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《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1416-1422
Extracellular ATP is an important signaling molecule throughout the inflammatory cascade, serving as a danger signal that causes activation of the inflammasome, enhancement of immune cell infiltration, and fine-tuning of several signaling cascades including those important for the resolution of inflammation. Recent studies demonstrated that ATP can be released from cells in a controlled manner through pannexin (Panx) channels. Panx1-mediated ATP release is involved in inflammasome activation and neutrophil/macrophage chemotaxis, activation of T cells, and a role for Panx1 in inducing and propagating inflammation has been demonstrated in various organs, including lung and the central and peripheral nervous system. The recognition and clearance of dying cells and debris from focal points of inflammation is critical in the resolution of inflammation, and Panx1-mediated ATP release from dying cells has been shown to recruit phagocytes. Moreover, extracellular ATP can be broken down by ectonucleotidases into ADP, AMP, and adenosine, which is critical in the resolution of inflammation. Together, Panx1, ATP, purinergic receptors, and ectonucleotidases contribute to important feedback loops during the inflammatory response, and thus represent promising candidates for new therapies.  相似文献   

吴安平  庆宏  全贞贞 《遗传》2021,(1):16-29
细胞内膜囊泡运输是一个复杂的通路网络,Rab GTPases是膜囊泡运输的主要调节剂,通常被认为是细胞内吞和分泌系统中各种细胞器和囊泡的特异性标记和识别物。与Rab蛋白相关的轴突运输、内体运输发生障碍是造成神经退行性疾病的重要原因之一。本文主要介绍了Rab蛋白在多种神经退行性疾病病理机制中的作用机理与调控机制,同时讨论了线粒体和胶质细胞功能异常与Rab蛋白之间的关联。深入探究Rab蛋白的作用机制对人类神经性疾病的早期诊断和治疗具有潜在的指导意义。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the mechanism by which Sop4, a novel ER membrane protein, regulates quality control and intracellular transport of Pma1–7, a mutant plasma membrane ATPase. At the restrictive temperature, newly synthesized Pma1–7 is targeted for vacuolar degradation instead of being correctly delivered to the cell surface. Loss of Sop4 at least partially corrects vacuolar mislocalization, allowing Pma1–7 routing to the plasma membrane. Ste2–3 is a mutant pheromone receptor which, like Pma1–7, is defective in targeting to the cell surface, resulting in a mating defect. sop4Δ suppresses the mating defect of ste2–3 cells as well as the growth defect of pma1–7 . Visualization of newly synthesized Pma1–7 in sop4Δ cells by indirect immunofluorescence reveals delayed export from the ER. Similarly, ER export of wild-type Pma1 is delayed in the absence of Sop4 although intracellular transport of Gas1 and CPY is unaffected. These observations suggest a model in which a selective increase in ER residence time for Pma1–7 may allow it to achieve a more favorable conformation for subsequent delivery to the plasma membrane. In support of this model, newly synthesized Pma1–7 is also routed to the plasma membrane upon release from a general block of ER-to-Golgi transport in sec13–1 cells.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) accounts for the majority of total Ser/Thr phosphatase activities in most cell types and regulates many biological processes. PP2A holoenzymes contain a scaffold A subunit, a catalytic C subunit, and one of the regulatory/targeting B subunits. How the B subunit controls PP2A localization and substrate specificity, which is a crucial aspect of PP2A regulation, remains poorly understood. The kinetochore is a critical site for PP2A functioning, where PP2A orchestrates chromosome segregation through its interactions with BubR1. The PP2A-BubR1 interaction plays important roles in both spindle checkpoint silencing and stable microtubule-kinetochore attachment. Here we present the crystal structure of a PP2A B56-BubR1 complex, which demonstrates that a conserved BubR1 LxxIxE motif binds to the concave side of the B56 pseudo-HEAT repeats. The BubR1 motif binds to a groove formed between B56 HEAT repeats 3 and 4, which is quite distant from the B56 binding surface for PP2A catalytic C subunit and thus is unlikely to affect PP2A activity. In addition, the BubR1 binding site on B56 is far from the B56 binding site of shugoshin, another kinetochore PP2A-binding protein, and thus BubR1 and shugoshin can potentially interact with PP2A-B56 simultaneously. Our structural and biochemical analysis indicates that other proteins with the LxxIxE motif may also bind to the same PP2A B56 surface. Thus, our structure of the PP2A B56-BubR1 complex provides important insights into how the B56 subunit directs the recruitment of PP2A to specific targets.  相似文献   

