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了解陆地生态系统的脆弱性和基本机制是适应和减轻全球气候变化影响的决策基础。生态系统的脆弱性可以通过生产力对气候变化的敏感性和适应性进行量化。采用1982-2018年青海省境内基于遥感的现实净初级生产力(NPPR)和气候驱动的潜在净初级生产力(NPPC),量化了高寒生态系统的敏感性(Sensitivity)、适应性(Adaptability)和脆弱性(Vulnerability)。然后探讨了生态系统脆弱性的时空变化,并分别从人类活动和气候变化的影响方面分析了其基本机制。结果表明:(1)基于NPPR和NPPC的生态系统脆弱性在空间上呈现出中度脆弱的模式,脆弱性从东南向西北由不脆弱依次递增到极度脆弱等级。(2)耕地的脆弱性较低,基于NPPR和NPPC的指数分别为-1.31和-0.93,这是由于其适应水平较高而敏感性较低;森林次之,指数为-1.18(NPPR)和-1.06(NPPC);草原的指数为-0.17(NPPR)和-0.17(NPPC);而荒漠的脆弱性较高,指数为0.77(NPPR)和0.78(NPPC),这是由于其敏感性较高,适应性较低。(3)基于NPPR的高寒草地的脆弱性有两个温度阈值(-2.2±0.8)℃和(5.5±0.8)℃,一个降水阈值(387±45.6)mm,两个干旱指数阈值为(14.2±20.2)和(78.2±20.2)。而基于NPPC的脆弱性也发现了同样的阈值,并且数值相似。阈值表明最佳气候条件下,生态系统将具有较高的适应性和较低的敏感性,即较低的脆弱性。但如果气温较低或较高,或者降水较低,生态系统的脆弱性将会更高。(4)人类活动对东部地区生态系统的脆弱性产生了强烈的影响,但就整个青海省的生态系统而言,这些影响在区域平均水平上较小。这项研究表明,在高寒脆弱的生态系统中,气候条件决定了脆弱性在空间上的分布情况,这应该被视为生态保护决策的理论基础。此外,本研究发现的阈值将为生态系统生态学提供一个案例研究,并应在世界各地的脆弱生态系统中广泛探索。  相似文献   

Prediction of biotic responses to future climate change in tropical Africa tends to be based on two modelling approaches: bioclimatic species envelope models and dynamic vegetation models. Another complementary but underused approach is to examine biotic responses to similar climatic changes in the past as evidenced in fossil and historical records. This paper reviews these records and highlights the information that they provide in terms of understanding the local- and regional-scale responses of African vegetation to future climate change. A key point that emerges is that a move to warmer and wetter conditions in the past resulted in a large increase in biomass and a range distribution of woody plants up to 400–500 km north of its present location, the so-called greening of the Sahara. By contrast, a transition to warmer and drier conditions resulted in a reduction in woody vegetation in many regions and an increase in grass/savanna-dominated landscapes. The rapid rate of climate warming coming into the current interglacial resulted in a dramatic increase in community turnover, but there is little evidence for widespread extinctions. However, huge variation in biotic response in both space and time is apparent with, in some cases, totally different responses to the same climatic driver. This highlights the importance of local features such as soils, topography and also internal biotic factors in determining responses and resilience of the African biota to climate change, information that is difficult to obtain from modelling but is abundant in palaeoecological records.  相似文献   



To assess how habitat loss and climate change interact in affecting the range dynamics of species and to quantify how predicted range dynamics depend on demographic properties of species and the severity of environmental change.


South African Cape Floristic Region.


We use data‐driven demographic models to assess the impacts of past habitat loss and future climate change on range size, range filing and abundances of eight species of woody plants (Proteaceae). The species‐specific models employ a hybrid approach that simulates population dynamics and long‐distance dispersal on top of expected spatio‐temporal dynamics of suitable habitat.


Climate change was mainly predicted to reduce range size and range filling (because of a combination of strong habitat shifts with low migration ability). In contrast, habitat loss mostly decreased mean local abundance. For most species and response measures, the combination of habitat loss and climate change had the most severe effect. Yet, this combined effect was mostly smaller than expected from adding or multiplying effects of the individual environmental drivers. This seems to be because climate change shifts suitable habitats to regions less affected by habitat loss. Interspecific variation in range size responses depended mostly on the severity of environmental change, whereas responses in range filling and local abundance depended mostly on demographic properties of species. While most surviving populations concentrated in areas that remain climatically suitable, refugia for multiple species were overestimated by simply overlying habitat models and ignoring demography.

