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Cx43基因在人类及小鼠胎心发育中的时空表达规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 检测Cx4 3在人类和小鼠的胚胎心脏的表达 ,了解该基因在心脏发育过程中的表达规律。方法 选取人类 6~ 18孕周正常胚胎或胎儿心脏 6 3例 ,小鼠孕龄 9 5~ 16 5d胚胎心脏 6 4例 ,采用免疫组化法显示Cx4 3基因在心脏的表达。结果 早期人类胚胎心脏中 ,Cx4 3在心室肌中没有表达 ,心房肌表达微弱 ,原始小梁网中表达很高 ,随着胚胎发育 ,在心房和心室的表达逐渐增强 ,小梁网的表达在胚胎 13~ 14周达到高峰。室间隔的肌部表达量较弱 ,膜部室间隔不表达。房室瓣和大动脉根部管壁Cx4 3没有明显表达。除了在大动脉管壁表达不同 ,小鼠胚胎心脏表达规律与人类基本相同。结论 Cx4 3对于胚胎心脏的发育至关重要。  相似文献   

Stimulated Phosphorylation of Intracellular Connexin43   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A monoclonal antibody, Zymed 13-8300, was previously reported to only detect nonphosphorylated connexin43 (Nagy et al., Exp. Cell Res. 236, 127-136, 1997). We show that 13-8300 can detect several phosphorylated species of connexin43 in Western blots after stimulation of two fibroblast cell systems with fresh growth medium, 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate, pervanadate, or permolybdate. In one of the cell systems, at least three forms of phosphorylated connexin43 could migrate at the same position during electrophoresis. The comigration of differentially phosphorylated species may complicate the molecular and functional analysis of phosphorylation sites in Cx43. Immunofluorescence experiments indicated that the newly generated phosphorylated Cx43 forms mainly had a perinuclear location. Also, in cells treated with brefeldin A for 8 h, in which the majority of connexin43 was intracellular, phosphorylation was induced by the agents. Phosphorylation of intracellular connexin43 can therefore be induced by several stimuli.  相似文献   

Bone osteoblasts and osteocytes express large amounts of connexin (Cx) 43, the component of gap junctions and hemichannels. Previous studies have shown that these channels play important roles in regulating biological functions in response to mechanical loading. Here, we characterized the distribution of mRNA and protein of Cx43 in mechanical loading model of tooth movement. The locations of bone formation and resorption have been well defined in this model, which provides unique experimental systems for better understanding of potential roles of Cx43 in bone formation and remodeling under mechanical stimulation. We found that mechanical loading increased Cx43 mRNA expression in osteoblasts and bone lining cells, but not in osteocytes, at both formation and resorption sites. Cx43 protein, however, increased in both osteoblasts and osteocytes in response to loading. Interestingly, the upregulation of Cx43 protein by loading was even more pronounced in osteocytes compared to other bone cells, with an appearance of punctate staining on the cell body and dendritic process. Cx45 was reported to be expressed in several bone cell lines, but here we did not detect the Cx45 protein in the alveolar bone cells. These results further suggest the potential involvement of Cx43-forming gap junctions and hemichannels in the process of mechanically induced bone formation and resorption.  相似文献   

Gap junctions, composed of connexins, have been shown to suppress transformation in a variety of malignancies and transformed cell types. In addition, transforming factors such as the src oncogene have been shown to directly phosphorylate some connexins (e.g., Cx43) and inhibit coupling. To investigate the role of gap junctions in cell transformsation by v-src, we utilized a clonal cell line derived from Cx43 knockout mice (KoA) that was immortalized, but not transformed. Transfection by v-src induced a marked transformed phenotype characterized by growth in low serum and anchorage-independent conditions. Subsequent transfections by Cx43, Cx32 or vector alone were then tested for their effects on growth. Activity of pp60v - src was confirmed in all transfectants as well as the ability of pp60v - src to phosphorylate Cx43 in several clones. Despite the documented effect of pp60v - src on Cx43 channel closure, modest coupling was still retained in many of the Cx43 and Cx32 transfectants. However, none of the four Cx43 transfected clones showed significant inhibitory effects on proliferation in either anchorage-independent or low serum growth conditions. Of the Cx32 clones, only one in five showed effects on growth in both assays, which was the same ratio observed for the control transfectants. Thus, based on the levels of expression achieved, which were comparable to endogenous levels in established cell lines, neither Cx43 nor Cx32 serve as effective suppressors of the transformed growth phenotype of this v-src expressing cell line.  相似文献   

