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Summary Progeny analysis of androgenetic plants from inbred rape-seed (Brassica napus) shows that selective growth of microspores can occur in cultured anthers. The property of privileged growth in culture seems to be linked to such characters as flowering time and seed glucosinolate content which can be analyzed in regenerated plants. This type of selection and the fact that more variability is visible in regenerants from different microspores than in the progeny of the highly inbred anther donor line, demonstrates the higher degree of homozygosity in the doubled amphihaploids of B. napus. Furthermore, it is shown that haploid genomes of rape may be mutable. Thus it is possible to obtain several different homozygous lines from a single microspore. A system of haploid embryoids arising from single cells of the primary microspore regenerant has also been used to produce experimentally induced mutants. It is demonstrated that recessive mutations can be obtained in a homozygous state in doubled haploid regenerants from mutagenized haploid single cells.Part of the material analyzed in this work was produced under the guidance of Emrys Thomas when he was one of the project leaders of the Projektgruppen Haploide in der Pflanzenzüchtung at the Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzengenetik in Ladenburg. His untimely death at the age of 36 (May 23, 1981), which overtook him at his new place of work at Harpenden, prevented him seeing the completion of this paper. It is dedicated to the memory of this distinguished and restless researcher and highly-valued colleague  相似文献   

Genes that are expressed during leaf senescence in Brassica napus were identified by the isolation of representative cDNA clones. DNA sequence and deduced protein sequence from two senescence-related cDNAs, LSC94 and LSC222, representing genes that are expressed early in leaf senescence before any yellowing of the leaves is visible, showed similarities to genes for pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins: a PR-1a-like protein and a class IV chitinase, respectively. The LSC94 and LSC222 genes showed differential regulation with respect to each other; an increase in expression was detected at different times during development of healthy leaves. Expression of both genes was induced by salicylic acid treatment. These findings suggest that some PR genes, as well as being induced by pathogen infection, may have alternative functions during plant development, for example in the process of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

One rape (Brassica napus cv. Wesroona) plant and four cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. Sicot 3) plants were grown in plastic cells containing soil labelled with 407 kBq of33P g−1 soil. After 5–8 days of growth, the33P depletion zones of all plants were autoradiographed and33P uptake by plants was measured. The autoradiographs were scanned with a microdensitometer and the optical densities at several places within the33P depletion zones of roots were obtained. The volume of soil explored by root hairs was estimated from measurements of root diameters and lengths of roots and root hairs. About half of the total33P depleted by cotion roots came from outside the root hair cylinder whereas most of33P taken up by rape was from within the root hair cylinder. Plants grown in a macrostructured soil may have roots growing in voids, within aggregates or on the surfaces of aggregates. The results of this study demonstrate that root hairs have a strong influence on the accessibility of phosphorus to roots in such a soil, and thus on the phosphorus nutrition of plants.  相似文献   

A method is described for regenerating callus from mesophyll protoplasts of a winter variety of Brassica napus. The method combines the use of Ficoll in an initial liquid medium, enhancing early protoplast division and cell colony formation, with a transfer to an agarose system after 10 days culture to give rapid microcalli formation. Further transfers resulted in callus regeneration and the initiation of organogenesis.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, Sta 44-4, corresponding to a mRNA highly expressed in Brassica napus cv. Westar stamens, was isolated by differential screening and characterized. Northern blot and in situ analyses demonstrated that Sta 44-4 is synthesized in pollen beginning at the late uninucleate stage and reaches a maximum in trinucleate microspores. Sta 44-4 displayed significant sequence similarity to known pollen polygalacturonase genes. The B. napus pollen polygalacturonase gene was shown to be part of a small gene family and to display some polymorphism among different cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Vacuole-like structures were found in the nuclei of root tip cells ofBrassica napus. The cells containing the unusual nuclear inclusions were found to be adjacent to zones of degenerating cells. Such groups of cells occurred irregularly in the meristematic regions of the young root tips. The possibility that they represent changes which have occurred in old seeds is discussed.The vacuole-like structures seen in the cells adjacent to the degenerating zones were bounded by a membranous layer 12 nm thick. This is thicker than most cellular membranes. The vacuoles frequently contained inclusions and showed similarities to protein bodies reported elsewhere. The structures are thought to represent rearrangements of cell products which may have accumulated through an imbalance of metabolism in consequence of the imminent cell degeneration.  相似文献   

