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We have characterized plk1 in mouse oocytes during meiotic maturation and after parthenogenetic activation until entry into the first mitotic division. Plk1 protein expression remains unchanged during maturation. However, two different isoforms can be identified by SDS-PAGE. A fast migrating form, present in the germinal vesicle, seems characteristic of interphase. A slower form appears as early as 30 min before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), is maximal at GVBD, and is maintained throughout meiotic maturation. This form gradually disappears after exit from meiosis. The slow form corresponds to a phosphorylation since it disappears after alkaline phosphatase treatment. Plk1 activation, therefore, takes place before GVBD and MAPK activation since plk1 kinase activity correlates with its slow migrating phosphorylated form. However, plk1 phosphorylation is inhibited after treatment with two specific p34(cdc2) inhibitors, roscovitine and butyrolactone, suggesting plk1 involvement in the MPF autoamplification loop. During meiosis plk1 undergoes a cellular redistribution consistent with its putative targets. At the germinal vesicle stage, plk1 is found diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm and enriched in the nucleus and during prometaphase is localized to the spindle poles. At anaphase it relocates to the equatorial plate and is restricted to the postmitotic bridge at telophase. After parthenogenetic activation, plk1 becomes dephosphorylated and its activity drops progressively. Upon entry into the first mitotic M-phase at nuclear envelope breakdown plk1 is phosphorylated and there is an increase in its kinase activity. At the two-cell stage, the fast migrating form with weak kinase activity is present. In this work we show that plk1 is present in mouse oocytes during meiotic maturation and the first mitotic division. The variation of plk1 activity and subcellular localization during this period suggest its implication in the organization and progression of M-phase.  相似文献   

Oocyte maturation is an important process required to achieve optimal oocyte quality, and later affects fertilization potential and subsequent embryo development. The maturation process includes synchronized nuclear and cytoplasmic remodeling, in which cytoskeletal and centrosome dynamics play an important role and significantly participate in cellular signaling. Centrosome remodeling within the maturing oocyte is essential for accurate meioisis I and II spindle formation, specifically to separate chromosomes accurately during the two successive, highly asymmetric meiotic cell divisions. Centrosomal abnormalities result in inaccurate microtubule organization and inaccurate chromosome alignment, with failures in chromosome segregation leading to aneuploidy and chromosomal abnormalities. The present review is focused on cytoskeletal and centrosome remodeling during oocyte maturation, with specific attention to γ-tubulin, pericentrin, the Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus (NuMA) protein, and microtubule organization. Species-specific differences will be discussed for rodent (mouse) and non-rodent (bovine, porcine) species, and for human oocytes.  相似文献   

Activity of Cdc2, the universal inducer of mitosis, is regulated by phosphorylation and binding to cyclin B. Comparative studies using oocytes from several amphibian species have shown that different mechanisms allow Cdc2 activation and entry into first meiotic division. In Xenopus, immature oocytes stockpile pre-M-phase promoting factor (MPF) composed of Cdc2-cyclin B complexes maintained inactive by Thr14 and Tyr15 phosphorylation of Cdc2. Activation of MPF relies on the conversion of pre-MPF into MPF by Cdc2 dephosphorylation, implying a positive feedback loop known as MPF auto-amplification. On the contrary, it has been proposed that pre-MPF is absent in immature oocyte and that MPF activation depends on cyclin synthesis in some fishes and other amphibians. We demonstrate here that MPF activation in the axolotl oocyte, an urodele amphibian, is achieved through mechanisms resembling partly those found in Xenopus oocyte. Pre-MPF is present in axolotl immature oocyte and is activated during meiotic maturation. However, monomeric Cdc2 is expressed in large excess over pre-MPF, and pre-MPF activation by Cdc2 dephosphorylation takes place progressively and not abruptly as in Xenopus oocyte. The intracellular compartmentalization as well as the low level of pre-MPF in axolotl oocyte could account for the differences in oocyte MPF activation in both species.  相似文献   

