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缙云山常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段植物生活型谱比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用Raunkiner生活型分类系统,对缙云山常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段植物的生活型进行统计,编制了生活型谱,并与其他亚热带地区常绿阔叶林相比较。结果表明,缙云山植被属典型的中亚热带常绿阔叶林植被,高位芽植物占绝对优势,达80%以上,其中小高位芽植物最多,中高位芽与矮高位芽植物次之,藤本植物较丰富。缙云山不同演替阶段的植物的生活型谱不同。随着进展演替阶段的逐渐更替,高位芽植物的比例呈递增趋势,地面芽植物、地下芽植物成分有所减少。高位芽的常绿树种会逐渐代替针叶树种。  相似文献   

采用“盐分增量法”测定了松嫩平原大安古河道试验站典型的羊草.星星草.碱地蒲公英群落分布区的植被蒸散量。结果表明,盐分增量法是一种测定植被蒸散量的新方法,可有效地测定植被蒸散量;植被日均蒸发量随植被盖度增加不断减少,日均蒸腾量随植被盖度增加逐渐增大,由于蒸腾量增加幅度大于同期蒸发量减少幅度,植被日均蒸散量随植被盖度增加而增大。  相似文献   

研究自然植被恢复过程中的物种组成、群落结构及生物多样性的变化,能够为人工促进植被恢复的树种选择与群落结构的优化配置提供重要依据。本研究以空间代替时间对喀斯特断陷盆地典型区云南省建水县不同天然植被(草丛、灌丛、乔木林)进行群落学调查,对不同恢复阶段的植物群落按乔木、灌木、草本进行分层,分析各恢复阶段植物群落的物种组成、水平和垂直结构、生物多样性。结果表明:在总面积为3200 m~2的12个样地中,共记录43科72属94种维管束植物,优势种以壳斗科(Fagaceae)、鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)、紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、木犀科(Oleaceae)等科的植物为主;在草丛→灌丛→乔木林的恢复过程中,群落物种组成中的科数、属数、种数逐渐增加,低矮和小径级植物个体数所占比例逐渐减少,但整体仍以低矮的小径级植物为主。草本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数在植被恢复的初期即草丛阶段最大,而均匀度指数则以灌丛阶段最大;木本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数随着植被的恢复逐渐增大,但均匀度指数随着植被的恢复逐渐下降;随着植被的恢复,草本层和乔木层的生态优势度逐渐增大,灌木层的生态优势度逐渐减小;草本植物由早期一年或多年生的喜阳、耐旱、耐贫瘠的草本向抗逆性强的多年生草本过渡,并逐渐向中性和阴性转变,其中刺芒野古草(Arundinella setosa)能够很好地适应该地区的环境;薄叶鼠李(Rhamnus leptophylla)、铁仔(Myrsine africana)、假虎刺(Carissa spinarum)、小石积(Osteomeles anthyllidifolia)等阳性树种为该地区植被恢复的先锋种,其早期的出现为其他植物的恢复创造条件,后期又逐渐被喜阴的植物替代,在植被恢复初期可利用这些物种;在植被恢复后期,壳斗科的铁橡栎(Quercus cocciferoides)成为建群种,可在灌丛阶段植被恢复时利用该物种,也可以选择使用该物种植树造林;在整个植被恢复过程中,优势度从以矮小植物为主朝着高大植物发展、优势种寿命越来越长的趋势十分明显。  相似文献   

