds. Using live cell imaging of Sup35-GFP, overexpression of Hsp104-2KT caused the foci to increase in size, then decrease in number, and finally disappear when the cells were cured, similar to that observed in cells cured by depletion of Hsp104. In contrast, guanidine initially caused an increase in foci size but then the foci disappeared before the cells were cured. By starving the yeast to make the foci visible in cells grown with guanidine, the number of cells with foci was found to correlate exactly with the number of [PSI(+)] cells, regardless of the curing method. Therefore, the fluorescent foci are the prion seeds required for maintenance of [PSI(+)] and inactivation of Hsp104 cures [PSI(+)] by preventing severing of the prion seeds. During curing with guanidine, the reduction in seed size is an Hsp104-dependent effect that cannot be explained by limited severing of the seeds. Instead, in the presence of guanidine, Hsp104 retains an activity that trims or reduces the size of the prion seeds by releasing Sup35 molecules that are unable to form new prion seeds. This Hsp104 activity may also occur in propagating yeast.  相似文献   

Jones GW  Masison DC 《Genetics》2003,163(2):495-506
We previously described an Hsp70 mutant (Ssa1-21p), altered in a conserved residue (L483W), that dominantly impairs yeast [PSI(+)] prion propagation without affecting growth. We generated new SSA1 mutations that impaired [PSI(+)] propagation and second-site mutations in SSA1-21 that restored normal propagation. Effects of mutations on growth did not correlate with [PSI(+)] phenotype, revealing differences in Hsp70 function required for growth and [PSI(+)] propagation and suggesting that Hsp70 interacts differently with [PSI(+)] prion aggregates than with other cellular substrates. Complementary suppression of altered activity between forward and suppressing mutations suggests that mutations that impair [PSI(+)] affect a similar Hsp70 function and that suppressing mutations similarly overcome this effect. All new mutations that impaired [PSI(+)] propagation were located in the ATPase domain. Locations and homology of several suppressing substitutions suggest that they weaken Hsp70's substrate-trapping conformation, implying that impairment of [PSI(+)] by forward mutations is due to altered ability of the ATPase domain to regulate substrate binding. Other suppressing mutations are in residues important for interactions with Hsp40 or TPR-containing cochaperones, suggesting that such interactions are necessary for the impairment of [PSI(+)] propagation caused by mutant Ssa1p.  相似文献   

One of the key feature of prions is the ability to be stable in two alternative conformations. Besides the intensively studied mammalian prions, there are also prion proteins present in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Research in this field has lead to opposite hypotheses that explain the sense of presence of [PSI+] prion in yeast cells. Some authors postulate e of role of the prions in the evolution of S. cerevisiae, whereas other investigators point out the negative influence of these particles upon the yeast physiology. In recent years, yeast prions are used for anti-prion drug screening, because of common features with mammalian prions. This work presents the most intensively studied fields of the research carried out on [PSI+] prion in yeast.  相似文献   

Yeast prions are a powerful model for understanding the dynamics of protein aggregation associated with a number of human neurodegenerative disorders. The AAA+ protein disaggregase Hsp104 can sever the amyloid fibrils produced by yeast prions. This action results in the propagation of "seeds" that are transmitted to daughter cells during budding. Overexpression of Hsp104 eliminates the [PSI+] prion but not other prions. Using biochemical methods we identified Hsp104 binding sites in the highly charged middle domain of Sup35, the protein determinant of [PSI+]. Deletion of a short segment of the middle domain (amino acids 129-148) diminishes Hsp104 binding and strongly affects the ability of the middle domain to stimulate the ATPase activity of Hsp104. In yeast, [PSI+] maintained by Sup35 lacking this segment, like other prions, is propagated by Hsp104 but cannot be cured by Hsp104 overexpression. These results provide new insight into the enigmatic specificity of Hsp104-mediated curing of yeast prions and sheds light on the limitations of the ability of Hsp104 to eliminate aggregates produced by other aggregation-prone proteins.  相似文献   

