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现代意义的自然保护不过百年的历史,野生动植物保护国际(FFI)算是世界上成立最早的自然保护机构之一。1903年,一些在非洲的英美博物学家创立了“大英帝国野生动物保护协会”,后又称“野生动物保护协会”。  相似文献   

宋波  倪婷玉  王瑾 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4571-4577
针对人工设计的廊道未必是动物最终选择的迁移路径问题,从迁移意愿角度提出了新的解释。基于动物迁移意愿流与水流的相似性,提出了依托动物迁移适宜性图,利用水文分析模块量化并提取迁移意愿流的方法。以福建省德化县境内的国家I级保护动物云豹(Neofelis nebulosa)为研究对象,分析了其在两个保护区之间的迁移意愿流。结果表明:迁移意愿流穿越基于最小累积阻力法设计的迁移廊道,云豹从意愿流流出位置迁出廊道的可能性较大。可考虑在此处设置人工屏障,以引导云豹按照设计的廊道迁移。该方法对于自然保护规划和管理具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

游客对低碳旅游的认知和意愿——以丽江市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐明方  曹慧明  沈园  吴钢  邓红兵 《生态学报》2014,34(17):5096-5102
低碳旅游是不同于传统旅游产业的一种转型产业模式,是当前旅游业发展的新趋势,同时也改变着旅游者的消费方式。采用问卷调查的方法,对丽江市的游客关于低碳旅游的认知和意愿进行了研究,结果表明:(1)低碳旅游的认知水平程度较高(68.5%),受教育程度、入住酒店星级和年平均旅游次数与认知程度显著正相关。91%的受访者认为公众意识是低碳旅游首先应被考虑的影响因素,大多数游客认为可以通过改变旅游交通(87.5%)和住宿方式(57.5%)来减少旅游业的碳排放。(2)游客对低碳旅游的意愿程度普遍较高(79.5%),入住酒店星级、年平均旅游次数和人均旅游花费与低碳旅游意愿显著负相关。定期旅行的游客对低碳旅游的认知最强,但行为的改变意愿却最弱。不经常旅行的游客则更愿意实现低碳旅游,但实际上对于旅游模式改变的影响也较小。(3)现阶段,低碳旅游的推行实际上也存在一定的难度和问题。46.5%的受访者认为目前低碳旅游流于形式和口号,76%的游客认为目前我国景区的游客普遍缺乏低碳旅游的良好习惯。(4)从政府和旅游主管部门、旅游企业、旅游者三方面提出了发展低碳旅游的相关建议。  相似文献   

以转基因大米品尝会为例,通过问卷调查、访谈法、观察法研究由公众主动发起的科学传播活动及其参与者。描述了该类活动的发起和组织过程,发现参与者是一群热爱科学、认同科学价值并愿意传播科学的人,他们的行动对自己、对亲友、对社会都产生了一定的影响。转基因大米品尝会以及类似的活动是转型期中国情境下的公众参与科学实践。  相似文献   