Main conclusions

Demographic models of range dynamics can simultaneously predict the response of range size, abundance and range filling to multiple drivers of environmental change. Demographic knowledge is particularly needed to predict abundance responses and to identify areas that can serve as biodiversity refugia under climate change. These findings highlight the need for data‐driven, demographic assessments in conservation biogeography.

森林凋落物分解及其对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
杨万勤  邓仁菊  张健 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2889-2895
凋落物分解是重要的森林生态系统过程之一,受到气候、凋落物质量、土壤生物群落等生物和非生物因素的综合调控.迄今,有关不同森林生态系统和不同树种地上部分的凋落物动态、凋落物分解过程中的养分释放动态、生物和非生物因素对凋落物分解的影响等研究报道较多,但对地下凋落物的分解研究相对较少.近年来,森林凋落物分解对以大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高为主要特征的全球变化的响应逐步受到重视,但其研究结果仍具有很多不确定性.因此,未来凋落物生态研究的重点应是凋落物分解对土壤有机碳固定的贡献、地上/地下凋落物的物理、化学和生物学过程及其对各种生态因子(例如冻融、干湿交替)及交互作用的响应、凋落物特别是地下凋落物分解对全球气候变化的响应机制等方面.  相似文献   

The Quaternary fossil record has abundant evidence for ecologically nonanalogue communities made up of combinations of modern taxa not seen in sympatry today. A brief review of the literature detailing these nonanalogue communities is given with a discussion of their various proposed causes. The individualistic, Gleasonian, response of species to climate and environmental change is favoured by many. The degree to which communities are nonanalogue appears to increase with greater time depth, and this progressive process is a necessary outcome of the individualistic response of species to climate change through time. In addition, it is noted that populations within species, as well as the species as a whole, respond individualistically. This paper proposes that many elements of nonanalogue communities are extinct populations, which may explain their environmentally anomalous combinations. These extinct populations are, by definition, lineages without descendents. It is further proposed that the differential extinction of populations, as a result of continuous ecological reassembly, could amount to a significant evolutionary phenomenon.  相似文献   

Anticipating species movement under climate change is a major focus in conservation. Bioclimate models are one of the few predictive tools for adaptation planning, but are limited in accounting for (i) climatic tolerances in preadult life stages that are potentially more vulnerable to warming; and (ii) local‐scale movement and use of climatic refugia as an alternative or complement to large‐scale changes in distribution. To assess whether these shortfalls can be addressed with field demographic data, we used California valley oak (Quercus lobata Nee), a long‐lived species with juvenile life stages known to be sensitive to climate. We hypothesized that the valley oak bioclimate model, based on adults, would overpredict the species' ability to remain in the projected persisting area, due to higher climate vulnerability of young life stages; and underpredict the potential for the species to remain in the projected contracting area in local‐scale refugia. We assessed the bioclimate model projections against actual demographic patterns in natural populations. We found that saplings were more constricted around surface water than adults in the projected contracting area. We also found that the climate envelope for saplings is narrower than that for adults. Saplings disappeared at a summer maximum temperature 3 °C below that associated with adults. Our findings indicate that rather than a complete shift northward and upward, as predicted by the species bioclimate model, valley oaks are more likely to experience constriction around water bodies, and eventual disappearance from areas exceeding a threshold of maximum temperature. Ours is the first study we know of to examine the importance of discrete life stage climate sensitivities in determining bioclimate modeling inputs, and to identify current climate change‐related constriction of a species around microrefugia. Our findings illustrate that targeted biological fieldwork can be central to understanding climate change‐related movement for long‐lived, sessile species.  相似文献   