Genetic studies show that LRRK2, and not its closest paralogue LRRK1, is linked to Parkinson's disease. To gain insight into the molecular and cellular basis of this discrepancy, we searched for LRRK1‐ and LRRK2‐specific cellular processes by identifying their distinct interacting proteins. A protein microarray‐based interaction screen was performed with recombinant 3xFlag‐LRRK1 and 3xFlag‐LRRK2 and, in parallel, co‐immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry was performed from SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cell lines stably expressing 3xFlag‐LRRK1 or 3xFlag‐LRRK2. We identified a set of LRRK1‐ and LRRK2‐specific as well as common interactors. One of our most prominent findings was that both screens pointed to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF‐R) as a LRRK1‐specific interactor, while 14‐3‐3 proteins were LRRK2‐specific. This is consistent with phosphosite mapping of LRRK1, revealing phosphosites outside of 14‐3‐3 consensus binding motifs. To assess the functional relevance of these interactions, SH‐SY5Y‐LRRK1 and ‐LRRK2 cell lines were treated with LRRK2 kinase inhibitors that disrupt 14‐3‐3 binding, or with EGF, an EGF‐R agonist. Redistribution of LRRK2, not LRRK1, from diffuse cytoplasmic to filamentous aggregates was observed after inhibitor treatment. Similarly, EGF induced translocation of LRRK1, but not of LRRK2, to endosomes. Our study confirms that LRRK1 and LRRK2 can carry out distinct functions by interacting with different cellular proteins.


Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy for human chromosome 21 and is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. The distal 10 Mb region of the long arm of the chromosome has been proposed to be associated with many of the abnormalities seen in DS. This region is often referred to as the Down syndrome critical region (DSCR). We report here the results of our analyses of the DSCR protein 2 (DSCR2). Results from transiently transfected COS-1 and HEK293 cells suggest that DSCR2 is synthesized as a 43 kDa precursor protein, from which the N-terminus is cleaved resulting in a polypeptide of 41 kDa. The polypeptide is modified by still uncharacterized co- or post-translational modifications increasing the predicted molecular weight of 32.8 kDa by about 10 kDa. Analyses of the only putative N-glycosylation site by in vitro mutagenesis excluded the possibility of the contribution of N-glycosylation to this increase in molecular weight. Further, the results of intracellular localization studies and membrane fractionation assays indicate that DSCR2 is targeted to a cytoplasmic compartment as a soluble form.  相似文献   

The multispanning membrane protein vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) marks and regulates endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐domains associated with diverse ER‐organelle membrane contact sites. A proportion of these domains associate with endosomes during their maturation and remodeling. We found that these VMP1 domains are enriched in choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase and phosphatidylinositol synthase (PIS1), 2 ER enzymes required for the synthesis of various phospholipids. Interestingly, the lack of VMP1 impairs the formation of PIS1‐enriched ER domains, suggesting a role in the distribution of phosphoinositides. In fact, depletion of VMP1 alters the distribution of PtdIns4P and proteins involved in the trafficking of PtdIns4P. Consistently, in these conditions, defects were observed in endosome trafficking and maturation as well as in Golgi morphology. We propose that VMP1 regulates the formation of ER domains enriched in lipid synthesizing enzymes. These domains might be necessary for efficient distribution of PtdIns4P and perhaps other lipid species. These findings, along with previous reports that involved VMP1 in regulating PtdIns3P during autophagy, expand the role of VMP1 in lipid trafficking and explain the pleiotropic effects observed in VMP1‐deficient mammalian cells and other model systems.   相似文献   

Alternative splicing of the first intracellular loop differentially targets plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) isoform 2 to the apical or basolateral membrane in MDCK cells. To determine if the targeting is affected by lipid interactions, we stably expressed PMCA2w/b and PMCA2z/b in MDCK cells, and analyzed the PMCA distribution by confocal fluorescence microscopy and membrane fractionation. PMCA2w/b showed clear apical and lateral distribution, whereas PMCA2z/b was mainly localized to the basolateral membrane. A significant fraction of PMCA2w/b partitioned into low-density membranes associated with lipid rafts. Depletion of membrane cholesterol by methyl-β-cyclodextrin resulted in reduced lipid raft association and a striking loss of PMCA2w/b from the apical membrane, whereas the lateral localization of PMCA2z/b remained unchanged. Our data indicate that alternative splicing differentially affects the lipid interactions of PMCA2w/b and PMCA2z/b and that the apical localization of PMCA2w/b is lipid raft-dependent and sensitive to cholesterol depletion.  相似文献   