徐建英  孔明  刘新新  王清 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6205-6215
运用参与式农户评估方法,以卧龙自然保护区为例,研究了生计资本对于农户再次参与下一轮退耕还林意愿的影响。研究结果表明约77%的农户愿意再次参与退耕工程,愿意再参与退耕的农户和不愿意再参与退耕的农户生计资本具有显著差异性。逻辑斯蒂回归结果表明,自然资本、金融资本以及社会资本对农户的再参与意愿有显著影响,但是作用方式不同:其中自然资本对农户再参与有着显著的负影响,金融资本、社会资本对农户再参与意愿有显著的正影响。生计资本二级指标中,农户拥有的耕地面积、现金收入、家庭村委会成员数量以及劳动力受教育程度对农户的再参与意愿具有显著影响,其中农户拥有的耕地面积对其再参与意愿具有显著负影响,且贡献较大((β=-23.041)),而现金收入、家庭村委会成员数量以及劳动力受教育程度对农户再参与意愿具有显著正影响,以现金收入的影响最大(β=38.591),其次分别是家庭村委会成员数量(β=13.625)和劳动力的受教育程度(β=7.717)。最后,论文探讨了生计资本及其组成指标对于农户再参与意愿的作用机制,建议降低农户对于土地资源的依赖,提高非农业收入和补偿标准,提高劳动力素质以及优化区域发展环境来提高农户的再参与意愿。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的暴发, 使得对野生动物的消费与贸易中的公共健康安全问题引起广泛关注。为了给相关的立法和政策制定提供参考, 我们通过网络对于全国及部分海外华人发放问卷进行了调查, 共收回74,040份有效问卷。根据问卷调查结果, 本文对普通公众对于野生动物消费和贸易立法意愿及影响因素进行了分析。研究结果包括: (1)公众对全面取缔野味餐馆和集市、禁止消费野味、禁止野生动物及其制品的买卖以及禁止野生动物商业性活体展演的立法动议持赞成态度的比例均超过90%; (2)现有野生动物消费群体经历新冠肺炎疫情后倾向于停止消费行为; (3)曾经消费野生动物或周围有人从事野生动物相关产业的群体相比其他人群更有可能不支持全面禁止对野生动物的消费和贸易。结果表明, 全国人民代表大会常务委员会禁食野生动物的决定和修改野生动物保护法的动议在受高等教育者和城镇居民中有良好的公众基础。  相似文献   

黄蕾  段百灵  袁增伟  田丰  毕军 《生态学报》2010,30(2):487-497
为更好的保护湖泊生态系统,同时为了提供湖泊生态安全管理、宣传、预防等方面的建议,应用目前评价非使用价值较成熟的条件价值法(CVM),以洪泽湖为研究对象,采用实地调研的方式,运用支付意愿问卷调查的形式,结合数据相关分析和回归分析的方法,分析了湖泊生态系统服务功能支付意愿的影响因素。共发放支付卡式CVM问卷520份,回收有效问卷498份,获得支付意愿的分布形态和规律。运用Logit回归模型分析湖泊生态服务功能价值评估过程中的主要影响因素,对比分析了不同人群对恢复该湖泊生态服务功能支付意愿的差异。通过多元统计分析得到在洪泽湖生态系统恢复计划案例中,受访者的支付意愿主要受到家庭年收入、对政府的信任程度和对环境保护的意识等因素的影响,并展开了较为详细的讨论和解释。最后针对模型分析的结果,提出具体可行的增强公众环保态度和环保意愿的建议,为政府相关政策的制定提供理论基础,为决策者选择有效目标人群提供参考依据。  相似文献   

公众对植物园功能定位和形象认知的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
严海  陈进  贺赫 《生物多样性》2010,18(5):516-1
作为生物多样性保护的专业机构, 植物园可以通过开展公众教育来发挥作用, 而公众对植物园的功能定位和形象认知将会影响其作用的发挥。作者分别选择1个研究型植物园(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 简称版纳植物园)和1个城市植物园(杭州植物园)为研究对象, 同时以版纳植物园同域分布的西双版纳野象谷森林公园(简称野象谷)为对照, 调查公众对上述3个机构的功能定位和形象认知。研究结果表明: (1)在功能定位方面, 参观两个植物园的游客对植物园是“物种收集和保存的机构”、“开展公众教育, 提高环境意识的机构”和“促进生物多样性保护的专业机构”三个方面有显著的认同度; 对版纳植物园是“科学研究的机构”、“培养训练专业人才的机构”和“提供相关专业资讯和咨询的机构”三个方面也有显著的认同度; (2)同域分布的版纳植物园和野象谷相比, 公众对二者的大多数功能定位认知存在显著差异; (3)在形象认知方面, 公众对3个机构“空气新鲜, 环境宜人”、“具有外面看不到的动植物”、“景色优美, 赏心悦目”以及“是回归自然的地方”认可度显著; 对版纳植物园“是增长科学知识的地方”的认可度最高, 而野象谷的公众对此认可度最低。调查结果可为植物园更好地开展生物多样性保护教育、改善形象以及提高公众服务水平提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

