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A TaqMan format real-time PCR probe was developed against the internal transcribed spacer 2 ribosomal DNA region for the specific detection and quantification of Cryptoperidiniopsis brodyi in environmental samples. The assay specificity was confirmed by testing against related dinoflagellates and verified by sequencing PCR amplicons from natural water samples. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced environmental samples also showed that this assay is specific to C. brodyi. The C. brodyi-specific assay was used in conjunction with Pfiesteria piscicida- and Pfiesteria shumwayae-specific real-time PCR assays to investigate the temporal variations of C. brodyi, P. piscicida, and P. shumwayae abundance in the Derwent estuary, Tasmania. The 18-month field survey from November 2004 to April 2006 revealed that C. brodyi occurred in all seasons at very low densities, mostly below 25 cells liter(-1), with higher abundance (maximum, 112 cells liter(-1)) in April and May. P. piscicida was detected only once, in May 2005 at 60 cells liter(-1). P. shumwayae was not detected during the survey.  相似文献   

The marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium includes a number of species which produce neurotoxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), which in humans may cause muscular paralysis, neurological symptoms, and, in extreme cases, death. A. minutum is the most widespread toxic PSP species in the western Mediterranean basin. The monitoring of coastal waters for the presence of harmful algae also normally involves microscopic examinations of phytoplankton populations. These procedures are time consuming and require a great deal of taxonomic experience, thus limiting the number of specimens that can be analyzed. Because of the genetic diversity of different genera and species, molecular tools may also help to detect the presence of target microorganisms in marine field samples. In this study, we developed a real-time PCR-based assay for rapid detection of all toxic species of the Alexandrium genus in both fixative-preserved environmental samples and cultures. Moreover, we developed a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the quantification of A. minutum cells in seawater samples. Alexandrium genus-specific primers were designed on the 5.8S rDNA region. Primer specificity was confirmed by using BLAST and by amplification of a representative sample of the DNA of other dinoflagellates and diatoms. Using a standard curve constructed with a plasmid containing the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 A. minutum sequence and cultured A. minutum cells, we determined the absolute number of 5.8S rDNA copies per cell. Consequently, after quantification of 5.8S rDNA copies in samples containing A. minutum cells, we were also able to estimate the number of cells. Several fixed A. minutum bloom sea samples from Arenys Harbor (Catalan Coast, Spain) were analyzed using this method, and quantification results were compared with standard microscopy counting methods. The two methods gave comparable results, confirming that real-time PCR could be a valid, fast alternative procedure for the detection and quantification of target phytoplankton species during coastal water monitoring.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria and enteric viruses can be introduced into the environment via human waste discharge. Methods for rapid detection and quantification of human viruses and fecal indicator bacteria in water are urgently needed to prevent human exposure to pathogens through drinking and recreational waters. Here we describe the development of two real-time PCR methods to detect and quantify human adenoviruses and enterococci in environmental waters. For real-time quantification of enterococci, a set of primers and a probe targeting the 23S rRNA gene were used. The standard curve generated using Enterococcus faecalis genomic DNA was linear over a 7-log-dilution series. Serial dilutions of E. faecalis suspensions resulted in a lower limit of detection (LLD) of 5 CFU/reaction. To develop real-time PCR for adenoviruses, degenerate primers and a Taqman probe targeting a 163-bp region of the adenovirus hexon gene were designed to specifically amplify 14 different serotypes of human adenoviruses, including enteric adenovirus serotype 40 and 41. The standard curve generated was linear over a 5-log-dilution series, and the LLD was 100 PFU/reaction using serial dilutions of purified adenoviral particles of serotype 40. Both methods were optimized to be applicable to environmental samples. The real-time PCR methods showed a greater sensitivity in detection of adenoviruses in sewage samples than the viral plaque assay and in detection of enterococci in coastal waters than the bacterial culture method. However, enterococcus real-time PCR overestimated the number of bacteria in chlorinated sewage in comparison with the bacterial culture method. Overall, the ability via real-time PCR to detect enterococci and adenoviruses rapidly and quantitatively in the various environmental samples represents a considerable advancement and a great potential for environmental applications.  相似文献   