The Src family kinase (SFK) is important in normal cell cycle control. However, its role in meiotic maturation in mammalian has not been examined. We used confocal microscope immunofluorescence to examine the in vitro dynamics of the subcellular distribution of SFK during the mouse oocyte meiotic maturation and further evaluated the functions of SFK via biochemical analysis using a specific SFK pharmacological inhibitor, PP(2). Our results showed that nonphospho-SFK was absent in oocyte upon its release from follicle. Nonphospho-SFK appeared in cytoplasm 0.5 hr after the release of oocyte and translocated to germinal vesicle (GV) before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). After GVBD, nonphospho-SFK colocated with condensed chromosomes. In occyte at metaphase I (MI) and telophase I, nonphospho-SFK accumulated in the cortex and the cleavage furrow respectively besides its existence in cytoplasm in both stages. In oocyte at metaphase II (MII), nonphospho-SFK concentrated at the aligned chromosomes. In contrast, phospho-SFK was absent in oocyte until 1 hr after its release from the follicle. Phospho-SFK accumulated in the GV, the cortex, and cytoplasm immediately prior to GVBD. After GVBD, phospho-SFK evenly distributed in oocyte. In oocyte at MII, phospho-SFK localized throughout the cytoplasm and under the egg member. When the SFK activity was inhibited, the oocyte failed to initiate GVBD, could not go into MII, and could not extrude the first polar body. Our results demonstrated that SFK is required for meiotic maturation in mouse oocyte.  相似文献   

Changes in MPF and MAPK activities during meiotic maturation of goat oocytes were investigated. Detection of MPF activity occurred concomitantly with GVBD, increased at MI, decreased during anaphase-telophase I transition, and increased thereafter in MII oocytes. The appearance of MAPK activity was delayed compared to MPF activity. MAPK activity increased after GVBD and persisted during the MI-MII transition. Whether MAPK was implicated in goat oocyte meiotic competence was also investigated by using oocytes from different follicle size categories that arrest at specific stages of the maturation process (GV, GVBD, MI, and MII). Results indicate that the ability of goat oocytes to resume meiosis is not directly related to the presence of Erk2. The ability to phosphorylate MAPK is acquired by the oocyte during follicular growth after the ability to resume meiosis. GVBD-arrested oocytes exhibited a high level of MPF activity after 27 hr of culture. However, 28% of oocytes from this group contained inactive MAPK, and 72% exhibited high MAPK activity. In addition, 29% of GVBD-arrested oocytes contained a residual interphasic network without recruitment of microtubules around the condensed chromosomes; 71% of GVBD-arrested oocytes displayed recruitment of microtubules near the condensed chromosomes and contained asters of microtubules distributed throughout the cytoplasm. These results indicate that oocytes arrested at GVBD were not exactly at the same point in the meiotic cell cycle progression, and suggest that MAPK could be implicated in the regulation of microtubule organization. The data presented here suggest that in goat oocytes, MAPK is not implicated in the early events of meiosis resumption, but rather in post-GVBD events such as spindle formation and MII arrest. © 1996 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Meiosis produces haploid gametes by accurately reducing chromosome ploidy through one round of DNA replication and two subsequent rounds of chromosome segregation and cell division. The cell divisions of female meiosis are highly asymmetric and give rise to a large egg and two very small polar bodies that do not contribute to development. These asymmetric divisions are driven by meiotic spindles that are small relative to the size of the egg and have one pole juxtaposed against the cell cortex to promote polar body extrusion. An additional unique feature of female meiosis is that fertilization occurs before extrusion of the second polar body in nearly all animal species. Thus sperm-derived chromosomes are present in the egg during female meiosis. Here, we explore the idea that the asymmetry of female meiosis spatially separates the sperm from the meiotic spindle to prevent detrimental interactions between the spindle and the paternal chromosomes.  相似文献   

DNA damage has recently been shown to inhibit or delay germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in mouse oocytes, but once meiosis resumes, DNA-damaged oocytes are able to extrude the first polar body. In this study, using porcine oocytes, we showed that DNA damage did not affect GVBD, but inhibited the final stages of maturation, as indicated by failure of polar body emission. Unlike mitotic cells in which chromosome mis-segregation causes DNA double-strand breaks, meiotic mouse oocytes did not show increased DNA damage after disruption of chromosome attachment to spindle microtubules. Nocodazole-treated oocytes did not display increased DNA damage signals that were marked by γH2A.X signal strength, but reformed spindles and underwent maturation, although aneuploidy increased after extended nocodazole treatment. By using the mouse for parthenogenetic activation studies, we showed that early cleavage stage embryos derived from parthenogenetic activation of nocodazole-treated oocytes displayed normal activation rate and normal γH2A.X signal strength, indicating that no additional DNA damage occured. Our results suggest that DNA damage inhibits porcine oocyte maturation, while nocodazole-induced dissociation between chromosomes and microtubules does not lead to increased DNA damage either in mouse meiotic oocytes or in porcine oocytes.  相似文献   