刘慧丽  陈浩  董廷旭  马丽  诸鑫  黄天志 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6743-6757
四川、重庆位于我国西南、长江上游地区,地形条件复杂,区内生态环境对气候变化较为敏感,作为我国现代农业发展区和长江中上游重要生态屏障,探究区域植被覆盖与气候变化之间的关系对该地区生态文明建设与农业可持续发展具有重要意义。基于归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)和气象数据(气温、降水),采用Sen趋势分析、MK检验和偏相关分析法,以农业地貌分区视角分析1999-2018年川渝地区植被覆盖的时空变化特征,以及植被NDVI与气温和降水之间的时空响应。研究结果表明:(1)川渝地区及各农业地貌分区植被NDVI在近20年均呈显著上升趋势,增长速率为盆周山地区(0.0073/a)>四川盆地区(0.0063/a)>川西南山地区(0.0050/a)>川西高山高原区(0.0026/a),整体年际变化率为0.0047/a。(2)川渝地区91.51%的NDVI像元值变化为正,空间上呈现出东高西低的总体分布格局,其中盆周山地区NDVI值最高为0.60,川西高山高原区NDVI值最低为0.44。(3)川渝地区整体上NDVI与气温和降水呈正相关,且气温(r=0.707,P<0.01)强于降水(r=0.535,P<0.05),空间上植被NDVI与气温和降水呈显著正相关区域分别占39.31%、18.92%。(4)不同农业地貌区植被生长与气候变化的响应关系呈现出明显差异。在川西高山高原区NDVI与气温呈显著的正相关关系,但与降水的关系不明显,其中阿坝-若尔盖-红原等高平原地区及西北部石渠等丘状高原地区受气温的显著正效应驱动尤为明显;在四川盆地区和盆周山地区NDVI与气温和降水均呈正相关,特别是东北部平行岭谷及低山丘陵区受气温和降水的正效应影响显著。研究有助于进一步理解川渝地区植被与气候变化的响应机制,并为促进川渝地区生态建设及发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

自然生态系统响应气候变化的脆弱性评价研究进展   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
以气候变暖为标志的全球气候变化已引起各国政府、国际组织和科学工作者的高度重视.气候变化给人类及自然生态系统带来的风险和危害日趋增大.生态系统脆弱性分析和评价是适应和减缓气候变化的关键和基础,已成为近年来气候变化领域和生态学领域的研究热点.目前国内外学者正在不同领域、不同空间尺度上开展响应气候变化的脆弱性评价,其中以自然生态系统为评价对象的脆弱性研究也有了长足的发展.本文通过对脆弱性的概念、气候变化脆弱性评价研究现状、自然生态系统响应气候变化的脆弱性定量评价方法的综述,探讨了该研究领域存在的问题和未来的发展前景.  相似文献   

李垚  张兴旺  方炎明 《植物生态学报》2016,40(11):1164-1178
小叶栎(Quercus chenii)是华东植物区系的代表树种, 具有很高的生态、经济价值。为重建冰期以来小叶栎地理分布格局的变迁历史、了解环境因子对潜在地理分布的制约机制, 为小叶栎种质资源保护和管理提供科学依据, 该研究基于55条分布记录和8个环境变量, 利用MaxEnt模型模拟小叶栎在末次盛冰期、全新世中期、现代和2070年(温室气体排放情景为典型浓度目标8.5)的潜在分布区, 利用多元环境相似度面和最不相似变量分析探讨气候变迁过程中环境异常区域和引起潜在地理分布改变的关键因素, 综合应用贡献率及置换重要值比较、Jackknife检验评估制约现代地理分布的主要因子, 采用响应曲线确定环境变量的适宜区间。研究结果表明: MaxEnt模型的预测准确度极高, 受试者工作特征曲线下的面积(AUC值)达0.9869 ± 0.0045; 现代高度适宜区在安徽南部、浙江西部、江西东北部和湖北东部; 影响小叶栎地理分布的主要气候因子为气温和降水量, 气温更重要; 最干季平均气温可能是制约小叶栎向北分布的关键因素; 末次盛冰期时, 小叶栎高度适宜区位于东海大陆架内; 全新世中期适宜分布区轮廓已与现代近似; 2070年适宜分布区向北移, 高度适宜区面积增大, 与末次盛冰期、全新世中期和现代相比, 这一时期的气候异常程度最高。气温季节变化和降水季节变化可能是引起地理分布变迁的重要气候因素。  相似文献   

Forest landscape dynamics result from the complex interaction of driving forces and ecological processes operating on various scales. Projected climate change for the 21st century will alter climate‐sensitive processes, causing shifts in species composition and also bringing about changes in disturbance regimes, particularly regarding wildfires. Previous studies of the impact of climate change on forests have focused mainly on the direct effects of climate. In the present study, we assessed the interactions among forest dynamics, climate change and large‐scale disturbances such as fire, wind and forest management. We used the Land Clim model to investigate the influence, interactions and the relative importance of these different drivers of landscape dynamics in two case study areas of the European Alps. The simulations revealed that projected future climate change would cause extensive forest cover changes, beginning in the coming decades. Fire is likely to become almost as important for shaping the landscape as the direct effects of climate change, even in areas where major wildfires do not occur under current climatic conditions. The effects of variable wind disturbances and harvesting regimes, however, are less likely to have a considerable impact on forest development compared with the direct effects of climate change coupled with the indirect effects of increased fire activity. We conclude that the joint direct and indirect effects of climate change are likely to have major consequences for mountain forests in the European Alps, including their ability to provide protection against natural hazards.  相似文献   

