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M. H. McGOWEN R. J. E. WILTSHIRE B. M. POTTS R. E. VAILLANCOURT 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2001,74(3):397-405
The morphology of the Tasmanian yellow gum eucalypts varies clinally over less than 1.5 km on Mt Arrowsmith, from small shrubs on the mountaintops (Eucalyptus vernicosa) , through small trees (E. subcrenulata) in sub-alpine woodland, to tall forest trees near the base of the mountain (classified as E. johnstonii or E. subcrenulata). This cline suggests a possible origin of E. vernicosa by primary differentiation. This study examines the origin of E. vernicosa on Mt Arrowsmith and two other Tasmanian mountains using four microsatellite loci. The analysis confirmed the continuous nature of the morphological variation on Mt Arrowsmith, whereas the variation on the other mountains was discontinuous. However, no corresponding pattern of clinal variation was found in microsatellite markers, with a large discontinuity between the E. vernicosa and E. subcrenulata. Eucalyptus vernicosa populations from widely separated mountains had greater genetic affinities to each other than to parapatric populations of E. subcrenulata. Morphologically intermediate phenotypes between E. vernicosa and E. subcrenulata were genetically indistinguishable from E. vernicosa. This pattern of genetic differentiation suggests that E. vernicosa evolved in allopatry and the cline on Mt Arrowsmith arose from two gene pools converging in morphology from opposite directions. 相似文献
Mating occurs on the larval host plant in allRhagoletis species (Diptera: Tephritidae). We show how this attribute, when coupled with certain differences in other biological traits, strongly influences the mode of speciation. In species of thesuavis species group, host shifts have never occurred during speciation, and larvae feed in the husks of any walnut species(Juglans spp.), which are highly toxic. Taxa are allopatric or parapatric and exhibit deep phylogenetic nodes suggesting relatively ancient speciation events. Traits responsible for species and mate recognition, particularly in parapatric species, are morphologically distinct and strongly sexually dimorphic. All aspects of their biology, genetics and distribution are consistent with a slow rate of allopatric speciation followed by morphological divergence in secondary contact. In contrast, speciation in thepomonella species group has always involved a shift to a new, usually unrelated, non-toxic host, and all taxa within these groups are sympatric, monophagous and morphologically indistinguishable from one another. Phylogenetic nodes are very shallow, indicating recent sympatric speciation. Sympatric divergence is promoted by genetic variation which allows a portion of the original species to shift to a new habitat or host. Evidence suggests that changes in a few key loci responsible for host selection and fitness on a new host may initiate host shifts. By exploiting different habitats, competition for resources between diverging populations is reduced or avoided. We provide evidence that in phytophagous and parasitic insects sufficient intrinsic barriers to gene flow can evolve between sister populations as they adapt to different habitats or hosts to allow each population to establish independent evolutionary lineages in sympatry. 相似文献
We combined phylogenetic and biogeographic data to examine the mode of speciation in a group of African monkeys, the Cercopithecini. If allopatric speciation is the major force producing species, then there should be a positive relationship between the relative divergence time of taxa and their degree of geographic range overlap. Alternatively, an opposite relationship between divergence time and geographic range overlap is consistent with sympatric speciation as the main mechanism underlying the cercopithecin radiation. We collected biogeographic and phylogenetic data for 19 guenon species from the literature. We digitized geographic range maps and utilized three different phylogenetic hypotheses based on Y chromosome, X chromosome, and mitochondrial (mtDNA) data. We used regressions with Monte Carlo simulation to examine the relationship between the relative time since divergence of taxa and their degree of geographic range overlap. We found that there was a positive relationship between relative divergence time and the proportion of geographic range overlap between taxa using all three molecular data sets. Our findings provide evidence for allopatric speciation being the common mode of diversification in the cercopithecin clade. Because most of these primates are forest adapted mammals, the cyclical contraction and expansion of African forests from the late Miocene to the present has likely been an important factor driving allopatric speciation. In addition, geographic barriers such as the Congo and Sanaga rivers have probably played a complementary role in producing new species within the clade. 相似文献
Gary Voelker Georgy Semenov Igor V. Fadeev Anna Blick Sergei V. Drovetski 《分类学与生物多样性》2013,11(3):296-305
