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I. Tasaki  P. M. Byrne 《Biopolymers》1994,34(2):209-215
Discontinuous volume transitions in poly(acrylic acid) gels were studied by determining equilibrium swelling curves of small gel beads immersed in salt solutions containing varying concentrations of Ca2+ and Na+. Reversible contractions of gel membranes associated with Ca2+-Na+ exchange were examined using both isometric and isotonic recording devices. A discontinuous change in electric conductance was demonstrated in association with Ca2+-Na+ exchange in gel membranes. These experimental findings provide a sound physicochemical basis for elucidating the mechanism of nerve excitation. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The levels of NGF and NGF receptor mRNA, the degree of macrophage recruitment, and the ability of sensory and motor axons to regenerate were measured in C57BL/Ola mice, in which Wallerian degeneration following a nerve lesion is very slow. Results were compared with those from C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice, in which degeneration is normal. We found that in C57BL/Ola mice, apart from the actual lesion site, recruitment of macrophages was much lower, levels of mRNA for both NGF and its receptor were raised only slightly above normal, and sensory axon regeneration was much impaired. Motor axons regenerated quite well. These results provide in vivo evidence that macrophage recruitment is an important component of NGF synthesis and of sensory (but not motor) axon maintenance and regrowth.  相似文献   

Lignification in all plant species is assumed to occur exclusively via the dehydrogenative polymerization of the trans (E) monolignols, p-coumaryl, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols. This assumption may have to be revised somewhat due to the presence of both E(trans) and Z (cis) isomers of p-hydroxy substituted cinnamic acids in grasses, and cis-coniferyl and cis-sinapyl alcohols in beech bark (Fagus grandifolia). This suggests that lignification of these tissues may use either cis- or trans-monolignols. By means of H2O2/peroxidase induction, we have prepared synthetic dehydrogenative polymerized (DHP) lignin from both cis- and trans-coniferyl alcohols. Under the tests employed, the degradation products from both DHPs were identical suggesting that either cis- or trans-monolignols are suitable substrates for this enzyme and, therefore, lignification. An alternative hypothesis is that the cis-monolignols accumulate in beech bark because they are not suitable substrates. Therefore, it would follow that the enzymes involved in lignification in vivo are highly specific.  相似文献   

Computations show that cathodal rheobase increases with temperature from 0 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Anodal rheobase (stimulation at the end of an indefinitely long anodal pulse) also increases with temperature, but goes to infinity at a critical temperature 17.13 degrees C, above which such excitation is impossible. For a stimulus consisting of any step change of current from I0 to I1, a threshold curve of I1 is plotted against I0. As the temperature increases, this curve rises. Its intersection with the horizontal axis, which determines the anodal rheobase, goes to infinity at the critical temperature. This phenomenon is caused by the saturation of the variables m, h, n for strongly hyperpolarized potentials, combined with the relative speeding up of the inhibitory process with increasing temperature. The threshold charge Q in an instantaneous anodal current pulse (of zero duration) goes to infinity at the same temperature, with a similar explanation in terms of threshold curves in the I1 vs. Q plane. The fact that the critical temperature for both cases is the same is generalized by the conjecture that for any anodal current waveform whatever, as its amplitude approaches infinity, the trajectory in the phase space following its cessation approaches the same limiting trajectory. This limiting trajectory changes from suprathreshold to subthreshold at the critical temperature.  相似文献   

Trypsin-like enzymes were studied in dormant, activated, and germinated spores of Bacillus cereus T. Dormant spores contained two heat-labile enzyme activities. One was extractable with 2 M KCl and hydrolyzed azo-albumin. The second, a trypsinlike activity, was not extractable with 2 M KCl and hydrolyzed benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide. Because of their heat instability, these two enzyme activities are probably not involved in the germination of heat-activated spores. Upon germination of heat-treated spores, a trypsinlike protease which was not detected in intact dormant spores was activated or exposed. This enzyme, when measured in intact germinated spores, hydrolyzed benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide but not azo-albumin and was inhibited in situ by sulfhydryl-blocking reagents such as p-chloromercuribenzoic acid and Hg2+. There was a correlation between the inhibition of germination and enzymatic activity by sulfhydryl-blocking reagents. The enzyme was also inhibited by leupeptin, tosyl-L-lysine chromoethyl ketone, and tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester. Good correlation existed between the inhibition of germination and enzymatic activity by these agents. Electron micrographs showed that in the presence of trypsin inhibitors, the spores did not lose their cortex. The protein extracts of the inhibited spores formed a somewhat different electrophoretic pattern in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than the protein extracts of dormant or germinated spores.  相似文献   

Circulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPCs) have been reported to contribute to vasculogenesis in adult organisms. To investigate the possible recruitment of EPCs and organization to form tumor vasculature, we investigated the in vivo real-time trafficking of EPCs non-invasively by using positron emission tomography (PET). A conditionally immortalized endothelial cell line derived from rat bone marrow (TR-BME1) was labeled with [2-(18)F] 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) and chased the accumulation in the rat tumor with PET. TR-BME1 cells were accumulated in the tumor tissues time-dependently. To investigate that the accumulation of the cells is specific or not, rats were previously irradiated with gamma-ray to suppress the influence of non-labeled EPCs derived from its bone marrow and used for PET analysis. The accumulation of TR-BME1 cells in the tumor was enhanced in gamma-ray-irradiated rats compared with that of non-irradiated ones, suggesting that TR-BME1 cells accumulated in the tumor specifically like as EPCs. Then the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in EPC recruitment was examined. An inhibitor of MMP, MMI270, which suppressed invasion and tube formation abilities of TR-BME1 cells, only slightly suppressed the accumulation of TR-BME1 cells in the tumor of rats. These results suggest that EPCs are recruited in the tumor tissues for formation of tumor vasculature, and demonstrate the usefulness of TR-BME1 cells for studies on EPC related phenomena.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are believed to be involved in human ageing. Whilst it is clear that various mitochondrial DNA mutations do accumulate in human tissues with age, whether or not they interfere with respiratory chain function is uncertain. We question the results of previous studies which have measured respiratory chain function in human skeletal muscle with age. Whilst cytochrome c oxidase deficient fibres are a real finding in skeletal muscle, the contribution of mitochondrial DNA mutations to human ageing is still controversial. Our results show for mitochondria to be involved in ageing then it must be through a more subtle mechanism than a global decline in respiratory chain function. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 325–328, 1997)  相似文献   

The propagation of a transverse disturbance along a tubular membrane enclosing a fluid medium and embedded in another is considered. It is shown that the velocity of propagation of such a disturbance can be identified with the velocity of the conduction process of thin-sheathed nerve fibers. The required values of the associated parameters, tension and pressure, appear not unreasonable. The results obtained indicate that experimental observations on the relation between the conduction velocity and the fiber diameter, as well as the effects of longitudinal stretching and transverse squeezing on the velocity of the conduction process in nerve, may be correlated on such a basis.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to provide an enzymatic means to attain faster swelling or shrinking kinetics of polyelectrolyte gels that undergo volume phase transition as an immobilized enzyme reaction sets in. For this, we studied the coimmobilization of gluconolactonase (GL) with glucose oxidase (GOD). A gel used was in the shape of a small cylinder (several hundred micrometers in diameter) and composed of a lightly cross-linked copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide and acrylic acid. GL was isolated from Aspergillus niger and purified about 100-fold. It was found that in a substrate solution containing glucose, the gel with the coimmobilized GL and GOD shrinks very rapidly. The shrinking rate was identical to that of the enzyme-free gel that undergoes a shrinking transition in response to a sudden pH change of the outer medium from 7 to 5. This indicates the rate-limiting step in the shrinking process to be diffusion of the networks, but not the enzyme reaction. In the gel with singly immobilized GOD, a very slow shrinking was observed because the process is governed by the enzyme reaction. These results were discussed in full in connection with an enzymatically induced decrease in pH within and in the vicinity of the gel phase. As a result, it has become apparent that the faster shrinking kinetics in the coimmobilized enzyme system is attained by the GL-catalyzed hydrolysis of D-glucono-delta-lactone resulting from the oxidation of glucose with GOD.  相似文献   

Quick-freeze deep-etch electron microscopy showed the presence of bridge-like structures between adjacent secretory granules in rat anterior pituitary secretory cells. These intergranular bridges were variable in length and thickness. The finest bridges were 7–8 nm in length, while the longest ones were as long as 80 nm. Annexin II, one of the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins, is known to interlink between two membranes and induce aggregation of liposomes and chromaffin granules under the presence of Ca2+. In anterior pituitary cells, annexin II was detected by immunoelectron microscopy at the contact sites of secretory granules with other granules. The anterior pituitary cells treated under the presence of extracellular Ca2+ with Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin which induces Ca2+ influx showed multigranular exocytosis, i.e., multiple fusions of secretory granules with each other and with the plasma membrane. The granule-granule fusion in progress could be captured by the quick-freeze deep-etch technique. The membranes of adjacent secretory granules were partially fused at their contact sites where intergranular strands were no longer seen, while there existed intergranular strands between unfused portions of the granule membranes. From these results, we consider that the intergranular bridges, some of which may be composed of annexin II, are involved in Ca2+-induced granule-granule fusion in anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

