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Theory predicts that speciation‐with‐gene‐flow is more likely when the consequences of selection for population divergence transitions from mainly direct effects of selection acting on individual genes to a collective property of all selected genes in the genome. Thus, understanding the direct impacts of ecologically based selection, as well as the indirect effects due to correlations among loci, is critical to understanding speciation. Here, we measure the genome‐wide impacts of host‐associated selection between hawthorn and apple host races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae), a model for contemporary speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. Allele frequency shifts of 32 455 SNPs induced in a selection experiment based on host phenology were genome wide and highly concordant with genetic divergence between co‐occurring apple and hawthorn flies in nature. This striking genome‐wide similarity between experimental and natural populations of R. pomonella underscores the importance of ecological selection at early stages of divergence and calls for further integration of studies of eco‐evolutionary dynamics and genome divergence.  相似文献   

Populations of widespread marine organisms are typically characterized by a low degree of genetic differentiation in neutral genetic markers, but much less is known about differentiation in genes whose functional roles are associated with specific selection regimes. To uncover possible adaptive population divergence and heterogeneous genomic differentiation in marine three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we used a candidate gene‐based genome‐scan approach to analyse variability in 138 microsatellite loci located within/close to (<6 kb) functionally important genes in samples collected from ten geographic locations. The degree of genetic differentiation in markers classified as neutral or under balancing selection—as determined with several outlier detection methods—was low (FST = 0.033 or 0.011, respectively), whereas average FST for directionally selected markers was significantly higher (FST = 0.097). Clustering analyses provided support for genomic and geographic heterogeneity in selection: six genetic clusters were identified based on allele frequency differences in the directionally selected loci, whereas four were identified with the neutral loci. Allelic variation in several loci exhibited significant associations with environmental variables, supporting the conjecture that temperature and salinity, but not optic conditions, are important drivers of adaptive divergence among populations. In general, these results suggest that in spite of the high degree of physical connectivity and gene flow as inferred from neutral marker genes, marine stickleback populations are strongly genetically structured in loci associated with functionally relevant genes.  相似文献   

Gene flow is thought to impede genetic divergence and speciation by homogenizing genomes. Recent theory and research suggest that sufficiently strong divergent selection can overpower gene flow, leading to loci that are highly differentiated compared to others. However, there are also alternative explanations for this pattern. Independent evidence that loci in highly differentiated regions are under divergent selection would allow these explanations to be distinguished, but such evidence is scarce. Here, we present multiple lines of evidence that many of the highly divergent SNPs in a pair of sister morning glory species, Ipomoea cordatotriloba and I. lacunosa, are the result of divergent selection in the face of gene flow. We analysed a SNP data set across the genome to assess the amount of gene flow, resistance to introgression and patterns of selection on loci resistant to introgression. We show that differentiation between the two species is much lower in sympatry than in allopatry, consistent with interspecific gene flow in sympatry. Gene flow appears to be substantially greater from I. lacunosa to I. cordatotriloba than in the reverse direction, resulting in sympatric and allopatric I. cordatotriloba being substantially more different than sympatric and allopatric I. lacunosa. Many SNPs highly differentiated in allopatry have experienced divergent selection, and, despite gene flow in sympatry, resist homogenization in sympatry. Finally, five out of eight floral and inflorescence characteristics measured exhibit asymmetric convergence in sympatry. Consistent with the pattern of gene flow, I. cordatotriloba traits become much more like those of I. lacunosa than the reverse. Our investigation reveals the complex interplay between selection and gene flow that can occur during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

We characterized 20 microsatellite loci in the long‐tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus. Polymorphic loci were identified by testing 114 loci that had been originally isolated in other avian species. The loci were characterized in 23–163 unrelated long‐tailed tits from a British population and displayed between two and 42 alleles, with observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.09 and 0.97.  相似文献   

The oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, is a serious agricultural pest in China. Seasonal and roundtrip migration has recently led to sudden, localized outbreaks and crop losses. To evaluate genetic differentiation between populations in eastern and western China and elucidate gene flow, the genetic structure of 20 natural populations from nine provinces was examined using seven microsatellite markers. The results indicated high genetic diversity. However, little to moderate (0 < FST < 0.15) genetic differentiation was detected, and there was no correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Bayesian clustering analysis identified three groups whereas discriminant analysis of principal components identified ten clusters that were considered as two clear‐cut clusters and one admixed group. Gene flow occurred frequently in most population pairs, and an asymmetrical migration rate was detected in several pairwise population comparisons. The bottleneck test showed that few populations had experienced recent bottlenecks. Correspondingly, large‐scale and long‐distance migration of M. separata has caused low genetic differentiation and frequent gene exchange. Our findings are important for studying genetic evolution and help to improve predictions of M. separata outbreaks in China.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera is a major agricultural pest that is distributed across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. This species is hypothesized to have spread to the Americas 1.5 million years ago, founding a population that is at present, a distinct species, Helicoverpa zea. In 2013, H. armigera was confirmed to have re‐entered South America via Brazil and subsequently spread. The source of the recent incursion is unknown and population structure in H. armigera is poorly resolved, but a basic understanding would highlight potential biosecurity failures and determine the recent evolutionary history of region‐specific lineages. Here, we integrate several end points derived from high‐throughput sequencing to assess gene flow in H. armigera and H. zea from populations across six continents. We first assemble mitochondrial genomes to demonstrate the phylogenetic relationship of H. armigera with other Heliothine species and the lack of distinction between populations. We subsequently use de novo genotyping‐by‐sequencing and whole‐genome sequences aligned to bacterial artificial chromosomes, to assess levels of admixture. Primarily, we find that Brazilian H. armigera are derived from diverse source populations, with strong signals of gene flow from European populations, as well as prevalent signals of Asian and African ancestry. We also demonstrate a potential field‐caught hybrid between H. armigera and H. zea, and are able to provide genomic support for the presence of the H. armigera conferta subspecies in Australasia. While structure among the bulk of populations remains unresolved, we present distinctions that are pertinent to future investigations as well as to the biosecurity threat posed by H. armigera.  相似文献   

Speciation with gene flow may require adaptive divergence of multiple traits to generate strong ecologically based reproductive isolation. Extensive negative pleiotropy or physical linkage of genes in the wrong phase affecting these diverging traits may therefore hinder speciation, while genetic independence or “modularity” among phenotypic traits may reduce constraints and facilitate divergence. Here, we test whether the genetics underlying two components of diapause life history, initial diapause intensity and diapause termination timing, constrain differentiation between sympatric hawthorn and apple‐infesting host races of the fly Rhagoletis pomonella through analysis of 10,256 SNPs measured via genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS). Loci genetically associated with diapause termination timing were mainly observed for SNPs mapping to chromosomes 1–3 in the genome, most notably for SNPs displaying higher levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD), likely due to inversions. In contrast, selection on initial diapause intensity affected loci on all five major chromosomes of the genome, specifically those showing low levels of LD. This lack of overlap in genetically associated loci suggests that the two diapause phenotypes are largely modular. On chromosome 2, however, intermediate level LD loci and a subgroup of high LD loci displayed significant negative relationships between initial diapause intensity and diapause termination time. These gene regions on chromosome 2 therefore affected both traits, while most regions were largely independent. Moreover, loci associated with both measured traits also tended to exhibit highly divergent allele frequencies between the host races. Thus, the presence of nonoverlapping genetic modules likely facilitates simultaneous, adaptive divergence for the measured life‐history components.  相似文献   