Montane areas host high levels of diversity and endemism, and these features are tied to habitat stratification along an elevational gradient. As such, montane areas are often thought of as model systems in which sympatric speciation can occur. To test this idea, we selected Phoenicurus redstarts, an avian genus with an extensive distribution across Eurasia, as well as Northwest Africa; nine of the 14 species in the genus have distributions which include the Himalayas. We used sequences of the mtDNA ND2 and cytochrome-b genes and intron 9 of the Z chromosome specific ACO1 gene to reconstruct a phylogeny of the genus. The resulting trees were used to reconstruct a biogeographic history of Phoenicurus, and to date diversification events. We also analysed the relationship between node age and sympatry to determine the geographic mode of speciation in the genus. Our data suggest a very late Miocene, Himalayan origin for Phoenicurus. Diversification and colonization of other parts of Eurasia, as well as Northwest Africa, continued through the Pleistocene, with a rapid pulse of speciation in the late Pliocene. Allopatric speciation was the dominant mode of speciation in Phoenicurus, despite extensive distributional overlaps in the Himalayas where ecological conditions are amenable to speciation in sympatry. Our results, along with several other studies, suggest an emerging pattern where the Himalayas served as a source area for montane specialist avian lineages that subsequently colonized other Palaearctic regions. 相似文献
Riccardo Castiglia 《Mammal Review》2014,44(1):1-4
A meta‐analysis approach was used to test for chromosomal speciation in rodents. Forty‐one pairs of sister species, identified in the two most species‐rich rodent families (Cricetidae and Muridae), were used as phylogenetically independent data points, each resulting from a speciation event. About 30% of sister species have an identical karyotype. There was a significant difference in the number of chromosomal differences between sympatric and allopatric sister species, compatible with a direct role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation. 相似文献
CARL A. BEAM ROSA-MARIA PREPARATA MARION HIMES DAVID L. NANNEY 《The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology》1993,40(5):660-667
ABSTRACT. Sixty-five members of the Ctypthecodinium cohnii species complex were analyzed for sequence differences within the D2 region of the 23S ribosomal RNA molecule. On the basis of 46 sequence differences the strains fell into 19 distinct ribosets (strains of identical sequence), some with many members. Members of four of the seven major sibling species (widespread breeding groups) were each found within single ribosets. Members of three other major sibling species were each, however, divided into two ribosets by a single sequence difference correlated with geographic separation and with previously reported electrophoretic polymorphisms of soluble enzymes within the sibling species. In addition to members of major sibling species, some ribosets include many minor sibling species (each represented by only one strain). Of 38 minor sibling species, 22 shared sequence with a major sibling species. Of these 22, 14 were identical in soluble enzymes to their related major sibling species or differed by only one of three enzymes. Other minor sibling species appear to have diverged extensively from any others in both rRNA sequence and electrophoretic profile. As a group, major sibling species differ markedly in the number of minor sibling species associated with them, suggesting differences in frequency of sexually isolating events in their past histories. These findings are discussed in the context of the previously proposed model of sympatric speciation. 相似文献
Jaime García‐Moreno José Maria Cardoso da Silva 《Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment》2013,48(3):164-173
Very few South American avian superspecies or species groups are composed of both forest and non‐forest taxa. The genus Lepidocolaptes comprises 8–9 species of woodcreepers, most of which are forest birds, but two species, L. angustirostris and L. souleyetii, inhabit open vegetations. Therefore, this genus should play an important role in the discussion about the relationships between forest and non‐forest South American avifaunas. Nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and ND2, suggest that: (i) L. fuscus should be removed from the genus since its association with other members of this genus is poorly supported. This view has been pointed out also by morphological and behavioural data; (ii) the phylogenetic position of the open‐vegetation species within the Lepidocolaptes radiation indicate that the split between forest and non‐forest elements within this genus took place as recently as two million years ago. This result suggests that the evolutionary relationships between forest and non‐forest biotas in South America may have been more dynamic than previously thought. 相似文献
Polyploid speciation entails substantial and rapid postzygotic reproductive isolation of nascent species that are initially sympatric with one or both parents. Despite strong postzygotic isolation, ecological niche differentiation has long been thought to be important for polyploid success. Using biogeographic data from across vascular plants, we tested whether the climatic niches of polyploid species are more differentiated than their diploid relatives and if the climatic niches of polyploid species differentiated faster than those of related diploids. We found that polyploids are often more climatically differentiated from their diploid parents than the diploids are from each other. Consistent with this pattern, we estimated that polyploid species generally have higher rates of multivariate niche differentiation than their diploid relatives. In contrast to recent analyses, our results confirm that ecological niche differentiation is an important component of polyploid speciation and that niche differentiation is often significantly faster in polyploids. 相似文献