研究自然植被恢复过程中的物种组成、群落结构及生物多样性的变化,能够为人工促进植被恢复的树种选择与群落结构的优化配置提供重要依据。本研究以空间代替时间对喀斯特断陷盆地典型区云南省建水县不同天然植被(草丛、灌丛、乔木林)进行群落学调查,对不同恢复阶段的植物群落按乔木、灌木、草本进行分层,分析各恢复阶段植物群落的物种组成、水平和垂直结构、生物多样性。结果表明:在总面积为3200 m^2的12个样地中,共记录43科72属94种维管束植物,优势种以壳斗科(Fagaceae)、鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)、紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、木犀科(Oleaceae)等科的植物为主;在草丛→灌丛→乔木林的恢复过程中,群落物种组成中的科数、属数、种数逐渐增加,低矮和小径级植物个体数所占比例逐渐减少,但整体仍以低矮的小径级植物为主。草本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数在植被恢复的初期即草丛阶段最大,而均匀度指数则以灌丛阶段最大;木本植物的丰富度和Shannon指数随着植被的恢复逐渐增大,但均匀度指数随着植被的恢复逐渐下降;随着植被的恢复,草本层和乔木层的生态优势度逐渐增大,灌木层的生态优势度逐渐减小;草本植物由早期一年或多年生的喜阳、耐旱、耐贫瘠的草本向抗逆性强的多年生草本过渡,并逐渐向中性和阴性转变,其中刺芒野古草(Arundinella setosa)能够很好地适应该地区的环境;薄叶鼠李(Rhamnus leptophylla)、铁仔(Myrsine africana)、假虎刺(Carissa spinarum)、小石积(Osteomeles anthyllidifolia)等阳性树种为该地区植被恢复的先锋种,其早期的出现为其他植物的恢复创造条件,后期又逐渐被喜阴的植物替代,在植被恢复初期可利用这些物种;在植被恢复后期,壳斗科的铁橡栎(Quercus cocciferoides)成为建群种,可在灌丛阶段植被恢复时利用该物种,也可以选择使用该物种植树造林;在整个植被恢复过程中,优势度从以矮小植物为主朝着高大植物发展、优势种寿命越来越长的趋势十分明显。  相似文献   

山西霍山落叶阔叶林边缘效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对山西霍山暖温带森林植被片断化后不同地带不同群落边缘的边缘植被的调查,运用Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(D),Simpson生态优势度指数(C),边缘效应强度指数(Z)和各层次各物种的重要值(IV),对霍山暖温带落叶阔叶林的边缘效应进行了初步的研究。研究表明:(1)在群落的各种边缘区,边缘具有增大物种多样性的作用.(2)距林道边缘10m左右,物种多样性指数呈一峰值,10m以后指数逐渐降低并趋于平缓,在距自然空地5~10m处是物种多样性指数最高的地段,随后,随进入林内而逐渐减少并趋于平缓,在人工林的交错区内是物种多样性指数的高峰段,随后进入林内逐渐减少。距灌木丛交错区10m以后物种多样性指数出现高峰,随后逐渐减少并趋于平缓.(3)连翘、羊胡子草等植物是群落的优势种,且大多呈连续分布。  相似文献   

本文就以下几方面对我国植物生态学和地植物学作了回顾与展望。一、回顾:1.亚热带和热带森林区的植被研究。2.温带森林区的植被研究。3.温带草原区的植被研究。4.温带荒漠区的植被研究。5.青藏高寒高原区的植被研究。6.中国植被及其地理、分区和植被图研究。7.环境植物学的研究等。二,展望1.植被基本理论的研究2.植被图志的编制和植被制图学研究 3.栽培植物群落和经济植物生态学特性研究4.实验群落学和植物生理生态学研究5.陆地生态系统的结构和功能的研究6.环境保护的植物生态学研究7.植物和植物群落指示性研究  相似文献   

根据样方中的种类统计,组成金岗台山区植被的种子植物计有105科,349属,566种;其区系特征为:地理成分复杂,有14个分布区类型;温带区系特征较为明显,其成分占42.2%,热带成分占33.6%;且有一定的古老和特有成分。植被的生活型谱为高位芽植物占39.6%,地面芽植物占31.4%,地上芽植物占10%,地下芽植物占12%,一年生植物占7%。主要植被类型计有5个植被型,5个植被亚型和39个群系。垂  相似文献   

沈阳市区植物区系与植被类型的研究   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
探讨了沈阳市区植物区系特点和城市植被类型的分类及其特征,沈阳市处于长白植物区系、蒙古植物区系和华北植物区系交汇地带,植物种类较丰富,约有种子植物98科371属779种,最大科是菊科。共有植物85种,超过20种的科还有莎草科、蔷薇科、豆科、蓼科、唇形科、百合科及毛茛科等,这些科共有植物384种,占沈阳市区种子植物总数的49.3%。此区系有23个地理成分类型,其中以温带性质占优势。占沈阳市区地理成分的89.3%,根据植被发生和功能以及建群种的作用,将沈阳市区城市植被划分三大植被类14个植被组和57个植被型,并对3个植被类中的典型代表性类型进行了群落(种群)的组成、结构、动态和功能分析。  相似文献   