Cooperative behaviors are promoted by kin selection if the costs to the actor are smaller than the fitness benefits to the recipient, weighted by the coefficient of relatedness. In primates, cooperation occurs primarily among female dyads. Due to male dispersal before sexual maturity in many primate species, however, it is unknown whether there are sufficient opportunities for selective tolerance and occasional coalitionary support for kin selection to favor male nepotistic support. We studied the effect of the presence of male kin on correlates of male reproductive success (residence time, duration of high dominance rank) in non‐natal male long‐tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). We found that “related” (i.e., related at the half‐sibling level or higher) males in a group have a significantly higher probability to remain in the non‐natal group compared to males without relatives. Moreover, males stayed longer in a group when a relative was present at group entry or joined the same group within 3 months upon arrival. Males with co‐residing relatives also maintained a high rank for longer than those without. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a potential nepotistic effect on residence and rank maintenance among non‐natal males in a social system without long‐term alliances.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography offers a unique opportunity to understand the interplay between past environmental events and life‐history traits on diversification of unrelated but co‐distributed species. Here, we examined the effects of the quaternary climate fluctuations and palaeomarine currents and present‐day marine currents on the extant patterns of genetic diversity in the two most conspicuous mangrove species of the Neotropics. The black (Avicennia germinans, Avicenniaceae) and the red (Rhizophora mangle, Rhizophoraceae) mangroves have similar geographic ranges but are very distantly related and show striking differences on their life‐history traits. We sampled 18 Atlantic and 26 Pacific locations for A. germinans (N = 292) and R. mangle (N = 422). We performed coalescence simulations using microsatellite diversity to test for evidence of population change associated with quaternary climate fluctuations. In addition, we examined whether patterns of genetic variation were consistent with the directions of major marine (historical and present day) currents in the region. Our demographic analysis was grounded within a phylogeographic framework provided by the sequence analysis of two chloroplasts and one flanking microsatellite region in a subsample of individuals. The two mangrove species shared similar biogeographic histories including: (1) strong genetic breaks between Atlantic and Pacific ocean basins associated with the final closure of the Central American Isthmus (CAI), (2) evidence for simultaneous population declines between the mid‐Pleistocene and early Holocene, (3) asymmetric historical migration with higher gene flow from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans following the direction of the palaeomarine current, and (4) contemporary gene flow between West Africa and South America following the major Atlantic Ocean currents. Despite the remarkable differences in life‐history traits of mangrove species, which should have had a strong influence on seed dispersal capability and, thus, population connectivity, we found that vicariant events, climate fluctuations and marine currents have shaped the distribution of genetic diversity in strikingly similar ways.  相似文献   

Negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS) is an important mechanism for species coexistence and for the maintenance of genetic polymorphism. Long‐term coexistence nevertheless requires NFDS interactions to be resilient to further evolution of the interacting species or genotypes. For closely related genotypes, NFDS interactions have been shown to be preserved through successive rounds of evolution in coexisting lineages. On the contrary, the evolution of NFDS interactions between distantly related species has received less attention. Here, we tracked the co‐evolution of Escherichia coli and Citrobacter freundii that initially differ in their ecological characteristics. We showed that these two bacterial species engaged in an NFDS interaction particularly resilient to further evolution: despite a very strong asymmetric rate of adaptation, their coexistence was maintained owing to an NFDS pattern where fitness increases steeply as the frequency decreases towards zero. Using a model, we showed how and why such NFDS pattern can emerge. These findings provide a robust explanation for the long‐term maintenance of species at very low frequencies.  相似文献   

Until complete reproductive isolation is achieved, the extent of differentiation between two diverging lineages is the result of a dynamic equilibrium between genetic isolation and mixing. This is especially true for hybrid taxa, for which the degree of isolation in regard to their parental species is decisive in their capacity to rise as a new and stable entity. In this work, we explored the past and current patterns of hybridization and divergence within a complex of closely related butterflies in the genus Coenonympha in which two alpine species, C. darwiniana and C. macromma, have been shown to result from hybridization between the also alpine C. gardetta and the lowland C. arcania. By testing alternative scenarios of divergence among species, we show that gene flow has been uninterrupted throughout the speciation process, although leading to different degrees of current genetic isolation between species in contact zones depending on the pair considered. Nonetheless, at broader geographic scale, analyses reveal a clear genetic differentiation between hybrid lineages and their parental species, pointing out to an advanced stage of the hybrid speciation process. Finally, the positive correlation observed between ecological divergence and genetic isolation among these butterflies suggests a potential role for ecological drivers during their speciation processes.  相似文献   

Specialization for the use of different resources can lead to ecological speciation. Accordingly, there are numerous examples of ecologically specialized pairs of fish “species” in postglacial lakes. Using a polymorphic panel of single nucleotide variants, we tested for genetic footprints of within‐lake population stratification in nine‐spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) collected from three habitats (viz. littoral, benthic, and pelagic) within a northern Swedish lake. Analyses of admixture, population structure, and relatedness all supported the conclusion that the fish from this lake form a single interbreeding unit.  相似文献   

