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The Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS) is inhabited by a growing population of Ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus), a species that is listed as vulnerable. Smaller, degraded forest fragments that surround the BFMS also contain C. vellerosus and may provide an important habitat for the monkeys. Our objectives were to 1) determine the current population size and density of C. vellerosus at BFMS and in five surrounding fragments, 2) examine the differences in demographics between the fragments and BFMS, and 3) determine whether a relationship exists between population density and fragment size and isolation distance from BFMS. The census was a complete count and was conducted for 1 month (July 2003) by S.W. and trained research assistants. Seven census routes were walked simultaneously on 13 days. The 2003 population estimate of C. vellerosus at BFMS was 217-241 individuals (15 groups), a slight increase from the 2000 census. Numbers in the fragments (58-62, six groups) have remained stable since 1997, when the only other census of these fragments was conducted. Mean group size did not differ between the fragments and BFMS. Larger fragments had larger numbers of colobus, but there was no relationship between fragment size and colobus density. Isolation distance had no effect on population density. Our data suggest that colobus probably travel between fragments. Conservation efforts should focus on treating the small forests and their connecting areas as a single conservation unit.  相似文献   

The forest fragments surrounding the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS) in central Ghana shelter small populations of Colobus vellerosus. Little is known about these populations or the ability of the fragments to support them, despite the fact that these fragments represent potentially important habitat for the colobus in this region. We compared the diet of three groups of C. vellerosus in the fragments to two groups in BFMS. We also examined the differences in plant species composition and food abundance among fragments. The study took place from June to November 2003. Dietary data were collected using scan sampling. Plant species composition and food abundance were evaluated using tree plots and large tree surveys. As in BFMS groups, leaves constituted the highest proportion of the diet of fragment groups, yet the colobus in fragments fed on more lianas than did those in BFMS. Over 50% of all species observed eaten by colobus in the fragments were not consumed in BFMS groups during the same season. Food abundance was similar between fragments and BFMS, although species composition differed. There was no relationship between the density of colobus and the density of food trees or percentage of food species, suggesting that other factors may be influencing the number of colobus present. This study highlights the broad dietary range of C. vellerosus, which may be a factor allowing its survival in these fragments.  相似文献   

Fragmentation theory predicts that population persistence should be positively correlated with the size of habitat fragments. The patterns of occurrence of many species are consistent with this prediction, but the demographic processes that determine how species respond to fragmentation are poorly understood. In addition, habitat quality may interact with fragment size as an influence on demographic performance. We investigated these predictions for the native bush rat Rattus fuscipes by testing the following hypotheses: 1) population performance (i.e. viability as determined by various demographic parameters) is positively correlated with fragment size; and 2) population performance is positively correlated with habitat quality. Populations of R. fuscipes were censused in two large (>49 ha) and eight small (<2.5 ha) forest fragments in an agricultural region of southeastern Australia. Fragments with high and low quality habitat were included in each size category. Fragment size influenced multiple aspects of population demography; populations in large fragments had higher densities, older age structures, received more potential immigrants, and were more likely to recruit adults than those in small fragments. Reproductive patterns were more predictable in large fragments. Habitat quality per se had less marked effects; adult females were heavier and subadults more prevalent in fragments with high quality habitat. However, high quality habitat enhanced population performance in small fragments more so than in large ones. Despite being widespread in the study area, R. fuscipes populations are profoundly impacted by habitat fragmentation, with population performance declining with fragment size. Studies based on patterns of species occurrence should be interpreted with caution as they may mask critical processes occurring at the population level. For a thorough understanding of the effects of habitat fragmentation, population‐level studies are required.  相似文献   