自工业革命以来,由于人类活动的影响和保育意识的缺失,越来越多的物种已经走向了灭绝的边缘,增强公众对濒危动物的保护意识已经成为濒危动物保护最经济、最有效的方法。以长江口中华鲟保育研究为例,介绍了长江口自然保护区保育工作现状,公众参与保育活动存在的问题,并对比香港海洋公园保育基金发展历程,尤其是涉及水生濒危动物的保育项目及进展,提出了增强公众对濒危动物保育意识的若干对策。  相似文献   

农产品主产区的耕地保护是关系到全国农产品供给安全的重要问题.本文以湖北省京山县为例,以环境友好型农业生产的机会成本损失为基础,综合考虑农户的受偿意愿,确定出农田生态补偿额度,并通过构建Tobit回归模型分析影响农户受偿额度的相关因素.研究表明: 在对保护性耕作有经济补偿的前提下,分别有77.1%和64.7%的受访农户愿意减少化肥和农药施用量.随着化肥、农药的减少比例从<10%增加到>50%,农户的机会成本分别由1198、5850元·hm-2·a-1增加到9698、9750元·hm-2·a-1,农户的受偿额度分别由4750、7313元·hm-2·a-1增加到9781、12393元·hm-2·a-1,在同等减少比例下,农户对农药减少的机会成本和受偿额度都大于化肥减少的机会成本和受偿额度,且基于农户意愿的受偿额度要大于其机会成本损失额度.距离城镇远近、对农田生态环境的认知、改善农田生态环境期望指数对农户减少化肥施用受偿额度有正向显著影响,而受教育程度和村集体经济状况有负向显著影响.家庭农业收入占比、对农田生态环境的认知、改善农田生态环境期望指数对农户减少农药施用受偿额度有正向显著影响,而家庭年现金收入和村集体经济状况有负向显著影响.

马奔  严冬  温亚利 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4202-4211
国家公园内人与野生动物冲突严重,建立野生动物肇事保险机制是减缓冲突的重要举措。以大熊猫国家公园周边社区为例,分析建立国家公园以及农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事保险购买意愿的影响,并探讨冲突程度和制度信任的中介效应。研究结果表明建立国家公园显著增加了农户野生动物肇事保险购买意愿,而农户风险偏好对保险购买意愿会产生负向显著影响。冲突程度和制度信任是重要的中介变量,冲突程度和制度信任均对农户保险购买意愿产生正向显著影响。建立国家公园显著增加了人与野生动物冲突严重程度,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。此外,建立国家公园显著降低了农户制度信任,进而对保险购买意愿产生负向影响。农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事损失程度产生正向显著影响,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。农户风险偏好对制度信任影响并不显著。基于此,研究提出吸纳社会资本参与,拓宽野生动物肇事保险资金来源,开展社区共管、地役权补偿等措施提升社区信任以及建立基于农户自主防护行为的野生动物肇事保险机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Large herbivores such as elephants (Loxodonta africana) apparently have a negative impact on woody vegetation at moderate to high population densities. The confounding effects that fire, drought, and management history have may complicate assignment of such impacts to herbivory. We reviewed 238 studies published over 45 years and conducted a meta-analysis based on 21 studies that provided sufficient information on response of woody vegetation to elephants. We considered size and duration of studies, elephant densities, rainfall, fences, and study outcomes in our analysis. We detected a disproportionate citation of 20 published studies in our database, 15 of which concluded that woody vegetation responded negatively to elephants. Our analysis showed that high elephant densities had a negative effect on woody vegetation but that rainfall and presence of fences influenced these effects. In arid savannas, woody vegetation always responded negatively to elephants. In transitional savannas, an increase in elephant densities did not influence woody vegetation response. In mesic savannas, negative responses of woody vegetation increased when elephants occurred at higher densities, whereas elephants confined by fences also had more negative effects on woody plants than elephants that were not confined. Our analysis suggested that rainfall and fences influenced elephant density related impact and that research results were often site-specific. Local environmental conditions and site-specific objectives should be considered when developing management actions to curb elephant impacts on woody vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper uses a bio-economic model to analyze wildlife conservation in two habitats adjacent to a national park by two types of communities in Zimbabwe. One community is made up of peasant farmers operating under a benefit-sharing scheme such as CAMPFIRE, while the other is made up of commercial farmers practicing game farming in a conservancy. Both communities exploit wildlife by selling hunting licenses to foreign hunters but with different levels of success. The park agency plays a central role by authorizing the harvest quota for each community. We formulate a bio-economic model for the three agents, optimize the market problem for each agent and compare the outcomes with the social planner’s solution. Our results show that the level of anti-poaching enforcement by the park agency is suboptimal, while anti-poaching effort exerted by the conservancy community achieves social optimality. CAMPFIRE communities exert more poaching effort than what the social planner would recommend. Our model shows that institutional reforms in benefit-sharing schemes could result in the decisions of CAMPFIRE communities gravitating towards the social optimum.  相似文献   