MEK (MAPK kinase) is an upstream protein kinase of MAPK in the MOS/MEK/MAPK/p90rsk signaling pathway. We previously reported the function and regulation of MAPK during rat oocyte maturation. In this study, we further investigated the localization and possible roles of MEK1/2. First, immunofluorescent staining revealed that p-MEK1/2 was restricted to the germinal vesicle (GV). After germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), p-MEK1/2 condensed in the vicinity of chromosomes and then translocated to the spindle poles at metaphase I, while spindle microtubules stained faintly. When the oocyte went through anaphase I and telophase I, p-MEK1/2 disappeared from spindle poles and became associated with the midbody. By metaphase II, p-MEK1/2 was again localized to the spindle poles. Second, p-MEK1/2 was localized to the centers of cytoplasmic microtubule asters induced by taxol. Third, p-MEK1/2 co-localized with gamma-tubulin in microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs). Forth, treatment with U0126, a non-competitive MEK1/2 inhibitor, did not affect germinal vesicle breakdown, but caused chromosome mis-alignment in all MI oocytes examined and abnormal spindle organization as well as small cytoplasmic spindle-like structure formation in MII oocytes. Finally, U0126 reduced the number of cytoplasmic asters induced by taxol. Our data suggest that MEK1/2 has regulatory functions in microtubule assembly and spindle organization during rat oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Survivin is a novel member of the inhibitor of apoptosis gene family that bear baculoviral IAP repeats (BIRs), whose physiological roles in regulating meiotic cell cycle need to be determined. Confocal microscopy was employed to observe the localization of survivin in rat oocytes. At the germinal vesicle (GV) stage, survivin was mainly concentrated in the GV. At the prometaphase I (pro-MI) and metaphase I (MI) stage, survivin was mainly localized at the kinetochores, with a light staining detected on the chromosomes. After transition to anaphase I or telophase I stage, survivin migrated to the midbody, and signals on the kinetochores and chromosomes disappeared. At metaphase II (MII) stage, survivin became mainly localized at the kinetochores again. Microinjection of oocytes with anti-survivin antibodies at the beginning of the meiosis, thus blocking the normal function of survivin, resulted in abnormal spindle assembly, chromosome segregation and first polar body emission. These results suggest that survivin is involved in regulating the meiotic cell cycle in rat oocytes.  相似文献   

Assembly of the mitotic spindle is essential for proper chromosome segregation during mitosis. Maintenance of spindle poles requires precise regulation of kinesin- and dynein-generated forces, and improper regulation of these forces disrupts pole integrity leading to pole fragmentation. The formation and function of the mitotic spindle are regulated by many proteins, including Aurora A kinase and the motor proteins Kif2a and Eg5. Here, we characterize a surprising role for the RhoA GTPase-activating protein, p190RhoGAP, in regulating the mitotic spindle. We show that cells depleted of p190RhoGAP arrest for long periods in mitosis during which cells go through multiple transitions between having bipolar and multipolar spindles. Most of the p190RhoGAP-depleted cells finally achieve a stable bipolar attachment and proceed through anaphase. The multipolar spindle phenotype can be rescued by low doses of an Eg5 inhibitor. Moreover, we show that p190RhoGAP-depleted multipolar cells localize Aurora A to all the poles, but the kinase is only activated at the two centriolar poles. Overall, our data identify an unappreciated connection between p190RhoGAP and the proteins that control spindle poles including Aurora A kinase and Eg5 that is required to prevent or correct spindle pole fragmentation.  相似文献   

Baculoviral IAP repeat proteins (BIRPs) may affect cell death, cell division, and tumorigenesis. The C. elegans BIRP BIR-1 was localized to chromosomes and to the spindle midzone. Embryos and fertilized oocytes lacking BIR-1 had defects in chromosome behavior, spindle midzone formation, and cytokinesis. We observed indistinguishable defects in fertilized oocytes and embryos lacking the Aurora-like kinase AIR-2. AIR-2 was not present on chromosomes in the absence of BIR-1. Histone H3 phosphorylation and HCP-1 staining, which marks kinetochores, were reduced in the absence of either BIR-1 or AIR-2. We propose that BIR-1 localizes AIR-2 to chromosomes and perhaps to the spindle midzone, where AIR-2 phosphorylates proteins that affect chromosome behavior and spindle midzone organization. The human BIRP survivin, which is upregulated in tumors, could partially substitute for BIR-1 in C. elegans. Deregulation of bir-1 promotes changes in ploidy, suggesting that similar deregulation of mammalian BIRPs may contribute to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

