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2016年8月至2019年2月,我们利用红外相机对海南尖峰岭60 ha森林动态监测样地的鸟类和兽类进行了调查.共在79个位点上布设了红外相机,累积27,848个相机日,获得可鉴定到物种的独立有效照片15,320张.经鉴定,共拍摄到46种野生动物,包括16种兽类(隶属于6目11科)和30种鸟类(隶属于8目16科).其中,...  相似文献   

2018年12月至2019年10月,利用红外相机在浙江江山仙霞岭省级自然保护区开展了野生动物多样性调查.以1km2的网格为单位放置红外相机,并在重点区域增加相机数量.最终共在89个位点布设了红外相机,累积14 906个相机日,获得独立照片4 778张.共鉴定出野生动物50种,包括19种兽类(隶属于5目12科)和31种鸟...  相似文献   

为了解神农架国家公园内野生动物资源现状,2017年9月—2019年12月,利用红外相机技术对鸟兽多样性进行了调查.共记录到兽类7目17科29种、鸟类8目18科43种.其中,国家一级重点保护野生动物4种,即川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana、东北梅花鹿Cervus hortulorum、林麝Mosch...  相似文献   

2017年8月至2018年8月,在甘肃祁连山国家级自然保护区内布设3个监测样区60台红外相机,累计14 999个相机日,获得野生动物独立有效照片1619张,鉴定19种哺乳动物隶属于5目9科,还记录到3种家畜.国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物3种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物5种.中国特有种2种.被IUCN红色名录评估为"濒危(EN)"的1...  相似文献   

红外相机监测是了解野生动物多样性现状、动态变化和面临威胁的重要手段。本研究采用网格抽样调查法, 在贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区内选取2个监测样区共40个监测位点布设红外相机, 对区内兽类和鸟类物种进行监测调查。2017年4月至2018年12月间, 红外相机累积监测14,808个相机工作日, 共收集有效照片14,119张, 独立有效物种照片3,199张。共鉴定野生动物9目22科61种, 其中兽类26种, 隶属于4目12科; 鸟类35种, 隶属于5目10科。记录到国家I级重点保护野生动物2种: 黔金丝猴(Rhinopithecus brelichi)和白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti), 国家II级重点保护野生动物9种; 被IUCN红色名录评估为濒危(EN)的1种、易危(VU)的5种、近危(NT)的8种。物种的相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)分析结果显示, 藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana, RAI = 28.23)、毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus, RAI = 15.46)、野猪(Sus scrofa, RAI = 11.82)、小麂(Muntiacus reevesi, RAI = 9.05)、黔金丝猴(RAI = 7.70)为相对多度最高的5种兽类; 紫啸鸫(Myophonus insularis, RAI = 10.33)、红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii, RAI = 9.59)、红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus, RAI = 6.96)、白颈长尾雉(RAI = 3.71)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha, RAI = 1.55)为相对多度最高的5种鸟类。另外, 红外相机还监测到较多的家畜活动(RAI = 11.14)和人为活动(RAI = 12.90), 保护区管理部门仍需采取相应管理措施, 进一步提高周边居民的保护意识, 促进保护区与社区的协调发展。  相似文献   

根据2020年5月—2021年6月对四川米亚罗自然保护区的实地调查,结合红外相机监测数据和文献资料,统计出兽类7目23科86种.其中国家一级重点保护野生动物9种,国家二级重点保护野生动物17种,中国特有种27种.IUCN红色名录评估为濒危(EN)、易危(VU)和近危(NT)的分别为4种、8种和9种.红外相机记录的25种...  相似文献   

2019年12月—2021年1月,利用红外相机技术在广西恩城国家级自然保护区内布设了58个红外相机监测位点,对保护区内的兽类及地栖性鸟类多样性开展监测。本次监测共完成17 332个相机工作日,累计获得独立有效照片6 680张。共鉴定出兽类5目13科20种,鸟类9目20科61种,其中黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)为国家一级重点保护野生动物,26种为国家二级重点保护野生动物。被中国脊椎动物红色名录评估为濒危(EN)的有2种,易危(VU) 6种,近危(NT) 19种。物种相对多度指数(RAI)最高的兽类是小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi),鸟类是白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)。本次监测初步掌握了广西恩城国家级自然保护区内的兽类及地栖性鸟类的种类组成和相对多度指数,为后续开展野生动物研究与保护管理工作提供基础资料。  相似文献   

