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发现9种新的人类染色体异常核型,分别为: 46, XX, t(2; 10)(q33; q11); 46, XY, t(10; 12)(q26; q22); 46, XY, t(6; 15)(p23; q23); 46, XY, t(1; 6)(p36; q21); 46, XY, t(1; 19)(p32; p13); 46, XY, t(16; 18)(q22; q21); 46, XY, inv(1)(p36q25); 46, XY, t(13; 17)(q12; q25); 46, XY, t(15; 21)(q26; q11)。异常核型是导致自然流产和不育的原因。 Abstract Nine new kinds of human chromosomal abnormal karyotypes were reported. They were46, XX, t(2; 10)(q33; q11); 46, XY, t(10; 12)(q26; q22); 46, XY, t(6; 15)(p23; q23); 46, XY, t(1; 6)(p36; q21); 46, XY , t(1; 19)(p32; p13); 46, XY, t(16; 18)(q22; q21); 46, XY, inv(1)(p36q25); 46, XY, t(13; 17)(q12; q25) and 46, XY, t(15; 21)(q26; q11). The chromosomal anomalies were the causes of spontaneous abortions and infertilities.  相似文献   

水稻上部节间长度等数量性状基因的定位及其遗传效应分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
对水稻籼粳杂交(窄叶青8号×京系17)F_1的花药进行离体培养,建立一个含133个DH系的作图群体,通过构建分子连锁图谱,对水稻上部节间长度、株高和抽穗期的QTL进行区间作图,定位了影响上部节间长度的12个QTL、株高的4个QTL和抽穗期的1个QTL。对这些QTL的遗传效应分析的结果表明,控制抽穗期的1个QTL即Hd8a为主效基因,其余的16个QTL为微效基因。控制上部节间长度单个的QTL对表型的贡献率介于8-18%,其加性效应可使所控制的节间长度增加大约1.6-3.6cm。值得注意的是,一些控制相关性状的、作用方向相同的QTL定位于同一染色体的相同或邻近区段上。这一结果揭示了这些性状相关的遗传基础,在水稻育种中运用这些QTL将有助于对株高进行精细的遗传调控。  相似文献   

新近发现的自然流产夫妇的几种染色体异常   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对218对自然流产夫妇进行了染色体分析,发现17种异常核型,其中46,XY,t(13;14)(q14;q32)、46,XX,t(11;18)(q25;q21)、46,XY,t(4;10)(q31;q11)、 46,XX,t(15;21)(q24;q11)和46,XY,t(6;16)(p24;q13)为世界首报核型。作者同时报道了7例单个细胞染色体异常病例。对染色体异常与流产的关系进行了讨论。 Abstract:Chontaneous abortions and 17 kinds of abnormal karyotypes were discovered.Among which,five abnormal karyotypes were first reported in the world.They are 46,XY,t (13;14)(q14;q32);46,XX;t(11;18)(q25;q21);46,XY,t (4;10) (q31;q11); 46,XX,t (15;21) (q24;q11) and 46,XY,t (6;16) (p24;q13). The chromosome abnormalitics and spontaneous abortious was discussed.  相似文献   

为了确定两例细胞遗传学提示染色体结构异常的核型,应用通过显微切割技 术构建的人类18号和7号染色体探针池,分别对这两例病例的中期分裂相进行染色体涂染,结合显带染色体,确定两者核型分别为46,XY,t(3;18) (q12;q21)和46,XX,dir ins(1;7)(p3104;q34q36)。染色体涂染技术是染色体显带技术的重要补充和发展,为染色体结构异常提供了一种直观、准确的检测手段,在遗传咨询和产前诊断方面有重要作用。 Abstract:In this study,chromosome painting technique was performed to analyse the abnormal karyotypes of two carriers.Chromosome 18 and 7 specific libraries,which were generated by chromosome microdissection technique,were used as probe pools to hybridize the carriers metaphase chromosomes respectively.Unlabled human genomic DNA was used to inhibit the hybridization of sequences in the library that bind to mutiple chromosomes.Structure abnormality was detected clearly in metaphase.Combined with the banding chromosomes,we concluded that their karytypes were 46,XY,t(3;18)(q12;q21)and 46,XX,dir ins(1;7)(p3104;q34q36).Chromosome painting,as a direct and concise method in analysing chromosome structure abnormality,is an important complement and development of chromosome banding technique,and has important application in genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

