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Four hundred forty-eight blood plasma samples from free-living birds of prey from Berlin and the Brandenburg area in eastern Germany were tested for antibodies against Newcastle disease virus (NDV), falcon herpesvirus (FHV), owl herpesvirus (OHV), and Chlamydia psittaci. Antibodies to NDV were detected in 6 (2%) of 346 tested diurnal birds of prey, whereas none of the owls (n = 55) was positive. The positive samples originated from two common buzzards (Buteo buteo), three ospreys (Pandion haliactus) and one marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus). Titers varied between 1:8 and 1:32. Of 253 birds of prey one osprey (<1%) tested positive for antibodies to FHV with low titer of 1:6. This is the first detection of antibodies against FHV in an osprey. Furthermore, antibodies against OHV could be found in one tawny owl (Strix aluco) and one common buzzard (2 of 253, 1%) with low titers of 1:6. Of 422 birds of prey 267 (63%) tested positive for antibodies to Chlamydia psittaci with titers varying between 1:5 and 1:256 which reflects the ubiquitous occurrence of Chlamydia psittaci in these birds of prey.  相似文献   

Eighty-three free-living Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) from three different areas in Germany were examined for adult stages and the metacercaria of the trematode Strigea falconispalumbi. Prevalences of adult parasites in the small intestine was 36% (Berlin/Brandenburg), 28% (Lower Saxony) and 3% (Baden-Württemberg). Metacercaria in the connective tissue of the neck were found in 58%, 55%, and 10% of birds from the respective areas. Significant differences in the prevalence of S. falconispalumbi adults and metacercaria between the areas were attributed to the different abundance of freshwater which is the key habitat for two intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Organ samples from free-living raptors from the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg in eastern Germany were tested for Newcastle disease virus (NDV; n = 331) and Chlamydia psittaci (n = 39) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In 18 individuals NDV nucleic acids were detected. These samples originated from barn owls (Tyto alba; n = 15, 28%), tawny owl (Strix aluco; n = 1, 5%), common buzzard (Buteo buteo, n = 1, 1%), and European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus; n = 1, 4%). In 29 (74%) of 39 samples C. psittaci was detected. Chlamydia psittaci is common in free-living birds of prey in the investigated area.  相似文献   

Age-specific survival and breeding (ASSAB) models were developed with data from 146 common buzzards ( Buteo buteo ) radio-tagged in southern Britain during 1990–1998, in a 120-km2 study area that had on average 25 egg-laying pairs. Survival checks were aided by philopatric behaviour and a maximum annual tag failure rate of 7%: minimum survival rates, that were estimated by assuming death of buzzards with lost tags, were close to maximum rates that were estimated using only the recorded deaths. First-year survival rate estimates for 35 buzzards fitted in 1990–1991 with 25–30-g backpack radios were 69–74% (minimum-maximum), close to the 61–71% for 16 buzzards with 12-g tail-mount radios; the backpacks transmitted for 2–4 yr. Overall survival rates were 66–73% in the first year, 91–97% in the second and 88–91% thereafter. Survival estimates from 288 recent British ring recoveries were lower in the first and second years, at 55% and 75%, but similar (88%) thereafter. Most deaths were from natural causes (40%) or interaction with artefacts (36%). ASSAB models, from radio-tracking and the observed 1.71 young clutch−1, predicted breeding by 16–21% of all the buzzards present in spring, or up to 25% with the minimum likely productivity of 1.4 young clutch−1 or 12% net emigration. Ringing data predicted breeding rates of 33–38%. The models were tested with density data from nest surveys and new radio-corrected-transect and truncation-mark-resighting estimates of buzzard numbers. Surveys in autumn and late winter estimated breeding rates of 21–25%. The high non-breeder density in spring, of three other buzzards for each paired bird with eggs, has important implications for understanding evolutionary fitness, predation and population ecology.  相似文献   

