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Phenolyl cobamide was isolated from cyanide extractions of the anaerobic eubacterium Sporomusa ovata. The proposed corrinoid structure [Co alpha,Co beta-(monocyano,monoaquo)-phenolyl cobamide] has been deduced from 1H NMR, fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy and ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy data. The complete corrinoid resembled p-cresolyl cobamide [Co alpha,Co beta-(monocyano,monoaquo)-p-cresolyl cobamide], which recently has been obtained from cyanide extractions of the same bacterium. The structures and chemical properties of both cobamides with uncoordinated nucleotides differed significantly from those of vitamin B12 [Co alpha-[alpha-(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazolyl)]-Co beta-cyanocobamide]. Sporomusa synthesized coenzymes of phenolyl cobamide and p-cresolyl cobamide in considerable amounts of 400 nmol/g and 1700 nmol/g dry cells, respectively. More than 90% of the complete corrinoid pool of the homoacetogenic bacterium consisted of these two corrinoids, indicating that they are physiologically important coenzymes of the bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

A. Martínez 《Amino acids》1995,9(3):285-292
Summary Recombinant human tyrosine hydroxylase isozyme 1 (hTH1) shows a time- and concentration-dependent loss of catalytic activity when incubated with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) after reconstitution with Fe(II). The inactivation follows pseudo-first order kinetics with a second order rate constant of 300 M–1 min–1 at pH 6.8 and 20°C and is partially reversed by hydroxylamine. The difference absorption spectrum of the DEP-modified vs native enzyme shows a peak at 244 nm, characteristic of mono-N-carbethoxy-histidine. Up to five histidine residues are modified per enzyme subunit by a five-fold excess of the reagent, and two of them are protected from inactivation by the active site inhibitor dopamine. However, derivatization of only one residue appears to be responsible for the inactivation. Thus, no inactivation by DEP was found when the apoenzyme was preincubated with this reagent prior to its reconstitution with Fe(II), modifying four histidine residues.Abbreviations BH4 (6R)-l-erythro-tetrahydrobiopterin - DEP diethylpyrocarbonate - DOPA 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine - hTH1 human tyrosine hydroxylase isoenzyme 1 - apo-hTH1 apoenzyme of hTH1 - Fe(II)-hTH1 holoenzyme (iron reconstituted) of hTH1 - dopamine-Fe(III)-hTH1 holoenzyme of hTH1 with dopamine bound - TH tyrosine hydroxylase  相似文献   

1. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (EC is inhibited by stoicheiometric concentrations of diethyl pyrocarbonate. The inhibition is due to the acylation of a single histidine residue/monomer (mol.wt. 36000). 2. Alcohol dehydrogenase is also inhibited by stoicheiometric amounts of 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate), owing to the modification of a single cysteine residue/monomer. 3. Native alcohol dehydrogenase binds two molecules of reduced coenzyme/molecule of enzyme (mol.wt. 144000). 4. Modification of a single histidine residue/monomer by treatment with diethyl pyrocarbonate prevents the binding of acetamide in the ternary complex, enzyme-NADH-acetamede, but does not prevent the binding of NADH to the enzyme. 5. Modification of a single cysteine residue/monomer does not prevent the binding of acetamide to the ternary complex. After the modification of two thiol groups/monomer by treatment with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate), the capacity of enzyme to bind coenzyme in the ternary complex was virtually abolished. 6. From the results presented in this paper we conclude that at least one histidine and one cysteine residue are closely associated in the substrate-binding site of alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Kipp BH  Kelley PM  Njus D 《Biochemistry》2001,40(13):3931-3937
Cytochrome b(561) mediates equilibration of the ascorbate/semidehydroascorbate redox couple across the membranes of secretory vesicles. The cytochrome is reduced by ascorbic acid and oxidized by semidehydroascorbate on either side of the membrane. Treatment with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) inhibits reduction of the cytochrome by ascorbate, but this activity can be restored by subsequent treatment with hydroxylamine, suggesting the involvement of an essential histidine residue. Moreover, DEPC inactivates cytochrome b(561) more rapidly at alkaline pH, consistent with modification of a histidine residue. DEPC does not affect the absorption spectrum of cytochrome b(561) nor does it change the midpoint reduction potential, confirming that histidine modification does not affect the heme. Ascorbate protects the cytochrome from inactivation by DEPC, indicating that the essential histidine is in the ascorbate-binding site. Further evidence for this is that DEPC treatment inhibits oxidation of the cytochrome by semidehydroascorbate but not by ferricyanide. This supports a reaction mechanism in which ascorbate loses a hydrogen atom by donating a proton to histidine and transferring an electron to the heme.  相似文献   

