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The polypeptide composition and spectral properties of three photosystem II (PSII) deficient mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 have been determined. The levels of the 43 and 47 kilodalton chlorophyll-binding proteins and the reaction center component D2 are affected differently in each mutant; the 33 kD polypeptide of the oxygen-evolving complex is found at wild-type levels in all three. The 43 and 47 kilodalton proteins are implicated as important elements in the assembly and/or stability of the PSII reaction center, although the loss of one of these polypeptides does not lead to the loss of all PSII proteins. Low temperature fluorescence emission spectra of wild-type cells reveal chlorophyll-attributable peaks at 687 (PSII), 696 (PSII), and 725 (photosystem I) nanometers. All three mutants retain the 725 nanometer fluorescence but lack the 696 nanometer peak. This suggests that the latter fluorescence arises from PSII reaction center chlorophyll or results from interactions among functional PSII components in vivo. Cells that contain the 43 kilodalton and lack the 47 kilodalton protein, retain the 687 fluorescence; furthermore, in as much as this fluorescence is absent from cells without the 43 kilodalton protein, the 687 nanometer peak is judged to emanate from the 43 kilodalton chlorophyll-protein. A new peak, probably previously obscured, is revealed at 691 nanometers in cells that retain the 47 kilodalton protein but lack the 43 kilodalton polypeptide, suggesting that emission near 691 nanometers can be attributed to the 47 kilodalton polypeptide. Membrane-bound phycobilisomes are retained in these cells as is coupled-energy transfer between phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. Energy transfer to photosystem I by way of phycocyanin excitation proceeds as in wild-type cells despite the absence of certain PSII components.  相似文献   

An Isolated photosystem (PS) II reaction center (RC) with altered pigment content was obtained by chemical exchange of native chlorophyll a (Chl) with externally added Cu-Chl a (Cu-Chl). Pigment composition and spectroscopic properties of the RC exchanged with Cu-Chl were compared with native RC and RC treated with Chl In the same way. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed approximately 0.5 Cu-Chl per two pheophytln in the Cu-Chl-reconstltuted RC preparation. Insertion of Cu-Chl resulted in a decrease In absorption at 670 nm and an Increase at 660 nm, suggesting that the peripheral Chl may have been displaced. Fluorescence emission spectra of the Cu-Chl-reconstituted RC displayed a marked decrease In fluorescence yield and a blue shift of the band maximum, accompanied by the appearance of a broad peak at a shorter wavelength, Indicating that energy transfer In the modified RC was disturbed by Cu-Chl, a quencher of the excited state. However, there were few differences in the circular dichrolsm (CD) spectra, suggesting that the arrangement of pigments and proteins responsible for the CD signal was not significantly affected. In addition, no obvious change In peptlde components was found after the exchange procedure.  相似文献   

The photosystem II reaction center as isolated (O Nanba, K Satoh [1987] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 109-112) is quite dilute and very unstable. Precipitating the complex with polyethylene glycol and resuspending it in buffer without detergent concentrates the reaction center and greatly improves its stability at 4°C in the dark as judged by light-induced electron transport activity. Furthermore, a procedure was developed to minimize photodestruction of polyethylene-glycol-concentrated material at room temperature in the light. The ability to stabilize the photosystem II reaction center should facilitate future photophysical, biochemical, and structural studies of the complex.  相似文献   

The fluorescence kinetics of cyanobacterial photosystem II (PSII) core particles with closed reaction centers (RCs) were studied with picosecond resolution. The data are modeled in terms of electron transfer (ET) and associated protein conformational relaxation processes, resolving four different radical pair (RP) states. The target analyses reveal the importance of protein relaxation steps in the ET chain for the functioning of PSII. We also tested previously published data on cyanobacterial PSII with open RCs using models that involved protein relaxation steps as suggested by our data on closed RCs. The rationale for this reanalysis is that at least one short-lived component could not be described in the previous simpler models. This new analysis supports the involvement of a protein relaxation step for open RCs as well. In this model the rate of ET from reduced pheophytin to the primary quinone QA is determined to be 4.1 ns−1. The rate of initial charge separation is slowed down substantially from ∼170 ns−1 in PSII with open RCs to 56 ns−1 upon reduction of QA. However, the free-energy drop of the first RP is not changed substantially between the two RC redox states. The currently assumed mechanistic model, assuming the same early RP intermediates in both states of RC, is inconsistent with the presented energetics of the RPs. Additionally, a comparison between PSII with closed RCs in isolated cores and in intact cells reveals slightly different relaxation kinetics, with a ∼3.7 ns component present only in isolated cores.  相似文献   

