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We review the published literature oninbreeding and its consequences in salmonidfishes. Inbreeding reduces genetic variationwithin populations by decreasingheterozygosity, either through an increasedchance of sharing parental genes or a loss ofalleles from random genetic drift. Increasedinbreeding is often associated with a reductionin mean phenotypic value of one or more traitswith respect to fitness (inbreedingdepression). We identify several sources ofinbreeding in salmonids. Although inbreedingoccurs naturally, much of the evidence forinbreeding stems from direct or indirectresults of human activity. The potentialconsequences of inbreeding highlight theimportance of maintaining genetic diversity insalmonid populations. Our weak understandingof genetic interactions between cultured andwild salmonids has allowed widespread practicesthat can reduce genetic variability in naturalpopulations. Although studies have detectedinbreeding depression in salmonids, its geneticbasis has rarely been addressed in wild,anadromous salmon. The genetic basis ofinbreeding depression is complex, andevaluating its effects over the entire lifecycle remains challenging. The experimentalevidence nevertheless reinforces the importanceof maintaining genetic variation withinpopulations as a primary goal of conservationand management.


The relative effects of purging of the genetic load versus thefixation of deleterious alleles, under inbreeding, will influencea population's probability of extinction. The relative contributionof these two phenomena is expected to depend upon the rate ofinbreeding. A further complication is due to the fact that a purgingof the genetic load in one environment does not necessarily implya purging of the genetic load in other environments. To addressthese two issues, we compare fitness and genetic load in populationsexperiencing similar levels of inbreeding, but occurring as either ashort-term bottleneck or as a consequence of long-term reducedpopulation size, over a range of environments. Inbred populationshave consistently lower fitness than outbred populations acrossall environments tested. However, the bottlenecked populationssuffer less inbreeding depression for a given level of inbreeding,whether or not challenged by novel environments, than populationskept at a constant small size. The results of this study demonstratethat populations initiated from a small number of founders are ableto recover fitness and survive novel environmental challenges,provided that habitat is available for rapid population growth.  相似文献   

The effect of small population size and gene flow on the rate ofinbreeding and loss in fitness in Bicyclus anynana populationswas quantified by means of a pedigree analysis. Laboratorymetapopulations each consisted of four subpopulations with breeding sizeof N = 6 or N = 12 and migration rate of m = 0 or m= 0.33. Pedigrees were established by individually marking about35,000 butterflies. The increase in inbreeding coefficients(F-coefficients) over time was compared to that of simulated populationswith similar N and m. In the seventh generation, the level of inbreedingin larger subpopulations did not deviate significantly from the expectedvalues, but smaller subpopulations were less inbred than expected.Individuals in the small populations still showed considerableinbreeding depression, indicating that only a small proportion of therecessive deleterious alleles had been purged by selection. Two opposingprocesses potentially affected the rate of inbreeding and fitness: (1)Inbreeding depression increased the variance in family size and reducedthe effective population size. This will accelerate the rate ofinbreeding and is expected to selectively purge deleterious recessivealleles. (2) Variance in reproductive success of families was reducedbecause individuals which had a large number of siblings in thepopulation were more likely to mate with a full-sib than individualswith a smaller number of siblings. Subsequent inbreeding depressionreduced the number of viable offspring produced by these full-sibmatings. As a consequence, natural selection purged only some of thedeleterious alleles from the butterfly populations during sevengenerations with inbreeding. These findings emphasise the potentialproblems of using only small numbers of breeding individuals (N10) incaptive populations for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding can reduce individual fitness and contribute to population extinction, gene flow between inbred but unrelated populations may overcome these effects. Among extant Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi), inbreeding had reduced genetic diversity and potentially lowered fitness, and as a result, three unrelated captive wolf lineages were merged beginning in 1995. We examined the effect of inbreeding and the merging of the founding lineages on three fitness traits in the captive population and on litter size in the reintroduced population. We found little evidence of inbreeding depression among captive wolves of the founding lineages, but large fitness increases, genetic rescue, for all traits examined among F1 offspring of the founding lineages. In addition, we observed strong inbreeding depression among wolves descended from F1 wolves. These results suggest a high load of deleterious alleles in the McBride lineage, the largest of the founding lineages. In the wild, reintroduced population, there were large fitness differences between McBride wolves and wolves with ancestry from two or more lineages, again indicating a genetic rescue. The low litter and pack sizes observed in the wild population are consistent with this genetic load, but it appears that there is still potential to establish vigorous wild populations.  相似文献   