Speciation, the evolution of reproductive isolation among populations, is continuous, complex, and involves multiple, interacting barriers. Until it is complete, the effects of this process vary along the genome and can lead to a heterogeneous genomic landscape with peaks and troughs of differentiation and divergence. When gene flow occurs during speciation, barriers restricting gene flow locally in the genome lead to patterns of heterogeneity. However, genomic heterogeneity can also be produced or modified by variation in factors such as background selection and selective sweeps, recombination and mutation rate variation, and heterogeneous gene density. Extracting the effects of gene flow, divergent selection and reproductive isolation from such modifying factors presents a major challenge to speciation genomics. We argue one of the principal aims of the field is to identify the barrier loci involved in limiting gene flow. We first summarize the expected signatures of selection at barrier loci, at the genomic regions linked to them and across the entire genome. We then discuss the modifying factors that complicate the interpretation of the observed genomic landscape. Finally, we end with a road map for future speciation research: a proposal for how to account for these modifying factors and to progress towards understanding the nature of barrier loci. Despite the difficulties of interpreting empirical data, we argue that the availability of promising technical and analytical methods will shed further light on the important roles that gene flow and divergent selection have in shaping the genomic landscape of speciation.  相似文献   

The genus Oligoryzomys, distributed from southern South America to southern North America, is the most diverse of the tribe Oryzomyini of sigmodontine rodents. Even when 22 species are currently recognized, species boundaries are unclear for several forms. The species Oligoryzomys destructor is one of the least studied species of the genus and is the one with the largest distribution along the Andes (from southern Colombia to northern Bolivia). The species was described without the selection of a holotype and indication of its type locality. In addition, several taxa are regarded as synonyms of O. destructor. These facts are relevant because previous analysis of DNA sequences has shown that O. destructor represents a species complex. Herein, in addition to test the phylogenetic position of O. destructor within the genus Oligoryzomys, we assess patterns of morphological and molecular variation of O. destructor and its associated nominal forms aimed to assess the boundaries of the species. As part of the study, we selected neotypes for Hesperomys destructor and H. melanostoma. At the light of our results, we recognized O. destructor as a species with two subspecies, O. d. destructor and O. d. spodiurus. Also, we discuss the role of Andean rivers, and their different permeability, as allopatric barriers molding the structure of O. destructor.  相似文献   

Understanding the causes and consequences of population phenotypic divergence is a central goal in ecology and evolution. Phenotypic divergence among populations can result from genetic divergence, phenotypic plasticity or a combination of the two. However, few studies have deciphered these mechanisms for populations geographically close and connected by gene flow, especially in the case of personality traits. In this study, we used a common garden experiment to explore the genetic basis of the phenotypic divergence observed between two blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) populations inhabiting contrasting habitats separated by 25 km, for two personality traits (exploration speed and handling aggression), one physiological trait (heart rate during restraint) and two morphological traits (tarsus length and body mass). Blue tit nestlings were removed from their population and raised in a common garden for up to 5 years. We then compared adult phenotypes between the two populations, as well as trait‐specific Qst and Fst. Our results revealed differences between populations similar to those found in the wild, suggesting a genetic divergence for all traits. QstFst comparisons revealed that the trait divergences likely result from dissimilar selection patterns rather than from genetic drift. Our study is one of the first to report a QstFst comparison for personality traits and adds to the growing body of evidence that population genetic divergence is possible at a small scale for a variety of traits including behavioural traits.  相似文献   

Parallel phenotypic differentiation is generally attributed to parallel adaptive divergence as an evolutionary response to similar environmental contrasts. Such parallelism may actually originate from several evolutionary scenarios ranging from repeated parallel divergence caused by divergent selection to a unique divergence event followed by gene flow. Reconstructing the evolutionary history underlying parallel phenotypic differentiation is thus fundamental to understand the relative contribution of demography and selection on genomic divergence during speciation. In this study, we investigate the divergence history of replicate European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), limnetic and benthic species pairs from two lakes in Norway and two lakes in Switzerland. Demographic models accounting for semi‐permeability and linked selection were fitted to the unfolded joint allele frequency spectrum built from genome‐wide SNPs and compared to each other in each species pair. We found strong support for a model of asymmetrical post‐glacial secondary contact between glacial lineages in all four lakes. Moreover, our results suggest that heterogeneous genomic differentiation has been shaped by the joint action of linked selection accelerating lineage sorting during allopatry, and heterogeneous migration eroding divergence at different rates along the genome following secondary contact. Our analyses reveal how the interplay between demography, selection and historical contingency has influenced the levels of diversity observed in previous whitefish phylogeographic studies. This study thus provides new insights into the historical demographic and selective processes that shaped the divergence associated with ecological speciation in European whitefish.  相似文献   

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