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小麦抗赤霉病研究现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张爱民  阳文龙  李欣  孙家柱 《遗传》2018,40(10):858-873
小麦是我国最重要的口粮作物之一。在小麦生产所面临的各种病害中,赤霉病的发生具有愈来愈严重的趋势,引起小麦产业界的高度关注。近几十年来,科研人员在小麦抗赤霉病遗传育种以及防控技术领域进行了持续不懈的努力,在赤霉病病原菌致病基因、小麦赤霉病抗性基因定位、克隆及功能研究以及抗赤霉病分子育种等方面取得了重大进展。本文主要从赤霉病抗性基因资源的发掘和鉴定、不同抗源遗传基础解析、小麦赤霉病抗性基因、抗赤霉病分子标记辅助选择育种与基因聚合以及小麦抗赤霉病基因的克隆和功能研究等方面进行了综述,分析了目前小麦抗赤霉病研究中存在的问题,并提出应加强基因克隆、功能分子标记开发以及应用单体型辅助选择(HAS)和标记组辅助选择(MSAS)等小麦抗赤霉病研究的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文概述了小麦远缘杂交技术的发展以及这些技术的应用对以染色体易位方式转移有益基因到普通小麦中的影响。通过对小麦远缘杂交技术的总结得出,普通小麦由于本身的多倍性,对导入的外源基因具有较强的调节能力,是适宜外源有益基因导入的良好受体。而以染色体易位方式转移有益基因是创造小麦新种质的有效方法之一,许多研究也表明以染色体易位导入的外源有益基因更利于表达。近几年,随着细胞遗传学以及其它生物技术的发展,对小麦族进化途径和染色体间的亲缘关系进一步明确,从而更便于进行易位导入的技术选择,也使得染色体易位鉴定方法更趋完善。现在已有更良好的外源导入的工具和方法,使多基因控制的外源优良性状导入成为可能。在小麦远缘杂交中染色体易位所具有的上述优势,在育种实践中逐步显示出来,为开拓小麦种质资源开创了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

本概述了小麦远缘杂交技术的发展以及这些技术的应用对以染色体易位方式转移有益基因到普通小麦中的影响。通过对小麦远缘杂交技术的总结得出,普通小麦由于本身的多倍性,对导入的外源基因具有较强的调节能力,是适宜外源有益基因导入的良好受体。而以染色体易位方式转移有益基因是创造小麦新种质的有效方法之一,许多研究也表明以染色体易位导入的外源有益基因利于表达。近几年,随着细胞遗传学以及其它生物技术的发展,对小麦族进化途径和染色体间的亲缘关系进一步明确,从而更便于进行易位导入的技术选择,也使得染色体易位鉴定方法更趋完善。现在已有更良好的外源导入的工具和方法,使多基因控制的外源优良性状导入成为可能。在小麦远缘杂交中染色体易位所具有的上述优势,在育种实践中逐步显示出来,为开拓小麦种质资源开创了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

将近缘植物的抗病基因导入小麦是改良小麦抗病性的重要途径之一,对其外源染色体进行准确鉴定能够提高外源基因的选择与利用效率。本研究分别利用小麦白粉病、条锈病菌生理小种接种、荧光原位杂交和分子标记的方法对来源于中间偃麦草的部分双二倍体TAI7047为中间亲本创制的新种质CH357进行了鉴定分析。结果显示,CH357是一个小麦-中间偃麦草6JS/6B代换系,兼抗小麦白粉病、条锈病2种病害,其抗性可能来源于中间偃麦草的6JS染色体,可以作为一个小麦白粉病和条锈病新抗源进行小麦抗性遗传改良。基于中间偃麦草第6同源群Contig序列开发了160个STS标记,其中8个可作为识别小麦-中间偃麦草异代换系CH357中6JS染色体/片段的特异标记,为中间偃麦草6JS染色体/片段的鉴定提供较为经济和方便的检测手段。  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病严重威胁我国粮食和食品安全,培育抗赤霉病小麦品种是解决该病害最经济有效的途径。20世纪90年代后,以扬麦158为代表的扬麦、宁麦系列中抗赤霉病品种的育成和大面积推广有效抵御了长江中下游麦区的赤霉病危害,使我国抗赤霉病育种处于国际领先水平。尽管全球明确了7个抗赤霉病基因,为开展抗赤霉病育种提供了重要支撑,但由于赤霉病抗性机制复杂,实现高抗与高产的协调仍极其困难,抗赤霉病仍是当前及未来我国小麦育种的主要目标。对“十三五”期间我国小麦新品系和审定品种的抗性情况以及我国抗赤霉病育种方面取得的进展进行了综述,并提出了重视挖掘和利用扬麦等推广品种中优异抗性基因、将Fhb1导入扬麦等主栽品种的育种技术路线和重视表型精准鉴定等建议,以期为实现我国抗赤霉病育种突破提供借鉴。  相似文献   

