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Coral bleaching is a stress response of corals induced by a variety of factors, but these events have become more frequent and intense in response to recent climate‐change‐related temperature anomalies. We tested the hypothesis that coral reefs affected by bleaching events are currently heavily infested by boring sponges, which are playing a significant role in the destruction of their physical structure. Seventeen reefs that cover the entire distributional range of corals along the Mexican Pacific coast were studied between 2005/2006, and later between 2009/2010. Most of these coral reefs were previously impacted by bleaching events, which resulted in coral mortalities. Sponge abundance and species richness was used as an indicator of bioerosion, and coral cover was used to describe the present condition of coral reefs. Coral reefs are currently highly invaded (46% of the samples examined) by a very high diversity of boring sponges (20 species); being the coral reef framework the substrate most invaded (56%) followed by the rubbles (45%), and the living colonies (36%). The results also indicated that boring sponges are promoting the dislodgment of live colonies and large fragments from the framework. In summary, the eastern coral reefs affected by bleaching phenomena, mainly provoked by El Niño, present a high diversity and abundance of boring sponges, which are weakening the union of the colony with the reef framework and promoting their dislodgment. These phenomena will probably become even more intense and severe, as temperatures are projected to continue to rise under the scenarios for future climate change, which could place many eastern coral reefs beyond their survival threshold.  相似文献   

鱼类和大型底栖生物等礁栖生物是珊瑚礁生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落信息是全面评价珊瑚礁生态系统健康状况的必要基础数据.基于录像样带法,分析了2018年12月底海南省三亚市亚龙湾珊瑚礁区17个站位礁栖鱼类和大型底栖生物的群落结构、数量分布及相似性,揭示了其中的生态警示,并提出相应的监管建议,旨在保护和恢复亚龙湾的珊瑚礁....  相似文献   

Inshore marine seascapes support a diversity of interconnected habitats and are an important focus for biodiversity conservation. This study examines the importance of habitat attributes to fish assemblages across a mosaic of inshore habitats: coral reefs, rocky reefs, macroalgae beds and sand/rubble beds. Fishes and benthic habitats were surveyed at 34 sites around continental islands of the central Great Barrier Reef using baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS). Species richness was influenced foremost by habitat type and also by structural complexity within habitat types. The most speciose assemblages occurred in coral and rocky reef habitats with high structural complexity, provided by the presence of coral bommies/overhangs, boulders and rock crevices. Nonetheless, macroalgae and sand/rubble beds also supported unique species, and therefore contributed to the overall richness of fish assemblages in the seascape. Most trophic groups had positive associations with complexity, which was the most important predictor for abundance of piscivorous fishes and mobile planktivores. There was significant differentiation of fish assemblages among habitats, with the notable exception of coral and rocky reefs. Species assemblages overlapped substantially between coral and rocky reefs, which had 60% common species, despite coral cover being lower on rocky reefs. This suggests that, for many species, rocky and coral substrates can provide equivalent habitat structure, emphasizing the importance of complexity in providing habitat refuges, and highlighting the contribution of rocky reefs to habitat provision within tropical seascapes. The results of this study support an emerging recognition of the collective value of habitat mosaics in inshore marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Patterns of hard coral and sea urchin assemblage structure (species richness, diversity, and abundance) were studied in Kenyan coral reef lagoons which experienced different types of human resource use. Two protected reefs (Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks) were protected from fishing and coral collection, but exposed to heavy tourist use. One reef (Mombasa MNP) received protection from fishermen for one year and was exploited for fish and corals prior to protection and was defined as a transitional reef. Three reefs (Vipingo, Kanamai, and Diani) were unprotected and experienced heavy fishing and some coral collection. Protected and unprotected reefs were distinct in terms of their assemblage structure with the transitional reef grouping with unprotected reefs based on relative and absolute abundance of coral genera. Protected reefs had slightly higher (p<0.01) coral cover (23.6 ± 8.3 % ± S.D.) than unprotected reefs (16.7 ± 8.5), but the transitional reef had the highest coral cover (30.8 ± 6.4) which increased by 250% since measured in 1987: largely attributable to a large increase inPorites nigrescens cover. Protected reefs had higher coral species richness and diversity and a greater relative abundance ofAcropora, Montipora andGalaxea than unprotected reefs. The transitional reef had high species richness, but lower diversity due to the high dominance ofPorites. Sea urchins showed the opposite pattern with highest diversity in most unprotected reefs. Coral cover, species richness, and diversity were negatively associated with sea urchin abundance, but the relative abundance ofPorites increased with sea urchin abundance to the point wherePorites composed >90% of the coral cover at sites with the highest sea urchin abundance. Effects of coral overcollection was only likely for the genusAcropora (staghorn corals). A combination of direct and indirect effects of human resource use may reduce diversity, species richness, and abundance of corals while increasing the absolute abundance of sea urchins and the relative cover ofPorites.  相似文献   