Connexin39 (Cx39) and connexin43 (Cx43) are known to be expressed during development of skeletal muscles. Here we have compared the expression pattern of both connexins during differentiation of established C2C12 mouse myoblasts and in the mouse embryo. Cx43 is highly abundant in undifferentiated myoblasts, but no Cx39 protein was detected in these cells. Upon differentiation into myotubes, Cx39 expression increased. The consecutive expression of these connexins was also observed in the mouse embryo. Cx39 and Cx43 were found in different plaques in accordance with the notion that Cx43 is exclusively expressed in myoblasts and Cx39 in myotubes. Thus, differentiating C2C12 cells in culture can serve to study the involvement of gap junctions in myogenesis, since expression of corresponding Cx39 and Cx43 proteins appears to be very similar as in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Summary According to the sequence of connexin 43, a cardiac gap junctional protein, the domain contained within residues 314–322 is located 60 amino acids away from the carboxy-terminus. Antibodies raised to a peptide corresponding to this domain label a unique 43-kD protein on immunoblots of both purified gap junctions and whole extracts from rat heart. Immunofluorescence investigations carried out on mammal heart sections reveal a pattern consistent with the known distribution of intercalated discs. Immunogold labeling performed with ultrathin frozen sections of rat heart or partially purified rat heart gap junctions demonstrate that antigenic determinants are associated exclusively with the cytoplasmic surfaces of gap junctions.The antibodies were shown to cross-react with a 43-kD protein on immunoblots of whole extracts from human, mouse and guinea pig heart. However, no labeling was seen when heart of lower vertebrates such as chicken, frog and trout, was investigated. These results, confirmed by immunofluorescence investigations, were interpreted as a loss of antigenic determinants due to sequence polymorphism of cardiac connexin 43.Proteins ofM r 43 and 41 kD, immunologically related to cardiac connexin 43, were detected in immunoblots of mouse and rat brain whole extracts. mRNAs, homologous to those of cardiac connexin 43 and of the same size (3.0 kb), are also present in brain. Immunofluorescence investigations with primary cultures of unpermeabilized and permeabilized mouse neural cells showed that the antigenic determinants recognized by the antibodies specific for connexin 43 are cytoplasmic and that the labeling observed between clustered flat cells, is punctate, as expected for gap junctions. Double labeling experiments demonstrated that the immunoreactivity is associated with GFAP-positive cells, that is to say, astrocytes.  相似文献   

We previously used electron cryo-crystallography to determine the three-dimensional structure of recombinant gap junction channels formed by a C-terminal truncation mutant of Cx43 (11). The dodecameric channel is formed by the end-to-end docking of two hexameric connexons, each comprised of 24 transmembrane α-helices. We have now generated two-dimensional crystals of the recombinant, full-length channel, as well as crystals in which the C-tail has been completely removed by trypsin digestion. Projection density maps at 7.5 Å resolution closely resemble our previous analysis of the C-terminal truncation mutant (9). A difference map between the full length and trypsin-treated channels suggests that there are small but significant shifts in protein density upon removal of the C-tail.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication may be modulated by the rather rapid turnover and degradation of gap junction proteins, since many connexins have half-lives of 1–3 h. While several morphological studies have suggested that gap junction degradation occurs after endocytosis, our recent biochemical studies have demonstrated involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway in proteolysis of the connexin43 polypeptide. The present study was designed to reconcile these observations by examining the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions in rat heart-derived BWEM cells. After treatment of BWEM cells with Brefeldin A to prevent transport of newly synthesized connexin43 polypeptides to the plasma membrane, quantitative confocal microscopy showed the disappearance of immunoreactive connexin43 from the cell surface with a half-life of 1 h. This loss of connexin43 immunoreactivity was inhibited by cotreatment with proteasomal inhibitors (ALLN, MG132, or lactacystin) or lysosomal inhibitors (leupeptin or E-64). Similar results were seen when connexin43 export was blocked with monensin. After treatment of BWEM cells with either proteasomal or lysosomal inhibitors alone, immunoblots showed accumulation of connexin43 in both whole cell lysates and in a 1% Triton X-100-insoluble fraction. Immunofluorescence studies showed that connexin43 accumulated at the cell surface in lactacystin-treated cells, but in vesicles in BWEM cells treated with lysosomal inhibitors. These results implicate both the proteasome and the lysosome in the degradation of connexin43-containing gap junctions.  相似文献   