世界范围内,很多自然生态系统均在不同程度上受到了损害,喀斯特脆弱生态系统的退化是一个复合过程,喀斯特地区不同退化程度植被群落特征有何差异有待研究。该文采用样方法进行全面的调查,研究了桂西北喀斯特地区5个退化程度植被群落的物种组成、群落结构特征和物种多样性。结果表明:(1)不同退化程度群落物种组成和生活型组成有较大差异,潜在退化群落科属种丰富度最高,沿着退化程度递增的梯度,群落乔木树种逐渐减少至消失,灌木比例呈先增后减的趋势,草本比例逐渐增加。(2)调查到维管束植物218种,隶属于86科168属;以大戟科、楝科、蔷薇科、马鞭草科、禾本科和肾蕨科植物为主;退化过程中,优势种的重要值逐渐降低,其在群落内的支配地位逐渐减弱,伴生种重要值逐渐升高。(3)退化过程中,群落结构趋于简单化,群落木本植物密度、高度和盖度逐渐减少。(4)不同退化程度植被群落乔灌草层物种多样性存在显著性差异,随着退化程度的增加,群落总植被物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数整体呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

长白山高山冻原植被生物量的分布规律   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
魏晶  吴钢  邓红兵 《应用生态学报》2004,15(11):1999-2004
从物种生物量、优势种器官生物量和植被生物量角度,探讨了长白山高山冻原生态系统生物量的空间变化规律.结果表明,在调查的43种长白山高山冻原植物中,单物种生物量排序前5种植物分别是牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron chrysanthum)(159.01kg·hm^-2)、笃斯越桔(Vaccinium jiliginosum var.alpinum)(137.52kg·hm^-2)、高山笃斯(Vaccinium uliginosum)(134.7kg·hm^-2)、宽叶仙女木(Dryas octopetala var.asiatica)(131.5kg·hm^-2)圆叶柳(Salix rotundifolia)(128.4kg·hm^-2).它们是长白山高山冻原生态系统的优势种.地下与地上生物量和地下与总生物量之比随海拔升高逐渐增加.植被生物量随海拔升高。总体呈逐渐减小的趋势。植被生物量与海拔高度呈显著负相关.长白山高山冻原生态系统平均生物量为2.21t·hm^-2,对调节长白山小气候、涵养水源、水土保持等生态服务功能的发挥有着重要的作用。同时对固定大气CO2起着汇的作用。  相似文献   

Species richness in vascular plants was related to the plants’ calcifuge or calcicole behaviour using documentation from forests and open-land vegetation at about one thousand sites in the southern parts of Sweden. It is concluded that vegetation of strongly acid soils (pH-KCl < 4.5) have fewer vascular plant species than comparable vegetation of other soils, whereas there are no consistent differences in species richness between slightly-moderately acid and calcareous sites. Low species richness is particularly related to high concentrations of Al3+ and H+ ions (either soil solution concentrations or concentrations of exchangeable ions), not to a lack of calcium carbonate. The majority of plant species are able to render the sparingly soluble phosphate, iron and manganese compounds of high-pH soils available, but they are unable to tolerate much Al3+ or H+. Acidicole (calcifuge) species have developed the power of tolerating Al3+ and H+, which may be considered a secondary property of plants, but they have lost the power of solubilizing critical mineral nutrients in high-pH soils. The reasons why these ecophysiological properties are inversely related in the current flora are obscure, difficult to account for experimentally and a main ecological problem. In areas with cool-temperate climates the flora was partly or mainly extinguished by the Pleistocene glaciations. Comparatively fewer calcifuge than calcicole species have, since then, had enough time to develop, and the number of calcifuges is lower, in spite of the fact that most natural and seminatural soils of these areas are nowadays acidic.  相似文献   

王杰青  关崇  祝宁 《植物研究》2006,26(4):508-512
对城市绿地土壤种子库的组成、种群数量、空间分布和物种多样性进行了初步研究,结果表明:城市绿地土壤种子库存中共出现植物42种,其中在第一层中共出现植物1 477株,多样性指数为2.05,均匀度是0.58,最大的物种多样性指数是3.56,第二层的物种多样性指数,均匀度和最大物种多样性指数均比第一层要低,分别为1.94、0.56和3.47,植物种类也要少一些。城市绿地土壤种子库中种的丰富度、种子苗量、多样性指数均不如远郊区山地天然次生林。城市绿地土壤种子库中蕴藏着一些潜在种群,有些植物种可以用于城市绿化建设。  相似文献   