Considerable intraspecific variation exists in responses to habitat fragmentation owing to regional differences in fragment quality. Habitat use and activity patterns of resident populations are related to the abundance and predictability of resources in time and space, and thus space use is one of the most important considerations for evaluating habitat quality. Here I examine inter- and intrasite differences in the ranging behavior; use of the matrix, i.e., surrounding nonhabitat; and activity budgets of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) inhabiting two forest fragments—Anja Special Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley Sacred Forest—in Madagascar’s central highlands to test the prediction that intraspecific variation in habitat use and activity patterns is indicative of fragment quality. At Anja, Lemur catta has access to abundant year-round anthropogenic resources (introduced fruit trees, agricultural crops, water), whereas the population at Tsaranoro relies on seasonally variable and patchily distributed resources throughout the forest and matrix. Lemur catta at Anja occupy smaller home ranges; have shorter daily path lengths (DPLs); and spend less time foraging and more time resting, locomoting, and engaging in social and territorial behavior. In contrast, groups at Tsaranoro occupy larger home ranges, have longer DPLs, rely heavily on the matrix, and expend most of their energy in foraging behavior. These differences point to variation in the relative habitat quality of the two fragments and are thus an important consideration for conservation managers when assessing the capacity of forest fragments to sustain populations.  相似文献   

We describe the activity patterns and time budget of a feral group of lion-tailed macaques that were confined to a disturbed forest fragment of 65 ha and compare the results with those obtained for groups in protected forests. The degraded nature of the study site was reflected in low tree densities, low specific diversity, gaps in the girth distribution of trees, and frequent disturbance by humans. The study group of 43 subjects was twice as large as lion-tailed macaque groups in protected habitats. They spent the most time ranging (34.0%), followed by foraging (23.7%), feeding (17.9%), resting (16.0%), and other activities such as social interactions (8.4%). Monthly variations are significant for all activity categories except ranging. Times spent resting and foraging are negatively correlated (r = −0.5) and show significant seasonal differences. Foraging time was highest from September to November, when key food sources such asCullenia andArtocarpus were absent or marginally available. The study group spent most time (40.4%) at canopy levels between 21 and 30 m. They spent more time each day ranging than resting or feeding and more time terrestrially compared with groups in protected forests. Large group size, poor habitat quality, and seasonal variation in food availability were the major variables affecting their time budget, and these variables accounted for differences from the time budgets of groups in protected forests.  相似文献   

Human modification of landscapes typically results in many species being confined to small, isolated and degraded habitat fragments. While fragment size and isolation underpin many studies of modified landscapes, vegetation characteristics are less frequently incorporated. The relative influence of biogeographic (e.g. size, isolation) and vegetation parameters on assemblages is poorly understood, but critical for conservation management. In this study, a multiple hypothesis testing framework was used to determine the relative importance of biogeographic and vegetation parameters in explaining the occurrence of an assemblage of small mammals in 48 forest fragments in an agricultural landscape in south-eastern Australia. Fragment size and vegetation characteristics were consistently important predictors of occurrence across species. In contrast, fragment isolation was important for just one native species. Differing abilities of species to move through the landscape provide a reasonable explanation for these results. We conclude that for effective conservation of assemblages, it is important to: (1) consider differing responses of species to landscape change, and (2) move beyond a focus primarily on spatial attributes (size, isolation) to recognise that landscape change also has profound effects on habitat composition and quality.  相似文献   

The activities of newly isolated peptide fragments, Fragment 1·2, Fragment 1 and Fragment 2, in vascular permeability were studied in rabbit skin using the pontamine sky blue leakage method. Fragment 1·2 and Fragment 2 showed an activity of about 1/100 of bradykinin, and almost equipotent to that of prostaglandin E2 or histamine on a molar basis. Fragment 1 showed almost negligible activity. Mixtures of each of these fragments with bradykinin did not exceed the additive activities of either agent. However, the vascular permeability of each fragment was significantly enhanced by mixing with PGE2, indicating that the activity was more than ten-fold of the fragment alone.  相似文献   