Genetic deficiency of Cx43 in vivo causes skeletal developmental defects, osteoblast dysfunction and perinatal lethality. To determine the role of Cx43 in the adult skeleton, we developed two models of osteoblast-specific Cx43 gene deletion using Cre mediated replacement of a “floxed” Cx43 allele with a LacZ reporter gene. Cre recombinase expression in osteoblasts was driven by either the osteocalcin OG2 promoter or the 2.3 kb fragment of the Colα1(I) promoter. Homozygous Cx43fl/flmice, in which the Cx43 coding region is flanked by two loxP sites, were crossed with Cre expressing mice in a heterozygous Cx43-null background [Cx43±; Colα1(I)-Cre or Cx43±; OG2-Cre]. Cx43 gene ablation was demonstrated in tissues by selective X-gal staining of cells lining the endosteal surface, and in cultured osteoblastic cells from calvaria using different approaches. Although no LacZ expression was observed in proliferating calvaria cells, before osteoblast differentiation begins, post-proliferative cells isolated from conditional knockout mice [Cx43fl/?; Colα1(I)-Cre or Cx43fl/?; OG2-Cre] developed strong LacZ expression as they differentiated, in parallel to a progressive disappearance of Cx43 mRNA and protein abundance relative to controls. Selective Cre mediated Cx43 gene inactivation in bone forming cells will be useful to determine the role of Cx43 in adult skeletal homeostasis and overcome the perinatal lethality of the conventional null model.  相似文献   

The goals of the current study were to determine whether the conductance of Cx40 and Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition junctions was regulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-activated signaling cascades, to ascertain the minimum number of Cx43 subunits/connexon required to confer PDGF sensitivity, and to identify specific residues in Cx43 required for this regulation. Junctional and channel conductances (gj and γj, respectively) were determined for Cx40/Cx40, Cx43/Cx43, Cx40/Cx43, and Cx40-Cx43/Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition channels. PDGF had no effect on gj in Cx40/Cx40 pairs, but decreased gj in the remaining combinations by 53% (Cx43/Cx43), 48% (Cx40/Cx43), 41% (4:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio) and 24% (10:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio). Based on the predicted connexin composition of channels in cells expressing Cx40 and Cx43 at either 4:1 or 10:1 ratios, these decreases in gj suggest that a single subunit of Cx43 is sufficient to confer PDGF sensitivity. The effect of PDGF on gj involved a decrease in both γj and Po and required serine 368 in the C-terminus. These data implicate protein kinase C as the mediator of the PDGF effect and strongly suggest that acute regulation of gap junction function by PDGF-activated signaling cascades is conferred by low levels of expression of a sensitive connexin in cells that otherwise express insensitive connexins.  相似文献   

The goals of the current study were to determine whether the conductance of Cx40 and Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition junctions was regulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-activated signaling cascades, to ascertain the minimum number of Cx43 subunits/connexon required to confer PDGF sensitivity, and to identify specific residues in Cx43 required for this regulation. Junctional and channel conductances (gjand γj, respectively) were determined for Cx40/Cx40, Cx43/Cx43, Cx40/Cx43, and Cx40-Cx43/Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition channels. PDGF had no effect on gjin Cx40/Cx40 pairs, but decreased gjin the remaining combinations by 53% (Cx43/Cx43), 48% (Cx40/Cx43), 41% (4:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio) and 24% (10:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio). Based on the predicted connexin composition of channels in cells expressing Cx40 and Cx43 at either 4:1 or 10:1 ratios, these decreases in gjsuggest that a single subunit of Cx43 is sufficient to confer PDGF sensitivity. The effect of PDGF on gjinvolved a decrease in both γjand Po and required serine 368 in the C-terminus. These data implicate protein kinase C as the mediator of the PDGF effect and strongly suggest that acute regulation of gap junction function by PDGF-activated signaling cascades is conferred by low levels of expression of a sensitive connexin in cells that otherwise express insensitive connexins.  相似文献   