栽培一粒小麦是普通小麦的近缘种,遗传多样性丰富,蕴含丰富的抗病基因,是小麦抗病性改良的重要资源。本文对栽培一粒小麦抗白粉病材料3AA30的抗白粉病基因进行了遗传分析和分子标记定位。结果表明,3AA30中含有一个隐性抗白粉病基因,暂命名为ml3AA30,找到了5个与该基因连锁的SSR分子标记Xgwm6、Xcfd39、Xcfa2185、Xcfa2141、Xcfa2155及2个STS标记Xmag2170、Xmag1491,并构建了ml3AA30的遗传连锁图,将该基因定位在小麦5A染色体长臂上。本研究为小麦抗病育种提供了新的抗源材料。  相似文献   

小麦-近缘物种染色体附加系具有抗病抗逆等优良性状,是向小麦转移其优异基因的重要桥梁材料。当前,已有大量研究报道了近缘物种抗病抗逆基因向小麦的转移情况。然而,外源染色体导入对小麦主要农艺性状影响的研究却鲜有报道。因此,加强这方面的研究,对综合评价和利用这些小麦远缘杂交材料具有指导意义。本研究通过1年4地田间试验,对103份小麦-远缘物种染色体附加系的株高、穗长、旗叶长、旗叶宽、有效分蘖数、小穗数、单穗粒数和千粒重等农艺性状进行调查,研究了外源染色体导入对小麦主要农艺性状的影响。结果发现,与对照小麦相比,希尔斯山羊草4Ss#1、粗穗披碱草5Ht、纤毛披碱草3Sc、7Sc、5Yc和7Yc、簇毛麦2V#3、大麦4H、帝国黑麦4R、长穗偃麦草3E、5E和6E染色体导入可使小麦穗长显著变长;纤毛披碱草5Yc染色体导入使小麦旗叶显著变小;纤毛披碱草7Sc和7Yc染色体导入可使小麦千粒重显著增加。上述筛选出的这些小麦-近缘物种染色体附加系值得利用染色体工程或理化诱变对其进行诱导,获得近缘物种染色体结构变异体,定位相关农艺性状基因。  相似文献   

鹅观草(Roegneria kamoji,2n=42,SSHHYY)是小麦异源六倍体野生近缘种,对小麦赤霉病具有良好抗性,是改良小麦赤霉病抗性的重要遗传资源。通过远缘杂交,将鹅观草第一部分同源群染色体上的抗赤霉病基因Fhb6导入普通小麦。由于第一部分同源群染色体包含1S、1H和1Y三条染色体,为研究这些同源染色体对小麦赤霉病抗性的影响,筛选出4个鹅观草第一部分同源群染色体特异分子标记,通过PCR扩增鹅观草属不同野生种的基因组DNA,明确了抗赤霉病Fhb6基因位于鹅观草1Y#1染色体。进一步利用分子细胞遗传学技术从中国春与鹅观草的后代中选育出5份涉及鹅观草1Y#2和1S#2染色体的渗入系材料。其中:21RK?1为二体异代换系DS1Y#2(1A),21RK?2为二体异代换系DS1S#2(1D),21RK?3为二体异附加系DA1S#2,21RK?4为1S#2和TW·1S#2S的双单体附加系,21RK?5为纯合TW·1S#2S易位系。这些新种质为小麦抗赤霉病基因的发掘及遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

苏麦3号感赤霉病近等基因系的选育及分子标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小麦品种苏麦3号高抗由禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)引起的小麦赤霉病,已成为全世界广泛应用的抗源。为更精确地研究苏麦3号的赤霉病抗性,实验用感病品种川980为供体亲本,苏麦3号为轮回亲本,通过不断回交和自交,把川980的赤霉病感病基因导入苏麦3号,创造了感赤霉病的苏麦3号近等基因系(S016),并得到以下结果:(1)育成的苏麦3号感赤霉病近等基因系,经两年多点抗赤霉病性状鉴定,表明该近等基因系感赤霉病感病性稳定,而其他形态特征,特性与苏麦3号一致。(2)用RAPD,RFLP分析抗,感苏麦3号近等基因系之间的差异,RFLP分析发现该近等基因系在2D染色体上存在差异。RPAD的随机扩增产物OPH191400可能与近等基因系中的赤霉病感病基因非连锁。(3)用近等基因系验证已报道的与小麦抗霉病基因有关的分子标记,均未发现这些分子标记与导致该近等基因系抗性差异的基因有关。  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病是一种小麦穗部病害,严重影响小麦的产量和品质。挖掘小麦赤霉病抗性基因,揭示其抗病机制,对于提高小麦赤霉病抗性,推动小麦赤霉病抗性育种进程具有重要的意义。系统阐述了抗赤霉病相关QTL、多组学研究、细胞壁防卫、信号转导、次生代谢物合成、识别应答等小麦赤霉病抗性机制的研究进展,并对未来小麦赤霉病抗性机制的研究方向进行了探讨。希望以此加深研究者对小麦赤霉病抗性机制的了解,为未来小麦抗赤霉病分子机制研究提供理论基础,为小麦抗赤霉病遗传改良提供丰富的基因资源。  相似文献   