Mathematical models can identify different drivers and/or habitat preferences depending on the size and area of the analysis. Important criteria for survival, such as water access, may be seen at various spatial ranges while features such as human disturbance may only impact wildlife at a coarse scale. This study analyses the impact of roads surrounding Karongwe Private Game Reserve, South Africa, on a herd of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) over 6 years at three separate spatial ranges—coarse (the entire available area), home (95% isopleth) and core (50% isopleth). The purpose was to determine which anthropogenic (eastern and western public roads) and natural features (rivers, dams and vegetation) elephants avoided and preferred within each range. Coarse‐scale analysis indicates a clear avoidance by elephants for all public roads. Home and core range analyses showed a seasonal avoidance of roads by the breeding herd but not by bulls. Results indicate the importance in interpreting data at various ranges to improve identifying wildlife movement drivers.  相似文献   

四川藏族地区藏传佛教与野生动物保护的关系初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
笔者于1999年7~8月在四川省甘孜藏族自治州的石渠、白玉2个藏族聚居县进行藏传佛教与野生动物保护关系的调查。结果发现虽然当地藏民都信教,寺庙也都反对捕杀野生动物,但还有50%的被调查乡有打猎现象,对于狼(Canis lupus)和鼠兔(Ochotona spp.),分别有96%和98%的被访者认为应该消灭;对猛禽和有蹄类有好感的被访者分别有57%和45%。所有藏民都知道野生动物受国家法律和佛教的保护,当地寺庙给予藏民的约束力对野生动物保护有很大影响。政府应与寺庙合作进行野生动物保护及宣传工作。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution of elephant carcasses in relation to ecological characteristics and human activities is critical to developing targeted management strategies for reducing poaching. We employ a spatial modelling approach to quantify the relative contribution of multiple climatic, ecological, human and protected area management predictors of the number of elephant carcasses in a recognized poaching hotspot: the Ruvuma landscape of northern Mozambique and southern Tanzania. This includes the Niassa Reserve in the south and the Selous Game Reserve in the north. In Mozambique, the number of elephant carcasses is positively associated with State-managed protected areas such as Niassa Reserve, but particularly with environmental variables including low rainfall and high temperatures. In Tanzania, elephant carcasses are positively associated with community-managed sites. A strong focus on effective management of protected areas in the Ruvuma landscape is crucial to reducing the killing of elephants.  相似文献   