The distribution of human apolipoprotein A-IV was studied in sera from normolipidemic fasting subjects by high performance gel filtration on a Superose 12 HR column. The major part of apolipoprotein A-IV eluted in the range of the apolipoprotein A-I peak, and distributed mainly in the large-size high density lipoprotein subfractions. Only a small peak or a shoulder on the main fraction appeared in the elution volume of free apolipoprotein A-IV. To investigate the relation of apolipoprotein A-IV with high density lipoprotein particles, serum high density lipoproteins were precipitated by incubating human serum with anti-apolipoprotein A-I immunoglobulins. At optimal concentrations, inducing a precipitation of 90 to 95% of serum apolipoprotein A-I, about 70% of serum apolipoprotein A-IV was precipitated. It was concluded that, in fasting human serum, apolipoprotein A-IV was mainly associated with high density lipoprotein particles. This high degree of association to high density lipoproteins did not result from the known in vitro redistribution of apolipoprotein A-IV induced by lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity since it was observed in sera in the presence of inhibitors of this enzyme. The comparison of gel filtration profiles of total serum and of serum fractions separated by ultracentrifugation showed that the apolipoprotein A-IV-high density lipoprotein association was a weak one, easily dissociated by the ultracentrifugation process. The existence in fasting human serum of a predominant high density lipoprotein-associated form of apolipoprotein A-IV should stimulate more studies of the general function and metabolism of this protein.  相似文献   

Dichloromethane (DCM) is utilized by the strictly anaerobic, acetogenic mixed culture DM as a sole source of carbon and energy for growth. Growth with DCM was linear, and cell suspensions of the culture degraded DCM with a specific activity of 0.47 mkat/kg of protein. A mass balance of 2 mol of chloride and 0.42 mol of acetate per mol of DCM was observed. The dehalogenation reaction showed similar specific activities under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Radioactivity from [14C]DCM in cell suspensions was recovered largely as 14CO2 (58%), [14C]acetate (23%), and [14C]formate (11%), which subsequently disappeared. This suggested that formate is a major intermediate in the pathway from DCM to acetate. Efforts to isolate from culture DM a pure culture capable of anaerobic growth with DCM were unsuccessful, although overall acetogenesis and the partial reactions are thermodynamically favorable. We then isolated bacterial strains DMA, a strictly anaerobic, gram-positive, endospore-forming rod, and DMB, a strictly anaerobic, gram-negative, endospore-forming homoacetogen, from culture DM. Both strain DMB and Methanospirillum hungatei utilized formate as a source of carbon and energy. Coculture of strain DMA with either M. hungatei or strain DMB in solid medium with DCM as the sole added source of carbon and energy was observed. These data support a tentative scheme for the acetogenic fermentation of DCM involving interspecies formate transfer from strain DMA to the acetogenic bacterium DMB or to the methanogen M. hungatei.  相似文献   

The Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase is rapidly inactivated in the presence of diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP). The reaction is pseudo-first-order showing time- and concentration-dependent inactivation with a second-order rate constant of 385-420 M-1.min-1 at pH 6.9 and 25 degrees C. The difference spectrum of the native and modified enzyme has a maximum near 240 nm, characteristic of N-carbethoxyhistidine. No change in the absorbance of the inhibited ATPase at 278 nm or in the number of modifiable sulfhydryl groups is observed, indicating that the inhibition is not due to tyrosine or cysteine modification, and the inhibition is irreversible, ruling out serine residues. Furthermore, pretreatment of the ATPase with pyridoxal phosphate/NaBH4 under the conditions of the DEP treatment does not inhibit the ATPase and does not alter the DEP inhibition kinetics, indicating that the inactivation by DEP is not due to amino group modification. The pH dependence of the inactivation reaction indicates that the essential residue has a pKa near 7.5, and the activity lost as a result of H+-ATPase modification by DEP is partially recovered after hydroxylamine treatment at 4 degrees C. Taken together, these results strongly indicate that the inactivation of the H+-ATPase by DEP involves histidine modification. Analyses of the inhibition kinetics and the stoichiometry of modification indicate that among eight histidines modified per enzyme molecule, only one is essential for H+-ATPase activity. Finally, ADP protects against inactivation by DEP, indicating that the essential residue modified may be located at or near the nucleotide binding site.  相似文献   

