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DNA isolated from livers of rats receiving tamoxifen was analysed by the 32P-postlabelling method. The postlabelled DNA hydrolysis mixture was analysed both by reversed-phase HPLC with 32P on-line detection and by TLC on polyethyleneimine plates followed by autoradiography. Using the HPLC method, five well separated adduct peaks could be detected, while by the TLC method, two groups of adduct spots were observed. The detection limit of the TLC assay was lower (0.5 adducts/1010 nucleotides) than that of the HPLC assay (3 adducts/1010 nucleotides). Thus, the TLC assay is more sensitive but also more laborious. The advantages of the HPLC assay were, in addition to better resolution, the ease of quantification and operation.  相似文献   

We developed a sensitive 32P-postlabeling method for the detection of bifunctional intrastrand crosslinks d(Pt-GpG) and d(Pt-ApG) in DNA in vitro and in vivo. After enzymatic digestion of DNA the positively charged platinum adducts were purified from unplatinated products, using strong cation exchange chromatography. Subsequently the samples were deplatinated with cyanide, because platinated dinucleotides are very poor substrates for polynucleotide kinase. The excess of cyanide was removed using Sep-pak C18 cartridges, and the resulting dinucleoside monophosphates d(GpG) and d(ApG) were subsequently postlabelled. Analysis of the postlabelling mixture was performed by a combined TLC and HPLC-procedure. Good correlations with existing methods (AAS, immunocytochemistry and ELISA) were found in DNA samples treated in vitro and in vivo with cis- or carboplatin. The detection limit of the assay was 1 adduct/10(7) nucleotides in a 10 micrograms DNA sample.  相似文献   

Analysis by nuclease P1-enhanced 32P-postlabelling assay of DNA isolated from the white blood cells of 53 iron foundry workers was carried out independently in 3 laboratories, and the presence of aromatic DNA adducts was detected. The mean adduct levels in foundry workers varied from 9.2 +/- 23 (laboratory 3) and 12 +/- 10 (laboratory 2) to 26 +/- 43 (laboratory 1) and for the controls from 1.7 +/- 0.7 (laboratory 3) to 3.1 +/- 1.7 (laboratory 1) adducts per 10(8) nucleotides. No effect of smoking was observed in the present study. Each laboratory observed large interindividual variations of adduct levels. Good correlations were found between the results of the 32P-postlabelling assays carried out in the 3 laboratories; the correlation coefficients between laboratories 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3 were 0.61, 0.62, and 0.45, respectively, all being statistically highly significant (p less than 0.01). This interlaboratory comparison of the 32P-postlabelling method indicates the reproducibility of the method and its applicability in occupational exposure monitoring.  相似文献   

We have investigated the correlation between DNA adduct levels and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity in peripheral lymphocyte samples obtained from 42 lung cancer patients. DNA adducts and AHH activity were determined by the 32P-postlabelling technique and the fluorometric method, respectively. The mean +/- SD of DNA adduct level was 0.88 +/- 0.37 (ranged from 0.22 to 1.90) per 108 nucleotides. The geometric means of non-induced and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced AHH activity, as well as AHH inducibility (MC-induced AHH activity/non-induced AHH activity) were 0.029, 0.228 pmol min-1 10-6 cells, and 7.776, respectively. There was no statistically significant correlation between DNA adduct levels and non-induced or MC-induced AHH activity. A tendency of positive correlation was found between DNA adduct levels and AHH inducibility for the all subjects (n = 42, r = 0.25, p = 0.11). Such a positive correlation reached statistical significance in the subjects with squamous cell carcinoma (n = 13, r = 0.70, p < 0.01). In addition, similar correlation of DNA adducts with AHH inducibility was also observed in the GSTM1 present genotype (n = 17, r = 0.44, p = 0.07) and GSTP1-AA genotype (n = 29, r = 0.37, p = 0.05) individuals. These findings suggest that DNA adduct levels are mediated by CYP1A1 enzyme, and AHH inducibility may be a more relevant indicator than specific AHH activity for explaining the variation of DNA adduct levels in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the reliability of bulky DNA adducts measurement by means of the 32P-post-labelling assay. The research design consisted of an intramethod reliability study. Buffy coats from 41 subjects were used to obtain two aliquots of 1–5 μg DNA for each subject; bulky DNA adducts were measured using the nuclease P1 32P-post-labelling technique. The reliability of the measurement was assessed by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), the distribution of the differences between the two measurements and the limits of agreement. The estimated ICC was 0.977, with a 95% confidence interval between 0.921 and 0.977. The limits of agreement were ±0.44 (DNA adducts per 108 nucleotides). Only three subjects had differences lying out of such limits. Bulky DNA adduct levels measured by the 32P-post-labelling technique showed good reliability. Only one measurement is needed to use DNA adducts as a biomarker of exposure and, possibly, cancer risk. Besides, as a validation analysis, 32P-post-labelling measurements can be repeated in only 20–30% of samples.  相似文献   