The protozoan pathogens Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum are major causes of waterborne enteric disease throughout the world. Improved detection methods that are very sensitive and rapid are urgently needed. This is especially the case for analysis of environmental water samples in which the densities of Giardia and Cryptosporidium are very low. Primers and TaqMan probes based on the β-giardin gene of G. lamblia and the COWP gene of C. parvum were developed and used to detect DNA concentrations over a range of 7 orders of magnitude. It was possible to detect DNA to the equivalent of a single cyst of G. lamblia and one oocyst of C. parvum. A multiplex real-time PCR (qPCR) assay for simultaneous detection of G. lamblia and C. parvum resulted in comparable levels of detection. Comparison of DNA extraction methodologies to maximize DNA yield from cysts and oocysts determined that a combination of freeze-thaw, sonication, and purification using the DNeasy kit (Qiagen) provided a highly efficient method. Sampling of four environmental water bodies revealed variation in qPCR inhibitors in 2-liter concentrates. A methodology for dealing with qPCR inhibitors that involved the use of Chelex 100 and PVP 360 was developed. It was possible to detect and quantify G. lamblia in sewage using qPCR when applying the procedure for extraction of DNA from 1-liter sewage samples. Numbers obtained from the qPCR assay were comparable to those obtained with immunofluorescence microscopy. The qPCR analysis revealed both assemblage A and assemblage B genotypes of G. lamblia in the sewage. No Cryptosporidium was detected in these samples by either method.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR assays were developed for the enumeration of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) determinants, such as the qnrA, qnrB, and qnrS genes, in different water samples and chicken feces. The results indicate that the developed assays are specific and sensitive for the quantification of qnr genes in complex samples.  相似文献   

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus (S. saprophyticus) are responsible for the majority of community-acquired urinary tract infections (UTI). Agar plating, a gold standard for detection of bacterial uropathogens, is labor intensive, limited for distinguishing between environmental contaminants and pathogens, and fails to effectively detect mixed infections. A reliable method for specific and sensitive quantitative assessment of infections would allow cost-effective evaluation of large numbers of experimental samples. A methodology such as quantitative PCR (qPCR) addresses the limitations of agar plating. We developed and validated highly specific and sensitive qPCR assays to assist researchers in the evaluation of potential vaccines and interventions in preclinical models of UPEC and S. saprophyticus UTI. The developed UPEC PCR targeted a highly conserved region of the UPEC hemolysin D (hlyD) gene that reproducibly detected type strains CFT073 and J96 over a 9 log range with high precision. To quantify S. saprophyticus genomes, a separate qPCR assay targeting the Trk transport gene was developed with an 8 log range. Neither assay detected bacterial species predicted to be sample contaminants. Using our optimized workflow that includes automated steps, up to 200 urine or tissue samples can be processed in as few as 3 h. Additionally, sequence comparisons of our primers and probe to other UTI bacterial strains indicated the broad applicability of these assays. These optimized qPCR assays provide a cost-effective and time-saving method for quantification of bacterial burdens in tissues and body fluids to assess the effectiveness of candidate vaccines or interventions.  相似文献   

The application of a real-time quantitative PCR method (5′ nuclease assay), based on the use of a probe labeled at its 5′ end with a stable, fluorescent lanthanide chelate, for the quantification of human fecal bifidobacteria was evaluated. The specificities of the primers and the primer-probe combination were evaluated by conventional PCR and real-time PCR, respectively. The results obtained by real-time PCR were compared with those obtained by fluorescent in situ hybridization, the current gold standard for intestinal microbiota quantification. In general, a good correlation between the two methods was observed. In order to determine the detection limit and the accuracy of the real-time PCR procedure, germfree rat feces were spiked with known amounts of bifidobacteria and analyzed by both methods. The detection limit of the method used in this study was found to be about 5 × 104 cells per g of feces. Both methods, real-time PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization, led to an accurate quantification of the spiked samples with high levels of bifidobacteria, but real-time PCR was more accurate for samples with low levels. We conclude that the real-time PCR procedure described here is a specific, accurate, rapid, and easy method for the quantification of bifidobacteria in feces.  相似文献   

Quantitative Legionella PCRs targeting the 16S rRNA gene (specific for the genus Legionella) and the mip gene (specific for the species Legionella pneumophila) were applied to a total of 223 hot water system samples (131 in one laboratory and 92 in another laboratory) and 37 cooling tower samples (all in the same laboratory). The PCR results were compared with those of conventional culture. 16S rRNA gene PCR results were nonquantifiable for 2.8% of cooling tower samples and up to 39.1% of hot water system samples, and this was highly predictive of Legionella CFU counts below 250/liter. PCR cutoff values for identifying hot water system samples containing >103 CFU/liter legionellae were determined separately in each laboratory. The cutoffs differed widely between the laboratories and had sensitivities from 87.7 to 92.9% and specificities from 77.3 to 96.5%. The best specificity was obtained with mip PCR. PCR cutoffs could not be determined for cooling tower samples, as the results were highly variable and often high for culture-negative samples. Thus, quantitative Legionella PCR appears to be applicable to samples from hot water systems, but the positivity cutoff has to be determined in each laboratory.  相似文献   