The majority of forests in urban areas are small and isolated. Improving habitat quality of small forests instead of increasing habitat size and connectivity could be an effective means of conserving the biodiversity of such highly fragmented landscapes. In this study, we investigated the relative importance of habitat quantity, quality and isolation on butterfly assemblages in urban fragmented forests in Tokyo, Japan. We used four habitat geographic parameters: (1) fragment size, (2) shape index, (3) isolation (distance to the mainland), and (4) connectivity; and three habitat quality parameters: (1) herbaceous nectar plant abundance, (2) herbaceous nectar plant diversity, and (3) larval host plant diversity. We surveyed butterfly assemblages along transects in 20 forest fragments that ranged in size from 1 to 122 ha. We used generalized linear models to relate the number of species in a fragment to four habitat geographic parameters and three habitat quality parameters. The averaged models based on AICc showed that fragment size had a strong positive effect on butterfly species richness. There was also a positive effect of herbaceous nectar plant abundance on species diversity. These findings suggest that improving the habitat quality of small and isolated forests in highly fragmented landscapes may be capable of maintaining levels of butterfly diversity comparable to those of large fragments.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation in ungulates: a comparative test of three hypotheses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In most social ungulate species, males are larger than females and the sexes live in separate groups outside the breeding season. It is important for our understanding of the evolution of sociality to find out why sexual segregation is so widespread not only in ungulates but also in other mammals. Sexual body size dimorphism was proposed as a central factor in the evolution of sexual segregation in ungulates. We tested three hypotheses put forward to explain sexual segregation: the predation-risk, the forage-selection, and the activity budget hypothesis. We included in our analyses ungulate species ranging from non-dimorphic to extremely dimorphic in body size. We observed oryx, zebra, bighorn sheep and ibex in the field and relied on literature data for 31 additional species. The predation-risk hypothesis predicts that females will use relatively predator-safe habitats, while males are predicted to use habitats with higher predation risk but better food quality. Out of 24 studies on different species of ungulates, females and their offspring chose poorer quality but safer habitat in only eight cases. The forage-selection hypothesis predicts that females would select habitat based on food quality, while males should prefer high forage biomass. In fact, females selected higher quality food in only six out of 18 studies where males and females segregated, in eight studies there was no difference in forage quality and in four studies males were in better quality habitat. The activity budget hypothesis predicts that with increasing dimorphism in body size males and females will increasingly differ in the time spent in different activities. Differences in activity budgets would make it difficult for males and females to stay in mixed-sex groups due to increased costs of synchrony to maintain group cohesion. The predictions of the activity budget hypothesis were confirmed in most cases (22 out of 23 studies). The heavier males were compared to females, the more time females spent foraging compared to males. The bigger the dimorphism in body mass, the more males spent time walking compared to females. Lactating females spent more time foraging than did non-lactating females or males. Whether species were mainly bulk or intermediate feeders did not affect sexual differences in time spent foraging. We conclude that sexual differences in activity budgets are most likely driving sexual segregation and that sexual differences in predation risk or forage selection are additive factors.  相似文献   

We combined demographic and genetic data to evaluate the effects of habitat fragmentation on the population structure of the California red-backed vole (Clethrionomys californicus). We analysed variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and five nuclear microsatellite loci in small samples collected from two forest fragments and an unfragmented control site in 1990-91. We intensively sampled the same forest fragments and two different control sites in 1998 and 1999. Vole abundances fluctuated greatly at sizes below 50 individuals per fragment. Fragment populations had significantly lower mtDNA allelic diversity than controls, but not nuclear heterozygosity or numbers of alleles. The use of only trapping and/or mtDNA marker data would imply that fragment populations are at least partially isolated and vulnerable to inbreeding depression. In contrast, the abundance estimates combined with microsatellite data show that small fragment populations must be linked to nearby forests by high rates of migration. These results provide evidence for the usefulness of combining genetic and demographic data to understand nonequilibrium population structure in recently fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