We examined inter-specific interactions among goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), common buzzards (Buteo buteo) and honey buzzards (Pernis apivorus) in western Finland in 1983–1996. Because goshawks are among the largest birds of prey species in boreal forests they may take over the nest of smaller and less-competitive forest-dwelling raptors when searching for suitable places for breeding. Accordingly, more than half of newly established goshawk territories were found on the territories previously occupied by the common buzzard and the honey buzzard. Otherwise, territory sharing between these species was rare. Fledgling production of honey buzzards was not associated with the presence of goshawks, probably owing to the almost 2 months later onset of breeding. This probably decreases competitive interactions between these two species. An intensive interference competition, instead, seemed to be evident between common buzzards and goshawks, because the fledgling production of common buzzards was decreased by 20% as a result of failures during incubation and nestling period in the vicinity (<1 km) of occupied goshawk nests. Similarly, territory occupancy of common buzzards till the next breeding season was significantly reduced in the presence of goshawks. Relatively high proportions of occupied buzzard territories (17%) in the study area were shared by breeding goshawks on the same territory. This suggests that although their diets are dissimilar they inhabit similar habitats and might compete for the available prime nesting habitats within forest landscapes. In addition, goshawks benefit from taking over the complete nests of other raptors, imposing upon the original owners of the nest, because building a large stick nest is probably energetically costly. As a large raptor, the goshawk apparently has a competitive advantage over smaller ones, and may have an ever-increasing impact on smaller birds of prey, if there is a lack of sheltered forests inducing competition for the available nest sites.  相似文献   

Hematological, serum biochemistry, and urinalysis values were determined for nine (two females and seven males) adult, free-living European wildcats (Felis silvestris) in the Kocevje Forests of the southern Slovenia. Samples were collected from August 1999 to March 2001. Cats were anesthetized with ketamine and medetomidine. Blood samples were taken by jugular venipuncture and urine samples by bladder puncture. A control group of domestic cats (F. silvestris catus) was assembled to determine if differences exist among blood and urine values between free-living European wildcats and domestic cats. Hematological, biochemical, and urine parameters were similar to those of the control group. Values of glucose, blood urea nitrogen, albumin, mean corpuscular value, basophile count, and alanine aminotransferase were significantly higher than values of the control group. All urine samples contained white blood cells and proteins, and seven of them contained red blood cells.  相似文献   

The regional synchrony of short-term population fluctuations of small rodents and small game has usually been explained by varying impacts of generalist predators subsisting on both voles and small game (the "alternative prey hypothesis" APH). APH says that densities of predators increase as a response to increasing vole densities and then these predators shift their diet from the main prey to the alternative prey when the main prey decline and vice versa. We studied the diet composition of breeding common buzzards Buteo buteo during 1985-92 in western Finland. Microtus voles were the main prey and water voles, shrews, forest grouse, hares and small birds the most important alternative prey. Our data from the between-year variation in the diet composition of buzzards fulfilled the main predictions of APH. The yearly proportion of main prey (Microtus voles) in the diet was higher in years of high than low vole abundance. The proportion of grouse in the diet of buzzards was negatively related to the abundance of Microtus voles in the field and was nearly independent of grouse abundance in the field. In addition, buzzards mainly took grouse chicks and young hares which is consistent with the prediction of APH. Therefore, we conclude that buzzards are able to shift their diet in the way predicted by the APH and that buzzards, together with other generalist predators, may reduce the breeding success of small game in the decline phase of the vole cycle, and thus substantially contribute to the existence of short-term population cycles of small game.  相似文献   

Most forest ecosystems contain a diverse community of top‐level predators. How these predator species interact, and how their interactions influence their spatial distribution is still poorly understood. Here we studied interactions among top predators in a guild of diurnal forest raptors in order to test the hypothesis that predation among competing predators (intraguild predation) significantly affects the spatial distribution of predator species, causing subordinate species to nest farther away from the dominant ones. The study analyzed a guild in southwestern Europe comprising three raptor species. For 8 years we studied the spatial distribution of used nests, breeding phenology, intraguild predation, territory occupancy, and nest‐builder species and subsequent nest‐user species. The subordinate species (sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus) nested farther away from the dominant species (goshawk A. gentilis), which preyed on sparrowhawks but not on buzzards Buteo buteo, and closer to buzzards, with which sparrowhawks do not share many common prey. This presumably reflects an effort to seek protection from goshawks. This potential positive effect of buzzards on sparrowhawks may be reciprocal, because buzzards benefit from old sparrowhawk nests, which buzzards used as a base for their nests, and from used sparrowhawk nests, from which buzzards stole prey. Buzzards occasionally occupied old goshawk nests. These results support our initial hypothesis that interspecific interactions within the raptor guild influence the spatial distribution of predator species in forest ecosystems, with intraguild predation as a key driver. We discuss several mechanisms that may promote the coexistence of subordinate and dominant predators and the spatial assembly of this raptor guild: spatial refuges, different breeding phenology, spatial avoidance, low territory occupancy between neighboring nesting territories, nest concealment and protection, and diet segregation.  相似文献   

