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The distribution and abundance of the nematode Camallanus oxycephalus infecting white bass, Morone chrysops, in western Lake Erie was studied for over 2 years. Infection was generally more frequent and of higher intensity in large fish. The frequency distributions of nematode abundance in all segments of the fish population followed the negative binomial distribution. The data show seasonal cycles in population structure, site selection, intensity of infection, maturation, and reproduction. Infection occurs during July and August with a resulting peak in population density; during late summer and autumn, mortality, probably density-dependent, reduces the population by 30 to 60%; surviving worms are eliminated at 1 year of age. Growth and development of female worms is arrested from November to April, then proceeds at a rapid rate until the worms release their larvae and die. This growth pattern is probably related to temperature but may also involve host hormone cycles. The dispersal period of the nematode coincides with the annual maximum density of the intermediate host, a cyclopoid copepod,and is interpreted as an adaptation which increases the probability of successful transmission. Because the number of larvae produced by each female worm is a function of body volume, natural selection has favored rapid spring growth and attainment of large body size relative to the male worm. Both seasonal timing in the life cycle and the number of larvae produced are important factors in determining the abundance of this and perhaps other parasites. Evidence is presented suggesting that fluctuations of environmental parameters may disrupt the timing of transmission and alter the distribution and abundance of the parasite. It is hypothesized that the magnitude of such changes in parasite abundance may be related to the complexity of the host-parasite system.  相似文献   

Due to unfavourable conditions (declines in salinity and water oxygen content) in the spawning areas, there has been a considerable decrease in the Baltic cod stock since the beginning of the 1980s, and consequently a decrease in catches. In order to examine the feasibility of introducing yolk-sac larvae in areas of low salinity to improve the stock, laboratory experiments were performed on the effects of salinity on the survival, level of activity and feeding ability of larvae. Yolk-sac larvae from spawning cod caught off northern Gotland, Sweden, were exposed to four different salinities: 10 and 15%○ (salinities of the main spawning areas); and 5 and 7%○ (salinities in the Bothnian Sea and the Baltic proper respectively).
The survival of yolk-sac larvae was high at all salinities, even though there was an indication of higher mortality at low salinities in less viable larval groups. No differences were found in swimming speed or feeding ability at the four salinities, but a significant difference in vertical distribution was recorded. There were significant differences in survival, vertical distribution and feeding ability among larval groups, which indicates that larval quality or viability is of greater importance for larval survival than salinity, in the range of 5–15%○.  相似文献   

Camallanus ancylodirus Ward and Magath 1916 is redescribed, based on examination of syntypes. This species differs from C. oxycephalus Ward and Magath 1916, the only other camallanid described from freshwater fishes of North America, in the size of male worms, number and arrangement of caudal papillae in males, shape of the male caudal end, position of the vulva, and length and shape of the female tail. The host range of C. ancylodirus is not clear from literature reports because the species may have been confused with C. oxycephalus.  相似文献   

Two improved bioassays were developed to establish infectivity baselines for selection experiments using mermithid nematode variants. Comparative infectivity of Romanomermis iyengari, Romanomermis culicivorax and Strelkovimermis spiculatus using larvae of three mosquito spp. Aedes sierrensis, Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens were evaluated with “plate” and “tray” bioassays at selected intensity of infections. Using the “plate” bioassay, single mosquito larvae were immersed in 2 ml of water within individual depressions of 12-well, polystyrene tissue culture plates. One, three, or five preparasitic juveniles (J2) were added to each well. In the “tray” bioassay, polyethylene trays containing 500 ml water and 100 mosquito larvae were exposed to 500 (5:1, nematode:insect host) or 1000 (10:1) J2s. Percentage infection (PINF, infectivity) and intensity of infection (IINF, #nematodes per infected larvae) number were determined only after emergence of post-parasitic J3 juveniles. Under the bioassay conditions, all three species of nematodes resulted in infections in all mosquito hosts, but R. iyengari exhibited better effectiveness in the parasitism of mosquito larvae. The three species of mosquitoes presented high levels of susceptibility to each of the three species of nematodes, but in general Cx. pipiens and Ae. sierrensis were slightly more susceptible than Ae. aegypti. The “plate” bioassay was more efficient in measurement of infectivity of the mermithid species and in establishing baseline characteristics for these mosquito-parasitic nematodes. The “tray” bioassay was an effective bioassay for large cohorts of both infective juveniles and host larvae and, potential for field interactions.  相似文献   

Vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), larvae reared in net enclosures anchored in the littoral zone of Lake Ylä-Enonvesi, eastern Finland, were observed for a period of 44 days in order to determine the effects of density on mortality, growth and feeding of the larvae. The ratio of newly-hatched fish to their food was regulated by controlling the number of fish stocked into the enclosures. Prey animals were expected to move freely in and out of the enclosures. The effect of nylon mesh (500 μm) on the penetration of zooplankters into the enclosures was negligible. The influence of possible starvation was determined by analysing the growth of the larvae, their Fulton condition factor, the instantaneous amount of food ingested, and the food composition in their guts. All these indicators were inversely correlated with larval density. Vendace larvae were found to be resistant to mortality from direct starvation. At all densities the survival rate was over 60%. At the time of complete yolk absorption, there was no increase in mortality.  相似文献   

The growth and activity of introduced (S. lividans TK24 pIJ673 and S.lividans TK23) and indigenous (S.griseus CAG17) streptomycete strains in soil was studied, under controlled conditions. The effect of environmental parameters such as temperature, soil water content and nutrient availability on the growth and activity of these strains, was studied using a highly dynamic fed-batch soil microcosm system. Using this new system, repeated cycles of active streptomycete growth were achieved, allowing long-term investigation of metabolic activity, plasmid stability and conjugative plasmid transfer. In long-term experiments, respiration rates and enzyme activity patterns matched the pattern of germination/sporulation cycles of the inoculants. In situ hybridisation, using fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides, also proved the presence of metabolically active streptomycete mycelia in sterile soil. Plasmid stability under varying temperatures and selective pressure was studied using the above system. In both sterile and non sterile amended antibiotic containing soil, no intraspecific transfer of plasmid pIJ673 from S.lividans TK24 to S.griseus CAG17 was detected. The soil microcosm system used, though, permitted detection of intraspecific conjugative transfer of this plasmid from S.lividans TK24 to S.lividans TK23 in soil.  相似文献   

蜂王幼虫与工蜂幼虫发育期食物消耗量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica雌性幼虫为试验材料,用鲜王浆、葡萄糖、果糖和酵母抽提物分别配制不同日龄的蜂王幼虫食物和工蜂幼虫食物,采用室内人工饲养蜜蜂幼虫技术饲养12h以内的蜂王幼虫和工蜂幼虫,直到幼虫出现排便和吐丝行为,记录幼虫生长发育期间消耗的总食物量。结果表明:1只蜂王幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗196.8mg蜂王幼虫食物,而1只工蜂幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗139.4mg工蜂幼虫食物。  相似文献   

Episodic increases in temperature of 5°C above 20° C, over 48 h or declines in pH of 1·0 unit from pH 7·0 reduced survival of yolk-sac and feeding-stage larvae of American shad Alosa sapidissima . Over 16 days all measures of survival, growth, and production were more favourable at each higher temperature in the 15–25° C range. More favourable responses were also obtained at the higher prey level (500 v . 50 Artemia nauplii l-1) and at the higher pH (7·5 v . 6·5). Combinations of high temperature and high prey levels, at pH 7·5, led to highest larval production. Little growth or production occurred at 15° C, regardless of pH or prey level. The effect of pH was strong with respect to survival, but weak with respect to growth. In attempts to restore American shad populations by larval stocking, release times and sites can be critical to optimize survival and eventual returns. Releases of larvae potentially will be most effective when made at temperatures >20° C, pH>7·0, and prey levels >50 1-1. These conditions are most likely to occur in Maryland tributaries of Chesapeake Bay between mid-May and early June.  相似文献   