High population growth and deteriorating economic conditions imperil Africa's natural environment. Conservationists are trying to cope with the threat by working in rural communities. Yet it is unclear whether they can be effective when social and economic change in rural areas is so rapid. Northeast Swaziland provides a case study. The landscape has been transformed since the 1950s, and conservationists are the only people now giving nature conservation a high priority. Land uses incompatible with local nature reserves are supported because they provide jobs. Thus, conservationists find themselves facing a world where wildlife is increasingly devalued as the forces of change accelerate. This paper concludes: (1) conservationists must expand their influence into rural communities, (2) an integrated development and conservation plan is required for northeastern Swaziland, and (3) only the alleviation of poverty will secure the future of nature conservation in Swaziland as well as the rest of Africa.  相似文献   

Although funds for livestock conservation are limited there is little known about the optimal allocation of conservation funds. A new algorithm was used to allocate Mio US$ 1, 2, 3, 5 or unlimited funds, discounted over 50 years, on 23 African cattle breeds conserved with four different possible conservation programs. Additionally, Mio US$ 1 was preferably allocated to breeds with special traits. The conceptional in situ conservation programs strongly involve breeders and give them part of the responsibility for the conservation of the breed. Therefore, the pure in situ conservation was more efficient than cryoconservation or combined in situ and cryoconservation. The average annual discounted conservation cost for a breed can be as low as US$ 1000 to US$ 4400 depending on the design of the conservation program and the economic situation of the country of conservation. The choice of the breeds and the optimal conservation program and the amount of money allocated to each breed depend on many factors such as the amount of funds available, the conservation potential of each breed, the effects of the conservation program as well as its cost. With Mio US$ 1, 64% of the present diversity could be maintained over 50 years, which is 13% more than would be maintained if no conservation measures were implemented. Special traits could be conserved with a rather small amount of the total funds. Diversity can not be conserved completely, not even with unlimited funds. A maximum of 92% of the present diversity could be conserved with Mio US$ 10, leaving 8% of the diversity to unpredictable happenings. The suggested algorithm proved to be useful for optimal allocation of conservation funds. It allocated the funds optimally among breeds by identifying the most suited conservation program for each breed, also accounting for differences in currency exchange rates between the different countries.  相似文献   

国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的态度直接影响野生动物保护政策有效实施以及人与野生动物共存机制。迄今,学术界鲜有从原住民认知与意愿角度探讨野生动物肇事的成果,基于自然保护地国家公园的相关研究尚未见报道。根据449份有效调查问卷及深度访谈数据,论文采用有序多分类Logistic回归方法,探讨武夷山国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的认知、意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)多数原住民经历过野生动物肇事,其农作物及牲畜受到严重损害,野猪(Sus scrofa)为研究区域主要的肇事动物。(2)种群数量增加、食物短缺和生存空间受限是野生动物肇事的主要原因。(3)学历、经历及认可政府应对肇事的方式对原住民防范野生动物肇事意愿的影响显著。在此基础上,提出遵循生态规律、保护栖息地、提升认知与意愿、实行社区共管、建立野生动物致害补偿机制以及引入野生动物致害赔偿保险等对策,希望能够深化对野生动物肇事特征及机理的科学认识,为有效缓解人与野生动物冲突、推进国家公园人与野生动物和谐提供政策参考。  相似文献   

沿道路设置供野生动物迁徙、扩散和连接栖息地的廊道是应对道路干扰最有效的措施,科学选址则是野生动物廊道建设的前提,也是廊道研究的薄弱领域。以大熊猫廊道为例对野生动物廊道选址指标体系、方法和程序进行了探索,将栖息地特征、地形因素、植被可转化性、工程成本作为大熊猫廊道选址指标,基于Arcgis和栖息地格局、海拔、坡度、植被数据,为四川306省道椅子垭口段确定了两处大熊猫廊道位置,并用监测数据证明了所选位置具有较大的可行性和准确性。研究表明栖息地格局是廊道选址的重要基础,应侧重对地形因素的研究。研究为廊道选址方法和流程进行了示范,还对选址指标体系优化、提高选址的科学性进行了探讨,有助于推动野生动物廊道研究从理论探索走向实际应用。  相似文献   

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