We employed an improved fixation procedure for electron microscopy using ruthenium red, and found a bundle of contractile tubules inside the axopodia of the heliozoon Actinophrys sol. Upon food uptake, the tubules shorten and transform into a mass of small granules when rapid axopodial contraction occurs, suggesting that these structures are involved in the process of axopodial contraction. The relationship between transformation of the contractile tubules and accompanying disassembly of the axonemal microtubules was studied by examining the ultrastructure of the contractile tubules after disassembly of the microtubules was artificially induced by cold or colchicine treatment. Granulation of the contractile tubules was induced by cold but not by colchicine treatment. During recovery from cold treatment, granular forms of the contractile tubules became re-elongated and their initial tubular appearance was restored. These results suggest that the contractile tubules in heliozoon axopodia play a role in repetitive cytoplasmic contraction.  相似文献   

Through the use of reporter molecules, I, it is shown that more than one type of intercalating site must exist in DNA. Although this finding is completely consistent with the DNA structure it has not yet been demonstrated. The significance of the presence of different intercalating sites in DNA may be of extreme importance in the recognition of nucleic acid-protein systems.  相似文献   

The phase behaviour of leaf polar lipids from three plants, varying in their sensitivity to chilling, was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. For the lipids from mung bean (Vigna radiata L. var. Berken), a chilling-sensitive plant, a transition exotherm was detected beginning at 10 ± 2°C. No exotherm was evident above 0°C with polar lipids from wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Falcon) or pea (Pisum sativum cv. Massey Gem), plants which are insensitive to chilling. The enthalpy for the transition in the mung bean polar lipids indicated that only about 7% w/w of the lipid was in the gel phase at ?8°C. The thermal transition of the mung bean lipids was mimicked by wheat and pea polar lipids after the addition of 1 to 2% w/w of a relatively high melting-point lipid such as dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol or dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. Analysis of the polar lipids from the three plants showed that a dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol was present in mung bean (1.7% w/w) and pea (0.3% w/w) but undetected in wheat, indicating that the transition exotherm temperature of 10°C in mung bean, 0°C in pea and about ?3°C in wheat correlates with the proportion of the high melting-point disaturated component in the polar lipids. The results indicate that the transition exotherm, observed at temperatures above 0°C in the membranes of chilling-sensitive plants, could be induced by small amounts of high melting-point lipids and involves only a small proportion of the membrane polar lipids.  相似文献   

K+ currents activated by hypotonic cell swelling have been studied in Ehrlich ascites tumour cells by the whole-cell recording mode of the patch-clamp technique. K+ together with Cl- currents developed in the absence of added intracellular Ca2+ and with strong buffering of internal Ca2+ in experiments conducted at 37 degrees C. Manipulation of the extracellular medium with other cations suggests a selectivity sequence of K+ > Rb+ > NH4+ > or = Na+ approximately equals Li+ approximately equals Cs+. The current-voltage relationship of the volume-sensitive K+ current was well fitted with the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz current equation between -130 and 20 mV at both physiological and high K+ extracellular solutions. The class III antiarrhytmic drug clofilium blocked the volume-sensitive K+ current in a voltage-independent manner. Clofilium was also found to be a strong inhibitor of the regulatory volume decrease (RVD) response of Ehrlich cells. The leukotriene D4 (LTD4) can activate the same current in isotonicity, consistent with a role for this compound in the signalling process of volume regulation. It is suggested that K+ channels activated by cell swelling belong to the so-called background K+ channel group. These are voltage-independent channels which underlie the resting potential of many cells and have recently been identified as belonging to a family of K+ channels with two pore domains in tandem (2P-4TM). Preliminary experiments show the presence of the TASK-2 channel, a member of the 2P-4TM family inhibited by acid extracellular pH, in Ehrlich cells and suggest that it might underlie the swelling-induced K+ current.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum cells, extracellular cAMP induces the rapid (within 2 s) activation of guanylate cyclase, which is followed by complete desensitization after about 10 s. cAMP binding to these cells is heterogeneous, showing a subclass of fast dissociating sites coupled to adenylate cyclase (A-sites) and a subclass of slowly dissociating sites coupled to guanylate cyclase (B-sites). The kinetics of the B-sites were further investigated on a seconds time scale. Statistical analysis of the association of [3H]cAMP to the B-sites and dissociation of the complex revealed that the receptor can exist in three states which interconvert according to the following scheme. (formula; see text). cAMP binds to the BF-state (off-rate 2.5 s) which rapidly (t1/2 = 3 s) converts to the BS-state (off-rate 15 s) and subsequently (without a detectable delay) into the BSS-state (off-rate 150 s). In membranes, both the BS- and BSS-states are converted to the BF-state by GTP and GDP, suggesting the involvement of a G-protein. Densensitized cells show a 80% reduction of the formation of the BSS-state, but no reduction of the BF- or BS-state. These data are combined into a model in which the transitions of the B-sites are mediated by a G-protein; activation of the G-protein and guanylate cyclase is associated with the transition of the BS- to the BSS-state of the receptor, whereas desensitization is associated with the inhibition of this transition.  相似文献   

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