Dynamin is a GTPase mechanoenzyme most noted for its role in vesicle scission during endocytosis, and belongs to the dynamin family proteins. The dynamin family consists of classical dynamins and dynamin-like proteins (DLPs). Due to structural and functional similarities DLPs are thought to carry out membrane tubulation and scission in a similar manner to dynamin. Here, we discuss the newly emerging roles for DLPs, which include vacuole fission and fusion, peroxisome maintenance, endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. Specific focus is given to the role of DLPs in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae because the diverse function of DLPs has been well characterized in this organism. Recent insights into DLPs may provide a better understanding of mammalian dynamin and its associated diseases.  相似文献   

The Fraser syndrome protein Fras1 and the structurally related proteins Frem1, Frem2 and Frem3 comprise a novel family of extracellular matrix proteins implicated in the structural adhesion of the embryonic epidermis to the underlying mesenchyme. Fras1, Frem1 and Frem2 have been shown to be simultaneously and interdependently stabilized in the basement membrane by forming a ternary complex located underneath the lamina densa. However, the functional relationships between Frem3 and the other Fras1/Frem proteins remain unknown. Here we show that in the absence of Fras1 the basement membrane localization of Frem3 remains unaffected in contrast to Frem1 and Frem2 which are completely abolished from the basement membrane. This indicates that although Frem3 is localized in the sublamina densa similar to Fras1, Frem1 and Frem2 yet it is anchored in the basement membrane independently. We further demonstrate that loss of Fras1 results in the accumulation of Frem2 within epithelial cells. This finding reveals that Fras1 is not only essential as a component of a macromolecular complex for the extracellular stabilization of Frem2 but it is also required for its proper intracellular trafficking and export from embryonic epithelial cells.  相似文献   

As free-living organisms the ancestors of mitochondria and plastids encoded complete genomes, proteomes and metabolomes. As these symbionts became organelles all these aspects were reduced – genomes have degenerated with the host nucleus now encoding the most of the remaining endosymbiont proteome, while the metabolic processes of the symbiont have been streamlined to the functions of the emerging organelle. By contrast, the topology of the endosymbiont membrane has been preserved, necessitating the development of complex pathways for membrane insertion and translocation. In this study, we examine the characteristics of the endosymbiont-derived β-barrel insertase Sam501 in the excavate super-group. A candidate is further characterized in Trichomonas vaginalis, an unusual eukaryote possessing degenerate hydrogen-producing mitochondria called hydrogenosomes. This information supports a mitochondriate eukaryotic common ancestor with a similarly evolved β-barrel insertase, which has continued to be conserved in degenerate mitochondria.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the mechanism underlying the tissue-dependent function, the expression of NHE-1 protein and its sub cellular localization was examined in the rat GI-tract and other tissues. Rat NHE-1 polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits using a NHE-1 fusion protein antigen. The antibodies recognized a 110 kD protein in rats and mice, but not in human or rabbit RBCs. Colon, stomach, brain, spleen and kidney expressed NHE-1 protein abundantly, whereas the skeletal muscle the least abundant. Ouabain-sensitive-K+-stimulated p-nitrophenylphosphatase (PNPPase), the partial activity of the sodium pump and alkaline phosphatase (Apase) were used as the markers of the basolateral and apical membranes. NHE-1 was detected predominantly in the PNPPase enriched membrane fractions, but was also detected in the apical membrane enriched fractions in the kidney cortex, jejunum and colon at a lower level. NHE-1 was detected in the plasma membrane enriched fractions from the skeletal muscle and ventricle. Immunofluorescence data showed a similar localization pattern of NHE-1 in the colon and kidney sections. These findings suggest that NHE-1 is localized both on the apical and basolateral membrane. In view of its similar sub cellular localization in the GI-tract and kidney, but a different level of expression, might suggest that the level of protein, but not the sub cellular distribution is important to regulate its tissue-dependent function.  相似文献   