The Dl and D2 subunits of the reaction center of photosystemII are intrinsic proteins, each with a molecular mass of about30 kDa. They exhibit considerable homology to each other interms of primary structure. A procedure was developed for theseparation and purification of these two proteins on a largescale from the photosystem II reaction center complex of spinachby high-performance liquid chromatography on a gel-permeationcolumn in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The purificationwas achieved by a combination of two gel-permeation chromatographicsteps performed with different concentrations of phosphate buffer,200 mM and 50 mM, as the mobile phase. The purified Dl and D2proteins were subjected to determination of their carboxy-terminalsequences by digestion of the proteins with carboxypeptidaseY. Comparison of the sequences deduced from the enzymatic analysiswith the sequences deduced from the psb A and psb D genes ofspinach indicates that the Dl protein ends at Ala-344 and theD2 protein at Leu-353. Thus, it appears that the Dl proteinloses 9 amino acid residues from the carboxy-terminus, fromAla-345 to Gly-353, during maturation, while the D2 proteindoes not lose any amino acid residues from the carboxy-terminus. (Received July 27, 1989; Accepted December 28, 1989)  相似文献   

In green plant-like photosynthesis, oxygen evolution is catalyzed by a thylakoid membrane-bound protein complex, photosystem II. Cytochrome b559, a protein component of the reaction center of this complex, is absent in a genetically engineered mutant of the cyanobacterium, Synechocystis 6803 [Pakrasi, H.B., Williams, J.G.K., and Arntzen, C.J. (1988). EMBO J. 7, 325-332]. In this mutant, the genes psbE and psbF, encoding cytochrome b559, were deleted by targeted mutagenesis. Two other protein components, D1 and D2 of the photosystem II reaction center, are also absent in this mutant. However, two chlorophyll-binding proteins, CP47 and CP43, as well as a manganese-stabilizing extrinsic protein component of photosystem II are stably assembled in the thylakoids of this mutant. Thus, this deletion mutation destabilizes the reaction center of photosystem II only. The mutant also lacks a fluorescence maximum peak at 695 nm (at 77 K) even though the CP47 protein, considered to be the origin of this fluorescence peak, is present in this mutant. We propose that the fluorescence at 695 nm originates from an interaction between the reaction center of photosystem II and CP47. The deletion mutant shows the absence of variable fluorescence at room temperature, indicating that its photosystem II complex is photochemically inactive. Also, photoreduction of QA, the primary acceptor quinone in photosystem II, could not be detected in the mutant. We conclude that cytochrome b559 plays at least an essential structural role in the reaction center of photosystem II.  相似文献   

Mn2+ was required for the electron donating reaction from H2O2,but not for that from diphenylcarbazide (DPC), in the PS IIreaction center complex which was prepared from spinach chloroplastsby Triton X-100 extraction. The reaction center complex showeda high activity of 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) photoreductionin the presence of DPC, but a low activity with H2O2. The H2O2-supportedDCIP photoreduction was suppressed by EDTA and enhanced by asmall amount of Mn2+. Ca2+ and Mg2+ could not replace Mn2+.The activation by Mn2+ and its binding showed two binding sitesof Mn2+ in the reaction center complex, with high (1.5?107 M–1)and low (1 ? 106 M–1) binding constants. (Received November 8, 1986; Accepted April 10, 1987)  相似文献   

A fraction (usually in the range of 10–25%) of PS II centers is unable to transfer electrons from the primary quinone acceptor QA to the secondary acceptor QB. These centers are inactive with respect to O2 evolution since their reopening after photochemical charge separation to the S2OA - state involves predominantly a back reaction to S1QA in the few seconds time range (slower phases are also occurring). Several properties of these centers are analyzed by fluorescence and absorption change experiments. The initial rise phase Fo-Fpl of fluorescence induction under weak illumination reflects both the closure of inactive centers and the modulation of the fluorescence yield by the S-states of the oxygen-evolving system: We estimate typical relative amplitudes of these contributions as, respectively, 65 and 35% of the Fo-Fpl amplitude. The half-rise time of this phase is significantly shorter than for the fluorescence induction in the presence of DCMU (in which all centers are involved). This finding is shown to be consistent with inactive centers sharing the same light-harvesting antenna as normal centers, a view which is also supported by comparing the dependence of the fluorescence yield on the amount of closed active or inactive centers estimated through absorption changes. It is argued that the exponential kinetics of the Fo-Fpl phase does not indicate absence of excitation energy transfer between the antennas of inactive and active centers. We show that the acceptor dichlorobenzoquinone does not restore electron transfer in inactive centers, in disagreement with previous suggestions. We confirm, however, the enhancement of steady-state electron flow caused by this quinone and suggest that it acts by relieving a blocking step involved in the reoxidation of a fraction of the plastoquinone pool. Part of the discrepancies between the present results and those from previous literature may arise from the confusion of inactive centers characterized on a single turnover basis and PS II centers that become blocked under steady-state conditions because of deficient reoxidation of their secondary acceptors.Abbreviations DCBQ 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DMQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - PS photosystem  相似文献   