Epibenthic macrofauna communities (corals, molluscs, echinoderms, and macroalgae) were investigated at Hikueru Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago. The very low diversity and abundance that we observed (1 coral genus, and 2 mollusc, 1 echinoderm, and 17 macroalgal species) is likely to be the result of a mass mortality event that occurred 18 months earlier. Hydrological surveys suggest that this high mortality was the result of a major dystrophic crisis. Other atoll lagoons in the Tuamotu Archipelago have also been affected by high mortalities in the past, but Hikueru appears to have been the most frequently and intensely affected. The present study confirms that mass mortalities associated with phytoplankton blooms may be one of the major disturbances affecting coral reef ecosystems. Accepted: 14 May 2000  相似文献   

Accumulative disturbances can erode a coral reef's resilience, often leading to replacement of scleractinian corals by macroalgae or other non-coral organisms. These degraded reef systems have been mostly described based on changes in the composition of the reef benthos, and there is little understanding of how such changes are influenced by, and in turn influence, other components of the reef ecosystem. This study investigated the spatial variation in benthic communities on fringing reefs around the inner Seychelles islands. Specifically, relationships between benthic composition and the underlying substrata, as well as the associated fish assemblages were assessed. High variability in benthic composition was found among reefs, with a gradient from high coral cover (up to 58%) and high structural complexity to high macroalgae cover (up to 95%) and low structural complexity at the extremes. This gradient was associated with declining species richness of fishes, reduced diversity of fish functional groups, and lower abundance of corallivorous fishes. There were no reciprocal increases in herbivorous fish abundances, and relationships with other fish functional groups and total fish abundance were weak. Reefs grouping at the extremes of complex coral habitats or low-complexity macroalgal habitats displayed markedly different fish communities, with only two species of benthic invertebrate feeding fishes in greater abundance in the macroalgal habitat. These results have negative implications for the continuation of many coral reef ecosystem processes and services if more reefs shift to extreme degraded conditions dominated by macroalgae.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of echinoderms and their relationships to the benthic structure of the coral reefs were assessed at 27 sites—with different levels of human disturbances—along the coast of the Mexican Central Pacific. Diadema mexicanum and Phataria unifascialis were the most abundant species. The spatial variation of the echinoderm assemblages showed that D. mexicanum, Eucidaris thouarsii, P. unifascialis, Centrostephanus coronatus, Toxopneustes roseus, Holothuria fuscocinerea, Cucumaria flamma, and Echinometra vanbrunti accounted for the dissimilarities among the sites. The spatial variation among the sites was mainly explained by the cover of the hard corals (Porites, Pocillopora, Pavona, Psammocora), different macroalgae species (turf, encrusting calcareous algae, articulated calcareous algae, fleshy macroalgae), sponges, bryozoans, rocky, coral rubble, sand, soft corals (hydrocorals and octocorals), Tubastrea coccinea coral, Balanus spp., and water depth. The coverage of Porites, Pavona, and Pocillopora corals, soft coral, rock, and Balanos shows a positive relationship with the sampling sites included within the natural protected area with low human disturbances. Contrary, fleshy macroalgae, sponges, and soft coral show a positive relationship with higher disturbance sites. The results presented here show the importance of protecting the structural heterogeneity of coral reef habitats because it is a significant factor for the distribution of echinoderm species and can contribute to the design of conservation programs for the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

The contribution of sponges to marine surveys is often underestimated due to problems of identification, synonymous species and limited numbers of specialists in the field. Bell & Barnes (2001) illustrated how sponge morphological diversity (diversity of body forms) might be used as a predictor of sponge species diversity and richness. This study investigated these relationships at six tropical West Indian Ocean localities in a number of habitat types. These habitats included tropical coral reefs, soft substratum (seagrass, mangrove and sand), caves and boulders. Sampling was undertaken at three depth zones in coral reef habitats only (intertidal, 10–15 m and 20–25 m), with the other habitats sampled in less than 10m of water. Species diversity and richness were significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with morphological diversity at all localities and depths in coral reef and soft substratum habitats. However, no significant correlation was found between these variables in cave or boulder habitats. The slope of the linear regression found between morphological diversity and species diversity did not significantly differ between coral reef, soft substratum and temperate reef (data taken from Bell & Barnes 2001) habitats. Similarly coral reefs showed the same relationship between morphological diversity and species richness as temperate reefs, however the relationship between morphological diversity and species richness was significantly different at both habitats compared with soft substratum environments. Sponge morphological diversity therefore may be more useful as a predictor of sponge species diversity, rather than species richness, as the former relationship is common between more habitats than the latter.  相似文献   