(4S)-Limonene synthase, isolated from glandular trichome secretory cell preparations of Mentha x piperita (peppermint) leaves, catalyzes the metal ion-dependent cyclization of geranyl pyrophosphate, via 3S-linalyl pyrophosphate, to (-)-(4S)-limonene as the principal product. Treatment of this terpene cyclase with the histidine-directed reagent diethyl pyrocarbonate at a concentration of 0.25 mM resulted in 50% loss of enzyme activity, and this activity could be completely restored by treatment of the preparation with 5 mM hydroxylamine. Inhibition with diethyl pyrocarbonate was distinguished from inhibition with thiol-directed reagents by protection studies with histidine and cysteine carried out at varying pH. Inactivation of the cyclase by dye-sensitized photooxidation in the presence of rose bengal gave further indication of the presence of a readily modified histidine residue. Protection of the enzyme against inhibition with diethyl pyrocarbonate was afforded by the substrate geranyl pyrophosphate in the presence of Mn2+, and by the sulfonium ion analog of the linalyl carbocation intermediate of the reaction in the presence of inorganic pyrophosphate plus Mn2+, suggesting that an essential histidine residue is located at or near the active site. Similar studies on the inhibition of other monoterpene and sesquiterpene cyclases with diethyl pyrocarbonate suggest that a histidine residue (or residues) may play an important role in catalysis by this class of enzymes.  相似文献   

Signal transduction, regulatory processes and pharmaceutical responses are highly dependent upon ligand residence times. Gaining insight into how physical factors influence residence times (1/k(off)) should enhance our ability to manipulate biological interactions. We report experiments that yield structural insight into k(off) involving a series of eight 2,4-diaminopyrimidine inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase whose binding affinities vary by six orders of magnitude. NMR relaxation-dispersion experiments revealed a common set of residues near the binding site that undergo a concerted millisecond-timescale switching event to a previously unidentified conformation. The rate of switching from ground to excited conformations correlates exponentially with the binding affinity K(i) and k(off), suggesting that protein dynamics serves as a mechanical initiator of ligand dissociation within this series and potentially for other macromolecule-ligand systems. Although the forward rate of conformational exchange, k(conf,forward), is faster than k(off), the use of the ligand series allowed for connections to be drawn between kinetic events on different timescales.  相似文献   

Chloroperoxidase from Caldariomyces fumago is well documented as an extremely versatile catalyst, and studies are currently being conducted to delineate the fine structural features that allow the enzyme to possess chemical and physical similarities to the peroxidases, catalases, and P-450 cytochromes. Earlier investigations of ligand binding to the heme iron of chloroperoxidase, along with the presence of an invariant distal histidine residue in the active site of peroxidases and catalases, have led to the hypothesis that chloroperoxidase also possesses an essential histidine residue that may participate in catalysis. To address this in a more direct fashion, chemical modification studies were initiated with diethylpyrocarbonate. Incubation of chloroperoxidase with this reagent resulted in a time-dependent inactivation of enzyme. Kinetic analysis revealed that the inactivation was due to a simple bimolecular reaction. The rate of inactivation exhibited a pH dependence, indicating that modification of a titratable residue with a pKa value of 6.91 was responsible for inactivation; this data provided strong evidence for histidine derivatization by diethylpyrocarbonate. To further support these results, inactivation due to cysteine, tyrosine, or lysine modification was ruled out. The stoichiometry of histidine modification was estimated by the increase in absorption at 246 nm, and it was found that more than 1 histidine residue was derivatized when chloroperoxidase was inactivated with diethylpyrocarbonate. However, it was shown that the rates of modification and inactivation were not equivalent. This was interpreted to reflect that both essential and nonessential histidine residues were modified by diethylpyrocarbonate. Kinetic analysis indicated that modification of a single essential histidine residue was responsible for inactivation of the enzyme. Studies with [14C]diethylpyrocarbonate provided stoichiometric support that derivatization of a single histidine inactivated chloroperoxidase. Based on sequence homology with cytochrome c peroxidase, histidine 38 was identified as a likely candidate for the distal residue. Molecular modeling, based on secondary structure predictions, allows for the construction of an active site peptide, and implicates a number of other residues that may participate in catalysis.  相似文献   

Modification of glucose/xylose isomerase from Streptomyces sp. NCIM 2730 by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) or its photo-oxidation in presence of rose bengal or methylene blue caused rapid loss in its activity. The inactivation of the enzyme was accompanied by an increase in the absorbance at 240 nm and was reversed by hydroxylamine. Glucose and xylose but not Mg++ and Co++ afforded significant protection to the enzyme from inactivation by DEPC. Inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics and modification of a single histidine residue per mole of enzyme was indicated.  相似文献   