黄粉甲幼虫抗菌物质的诱导及其抗菌活性   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
采用饥饿法、紫外线照射法和针刺法处理黄粉甲Tenebriomolitor 6龄幼虫后均能诱导其 产生抗菌物质,收集的血淋巴上清液对真菌有抑制作用,对细菌无抑制作用;经热处理后的血 淋巴上清液则对细菌有抑制作用,而对真菌无抑制作用。SDS-PAGE检测结果发现,与未诱导的 对照相比经诱导的黄粉甲幼虫血淋巴中,原有的一类大分子蛋白质如分子量分别为97kD、44 kD和37 kD左右的蛋白质缺失;而ESI-MS分析结果显示诱导后比诱导前黄粉甲幼虫血淋巴中有 小分子物质产生,推测可能是此类缺失蛋白质分解为小分子量的抗菌肽,从而表现出抗菌活性 。  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies suggest that phototaxis in sponge larvae is generated by the bending of a tuft of long posterior cilia (LPC). The photoresponsiveness of these cilia is often assayed by examining their reaction to sudden changes in light intensity. Here, we document and describe the larvae of the tropical marine sponges Neopetrosia proxima and Xestospongia bocatorensis and examine the phototactic behavior of their larvae. Both species brood ovoid, tufted parenchymella larvae, clearly countering an earlier hypothesis that all petrosid sponges are oviparous. Larvae of N. proxima were positively phototactic and settled after 2 d, while larvae of X. bocatorensis were negatively phototactic and settled in as little as 4 h. In both species, LPC quickly responded to changes in the light intensity. When the light intensity is reduced, the larvae of N. proxima fold the cilia inwards immediately without beating, then flare them outwards, beating for a few seconds, and then gradually return to the neutral position while continuing to beat. In contrast, the larvae of X. bocatorensis flare the cilia outwards when the light intensity is reduced and fold them inwards when the light intensity is increased. Comparisons with reported ciliary responses to light for other species demonstrate that these responses do not show the hypothesized one-to-one correspondence with phototactic behaviors and are, therefore, of limited use in explaining the mechanisms that coordinate larval swimming.  相似文献   

The effect of turbulence, light level, and ontogeny on herring larva's attack rate and swimming activity was tested in a previous study. However, during larval seasons (spring and autumn), water clarity is frequently impaired by alga blooms, which also most probably will affect larva feeding rate. Therefore, this study was to investigate the effects of turbidity, turbulence, and ontogeny on the attack rate and swimming activity of herring larvae. By adding diatomaceous earth (DE) to the water, three turbidity levels were established: 0, 35, and 80 Jackson Turbidity Unit [JTU; which coincide with a beam attenuation (c) of 0.1, 2.5, and 4.8 m−1, respectively]. An unfavourable (8×10−6 W/kg) and a favourable turbulence level (1×10−6 W/kg) were chosen based on results from the earlier study. The results show that intermediate turbidity (35 JTU) has a positive effect on the attack rate of smaller larvae (20 mm), while high turbidity (80 JTU) has a negative effect on attack rate of all tested larvae size groups. In general, attack rate was lower at the highest turbulence compared to the low level, independent of turbidity level. However, there was one exception, when turbidity was at the highest, the largest larvae (29 mm) seemed to gain from feeding in the highest turbulence level. The overall activity level was higher in the presented study than in the earlier study without turbidity. The favourable turbidity level (35 JTU) coincides with turbidity levels normally found at the equivalent depth during spring and autumn blooms in the area of where the experimental larvae originate. In addition, turbidity's effect on light absorbtion and how it influences the maximum feeding depth of the larva are discussed.  相似文献   