Wild-type and an atrazine-resistant biotype of Brassica napus, in which a glycine is substituted for the serine-264 of the D1protein, were grown over a wide range of constant irradiances in a growth cabinet. In the absence of serine-264, the function of photosystem II (PSII) was changed as reflected by changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and in photosynthetic oxygen-evolving activity. The photochemical quenching coefficient was lower, showing that a larger proportion of the primary quinone acceptor is reduced at all irradiances. At low actinic irradiances, the nonphotochemical quenching coefficient was higher, showing a greater tendency for heat emission. Decreased rates of light-limited photosynthesis (quantum yield) and lower oxygen yields per single-turnover flash were also observed. These changes were observed even when the plants had been grown under low irradiances, indicating that the changes in PSII function are direct and not consequences of photoinhibition. In spite of the lowered PSII efficiency under light-limiting conditions, the light-saturated photosynthesis rate of the atrazine-resistant mutant was similar to that of the wild type. An enhanced susceptibility to photoinhibition was observed for the atrazine-resistant biotype compared to the wild type when plants were grown under high and intermediate, but not low, irradiance. We conclude that the replacement of serine by glycine in the D1 protein has a direct effect on PSII function, which in turn causes increased photoinhibitory damage and increased rates of turnover of the D1 protein. Both the intrinsic lowering of light-limited photosynthetic efficiency and the increased sensitivity to photoinhibition probably contribute to reduced crop yields in the field, to different extents, depending on growth conditions.  相似文献   

The chloroplast-encoded low molecular weight protein PsbN is annotated as a photosystem II (PSII) subunit. To elucidate the localization and function of PsbN, encoded on the opposite strand to the psbB gene cluster, we raised antibodies and inserted a resistance cassette into PsbN in both directions. Both homoplastomic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mutants ∆psbN-F and ∆psbN-R show essentially the same PSII deficiencies. The mutants are extremely light sensitive and failed to recover from photoinhibition. Although synthesis of PSII proteins was not altered significantly, both mutants accumulated only ∼25% of PSII proteins compared with the wild type. Assembly of PSII precomplexes occurred at normal rates, but heterodimeric PSII reaction centers (RCs) and higher order PSII assemblies were not formed efficiently in the mutants. The ∆psbN-R mutant was complemented by allotopic expression of the PsbN gene fused to the sequence of a chloroplast transit peptide in the nuclear genome. PsbN represents a bitopic trans-membrane peptide localized in stroma lamellae with its highly conserved C terminus exposed to the stroma. Significant amounts of PsbN were already present in dark-grown seedling. Our data prove that PsbN is not a constituent subunit of PSII but is required for repair from photoinhibition and efficient assembly of the PSII RC.  相似文献   

Stabilities of iron-sulfur centers and reaction center chlorophyllP-700 in Photosystem I reaction center complex (CP1-a), isolatedby sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment from the thermophilic cyanobacteriumSynechococcus elongatus, were studied by EPR and optical spectroscopy.P-700 was destroyed by treatment at temperatures above 80?Cfor 5 minutes with a half inactivation temperature of 93?C.The three iron-sulfur centers FA, FB and FX showed similar thermalstabilities and were half inactivated at about 70?C. Thus, theisolated Photosystem I reaction center complexes of S. elongatusare still highly resistant to heat. (Received May 9, 1990; Accepted June 25, 1990)  相似文献   

Inhibition of Photosystem II in Isolated Chloroplasts by Lead   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport in isolated chloroplasts by lead salts has been demonstrated. Photosystem I activity, as measured by electron transfer from dichlorophenol indophenol to methylviologen, was not reduced by such treatment. However, photosystem II was inhibited by lead salts when electron flow was measured from water to methylviologen and Hill reaction or by chlorophyll fluorescence. Fluorescence induction curves indicated the primary site of inhibition was on the oxidizing side of photosystem II. That this site was between the primary electron donor of photosystem II and the site of water oxidation could be demonstrated by hydroxylamine restoration of normal fluorescence following lead inhibition.  相似文献   