Butadiene monoepoxide (BMO), epoxybutanediol (EBD) and diepoxybutane (DEB) are reactive metabolites of 1,3-butadiene (BD), an important industrial chemical classified as a probable human carcinogen. The covalent interactions of these metabolites with DNA lead to the formation of DNA adducts which may induce mutations or other types of DNA damage, resulting in tumour formation. In the present study, two pairs of diastereomeric N-1-BMO-adenine adducts were identified in the reaction of BMO with 2´-deoxyadenosine-5´-monophosphate (5´-dAMP). The major products formed by reacting EBD with 2´-deoxyguanosine-5´-monophosphate (5´-dGMP) were characterized as diastereomeric N-7-(2´,3´,4´-trihydroxybut-1´-yl)-5´-dGMP by UV and electrospray mass spectrometry. The formation of N-7-BMO-guanine adducts (1´-carbon, 60; 2´carbon, 54/104 nucleotides) in BMO-treated DNA was about four times higher than that of N-1-BMO-adenine adducts (1´-carbon, 20; 2´-carbon, 8.7/104 nucleotides). However, the recovery of N-1-BMO-adenine adducts in DNA (45 ± 5%) was two times higher than that of N-7-guanine adducts (20 ± 4%) by 32P-postlabelling analysis. Using the 32P-postlabelling/ HPLC assay, N-1-BMO-adenine, N-7-BMO-guanine and N-7-EBDguanine adducts were detected in BMO- or DEB-treated DNA and in liver DNA of rats exposed to BD by inhalation. The amount of N-7-EBD-guanine adducts (11/108 nucleotides) in rat liver was about three-fold higher than N-7-BMO-guanine adducts (4.0/108 nucleotides). The novel finding of N-1-BMO-adenine adducts formed in vivo may contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of BD carcinogenic action.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the reliability of bulky DNA adducts measurement by means of the 32P-post-labelling assay. The research design consisted of an intramethod reliability study. Buffy coats from 41 subjects were used to obtain two aliquots of 1-5 microg DNA for each subject; bulky DNA adducts were measured using the nuclease P1 32P-post-labelling technique. The reliability of the measurement was assessed by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), the distribution of the differences between the two measurements and the limits of agreement. The estimated ICC was 0.977, with a 95% confidence interval between 0.921 and 0.977. The limits of agreement were +/- 0.44 (DNA adducts per 10(8) nucleotides). Only three subjects had differences lying out of such limits. Bulky DNA adduct levels measured by the 32P-post-labelling technique showed good reliability. Only one measurement is needed to use DNA adducts as a biomarker of exposure and, possibly, cancer risk. Besides, as a validation analysis, 32P-post-labelling measurements can be repeated in only 20-30% of samples.  相似文献   

Using 32P-postlabelling and thin layer chromatography, DNA adduct formation by the potent animal carcinogen 2,4-diaminotoluene in Fischer-344 rats was investigated. DNA from four different organs, liver, mammary gland, kidney and lung, were examined for adducts following single administration of this compound. DNA binding was detected in all four organs, with each producing one major and two minor adduct spots on autoradiograms. The adducts induced were qualitatively identical among the different organs, but quantitative differences were observed. The two target organs of 2,4-diaminotoluene induced carcinogenesis, the liver and mammary gland produced higher adduct yields, with levels up to 30-times higher than those for the two non-target organs. Since the liver is the principal target for 2,4-diaminotoluene induced carcinogenesis, we further examined DNA adducts from this site for the effects of different doses and time points. DNA binding in liver was detected following doses as low as 4.1 mumol/kg. At the highest concentration examined (2046 mumol/kg), the level of the major adduct was 29.2 adducted nucleotides per 10(7) total nucleotides. The yields for the two minor adducts were approximately one-tenth that for the major adduct. Following a 410 mumol/kg dose, DNA adduct removal over time was examined. DNA adduct removal exhibited biphasic kinetics, with a rapid initial phase followed by a slower rate of elimination. Up to 60% of maximum adduct levels persisted after 2 weeks. DNA binding by 2,4-diaminotoluene was also compared to that by its weakly carcinogenic analog, 2,4-dinitrotoluene. The two compounds produced identical adduct patterns, suggesting that they share common metabolites and adducts. Adduct yields from 2,4-dinitrotoluene, however, were lower. The results of our studies suggest that the differences in carcinogenic potency between 2,4-diaminotoluene and 2,4-dinitrotoluene, as well as the organotropic effects of 2,4-diaminotoluene may be explained, in part, by quantitative differences in the extent of DNA adduct formation.  相似文献   