As a consequence of agricultural intensification and habitat fragmentation since the mid-20th century, biological diversity has declined considerably throughout the world, particularly in Europe. We assessed how habitat and landscape-scale heterogeneity, such as variation in fragment size (small vs. large) and landscape configuration (measured as connectivity index), affect plant and arthropod diversity. We focused on arthropods with different feeding behaviour and mobility, spiders (predators, moderate dispersal), true bugs (mainly herbivores and omnivores with moderate dispersal), wild bees (pollinators with good dispersal abilities), and wasps (pollinators, omnivores with good dispersal abilities). We studied 60 dry grassland fragments in the same region (Hungarian Great Plain); 30 fragments were represented by the grassland component of forest-steppe stands, and 30 were situated on burial mounds (kurgans). Forest-steppes are mosaics of dry grasslands with small forests in a matrix of plantation forests. Kurgans are ancient burial mounds with moderately disturbed grasslands surrounded by agricultural fields. The size of fragments ranged between 0.16–6.88 ha (small: 0.16–0.48 ha, large: 0.93–6.88 ha) for forest-steppes and 0.01–0.44 ha (small: 0.01–0.10 ha and large: 0.20–0.44 ha) for kurgans. Fragments also represented an isolation gradient from almost cleared and homogenous landscapes, to landscapes with relatively high compositional heterogeneity. Fragment size, connectivity, and their interaction affected specialist and generalist species abundances of forest-steppes and kurgans. Large fragments had higher species richness of ground-dwelling spiders, and the effect of connectivity was more strongly positive for specialist arthropods and more strongly negative for generalists in large than in small fragments. However, we also found a strong positive impact of connectivity for generalist plants in small kurgans in contrast to larger ones. We conclude that besides the well-known effect of enhancing habitat quality, increasing connectivity between fragments by restoring natural and semi-natural habitat patches would help to maintain grassland biodiversity.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported higher densities of white-footed mice in small fragments than in large fragments of eastern deciduous forests. The edge hypothesis states that higher densities in smaller fragments reflect an increase in relative amount of edge habitat, which supports higher densities of mice because of its higher quality. To test this hypothesis we live trapped white-footed mice along edge-to-interior gradients in forest fragments of east-central Illinois. Our results indicated a greater abundance of mice in the forest interior than near the edge, which did not support the edge hypothesis. This pattern could occur because dominant adults hold larger territories of higher quality habitat, thereby reducing density and increasing fitness near the edge (an ideal despotic distribution). We found some evidence of increased reproductive success (juveniles per female) at the edge, but this could reflect density-dependent demographic processes rather than habitat quality. Furthermore, other indicators of dominance (body weight, and reproductive activity) did not show an increase at the edge, and other studies indicate higher prevalence of natural enemies at edges, which could account for lower densities there. Reduced competition from larger rodents and reduced predation could cause higher densities in small fragments but the distributions of competitors and predators do not strongly support these hypotheses. We suggest two additional hypotheses that could account for greater densities in smaller fragments: 1) estimates of high densities could be artifacts of the large effect that a few captures can have on density estimates for very small fragments, and 2) densities in smaller fragments are overestimated because mice use a relatively larger area of surrounding habitat as fragment size decreases.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat loss and fragmentation in tropical forests are difficult to separate, as they usually occur concurrently. In the state park La Sierra, in Tabasco, Mexico, the rainforest is being cleared for pasture, and fragments are being used by local inhabitants. This study examined the response of bird feeding guilds to habitat characteristics, including human disturbance, in five fragments of different sizes (1 ∼ 4,500 ha, 2 ∼ 150 ha, and 2 ∼ 80 ha). Using point count observations, 125 species were recorded and were grouped into 11 feeding guilds. As expected, the largest fragment had higher species richness and abundances than the smaller fragments. However, five habitat features differed significantly among fragment sizes, including tree density, the number of tree stumps and the number of trails. Thus the larger fragment was also less disturbed. Fragment size alone was significant only for scavenger species richness, and for the abundance of bark gleaning insectivores and insectivore/nectarivores. Raptors were more diverse and abundant in the large fragment and less disturbed sites. Arboreal frugivores and bark or foliage gleaning insectivores, depended on higher trees and less disturbed sites. A better understanding of the mechanisms that affect persistence is essential for the planning of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Unfractionated heparin (UFH) was partially depolymerized by heating at 115 degrees C with aqueous 2-hydroxypyridine. Compared to starting UFH, no significant loss of anticoagulant (anti-Xa) activity was observed. Products consisted of polysaccharide fragments and small quantities of ammonia, sulfate, and hexuronic acid. Fragments with aldose termini that reacted with [3H]NaBH4 (fragment A) were of relatively uniform size (6000 D) and increased as depolymerization time increased. Fragment A contained the anticoagulant activity, with 90-94% and 24-31% binding to Sepharose-thrombin and Sepharose-antithrombin, respectively. In contrast, a non-reducing fragment B that did not react with [3H]NaBH4 was more heterogeneous (6000-10,000 D) and did not have anticoagulant activity or Sepharose-antithrombin affinity. Given the polysaccharide 3H-incorporation, small release of monosaccharide products, and fragment A end-group analysis, thermolysis of UFH is likely limited to one site per molecule when protected by 2-hydroxypyridine. Thus, an anticoagulant fragment A is hydrolytically released from UFH leaving a variable-length fragment B complete with linkage region.  相似文献   