为了研究髓细胞组织增生蛋白(Myelocytomatosis protein,MYC2)基因与甘蓝型油菜抗虫性的关系,该研究从甘蓝型油菜恢复系R18中克隆获得BnMYC2基因的cDNA序列,并进行了基因表达及转化模式植物拟南芥的抗虫分析。生物信息学分析表明,BnMYC2基因gDNA不具有内含子结构,cDNA完整开放阅读框(ORF)为1 833 bp,编码610个氨基酸,推测BnMYC2基因位于甘蓝型油菜C6染色体上,具有bHLH型转录因子的保守结构域HLH。基因同源性分析结果表明,BnMYC2与拟南芥、甘蓝、萝卜的亲缘关系最近,氨基酸的相似度都在98%以上。组织特异性表达分析显示,BnMYC2在甘蓝型油菜的根、茎、叶、花、授粉后27 d的果荚和授粉后35 d的果荚中均有表达,且授粉后27 d的果荚中的表达水平最高。抗虫胁迫实验的结果显示,过表达BnMYC2拟南芥的抗虫基因VSP2的表达水平显著高于对照,推测甘蓝型油菜BnMYC2基因可能作为重要的调节因子参与虫害胁迫响应;MeJA诱导6 h后,VSP2基因在不同基因型拟南芥的表达量都明显增加,与诱导前相比差异显著,表明BnMYC2正向调...  相似文献   

A simulation model is presented which describes uptake of a growth limiting nutrient from soil by a growing root system. The root surface is supposed to behave like a zero-sink. Uptake of the nutrient is therefore determined by the rate of nutrient supply to the root surface by mass flow and diffusion. Inter-root competition and time dependent root density are accounted for by assigning to each root a finite cylindrical soil volume that delivers nutrients. The radius of these cylinders declines with increasing root density. Experiments with rape plants grown on quartz sand were used to evaluate the model. Simulated nitrogen uptake agreed well with observed uptake under nitrogen limiting conditions. In case no nitrogen limitation occurred nitrogen uptake was overestimated by the model, probably because the roots did not behave like a zero-sink any more.  相似文献   

Summary Isozyme analysis of Brassica napus cv Topas and CGRC5006 as well as of Sinapis alba cv Emergo revealed significant polymorphism between the two species for the isozymes, aconitate hydratase, glucose phosphate isomerase, and diaphorase. F1 hybrids between B. napus 5006 and S. alba cv Emergo were backcrossed to B. napus cv Topas, and the S1 progeny of the first two backcrosses were studied isozymically. At the backcross one level the frequency of S. alba or S. alba plus B. napus patterns observed ranged from 18% to 87% across the four lines studied. There were differences between lines for the frequency of S. alba patterns, which could have an impact on the efficiency of selection for subsequent backcrossing. By the backcross two generation in one of the two lines studied, GR86-24, the S. alba patterns for GPI and DIA had been lost, while in the other line, GR86-28, the S. alba pattern for ACO had been lost, resulting in lost opportunity for S. alba gene transfer. In a wide cross such as S. alba x B. napus, which requires an intensive effort to accomplish, the isozymes ACO, GPI, and DIA may serve as useful markers to ensure gene transfer between the two species has occurred. In addition, the identification of lines with divergent isozyme patterns from B. napus will provide the basis for establishing linkages between S. alba traits of interest and isozyme markers.  相似文献   