为促进河南内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区野生动物资源保护与管理,本研究于2015年4月—2018年9月,利用红外相机技术对区内陆生大中型兽类和地面活动鸟类进行了连续3年的调查。本次调查涉及62个红外相机位点,累积工作37 923个有效相机日,共获得12 040张独立有效照片,识别到动物12目26科54种,其中鸟类6目12科35种,兽类6目14科19种。灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)、斑胸钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus hypoleucos)和蓝鹀(Latoucheornis siemsseni)为保护区新记录物种。保护区内有林麝(Moschus berezovskii)和金雕(Aquila chrysaeto) 2种国家一级重点保护野生动物,豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)、黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta)、中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)等13种国家二级重点保护野生动物;IUCN红色名录收录濒危物种(EN)有林麝1种,易危物种(VU)有中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus...  相似文献   

近20年来,红外相机调查技术在我国生物多样性监测与野生动物研究中得到了广泛应用。已有的红外相机调查不仅关注哺乳动物类群,而且也记录到了大量鸟类物种,但大多被作为兽类监测中的兼捕(by-catch)记录。我们系统检索并收集了1992年以来,在我国使用红外相机技术的野生动物监测与研究所发表的学术文献、会议报告、新闻报道和部分未发表数据集共230篇(份),从中提取并汇总鸟类物种与分布记录。结果显示,全国通过红外相机技术共记录到至少393个鸟种,分属17目56科,占全国鸟类物种总数的28.67%,其中雀形目物种数最多(268种)。在科的水平上,记录到物种数最多的分别是鸫科(58种)、画眉科(50种)与雉科(42种);另有23科各仅记录到1个物种。在物种数及探测数方面,地面及林下层活动的森林鸟类均是红外相机记录到的绝对优势类群。已发表的红外相机鸟类记录具有区域性不均衡的特征,四川(16个)和云南(14个)是红外相机调查点最多的省区,而四川(160种)、云南(91种)和浙江(66种)则是记录到鸟类物种数最多的省区。据不完全统计,红外相机共记录到区域性鸟类物种新记录104种(次)。考虑到仍有大量红外相机调查中的鸟类记录被忽视或未及发表报道,我国红外相机所记录到的实际鸟类物种多样性应该更高。这些结果表明,红外相机技术在我国鸟类多样性监测和区域性编目工作中具有重要的作用,可以提供高精度、高质量和大数据量的鸟类物种分布数据。对于以鸡形目为代表的地栖鸟类,可以作为目标类群之一纳入现有的基于红外相机技术的标准化长期监测体系,而这样的监测体系也可以为其他鸟类类群的多样性编目和监测提供数据补充和支持。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷地区海拔高差大,开发程度较低,生物多样性高,生态系统保存相对完整,近年来不断有新的物种和记录发现。2020年10月至2021年11月,我们在西藏墨脱县、波密县和米林县雅鲁藏布大峡谷区域内布设红外相机进行生物多样性本底调查,选择了7个不同海拔样区,累计设置116个红外相机位点(海拔范围646–4,360 m),监测24,741个相机工作日,获得独立有效视频12,010段。近一年的调查共记录到物种136种,其中可确定物种的兽类37种,分属4目14科,此外还记录到难以定种的鼠兔、鼠类和蝙蝠;鸟类99种,分属9目28科;记录到国家I级重点保护野生动物共14种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物37种。本次拍摄到10个之前红外相机监测未拍摄到的兽类和雉类物种,包括林麝(Moschus berezovskii)、马麝(M. chrysogaster)、棕熊(Ursus arctos)、亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)、黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)、灰头小鼯鼠(Petaurista caniceps)、黑白飞鼠(Hylopetes alboniger)、灰鼯鼠(Petauri...  相似文献   

