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The essential-oil composition of Pinus peuce Griseb. is reported at the population level. Macedonian pine is endemic high-mountain Balkan pine relict of an anthropogenically reduced area, with large morphological diversity and insufficiently clear taxonomic position. In the pine-needle terpene profile of two populations from Montenegro and one from Serbia, 78 compounds were detected, 56 of which are identified (Table 3). The dominant constituents were alpha-pinene (36.5%) and germacrene D (11.4%). The following 20 additional components were found to be present in medium-to-high amounts (0.5-10%): camphene (8.5%), bornyl acetate (6.8%), beta-pinene (6.8%), beta-caryophyllene (5.2%), beta-phellandrene (4.7%), terpinen-4-ol acetate (1.6%), (E)-hex-2-enal (1.5%), alpha-muurolene (1.2%), beta-gurjunene (1.1%), beta-myrcene (1.0%), alpha-terpinyl acetate (0.9%), alpha-phellandrene (0.8%), delta-cadinene (0.8%), alpha-humulene (0.8%), sabinene (0.7%), aromadendrene (0.6%), alpha-thujene (0.6%), gamma-muurolene (0.6%), gamma-cadinene (0.6%), alpha-terpinolene (0.5%), and one unknown component (0.5%). The similarity of the populations and the within-population variability were visualized by principle-component analysis (PCA) and genetic analysis of selected terpenes in 90 tree samples. Our study suggests a closer connection between populations II and III compared to population I. Based on the profile of the main terpene components, the studied populations are more similar to populations from Kosovo and Greece than to the population from Mt. Mokra (Montenegro) and the population in France.  相似文献   

The particular significance of the whitebark pine (Pinus heldreichii Christ.) stems from the fact that it is a tertiary relict and Balkanic subendemite covering a very narrow and intermittent area in Serbia. A representative pool of 48 adult trees originating from three populations, one recently discovered natural (Population I) and two planted populations (Populations II and III) was investigated in order to evaluate the intra- and interpopulation variability of the essential oil of the complete fund of P. heldreichii in Serbia. In the pine-needle-terpene profile, 104 compounds were detected, 84 of which could be identified. Among the essential-oil constituents, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes dominated, comprising ca. 90% of the essential oil. The terpenic profile of Population I was characterized by a predominance of monoterpenes (e.g., limonene (1), α-pinene, and Δ(3) -carene (4)), while sesquiterpenes (e.g., germacrene D (2) and β-caryophyllene (3)) obviously preponderated in the profile of Populations II and III. This study also demonstrated that the abundance of whitebark pines in Serbia had significantly changed over the last few decades. The number of individuals in the natural population had increased, while the number of individuals in the planted populations had decreased. Today, the whitebark pine fund in Serbia comprises less than 250 trees.  相似文献   

The needle‐terpene profiles of two natural Pinus heldreichii populations from Mts. O?ljak and Gali?ica (Scardo‐Pindic mountain system) were analyzed. Among the 68 detected compounds, 66 were identified. The dominant constituents were germacrene D (28.7%), limonene (27.1%), and α‐pinene (16.2%). β‐Caryophyllene (6.9%), β‐pinene (5.2%), β‐myrcene (2.3%), pimaric acid (2.0%), α‐humulene (1.2%), and seven additional components were found to be present in medium‐to‐high amounts (0.5–10%). Although the general needle‐terpene profile of the population from Gali?ica was similar to those of the populations from Lov?en, Zeletin, Bjelasica, and Zlatibor‐Pe?ter (belonging to the Dinaric Alps), the principle‐component analysis (PCA) of seven terpenes (β‐myrcene, limonene, β‐elemene, β‐caryophyllene, α‐humulene, δ‐cadinene, and germacrene D‐4‐ol) in 121 tree samples suggested a partial divergence in the needle‐terpene profiles between the populations from the Scardo‐Pindic mountain system and the Dinaric Alps. According to previously reported data, the P. heldreichii samples from the Balkan‐Rhodope mountains lack β‐caryophyllene and germacrene D, but contain γ‐muurolene in their terpene profile. Differences in the terpene composition between populations growing in the three above‐mentioned mountain systems were compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Terpenes are often used as ecological and chemotaxonomic markers of plant species, as well as for estimation of geographic variability. Essential oils of relic and Balkan endemic/subendemic conifers, Picea omorika, Pinus heldreichii, and P. peuce, in central part of Balkan Peninsula (Serbia and Montenegro), on the level of terpene classes and common terpene compounds were investigated. In finding terpene combinations, which could show the best diversity between species and their natural populations, several statistical methods were applied. Apart from the content of different terpene classes (P. omorika has the most abundant O-containing monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes; P. heldreichii and P. peuce have the largest abundance of sesquiterpene and monoterpene hydrocarbons, resp.), the species are clearly separated according to terpene profile with 22 common compounds. But, divergences in their populations were established only in combination of several compounds (specific for each species), and they were found to be the results of geomorphologic, climatic, and genetic factors. We found similarities between investigated species and some taxa from literature with respect to terpene composition, possibly due to hybridization and phylogenetic relations. Obtained results are also important regarding to chemotaxonomy, biogeography, phylogeny, and evolution of these taxa.  相似文献   