A major concern in conservation biology is toavoid inbreeding depression in smallpopulations. Inbreeding has been shown to causeloss of fecundity and reduced survival innatural populations. To predict futureinbreeding levels, given changes in ecologicalconditions, data from large outbred populationsare needed. I use recent population geneticmodels to show how genetic data from such apopulation, combined with ecological data canbe used to predict future changes in levels ofinbreeding. In particular, data from the lion(Panthera leo) is used to simulate theeffect of habitat loss on the future levels ofinbreeding. To do this I used a deterministicpopulation genetics models and anindividual-based stochastic model. Two factorsstand out as particularly important: totalnumber of prides and male dispersal rates. Ifprides are very few (= 10) inbreeding (F)will increase from 0.0 in the initial state to0.26–0.45 after 30 generations, while if thenumber of prides is 100 this level is onlyaround 0.05 assuming no migration into thepopulation. Habitat heterogeneity had onlyminor effects. A reduction in male dispersalfrom their natal territory from 100% to 95%increased the level of inbreedingsubstantially, and never reached below F 0.25 regardless of the number ofprides. Therefore, to sustain a large outbredpopulation of lions, a continuous population ofat least 50 prides, but preferably 100 prides,with no limits to dispersal is required.  相似文献   

An association between a floral trait and inbreeding depression   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.— Inbreeding depression is a general phenomenon that is well documented in many plants and animals. Furthermore, it is generally considered to be the driving force behind mating-system evolution. Traditionally, the focus has been on the mean level of inbreeding depression in populations. However, more recently, the variation in inbreeding depression among individuals within populations has been shown to be influential in mating-system evolution. One set of theories predicts that genetic associations will develop between a mating-system locus and loci causing inbreeding depression, whereas another suggests either that no such association will occur or that it will be difficult to detect empirically. Here, we focus on variation in inbreeding depression among individuals and present empirical evidence of a genetic association between genes causing inbreeding depression and a floral trait influencing the mating system (i.e., selfing rate). We found a positive association between inbreeding depression and herkogamy (the degree to which the stigma and anthers are separated) in an annual plant, Gilia achilleifolia . These results are consistent with theory predicting that an individual's history of inbreeding will affect its level of inbreeding depression and highlight the potential importance of genetic associations between selfing-modifier traits and viability in mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

Gametophytic self‐incompatibility (GSI) is a widespread genetic system, which enables hermaphroditic plants to avoid self‐fertilization and mating with close relatives. Inbreeding depression is thought to be the major force maintaining SI; however, inbreeding depression is a dynamical variable that depends in particular on the mating system. In this article we use multilocus, individual‐based simulations to examine the coevolution of SI and inbreeding depression within finite populations. We focus on the conditions for the maintenance of SI when self‐compatible (SC) mutants are introduced in the population by recurrent mutation, and compare simulation results with predictions from an analytical model treating inbreeding depression as a fixed parameter (thereby neglecting effects of purging within the SC subpopulation). In agreement with previous models, we observe that the maintenance of SI is associated with high inbreeding depression and is facilitated by high rates of self‐pollination. Purging of deleterious mutations by SC mutants has little effect on the spread of those mutants as long as most deleterious alleles have weak fitness effects: in this case, the genetic architecture of inbreeding depression has little effect on the maintenance of SI. By contrast, purging may greatly enhance the spread of SC mutants when deleterious alleles have strong fitness effects.  相似文献   