尾矿废弃地是一种极端的生态系统,其植被恢复的研究将丰富传统的生态学理论。该研究通过野外植被调查与室内萌发实验相结合的方法,探讨了兰坪铅锌矿区植被恢复初期不同群落类型地上植被、土壤种子库及其相互关系。结果显示:(1)与对照群落(云南松林、高山栎灌丛)相比,尾矿区恢复期各群落(早熟禾人工草地、魁蒿群落、马桑灌丛)地上植被及土壤种子库的物种数、物种多样性均较低。(2)植被恢复时间较短的2个群落(魁蒿群落、人工草地)土壤种子库较地上植被物种多样性高。(3)尾矿区恢复期各群落地上植被及土壤种子库的优势种均主要由风播、种子繁殖的植物组成,菊科、禾本科占较大比例,这些植物在尾矿区植被恢复初期起重要作用。(4)尾矿区恢复期各群落土壤种子库与地上植被的物种相似性较高,各群落之间地上植被及土壤种子库的相似性则较低。研究表明,尾矿区恢复初期土壤种子库与地上植被紧密联系,群落改造方式、恢复时间对土壤种子库具有重要影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of roads on alpine and subalpine plant species distribution along an altitudinal gradient on Mount Norikura (3026 m a.s.l.), Japan. We examined the vegetation of herb and tree species shorter than 1.3 m along roadsides and adjacent natural vegetation at 200 m intervals between 1600 and 3000 m a.s.l. The timberline was at 2500 m a.s.l. Although the canopy opening was greater at the roadsides than in the natural vegetation, it was similar above the timberline. Soil cover and litter depth of the soil surface were less at roadsides than the natural vegetation, and gravel and rock cover were greater at roadsides. Species composition changed in similar directions from natural vegetation to roadsides along the altitudinal gradient. This direction was related to canopy opening and litter depth. Liliaceae, Ericaceae and Pinaceae were dominant families in the natural vegetation, and Asteraceae and Poaceae were greatest at the roadsides. Roadside plants were mostly herb species, while tree species increased in natural vegetation. Five exotic species were also observed at the roadsides. Sunny plant species gradually increased with altitude in the natural vegetation, indicated by the increase in canopy opening. By contrast, roadside plants were mostly sunny plant species irrespective of altitude. The number of lowland and montane species increased at the roadsides in the subalpine zone. Thus, roads strongly altered species composition of the natural vegetation along the altitudinal gradient probably because of changes in light and soil-surface conditions for growth and seedling establishment.  相似文献   

以乌拉特荒漠为研究区,通过10 km×10 km网格均匀布设点位,采用样方法对自然植被展开调查并对研究区土壤特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)研究区共137种植物,隶属于25科80属;生活型以草本为主,占总植物种数的67.88%;水分生态类型以旱生植物为主,占总数的76.64%.(2)依据《中国植被》将乌拉特荒漠植被类型划...  相似文献   

The planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. Over the past 46 years, it has not only insured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune section but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco‐environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport line in the arid desert region of China. Long‐term monitoring and focused research show that within 4–5 years of establishment of sand‐binding vegetation, the physical surface structure of the sand dunes stabilized, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust gradually turned into microbiotic crusts. Among the organisms comprising these crusts are cryptogams such as desert algae and mosses. In the 46 years since establishing sand‐binding vegetation, some 24 algal species occurred in the crusts. However, only five moss species were identified, which was fewer than the species number in the crust of naturally fixed sand dunes. Other results of the planting were that near‐surface wind velocity in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area was reduced by 54.2% compared with that in the moving sand area; soil organic matter increased from 0.06% in moving sand dunes to 1.34% in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area; the main nutrients N, P, K, etc., in the desert ecosystem increased; soil physicochemical properties improved; and soil‐forming processes occurred in the dune surface layer. Overall, establishment of sand‐binding vegetation significantly impacted soil water cycles, creating favorable conditions for colonization by many herbaceous species. These herbaceous species, in turn, facilitated the colonization and persistence of birds, insects, soil animals, and desert animals. Forty‐six years later, some 28 bird species and 50 insect species were identified in the vegetated dune field. Thus, establishment of a relatively simple community of sand‐binding species led to the transformation of the relatively barren dune environment into a desert ecosystem with complex structure, composition, and function. This restoration effort shows the potential for short‐term manipulation of environmental variables (i.e., plant cover via artificial vegetation establishment) to begin the long‐term process of ecological restoration, particularly in arid climates, and demonstrates several techniques that can be used to scientifically monitor progress in large‐scale restoration projects.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水生植被   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:29  
本文列出了鄱阳湖98种水生维管束植物的名录,叙述了水生植被的分布。鄱阳湖水生植被面积为2262平方公里,占全湖总面积的80.8%。湖中植被呈不规则环带状分布,并可划分为湿生、挺水、浮叶和沉水4个植物带,9个主要植物群丛。并研究了鄱阳湖水生植被的演变及发展趋势和湖水位的季节性变化对植被的影响。  相似文献   