Variability of eight morpho-anatomical traits of two-year-old needles of the Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.), collected from natural populations of Montenegro (Zeletin and Sjekirica) and Serbia (Mokra Gora), was investigated. The needles have two resin ducts of the external type (touching epidermis). The average values were as follows: 7.14 cm (needle length), 0.86 mm (needle width), 0.66 mm (needle thickness), 13.32 μm (cuticle+epidermis thickness), 16.24 μm (height of hypodermal cells), 1.45 (number of hypodermis layers), 2 (number of resin ducts) and 52.45 μm (resin duct diameter). The most variable characters were needle width and needle thickness. PCA visualizes overlapping of three populations. Cluster analysis suggests that the Sjekirica population is more similar to the Mokra Gora population than to the geographically nearest population of Zeletin. Given results are discussed in relation to our previous investigations of this species based on terpenes and n-alkanes, where the population from Mt. Zeletin also exhibited differences compared to the population from other Balkan localities.  相似文献   

The essential‐oil variability in seven native populations belonging to different infraspecific taxa of Pinus nigra (ssp. nigra, var. gocensis, ssp. pallasiana, and var. banatica) growing wild in Serbia was analyzed. In the needles of 195 trees from seven populations, 58 essential‐oil components were identified. The major components were α‐pinene (43.6%) and germacrene D (29.8%), comprising together 73.4% of the total oil composition. Based on the average chemical profile of the main terpene components (with contents >5%), the studied populations were found to be the most similar to populations from central Italy and Greece (ssp. nigra). Cluster analysis showed the division of the populations into three principal groups: the first group consisted of Populations I, II, III, IV, and V (considered as ssp. nigra group), the second of Population VI (ssp. pallasiana group), and the third of Population VII, which had the most distinct oil composition (ssp. banatica group). The taxonomic implications of the essential‐oil profiles of the investigated taxa of this very complex species are discussed.  相似文献   

The composition of oil samples isolated from needles of Pinus halepensis growing in three locations in Corsica (Saleccia, Capo di Feno, and Tre Padule) has been investigated by combination of chromatographic (GC with retention indices) and spectroscopic (MS and 13C‐NMR) techniques. In total, 35 compounds that accounted for 77 – 100% of the whole composition have been identified. α‐Pinene, myrcene, and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene were the major component followed by α‐humulene and 2‐phenylethyl isovalerate. Various diterpenes have been identified as minor components. 47 Oil samples isolated from pine needles have been analyzed and were differentiated in two groups. Oil samples of the first group (15 samples) contained myrcene (M = 28.1 g/100 g; SD = 10.6) and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene (M = 19.0 g/100 g; SD = 2.2) as major components and diterpenes were absent. All these oil samples were isolated from pine needles harvested in Saleccia. Oil samples of the second group (32 samples) contained mostly (E)‐β‐caryophyllene (M = 28.7 g/100 g; SD = 7.9), α‐pinene (M = 12.3 g/100 g; SD = 3.6), and myrcene (M = 11.7 g/100 g; SD = 7.3). All these oil samples were isolated from pine needles harvested in Capo di Feno and Tre Padule.  相似文献   

The essential oils extracted from the leaves and the shoots of five Abies species (Pinaceae) growing in Japan, i.e., A. firma, A. homolepis, A. veitchii, A. mariesii, and A. sachalinensis, were characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. The yields of the essential oils extracted from A. sachalinensis were the highest among them. A significant amount of α-pinene was contained in the essential oils of all the Abies species examined. In A. homolepis and A. veitchii, significant differences in the content of the essential oils were found depending on whether these were extracted from the leaves or from the shoots. Regarding the enantiomeric ratio of α-pinene, the (+)-enantiomer was predominant in the oil extracted from the leaves of A. firma, while (-)-α-pinene was present in higher amounts in the oils of A. veitchii (leaves and shoots), A. mariesii (leaves and shoots), and A. sachalinensis (shoots). The fact that there may be a quantitative and qualitative difference in the components of the essential oils extracted from the different parts of a plant was investigated by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