Oliver Krüger 《Ecography》2002,25(5):523-532
Nest site selection can have important fitness consequences in birds. I analysed the habitat characteristics of 392 nests of two sympatric raptor species (common buzzard Buteo buteo and goshawk Accipiter gentilis ) in Germany and their relation to nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success. For common buzzard, multivariate models explained only small proportions of the variance in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (13–19%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were human disturbances, intra- and interspecific neighbour density, the amount of forested area and nest tree crown cover. Variables related to nest site reproductive success also included human disturbance, intra- and interspecific neighbour density and nest tree crown cover as well as nest distance to the nearest forest edge. In contrast, models for the goshawk explained a much higher proportion of the variation in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (41–43%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were the remoteness of the nest site and direct human disturbance. Variables related to nest site reproductive success were remoteness of the nest site and good hunting habitat. Goshawks seem to be more sensitive to human disturbance than buzzards. A multiple discriminant analysis showed that nest site characteristics substantially overlapped between the species and there is a good evidence that competition for optimal nest sites occurs. Thus, buzzards might be constrained by the dominant goshawk in their nest site selection.  相似文献   

大鵟的食性改变:来自稳定性碳同位素的证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对大规模灭鼠后的海北高寒草甸生态系统大鵟、小型哺乳类以及雀形目鸟类肌肉稳定性碳同位素比值的测定发现,大篱的肌肉稳定性碳同位素比值介于-22.60‰和-23.10‰之间;小型哺乳类和主要雀形目鸟类肌肉稳定性碳同位素比值分别介于-25.57‰和-25.78‰以及-24.81‰和-22.51‰之间,且它们之间差异性显著。基于碳同位素的分馏模式(即动物和它食物之间稳定性碳同位素分馏在1‰~2‰之间),我们推断经大规模灭鼠后,大篱的食性发生了较大变化,其食物主要来源于高寒草甸的雀形目鸟类,而非原来的小型哺乳类。通过稳定性同位素营养级模型的运算发现,大蔫处在4.23左右的营养级;雀形目鸟类处在2.4到3.39左右的营养级,而小型哺乳类则处在1.45到1.82左右的营养级。进而采用稳定性同位素质量平衡模型计算得出,大篱的食物由35.04%的小型哺乳类和64.96%的雀形目鸟类所组成,进一步说明小型哺乳类在大量灭鼠后仅占大篱食物的很小一部分。由此可见,采取大规模的化学灭鼠,不仅降低了小型啮齿类天敌——大鵟的数量,而日使得其食谱发毕了巨大改变而转向草甸主要雀形目鸟类[动物学报49(6):764~768,2003]。  相似文献   

Bacteria in lake ecosystems can be classified asfree-living and attached.Aggregated bacteria are oftenlarger,present in higher local concentrations and aremore active on a per-cell basis than free-living bacteriain surrounding water[1].Higher specific exoenzyme ac-tivities have also been found with macroaggregates[2].Thus they may have an important role in carbon cyclingin aquatic ecosystems.Recently,new molecular techniques such as fluo-rescent in situ hybridization(FISH)with group-specific…  相似文献   

Behaviour of 26 young Common Buzzards Buteo buteo was studied by systematic radiotracking during July and August 1991. After hatching between 11 May and 18 June, the young buzzards fledged when they were 43–54 days old. Distances travelled from the nest increased abruptly after birds were 65 days old, when their flight feathers had completed growth: buzzards were located more than 500 m from the nest in only 2% of records within 65 days of hatching but in 26% of records when they were older. Before their 65th day, there was an increase with age in distance from the nest, time spent flying and time spent calling, especially for buzzards with continuous woodland around the nest. The increases in distance and areas covered were greatest for broods where parents were most often present, which was at nests with the most grass and arable farmland nearby. Between their 65th and 100th days, buzzards showed no increase in activity with age and called less, especially where there was extensive woodland, and travelled farthest from nests with least neighbouring grassland; broods with few young most often had parents nearby. Young buzzards associated strongly with each other between leaving the nest and completing feather growth, but some broods later became much less cohesive. Variation in activity was not linked to sex or to the presence of 30 g back-pack radio-tags compared with 12-g leg-mounted radio-tags.  相似文献   