A number of studies using chimeric constructs made by fusing endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA) sequences with those of the plasma membrane located calcium pump (PMCA) have suggested that the retention/retrieval signal responsible for maintaining SERCA in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is located within the N-terminus of these pumps. Because of the difficulties in identifying the presence of constructs at the plasma membrane we have used a trans-Golgi network (TGN) marker to evaluate whether chimeric proteins are retained by the ER or have lost their retention/retrieval sequences and are able to enter the wider endomembrane system and reach the TGN. In this study, attempts to locate this retention/retrieval sequence demonstrate that the retention sequences are located not in the N-terminus, as previously suggested, but in the largely transmembranous C-terminal domain of SERCA. Further attempts to identify the precise retention/retrieval motif using SERCA1/PMCA3 chimeras were unsuccessful. This may be due to the fact that introducing SERCA1 sequences into the C-terminal PMCA3 sequence and vice versa disrupts the organization of the closely packed transmembrane helices leading to retention of such constructs by the quality control mechanisms of the ER. An alternative explanation is that SERCAs have targeting motifs that are non-linear, being made up of several segments of sequence to form a patch that interacts with the retrieval machinery.  相似文献   

The “w” splice forms of PMCA2 localize to distinct membrane compartments such as the apical membrane of the lactating mammary epithelium, the stereocilia of inner ear hair cells or the post-synaptic density of hippocampal neurons. Previous studies indicated that PMCA2w/b was not fully targeted to the apical domain of MDCK cells but distributed more evenly to the lateral and apical membrane compartments. Overexpression of the apical scaffold protein NHERF2, however, greatly increased the amount of the pump in the apical membrane of these epithelial cells. We generated a stable MDCK cell line expressing non-tagged, full-length PMCA2w/b to further study the localization and function of this protein. Here we demonstrate that PMCA2w/b is highly active and shows enhanced apical localization in terminally polarized MDCK cells grown on semi-permeable filters. Reversible surface biotinylation combined with confocal microscopy of fully polarized cells show that the pump is stabilized in the apical membrane via the apical membrane cytoskeleton with the help of endogenous NHERF2 and ezrin. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton removed the pump from the apical actin patches without provoking its internalization. Our data suggest that full polarization is a prerequisite for proper positioning of the PMCA2w variants in the apical membrane domain of polarized cells.  相似文献   

Frem1 belongs to a family of structurally related extracellular matrix proteins of which Fras1 is the founding member. Mutations in Fras1 and Frem1 have been identified in mouse models for Fraser syndrome, which display a strikingly similar embryonic skin blistering phenotype due to impaired dermal-epidermal adhesion. Here we show that Frem1 originates from both epithelial and mesenchymal cells, in contrast to Fras1 that is exclusively derived from epithelia. However, both proteins are localized in an absolutely overlapping fashion in diverse epithelial basement membranes. At the ultrastructural level, Frem1 exhibits a clustered arrangement in the sublamina densa coinciding with fibrillar structures reminiscent of anchoring fibrils. Furthermore, in addition to its extracellular deposition, around E16, Frem1 displays an intracellular distribution in distinct epidermal cell types such as the periderm layer and basal keratinocytes. Since periderm cells are known to participate in temporary epithelial fusions like embryonic eyelid closure, defective function of Frem1 in these cells could provide a molecular explanation for the "eyes open at birth" phenotype, a feature unique for Frem1 deficient mouse mutants. Finally, we demonstrate loss of Frem1 localization in the basement membrane but not in periderm cells in the skin of Fras1(-/-) embryos. Taken together, our findings indicate that besides a cooperative function with Fras1 in embryonic basement membranes, Frem1 can also act independently in processes related to epidermal differentiation.  相似文献   

LRRK2 serine/threonine kinase is associated with inherited Parkinson’s disease. LRRK2 phosphorylates a subset of Rab GTPases within their switch 2 motif to control their interactions with effectors. Recent work has shown that the metal‐dependent protein phosphatase PPM1H counteracts LRRK2 by dephosphorylating Rabs. PPM1H is highly selective for LRRK2 phosphorylated Rabs, and closely related PPM1J exhibits no activity towards substrates such as Rab8a phosphorylated at Thr72 (pThr72). Here, we have identified the molecular determinant of PPM1H specificity for Rabs. The crystal structure of PPM1H reveals a structurally conserved phosphatase fold that strikingly has evolved a 110‐residue flap domain adjacent to the active site. The flap domain distantly resembles tudor domains that interact with histones in the context of epigenetics. Cellular assays, crosslinking and 3‐D modelling suggest that the flap domain encodes the docking motif for phosphorylated Rabs. Consistent with this hypothesis, a PPM1J chimaera with the PPM1H flap domain dephosphorylates pThr72 of Rab8a both in vitro and in cellular assays. Therefore, PPM1H has acquired a Rab‐specific interaction domain within a conserved phosphatase fold.  相似文献   

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