When previously isolated populations meet and mix, the resulting admixed population can benefit from several genetic advantages, including increased genetic variation, the creation of novel genotypes and the masking of deleterious mutations. These admixture benefits are thought to play an important role in biological invasions. In contrast, populations in their native range often remain differentiated and frequently suffer from inbreeding depression owing to isolation. While the advantages of admixture are evident for introduced populations that experienced recent bottlenecks or that face novel selection pressures, it is less obvious why native range populations do not similarly benefit from admixture. Here we argue that a temporary loss of local adaptation in recent invaders fundamentally alters the fitness consequences of admixture. In native populations, selection against dilution of the locally adapted gene pool inhibits unconstrained admixture and reinforces population isolation, with some level of inbreeding depression as an expected consequence. We show that admixture is selected against despite significant inbreeding depression because the benefits of local adaptation are greater than the cost of inbreeding. In contrast, introduced populations that have not yet established a pattern of local adaptation can freely reap the benefits of admixture. There can be strong selection for admixture because it instantly lifts the inbreeding depression that had built up in isolated parental populations. Recent work in Silene suggests that reduced inbreeding depression associated with post-introduction admixture may contribute to enhanced fitness of invasive populations. We hypothesize that in locally adapted populations, the benefits of local adaptation are balanced against an inbreeding cost that could develop in part owing to the isolating effect of local adaptation itself. The inbreeding cost can be revealed in admixing populations during recent invasions.  相似文献   

Over the last quarter century, many studieshave attempted to clarify the relationshipbetween genetic variability and fitness, butfew of these have involved salmonid fishes. Examination of studies of salmonids revealsthat such a relationship varies both among andwithin species. A correlation between geneticvariability and fitness can be affected bygenetic background, environment, and age, andit also depends upon the genetic markers andphenotypes evaluated. The relationshipsbetween molecular genetic variation,quantitative genetic variation, and phenotypicvariation may be more relevant to conservationissues than those between genetic variation andaverage fitness or performance. Consequently,future work in salmonids should include moreintensive investigation of the correspondenceof molecular genetic variation within and amongpopulations to quantitative genetic andphenotypic variation for traits affectingfitness. In the absence of a more completeunderstanding of the relationship betweengenetic variation and fitness, maintenance ofgenetic and phenotypic variation within andamong conspecific populations should beconsidered a primary goal of conservingsalmonid fishes.  相似文献   

The reproductive mechanism, that is whether an organism outcrosses, selfs or asexually reproduces, has a substantial impact on the amount and pattern of genetic variation. In this study, we estimate genetic variation and genetic load for a predominately asexual population of Mimulus guttatus, and then compare our results to other studies of predominately sexually reproducing (outcrossing and selfing) populations of M. guttatus. The asexual population had low levels of heterozygosity (He = 0.03) and low (but significantly non‐zero) inbreeding load, especially when compared with other M. guttatus populations. This differs greatly from the sexual populations of Mimulus that display substantial inbreeding depression. We discuss a variety of reasons why we see such low load in this study and suggest future research projects to further explore the questions.  相似文献   