The Jaragua National Park is located in a remote area to the SW coast of the Dominican Republic. Fishing and mining are the major human activities. The main reef formations of the Park include: (a) long bank reefs (spur and groove) growing as bands over the platform and running in a SW-NW direction at 12-25 m depth, (b) well developed, deep, fringing reefs at the platform edge (drop-off) areas which could extend from 10 to 45 m depth, and (c) small patch reefs and poorly developed coral-octocoral-sponge-algal communities in shallow platforms near shore, rocky bottoms, and over the submerged walls of the uplifted reef. Nine reef localities were surveyed between Cabo Beata and Bahia Honda using Scuba diving to inventory the diversity and relative abundance of scleractinian corals, octocorals and sponges. Fringing reefs were surveyed starting at the bottom (30 m) and swimming in a zig-zag pattern (50 m on each side) to shallower areas. Bank reefs were surveyed by swimming in zig-zag across the spur-groove formation along 500 m. Sponges were the most diverse group with 83 species in 50 genera followed by the scleractinian corals with 56 species in 26 genera and the octocorals with 47 species in 15 genera. New records included eight coral species, 29 octocoral species and 59 sponges. The diversity, species composition and abundance of particular groups varied across the different localities. Northern reefs within the park and the Los Frailes Island offshore had the highest live cover, relative abundance and diversity for the three groups. In general, the Jaragua National Park had the highest diversity of corals, octocorals and sponges reported for the Dominican Republic and rank amongst the highest reported for the northern Caribbean. It is recommended that the area be protected and that fishing activities be regulated or eliminated altogether.  相似文献   

廖芝衡  余克服  王英辉 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6687-6695
随着全球范围珊瑚礁的退化,大型海藻在珊瑚礁区的覆盖度呈增多的趋势。大型海藻的大量生长,妨碍了珊瑚的生长、繁殖、恢复等过程。概括起来,大型海藻对珊瑚生长、繁殖及恢复过程所产生的不利影响主要包括:(1)大型海藻通过与珊瑚竞争空间和光照而影响珊瑚生长;(2)大型海藻与珊瑚直接接触时,通过摩擦作用及释放化感物质而影响珊瑚生长;(3)大型海藻的大量生长打破了珊瑚与海藻的竞争平衡,珊瑚为应对大型海藻的入侵而把用于生长和繁殖的能量转移到组织修复与防御上,进而造成珊瑚繁殖能量的减少;(4)大型海藻通过影响珊瑚幼虫的附着及附着后的存活率,而阻碍珊瑚群落的发展;(5)海藻还能通过富集沉积物、释放病原体及扰乱珊瑚共生微生物的生长等而间接影响珊瑚生长。明确的竞争机制有利于研究海藻与珊瑚的相互作用过程。在总结前人对海藻与珊瑚的竞争机制研究的基础上,把两者的竞争机制划分成物理机制、化学机制、微生物机制三大类,物理机制是研究得比较透彻的竞争机制,而化学机制与微生物机制则需要更深入的研究,是当前研究的热点。目前,我国对珊瑚礁中底栖海藻与珊瑚的相互作用研究甚少;鉴于此,对底栖海藻功能群的划分类型以及三大类型底栖海藻对珊瑚的作用特点做了简要介绍,并对珊瑚礁退化的现状和退化珊瑚礁区内海藻的表现做了概述。在此基础上,再综述国外关于大型海藻对珊瑚的影响研究进展,指出我国应该加强对南海珊瑚礁区大型海藻的种类分布及丰富度等的调查,评价大型海藻对南海珊瑚礁的影响现状;并结合生理学、分子生物学技术和生态学研究手段,在细胞与分子水平上探索海藻对珊瑚的影响机制,以期为珊瑚礁生态系统的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate if snorkeling had significant effects on coral community structure, three different coral reefs (Madrizquí, Pelona de Rabusquí and Crasquí) located at Archipelago Los Roques National Park, Venezuela, were surveyed. For each site, the coral community structure of two different areas, one subjected to intense snorkeling use (FB) and other not frequently used (PFB), were compared. Community structure was determined with 1 m2-quadrants and 20 m-long transects. These communities were described in terms of species richness, diversity (Shannon-Wiener) and evenness indexes, live and dead coral cover and cover of other organisms (sponges, octocorals and algae). Comparisons within sites were performed with a Kruskall-Wallis test. A total of 24 species of scleractinian corals were found. Live coral cover ranged from 29.9% +/- 26.43 (Crasquí) to 34.55% +/- 6.43 (Madrizquí), while dead coral cover ranged from 32.51% +/- 2.86 (Madrizquí) to 60.78% +/- 21.3 (Pelona de Rabusquí). The PFB areas showed higher live coral cover compared to FB areas; however, significant differences were only found in Crasquí and Pelona de Rabusquí (p < 0.05). Species richness, diversity and evenness were variable and no trends were observed between FB and PFB areas. The frequency of both damaged and diseased colonies were low (< 1%), most damages observed were natural (parrotfish predation). Damages caused by divers such as fin impacts, were not found at the reefs studied. These results suggest that, currently, diving pressure is not as high to cause massive loses of live coral cover in these reefs. However, the lack of strict controls for these activities might produce long-term changes in the structure of these coral communities.  相似文献   