The importance of geographic isolation in speciation has been debated since the 19th century. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the consensus has been that most speciation involves divergence in allopatry. This consensus was based largely on decades of observations by naturalists and verbal arguments against speciation without isolation. Recent attempts to quantify the importance of allopatric versus sympatric speciation using comparative methods called \"age-range correlation\" (ARC) suggest that allopatric speciation is more common than sympatric speciation. However, very few taxa have been studied and there are concerns about the adequacy of the methods. We propose methodological improvements including changes in the way overlap between clades is quantified and Monte Carlo methods to test the null hypothesis of no relationship between phylogenetic relatedness and geographic range overlap. We analyze 14 clades of mammals, chosen because of the availability of data and the consensus among mammalogists that speciation is routinely allopatric. Although data from a few clades clearly indicate allopatric speciation, divergence with gene flow is plausible in others and many results are inconclusive. The relative rarity of significant correlations between phylogenetic distance and range overlap may have three distinct causes: (1) post-speciation range changes, (2) relative rarity of range overlap, and (3) a mixture of geographic modes of speciation. Our results support skepticism about ARC's power for inferring the biogeography of speciation. Yet, even if few clades provide clear signals, meta-analytic approaches such as ARC may set bounds on the prevalence of alternative modes of speciation. 相似文献
Sympatric speciation has been contentious since its inception, yet is increasingly recognized as important based on accumulating theoretical and empirical support. Here, we present a compelling case of sympatric speciation in a taxon of marine reef fishes using a comparative and mechanistic approach. Hexagrammos otakii and H. agrammus occur in sympatry throughout their ranges. Molecular sequence data from six loci, with complete sampling of the genus, support monophyly of these sister species. Although hybridization occurrs frequently with an allopatric congener in an area of slight distributional overlap, we found no F1 hybrids between the focal sympatric taxa throughout their coextensive ranges. We present genetic evidence for complete reproductive isolation based on SNP analysis of 382 individuals indicating fixed polymorphisms, with no shared haplotypes or genotypes, between sympatric species. To address questions of speciation, we take a mechanistic approach and directly compare aspects of reproductive isolation between allopatric and sympatric taxa both in nature and in the laboratory. We conclude that the buildup of reproductive isolation is strikingly different in sympatric vs. allopatric taxa, consistent with theoretical predictions. Lab reared hybrids from allopatric species crosses exhibit severe fitness effects in the F1 or backcross generation. No intrinsic fitness effects are observed in F1 hybrids from sympatric species pairs, however these treatments exhibited reduced fertilization success and complete pre‐mating isolation is implied in nature because F1 hybrid adults do not occur. Our study addresses limitations of previous studies and supports new criteria for inferring sympatric speciation. 相似文献
Surveys of tropical insects are increasingly uncovering cryptic species – morphologically similar yet reproductively isolated taxa once thought to comprise a single interbreeding entity. The vast majority of such species are described from a single location. This leaves us with little information on geographic range and intraspecific variation and limits our ability to infer the forces responsible for generating such diversity. For example, in herbivorous and parasitic insects, multiple specialists are often discovered within what were thought to be single more generalized species. Host shifts are likely to have contributed to speciation in these cases. But when and where did those shifts occur, and were they facilitated by geographic isolation? We attempted to answer these questions for two cryptic species within the butterfly Cymothoe egesta that were recently discovered on different host plants in central Cameroon. We first used mtDNA markers to separate individuals collected on the two hosts within Cameroon and then extended our analysis to incorporate individuals collected across the entire pan‐Afrotropical range of the original taxon. To our surprise, we found that the species are almost entirely allopatric, dividing the original range and overlapping only in the narrow zone of West‐Central Africa where they were first discovered in sympatry. This finding, combined with analyses of genetic variation within each butterfly species, strongly suggests that speciation occurred in allopatry, probably during the Pleistocene. We discuss the implications of our results for understanding speciation among other cryptic species recently discovered in the tropics and argue that more work is needed on geographic patterns and host usage in such taxa. 相似文献
James K. Liebherr 《ZooKeys》2012,(227):63-99
Seven species of Mecyclothorax Sharp precinctive to Mont Mauru, Tahiti, Society Islands are newly described: Mecyclothorax tutei
sp. n., Mecyclothorax tihotii
sp. n., Mecyclothorax putaputa
sp. n., Mecyclothorax toretore
sp. n., Mecyclothorax anaana
sp. n., Mecyclothorax pirihao
sp. n., and Mecyclothorax poro
sp. n. These seven constitute the first representative Mecyclothorax species recorded from Mauru, and their geographic restriction to this isolated massif defines it as a distinct area of endemism along the highly dissected eastern versant of the Tahiti Nui volcano. Each of the new species has a closest relative on another massif of Tahiti Nui, supporting speciation associated with vicariance caused by extensive erosional valley formation, especially the development of Papenoo Valley. Comparison of the known elevational distributions of the new discoveries on Mont Mauru to the elevational diversity profile of the comparatively well-sampled Mont Marau, northwest Tahiti Nui, suggests that numerous Mecyclothorax species remain to be discovered in higher-elevation habitats of Mont Mauru. 相似文献