The importance of genetic drift in shaping patterns of adaptive genetic variation in nature is poorly known. Genetic drift should drive partially recessive deleterious mutations to high frequency, and inter‐population crosses may therefore exhibit heterosis (increased fitness relative to intra‐population crosses). Low genetic diversity and greater genetic distance between populations should increase the magnitude of heterosis. Moreover, drift and selection should remove strongly deleterious recessive alleles from individual populations, resulting in reduced inbreeding depression. To estimate heterosis, we crossed 90 independent line pairs of Arabidopsis thaliana from 15 pairs of natural populations sampled across Fennoscandia and crossed an additional 41 line pairs from a subset of four of these populations to estimate inbreeding depression. We measured lifetime fitness of crosses relative to parents in a large outdoor common garden (8,448 plants in total) in central Sweden. To examine the effects of genetic diversity and genetic distance on heterosis, we genotyped parental lines for 869 SNPs. Overall, genetic variation within populations was low (median expected heterozygosity = 0.02), and genetic differentiation was high (median FST = 0.82). Crosses between 10 of 15 population pairs exhibited significant heterosis, with magnitudes of heterosis as high as 117%. We found no significant inbreeding depression, suggesting that the observed heterosis is due to fixation of mildly deleterious alleles within populations. Widespread and substantial heterosis indicates an important role for drift in shaping genetic variation, but there was no significant relationship between fitness of crosses relative to parents and genetic diversity or genetic distance between populations.  相似文献   

The degree to which, and rapidity with which, inbreeding depression can be purged from a population has important implications for conservation biology, captive breeding practices, and invasive species biology. The degree and rate of purging also informs us regarding the genetic mechanisms underlying inbreeding depression. We examine the evolution of mean survival and inbreeding depression in survival following serial inbreeding in a seed-feeding beetle, Stator limbatus, which shows substantial inbreeding depression at all stages of development. We created two replicate serially inbred populations perpetuated by full-sib matings and paired with outbred controls. The genetic load for the probability that an egg produces an adult was purged at approximately 0.45-0.50 lethal equivalents/generation, a reduction of more than half after only three generations of sib-mating. After serial inbreeding we outcrossed all beetles then measured (1) larval survival of outcrossed beetles and (2) inbreeding depression. Survival of outcrossed beetles evolved to be higher in the serially inbred populations for all periods of development. Inbreeding depression and the genetic load were significantly lower in the serially inbred than control populations. Inbreeding depression affecting larval survival of S. limbatus is largely due to recessive deleterious alleles of large effect that can be rapidly purged from a population by serial sib-mating. However, the effectiveness of purging varied among the periods of egg/larval survival and likely varies among other unstudied fitness components. This study presents novel results showing rapid and extensive purging of the genetic load, specifically a reduction of as much as 72% in only three generations of sib-mating. However, the high rate of extinction of inbred lines, despite the lines being reared in a benign laboratory environment, indicates that intentional purging of the genetic load of captive endangered species will not be practical due to high rates of subpopulation extinction.  相似文献   

Fragmented populations may face high risk of extinction due to the deleterious consequences of increased inbreeding or of genetic drift in small and isolated populations. Theories on the mechanisms of inbreeding depression predict that the severity of inbreeding depression can eventually decrease in populations that persistently inbreed, and hence populations that are isolated through habitat fragmentation might experience a decrease in inbreeding depression over time. In this study, we tested this hypothesis using the patchily distributed, outcrossing annual plant, Clarkia concinna concinna (Onagraceae), which naturally experiences many fragmentation effects. We collected seeds from isolated and central subpopulations and created artificially inbred and outcrossed lines. Progeny from these crosses were planted into the field and greenhouse and assayed for fitness traits over the course of a growing season. Overall, inbreeding depression was substantial, ranging as high as 0.76 (for cumulative fitness in the field), and significant for plant height, fecundity, and above-ground biomass in all experiments. No inbreeding depression was detected for germination or survival rates in the greenhouse experiments, but in the field, survival was significantly depressed for inbred progeny. There was no evidence to support our hypothesis that increased inbreeding in isolated populations would lead to the purging of deleterious alleles and a decrease in the severity inbreeding depression. The most likely hypothesis to explain our results is that purging is not occurring more strongly in the isolated populations due to details of a number of genetic factors (e.g., selection against deleterious alleles is inconsistent or insufficient, or drift has caused fixation of deleterious alleles in these populations). This study supports the view that even when inbreeding depression is predicted to be less problematic, it may still be an important force influencing the fitness of populations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Inbreeding and extinction: Effects of purging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Deleterious alleles may be removed (purged) bynatural selection in populations undergoinginbreeding. However, there is controversyregarding the effectiveness of purging inreducing the extinction risk due to inbreeding,particularly in conservation contexts. Weevaluated the effects of purging on theextinction risk due to inbreeding in Drosophila melanogaster using two basepopulations, an outbred population (non-purged)and four-way crosses between highly inbredlines derived from the same population(purged). The inbred lines used in the four-waycrosses were previously subjected to 20generations of full-sib mating. The impact offull-sib inbreeding over a further 12generations was compared in 200 populationsfrom each of the two base populations. Therewas a small and non-significant differencebetween the extinction rates at an inbreedingcoefficient of 0.93 in the non-purged (0.74± 0.03) and purged (0.69 ± 0.03)treatments. This is consistent with otherevidence indicating that the effects of purgingare often small. Purging using rapid inbreedingin very small populations cannot be relied uponto eliminate the deleterious effects ofinbreeding.  相似文献   