Consequences of reef phase shifts on fish communities remain poorly understood. Studies on the causes, effects and consequences of phase shifts on reef fish communities have only been considered for coral-to-macroalgae shifts. Therefore, there is a large information gap regarding the consequences of novel phase shifts and how these kinds of phase shifts impact on fish assemblages. This study aimed to compare the fish assemblages on reefs under normal conditions (relatively high cover of corals) to those which have shifted to a dominance of the zoantharian Palythoa cf. variabilis on coral reefs in Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), Brazilian eastern coast. We examined eight reefs, where we estimated cover of corals and P. cf. variabilis and coral reef fish richness, abundance and body size. Fish richness differed significantly between normal reefs (48 species) and phase-shift reefs (38 species), a 20% reduction in species. However there was no difference in fish abundance between normal and phase shift reefs. One fish species, Chaetodon striatus, was significantly less abundant on normal reefs. The differences in fish assemblages between different reef phases was due to differences in trophic groups of fish; on normal reefs carnivorous fishes were more abundant, while on phase shift reefs mobile invertivores dominated.  相似文献   

With the continued and unprecedented decline of coral reefs worldwide, evaluating the factors that contribute to coral demise is of critical importance. As coral cover declines, macroalgae are becoming more common on tropical reefs. Interactions between these macroalgae and corals may alter the coral microbiome, which is thought to play an important role in colony health and survival. Together, such changes in benthic macroalgae and in the coral microbiome may result in a feedback mechanism that contributes to additional coral cover loss. To determine if macroalgae alter the coral microbiome, we conducted a field-based experiment in which the coral Porites astreoides was placed in competition with five species of macroalgae. Macroalgal contact increased variance in the coral-associated microbial community, and two algal species significantly altered microbial community composition. All macroalgae caused the disappearance of a γ-proteobacterium previously hypothesized to be an important mutualist of P. astreoides. Macroalgal contact also triggered: 1) increases or 2) decreases in microbial taxa already present in corals, 3) establishment of new taxa to the coral microbiome, and 4) vectoring and growth of microbial taxa from the macroalgae to the coral. Furthermore, macroalgal competition decreased coral growth rates by an average of 36.8%. Overall, this study found that competition between corals and certain species of macroalgae leads to an altered coral microbiome, providing a potential mechanism by which macroalgae-coral interactions reduce coral health and lead to coral loss on impacted reefs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial patterns of fish communities on a narrow fringing reef of Mauritius and identifies some controlling factors. Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed that the location in the reef ecosystem, the living coral coverage, and the proximity to a dredged area were the major factors controlling the distribution and abundance of fish species. Two distinct communities were observed across the fringing reef, representing a land-ocean gradient. The low diversity of fish species, and also of invertebrates such as corals, molluscs, and echinoderms is probably a consequence of the narrowness of the fringing reef and of anthropogenic impacts, notably the high pollution by nutrients.  相似文献   

Algal contact as a trigger for coral disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diseases are causing alarming declines in reef‐building coral species, the foundation blocks of coral reefs. The emergence of these diseases has occurred simultaneously with large increases in the abundance of benthic macroalgae. Here, we show that physical contact with the macroalga Halimeda opuntia can trigger a virulent disease known as white plague type II that has caused widespread mortality in most Caribbean coral species. Colonies of the dominant coral Montastraea faveolata exposed to algal transplants developed the disease whereas unexposed colonies did not. The bacterium Aurantimonas coralicida, causative agent of the disease, was present on H. opuntia sampled close to, and away from diseased corals, indicating that the alga serves as a reservoir for this pathogen. Our results suggest that the spread of macroalgae on coral reefs could account for the elevated incidence of coral diseases over past decades and that reduction of macroalgal abundance could help control coral epizootics.  相似文献   