During early wound healing (WH) events Connexin 43 (Cx43) is down‐regulated at wound margins. In chronic wound margins, including diabetic wounds, Cx43 expression is enhanced suggesting that down‐regulation is important for WH. We previously reported that the Cx43 mimetic peptide Gap27 blocks Cx43 mediated intercellular communication and promotes skin cell migration of infant cells in vitro. In the present work we further investigated the molecular mechanism of Gap27 action and its therapeutic potential to improve WH in skin tissue and diabetic and non‐diabetic cells. Ex vivo skin, organotypic models and human keratinocytes/fibroblasts of young and old donors and of diabetic and non‐diabetic origin were used to assess the impact of Gap27 on cell migration, proliferation, Cx43 expression, localization, phosphorylation and hemichannel function. Exposure of ex vivo WH models to Gap27 decreased dye spread, accelerated WH and elevated cell proliferation. In non‐diabetic cell cultures Gap27 decreased dye uptake through Cx hemichannels and after scratch wounding cells showed enhanced migration and proliferation. Cells of diabetic origin were less susceptible to Gap27 during early passages. In late passages these cells showed responses comparable to non‐diabetic cells. The cause of the discrepancy between diabetic and non‐diabetic cells correlated with decreased Cx hemichannel activity in diabetic cells but excluded differences in Cx43 expression, localization and Ser368‐phosphorylation. These data emphasize the importance of Cx43 in WH and support the concept that Gap27 could be a beneficial therapeutic to accelerate normal WH. However, its use in diabetic WH may be restricted and our results highlight differences in the role of Cx43 in skin cells of different origin.  相似文献   

In the heart, the intercellular geometry of myocyte coupling by Connexin43-gap junctions (Cx43-gjs) is a determinant of normal and abnormal patterns of propagation of electrical excitation. ZO-1 has been suggested to play a role in determining the pattern of intercellular coupling between myocytes. We therefore investigated the co-distribution of Cx43 with ZO-1 in ventricular myocytes of the adult rat using quantitative immunoconfocal microscopy. Our data indicates that low-moderate levels of co-immunolocalization occur between Cx43 and ZO-1 in normal ventricular myocardium. However, rapid and significant increases in relative co-localization occur between Cx43 and ZO-1 following dissociation of myocytes from ventricular myocardium-a treatment inducing internalization of Cx43-gjs. This increased relative co-localization may represent an increase in Cx43-ZO-1 interaction, suggesting a role for ZO-1 in the remodeling of myocardial Cx43-gjs. A more comprehensive study, including immuno-precipitation and immunoelectron microscopy analyses has been carried out (Barker et al. Circ. Res., in press, 2002 and as presented to the 2001 International GJ Conference). This study further assesses the biological relevance of the increased association between ZO-1 and Cx43 accompanying internalization of Cx43-gjs.  相似文献   

In the heart, the intercellular geometry of myocyte coupling by Connexin43-gap junctions (Cx43-gjs) is a determinant of normal and abnormal patterns of propagation of electrical excitation. ZO-1 has been suggested to play a role in determining the pattern of intercellular coupling between myocytes. We therefore investigated the co-distribution of Cx43 with ZO-1 in ventricular myocytes of the adult rat using quantitative immunoconfocal microscopy. Our data indicates that low-moderate levels of co-immunolocalization occur between Cx43 and ZO-1 in normal ventricular myocardium. However, rapid and significant increases in relative co-localization occur between Cx43 and ZO-1 following dissociation of myocytes from ventricular myocardium-a treatment inducing internalization of Cx43-gjs. This increased relative co-localization may represent an increase in Cx43-ZO-1 interaction, suggesting a role for ZO-1 in the remodeling of myocardial Cx43-gjs. A more comprehensive study, including immuno-precipitation and immunoelectron microscopy analyses has been carried out (Barker et al. Circ. Res., in press, 2002 and as presented to the 2001 International GJ Conference). This study further assesses the biological relevance of the increased association between ZO-1 and Cx43 accompanying internalization of Cx43-gjs.  相似文献   

Testing the fate of embryonic or pluripotent stem cell-derivatives in in vitro protocols has led to controversial outcomes that do not necessarily reflect their in vivo potential. Preferably, these cells should be placed in a proper embryonic environment in order to acquire their definite phenotype. Furthermore, cell lineage tracing studies in the mouse after labeling cells with dyes or retroviral vectors has remained mostly limited to early stage mouse embryos with still poorly developed organs. To overcome these limitations, we designed standard and ultrasound-mediated microinjection protocols to inject various agents in targeted regions of the heart in mouse embryos at E9.5 and later stages of development.  Embryonic explant or embryos are then cultured or left to further develop in utero. These agents include fluorescent dyes, virus, shRNAs, or stem cell-derived progenitor cells. Our approaches allow for preservation of the function of the organ while monitoring migration and fate of labeled and/or injected cells. These technologies can be extended to other organs and will be very helpful to address key biological questions in biology of development.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in cardiac gap junction expression have been postulated to contribute to arrhythmias and ventricular dysfunction. We investigated the role of cardiac gap junctions by generating a heart-specific conditional knock-out (CKO) of connexin43 (Cx43), the major cardiac gap junction protein. While the Cx43 CKO mice have normal heart structure and contractile function, they die suddenly from spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. Because abnormalities in gap junction expression in the diseased heart can be focal, we also generated chimeric mice formed from Cx43-null embryonic stem (ES) cells and wildtype recipient blastocysts. Heterogeneous Cx43 expression in the chimeric mice resulted in conduction defects and depressed contractile function. These novel genetic murine models of Cx43 loss of function in the adult mouse heart define gap junctional abnormalities as a key molecular feature of the arrhythmogenic substrate and an important factor in heart dysfunction.  相似文献   