东太湖鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于2019年4月、7月和10月的调查数据,用多元分析方法研究了围网拆除后东太湖鱼类群落结构的变化,及其与主要环境因子的关系。共调查到鱼类4目10科31属39种,其中鲤形目鱼类占69.23%。按不同生态类型东太湖鱼类主要为定居性鱼类、中上层鱼类以及肉食性和杂食性鱼类。优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus)、大鳍鱊(Acheilognathus macropterus)和(Hemiculter leucisculus)等。鱼类的种类数、渔获量、丰富度指数和多样性指数在监测月份间均差异显著(P<0.05),均为4月 > 7月 > 10月。鱼类个体呈现小型化,鱼类物种多样性处在一般水平。等级聚类分析(Cluster)结果表明,除10月份的1号点和3号点外,各样方间的相似度在46.75%以上。单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)和相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)也表明,4月和10月的鱼类群落物种组成差异显著,平均相异性为59.41%。丰度/生物量曲线(ABC)分析表明,东太湖鱼类群落结构处于中度干扰状态。冗余分析(RDA)表明,总磷对主要鱼类变化的解释量为21.0%,是重要的解释因子(蒙特卡罗检验P=0.036)。而总磷、pH、溶解氧等是目前影响东太湖鱼类群落的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

Continual population declines in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) have prompted the use of population restoration techniques in conjunction with habitat management to restore their populations. We tested the site familiarity hypothesis to determine if translocation to new environments affected offspring survival and growth rates of bobwhites. We used bobwhites from north Florida and translocated them to a study site in Brunswick County, North Carolina, USA, and monitored birds during April−October 2016 and April−October 2017. We used the corral capture method and modified-suture technique to capture and radio-tag chicks to evaluate offspring growth and survival rates of resident and translocated bobwhites. Offspring survival varied by year and age. We did not find any difference in offspring survival rates of resident and translocated individuals, lending no support to the site familiarity hypothesis with regards to survival. Offspring of resident bobwhites did not grow at a faster rate than offspring of translocated bobwhites, indicating a lack of support for the site familiarity hypothesis in terms of physiological development. Survival, however, is a more important metric for determining post-translocation population dynamics, and our results indicated that translocated bobwhites can reproduce and raise offspring similar to resident counterparts, but both had low survival. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

2019年10月—2022年4月,通过调查在我国云南省昆明市、贵州省贵阳市以及江苏省紫荆种实,首次发现了种实害虫紫荆豆象Bruchidius siliquastri Delobel, 2007为中国新纪录种和紫荆豆象的新寄主湖北紫荆Cercis glabra,发现紫荆豆象在云南省昆明市对中华紫荆C. chinensis Bunge的危害率为26.92%~94%,湖北紫荆的危害率为11.11%;贵州省贵阳市对中华紫荆的危害率为36%~62%。  相似文献   

The activities of acid and alkaline phosphatases along with phosphorus content in leaves of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were studied for a period from April to October. The phosphorus content of beech leaves was highest in April, at the beginning of the vegetation period; from May to October it was twofold lower than in April. Acid phosphatase activity (per unit fresh weight) in leaves collected from the middle part of the crown decreased significantly in May and July compared to the enzyme activity in April. In both the low and middle parts of the crown, the acid phosphatase activity had a peak in August, and thereafter decreased in September and October. No correlations between acid phosphatase activity and phosphorus concentrations were found. Alkaline phosphatase activity was very low and in some cases near the detection limit during the whole observation period.  相似文献   

A collection of strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi was subjected to numeric phenetic analysis of 60 characters using unweighted average linkage on the simple matching coefficient. Most strains recovered by washing random leaves in April and October shared lower similarity values between themselves than with the majority of those isolated from 6-month-old knots in October and April, respectively.  相似文献   