The composition of the essential oils isolated by hydrodistillation from various organs at different development stages of Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. growing in Tunisia was determined by GC/MS analysis. In particular, the oil profiles of the leaves, stems, flower buds, roots, umbels, and fruits have been examined during the whole life cycle. The oil from the flowering aerial parts was characterized by a high content of isoamyl 2-methylbutanoate. After flowering and during desiccation and fructification, the umbels and fruits expressed a high content of linalool. The oils, extracted from the roots collected in the vegetatif, buds floral, and floral stages, were rich in monoterpene aldehydes, oxygenated monoterpenes, and monoterpene hydrocarbons. The highest level of non-terpene hydrocarbons was found at the flower-bud stage, represented by 61.3% of nonane. Among the monoterpenes, sabinene (12.5%) and β-pinene (8.5%) were identified in the flower buds.  相似文献   

Composition of essential oils of different populations of Thymus richardii grex of six localities from Bosnia-Herzegovina (Konjic, Borci), Spain (Majorca, Ibiza, Valencia) and Italy (Marettimo, Sicily) were determined by GC/FID and GC/MS. The main constituents in most of the samples were aromatic monoterpenes corresponding to non-phenolic cyclic compounds (p-cymene, γ-terpinene). The highest monoterpene concentrations were found in the Bosnian samples (70%), and the lowest in samples from the Balearic Islands (<30%; Ibiza and Majorca). Sesquiterpenes were the major component (average > 50%) in samples from Majorca with β-bisabolene (>40%) being the principal constituent. Discriminant analysis (LDA) shows the differentiation of two chemotypes: A (phenol chemotype), with p-cymene and γ-terpinene as characteristic compounds and B, with β-bisabolene and carvacrol, as major and significative compounds. The occurrence of the chemotypes was related to summer positive precipitation and to deep of soils.  相似文献   

Environmental factors affecting essential oils variability in Thymus piperella L. are studied. The relationship between the bioclimatics index and edaphic factors with three chemotypes is determined through the application of multivariate analysis (CANOCO) and other statistical processes to both ecological and the essential oil data set components. Chemotype p-cymene γ-terpinene carvacrol shows a positive relationship with the aridity index (Ia) and Altitude. The p-cymene thymol chemotype is related to factors affecting water balance in both the soils and plants. The influence of climatic factors over p-cymene carvacrol is less evident. The compound p-cymene, common to the three chemical groups and the most abundant of all, presents positive correlation with the organic matter in the soil.  相似文献   

Mono- and sesquiterpenoids from wood and leaves of Pinus longaeva trees collected in various localities of eastern California and western Nevada were quantitatively analyzed by GLC. Concurrently the number and size of resin canals in foliage of the same trees and as well as Pinus aristata trees from Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico were determined. While some monoterpenes (mainly α-pinene and 3-carene) suggest that P. longaeva trees from the Panamint Mountains of California are P. aristata-like, the total chemical data and morphological data indicate that Panamint trees should be grouped with P. longaeva. A chemical latitudinal gradient is evidenced by the appearance of trees producing 3-carene in large amounts along the line joining the Panamint, Inyo and White Mountains of California. Pinus rzedowskii, well separated geographically and morphologically from the accepted members of subsection Balfourianae, is shown to be sufficiently distinct chemically, as to leave its suggested membership in the subsection an open question.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil isolated from the needles of endemic Dalmatian black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. dalmatica) from Croatia were investigated. The chemical composition of the essential oil was determined by GC and GC/MS analyses, and the main compounds identified were α-pinene, β-pinene, germacrene D, and β-caryophyllene. Disc-diffusion and broth-microdilution assays were used for the in vitro antimicrobial screening. The Dalmatian black pine essential oil exhibited a great potential of antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria (MIC=0.03-0.50% (v/v)) and a less pronounced activity against Gram-negative bacteria (MIC=0.12-3.2% (v/v)). The volatile compounds also inhibited the growth of all fungi tested, including yeast.  相似文献   

