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Sperm whale apomyoglobin was reconstituted with selectively deuterated D6-2,4-diacetyldeuterohemin in which the 2H label was confined to the methyl groups of the acetyl moieties. A single resonance was observed in 2H NMR of the cyanoferrimyoglobin derivative, with a chemical shift 0.80 ppm downfield of external D12-TMS at pH 6.7. The corresponding chemical shift of D6-2,4-diacetyldeuterohemin-OMe as the cyanide complex in pyridine-water was 0.96 ppm downfield of external D12-TMS. The prominent HOD peak was well separated at 4.4 ppm downfield. The line width of the porphyrin 2H resonances in both the protein and free solvent environments yields evidence of considerable rotational freedom of the -CD3 groups about their axes.  相似文献   

R D Hershberg  B Chance 《Biochemistry》1975,14(17):3885-3891
The binding of formate ion, a substrate for the peroxidatic reaction of catalase, has been investigated by magnetic resonance techniques. Comparative studies of formate binding to ferric myoglobin have also been performed. The nuclear magnetic relaxation (NMR) rate of formate and water protons is enhanced by the presence of ferric horse liver catalase. The enhancement is not changed significantly by the addition of cyanide, indicating that water and formate are still bound in the presence of cyanide. Formate proton to heme iron distances determined by magnetic resonance techniques indicate that formate does not directly bind to the heme iron of catalase or myoglobin but to the globin, and NMR relaxation occurs as a result of outersphere mechanisms. Evidence that water forms an innersphere complex with the iron atom of the catalase heme is presented. In similar experiments with ferric myoglobin, the addition of cyanide caused a large decrease in the enhancement of the proton relaxation rate of both formate and water, indicating the displacement of water and formate from the heme and the vicinity of the heme, respectively. Broad, high-spin, ferric ion electron paramagnetic resonance absorptions of catalase and myoglobin at room temperature obtained in the presence and absence of formate show that formate does not alter appreciably the heme environment of catalase or myoglobin or the spin state of the heme iron. Studies on the binding of formate to catalase as monitored by changes in the heme absorption spectrum in the visible region show one-to-one stoichiometry with heme concentration. However, the small changes observed in the visible region of the optical spectrum on addition of formate ion are attributed to a secondary effect of formate on the heme environment, rather than direct binding of formate to the heme moiety.  相似文献   

The Cepsilon methyl group of the 2 methionine residues in sperm whale myoglobin was enriched with respect to 13C. This was accomplished by treatment of the apomyoglobin at pH 4 at room temperature with a 100-fold proportion of 13CH3I to form an intermediate containing enriched S-methylmethionine. Unselective demethylation to regain the apomyoglobin structure was accomplished by treatment at pH 10.5 with 0.5 M dithioerythritol at 37 degrees for 18 h. Reagents were removed at each stage by dialysis against dilute sodium azide solution. Hemin was reincorporated to form the holoprotein in a way that avoided the presence of an excess of the small molecule. After chromatographic purification the enriched myoglobin was obtained in a yield of between 29 and 60%. The composition, absorbance spectrum, circular dichroism spectrum, isoionic point, electrophoretic behavior, and oxygen-binding behavior following reduction were all indistinguishable from those of the virgin protein. NMR measurements were made at 15.1, 25.2, and 67.9 MHz at 27-30 degrees. The two enriched loci are represented by separate resonances that appear slightly downfield of the spectral position of the corresponding resonance in free methionine. The positions of these resonances are sensitive to pH and to the ligand bound at the heme group which is approximately 17 A distant from each methionine Cepsilon. On the basis of two separate types of experiment the downfield resonance was assigned to methionine 55 and the upfield resonance to methionine 131. Part of the observed variations in chemical shift could be treated as arising from pseudocontact interactions but part was ascribed to structural changes communicated to the environment of each methionine residue as a result of changes in heme ligand, pH, or temperature. The linewidths of the methionine Cepsilon resonances are narrowed by increasing temperature according to an Arrhenius energy of activation of nearly 3 kcal. The spin-lattice relaxation times, T1, of the two methionine Cepsilon resonances at the three spectrometer frequencies were interpreted to indicate the existence of rotational motions in each side chain in addition to that about the Sdelta-Cepsilon bond. The results as a whole show that the two methionine side chains undergo continuous variations in environment, and that these variations are controlled by events at a distance within the protein structure. It is suggested that the structural lability serves the function of facilitating conformational variations and adjustments within the heme pocket.  相似文献   