Adrian  Craig 《Ibis》1983,125(3):346-352
Wing-moult of the Cape Glossy Starling, Red-winged Starling, Pale-winged Starling and Pied Starling was examined primarily from specimens in southern African museums. Breeding data were obtained from nest record cards.
The Cape Glossy Starling breeds from October to March, with the moult period from December to May. There is no evidence of moult-breeding overlap in individual birds. The Red-winged Starling breeds from September to March, while the moult takes place between November and April, overlapping with the second broods. The Pale-winged Starling breeds from October to April and moults between November and May. The Pied Starling moults between November and April, while breeding varies regionally, occurring concurrently with moulting in some areas.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the length-weight relationships (LWRs) for three teleost fish species sampled from the Stung Russei Chrum River basin, Kingdom of Cambodia. The fish were collected during two dry seasons (April 2019 and November 2019) and one rainy season (October 2018) using monofilament trammel nets (2–12 cm mesh size), cast net (mesh size 2 cm) and scoop-nets (mesh size with 0.3 cm). Results showed that all fitted regressions were highly significant and the coefficients of determination (r2) were high. This study expanded the value of maximum total length for Cyclocheilichthys apogon and Poropuntius laoensis while reported the wider ranges of total mass for Poropuntius laoensis. Moreover, our present study also provided the novel LWRs records for Hemibagrus filamemtus.  相似文献   

Artemisia judaica L. (Compositae) are shrubby herbs growing wildly in Tabuk region and distributed in the desert regions. This region is characterized by extremely variable environmental conditions where the temperature varies from extreme low to extreme high. These temperature regimes have a profound effect on morphology, growth physiology and biochemistry of the plants. The plant samples were collected from Tabuk–Jordan road (760 m above sea level) in the month of January, April, July and October 2013 to evaluate the effect of temperature dynamics on A. judaica L. in four different seasons. Physiological, biochemical alterations and heat shock proteins (HSPs) were studied during these seasons in order to evaluate the environmental adaptation and stress tolerance in response to temperature variations. Plant growth parameters showed a significant increase in height, fresh and dry matter accumulation, total chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, artemisinin and leaf relative water contents investigated in the month of April and October. Growth of plant was suppressed and an active role of carbonic anhydrase (CA), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was observed to cope with the extreme low temperature in January and extreme high temperature in July 2013. However, the plants collected in October and April did not show a statistical difference. Inductions in the expression of HSP90 were recorded in all the plants collected during April and October 2013 with no statistically significant difference. Therefore, based on the results it is recommended that during April and October the environmental conditions are best suitable for growth, development and medicinal use of Artemisia.  相似文献   

武汉地区克氏原螯虾繁殖期的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探究武汉地区克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)繁殖期的问题,采用石蜡切片的方法,对武汉地区自然群体中克氏原螯虾雌雄成体的生殖腺进行了周年观察研究。结果表明,武汉地区成年克氏原螯虾的卵母细胞发育不同步,在4~5月以及9~10月的卵巢中都有大量成熟期的卵子,同时也含有少量卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。6~7月和11月都可见产后恢复期的卵巢,内含少量未产出的正在退化的过熟卵和一些卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。精巢发育的年周期变化没有卵巢变化的那么明显,但也可以看到,在4~6月和9~10月,含精子细胞和精子的精小管的比例大大增加,而在其他时期,含精原细胞和精母细胞的精小管比例较多。这些结果提示,武汉地区克氏原螯虾一年有两个繁殖高峰期,一个在4~5月,另一个在9~10月。  相似文献   

S. Nemec 《Mycopathologia》1975,56(2):67-72
Strawberry daughter plants of the Cyclone and Surecrop cultivars began rooting in two plantings in October. Main root tips became necrotic in the fall and winter, and the necrosis spread to the crowns, until all roots were severely rotted by June. Aspergillus and Penicillium were the dominant genera isolated from apparently healthy main root tips during October through February and apparently healthy main root segments 5 to 6 cm from the tip through April. During this time, Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia were isolated in low frequencies from the same samples. Pythium was isolated most often from lesions and was isolated in high frequency from Surecrop lesions, December through April. Fusarium and Rhizoctonia were isolated in low to moderate frequencies from October through February, but increased to higher levels from April through October of the following year. During the year, low levels of Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, and Pythium were isolated from steles of diseased mother plants. This tissue yielded moderate levels of Chaetosphaeronema, Coniothyrium, Cephalosporium, and Penicillium.  相似文献   

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