中国水稻生产对历史气候变化的敏感性和脆弱性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
熊伟  杨婕  吴文斌  黄丹丹  曹阳 《生态学报》2013,33(2):509-518
有效的适应措施需要了解两类基础信息,一是农业生产所面临的各种气候变异风险,二是作物产量对潜在气候变异风险的反应及其机制.评价作物生产对历史气候变化的敏感性和脆弱性,可以在时间上和空间上揭示气候变化的趋势及作物产量对其的反应,从而为适应行动的全面开展提供基础信息.通过分析1981-2007年水稻生育期3个气候因子(平均温度、日较差、辐射)的变化对水稻产量的影响,评估我国水稻生产对这3个气候因子变化的敏感性和脆弱性及其区域分布状况.结果表明,1981-2007年间我国大部分水稻产区生育期内3个气候因子均发生了明显变化,存在着气候变异风险,其中以最高温的变化最普遍和明显,导致水稻生产中高温热害风险增加.部分区域水稻产量变化与单一气象因子的变化存在着显著的线性相关,这些地区气候因子的变化可以一定程度地解释水稻产量变化趋势,其中产量变化对辐射变化最敏感.当水稻生育期内平均温度上升1℃、日较差升高1℃、辐射下降10%时,我国部分地区水稻产量随之发生了相应的变化,其中辐射降低导致我国水稻生产的脆弱面积最大,其次为日较差.受3种气象因子变化趋势的综合影响,约有30%的水稻产区对1981-2007年的气候变化趋势敏感,少部分地区表现为脆弱,但水稻主产区受到的影响不大,且在东北地区还集中表现出产量增加的趋势,为我国水稻发展提供了契机.  相似文献   

Testing how populations are locally adapted and predicting their response to their future environment is of key importance in view of climate change. Landscape genomics is a powerful approach to investigate genes and environmental factors involved in local adaptation. In a pooled amplicon sequencing approach of 94 genes in 71 populations, we tested whether >3500 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the three most common oak species in Switzerland (Quercus petraea, Q. pubescens, Q. robur) show an association with abiotic factors related to local topography, historical climate and soil characteristics. In the analysis including all species, the most frequently associated environmental factors were those best describing the habitats of the species. In the species‐specific analyses, the most important environmental factors and associated SNPs greatly differed among species. However, we identified one SNP and seven genes that were associated with the same environmental factor across all species. We finally used regressions of allele frequencies of the most strongly associated SNPs along environmental gradients to predict the risk of nonadaptedness (RONA), which represents the average change in allele frequency at climate‐associated loci theoretically required to match future climatic conditions. RONA is considerable for some populations and species (up to 48% in single populations) and strongly differs among species. Given the long generation time of oaks, some of the required allele frequency changes might not be realistic to achieve based on standing genetic variation. Hence, future adaptedness requires gene flow or planting of individuals carrying beneficial alleles from habitats currently matching future climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Climate change science is increasingly concerned with methods for managing and integrating sources of uncertainty from emission storylines, climate model projections, and ecosystem model parameterizations. In tropical ecosystems, regional climate projections and modeled ecosystem responses vary greatly, leading to a significant source of uncertainty in global biogeochemical accounting and possible future climate feedbacks. Here, we combine an ensemble of IPCC‐AR4 climate change projections for the Amazon Basin (eight general circulation models) with alternative ecosystem parameter sets for the dynamic global vegetation model, LPJmL. We evaluate LPJmL simulations of carbon stocks and fluxes against flux tower and aboveground biomass datasets for individual sites and the entire basin. Variability in LPJmL model sensitivity to future climate change is primarily related to light and water limitations through biochemical and water‐balance‐related parameters. Temperature‐dependent parameters related to plant respiration and photosynthesis appear to be less important than vegetation dynamics (and their parameters) for determining the magnitude of ecosystem response to climate change. Variance partitioning approaches reveal that relationships between uncertainty from ecosystem dynamics and climate projections are dependent on geographic location and the targeted ecosystem process. Parameter uncertainty from the LPJmL model does not affect the trajectory of ecosystem response for a given climate change scenario and the primary source of uncertainty for Amazon ‘dieback’ results from the uncertainty among climate projections. Our approach for describing uncertainty is applicable for informing and prioritizing policy options related to mitigation and adaptation where long‐term investments are required.  相似文献   