Methane formation from acetate in cell suspensions of Methanosarcina barkeri was inhibited by low concentrations (5 M) of propyl iodide. Inhibition was abolished by short exposure of the suspension to light which strongly indicates that a corrinoid enzyme is involved in methanogenesis from acetate. Propyl iodide (5M) had no effect on the exchange reaction between the carboxyl group of acetate and 14CO2, and on methane formation from methanol, from H2 and methanol, or from H2 and CO2. These findings indicate that the proposed corrinoid enzyme has a role in methyl group transfer to coenzyme M after C-C cleavage of acetate.Dedicated to Professor N. Pfennig on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Rabbit liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase exists in several subforms which have different isoelectric points. Incubation of the purified enzyme with chymotrypsin cleaves the enzyme at Trp14. The released amino-terminal 14-mer peptide was shown to exist in three forms of equal concentration. The peptides differ in structure only at the asparaginyl residue at position 5. In addition to asparagine at this position we found both aspartyl and isoaspartyl residues. The deamidation of Asn5 does not appear to occur during the purification of the enzyme. The in vitro rate of deamidation of Asn5 in the enzyme is more than 5-fold slower than the rate of deamidation of this residue in the free 14-mer peptide. The isoaspartyl residue at position 5 serves as a substrate for protein carboxyl methyltransferase both in the free 14-mer peptide and the native enzyme. The enzyme which has had the amino-terminal 14 residues removed by digestion with chymotrypsin still exists in several forms with different isoelectric points. Reaction of peptides from this enzyme with carboxyl methyltransferase suggests that there is at least one more asparaginyl residue in this enzyme other than Asn5 which has undergone deamidation with the formation of isoaspartyl bonds.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cell glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GA3PD) (EC. was completely inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), a fairly specific reagent for histidine residues in the pH range of 6.0-7.5. The rate of inactivation was dependent on pH and followed pseudo-first order reaction kinetics. The difference spectrum of the inactivated and native enzymes showed an increase in the absorption maximum at 242 nm, indicating the modification of histidine residues. Statistical analysis of the residual enzyme activity and the extent of modification indicated modification of one essential histidine residue to be responsible for loss of the catalytic activity of EAC cell GA3PD. DEPC inactivation was protected by substrates, D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD, indicating the presence of essential histidine residue at the substrate-binding region of the active site. Double inhibition studies also provide evidence for the presence of histidine residue at the active site.  相似文献   

Das A  Fu ZQ  Tempel W  Liu ZJ  Chang J  Chen L  Lee D  Zhou W  Xu H  Shaw N  Rose JP  Ljungdahl LG  Wang BC 《Proteins》2007,67(1):167-176
The strict anaerobic, thermophilic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica metabolizes C1 compounds for example CO(2)/H(2), CO, formate, and methanol into acetate via the Wood/Ljungdahl pathway. Some of the key steps in this pathway include the metabolism of the C1 compounds into the methyl group of methylenetetrahydrofolate (MTHF) and the transfer of the methyl group from MTHF to the methyl group of acetyl-CoA catalyzed by methyltransferase, corrinoid protein and CO dehydrogenase/acetyl CoA synthase. Recently, we reported the crystallization of a 25 kDa methanol-induced corrinoid protein from M. thermoacetica (Zhou et al., Acta Crystallogr F 2005; 61:537-540). In this study we analyzed the crystal structure of the 25 kDa protein and provide genetic and biochemical evidences supporting its role in the methanol metabolism of M. thermoacetia. The 25 kDa protein was encoded by orf1948 of contig 303 in the M. thermoacetica genome. It resembles similarity to MtaC the corrinoid protein of the methanol:CoM methyltransferase system of methane producing archaea. The latter enzyme system also contains two additional enzymes MtaA and MtaB. Homologs of MtaA and MtaB were found to be encoded by orf2632 of contig 303 and orf1949 of contig 309, respectively, in the M. thermoacetica genome. The orf1948 and orf1949 were co-transcribed from a single polycistronic operon. Metal analysis and spectroscopic data confirmed the presence of cobalt and the corrinoid in the purified 25 kDa protein. High resolution X-ray crystal structure of the purified 25 kDa protein revealed corrinoid as methylcobalamin with the imidazole of histidine as the alpha-axial ligand replacing benziimidazole, suggesting base-off configuration for the corrinoid. Methanol significantly activated the expression of the 25 kDa protein. Cyanide and nitrate inhibited methanol metabolism and suppressed the level of the 25 kDa protein. The results suggest a role of the 25 kDa protein in the methanol metabolism of M. thermoacetica.  相似文献   

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