In the present study characterisation has been done for six group I fowl adenoviruses (FAV) isolated from outbreaks of infectious hydropericardium (IHP) of chickens that occurred in different states/regions of India during the years 1994-98. These six viruses were identified as FAV serotype 4 by virus neutralisation and restriction endonuclease analyses. Antigenic analyses of the viruses revealed close relationship (R-values 0.93-0.96). Under the experimental conditions, we have been able to induce IHP using FAV serotype 4 isolate AD: 411 and were also able detect FAV antigens in myocardial tissues by immunofluorescence assay (a new observation), an indication that IHP causing FAV serotype 4 strain replicate in myocardial tissue. Restriction endonuclease analysis of the viral genomes (approximately 46 Kb), using Hind III, Sma I, Xba I, Bam HI, Pst I and Dra I produced identical genetic profiles. Pst I and Bam HI profiles for these six vitus isolates were identical to those published earlier for an IHP causing Pakistani FAV serotype 4 isolate KR31. The identical genetic profiles of viruses, chronology of the outbreaks of IHP in Pakistan during 1989 onward and later in Jammu and Kashmir, India (1994), suggest that FAV serotype 4 isolates involved in outbreaks of IHP in India had probably spread from Pakistan. In order to prevent further spread and economic losses due to IHP in India, based on the antigenic relatedness data in this paper, any one of the six studied FAV serotype 4 isolates can be used as a candidate for mass production of CEH culture based killed vaccine.  相似文献   

Twelve Tn5-induced mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum unable to grow chemoautotrophically with CO(2) and H(2) (Aut) were isolated. Five Aut mutants lacked hydrogen uptake activity (Hup). The other seven Aut mutants possessed wild-type levels of hydrogen uptake activity (Hup), both in free-living culture and symbiotically. Three of the Hup mutants lacked hydrogenase activity both in free-living culture and as nodule bacteroids. The other two mutants were Hup only in free-living culture. The latter two mutants appeared to be hypersensitive to repression by oxygen, since Hup activity could be derepressed under 0.4% O(2). All five Hup mutants expressed both ex planta and symbiotic nitrogenase activities. Two of the seven Aut Hup mutants expressed no free-living nitrogenase activity, but they did express it symbiotically. These two strains, plus one other Aut Hup mutant, had CO(2) fixation activities 20 to 32% of the wild-type level. The cosmid pSH22, which was shown previously to contain hydrogenase-related genes of B. japonicum, was conjugated into each Aut mutant. The Aut Hup mutants that were Hup both in free-living culture and symbiotically were complemented by the cosmid. None of the other mutants was complemented by pSH22. Individual subcloned fragments of pSH22 were used to complement two of the Hup mutants.  相似文献   

Zordan M  Deem SL  Sanchez CR 《Zoo biology》2012,31(2):181-188
We examined 1,092 skulls of captive and free-living individuals, representing 33 felid species, to determine the prevalence of focal palatine erosion (FPE). FPE was detected in 3.2% of cats evaluated, including cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and 14 other felid species. The prevalence of FPE between cheetah (9.4%; n = 64) and non-cheetah species (2.8%; n = 1,028) (χ(2) test; P = 0.004) and between captive (5.7%; n = 246) and free-living (2.4%; n = 824) individuals (χ(2) test; P = 0.010) were significantly different, with prevalence between captive (19%; n = 21) and free-living (2.9%; n = 34) cheetahs approaching significance (Fisher's exact test; P = 0.064). FPE was diagnosed with equal prevalence in skulls from individuals in which the lower molars did not meet the palatine bone (60.6%) and individuals in which it did (39.4%; n = 33) (χ(2) test; P = 0.139). In cheetahs with FPE, one was a captive animal in Germany, one a free-living cheetah from Mali, one captive cheetah from Kenya, and three captive cheetahs of unknown origin. Additionally, we evaluated the medical records of 49 captive cheetahs in Namibia. Of these cheetahs, 48 (98.0%) had clinical signs consistent with FPE, although only 16 of these 48 (39.6%) had perforation of the palatine bone. Based on physical examinations, FPE was diagnosed in two caracals (Caracal caracal) and one fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) from a North American Zoo. Results from this study confirm FPE in cheetahs outside of Namibia, in a minimum of 15 felid species, and a higher FPE prevalence in captive individuals than free-living ones. Clinical implications of these findings and recommendations for future studies are provided.  相似文献   

1. We studied the spatial distribution of avian microtine predators using data from 19 study areas on the tundra of northern Siberia.
2. Numbers of snowy owls, and long-tailed skuas and pomarine skuas depended strongly on lemming density. However, a significant relationship between lemming density and number of rough-legged buzzards appeared first after removal of the effect of snowy owl abundance on the distribution of rough-legged buzzards.
3. We applied a recently developed method (Manly 1995) to examine co-occurrences of species and found that rough-legged buzzards and snowy owls did not co-occur while snowy owls, long-tailed skuas and pomarine skuas did.
4. There are large differences in nest construction and chick behaviour between rough-legged buzzards and the three other species. Moreover, the snow owl is a polyphagous predator preying also on large birds including raptor chicks. Therefore, we propose that reduced risk of nest predation favours rough-legged buzzards nesting away from snowy owls.
5. Variations in abundance of the two lemming species did not seem to influence the distributions of snowy owls and rough-legged buzzards. Neither was it likely that latitudinally related factors such as breeding season length affected the distribution of rough-legged buzzards.  相似文献   