Phase-sensitive two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) experiments have been used to obtain extensive proton resonance assignments for the carbon monoxide complex of sperm whale myoglobin. Multiple quantum experiments were particularly important in the assignment procedure. The assignments are the most complete yet reported for a protein of such high molecular weight (approximately 18,000) and make possible new and comprehensive studies of the structure and dynamics of carbonmonoxymyoglobin in solution. Assignments for seven of the histidine residues are reported, including the critical proximal and distal histidines. Most of these are at variance with the assignments already in the literature. The present n.m.r. data indicate that histidines 24 (B5) and 119 (GH1) are hydrogen bonded to each other and, in contrast to neutron diffraction data, show that His24 does not protonate at pH greater than 5. The aromatic rings of all the phenylalanine and tyrosine residues undergo rapid flips about the ring axis. The side-chains of Leu89 (F4) and Phe138 (H15), which border a large hydrophobic cavity, are particularly mobile.  相似文献   

P Schlecht 《Biopolymers》1969,8(6):757-765
This paper is concerned with the molecular origin of the dipole moment of sperm whale myoglobin as it can be calculated from the dielectric dispersion at 1 Mcps on the basis of a mechanism of orientational polarization. It was possible to compare the dielectric increment of native myoglobin and its change during the reaction with bromo acetate with dipole moments calculated according to the known coordinates of the charged groups of the molecule. The agreement between the two shows that in myoglobin only the permanent dipole moment due to these charged groups is important, and that contributions from other possible sources remain within the limits of experimental error.  相似文献   

R Jacobs  E Oldfield 《Biochemistry》1979,18(15):3280-3285
Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of 1,2-dimyristoyl-3-sn-phosphatidylcholines (DMPCs) specifically deuterated in the 2-chain at one of positions 2', 3', 6', or 14' have been obtained by the quadrupole-echo Fourier transform method at 34.1 MHz (corresponding to a magnetic field strength of 5.2 T) or the pure material as a function of temperature, and in the presence of either 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-sn-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) or cholesterol as a function of temperature and composition. The results with pure DMPC and DMPC--DPPC mixtures indicate that a sharp, intense deuterium resonance is characteristic of fluid-phase lipids, whereas a broad resonance is characteristic of solid-phase lipids. There is shown to be good agreement between the deuterium NMR derived DMPC--DPPC phase diagram and that derived by using other techniques. The deuterium NMR results obtained with the DMPC--cholesterol system are not interpreted in terms of a phase diagram. They do indicate, however, that the transition breadth is increased considerably and the temperature at which the lipid chains "solidify" is depressed by the addition of cholesterol to the DMPC bilayer. The particular nature of the increase and the depression is found to be dependent on where the label is located on the lipid.  相似文献   

The diffusion of molecular oxygen or its isosteric analogue, carbon monoxide, from the surface of myoglobin to its deeply imbedded haem appears to represent one of the simplest protein functions. Hence, it was chosen for the study of the possible role of a global controlling effect like an attractor. However, whereas the six statistical criteria of the classical non-linear dynamic analysis for the existence of an attractor in myoglobin were fulfilled and invariant to the Fourier transformation, the properties of this attractor were not as simple as anticipated. The parameters were tested and confirmed by alternative approaches, the interpoint distance method of Judd and Fourier transformation. If the diffusion were approximately linear, the order of the attractor would be expected to be near one. However, a clearly higher value, 1.46+/-0.03, was found, indicating the existence of additional steps. Later, the latter were identified as a 90 degrees rotation of CO followed by a translocation by 0.4 A to a transient pocket. These additional steps may explain the high number of regulatory factors found, 10+/-1. The autocorrelation function was damped with a correlation length of at least 20 residues. The Poincaré plot showed a dense domain compatible with the cross-section of a quasi-spherical attractor. The first Lyapunov exponent, lambda(1), was clearly positive. The Hurst fractal coefficient was 1.90+/-0.22, indicating a clear departure from simple linear diffusion.  相似文献   