We have characterized a serine/threonine protein kinase from Xenopus metaphase-II-blocked oocytes, which phosphorylates in vitro the microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2). The MAP2 kinase activity, undetectable in prophase oocytes, is activated during the progesterone-induced meiotic maturation (G2-M transition of the cell cycle). p-Nitrophenyl phosphate, a phosphatase inhibitor, is required to prevent spontaneous deactivation of the MAP2 kinase in crude preparations; conversely, the partially purified enzyme can be in vitro deactivated by the low-Mr polycation-stimulated (PCSL) phosphatase (also termed protein phosphatase 2A2), working as a phosphoserine/phosphothreonine-specific phosphatase and not as a phosphotyrosyl phosphatase indicating that phosphorylation of serine/threonine is necessary for its activity. S6 kinase, a protein kinase activated during oocyte maturation which phosphorylates in vitro ribosomal protein S6 and lamin C, can be deactivated in vitro by PCSL phosphatase. S6 kinase from prophase oocytes can also be activated in vitro in fractions known to contain all the factors necessary to convert pre-M-phase-promoting factor (pre-MPF) to MPF. Active MAP2 kinase can activate in vitro the inactive S6 kinase present in prophase oocytes or reactivate S6 kinase previously inactivated in vitro by PCSL phosphatase. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the MAP2 kinase is a link of the meiosis signalling pathway and is activated by a serine/threonine kinase. This will lead to the regulation of further steps in the cell cycle, such as microtubular reorganisation and S6 kinase activation.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis involves the concerted efforts of the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons as well as vesicle trafficking and membrane remodeling to form the cleavage furrow and complete daughter cell separation. The exact mechanisms that support membrane remodeling during cytokinesis remain largely undefined. In this study, we report that the large GTPase dynamin, a protein involved in membrane tubulation and vesiculation, is essential for successful cytokinesis. Using biochemical and morphological methods, we demonstrate that dynamin localizes to the spindle midzone and the subsequent intercellular bridge in mammalian cells and is also enriched in spindle midbody extracts. In Caenorhabditis elegans, dynamin localized to newly formed cleavage furrow membranes and accumulated at the midbody of dividing embryos in a manner similar to dynamin localization in mammalian cells. Further, dynamin function appears necessary for cytokinesis, as C. elegans embryos from a dyn-1 ts strain, as well as dynamin RNAi-treated embryos, showed a marked defect in the late stages of cytokinesis. These findings indicate that, during mitosis, conventional dynamin is recruited to the spindle midzone and the subsequent intercellular bridge, where it plays an essential role in the final separation of dividing cells.  相似文献   

The pattern of protein synthesis in oocytes of starfish Marthasterias glacialis changes during 1-methyladenine-induced meiotic maturation. One of the newly synthesized proteins, a major 54-kDa polypeptide, was synthesized continuously after activation but was destroyed abruptly just before appearance of the polar bodies at each meiotic division. This protein thus resembles the cyclin proteins identified in cleaving sea urchin and clam embryos. RNA extracted from oocytes before and after maturation encoded virtually identical polypeptides when translated in the reticulocyte lysate. However, there was poor correspondence between the in vitro translation products and the labelling pattern of intact cells. There was no exact in vitro counterpart to the in vivo-labelled cyclin. Instead, a major polypeptide of 52 kDa was seen which appears to be a precursor of the 54-kDa form of cyclin. The 52-kDa polypeptide was identified as cyclin by hybrid arrest of translation. Cyclin mRNA is ot translated to a significant extent before oocyte activation and is present in oocytes as nonadenylated form. It becomes polyadenylated when the oocytes mature. This behavior is also seen in the case of the mRNA for the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, another abundant maternal mRNA whose translation is activated at maturation.  相似文献   

Spindly was first identified in Drosophila; its homologues are termed SPDL-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans and Hs Spindly/hSpindly in humans. In all species, Spindly and its homologues function by recruiting dynein to kinetochores and silencing SAC in mitosis of somatic cells. Depletion of Spindly causes an extensive metaphase arrest during somatic mitoses in Drosophila, C. elegans and humans. In Drosophila, Spindly is required for shedding of Rod and Mad2 from the kinetochores in metaphase; in C. elegans, SPDL-1 presides over the recruitment of dynein and MDF-1 to the kinetochores; in humans, Hs Spindly is required for recruiting both dynein and dynactin to kinetochores but it is dispensable for removal of checkpoint proteins from kinetochores. The present study was designed to investigate the localization and function of the Spindly homologue (mSpindly) during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation by immunofluorescent analysis, and by overexpression and knockdown of mSpindly. We found that mSpindly was typically localized to kinetochores when chromatin condensed into chromosomes after GVBD. In metaphase of both first meiosis and second meiosis, mSpindly was localized not only to kinetochores but also to the spindle poles. Overexpression of mSpindly did not affect meiotic progression, but its depletion resulted in an arrest of the pro-MI/MI stage, failure of anaphase entry and subsequent polar body emission, and in abnormal spindle morphology and misaligned chromosomes. Our data suggest that mSpindly participates in SAC silencing and in spindle formation as a recruiter and/or a transporter of kinetochore proteins in mouse oocytes, but that it needs to cooperate with other factors to fulfill its function.  相似文献   