Climate change will drive significant changes in vegetation cover and also impact efforts to restore ecosystems that have been disturbed by human activities. Bitumen mining in the Alberta oil sands region of western Canada requires reclamation to “equivalent land capability,” implying establishment of vegetation similar to undisturbed boreal ecosystems. However, there is consensus that this region will be exposed to relatively severe climate warming, causing increased occurrence of drought and wildfire, which threaten the persistence of both natural and reclaimed ecosystems. We used a landscape model, LANDIS‐II, to simulate plant responses to climate change and disturbances, forecasting changes to boreal forests within the oil sands region. Under the most severe climate forcing scenarios (representative concentration pathway [RCP] 8.5) the model projected substantial decreases in forest biomass, with the future forest being dominated by drought‐ and fire‐tolerant species characteristic of parkland or prairie ecosystems. In contrast, less extreme climate forcing scenarios (RCPs 2.6 and 4.5) had relatively minor effects on forest composition and biomass with boreal conifers continuing to dominate the landscape. If the climate continues to change along a trajectory similar to those simulated by climate models for the RCP 8.5 forcing scenario, current reclamation goals to reestablish spruce‐dominated boreal forest will likely be difficult to achieve. Results from scenario modeling studies such as ours, and continued monitoring of change in the boreal forest, will help inform reclamation practices, which could include establishment of species better adapted to warmer and drier conditions.  相似文献   

陕西省油松林生产力动态及对未来气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用LPJ-GUESS模型,分析了陕西省油松林在未来时期(2015-2100年)不同气候情景下净初级生产力(NPP)的变化趋势.结果表明: 在未来时期,研究区温度在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下将分别以0.12、0.23和0.54 ℃·10 a-1的速率显著升高;降水在RCP2.6和RCP8.5情景下无显著变化,在RCP4.5情景下将以14.36 mm·10 a-1的速率显著增加.与历史时期(1961-1990年)相比,研究区油松林的NPP在未来时期将升高1.6%~29.6%;在RCP8.5情景下21世纪末期(2071-2100年)油松林NPP将会升高45.4%;不同情景下油松林NPP表现为RCP8.5>RCP4.5>RCP2.6.在未来时期,陕北地区油松林NPP在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下将分别以41.00和21.00 g C·m-2·10 a-1的速率下降,该区油松林有变为碳源的可能.  相似文献   

王文婷  杨婷婷  金磊  蒋家民 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1620-1026
气候变化对全球的物种多样性有深远影响, 尤其是对高山物种多样性。研究未来气候变化下物种的灭绝风险对生物多样性保护具有重要的意义。本文针对青藏高原的2种重要药用植物大花红景天(Rhodiola crenulata)和菊叶红景天(R. chrysanthemifolia), 利用气候生态位因子分析法研究了它们对气候变化的敏感性、暴露性和脆弱性, 讨论了2种“共享社会经济途径” (SSP2-45和SSP5-85)情景下的未来气候对这2个物种脆弱性的影响。同时计算了2种红景天的气候生态位的边缘性和特化性, 通过主成分分析法对其气候生态位进行了二维可视化, 并分析了它们的气候变化脆弱性与气候生态位之间的关系。结果表明, 未来气候变化情景下2种红景天在其分布区都显示出西部脆弱性高而东部脆弱性低的特征, 而脆弱性都表现为较低的横断山脉地区将成为其未来气候避难所。2种红景天在SSP5-85气候情景下的脆弱性高于SSP2-45, 资源和能源密集型社会经济途径(即SSP5-85)将会增大物种的灭绝风险。此外, 被《中国物种红色名录》评估为无危的菊叶红景天的气候变化脆弱性反而大于被评估为濒危的大花红景天。生态位因子分析结果表明大花红景天的生态位边缘性和特化性都低于菊叶红景天, 研究推断同地区不同物种的气候变化脆弱性主要由物种的气候生态位决定。  相似文献   