To evaluate the chemotaxonomic significance of the essential oils of 23 populations of 18 Iranian Ferula species, the chemical composition of the oils was investigated by GC/FID and GC/MS. Altogether, 84 constituents, representing 81.3-99.7% of the total composition of the oils, have been identified. The composition of six species of the genus, i.e., F. oopoda, F. foetida, F. behboudiana, F. diversivittata, F. galbaniflua, and F. hezarlalehzarica, has been reported for the first time. The main constituents identified were α-terpinyl acetate (73.3%), 2,3,4-trimethylthiophene (2; 49.0%), sabinene (75.3%), verbenone (5; 69.4%), β-pinene (59.0-66.3%), and (Z)-β-ocimene (41.7%). Cluster analysis (CA) of the percentage content of the essential oil components of the Ferula species resulted in the characterization of four groups, i.e., taxa containing either i) monoterpene hydrocarbons, ii) oxygenated monoterpenes, iii) organosulfur compounds, or iv) monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and aliphatic hydrocarbons as the principal classes of compounds. Based on the results obtained, the chemical independence of F. hirtella from F. szowitsiana and of F. galbaniflua from F. gummosa at the specific level was concluded and their positions as distinct species were confirmed. The chemotaxonomic relationships among the representatives of the genus Ferula have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Essential oils were obtained from roots of 10 Aristolochia species by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC-MS. A total of 75 compounds were identified in the analysed oils. Multivariate analyses of the chemical constituents of the roots enabled classification of the species into four morphological groups. These forms of analysis represent an aid in identification of further specimens belonging to these species.  相似文献   

The essential‐oil compositions of one Croatian and three Serbian populations of Juniperus deltoides R.P.Adams have been determined by GC/MS analysis. In total, 147 compounds were identified, representing 97.3–98.3% of the oil composition. The oils were dominated by monoterpenes, which are characteristic components for the species of the section Juniperus. Two monoterpenes, α‐pinene and limonene, were the dominant constituents, with a summed‐up average content of 49.45%. Statistical methods were used to determine the diversity of the terpene classes and the common terpenes between the newly described J. deltoides populations from Serbia and Croatia. Only reports on several specimens from this species have been reported so far, and there are no studies that treat population diversity. Cluster analysis of the oil contents of 21 terpenes showed high correlation with the geographical distribution of the populations, separating the Croatian from the Serbian populations. The comparison of the essential‐oil compositions obtained in the present study with literature data, showed the separation of J. deltoides and J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus from the western Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The volatile compositions of hydrodistilled essential oils in the flower heads of Chrysanthemum indicum L. from eight populations in China were analyzed by GC/MS. A total of 169 compounds representing 88.79-99.53% of the oils were identified, and some remarkable differences were found in the constituent percentages of the eight populations. The predominant components of the essential oils were 1,8-cineole (0.62-7.34%), (+)-(1R,4R)-camphor (0.17-27.56%), caryophyllene oxide (0.54-5.8%), β-phellandrene (0.72-1.87%), (-)-(1S,2R,4S)-borneol acetate (0.33-8.46%), 2-methyl-6-(p-tolyl)hept-2-ene (0.3-8.6%), 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-yl acetate (0.17-26.48%), and hexadecanoic acid (0.72-15.97%). The chemotaxonomic value of the essential-oil compositions was discussed according to the results of cluster analysis (CA) and principal-component analysis (PCA). The eight populations were divided into five groups as different chemotypes (Groups A-E), and the scores together with the loadings revealed clearly different chemical properties of each population. In conclusion, GC/MS in combination with chemometric techniques provided a flexible and reliable method for characterizing the essential oils of different populations of C. indicum L.  相似文献   

This is the first report of individual variability and population diversity of the contents of nonacosan‐10‐ol and n‐alkanes in the needle cuticular waxes of Bosnian pines originated from Montenegro, regarded as Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis, and from Serbia, regarded as P. heldreichii var. pan?i?i. The amount of nonacosan‐10‐ol varied individually from 27.4 to 73.2% (55.5% in average), but differences between the four investigated populations were not statistically confirmed. The size of the n‐alkanes ranged from C18 to C33. The most abundant n‐alkanes were C23, C27, and C25 (12.2, 11.2, and 10.8% in average, resp.). The carbon preference index (CPI) of the n‐alkanes ranged from 0.8 to 3.1 (1.6 in average), while the average chain length (ACL) ranged from 20.9 to 26.5 (24.4 in average). Long‐chain and mid‐chain n‐alkanes prevailed (49.6 and 37.9% in average, resp.). It was also found that the populations of P. heldreichii var. leucodermis had predominantly a narrower range of n‐alkanes (C18? C31) than the trees of the variety pan?i?i (C18? C33). Differences between the varieties were also significant for most of the other characteristics of the n‐alkane pattern (e.g., most abundant n‐alkanes, CPI, ACL, and relative proportion of short‐, mid‐, and long‐chain n‐alkanes). The principle component and cluster analyses of eleven n‐alkanes confirmed the significant diversity of these two varieties.  相似文献   

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