The effects of pH, acetimidate concentration, temperature, and reaction time of methyl acetimidate with sperm whale myoglobulin have been assessed. Reaction at pH 9.8 and 15 degrees C for 30 min with a sixfold excess of methyl acetimidate relative to each amino group yielded six acetimidomyoglobin derivatives which were separated and purified. Reaction with tetrahydrophthalic anhydride revealed the number of amino groups that remained unreacted in each separated component and made possible further subractionation. Modification at the NH2 terminus was quantitated by automated stepwise Edman degradation. The acetimidyl and tetrahydrophthalyl groups, were readily removable. The potentiometric titration of three of the completely deprotected components showed identity with the parent untreated sperm whale myoglobin. The first of two major products was acetimidated at all 19 epsilon-amino groups but not at the NH2 terminus. The second major product bore a blocked NH2 terminus but retained one unmodified epsilon-amino group, identified after modification by trinitrobenzenesulfonate as lysine residue 77. Of the minor components, one was identified as completely acetimidated at all 20 amino groups. The other three minor components appeared to contain irreversible by-products.  相似文献   

The binding of various linear and branched chain alkylisocyanides to soybean leghemoglobin has been studied with respect to association and dissociation kinetics and the results compared with those obtained in parallel on sperm whale and horse heart myoglobins; the linear ligands used (methyl to n-heptyl) cover a greater distribution of chain lengths than hitherto used. The association rate constants are much higher for leghemoglobin than for myoglobin, while the dissociation rates are slower. For a given protein, the dissociation rate constants are not much different when different isocyanides are used (except for methyl), whereas the association rates show complex behavior in relation with the alkyl chain length; singular differences are observed between leghemoglobin and sperm whale myoglobin in this regard. For myoglobin, the binding rate constants decrease from methyl to n-propyl, but remain approximately the same when the ligand carries a still longer alkyl chain. In contrast, for leghemoglobin, although the rate constants decrease from methyl to n-propyl, they show a progressive and important rise with longer alkyl substituents: n-butyl and n-pentyl.  相似文献   

An experimental-theoretical approach for the elucidation of protein stability is proposed. The theoretical prediction of pH-dependent protein stability is based on the macroscopic electrostatic model for calculation of the pH-dependent electrostatic free energy of proteins. As a test of the method we have considered the pH-dependent stability of sperm whale metmyoglobin. Two theoretical methods for evaluation of the electrostatic free energy and p K values are applied: the finite-difference Poisson-Boltzmann method and the semiempirical approach based on the modified Tanford-Kirkwood theory. The theoretical results for electrostatic free energy of unfolding are compared with the experimental data for guanidine hydrochloride unfolding under equilibrium conditions over a wide pH range. Using the optical parameters of the Soret absorbance to monitor conformational equilibrium and Tanford's method to estimate the resulting data, it was found that the conformational free energy of unfolding of metmyoglobin is 16.3 kcal mol(-1) at neutral pH values. The total unfolding free energies were calculated on the basis of the theoretically predicted electrostatic unfolding free energies and the experimentally measured midpoints (pH(1/2)) of acidic and alkaline denaturation transitions. Experimental data for alkaline denaturation were used for the first time in theoretical analysis of the pH-dependent unfolding of myoglobin. The present results demonstrate that the simultaneous application of appropriate theoretical and experimental methods permits a more complete analysis of the pH-dependent and pH-independent properties and stability of globular proteins.  相似文献   

