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Nitrate Reduction by Chlorella   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Davis EA 《Plant physiology》1953,28(3):539-544

A colorless mutant of Chlorella kessleri, grown in darknessin a medium that contained nitrate and glucose, took up ammoniamore efficiently than nitrate. Irradiation with blue light inhibitedthe uptake of ammonia but, conversely, the uptake of nitratewas enhanced by blue light. These effects were not observedunder illumination with red or far-red light. The inhibitionby blue light of the uptake of ammonia was abolished in thepresence of nitrate. The charge compensation for the uptakeof ammonia was achieved by the immediate release of potassiumions and this release was followed by release of protons, therate of the latter process being strongly reduced by blue light. The effects of blue light on the uptake of ammonia and nitratein algal cells are discussed. (Received July 28, 1994; Accepted January 30, 1995)  相似文献   

Metabolism of Urea by Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Urea metabolism was studied with nitrogen-starved cells of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck var. viridis (Chodat), a green alga which apparently lacks urease. Incorporation of radioactivity from urea-(14)C into the alcohol-soluble fraction was virtually eliminated in cell suspensions flushed with 10% CO(2) in air. This same result was obtained when expected acceptors of urea carbon were replenished by adding ornithine and glucose with the urea. Several carbamyl compounds, which might be early products of urea metabolism and a source of the (14)CO(2), were not appreciably labeled. If cells were treated with cyanide at a concentration which inhibited ammonia uptake completely and urea uptake only slightly, more than half of the urea nitrogen taken up was found in the medium as ammonia. Cells under nitrogen gas in the dark were unable to take up urea or ammonia, but the normal rate of uptake was resumed in light. Since 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea did not selectively inhibit this uptake, an active respiration supported by light-dependent oxygen evolution in these cells was ruled out. A tentative scheme for urea metabolism is proposed to consist of an initial energy-dependent splitting of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. This reaction in Chlorella is thought to differ from a typical urease-catalyzed reaction by the apparent requirement of a high energy compound, possibly adenosine triphosphate.  相似文献   

Illumination of a colorless mutant of Chlorella vulgaris 1lh(M125) with blue light enhanced both the uptake of nitrate andthe release of ammonia. These effects were not observed underillumination with red light. The release of ammonia was alsoenhanced by the addition of methionine sulphoximine (MSX), aninhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS). Addition of MSX to culturesin the dark increased the rate of breakdown of starch. Algal cells grown in nitrate-containing medium did not showthe aminating activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Additionof large (millimolar) amounts of ammonia in the dark resultedin the induction of NADPH-GDH activity and, in addition, a decreasein GS activity. From these results it appears that GS catalyzesthe primary step in the assimilation of ammonia in algal cellsgrown in nitrate-containing medium. Two isoforms (GS1 and GS2)of GS have been separated by ion exchange chromatography. Theactivities of both isoforms were decreased upon the additionof ammonia. Illumination of the alga with blue light at intensities up to10,000 mW m–2 enhanced the measurable activity of GS invitro, while higher intensities were ineffective. In red lightno such effect was observed. The effects of blue light and ammonia on nitrogen metabolismin algal cells are discussed. (Received November 25, 1988; Accepted March 6, 1989)  相似文献   

1. Nitrate reduction and assimilation have been studied in Chlorella pyrenoidosa under growth conditions by observing effects on the CO(2)/O(2) gas exchange quotient. 2. During assimilation of glucose in the dark, nitrate reduction is noted as an increase in the R.Q. to about 1.6 caused by an increased rate of carbon dioxide production. 3. During photosynthesis at low light intensity nitrate reduction is evidenced by a reduction in the CO(2)O(2) quotient to about 0.7 caused by a decreased rate of carbon dioxide uptake. 4. Chlorella will assimilate nitrogen from either nitrate or ammonia. When both sources are supplied, only ammonia is utilized and no nitrate reduction occurs. It is inferred that under the usual conditions of growth nitrate is reduced only at a rate required for subsequent cellular syntheses. The effect of nitrate reduction on the CO(2)O(2) quotient therefore provides a measure of the relative rate of nitrogen assimilation. 5. Over-all photosynthetic metabolism may be described from elementary analysis of the cells since excretory products are negligible. The gas exchange predicted in this way is in good agreement with the observed CO(2)/O(2) quotients.  相似文献   

The natural 13C abundance (13C value) of the field-grown leguminousplants (soybean, kidney bean, pea, azuki bean, mung bean, peanutand cowpea) was investigated by mass spectrometry with a precisionbetter than %0.2 for 13C. Among organs of premature plants,the leaves had the most negative values, and the nodules generallyhad the least negative values, and other organs, fruits, stemsand roots, showed intermediate values. In the soybeans so farinvestigated, the grains of nodulating plants exhibited higher13C values than nonnodulating lines. The 13C values of the grainsvaried depending on the species: peanuts showed the most negativevalues. Possible causes underlying these variations are discussed. (Received March 2, 1983; Accepted May 27, 1983)  相似文献   

Metabolism of Fatty Acid Hydroperoxides by Chlorella pyrenoidosa   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa was examined for its ability to metabolize 13-hydroperoxylinoleic and 13-hydroperoxylinolenic acids. The study showed that Chlorella extracts possessed hydroperoxide dehydrase and other enzymes of the jasmonic acid pathway. However, under normal laboratory conditions for culture growth, neither jasmonic acid nor metabolites of the jasmonic acid pathway were present in Chlorella. In vitro enzyme studies also revealed the presence of hydroperoxide lyase activity that cleaved 13-hydroperoxylinoleic or 13-hydroperoxylinolenic acid into two products, 13-oxo-cis-9,trans-11-tridecadienoic acid and pentane (from linoleic acid) or pentene (from linolenic acid). The lyase was heat-labile, insensitive to 50 millimolar KCN, and had an approximate molecular weight of 48,000 as estimated by gel filtration. Two other products, 13-hydroxy-cis-9,trans-11,cis-15-octadecatrienoic acid and 12, 13-trans-epoxy-9-oxo-trans-10,cis-15-octadecadienoic acid, were also observed. Because these compounds are also products of nonenzymic, Fe(II)-catalyzed hydroperoxide decomposition reactions, their presence suggested that the observed lyase activity may occur via a homolytic decomposition mechanism.  相似文献   