区域水热格局变化和系统演替深刻影响森林内部小气候,不同演替阶段森林内部水热环境对气候变化的响应和反馈作用有待进一步认识和评估。以南亚热带地区的3种不同演替阶段代表性森林生态系统统(人工恢复的马尾松针叶林(Pinus massoniana coniferous forest,PF)、马尾松针阔叶混交林(mixed Pinus massoniana/broad-leaved forest,MF)和季风常绿阔叶林(monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest,MEBF))为研究对象,通过分析其林内小气候林型间差异以及时间序列上的动态变化,探讨森林系统内部水热环境的改变机理。结果表明:演替驱动下,随着PF→MF→MEBF的正向发展,林内温度条件如气温、土壤温度逐渐降低,林内相对湿度、土壤层及凋落物含水量等水分状况逐步升高。不同林型在"雨热同期"的南亚热带地区其"降温效应"有差,演替初期的PF干、湿季"降温效应"分别为7.9%和3.6%,中期MF分别为11.6%和6.4%,顶级群落MEBF干、湿季"降温效应"可达15.7%和10.5%。总体上,随演替"降温增湿"效应越来越显著,且"降温"表现为干季更明显,而"增湿"表现为湿季明显。此外,演替驱动下后期森林对高温及土壤温度的调节作用更为突出。时间序列上,区域降水趋于"极端化"的格局影响下,森林生态系统的水分固持能力下降。主要表现为:自1984年以来,3种林型0—50cm土壤含水量均呈显著降低的趋势(P0.001),且湿季土壤含水量下降速率高于干季,林型间在全年及湿季均为MFMEBFPF,干季为MEBFMFPF。虽然研究期间3种林型林内气温、土壤温度无明显趋势性变化,但顶级群落MEBF林内相对湿度(P=0.021)、凋落物自然状态下含水量(P=0.003)在年际尺度上均呈现显著下降的趋势。与土壤含水量干、湿季下降速率的格局一致,二者也均为湿季大于干季。研究认为,成熟森林可能在当前南亚热带区域气候变化及水热格局改变背景影响下更为敏感和脆弱。  相似文献   

浙江省植被NDVI动态及其对气候的响应   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
何月  樊高峰  张小伟  柳苗  高大伟 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4352-4362
利用GIMMS和MODIS两种归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料反演了1982—2010年浙江植被覆盖状况,结合同期研究区63个气象站点的气温、降水和湿润指数等气候指标,分析了该地区植被年际变化、月际变化及其对气候要素的响应特征。结果表明:(1)研究期间,浙江气候总体呈暖干化趋势,植被覆盖缓慢下降,主要是由于森林植被遭破坏,农业生产活动受抑制影响所致,其中NDVI显著减少的地区约占全省陆域面积的29.1%,主要发生在6—11月;(2)降水量及干湿程度对浙江植被NDVI年变化起着决定性作用。植被与气候要素年变化相关分析发现,NDVI与湿润指数关系较降水、气温更为密切,两者相关及偏相关系数均通过0.05水平的置信度检验,这表明在年际尺度上,湿度的增加增大了植被的生长势,有利于植被生长;(3)植被与气候要素月变化分析表明冬季的热量供给是影响浙江植被生长的重要因子,而植被变化对夏季降水和干湿程度的最大响应为滞后两个月;(4)农业生产水平的提高使得农作物种植区NDVI有所增加,人类活动对浙江植被覆盖的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

Climate fluctuations in the past and in the future are likely to result in population expansions, shifts, or the contraction of the ecological niche of many species, and potentially leading to the changes in their geographical distributions. Prediction of suitable habitats has been developed as a useful tool for the assessment of habitat suitability and resource conservation to protect wildlife. Here, we model the ancestral demographic history of the extant modern Chinese Muntjac Muntiacus reevesi populations using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and used the maximum entropy model to simulate the past and predict the future spatial dynamics of the species under climate oscillations. Our results indicated that the suitable habitats for the M. reevesi shifted to the Southeast and contracted during the Last Glacial Maximum, whereas they covered a broader and more northern position in the Middle Holocene. The ABC analyses revealed that the modern M. reevesi populations diverged in the Middle Holocene coinciding with the significant contraction of the highly suitable habitat areas. Furthermore, our predictions suggest that the potentially suitable environment distribution for the species will expand under all future climate scenarios. These results indicated that the M. reevesi diverged in the recent time after the glacial period and simultaneously as its habitat’s expanded in the Middle Holocene. Furthermore, the past and future climate fluctuation triggered the change of Chinese muntjac spatial distribution, which has great influence on the Chinese muntjac’s population demographic history.  相似文献   

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