The mechanisms through which forest fragmentation threatens the survival of mammal populations remain poorly known, yet knowledge of this process would greatly aid conservation efforts. I investigated ranging behaviors of diademed sifakas ( Propithecus diadema ) in continuous and fragmented forest at Tsinjoarivo, eastern Madagascar, using focal animal observations to examine home range size, daily path length (DPL), and habitat use relative to forest edges over 12 mo. Sifaka groups in forest fragments had home ranges that were 25–50 percent as large as continuous forest groups, and moderately reduced DPLs. Continuous forest groups foraged more than expected near forest edges while fragment groups avoided edges. Fragments have higher population density than continuous forest; however, several lines of evidence suggest that fragment groups' food resources may be denser, but lower quality. Continuous forest groups appear to be energy-maximizers, maintaining large ranges and preferentially feeding in rare fruiting trees found only in continuous forest interiors, while fragment groups appear to be time-minimizers, using small home ranges and primarily feeding on mistletoe (a fallback food in continuous forest). Therefore, the consequences of fragmentation on long-term viability remain unknown; it is possible that the advantage of increased density is outweighed by longer-term demographic challenges, or other threats ( e.g. , nutrition, health, social behavior, disease). When animals stranded in forest fragments exhibit complex and potentially unpredictable responses, simple ecological proxies ( e.g. , incidence patterns and density) are probably inadequate in assessing population health and viability. Ecological study and monitoring is essential in judging the viability of fragmented populations.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of natural habitats are key contributors to the decline of populations and impoverishment of biological communities. The response to these disturbances can vary substantially among taxa and depends on spatial metrics of habitat fragments and the surrounding landscape. Herein we test how fragment area, shape, isolation, and matrix quality affect reptile richness, abundance, and occurrence in Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragments, a biodiversity hotspot with a poorly studied reptile fauna. We used 23 forest fragments, ranging from 2 to 30 hectares, surrounded by different matrix types, including sugarcane crop fields, cattle ranching, subsistence farmlands and rural communities. Species richness, total reptile abundance, population abundance, and occurrence probability of many species decreased with fragment area. Model selection suggested that fragment area is the main predictor of both richness and abundance, but matrix quality as well as fragment shape are also important predictors. For population abundance and occurrence probability, fragment area and proximity were the most important predictors followed by fragment shape and matrix quality, but the strength and even the sign of predictors varied substantially among species. We highlight that the value of small fragments should not be neglected for the conservation of Atlantic Forest reptiles.  相似文献   

Fragmentation reduces habitat area, increases the number of habitat patches, decreases their size, and increases patch isolation. For arboreal mammals such as howlers (Alouatta palliata), canopy modifications from fragmentation processes could also negatively affect habitat quality. We analyzed changes in the composition and plant structure of 15 fragments (1–76 ha) and compared them with vegetation from a continuous tropical rain forest reserve (700 ha) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. At each site, we sampled 1000 m2 of all trees, shrubs, and lianas with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥10 cm. We obtained estimates of species richness, density, and basal area for different ecological groups, DBH ranges, and top food resources for howlers. We used a stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine relationships between fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation) and plant variables. Compared to continuous forest, fragments have altered composition and plant structure, with large trees absent from the canopy. The basal area of top food resources is higher in continuous forest. Fragment size is the best explanation for the differences in composition and plant structure. The largest fragments had greater basal area of top food resources and more large primary trees in the canopy. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation altered the habitat quality for howlers.  相似文献   