16种罕见的人类染色体异常核型报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对患有闭经、自发流产、死胎、死产等患者外周血淋巴细胞染色体检查,发现16种新的罕见人类染色体异常核型,它们是46,XY,t(6;11)(q25;p15);46,XY,inv(3)(p25;q29);46,XY,t(7;18)(q10;p10);46,X,t(X;13)(q24;q14);46,XY,t(4;7)(q33;q22);46,XY,t(8;15)(q24;q15);46,XY,t(2;17)(q33;q25);46,XX,t(4;7)(q34;q11);46,XX,t(1;3)(p36;p23);46,XX,t(4;6)(q35;p11);46,X,inv(X)(q22;q28);46,XX,t(7;10)(p11;q26);46,XX,t(3;6)(p21;q23);46,XX,t(8;16)(p21;p13);46,XX,t(8;9)(q21;q34);46,XY,t(17;22)(q21;q11)。描述了患者的临床表现,并对生殖异常患者染色体畸变与其表型效应关系进行探讨。Abstract:By examining the lymphocytic chromosomes of peripheral blood from patients with amenorrhea,spontaneous abortion and stillbirth history, .the 16 rare species of human chromosomal abnormal karyotypes were discovered. They wre 46,XY,t(6;11)(q25;p15);46,XY,inv(3)(p25;q29);46,XY,t(7;18)(q10;p10);46,X,t(X;13)(q24;q14);46,XY,t(4;7)(q33;q22);46,XY,t(8;15)(q24;q15);46,XY,t(2;17)(q33;q25);46,XX,t(4;7)(q34;q11);46,XX,t(1;3)(p36;p23);46,XX,t(4;6)(q35;p11);46,X,inv(X)(q22;q28);46,XX,t(7;10)(p11;q26);46,XX,t(3;6)(p21;q23);46,XX,t(8;16)(p21;p13);46,XX,t(8;9)(q21;q34);46,XY,t(17;22)(q21;q11). Their clinical situation were described. Discussion on the relationship between the chromosomal aberrations and phenotype effect indicates the importance of chromosome karyotyping in patients with abnormal reproductive history.  相似文献   

106例福建畲族男性Y染色体相对长度遗传性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游晓青  姜芬  邹起练 《遗传》2002,24(3):257-258
人类Y染色体相对长度(Y/F值)在不同种族、不同人群中分布有明显差异,其与身高、生殖间的关系存在较大争议。本文通过对106例(53对父子)福建畲族男性Y/F值及身高的测量,揭示了福建畲族男性Y染色体相对长度在家系中具垂直遗传性,其大Y出现率为11.1%,居中等偏下水平。 Abstract:It is found that the distribution of Human Y chromosome relative length (Y/F) is different obviously within different ethnic and population.There are disputations on the relationship of Y/F with height and reproduction.By measuring the Y/F and height of 106 case (53 pairs of fathers and sons) of Fujian she ethnic,we can find that the Y chromosome relative length of Fujian she ethnic has plumb inheritance within pedigree and the appearance rate of long Y is 11.1%,below the medium level.  相似文献   

一例12号染色体臂间倒位的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐琪  陈国宏  刘莉  张学余  李碧春  吴信生 《遗传》2003,25(5):521-525
小麦主要经济性状大多属数量性状,是受 微效多基因控制的。为了探索小麦常用亲本配 制组合时各主要经济性状的遗传变异规律,于 1980年选用了江苏、浙江两省普遍采用的UP 301、泰山1号、908、早白、白壳早、短秆早6 个品种作为杂交亲本,研究并分析了主要经济 性状的遗传参数,为有效地选配亲本,提高育种 成效,提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

在2 703例遗传咨询门诊病例中检出9号染色体臂间倒位21例,将本组inv(9)的频率与普通群体inv(9)的频率作比较,并通过对伴有其它性状的inv(9)家系的分析,讨论了inv(9)的遗传效应问题。 Abstract: Twenty one cases of pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 were found in 2703 patients asking genetic counseling. The percentage of inv(9) in this group was compared with that in normal population. Two special pedigrees with inv(9) were analyzed and the genetic effects of inv(9) were discussed.  相似文献   