Oocytes secrete soluble factors that regulate the growth and differentiation of follicular cells, including maintenance of the distinctive cumulus cell phenotype. This study determines whether the mitogenic activity of oocytes is developmentally regulated and examines the responsiveness of follicular cells to oocytes at different stages of follicular development. Prepubertal SV129 mice of varying ages were primed with 5 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and oocytes/zygotes collected either 46 h post-eCG (immature oocytes), 12 h after administration of 5 IU human CG (hCG; ovulated ova), or 12 h post-hCG and mating (zygotes). Mural granulosa cells (MGC) from antral follicles and GC from preantral follicles were cultured +/- denuded oocytes (DO) for 18 h, followed by a 6-h pulse of [(3)H]thymidine as an indicator of cellular DNA synthesis. Coculturing MGC with meiotically maturing oocytes led to a dose-dependent increase in [(3)H]thymidine incorporation (20-fold above control levels at 0.5 DO/microl). However, [(3)H] counts remained unchanged from control levels when cultured with meiotically incompetent DO from 11- to 15-day-old mice (3% germinal vesicle breakdown; GVB), irrespective of dose of DO or developmental status of GC (MGC or preantral GC). In some treatments, spontaneous meiotic resumption of competent oocytes was prevented by culturing with 5 microM milrinone, a selective inhibitor of oocyte-specific cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. The mitogenic capacity of oocytes was found to decline during and after oocyte maturation. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation in MGC was highest (11-fold above controls) when cultured with meiotically inhibited (milrinone-treated) GV DO, stimulated 5.5-fold by culture with maturing oocytes, 3-fold with ovulated ova, and unstimulated by zygotes. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation in MGC was not altered by the dose of milrinone, either in the presence or absence of DO. Metaphase I marked the beginning of the decline in the capacity of oocytes to promote MGC DNA synthesis. These results demonstrate that the capacity of oocytes to promote proliferation of granulosa cells follows a developmental program, closely linked to oocyte meiotic status, increasing with the acquisition of meiotic competence and declining during and after oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The Ska (spindle and kinetochore-associated) complex is composed of three proteins: Ska1, Ska2 and Ska3. It is required for stabilizing kinetochore-microtubule (KT-MT) interactions and silencing spindle checkpoint during mitosis. However, its roles in meiosis remain unclear. The present study was designed to investigate the localization and function of the Ska complex during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Our results showed that the localization and function of Ska complex in mouse oocyte meiosis differ in part from those in mitosis. Injection of low dose exogenous Myc-Ska mRNA showed that, instead of localizing to the kinetochores (KTs) and mediating KT-MT interactions from pro-metaphase to mid-anaphase stages as in mitosis, the members of the Ska complex were only localized on spindle microtubules from the Pro-MI to MII stages in mouse oocyte meiosis. Time-lapse live imaging analysis showed that knockdown of any member of the Ska complex by Morpholino injection into mouse oocytes resulted in spindle movement defects and enlarged polar bodies. Depletion of the whole Ska complex disrupted the stability of the anaphase spindle and influenced the extrusion of the first polar body. Taken together, these results show that the Ska complex plays an important role in meiotic spindle migration and anaphase spindle stability during mouse oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Calcium and meiotic maturation of the mammalian oocyte   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of calcium in the regulation of both the meiotic and mitotic cell cycles has been the subject of considerable investigation in the nonmammalian field. In contrast, the mechanisms for signalling meiotic maturation in the mammalian oocyte are not as well documented nor as clearly defined. In the mammalian oocyte, calcium is associated with both spontaneous and hormone-induced meiotic maturation. A transient release of endogenously stored calcium precedes germinal vesicle breakdown and can override cyclic AMP maintained meiotic arrest; it thus may signal the resumption of meiosis. Additionally, extracellular calcium is apparently required for meiotic progression past metaphase I. The time sequence for meiotic resumption and progression is very varied between species. The timing of cell cycle protein synthesis during meiosis suggests that cyclins may be expressed in oocytes of some species much earlier in their development than in others. A generic model is proposed for the mechanism for triggering meiotic resumption in the mammalian oocyte. In this model, the critical components of meiotic resumption involve the temporal relationship of cyclin synthesis and the subsequent activation of the MPF complex by the calcium signal generated, which accounts for differences among species. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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