Functional effects of heme orientational disorder in sperm whale myoglobin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The optical absorption and ligand binding properties of newly reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin were examined systematically at pH 8, 20 degrees C. The conventional absorbance and magnetic circular dichroism spectra of freshly reconstituted samples were identical to those of the native protein. In contrast, reconstituted azide or CO myoglobin initially exhibited less circular dichroism in the Soret wavelength region than native myoglobin. These data support the theory proposed by La Mar and co-workers (La Mar, G. N., Davis, N. L., Parish, D. W., and Smith, R. M. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 168, 887-896) that protoheme inserts into apomyoglobin in two distinct orientations. The equilibrium and kinetic parameters for O2 and CO binding to newly reconstituted myoglobin were observed to be identical to those of the native protein. Thus, the orientation of the heme group has no effect on the physiological properties of myoglobin. This result is in disagreement with the preliminary report of Livingston et al. (Livingston, D. J., Davis, N. L., La Mar, G. N., and Brown, W. D. (1984) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 3025-3026) which suggested that the abnormal heme conformation exhibited a 10-fold greater affinity and association rate constant for O2 binding. Significant kinetic heterogeneity was observed only for long-chain isonitrile binding to newly reconstituted myoglobin, and even in these cases, the rate constants for the abnormal and normal heme conformations differed by less than a factor of 4.  相似文献   

A kinetic description of ligand binding to sperm whale myoglobin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nanosecond recombination time courses were measured by photolyzing O2, NO, CO, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, and tert-butyl isocyanide complexes of sperm whale myoglobin with a 30-ns laser pulse at pH 7, 20 degrees C. Absorbance was measured both during and after the excitation pulse and as a function of laser light intensity. The results were analyzed quantitatively in terms of a three-step reaction scheme, MbX in equilibrium B in equilibrium C in equilibrium Mb + X, where Mb is myoglobin, B represents a geminate state in which the ligand is present in the distal pocket but not covalently bound to the iron atom, and C, a state in which the ligand is still embedded in the protein but further away from the heme group. The fitted rate parameters were required to be consistent with the observed overall quantum yield, Q, which had been measured independently using much longer (approximately 0.5 ms) xenon flash pulses. Three major conclusions were derived from these analyses. First, the overall quantum yield of the ligand complex is determined primarily by the competition between the rate of iron-ligand bond formation from the initial photoproduct, kB----MbX, and the rate of migration away from state B, kB----C. For example, kB----C approximately equal to 30-100 microseconds-1 for all three gaseous ligands, whereas both Q and kB----MbX vary over 3 orders of magnitude (i.e. NO, Q = 0.001, kB----MbX approximately equal to 16,000 microseconds-1; O2, Q = 0.1, kB----MbX approximately equal to 500 microseconds-1; CO, Q = 1.0, kB----MbX approximately equal to 2 microseconds-1). Second, for NO, O2, and the isonitriles, the rate-limiting step in the overall association reaction starting from ligand in solution is the formation of state B. The rate constant for this process varies from 2 X 10(7) M-1 s-1 for the gaseous ligands to 0.02-1.4 X 10(5) M-1 s-1 for the isonitriles. In contrast, the B to MbX transition is limiting for CO binding. Third, for all the ligands except CO, the overall rate of dissociation is limited significantly both by the rate of thermal bond disruption, kMbX----B, and the competition between geminate recombination and migration away from the distal pocket (i.e. kB----C/(kB----MbX + kB----C]. In the case of CO, the rate of bond disruption is equal to the observed dissociation rate constant.  相似文献   

The electron transfer between the excited triplet state of zinc-substituted sperm whale myoglobin and Cu2+ has been studied by following the decay rate of delayed fluorescence. The Cu2+ bound on the surface of the myoglobin molecule are efficient quenchers of the excited electron state of Zn-myoglobin. Two bimolecular rate constants of quenching (KQ) for every pH investigated have been calculated. The pH-dependence of KQ1 indicates that the protonation of one amino acid residue (His-GH1 (119] is important for the process. Our results support the idea of the common nature of the mechanism of quenching by Cu2+ and oxidation of oxymyoglobin by Cu2+.  相似文献   

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