Wheat scab (Fusarium Head Blight, FHB) is a destructive disease in the warm and humid wheat-growing areas of the world. Finding diverse sources of FHB resistance is critical for genetic diversity of resistance for wheat breeding programs. Leymus racemosus is a wild perennial relative of wheat and is highly resistant to FHB. Three wheat- L. racemosus disomic addition (DA) lines DA5Lr#1, DA7Lr#1 and DALr.7 resistant to FHB were used to develop wheat- L.racemosus translocation lines through irradiation and gametocidal gene-induced chromosome breakage. A total of nine wheat-alien translocation lines with wheat scab resistance were identified by chromosome C-banding, GISH, telosomic pairing and RFLP analyses. In line NAU614, the long arm of 5Lr#1 was translocated to wheat chromosome 6B. Four lines, NAU601, NAU615, NAU617, and NAU635, had a part of the short arm of 7Lr#1 transferred to different wheat chromosomes. Four other lines, NAU611, NAU634, NAU633, and NAU618, contained translocations involving Leymus chromosome Lr.7 and different wheat chromosomes. The resistance level of the translocation lines with a single alien chromosome segment was higher than the susceptible wheat parent Chinese Spring but lower than the alien resistant parent L. racemosus. At least three resistance genes in L. racemosus were identified. One was located on chromosome Lr.7, and two could be assigned to the long arm of 5Lr#1 and the short arm of 7Lr#1.  相似文献   

为拓宽小麦茎腐病(又称茎基腐病)抗源种类,筛选抗茎腐病小麦新种质,对43份转TaPIMP1、AtNPR1和Gastrodianin基因小麦纯合株系,进行目的基因表达分析,以及茎腐病、纹枯病和赤霉病抗性鉴定。结果表明,转基因株系的目的基因均能正常表达;转基因株系间茎腐病抗性差异明显,24份转基因株系茎腐病抗性,比受体对照扬麦12显著提高;转基因株系茎腐病抗性与纹枯病抗性相关性显著,与赤霉病相关性不显著。结合农艺性状鉴定,筛选出5份抗茎腐病转基因株系,其中2份兼抗纹枯病和赤霉病,1份兼抗纹枯病,可作为长江中下游麦区茎腐病备用抗源。  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病是由禾谷镰刀菌引起的世界性重要病害,发掘优异的抗性种质资源、培育抗病品种是持续防治赤霉病最经济且环境友好的措施。为发掘新的赤霉病抗源,本研究于2017—2021年在弥雾保湿大棚中,采用单花滴注法对642份小麦种质资源的赤霉病抗扩展性进行鉴定,同时利用已知抗赤霉病基因/位点Fhb1~Fhb7的分子标记对筛选出的抗性种质基因型进行分析。结果表明,不同年份间赤霉病病小穗率的相关性均达到极显著水平。筛选到3年及以上赤霉病抗性优于扬麦158的种质81份,主要来自长江中下游麦区,其中33份种质连续4年抗性优于扬麦158;筛选到3年及以上抗性与苏麦3号相当的种质9份,分别为望水白、Grandin、浩麦1号、剑子麦、魁小麦、农林26、软秆洋麦、苏麦2号和武农6号,其中剑子麦、软秆洋麦、苏麦2号和Grandin连续4年抗性与苏麦3号相当。对抗性种质携带的抗赤霉病基因/位点进行分析发现,浩麦1号、冀师7225-28、南农13Y110、石优17和武农6号不携带任何已知抗赤霉病基因/QTL,为小麦抗赤霉病研究和品种培育提供了新的种质资源和理论依据。  相似文献   