To secure food and water safety, quantitative information on multiple pathogens is important. In this study, we developed a microfluidic quantitative PCR (MFQPCR) system to simultaneously quantify 11 major human viral pathogens, including adenovirus, Aichi virus, astrovirus, enterovirus, human norovirus, rotavirus, sapovirus, and hepatitis A and E viruses. Murine norovirus and mengovirus were also quantified in our MFQPCR system as a sample processing control and an internal amplification control, respectively. River water contaminated with effluents from a wastewater treatment plant in Sapporo, Japan, was collected and used to validate our MFQPCR system for multiple viruses. High-throughput quantitative information was obtained with a quantification limit of 2 copies/μl of cDNA/DNA. Using this MFQPCR system, we could simultaneously quantify multiple viral pathogens in environmental water samples. The viral quantities obtained using MFQPCR were similar to those determined by conventional quantitative PCR. Thus, the MFQPCR system developed in this study can provide direct and quantitative information for viral pathogens, which is essential for risk assessments.  相似文献   

The protistan parasite Perkinsus marinus is a severe pathogen of the oyster Crassostrea virginica along the east coast of the United States. Very few data have been collected, however, on the abundance of the parasite in environmental waters, limiting our understanding of P. marinus transmission dynamics. Real-time PCR assays with SybrGreen I as a label for detection were developed in this study for quantification of P. marinus in environmental waters with P. marinus species-specific primers and of Perkinsus spp. with Perkinsus genus-specific primers. Detection of DNA concentrations as low as the equivalent of 3.3 × 10−2 cell per 10-μl reaction mixture was obtained by targeting the multicopy internal transcribed spacer region of the genome. To obtain reliable target quantification from environmental water samples, removal of PCR inhibitors and efficient DNA recovery were two major concerns. A DNA extraction kit designed for tissues and another designed for stool samples were tested on environmental and artificial seawater (ASW) samples spiked with P. marinus cultured cells. The stool kit was significantly more efficient than the tissue kit at removing inhibitors from environmental water samples. With the stool kit, no significant difference in the quantified target concentrations was observed between the environmental and ASW samples. However, with the spiked ASW samples, the tissue kit demonstrated more efficient DNA recovery. Finally, by performing three elutions of DNA from the spin columns, which were combined prior to target quantification, variability of DNA recovery from different samples was minimized and more reliable real-time PCR quantification was accomplished.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium ulcerans is a slow-growing environmental bacterium that causes a severe skin disease known as Buruli ulcer. PCR has become a reliable and rapid method for the diagnosis of M. ulcerans infection in humans and has been used for the detection of M. ulcerans in the environment. This paper describes the development of a TaqMan assay targeting IS2404 multiplexed with an internal positive control to monitor inhibition with a detection limit of less than 1 genome equivalent of DNA. The assay improves the turnaround time for diagnosis and replaces conventional gel-based PCR as the routine method for laboratory confirmation of M. ulcerans infection in Victoria, Australia. Following analysis of 415 clinical specimens, the new test demonstrated 100% sensitivity and specificity compared with culture. Another multiplex TaqMan assay targeting IS2606 and the ketoreductase-B domain of the M. ulcerans mycolactone polyketide synthase genes was designed to augment the specificity of the IS2404 PCR for the analysis of a variety of environmental samples. Assaying for these three targets enabled the detection of M. ulcerans DNA in soil, sediment, and mosquito extracts collected from an area of endemicity for Buruli ulcer in Victoria with a high degree of confidence. Final confirmation was obtained by the detection and sequencing of variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) locus 9, which matched the VNTR locus 9 sequence obtained from the clinical isolates in this region. This suite of new methods is enabling rapid progress in the understanding of the ecology of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-converting bacteriophages (Stx phages) are involved in the pathogenicity of some enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coli O157:H7. Stx phages are released from their bacterial hosts after lytic induction and remain free in the environment. Samples were analyzed for the presence of free Stx phages by an experimental approach based on the use of real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), which enables stx to be detected in the DNA from the viral fraction of each sample. A total of 150 samples, including urban raw sewage samples, wastewater samples with fecal contamination from cattle, pigs, and poultry, and fecal samples from humans and diverse animals, were used in this study. Stx phages were detected in 70.0% of urban sewage samples (10 to 103 gene copies [GC] per ml) and in 94.0% of animal wastewater samples of several origins (10 to 1010 GC per ml). Eighty-nine percent of cattle fecal samples were positive for Stx phages (10 to 105 GC per g of sample), as were 31.8% of other fecal samples of various origins (10 to 104 GC per g of sample). The stx2 genes and stx2 variants were detected in the viral fraction of some of the samples after sequencing of stx2 fragments amplified by conventional PCR. The occurrence and abundance of Stx phages in the extraintestinal environment confirm the role of Stx phages as a reservoir of stx in the environment.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is associated with diarrhea, hemorrhagic enterocolitis, and hemolytic-uremic syndrome in humans (46). Escherichia coli serotype O157:H7 is the main cause of these diseases, although other serotypes of E. coli and other enterobacteria species have been described (36). These E. coli serotypes produce at least two immunologically distinct Shiga toxins, called Stx1 and Stx2. In addition to these, several variations of these toxins have been reported in recent years, showing differences in virulence and distribution in the host populations examined (48, 51). Shiga toxin genes are carried by temperate bacteriophages (19, 35). Stx-encoding bacteriophages investigated to date consist of double-stranded DNA and have lambdoid genetic structures (19, 27, 32, 37, 47). The induction and regulation of these phages are directly involved in the production of toxin and, therefore, in the pathogenicity of the strains (8, 50). Stx phages are efficient vectors for the transfer of toxin genes, being able to convert nonpathogenic bacterial hosts into Stx-producing strains by transduction of stx, as has been demonstrated under various conditions (1, 4, 27, 28, 41, 49).Most of the reported outbreaks of STEC infections are associated with cattle products (10, 17), with the consumption of contaminated foods (10, 34), and with several waterborne infections (30). Stx phages are present within fecally contaminated aquatic environments (9, 28, 30, 32, 45). Moreover, a high percentage of STEC strains present in extraintestinal environments carry inducible Stx phages (14, 30).As individuals infected with STEC strains shed large quantities of Stx phages in feces, Stx phages should be prevalent in the environment, as are other viruses transmitted by the fecal-oral route (5, 11) or bacteriophages infecting bacteria present in the intestinal tract (16, 23). Moreover, those STEC strains isolated from food and animals carry inducible Stx phages (24, 27, 42). The virulence profiles of STEC strains isolated from food also suggest the presence of inducible Stx phages (10).Stx phages in sewage have been detected by nested PCR (28, 29, 31). However, to quantify them, the most probable number (MPN) method was applied, which allows only a rough estimate of the amount of Stx phages present in the sample. To assess the number of Stx phages accurately, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) technology is a useful tool. This technology is both sensitive and specific, and it gives accurate quantitative results (25). Comparison with a standard enables the number of copies of stx to be quantified, which can then be translated into the number of Stx phage particles.Little is known about the prevalence of phages carrying stx in fecal samples. The data available on the numbers of these phages in fecally contaminated water samples were only roughly estimated. The first step to evaluate the role of Stx phages in the environment as lateral gene transfer vectors is to know the extent of these viruses in the environment. The aim of this study is to report quantitative data on the abundance of Stx phages in urban sewage samples, in wastewater samples from cattle, pigs, and poultry, and in diverse fecal samples, calculated by means of a methodology based on qPCR.  相似文献   