Most prions in yeast form amyloid fibrils that must be severed by the protein disaggregase Hsp104 to be propagated and transmitted efficiently to newly formed buds. Only one yeast prion, [PSI+], is cured by Hsp104 overexpression. We investigated the interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35, the priongenic protein in yeast that forms the [PSI+] prion.1 Helsen CW, Glover JR. Insight into molecular basis of curing of [PSI+] prion by overexpression of 104-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp104). J Biol Chem 2012; 287:542 - 56; http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M111.302869; PMID: 22081611 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] We found that a 20-amino acid segment within the highly-charged, unstructured middle domain of Sup35 contributes to the physical interaction between the middle domain and Hsp104. When this segment was deleted from Sup35, the efficiency of [PSI+] severing was substantially reduced, resulting in larger Sup35 particles and weakening of the [PSI+] phenotype. Furthermore, [PSI+] in these cells was completely resistant to Hsp104 curing. The affinity of Hsp104 was considerably weaker than that of model Hsp104-binding proteins and peptides, implying that Sup35 prions are not ideal substrates for Hsp104-mediated remodeling. In light of this finding, we present a modified model of Hsp104-mediated [PSI+] propagation and curing that requires only partial remodeling of Sup35 assembled into amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Most prions in yeast form amyloid fibrils that must be severed by the protein disaggregase Hsp104 to be propagated and transmitted efficiently to newly formed buds. Only one yeast prion, [PSI+], is cured by Hsp104 overexpression. We investigated the interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35, the priongenic protein in yeast that forms the [PSI+] prion.1 We found that a 20-amino acid segment within the highly-charged, unstructured middle domain of Sup35 contributes to the physical interaction between the middle domain and Hsp104. When this segment was deleted from Sup35, the efficiency of [PSI+] severing was substantially reduced, resulting in larger Sup35 particles and weakening of the [PSI+] phenotype. Furthermore, [PSI+] in these cells was completely resistant to Hsp104 curing. The affinity of Hsp104 was considerably weaker than that of model Hsp104-binding proteins and peptides, implying that Sup35 prions are not ideal substrates for Hsp104-mediated remodeling. In light of this finding, we present a modified model of Hsp104-mediated [PSI+] propagation and curing that requires only partial remodeling of Sup35 assembled into amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 is an AAA+ ATPase (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) from yeast that catalyzes protein disaggregation. Using mutagenesis, we impaired nucleotide binding or hydrolysis in the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) of Hsp104 and analyzed the consequences for chaperone function by monitoring ATP hydrolysis, polypeptide binding, polypeptide processing, and disaggregation. Our results reveal that ATP binding to NBD1 serves as a central regulatory switch for the chaperone; it triggers binding of polypeptides, and stimulates ATP hydrolysis in the C-terminal NBD2 by more than two orders of magnitude, implying that ATP hydrolysis in this domain is important for disaggregation. Moreover, we show that Hsp104 actively unfolds its polypeptide substrates during processing, demonstrating that AAA+ proteins involved in disaggregation share a common threading mechanism with AAA+ proteins mediating protein unfolding/degradation.  相似文献   

The yeast prion [PSI+] represents an aggregated state of the translational release factor Sup35 (eRF3) and deprives termination complexes of functional Sup35, resulting in nonsense codon suppression. Protein-remodeling factor Hsp104 is involved in thermotolerance and [PSI+] propagation, however the structure-and-function relationship of Hsp104 for [PSI+] remains unclear. In this study, we engineered 58 chromosomal hsp104 mutants that affect residues considered structurally or functionally relevant to Hsp104 remodeling activity, yet most remain to be examined for their significance to [PSI+] in the same genetic background. Many of these hsp104 mutants were affected both in thermotolerance and [PSI+] propagation. However, nine mutants were impaired exclusively for [PSI+], while two mutants were impaired exclusively for thermotolerance. Mutations exclusively affecting [PSI+] are clustered around the lateral channel of the Hsp104 hexamer. These findings suggest that Hsp104 possesses shared as well as distinct remodeling activities for stress-induced protein aggregates and [PSI+] prion aggregates and that the lateral channel plays a role specific to [PSI+] prion propagation.  相似文献   

The yeast prion [PSI+] represents an aggregated state of the translational release factor Sup35 (eRF3) and deprives termination complexes of functional Sup35, resulting in nonsense codon suppression. Protein-remodeling factor Hsp104 is involved in thermotolerance and [PSI+] propagation, however the structure-and-function relationship of Hsp104 for [PSI+] remains unclear. In this study, we engineered 58 chromosomal hsp104 mutants that affect residues considered structurally or functionally relevant to Hsp104 remodeling activity, yet most remain to be examined for their significance to [PSI+] in the same genetic background. Many of these hsp104 mutants were affected both in thermotolerance and [PSI+] propagation. However, nine mutants were impaired exclusively for [PSI+], while two mutants were impaired exclusively for thermotolerance. Mutations exclusively affecting [PSI+] are clustered around the lateral channel of the Hsp104 hexamer. These findings suggest that Hsp104 possesses shared as well as distinct remodeling activities for stress-induced protein aggregates and [PSI+] prion aggregates and that the lateral channel plays a role specific to [PSI+] prion propagation.Key Words: Hsp104, reverse genetics, hexamer, nonsense suppression, yeast prion [PSI+], thermotolerance  相似文献   

The yeast [PSI+] determinant is related to formation of large prion-like aggregates of the conformationally altered Sup35 protein. Here, we show that these aggregates are composed of small Sup35 prion polymers and associated proteins. In contrast to other protein complexes of yeast lysates, but similarly to amyloid fibers, these polymers are insoluble in SDS at room temperature. The polymers on average are about 30-fold smaller than the aggregates and comprise from 8 to 50 Sup35 monomers. The size of polymers is characteristic of a given [PSI+] variant and differs between the variants. Blocked expression of Hsp104 chaperone causes gradual increase in the size of prion polymers, while inactivation of Hsp104 by guanidine HCl completely stops their fragmentation, which shows indispensability of Hsp104 for this process.  相似文献   