贵州三都水族Y染色体单倍型频率分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
在92例贵州三都水族个体中,用PCR-RFLP法研究由11个单核苷酸多态位点(SNPs)组成的Y染色体单倍型频率分布,结果显示该人群的Y染色体主要为南方特异的H11和H9单倍型,两者频率高达90.22%。主成分分析结果显示其父系遗传结构与我国黎族、布依族等汉藏语系壮侗语族民族最为接近。通过Y染色体的遗传学观察与历史记载和语言学分类有较好一致性。 Abstract:Non-recombination region of Y-chromosome is a useful marker in tracing evolutionary history of paternal lineage.In the present study,total 92 individuals from Shui ethnic group in Sandu Shui Ethnic Group Autonomous County of Guizhou Province were inspected with 11 SNP sites including M7,M9,M15,M45,M89,M95,M119,M122,M130,M134 and YAP on Y-chromosome.All the subjects were required to be unrelated and without intermarriage with other ethnic groups within three generations.The haplotypes were analyzed by PCR-RFLP method.Four haplotypes H5,H8,H9 and H11 were detected with frequencies of 0.054,0.044,0.315 and 0.587,respectively.Principle component indicated that the paternal lineage of Shui ethnic group is much closer to Li ethnic group of Hainan Province and Bouyei ethnic group of Guizhou Province,which belong to the group of Zhuang-Dong branch of Sino-Tibetan language family.In addition genetic study of Shui coincides with its linguistic distribution.  相似文献   

纳.  SA 杜若甫 《遗传学报》1991,18(5):424-430
对55名Y染色体具有形态上相同的、异染色质几乎全部缺失的男性和55名Y染色体正常的男性进行了80项形态生理学性状的研究。发现在这两个组之间大部分性状的平均值并无显著性差异,但有些血液学指标有显著差异。用模式认辨法确定出20个性状的组合可以区分这两个组,其认辨误差为4.6%。认辨系统包括的有价值的性状为心电图指标(占性状的25%)、某些人类学指标、血液学指标和个体年龄。结果表明,Y染色体异染色质可能在人的个体发育过程中对形态生理学性状间的表型关系起一种修饰作用。  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormality and Y chromosome microdeletion are regarded as two frequent genetic causes associated with spermatogenic failure in Caucasian population. To investigate the distribution of the two genetic defects in Chinese patients with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia, karyotype analysis by G-banding was carried out in 358 idiopathic infertile men, including 256 patients with azoospermia and 102 patients with severe oligozoospermia, and screening of AZF region microdeletion of Y chromosome by multiplex PCR was performed in those patients without detectable chromosomal abnormality and 100 fertile controls. Of 358 patients, 39(10.9%) were found to have chromosomal abnormalities in which Klinefelters syndrome (47, XXY) was the most common chromosomal aberration. The incidence of sex chromosomal abnormality in patients with azoospermia was significantly higher than that in patients with severe oligozoospermia (12.1% vs 1%). Among the rest of the 319 patients with normal karyotype, 46 (14.4%) were found to have microdeletions in AZF region. The prevalence rates of AZF microdeletion was 15% and 13.1% in patients with azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia respectively. The microdeletion in AZFc was the most frequent deletion and all the microdeletions in AZFa were found in azoospermic patients. No microdeletion in AZF region was detected in fertile controls. In conclusion, chromosomal abnormality and AZF region microdeletion of Y chromosome might account for about 25% of Chinese infertile patients with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia, suggesting the two abnormalities are important genetic etiology of spematogenic failure in Chinese population and it is essential to screen them during diagnosis of male infertility before in vitro assisted fertilization by introcytoplasmic sperm injection.  相似文献   