Smith KA  Low PS 《Plant physiology》1989,90(2):575-581
Sensitive differential scanning calorimetry was employed to investigate thylakoid membrane structure. Calorimetric scans of chloroplast membranes suspended in a low ionic strength Hepesbuffered medium revealed endothermic transitions centered at the following temperatures (°C): A (42.5), B (60.6), C1 (64.9), C2 (69.6), D (75.8), E (84.3), and F (88.9). The B transition was demonstrated by several different methods to originate from denaturation of the photosystem II reaction center complex. Evidence for this conclusion is as follows: (a) the isolated reaction center complex denatures near the temperature of the B transition; (b) inorganic phosphate destablizes the isolated reaction center complex and the B endotherm to a similar extent; (c) heat inactivation of the photosystem II-mediated 1,5-diphenylcarbazide → dichloroindophenol photoreaction occurs at the temperature of the B transition and is influenced in a manner similar to B by the presence of phosphate; (d) thermal gel analysis indicates that the 43 and 47 kilodalton polypeptides of the photosystem reaction center complex denature at the temperature of the B transition, both in the presence and absence of phosphate; (e) low temperature (77 Kelvin) fluorescence reveals that a change in photosystem II emission at 695 nanometers occurs during the B transition; and (f) ioxynil, a specific inhibitor of photosystem II, selectively stabilizes the B endotherm. With the identification of the B transition established, the origins of six of the eight major transitions of the chloroplast membrane have now been determined.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the precursor and the mature form of the D1protein of the photosystem II reaction center in illuminatedpea chloroplasts was prevented by the addition of the inhibitorsatrazine, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile.Under such conditions, the compensatory accumulation of twotranslational intermediates of the D1 protein, of 22 and 24kDa, respectively, was induced by the addition of ATP, as alsoobserved in darkness in the presence of ATP [Taniguchi et al.(1993) FEBS Lett. 317: 57], suggesting that the synthesis ofthe full-length D1 protein requires a factor that is generatedby the operation of photosynthetic electron transport. The accumulationof the full-length Dl protein was induced in the light, evenin the presence of atrazine, when both 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenoland ascorbate were also present and in darkness upon the additionof dithiothreitol. Moreover, reagents with a relatively lowredox potential, namely, duroquinone and methylviologen, preventedthe accumulation. These observations suggest that the translationof the D1 protein might be regulated at specific steps duringthe elongation of the polypeptide via a redox change in a componentaround photosystem I. Results of pre-illumination experimentsindicate that the factor needed for the accumulation of D1 proteinis relatively stable and retains its activity in darkness afterexposure to light. (Received April 18, 1996; Accepted June 6, 1996)  相似文献   

Target analysis of the PS II reaction in spinach thylakoidsshowed that the respective molecular masses of the catalyticunits for oxygen evolution and the reaction center are about120 kDa and 250 kDa based on a kinetic separation of the tworeaction rates. The size of the oxygen-evolving enzyme agreedwith that determined for the PS II preparation from a thermophiliccyanobacterium by the same means [Nugent and Atkinson (1984)FEBS Lett. 170: 89]. Single hit-inactivation of oxygen evolutionand the PS II reaction center units indicates that each functionis driven by a structurally assembled unit. (Received August 6, 1984; Accepted December 17, 1984)  相似文献   

Various benzo- and naphthoquinone derivatives were introducedinto the purified photosystem II Dl-D2-cytochrome b559 reactioncenter complex, which lacks the intrinsic plasto-quinone electronacceptors. Effects of these quinones on the electron transferreactions in nanoseconds to milliseconds time range were studiedat room and cryogenic temperatures. 1) The addition of quinonesto the purified photosystem II reaction center complex suppressedthe nanosecond charge recombination between oxidized reactioncenter chlorophyll a (P680+) and reduced pheophytin a (Ph),and stabilized P680+ up to millisecond time range at 280 K andat 77 K. 2) In the reaction center complex supplemented withdibromothymoquinone (DBMIB), P68O was almost fully oxidizedand cytochrome b559 was partially reduced by flash excitation.A semi-quinone-like signal with a peak around 320 nm was alsoinduced but the shift of pheophytin absorption band (C55O) wasnot observed. 3) Halogenated quinones, especially DBMIB, werebetter electron acceptors than unsubstituted or methylated quinones.4) The affinities of quinones to the reaction center complexwere weakly dependent on their molecular structure. (Received July 9, 1991; Accepted August 15, 1991)  相似文献   

Spin-trapping electron spin resonance (ESR) was used to monitor the formation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals in D1/D2/cytochrome b-559 Photosystem II reaction center (PS II RC) Complex. When the PS II RC complex was strongly illuminated, superoxide was detected in the presence of ubiquinone. SOD activity was detected in the PS II RC complex. A primary product of superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, resulted in the production of the most destructive reactive oxygen species, *OH, in illuminated PS II RC complex. The contributions of ubiquinone, SOD and H(2)O(2) to the photobleaching of pigments and protein photodamage in the PS II RC complex were further studied. Ubiquinone protected the PS II RC complex from photodamage and, interestingly, extrinsic SOD promoted this damage. All these results suggest that PS II RC is an active site for the generation of superoxide and its derivatives, and this process protects organisms during strong illumination, probably by inhibiting more harmful ROS, such as singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Photosystem II (PSII), the oxygen-evolving enzyme, consists of 17 trans-membrane and 3 extrinsic membrane proteins. Other subunits bind to PSII during assembly, like...  相似文献   

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