该研究采用茎秆抗折力指标评价了200份甘蓝型油菜种质资源抗茎倒伏能力,据此筛选出极端抗茎倒材料和不抗茎倒材料各1份,随后测定了2份材料成熟期茎秆的理化组分含量,并对2份极端抗茎倒差异材料蕾苔期、盛花期茎秆进行转录组测序分析,为甘蓝型油菜抗茎倒伏的遗传改良奠定基础。结果表明:(1)200份甘蓝型油菜种质资源的茎秆抗折力和茎粗均为正态分布,均属于数量遗传性状,并依据茎秆抗折力和农艺性状筛选出生育期相近,株型相似,茎秆粗度差异不显著,但茎秆抗折力差异显著的极端不抗茎倒材料GY172和抗茎倒材料GY199。(2)GY199的韧皮部比GY172更加致密,而GY172成熟期茎秆中的半纤维素、木质素、中性洗涤纤维及总可溶性糖含量均显著高于GY199,而其纤维素含量极显著低于GY199,即成熟期茎秆纤维素含量与这2个材料的茎秆抗折力呈正相关。(3)蕾苔期、盛花期茎秆转录组测序发现,碳代谢、碳固定、磷酸戊糖途径、氨基酸的生物合成、糖酵解/糖异生等途径的14个基因(BnaA10G0056100ZS、BnaC08G0455100ZS、BnaA08G0262400ZS、BnaC08G0239700ZS、BnaA07G0362300ZS、BnaC02G0081300ZS、BnaC04G0273000ZS等)以及纤维素合成相关的9个基因(BnaA05G0152200ZS、BnaA01G0411100ZS、BnaA03G0018900ZS、BnaA03G0037800ZS等)在抗茎倒材料GY199中显著上调表达,这些基因可能参与调控了茎秆强度性状,可作为油菜抗茎倒候选基因。  相似文献   

Two Brassica napus--Crambe abyssinica monosomic addition lines (2n=39, AACC plus a single chromosome from C. abyssinca) were obtained from the F2 progeny of the asymmetric somatic hybrid. The alien chromosome from C. abyssinca in the addition line was clearly distinguished by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Twenty-seven microspore-derived plants from the addition lines were obtained. Fourteen seedlings were determined to be diploid plants (2n=38) arising from spontaneous chromosome doubling, while 13 seedlings were confirmed as haploid plants. Doubled haploid plants produced after treatment with colchicine and two disomic chromosome addition lines (2n=40, AACC plus a single pair of homologous chromosomes from C. abyssinca) could again be identified by GISH analysis. The lines are potentially useful for molecular genetic analysis of novel C. abyssinica genes or alleles contributing to traits relevant for oilseed rape (B. napus) breeding.  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of temperature during the early stage of growth on frost resistance of winter rape seedlings under controlled conditions were performed. It was found that cold acclimation responses of plants were affected to a great extent by the conditions of the seedlings early growth. During this period, when the day temperatures were reduced to the range from +10 °C to +15 °C, a process termed “prehardening” was observed. During prehardening plants formed leaf rosettes. Their ability to develop frost resistance during acclimation at +2 °C also increased. Frost resistance of these plants was comparable with the resistance of plants growing in autumn under field conditions.  相似文献   

This paper reports the observation on the intersubgenomic heterosis for seed yield among hybrids between natural Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) and a new type of B. napus with introgressions of genomic components of Brassica rapa (ArAr). This B. napus was selected from the progeny of B. napus × B. rapa and (B. napus × B. rapa) × B. rapa based on extensive phenotypic and cytological observation. Among the 129 studied partial intersubgenomic hybrids, which were obtained by randomly crossing 13 lines of the new type of B. napus in F3 or BC1F3 to 27 cultivars of B. napus from different regions as tester lines, about 90% of combinations exceeded the yield of their respective tester lines, whereas about 75% and 25% of combinations surpassed two elite Chinese cultivars, respectively. This strong heterosis was further confirmed by reevaluating 2 out of the 129 combinations in a successive year and by surveying hybrids between 20 lines of the new type of B. napus in BC1F5 and its parental B. napus in two locations. Some DNA segments from B. rapa were identified with significant effects on seed yield and yield components of the new type of B. napus in BC1F5 and intersubgenomic hybrids in positive or negative direction. It seems that the genomic components introgressed from B. rapa contributed to improvement of seed yield of rapeseed.  相似文献   