The screening of microbial natural products continues to represent an important route to the discovery of novel chemicals for development of new therapeutic agents. The aim of this work was to develop an efficient method for the detection of immunosuppressive compounds produced by soil actinomycetes. Mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, named FAV20, sensitive to FK506 was constructed by disrupting VMA22 gene using the selectable marker kanMX4 which allowed detection of integration events. Actinomycetes were isolated from different soil samples and in a newly developed test with S. cerevisiae FAV20, six strains have been identified that produce bioactive compounds with the same mechanism of action as FK506. S. cerevisiae FAV20 can be easily used as a test strain in drug screening programs based on inhibition of the calcineurin phosphatase dependent signaling pathway in the cell.  相似文献   

A changing climate induces shifts in the location of biomes. Tracing such a shift may pose problems for life history traits adapted to the prior conditions, so that, e.g. the timing of reproduction and the time with sufficient resources for rearing hatchlings do not match. We show that the timing of breeding of Finnish common buzzards Buteo buteo , has advanced with over ten days as a response to the warming of early spring, during 1979–2004. During the same period the isoclines of the onset of breeding have moved about 200 km to the north-east. However, the reproductive performance of the common buzzard has not increased as a response to these changes. Despite increasing temperatures during early spring, the temperatures of early summer have remained the same since the 1970s. Combined, the early onset of breeding and the unchanged temperatures of early summer have lead to decreased post-hatching temperatures. Under these circumstances, common buzzard offspring now face a higher risk to hatch into less favourable weather conditions than three decades ago. Furthermore, summer precipitation, harmful for nestlings, has been predicted to increase in the future, thus possibly further worsening the circumstances for breeding common buzzards. Our results demonstrate that even if common buzzards in Finland breed at the northern limit of the species' distribution, and could therefore be expected to gain advantage from a warming climate, the opposite is the case.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the (micro)biogeochemical features of two close geothermal sites (FAV1 and FAV2), both selected at the main exhalative area of Pantelleria Island, Italy. A previous biogeochemical survey revealed high CH4 consumption and the presence of a diverse community of methanotrophs at FAV2 site, whereas the close site FAV1 was apparently devoid of methanotrophs and recorded no CH4 consumption. Next‐Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques were applied to describe the bacterial and archaeal communities which have been linked to the physicochemical conditions and the geothermal sources of energy available at the two sites. Both sites are dominated by Bacteria and host a negligible component of ammonia‐oxidizing Archaea (phylum Thaumarchaeota). The FAV2 bacterial community is characterized by an extraordinary diversity of methanotrophs, with 40% of the sequences assigned to Methylocaldum, Methylobacter (Gammaproteobacteria) and Bejerickia (Alphaproteobacteria); conversely, a community of thermo‐acidophilic chemolithotrophs (Acidithiobacillus, Nitrosococcus) or putative chemolithotrophs (Ktedonobacter) dominates the FAV1 community, in the absence of methanotrophs. Since physical andchemical factors of FAV1, such as temperature and pH, cannot be considered limiting for methanotrophy, it is hypothesized that the main limiting factor for methanotrophs could be high NH4+ concentration. At the same time, abundant availability of NH4+ and other high energy electron donors and acceptors determined by the hydrothermal flux in this site create more energetically favourable conditions for chemolithotrophs that outcompete methanotrophs in non‐nitrogen‐limited soils.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a part of the HindIII-D fragment (3300 b.p.) of adenovirus KR95 DNA has been determined. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence disclosed a continuous ORF for hexon gene (2814 b.p.) coding the 937 residue protein, part of ORF for the C-terminal region of pVI polypeptide, including 114 residues and the beginning of ORF coding 25 N-terminal residues for viral endoproteinase. Comparison of predicted KR95 hexon sequence and 8 mammalian and avian adenovirus hexon sequences revealed the highest homology between KR95 strain and avian adenoviruses FAV10 and FAV1 (91.1 and 80.1%, respectively). The results were used for creating a test system on the basis of the polymerase chain reaction. The system was used in analysis of fowl samples obtained from 12 poultry farms in Russia. The sequences of hexon gene amplified fragments in the isolated strains and similar fragments of other mammalian and avian adenoviruses have been compared.  相似文献   

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