延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了解史氏鲟仔鱼阶段的开口摄食习性,为史氏鲟的人工育苗提供基础资料,研究了延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响。结果表明:仔鱼6日龄开口,7日龄史氏鲟仔鱼初次摄食,10日龄卵黄基本吸收完毕,16~17日龄,不能建立外源性营养的仔鱼进入饥饿的不可逆点(PNR)期,故其PNR是16日龄;史氏鲟仔鱼存活率随延迟投饵天数的增加而降低,6日龄后,延迟投饵时间在7d内,仔鱼存活率可达60%以上,延迟投饵时间在8~10d内,仔鱼的成活率下降至40%左右,延迟投饵时间为11d,存活率下降至10%,延迟投饵时间为12d及以后,存活率为0;史氏鲟仔鱼全长和体质量在延迟投饵4d内均增加;延迟投饵超过4d则均下降。延迟投喂时间在8d以内,仔鱼全长和体质量与对照组无显著性差异;延迟投喂超过9d,全长和体质量低于对照组;史氏鲟仔鱼适宜投饵的时间是孵出后9~10d。  相似文献   

The estimation of growth rates in young herring larvae (Clupea harengus) in the field can be difficult because the primary increments in the otoliths may not be discernible or formed at a daily level. Likewise, the estimation of mortality rates of fish larvae in the field is very difficult to achieve, especially in a rigorous quantitative manner. In this study, the authors suggest the use of a stage-based proxy of feeding success, growth and potential survival or mortality risk of field-caught larvae. The stage-based proxy is derived based on observations from previous laboratory studies where larvae successfully completing start-feeding on external food sources will advance through the early development stages, whereas those that do not (unsuccessful larvae) remain and accumulate in the development stage preceding first feeding. The relative occurrence of larvae in the early development stages is therefore expected to reflect feeding conditions of the larvae, with higher ratios of unsuccessful larvae indicative of poor feeding success and higher mortality risk. Using field data on Norwegian spring spawning herring, the authors document that the relative occurrence of larvae in the late non-feeding stage is significantly higher at lower average zooplankton concentrations, in line with the predictions of the authors that this novel approach of using a stage-based proxy could be a useful indication of feeding success, growth and mortality in the field. Further, there was a significant interaction effect with ambient temperature, with the ratio being higher at low zooplankton concentrations at higher temperatures. This study also suggests that these findings are not population specific as the same accumulation of non-feeding larvae in the late non-feeding stage was observed in laboratory-reared larvae of both autumn and spring spawning herring populations.  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graphs of the nymphal stage of Bemisia argentifolii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electrical penetration graph (EPG, DC system) waveforms were recorded from first, second, and third instar Bemisia argentifolii nymphs. Waveforms recorded were similar among the three instars. Four waveforms were recorded and were named C, J, L, and H. Waveform J is new, whereas waveforms C, L, and H of B. argentifolii nymphs were similar to those published previously from greenhouse whitefly nymphs. As in the previous study on greenhouse whitefly nymphs, there was variation in each of waveforms C, L, and H. Waveform C was recorded at an extracellular voltage level, and represents a pathway phase where the stylets penetrate the plant tissue in an intercellular pathway. At the end of waveform C, the voltage dropped to an intracellular level, indicating penetration of a living cell, and the stylet tips then remained in that cell for the rest of the EPG recording, which was sometimes as long as 16 h. Three waveforms (J, L, and H) were recorded during this intracellular phase, beginning with J, a brief (average = 31 s), low amplitude, irregular waveform. J appeared only at the beginning of the intracellular phase, and was followed by either L (five out of eight times) or H (three out of eight times). Waveforms L and H then alternated with one another for the remainder of the intracellular phase. The most conspicuous difference between L and H was the frequency of their voltage fluctuations; L had a lower frequency and H a higher frequency. Usually the shape of waveform L was dominated by voltage peaks in a positive direction, while waveform H was characterized by strong voltage peaks in a negative direction; although some variants of both L and H had distinct voltage peaks in both directions. The electrical origin of both the positive and negative voltage peaks was electromotive force (emf) fluctuation rather than resistance fluctuation. During waveform H, copious amounts of honeydew were produced, indicating that the penetrated cell was a sieve element. We conclude, therefore, that H represents phloem sap ingestion; and because J and L are produced in the same cell as H, then phloem phase is represented by waveforms J, L, and H. The biological correlations for J and L are not yet known.  相似文献   