Genetically transformed root clones of rapeseed (Brassica napus) were obtained afterin vitro infection of excised hypocotyl segments with a wild type strain ofAgrobacterium rhizogenes and two strains ofA. rhizogenes harbouring kanamycin resistance. The ability of hairy root formation was affected by light and was highly dependent on the location of the infection site at the hypocotyl. Inoculation of decapitated hypocotyls with an intact root system gave rise to direct shoot formation from the site of inoculation. Histological sections showed that several meristems were initiated at the inoculation site. Root and shoot clones were isolated and subcultured axenically in hormone-free liquid MS medium. Identification of transformed root and shoot clones was based on opine assays. Further selection was carried out in kanamycin-enriched medium.All opine-positive root clones showed NPT II (neomycin phosphotransferase) activity. Nearly half of the shoot clones expressed a strong NPT II activity while the rest gave a weak or no NPT II response.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of cell division in plant development, we isolated several plant genes which encode homologues of animal and yeast cell cycle regulators known as cyclins.Through the use of degenerate primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) we isolated a Brassica sequence which showed homology to the cyclin box functional domain found within cyclin proteins. Southern blot analysis indicated that Brassica napus has a large number of genes containing cyclin box-related sequences. This was further supported by the isolation of cyclin box sequences from six different genomic clones. In addition, we have isolated two different cyclin cDNA clones, BnCYC1 and BnCYC2, from a Brassica napus shoot apical cDNA library. Both of the cDNA clones contain a destruction box regulatory domain similar to animal mitotic cyclins.Northern blot analysis using BnCYC2 shows mRNA levels which correlate well with the level of cell division in various tissues. Messenger RNA abundance was highest in 1–3 mm leaves, root tips and shoot apices. The mRNA detected using BnCYC1 was restricted to young leaves and the shoot apex, suggesting divergent, organ-specific roles for cyclin family members. The results demonstrate that the plant cyclin gene family is more extensive than previously demonstrated and consists of genes expressed in all dividing tissues as well as a subset of developmentally specific members.  相似文献   

Characterization of a new myrosinase in Brassica napus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A full-length cDNA clone defining the new myrosinase gene family MC in Brassica napus was isolated and sequenced. Southern hybridization showed that the MC family probably consists of 3 or 4 genes in B. napus. MC genes are expressed in the developing seed, but not in the vegetative tissues investigated. In situ hybridizations to developing seeds showed that the MC genes are expressed in the myrosin cells of the embryo axis and the cotyledons. Complexes with myrosinase and myrosinase-binding protein (MBP) were purified and characterized. Sequencing of peptides from myrosinases occurring in the complexes showed that the 70 kDa myrosinase is encoded by the MC genes, whereas the 65 kDa myrosinase is encoded by the MB genes. This is in contrast to the 75 kDa myrosinase which occurs in free form and is encoded by the MA genes. Deglycosylations of the myrosinase complexes and the free myrosinase showed that the molecular sizes of the myrosinases could be reduced significantly by this treatment, and that the size differences between the different myrosinases are mainly due to differences in glycosylation.  相似文献   

该研究从甘蓝型油菜中克隆获得了二酰甘油酰基转移酶基因(DGAT),命名为BnDGAT1,并对该基因编码的氨基酸序列、蛋白结构域和系统进化树进行分析。结果表明:该基因编码的氨基酸序列包含二酰甘油酰基转移酶等多个功能结构域,并具有8个疏水跨膜结构区。系统进化分析表明,BnDGAT1与芥菜、拟南芥、旱金莲中DGAT1系统进化关系相对较近。利用定量PCR对BnDGAT1基因的RNA转录表达分析表明,在不同组织和角果的不同发育阶段,BnDGAT1基因的表达具有组织特异性,且在角果不同发育阶段,其RNA转录水平随着角果发育的成熟表达明显下调。  相似文献   

We have isolated a five-member gene subfamily which encodes cruciferin, a legumin-like 12S storage protein of Brassica napus L., and have analyzed the structure and expression of the family members in developing embryos. Sequence analysis has shown that the coding regions of all five genes are highly similar, with the two most divergent members of the family retaining 89% sequence identity. The analysis of this cruciferin gene family's expression indicates that the developmental pattern of expression of each gene is similar, and the steady-state mRNA levels of each gene are approximately equivalent to each other at all developmental stages.  相似文献   

The genetic control of adult-plant blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) resistance in a Brassica napus line (579NO48-109-DG-1589), designated R13 possessing Brassica juncea-like resistance (JR), was elucidated by the analysis of segregation ratios in F2 and F3 populations from a cross between R13 and the highly blackleg-susceptible B. napus cultivar Tower. The F2 segregration ratios were bimodal, demonstrating that blackleg resistance in R13 was controlled by major genes. Analysis of the segregation ratios for 13 F3 families indicated that blackleg resistance in these families was controlled by three nuclear genes, which exhibited a complex interaction. Randomly sampled plants of F3 progeny all had the normal diploid somatic chromosome number for B. napus. The similarities between the action of the three genes found in this study with those controlling blackleg resistance in B. juncea is discussed.  相似文献   

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