To investigate if either wild-type or aggregated Cx43 is abnormally targeted to lysosomes in human breast tumor cells, we examined the fate of DsRed-tagged Cx43 and over-expressed Cx43 in communication-deficient HBL-100 and MDA-MB-231 cells. DsRed-tagged Cx43 was assembled into gap junctions in control normal rat kidney cells that express endogenous Cx43 but not in Cx43-negative HBL-100 cells. However, when HBL-100 cells were engineered to coexpress wild-type Cx43 a population of DsRed-tagged Cx43 was rescued and assembled into gap junctions. Co-expression of wild-type Cx26 failed to rescue the assembly of DsRed-tagged Cx43 into gap junctions. Immunolocalization studies revealed that DsRed-tagged Cx43 was aggregated and partially localized to lysosomes. Interestingly, when human MDA-MB-231 breast tumor cells over-expressed wild-type Cx43, Cx43 protein primarily localized to lysosomes. Together, these studies provide evidence for Cx43 being targeted to lysosomes as a result of misfolding and aggregation, while in other cases, the delivery of wild-type Cx43 to lysosomes appears to be due to defects innate to the breast tumor cell type.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic forces play a critical role in atherogenesis, as evidenced by the focal pattern of development of atherosclerotic lesions. Whereas disturbed flow in the branches and curved regions of large arteries is proatherogenic, laminar flow in the straight parts of vessels is atheroprotective. In addition, hypertension and age-related changes in arterial stiffness are important risk factors of the disease. Hemodynamic forces induce various changes in the structure and function of vascular endothelium, many of which reflect alterations in gene expression. Endothelial cells are linked by gap junctions, which facilitate the propagation of electrical and chemical signals along the vascular wall. Using an in vitro perfusion system, we investigated the effects of pulsed unidirectional and oscillatory flows in combination with different levels of hydrostatic pressure and circumferential stretch on the expression of Cx43 in endothelial cells. Our results show that shear stress and circumferential stretch, but not pressure, modulate the expression of Cx43. In view of the distribution of this protein along the vascular tree, our findings provide new insights into the role of mechanical forces on gap junctional communication in regions prone to the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Gap junctions (GJ) are important determinants of cardiac conduction and the evidence has recently emerged that altered distribution of these junctions and changes in the expression of their constituent connexins (Cx) may lead to abnormal coupling between cardiomyocytes and likely contribute to arrhythmogenesis. However, it is largely unknown whether changes in the expression and distribution of the major cardiac GJ protein, Cx43, is a general feature of diverse chronic myocardial diseases or is confined to some particular pathophysiological settings. In the present study, we therefore set out to investigate qualitatively and quantitatively the distribution and expression of Cx43 in normal human myocardium and in patients with dilated (DCM), ischemic (ICM), and inflammatory cardiomyopathies (MYO). Left ventricular tissue samples were obtained at the time of cardiac transplantation and investigated with immunoconfocal and electron microscopy. As compared with the control group, Cx43 labeling in myocytes bordering regions of healed myocardial infarction (ICM), small areas of replacement fibrosis (DCM) and myocardial inflammation (MYO) was found to be highly disrupted instead of being confined to the intercalated discs. In all groups, myocardium distant from these regions showed an apparently normal Cx43 distribution at the intercalated discs. Quantitative immunoconfocal analyis of Cx43 in the latter myocytes revealed that the Cx43 area per myocyte area or per myocyte volume is significantly decreased by respectively 30 and 55% in DCM, 23 and 48% in ICM, and by 21 and 40% in MYO as compared with normal human myocardium. In conclusion, focal disorganization of GJ distribution and down-regulation of Cx43 are typical features of myocardial remodeling that may play an important role in the development of an arrhythmogenic substrate in human cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

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