Inbreeding causes reduction of genetic variability that may have severe fitness consequences. In spite of its potentially huge impact on viability and evolutionary processes especially in small populations, quantitative demonstrations of genetic and demographic effects of inbreeding in natural populations are few. Here, we examine the relationship between individual inbreeding coefficients (F) and individual standardized multilocus heterozygosity (H) in an insular metapopulation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in northern Norway in order to evaluate whether H is a good predictor for F. We then relate variation in fitness (i.e. the probability of surviving from fledging to recruitment) to F and H, which enables us to examine whether inbreeding depression is associated with a reduction in genetic variability. The average level of inbreeding in the house sparrow metapopulation was high, and there was large inter-individual variation in F. As expected, standardized multilocus heterozygosity decreased with the level of inbreeding. The probability of recruitment was significantly negatively related to F, and, accordingly, increased with H. However, H explained no significant additional variation in recruitment rate than was explained by F. This suggests that H is a good predictor for F in this metapopulation, and that an increase in F is likely to be associated with a general increase in the level of homozygosity on loci across the genome, which has severe fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Although evidence of inbreeding depression in wild populations is well established, the impact of genetic purging in the wild remains controversial. The contrasting effects of inbreeding depression, fixation of deleterious alleles by genetic drift, and the purging of deleterious alleles via natural selection mean that predicting fitness outcomes in populations subjected to prolonged bottlenecks is not straightforward. We report results from a long‐term pedigree study of arguably the world's most inbred wild species of bird: the Chatham Island black robin Petroica traversi, in which conditions were ideal for purging to occur. Contrary to expectations, black robins showed a strong, negative relationship between inbreeding and juvenile survival, yielding lethal equivalents (2B) of 6.85. We also determined that the negative relationship between inbreeding and survival did not appear to be mediated by levels of ancestral inbreeding and may be attributed in part to unpurged lethal recessives. Although the black robin demographic history provided ideal conditions for genetic purging, our results show no clear evidence of purging in the major life‐history trait of juvenile survival. Our results also show no evidence of fixation of deleterious alleles in juvenile survival, but do confirm that continued high levels of contemporary inbreeding in a historically inbred population could lead to additional severe inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Understanding how the scale of pollen transfer determines the outcome of matings is important evolutionarily and a key issue in restoration ecology. We tested the effects of pollen transfer distance for the self‐incompatible shrub Grevillea sphacelata using (1) open pollination and transfer among (2) near neighbours, (3) neighbouring subpopulations and (4) populations separated by c. 4 km. We used AFLP markers to test for evidence of genetic differentiation within and among populations. Patterns of seed initiation suggest that open pollinated flowers were pollen limited, although in one subpopulation open seed set was greater than that achieved with pollen from near neighbours or other subpopulations. We detected no other effects of pollen source on seed initiation or seed and seedling development. In contrast, our genetic survey revealed significant spatial autocorrelation to 5 m, moderate differentiation of populations separated by up to 4 km and significant isolation by distance > 16 km. Our data suggest that, although dispersal of pollen may typically be localized, gene flow prevents localized adaptation or co‐adaptation and we detected no effects of inbreeding depression. In a restoration context, our results imply that movement of seed between populations separated by 4 km will not have detrimental consequences, despite significant differentiation at neutral genetic markers, and may be beneficial in maintaining genetic diversity and evolutionary potential. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 290–302.  相似文献   