Fu S  Lv Z  Qi B  Guo X  Li J  Liu B  Han F 《遗传学报》2012,39(2):103-110
Thinopyrum elongatum(2n = 2x = 14,EE),a wild relative of wheat,has been suggested as a potentially novel source of resistance to several major wheat diseases including Fusarium Head Blight(FHB).In this study,a series of wheat(cv.Chinese Spring,CS) substitution and ditelosomic lines,including Th.elongatum additions,were assessed for TypeⅡresistance to FHB.Results indicated that the lines containing chromosome 7E of Th.elongatum gave a high level of resistance to FHB,wherein the infection did not spread beyond the inoculated floret.Furthermore,it was determined that the novel resistance gene(s) of 7E was located on the short-arm(7ES) based on sharp difference in FHB resistance between the two 7E ditelosomic lines for each arm.On the other hand,Th.elongatum chromosomes 5E and 6E likely contain gene(s) for susceptibility to FHB because the disease spreads rapidly within the inoculated spikes of these lines. Genomic in situ hybridization(GISH) analysis revealed that the alien chromosomes in the addition and substitution lines were intact,and the lines did not contain discernible genomic aberrations.GISH and multicolor-GISH analyses were further performed on three translocation lines that also showed high levels of resistance to FHB.Lines TA3499 and TA3695 were shown to contain one pair of wheat-Th. elongatum translocated chromosomes involving fragments of 7D plus a segment of the 7E,while line TA3493 was found to contain one pair of wheat-Th.elongatum translocated chromosomes involving the D- and A-genome chromosomes of wheat.Thus,this study has established that the short-arm of chromosome 7E of Th.elongatum harbors gene(s) highly resistant to the spreading of FHB,and chromatin of 7E introgressed into wheat chromosomes largely retained the resistance,implicating the feasibility of using these lines as novel material for breeding FHB-resistant wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance is of particular importance in wheat breeding programmes due to the detrimental effects of this fungal disease on human and animal health, yield and grain quality. Segregation for FHB resistance in three European winter wheat populations enabled the identification of resistance loci in well-adapted germplasm. Populations obtained from crosses of resistant cultivars Apache, History and Romanus with susceptible semi-dwarfs Biscay, Rubens and Pirat, respectively, were mapped and analysed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB severity, ear emergence time and plant height. The results of the present study together with previous studies in UK winter wheat indicated that the semi-dwarfing allele Rht-D1b seems to be the major source for FHB susceptibility in European winter wheat. The high resistance level of the cultivars Romanus and History was conditioned by several minor resistance QTL interacting with the environment and the absence of Rht-D1b. In contrast, the semi-dwarf parents contributed resistance alleles of major effects apparently compensating the negative effects of Rht-D1b on FHB reaction. The moderately resistant cultivar Apache contributed a major QTL on chromosome 6A in a genome region previously shown to carry resistance loci to FHB. A total of 18 genomic regions were repeatedly associated with FHB resistance. The results indicate that common resistance-associated genes or genomic regions are present in European winter wheats.  相似文献   

Shi JR  Xu DH  Yang HY  Lu QX  Ban T 《Genetica》2008,133(1):77-84
A pyramided FHB resistance line of wheat (WSY) was previously developed from three FHB resistant cultivars (Sumai 3, Wangshuibai, and Nobeokabouzu) in the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China. In the present study, we analyzed the genetic relationship between WSY and the three parental cultivars using DNA markers in order to clarify how many and which resistance genes had accumulated in WSY. We analyzed 282 DNA markers from the 21 wheat chromosomes. WSY was found to include different chromosome regions that harbored putative FHB QTLs of the three parental germplasm. Haplotypes of DNA markers on these QTL regions revealed that the 1BL, 2BL, 5AS, and 7AL QTL regions were from Sumai 3, the 2AS, 2DS, 3AS, and 6BS QTL regions were from Wangshuibai, and the 3BS QTL region was from Nobeokabouzu. This study showed that different resistance genes from the different resistant germplasm had indeed accumulated in WSY. WSY is a potential resistant resource for FHB resistance in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB), mainly caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe [telomorph: Gibberella zeae Schw. (Petch)], is an increasingly important disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Host-plant resistance provides the best hope for reducing economic losses associated with FHB, but new sources of resistance are limited. The moderately resistant winter wheat cultivar, Ernie, may provide a source of resistance that differs from Sumai 3 but these genes have not been mapped. Also hindering resistance breeding may be associations of resistance with agronomic traits such as late maturity that may be undesirable in some production environments. This research was conducted to identify QTL associated with type II FHB resistance (FHB severity, FHBS), and to determine if they are associated with days to anthesis (DTA), number of spikelets (NOS), and the presence/absence of awns. Two hundred and forty-three F8 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between the resistant cultivar, Ernie and susceptible parent, MO 94-317 were phenotyped for type II FHB resistance using point inoculation in the greenhouse during 2002 and 2003. Genetic linkage maps were constructed using 94 simple sequence repeat (SSR) and 146 amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers. Over years four QTL regions on chromosomes 2B, 3B, 4BL and 5A were consistently associated with FHB resistance. These QTL explained 43.3% of the phenotypic variation in FHBS. Major QTL conditioning DTA and NOS were identified on chromosome 2D. Neither the QTL associated with DTA and NOS nor the presence/absence of awns were associated with FHB resistance in Ernie. Our results suggest that the FHB resistance in Ernie appears to differ from that in Sumai 3, thus pyramiding the QTL in Ernie with those from Sumai 3 could result in enhanced levels of FHB resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

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