Herbivory is an important top-down force on coral reefs that regulates macroalgal abundance, mediates competitive interactions between macroalgae and corals, and provides resilience following disturbances such as hurricanes and coral bleaching. However, reductions in herbivore diversity and abundance via disease or over-fishing may harm corals directly and may indirectly increase coral susceptibility to other disturbances.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In two experiments over two years, we enclosed equivalent densities and masses of either single-species or mixed-species of herbivorous fishes in replicate, 4 m2 cages at a depth of 17 m on a reef in the Florida Keys, USA to evaluate the effects of herbivore identity and species richness on colonization and development of macroalgal communities and the cascading effects of algae on coral growth. In Year 1, we used the redband parrotfish (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) and the ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus); in Year 2, we used the redband parrotfish and the princess parrotfish (Scarus taeniopterus). On new substrates, rapid grazing by ocean surgeonfish and princess parrotfish kept communities in an early successional stage dominated by short, filamentous algae and crustose coralline algae that did not suppress coral growth. In contrast, feeding by redband parrotfish allowed an accumulation of tall filaments and later successional macroalgae that suppressed coral growth. These patterns contrast with patterns from established communities not undergoing primary succession; on established substrates redband parrotfish significantly reduced upright macroalgal cover while ocean surgeonfish and princess parrotfish allowed significant increases in late successional macroalgae.


This study further highlights the importance of biodiversity in affecting ecosystem function in that different species of herbivorous fishes had very different impacts on reef communities depending on the developmental stage of the community. The species-specific effects of herbivorous fishes suggest that a species-rich herbivore fauna can be critical in providing the resilience that reefs need for recovery from common disturbances such as coral bleaching and storm damage.  相似文献   

This is the fourth and last contribution describing the individual structure, distribution and conservation status of coral reefs in the Province of Bocas del Toro. Here we describe 14 new reefs along 129 km of coast from Peninsula Valiente to Río Calovébora. Average live coral coverage for this region was 17.1% (+/- 3.6%), mainly in the western region of the peninsula (Bahia Bluefield and Ensenada Tobobe). Coral cover increases with depth (> 5 m) for most species at several reefs and the corals Porites furcata and Acropora palmata dominated shallow waters. Acropora palmata was found abundant in 43% of the studied reefs and toward the regions of the Ensenada Tobobe and Punta Valiente. Coral recruitment rates were similar in distribution to those reefs with greater coral coverage, with average densities of 4 recruit/m2 (maximum 9 recruits/m2) and mainly Agaricia spp., Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea. The greater diversity of corals and sponges was recorded toward the western side of the peninsula, with a total of 55 coral species in the study area, including two new records for Bocas del Toro (59 species in total), Dichocoenia stellaris and Madracis luciphila and increasing the diversity of corals of Panama to 65 species. We found 24 species of octocorals and Gorgonia mariae, Muriceopsis sulphurea and Muricea laxaoosens, are informed for the first time to the area, increasing in 10% the diversity for Bocas del Toro (32 in total). We recorded 48 sponges, including five new species for the area and representing an increase of 9% in the total number (58). Large populations of Acropora palmata were found in the Ensenada Tobobe, what justifies once again the need for modifying the existing protected area, so that this new region is incorporated within the conservation plans.  相似文献   

Benthic macroalgae can be abundant on present-day coral reefs, especially where rates of herbivory are low and/or dissolved nutrients are high. This study investigated the impact of macroalgal extracts on both coral-associated bacterial assemblages and sublethal stress response of corals. Crude extracts and live algal thalli from common Caribbean macroalgae were applied onto the surface of Montastraea faveolata and Porites astreoides corals on reefs in both Florida and Belize. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA gene amplicons was used to examine changes in the surface mucus layer (SML) bacteria in both coral species. Some of the extracts and live algae induced detectable shifts in coral-associated bacterial assemblages. However, one aqueous extract caused the bacterial assemblages to shift to an entirely new state (Lobophora variegata), whereas other organic extracts had little to no impact (e.g. Dictyota sp.). Macroalgal extracts more frequently induced sublethal stress responses in M. faveolata than in P. astreoides corals, suggesting that cellular integrity can be negatively impacted in selected corals when comparing co-occurring species. As modern reefs experience phase-shifts to a higher abundance of macroalgae with potent chemical defenses, these macroalgae are likely impacting the composition of microbial assemblages associated with corals and affecting overall reef health in unpredicted and unprecedented ways.  相似文献   

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