Mosser DD  Ho S  Glover JR 《Biochemistry》2004,43(25):8107-8115
Hsp104, the most potent thermotolerance factor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is an unusual molecular chaperone that is associated with the dispersal of aggregated, non-native proteins in vivo and in vitro. The close cooperation between Hsp100 oligomeric disaggregases and specific Hsp70 chaperone/cochaperone systems to refold and reactivate heat-damaged proteins has been dubbed a "bichaperone network". Interestingly, animal genomes do not encode a Hsp104 ortholog. To investigate the biochemical and biological consequences of introducing into human cells a stress tolerance factor that has protein refolding capabilities distinct from those already present, Hsp104 was expressed as a transgene in a human leukemic T-cell line (PEER). Hsp104 inhibited heat-shock-induced loss of viability in PEER cells, and this action correlated with reduced procaspase-3 cleavage but not with reduced c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation. Hsp104 cooperated with endogenous human Hsp70 and Hsc70 molecular chaperones and their J-domain-containing cochaperones Hdj1 and Hdj2 to produce a functional hybrid bichaperone network capable of refolding aggregated luciferase. We also established that Hsp104 shuttles across the nuclear envelope and enhances the chaperoning capacity of both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of intact cells. Our results establish the fundamental properties of protein disaggregase function in human cells with implications for the use of Hsp104 or related proteins as therapeutic agents in diseases associated with protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Cox B  Ness F  Tuite M 《Genetics》2003,165(1):23-33
The propagation of the prion form of the yeast Sup35p protein, the so-called [PSI(+)] determinant, involves the generation and partition of a small number of particulate determinants that we propose calling "propagons." The numbers of propagons in [PSI(+)] cells can be inferred from the kinetics of elimination of [PSI(+)] during growth in the presence of a low concentration of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl). Using this and an alternative method of counting the numbers of propagons, we demonstrate considerable clonal variation in the apparent numbers of propagons between different [PSI(+)] yeast strains, between different cultures of the same [PSI(+)] yeast strain, and between different cells of the same [PSI(+)] culture. We provide further evidence that propagon generation is blocked by growth in GdnHCl and that it is largely confined to the S phase of the cell cycle. In addition, we show that at low propagon number there is a bias toward retention of propagons in mother cells and that production of new propagons is very rapid when cells with depleted numbers of propagons are rescued into normal growth medium. The implications of our findings with respect to yeast prion propagation mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Exposure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to high osmotic stress evokes a number of adaptive changes that are necessary for its survival. These adaptive responses are mediated via multiple mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, of which the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway has been studied most extensively. Yeast strains that bear the hsp82T22I or hsp82G81S mutant alleles are osmosensitive. Interestingly, the osmosensitive phenotype is not due to inappropriate functioning of the HOG pathway, as Hog1p phosphorylation and downstream responses including glycerol accumulation are not affected. Rather, the hsp82 mutants display features that are characteristic for cell-wall mutants, i.e. resistance to Zymolyase and sensitivity to Calcofluor White. The osmosensitivity of the hsp82T22I or hsp82G81S strains is suppressed by over-expression of the Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37p but not by other co-chaperones. Hsp90 is shown to be required for proper adaptation to high osmolarity via a novel signal transduction pathway that operates parallel to the HOG pathway and requires Cdc37p.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 plays a central role in the clearance of aggregates after heat shock and the propagation of yeast prions. Hsp104's disaggregation activity and prion propagation have been linked to its ability to resolubilize or remodel protein aggregates. However, Hsp104 has also the capacity to catalyze protein aggregation of some substrates at specific conditions. Hence, it is a molecular chaperone with two opposing activities with respect to protein aggregation. In yeast models of Huntington's disease, Hsp104 is required for the aggregation and toxicity of polyglutamine (polyQ), but the expression of Hsp104 in cellular and animal models of Huntington's and Parkinson's disease protects against polyQ and α‐synuclein toxicity. Therefore, elucidating the molecular determinants and mechanisms underlying the ability of Hsp104 to switch between these two activities is of critical importance for understanding its function and could provide insight into novel strategies aimed at preventing or reversing the formation of toxic protein aggregation in systemic and neurodegenerative protein misfolding diseases. Here, we present an overview of the current molecular models and hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the role of Hsp104 in modulating protein aggregation and prion propagation. The experimental approaches and the evidences presented so far in relation to these models are examined. Our primary objective is to offer a critical review that will inspire the use of novel techniques and the design of new experiments to proceed towards a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the multifunctional properties of Hsp104 in vivo. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93:252–276, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

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