In vitro activity of levamisole on the infective larvae, microfilariae and adult worms of Breinlia sergenti. International Journal for Parasitology4: 207–210. Levamisole shows in vitro activity against the infective larvae, microfilariae and adult worms of Breinlia sergenti. The polygraph studies using the adult worms indicate that levamisole causes an increase in the muscle tone; this action being dose related. The adult worms are more sensitive to the drug than the infective larvae and microfilariae. In vitro, levamisole is more potent compared with diethylcarbamazine against all the three stages of B. sergenti.  相似文献   

The survival of first-stage larvae of a laboratory strain of Muellerius capillaris and of a natural multispecific infection (Neostrongylus linearis, Cystocaulus nigrescens, Protostrongylus rufescens) was studied for 10 to 12 day periods. The survival was estimated either on larvae in faeces or kept in tap water. Temperature (-18 degrees C to 37 degrees C) and desiccation were the ecological factors investigated. M. capillaris was the most tolerant to these factors but showed better survival at 4 degrees C (and at -18 degrees C on one occasion). N. linearis survived better at 25 degrees C or -18 degrees C and C. nigrescens at 4 degrees C and -18 degrees C. Humidification of faeces was unfavourable to the latter species. All the species could stand desiccation of faeces up to 67% of dry-matter for M. capillaris or 82% for other species. Larval survival estimated for L1 in tap water was different from that estimated for larvae in faeces. The variation in resistance to unfavourable temperatures or moisture conditions may account partly for the geographical distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Mosquito larvae were collected from the subalpine region of the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains from 2011 to 2014. Two watersheds were sampled and sites selected were mainly vernal snow‐melt pools and wet meadows. Seven Aedes species, Culiseta incidens (Thomson), and Culex tarsalis Coquillett were collected. The most abundant and widely distributed species were Ae. hexodontus Dyar and Ae. tahoensis Dyar. Aedes tahoensis was the predominate species in woodland snow‐melt habitats. Some species were found at most elevations while others were found more often at specific elevations. The most restrictive species was Ae. ventrovittis Dyar which occurred almost exclusively between 3,219 m a.s.l. and 3,390 m a.s.l. Shannon and Simpson species diversity indices demonstrated that species diversity was greater in meadow habitats compared to woodland habitats. Mixed woodland/meadows, rock pools, and shallow grass pools were intermediate in species diversity. Abiotic factors such as snowpack and water temperature impacted species development times and when habitats dried. It was concluded that spatial and temporal patterns of habitats, along with elevation, influenced species presence and larval development. The results of the present study and previous work in the eastern Sierras will help guide future research that focuses on the potential change in the distribution and seasonality of subalpine mosquitoes and disease potential in the eastern Sierras as climatic conditions change.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of 16-and 18-day-old American larvae ( Alosa sapidissima ) increased with prey density (0, 500, and 1000 Artemia l−1), though differences were not always significant. Significant differences were not observed in growth parameters and survival for larvae fed 500 v . 1000 Artemia 1−1 in laboratory experiments. Food deprivation for as little as 2 days had significant effects on survival but growth effects were not detectable until 4 days of starvation. These findings have application to the Susquehanna River where c . 11 million 2.5-week-old shad larvae are released annually as part of a basin wide effort to restore the species. Larvae released at upriver sites where food may be limiting would drift for 2–3 days to reach reservoirs with higher prey densities. Based on these laboratory findings, survival of shad may be reduced significantly if larvae do not feed prior to reaching reservoir environments.  相似文献   

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