Pasinelli G  Mayer C  Gouskov A  Schiegg K 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):703-714
Large habitat fragments are generally thought to host more species and to offer more diverse and/or better quality habitats than small fragments. However, the importance of small fragments for population dynamics in general and for reproductive performance in particular is highly controversial. Using an information-theoretic approach, we examined reproductive performance and probability of local recruitment of color-banded reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in relation to the size of 18 wetland fragments in northeastern Switzerland over 4 years. We also investigated if reproductive performance and recruitment probability were density-dependent. None of the four measures of reproductive performance (laying date, nest failure probability, fledgling production per territory, fledgling condition) nor recruitment probability were found to be related to wetland fragment size. In terms of fledgling production, however, fragment size interacted with year, indicating that small fragments were better reproductive grounds in some years than large fragments. Reproductive performance and recruitment probability were not density-dependent. Our results suggest that small fragments are equally suited as breeding grounds for the reed bunting as large fragments and should therefore be managed to provide a habitat for this and other specialists occurring in the same habitat. Moreover, large fragments may represent sinks in specific years because a substantial percentage of all breeding pairs in our study area breed in large fragments, and reproductive failure in these fragments due to the regularly occurring floods may have a much stronger impact on regional population dynamics than comparable events in small fragments. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Deforestation in the Peruvian pre-montane forests has increased alarmingly in recent years. Particularly, fragmentation in these forests takes place against a background of very extensive continuous forest. Until now, no studies have detailed how Peruvian small mammals responded to forest fragmentation. In this paper, we report the results of an assessment of nonvolant small mammal fauna in forest remnants (one large fragment and one small fragment) and cattle pasture in a disturbed landscape at Pozuzo, formerly a pre-montane tropical forest in central Peru. In each forest remnant, we quantify habitat parameters and identified small mammals to know if there is a relationship between forest remnant size or microhabitat structure and small mammal assemblages. In addition, we investigated the influence of habitat structure on the presence of small mammal species. We did not find any evidence that habitat structure in large fragment was greater than small fragment. Actually, both forest remnants presented habitat features typical of forests subject to higher levels of disturbance. We found that abundance of small trees (10 - 19 cm DBH) was positively associated with the presence of Marmosops noctivagus, but negatively with the presence of Oecomys bicolor. Likewise, the presence of the arboreal Rhipidomys leucodactylus was associated with the abundance of larger trees (DBH > 50 cm). We recorded 12 small mammal species in large fragment, 9 in small fragment and 3 in cattle pasture. No significant differences were found in species richness between both fragments, but marsupial abundance in the small fragment was greater than large fragment. At Pozuzo, we recorded 9 species restricted to forest habitat and 3 to forest and cattle pastures. However, it is necessary to assess more fragments to improve our knowledge about species survival in this landscape.  相似文献   

Little is known about how resource limitation affects the feeding ecology of primates in forest fragments. Here, we describe seasonal variation in the diet and feeding effort of 2 groups (RH and RC3) of howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) living in different sized forest fragments in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The RH group, which lived in a larger and more preserved forest fragment, with a higher availability of fruit and Ficus trees, had a higher and more constant consumption of fruit throughout the study year. Moreover, this group fed from larger food sources, i.e., trees, lianas, and shrubs, and spent more time feeding from each food source. The feeding effort, defined as the time spent feeding and traveling divided by time spent resting, of the RH group was also significantly lower and more stable than that of the RC3 group throughout the study year. As feeding effort has been positively related to stress in primates, such increases in feeding effort could have negative consequences for howlers in small or degraded forest fragments. Our study suggests that habitat characteristics interact with plant seasonality to determine the diet and feeding effort of howlers in forest fragments and that groups living in small and degraded forest fragments may be particularly vulnerable to years of low fruit production.  相似文献   

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