Jaclyn A. Smith Luke B. Chenoweth Simon M. Tierney Michael P. Schwarz 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2013,109(2):320-331
The evolutionary origins of social parasitism are very unevenly distributed among ants, bees and wasps, but social parasite lineages are frequently close relatives of their host lineages. Two explanations for these relationships have been proposed: (1) initially, social species are more likely to become parasitic on relatively closely related social species, because they share life history, physiological and behavioural traits that allow successful integration within the host colony; and (2) social parasites have evolved directly from their host lineage via sympatric speciation. Comparative approaches, covering multiple origins and intermediate evolutionary stages, are needed to determine which of these possibilities is more likely. We use molecular phylogenetics to examine multiple origins of parasitism in the bee tribe Allodapini. We identify seven origins resulting in obligate social parasitism (inquilinism), one origin of facultative social parasitism, which was followed by subsequent speciation and where both daughter species remained facultatively parasitic, and one case of frequent facultative heterospecific co‐nesting that probably represents incipient social parasitism. All host–parasite lineage pairs show strong phylogenetic affinities, but only the case of facultative heterospecific nesting involves true sister species relationships. Our results are consistent with the range of parasitic relationships that are expected under an allopatric model for the origin of social parasitism, but are highly problematic for a sympatric speciation model. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 320–331. 相似文献
Cuizhang Fu Martine Claremont Lisa Smith David G. Reid 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2015,114(1):212-228
Cerithideopsilla is a genus of potamidid snails found in high abundance on sedimentary intertidal flats and beneath mangrove trees on continental shores in the tropical and subtropical Indo‐West Pacific region and Mediterranean Sea. Taxonomic revisions have recognized four species, but recent molecular studies have hinted at a higher diversity. Here, we analyse 377 individuals sampled from across the known range and use a combination of molecular phylogenetic (mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and nuclear 28S rRNA genes), statistical (generalized mixed Yule‐coalescent GMYC method) and morphological (shell form) criteria to delimit 16 species. These form four species groups, corresponding with the traditionally recognized species C. alata, C. ‘djadjariensis’ (for which the valid name is C. incisa), C. cingulata and C. conica. Distribution maps were compiled using museum specimens identified by diagnostic shell characters. In combination with the molecular phylogenetic trees, these suggest an allopatric speciation mode, with diversification centred on the East Asian coastline and northern Australia, and a pronounced gap in the ‘eastern Indonesian corridor’, an area of low oceanic productivity. There is, however, frequently geographical overlap between sister species and we suggest from several sources of evidence (e.g. presence of C. conica in isolated saline lakes 900 km from the sea) that post‐speciation transport by migratory birds has occurred. Nine of the 16 species occur between the Gulf of Tonkin and Hong Kong, so southern China is significant for both the evolution and conservation of Cerithideopsilla species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 212–228. 相似文献
Allozyme data from 23 central European cyprinid taxa suggest that the two sub-families Alburninae and Leuciscinae are paraphyletic. However together, both families seem to form a monophyletic group. By using a molecular clock, the radiation of this group is estimated to be as old as 20 million years. This is consistent with the fossil record. The genus Leuciscus is not monophyletic. The commonly used genus Blicca is a junior synonym to Abramis and both genera should become merged. The genus Tinca is rather distinct from the Alburninae Leuciscinae lineage and clearly does not belong to this group. These conclusions are consistent with published phylogenetic analyses of sequence data. These analyses underline that despite the developments in sequencing allozymes are a cheap and valuable tool in phylogenetics. Combining the estimate of the phylogenetic tree and biogeographic data, there was a decrease of distributional overlap when moving from the tips of the tree to the root. This pattern is consistent with sympatric speciation. 相似文献
Cadena CD Kozak KH Gómez JP Parra JL McCain CM Bowie RC Carnaval AC Moritz C Rahbek C Roberts TE Sanders NJ Schneider CJ VanDerWal J Zamudio KR Graham CH 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2012,279(1726):194-201