Quantifying the impacts of inbreeding and genetic drift on fitness traits in fragmented populations is becoming a major goal in conservation biology. Such impacts occur at different levels and involve different sets of loci. Genetic drift randomly fixes slightly deleterious alleles leading to different fixation load among populations. By contrast, inbreeding depression arises from highly deleterious alleles in segregation within a population and creates variation among individuals. A popular approach is to measure correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances. This approach has been mainly used at the individual level to detect inbreeding depression within populations and sometimes at the population level but without consideration about the genetic processes measured. For the first time, we used in this study a molecular approach considering both the interpopulation and intrapopulation level to discriminate the relative importance of inbreeding depression vs. fixation load in isolated and non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea), complemented with interpopulational crosses. We demonstrated that the positive correlations observed between genetic heterozygosity and larval performances on merged data were mainly caused by co-variations in genetic diversity and fixation load among populations rather than by inbreeding depression and segregating deleterious alleles within populations. Such a method is highly relevant in a conservation perspective because, depending on how populations lose fitness (inbreeding vs. fixation load), specific management actions may be designed to improve the persistence of populations.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression for fitness traits is a key issue in evolutionary biology and conservation genetics. The magnitude of inbreeding depression, though, may critically depend on the efficiency of genetic purging, the elimination or recessive deleterious mutations by natural selection after they are exposed by inbreeding. However, the detection and quantification of genetic purging for nonlethal mutations is a rather difficult task. Here, we present two comprehensive sets of experiments with Drosophila aimed at detecting genetic purging in competitive conditions and quantifying its magnitude. We obtain, for the first time in competitive conditions, an estimate for the predictive parameter, the purging coefficient (d), that quantifies the magnitude of genetic purging, either against overall inbreeding depression (d ≈ 0.3), or against the component ascribed to nonlethal alleles (dNL ≈ 0.2). We find that competitive fitness declines at a high rate when inbreeding increases in the absence of purging. However, in moderate size populations under competitive conditions, inbreeding depression need not be too dramatic in the medium to short term, as the efficiency of purging is also very high. Furthermore, we find that purging occurred under competitive conditions also reduced the inbreeding depression that is expressed in the absence of competition.  相似文献   

In fragmented populations, genetic drift and selection reduce genetic diversity, which in turn results in a loss of fitness or in a loss of evolvability. Genetic rescue, that is, controlled input of diversity from distant populations, may restore evolutionary potential, whereas outbreeding depression might counteract the positive effect of this strategy. We carried out self-pollination and crosses within and between populations in an experimental subdivided population of a selfing species, Triticum aestivum L., to estimate the magnitude of these two phenomena. Surprisingly, for a self-fertilizing species, we found significant inbreeding depression within each population for four of the six traits studied, indicating that mildly deleterious mutations were still segregating in these populations. The progeny of within- and between-population crosses was very similar, indicating low between-population heterosis and little outbreeding depression. We conclude that relatively large population effective sizes prevented fixation of a high genetic load and that local adaptation was limited in these recently diverged populations. The kinship coefficient estimated between the parents using 20 neutral markers was a poor predictor of the progeny phenotypic values, indicating that there was a weak link between neutral diversity and genes controlling fitness-related traits. These results show that when assessing the viability of natural populations and the need for genetic rescue, the use of neutral markers should be complemented with information about the presence of local adaptation in the subdivided population.  相似文献   

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