阿周存  杨元  张思仲  张炜  林立 《遗传学报》2006,33(2):111-116
染色体异常和Y染色体微缺失被认为是两个白种人群中常见的生精障碍相关遗传因素。为了解中国无精症、严重寡精症患者中的染色体异常和Y染色体微缺失,运用染色体G显带技术,在358个原发无精症(256人)和严重寡精症(102人)不育患者中进行染色体核型分析;同时运用多重PCR技术,在核型正常的患者和100个正常生育男性中,对Y染色体AZF区微缺失进行筛查。在358个患者中,39人(10.9%)发现有染色体异常,Klinefelter(47,XYY)最为常见。无精症患者性染色体异常频率明显高于严重寡精症患者(12.1%VS1%)。在319个核型正常的患者中,46(14.4%)发现有AZF区微缺失,无精症和寡精症患者中Y染色体微缺失频率分别为15%和13.1%,AZFc区的微缺失最为常见,AZFa区的微缺失只见于无精症患者,正常生育男性中未发现AZF区的微缺失。结果显示,在中国无精症、严重寡精症患者中,大约25%的患者有染色体异常或Y染色体AZF区微缺失,提示这两种遗传异常是中国人群生精障碍的重要相关遗传病因,有必要在男性不育的诊断以及利用细胞浆内精子注射技术进行辅助生育时,对患者的这些遗传异常进行筛查。  相似文献   

人类基因组Y染色体回文序列具有非常特殊的对称结构,容纳了许多控制着睾丸发育的基因,破译其结构与所隐含的遗传信息成为生物信息学家们的机遇和挑战.利用语言学中Zipf定律的方法分析了Y染色体八个回文序列(P1~P8)中紧邻核苷酸的频率及其关联度的分布特征。用数学模型进行了精确地描述,发现紧邻核苷酸的频率分布并不满足Zipf定律,而满足三次多项式分布及紧邻核苷酸关联度的分布,满足逆函数分布,这些特征是人类Y染色体回文序列长期进化的结果。  相似文献   

随着人类基因组计划的迅猛发展,已有越来越多的 Y 染色体多态性遗传标记被发现,它们在探索人类起源、进化和迁移规律等方面,提供了非常有价值的遗传标记,同样在法医学中也有着广阔的应用前景.对 Y-DNA 的多态性及其相关应用的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

Common Mechanisms of Y Chromosome Evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Steinemann M  Steinemann S 《Genetica》2000,109(1-2):105-111
Y chromosome evolution is characterized by the expansion of genetic inertness along the Y chromosome and changes in the chromosome structure, especially the tendency of becoming heterochromatic. It is generally assumed that the sex chromosome pair has developed from a pair of homologues. In an evolutionary process the proto-Y-chromosome, with a very short differential segment, develops in its final stage into a completely heterochromatic and to a great extends genetically eroded Y chromosome. The constraints evolving the Y chromosome have been the objects of speculation since the discovery of sex chromosomes. Several models have been suggested. We use the exceptional situation of the in Drosophila mirandato analyze the molecular process in progress involved in Y chromosome evolution. We suggest that the first steps in the switch from a euchromatic proto-Y-chromosome into a completely heterochromatic Y chromosome are driven by the accumulation of transposable elements, especially retrotransposons inserted along the evolving nonrecombining part of the Y chromosome. In this evolutionary process trapping and accumulation of retrotransposons on the proto-Y-chromosome should lead to conformational changes that are responsible for successive silencing of euchromatic genes, both intact or already mutated ones and eventually transform functionally euchromatic domains into genetically inert heterochromatin. Accumulation of further mutations, deletions, and duplications followed by the evolution and expansion of tandem repetitive sequence motifs of high copy number (satellite sequences) together with a few vital genes for male fertility will then represent the final state of the degenerated Y chromosome. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

9号染色体臂间倒位21例分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
在2 703 例遗传咨询门诊病例中检出9 号染色体臂间倒位21 例,将本组inv(9)的频率与普通群体inv(9)的频率作比较,并通过对伴有其它性状的inv(9)家系的分析,讨论了inv(9)的遗传效应问题。  相似文献   

戴和平  邓汉湘 《遗传学报》1992,19(4):298-303
本文对三例X染色体结构异常46,X,dup(X)(p21);46,X,del(X)(p11);46,X,i(Xq)患者及其父母,用X染色体短臂或长臂上的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLPs)作为遗传标记,研究了异常X染色体的起源和形成机理。结果表明,dup(X)(p21)和del(X)(p11)起源于父方,而i(Xq)起源于母方。dup(X)(p21)是由X染色体姊妹染色单体不均等的互换所引起的,del(X)(p11)是由于X染色体断裂后丢失所致,i(Xq)的发生是由于卵母细胞X染色体着丝粒错分裂。  相似文献   

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