We used real-time PCR to quantify the denitrifying nitrite reductase gene (nirS), a functional gene of biogeochemical significance. The assay was tested in vitro and applied to environmental samples. The primer-probe set selected was specific for nirS sequences that corresponded approximately to the Pseudomonas stutzeri species. The assay was linear from 1 to 106 gene copies (r2 = 0.999). Variability at low gene concentrations did not allow detection of twofold differences in gene copy number at less than 100 copies. DNA spiking and cell-addition experiments gave predicted results, suggesting that this assay provides an accurate measure of P. stutzeri nirS abundance in environmental samples. Although P. stutzeri abundance was high in lake sediment and groundwater samples, we detected low or no abundance of this species in marine sediment samples from Puget Sound (Wash.) and from the Washington ocean margin. These results suggest that P. stutzeri may not be a dominant marine denitrifier.  相似文献   

We have developed a highly sensitive approach to assess the abundance of uncultured bacteria in water samples from the central Baltic Sea by using a noncultured member of the “Epsilonproteobacteria” related to Thiomicrospira denitrificans as an example. Environmental seawater samples and samples enriched for the target taxon provided a unique opportunity to test the approach over a broad range of abundances. The approach is based on a combination of taxon- and domain-specific real-time PCR measurements determining the relative T. denitrificans-like 16S rRNA gene and 16S rRNA abundances, as well as the determination of total cell counts and environmental RNA content. It allowed quantification of T. denitrificans-like 16S rRNA molecules or 16S rRNA genes as well as calculation of the number of ribosomes per T. denitrificans-like cell. Every real-time measurement and its specific primer system were calibrated using environmental nucleic acids obtained from the original habitat for external standardization. These standards, as well as the respective samples to be measured, were prepared from the same DNA or RNA extract. Enrichment samples could be analyzed directly, whereas environmental templates had to be preamplified with general bacterial primers before quantification. Preamplification increased the sensitivity of the assay by more than 4 orders of magnitude. Quantification of enrichments with or without a preamplification step yielded comparable results. T. denitrificans-like 16S rRNA molecules ranged from 7.1 × 103 to 4.4 × 109 copies ml−1 or 0.002 to 49.7% relative abundance. T. denitrificans-like 16S rRNA genes ranged from 9.0 × 101 to 2.2 ×106 copies ml−1 or 0.01 to 49.7% relative abundance. Detection limits of this real-time-PCR approach were 20 16S rRNA molecules or 0.2 16S rRNA gene ml−1. The number of ribosomes per T. denitrificans-like cell was estimated to range from 20 to 200 in seawater and reached up to 2,000 in the enrichments. The results indicate that our real-time PCR approach can be used to determine cellular and relative abundances of uncultured marine bacterial taxa and to provide information about their levels of activity in their natural environment.  相似文献   

Cercarial dermatitis, also known as swimmer''s itch, is an allergenic skin reaction followed by intense itching caused by schistosome cercariae penetrating human skin. Cercarial dermatitis outbreaks occur globally and are frequently associated with freshwater lakes and are occasionally associated with marine or estuarine waters where birds reside year-round or where migratory birds reside. In this study, a broadly reactive TaqMan assay targeting 18S rRNA gene (ribosomal DNA [rDNA]) sequences that was based on a genetically diverse panel of schistosome isolates representing 13 genera and 20 species (the 18S rDNA TaqMan assay) was developed. A PCR assay was also developed to amplify a 28S rDNA region for subsequent sequencing to identify schistosomes. When applied to surface water samples seeded with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, the 18S rDNA TaqMan assay enabled detection at a level of 5 S. mansoni cercariae in 100 liters of lake water. The 18S rDNA TaqMan and 28S rDNA PCR sequencing assays were also applied to 100-liter water samples collected from lakes in Nebraska and Wisconsin where there were reported dermatitis outbreaks. Avian schistosome DNA was detected in 11 of 34 lake water samples using the TaqMan assay. Further 28S rDNA sequence analysis of positive samples confirmed the presence of avian schistosome DNA and provided a preliminary identification of the avian schistosomes in 10 of the 11 samples. These data indicate that the broadly schistosome-reactive TaqMan assay can be effective for rapid screening of large-volume water samples for detection of avian schistosomes, thereby facilitating timely response actions to mitigate or prevent dermatitis outbreaks. Additionally, samples positive by the 18S rDNA TaqMan assay can be further assayed using the 28S rDNA sequencing assay to both confirm the presence of schistosomes and contribute to their identification.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR is fast, sensitive, specific, and can deliver quantitative data; however, two disadvantages are that this technology is sensitive to inhibition by food and that it does not distinguish between DNA originating from viable, viable nonculturable (VNC), and dead cells. For this reason, real-time PCR has been combined with a novel discontinuous buoyant density gradient method, called flotation, in order to allow detection of only viable and VNC cells of thermotolerant campylobacters in chicken rinse samples. Studying the buoyant densities of different Campylobacter spp. showed that densities changed at different time points during growth; however, all varied between 1.065 and 1.109 g/ml. These data were then used to develop a flotation assay. Results showed that after flotation and real-time PCR, cell concentrations as low as 8.6 × 102 CFU/ml could be detected without culture enrichment and amounts as low as 2.6 × 103 CFU/ml could be quantified. Furthermore, subjecting viable cells and dead cells to flotation showed that viable cells were recovered after flotation treatment but that dead cells and/or their DNA was not detected. Also, when samples containing VNC cells mixed with dead cells were treated with flotation after storage at 4 or 20°C for 21 days, a similar percentage resembling the VNC cell fraction was detected using real-time PCR and 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride-4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining (20% ± 9% and 23% ± 4%, respectively, at 4°C; 11% ± 4% and 10% ± 2%, respectively, at 20°C). This indicated that viable and VNC Campylobacter cells could be positively selected and quantified using the flotation method.  相似文献   

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