Exposure of crude cell lysates of Staphylococcus aureus MF-31 to 5 or 10 mM hydrogen peroxide resulted in a linear decrease in superoxide dismutase activity. Approximately 13% of the superoxide dismutase activity was lost after 16 min. Thermally stressed and nonstressed cells were exposed to a photochemically generated exogenous flux of superoxide radicals (O2.-). The death of thermally stressed cells was linear with time. Addition of superoxide dismutase or catalase to the O2.- generating system resulted in protection of thermally stressed and nonstressed cells, with the protective effect being greater for thermally stressed cells. Incorporation of O2-, hydroxyl radical, or singlet oxygen scavengers or antioxidants to tryptic soy agar containing 7.5% NaCl did not increase the enumeration of thermally stressed cells.  相似文献   

SYRETT  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(1):21-36
Ammonia is rapidly assimilated by nitrogen-starved Chlorellacells and converted into soluble organic nitrogenous compounds.During the first 20 minutes of assimilation most of the ammoniawhich has been used can be accounted for as free or combined-amino-nitrogen and amide-nitrogen. Later a smaller proportionof the assimilated ammonia is found in these fractions whileappreciable quantities of basic amino-acids are formed. Theassimilation of ammonia is accompanied by an increase of therates of oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide production; thevalue of the respiratory quotient decreases. Non-reducing sugarand acid-hydrolysable polysaccharide are metabolized rapidly. Possible interpretations of these facts are discussed.  相似文献   

Disinfected seeds of soybean and actively growing cultures ofChlorella vulgaris were grown on nitrogen-free media. The nitratecontent of both the soybean seedlings and algal cultures substantiallyincreased during nitrogen starvation. The nitrate level in soybeanseedlings was at least eight times greater than seeds aftertwo to three weeks. Nitrogen starvation also caused an increasein the nitrate content of the algal cultures. Nitrate reductaseactivity also increased, and its appearance was sensitive tocycloheximide. Tungstate, added during starvation, inhibitedthe induction of nitrate reductase with a concomitant increasein the level of nitrate. These data suggest that oxidation ofreduced nitrogen compounds can occur in higher plants and algae. 1 A contribution of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Received June 6, 1981; Accepted August 25, 1981)  相似文献   

Regulation of Nitrate Reductase in Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
When excised barley roots (Hordeum distichum L.) are appropriately pretreated, the level of nitrate reductase in the roots increases upon exposure to nitrate. Relatively low levels of nitrate (10 μm) gave maximum induction of nitrate reductase. This increase was inhibited by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis, indicating that de novo protein synthesis is probably involved. Induction of nitrate reductase by nitrate is partially prevented by the inclusion of ammonium, an eventual product of nitrate reduction, in the incubation medium. Under the experimental conditions used, ammonium did not inhibit the uptake of nitrate by excised barley roots. It is concluded, therefore, that ammonium, or a product of ammonium metabolism, has a direct effect on the synthesis of nitrate reductase in this tissue.  相似文献   

Leaves of 15 - 30-d-old plants of sunflower and jute were harvested at 10.00 or 23.00 (local time) and measured immediately, or those harvested at 10.00 were incubated for one hour in sunlight either in water or 5 mM methionine sulfoximine (MSX) solution and then for three hours in dark either in water or 15 mM KNO3 solution. Nitrate feeding during dark incubation, in general, increased nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) activities, and NADH and soluble sugar contents. Increase in tissue nitrate concentration in MSX fed but not in control samples suggested reduction of nitrate in dark. NADPH-dependent NR activity increased considerably upon feeding with nitrate in dark. Concomitantly, NADPH phosphatase activity was also increased in nitrate treated, dark incubated leaves. It is proposed that nitrate regulates dark nitrate reduction by facilitating generation of NADH from NADPH by NADPH phosphatase. High amounts of ammonia accumulated in MSX treated, but not in control leaves, upon dark incubation. Relative activities of NR and NADPH phosphatase, and amounts of soluble sugar and NADH were low in MSX fed samples compared to that of control. So, high amount of ammonia might partially repress NADPH phosphatase and consequently deprive NR of reducing equivalents. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ammonia Induces Starch Degradation in Chlorella Cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When ammonia was added to cells of Chlorella which had fixed14CO2 photo synthetically, 14C which had been incorporated intostarch was greatly decreased. A similar effect was observedwhen potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite were added. The ammonia-induceddecrease in 14C-starch was observed in all species of Chlorellatested. With cells of C. vulgaris 11h, most of the radioactivityin starch was recovered in sucrose, indicating that ammoniainduces the conversion of starch into sucrose. The percent of14C recovered in sucrose differed from species to species andpractically no recovery in sucrose was observed in C. pyrenoidosa.In most species tested, the enhancing effects of blue lightand ammonia on O2 uptake as well as the ammonia effect on starchdegradation were greater in cells which had been starved inphosphate medium in the dark than in non-starved cells. In contrast,the enhancing effect of ammonia on dark CO2 fixation was muchgreater in non-starved cells. C. pyrenoidosa was unique in thatblue light did not show any effect on its O2 uptake. (Received August 15, 1984; Accepted November 16, 1984)  相似文献   

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