通过对铜陵市狮子山铜尾矿废弃地植被的实地调查,探讨了该废弃地的植被状况及其植被恢复过程中的植物群落形成与演替的一般规律与特征.结果表明:目前废弃地入侵、定居植物共49种,隶属于15科38属,主要包括菊科(12种)、禾本科(11种)、豆科(8种)等.极端贫瘠和过高的重金属含量(特别是Cu、Cd,平均超出对照土样的20~30倍)是限制植物在废弃地定居的主要因素.全部植物中,一、二年生草本植物26种,多年生草本植物20种.风播种子和果实是废弃地植物繁殖体的主要来源.尾矿废弃地植物群落形成具有先锋植物的入侵、定居、群聚和竞争等过程,共形成了14种相对稳定的小群落,包括单优势种群落、次优势种群落和共优势种群落三种类型.伴随着尾矿废弃地植物群落的形成与演替,群落中物种丰富度增大,多样性指数呈增加趋势,而群落内植物种综合优势比间的差值趋于减小.  相似文献   

Land‐use legacies associated with agriculture, such as increased soil fertility and elevated soil pH, promote invasions by non‐native plant species on former agricultural lands. Restoring natural soil conditions (i.e. low fertility and low pH) may be an effective, long‐term method to control and reduce the abundance of non‐native and ruderal species that invade abandoned agricultural lands. In this study, we examined how soil manipulation treatments of lowering soil fertility with carbon additions and lowering soil pH by applying sulfur affect non‐native and ruderal native plant species abundance in two former citrus groves in central Florida. Non‐native plant biomass was removed by one of two methods (tilling or topsoil removal), and was combined with a soil amendment of sulfur, carbon, sulfur + carbon, or none. The biomass removal treatments significantly decreased non‐native abundance, with topsoil removal as the most effective. Carbon additions did not affect soil fertility or vegetation. Sulfur and sulfur + carbon additions significantly decreased soil pH in both groves for at least 1 year post‐treatment; however, we did not see a significant vegetation response. Overall, our results suggest that removing vegetation by tilling and topsoil removal is an effective method for reducing non‐target species cover. Although we did not see a response of vegetation to our treatments, we were able to restore the initial soil characteristics, which can be a first step toward complete restoration.  相似文献   

Invasive plants generally have fewer aboveground pathogens and viruses in their introduced range than in their natural range, and they also have fewer pathogens than do similar plant species native to the introduced range. However, although plant abundance is strongly controlled by root herbivores and soil pathogens, there is very little knowledge on how invasive plants escape from belowground enemies. We therefore investigated if the general pattern for aboveground pathogens also applies to root-feeding nematodes and used the natural foredune grass Ammophila arenariaas a model. In the late 1800s, the European A. arenariawas introduced into southeast Australia (Tasmania), New Zealand, South Africa, and the west coast of the USA to be used for sand stabilization. In most of these regions, it has become a threat to native vegetation, because its excessive capacity to stabilize wind-blown sand has changed the geomorphology of coastal dunes. In stable dunes of most introduced regions, A. arenaria is more abundant and persists longer than in stabilized dunes of the natural range. We collected soil and root samples and used additional literature data to quantify the taxon richness of root-feeding nematodes on A.␣arenaria in its natural range and collected samples from the four major regions where it has been introduced. In most introduced regions A. arenaria did not have fewer root-feeding nematode taxa than the average number in its natural range, and native plant species did not have more nematode taxa than the introduced species. However, in the introduced range native plants had more feeding-specialist nematode taxa than A. arenaria and major feeding specialists (the sedentary endoparasitic cyst and root knot nematodes) were not found on A. arenaria in the southern hemisphere. We conclude that invasiveness of A. arenaria correlates with escape from feeding specialist nematodes, so that the pattern of escape from root-feeding nematodes is more alike escape from aboveground insect herbivores than escape from aboveground pathogens and viruses. In the natural range of A. arenaria, the number of specialist-feeding nematode taxa declines towards the margins. Growth experiments are needed to determine the relationship between nematode taxon diversity, abundance, and invasiveness of A. arenaria.  相似文献   

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