Many biodiversity hotspots are located in montane regions, especially in the tropics. A possible explanation for this pattern is that the narrow thermal tolerances of tropical species and greater climatic stratification of tropical mountains create more opportunities for climate-associated parapatric or allopatric speciation in the tropics relative to the temperate zone. However, it is unclear whether a general relationship exists among latitude, climatic zonation and the ecology of speciation. Recent taxon-specific studies obtained different results regarding the role of climate in speciation in tropical versus temperate areas. Here, we quantify overlap in the climatic distributions of 93 pairs of sister species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles restricted to either the New World tropics or to the Northern temperate zone. We show that elevational ranges of tropical- and temperate-zone species do not differ from one another, yet the temperature range experienced by species in the temperate zone is greater than for those in the tropics. Moreover, tropical sister species tend to exhibit greater similarity in their climatic distributions than temperate sister species. This pattern suggests that evolutionary conservatism in the thermal niches of tropical taxa, coupled with the greater thermal zonation of tropical mountains, may result in increased opportunities for allopatric isolation, speciation and the accumulation of species in tropical montane regions. Our study exemplifies the power of combining phylogenetic and spatial datasets of global climatic variation to explore evolutionary (rather than purely ecological) explanations for the high biodiversity of tropical montane regions. 相似文献
Berlocher SH 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2000,54(2):543-557
The Rhagoletis pomonella species group has for decades been a focal point for debate over the possibility of sympatric speciation via host shift. Here I present the first extensive analysis of genetic (allozyme) divergence in the pomonella group, including all known taxa/populations except the allopatric Mexican population of R. pomonella. The phylogeny is estimated for all four described species (pomonella, mendax, zephyria, and cornivora) plus two undescribed species (the \"flowering dogwood fly\" and \"sparkleberry fly\"). Allozyme data for two additional populations of uncertain status (the \"plum fly\" and \"mayhaw fly\") are presented for the first time. Two data sets were analyzed, one for 17 loci from 77 populations and one for an additional 12 loci for a subset of 12 of these populations, with more than 4000 flies analyzed in total. Interspecific Nei unbiased genetic distances were generally small, being as low as 0.040. No fixed autapomorphic alleles beyond those already known for R. cornivora and R. zephyria were revealed in the new data, but several loci displaying frequency patterns useful in discriminating the species were discovered. The phylogenetic placement of the flowering dogwood fly differed depending on whether a molecular clock was assumed (UPGMA of Nei distance) or not assumed (frequency parsimony) for tree building. Other than this, however, trees under either assumption were essentially identical. The best tree was used to test the prediction of the sympatric speciation hypothesis that sister taxa should be broadly sympatric. This prediction was not rejected, but the best tree was weakly supported by bootstrap analysis. An unexpected finding was that R. pomonella populations representing ends of its strong latitudinal clines did not cluster together. One possible explanation is that the current R. pomonella is the result of a genetic fusion of two previously isolated, genetically differentiated populations. Such a fusion prior to the origin of the other species in the group could contribute to the poor resolution of the phylogeny. 相似文献
Javier Igea Diego Bogarín Alexander S. T. Papadopulos Vincent Savolainen 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2015,69(2):482-491
Speciation on islands, and particularly the divergence of species in situ, has long been debated. Here, we present one of the first, complete assessments of the geographic modes of speciation for the flora of a small oceanic island. Cocos Island (Costa Rica) is pristine; it is located 550 km off the Pacific coast of Central America. It harbors 189 native plant species, 33 of which are endemic. Using phylogenetic data from insular and mainland congeneric species, we show that all of the endemic species are derived from independent colonization events rather than in situ speciation. This is in sharp contrast to the results of a study carried out in a comparable system, Lord Howe Island (Australia), where as much as 8.2% of the plant species were the product of sympatric speciation. Differences in physiography and age between the islands may be responsible for the contrasting patterns of speciation observed. Importantly, comparing phylogenetic assessments of the modes of speciation with taxonomy‐based measures shows that widely used island biogeography approaches overestimate rates of in situ speciation. 相似文献
Barriers to dispersal and resulting biogeographic boundaries are responsible for much of life's diversity. Distinguishing the contribution of ecological, historical, and stochastic processes to the origin and maintenance of biogeographic boundaries, however, is a longstanding challenge. Taking advantage of newly available data and methods--including environmental niche models and associated comparative metrics--we develop a framework to test two possible ecological explanations for biogeographic boundaries: (1) sharp environmental gradients and (2) ribbons of unsuitable habitat dividing two highly suitable regions. We test each of these hypotheses against the null expectation that environmental variation across a given boundary is no greater than expected by chance. We apply this framework to a pair of Hispaniolan Anolis lizards (A. chlorocyanus and A. coelestinus) distributed on the either side of this island's most important biogeographic boundary. Integrating our results with historical biogeographic analysis, we find that a ribbon of particularly unsuitable habitat is acting to maintain a boundary between species that initially diverged on distinct paleo-islands, which merged to form present-day Hispaniola in the Miocene. 相似文献