Aluminium production plant workers are exposed to a great number of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and epidemiological studies suggest that these workers are at increased risk of lung and bladder cancer. Blood samples from 46 workers at 2 primary aluminium plants and from 29 occupationally unexposed control individuals were analysed. DNA was isolated from the peripheral blood lymphocytes and aromatic DNA adducts were detected by 32P-postlabelling assay using the nuclease P1 digestion procedure for the enrichment of the adducts. The total levels of DNA adducts of exposed individuals varied from the detection limit of about 0.5 adducts/10(8) nucleotides up to 7.1 adducts/10(8) nucleotides and control adduct levels were up to 2.42 adducts/10(8) nucleotides. There was no significant difference between the mean adduct levels of the control group and of the individuals of one plant. However, the mean DNA adduct level obtained from workers of the second plant was significantly higher than that of the controls (p less than 0.001) and of the first plant (p less than 0.01), respectively. This difference can be attributed to differences in the design of technology and different levels of exposure at the 2 plants. The results of this study encourage further investigations of the use of peripheral white blood cells as marker cells and of 32P-postlabelling analysis for monitoring occupational exposure to mixtures of environmental carcinogenic pollutants.  相似文献   

For many years (32)P postlabeling has detected DNA adducts at very low levels and yet has not been able to identify unknown adducts. Mass spectrometry offers substantially improved identification powers, albeit at some loss in detection limits. With this ultimate utilization of mass spectrometry in mind, the current research presents a new method to quantitatively purify bulky hydrophobic DNA adducts at levels that are pertinent to ongoing DNA adduct research in human health and environmental fields. This method was demonstrated with benzo[a]pyrene adducts. Purification was accomplished with the use of small columns (7.5-mm frits) with an 11 mg bed of polystyrene-divinlybenzene beads which retained the adducts while permitting the nonadducted nucleotides to be washed out with water. Subsequently, the adducts were eluted with 50% MeOH and the sample was reduced in volume in an evacuated centrifuge. Purification was demonstrated at adduct levels ranging from 4 adducts in 10(6) nonadducted nucleotides to 4 in 10(8). For these levels, analyses by capillary electrophoresis with sample stacking and UV detection determined that recoveries ranged from 91 to 54%, respectively. The adduct quantities isolated should be sufficient to allow the use of current MS capabilities that are linked on-line to separation methodologies such as capillary electrophoresis, capillary electrochromatography, and high-pressure liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

Blood samples were volunteered by workers in a Finnish iron foundry who were occupationally exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and from control subjects not known to be occupationally exposed to this class of chemical carcinogens. DNA was isolated from peripheral white blood cells and digested with micrococcal nuclease, spleen phosphodiesterase and nuclease P1. The DNA digest was then incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP and polynucleotide kinase. Aromatic adducts present in the digest that were resistant to nuclease P1 were thus 32P-labelled while unmodified nucleotides were not. The 32P-labelled adducts were resolved by t.l.c. and detected by autoradiography. Foundry workers were classified as belonging to high, medium or low exposure groups according to their exposure to airborne benzo[a]pyrene (high greater than 0.2, medium 0.05-0.2, low less than 0.05 microgram BP/m3 air). Aromatic adducts were found to be present in DNA from 3/4 samples from the high exposure group, 8/10 samples from the medium exposure group. 4/18 samples from the low exposure group and 1/9 samples from the unexposed controls. The levels of adducts found in the high and medium group samples ranged up to 1 adduct in 10(7) nucleotides but the levels formed in the low exposure group samples were not significantly different from those in unexposed controls. No differences related to the smoking habits of the subjects were observed. Most of the DNA adducts detected had chromatographic mobilities distinct from those formed when the 7,8-diol 9,10-oxide of BP reacted with DNA. The results indicate that highly-exposed individuals are more likely to contain aromatic DNA adducts in their white blood cells, but large interindividual variations were evident. In addition, multiple samples from the same subjects indicate that qualitative and quantitative changes in adduct patterns occur with time. This pilot study suggests that 32P-postlabelling may be useful in monitoring human exposure to known and to previously unidentified environmental genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

Lutz WK  Lutz U  Gaylor DW 《Mutation research》2002,518(2):195-203
The 32P-postlabeling assay is widely used for the analysis of DNA adducts. Some adducts can be detected with very high sensitivity but quantification can be unreliable, particularly if it is based only on comparison with unmodified nucleotides (relative adduct labeling, RAL values). Furthermore, guidelines to calculate detection limits for adduct concentrations are lacking. This is particularly important for human biomonitoring studies of environmental exposures, where a low adduct level can remain undetected. Reports of null results of toxicity studies should always include a limit of detection, indicating the effect magnitude that would have produced, with a given probability of false negative (type II error), a statistically significant increase (type I error). Here, we report on a procedure based on t-statistics to calculate two types of detection limits, the "critical level (CL)" and the "detection level (DL)". The first is the size of the difference between exposed and controls required to achieve statistical significance. The second is the size of the difference that will be detected with a chosen probability of a false negative. For the degrees of freedom (d.f.) to be used for the t-values, a general formula is given so that different standard deviations and group sizes of control and exposed groups can be handled. A sample calculation of the whole procedure is shown, using the null data for the formation of a particular adduct in lung DNA of styrene-treated mice, analyzed by 32P-postlabeling. The procedure takes into account: (i) TLC-specific background radioactivity; (ii) variability within the control and exposed groups; and (iii) confidence limits for the factor to convert 32P-radioactivity to amounts of adduct. The latter step incorporates the variance of the differences between the samples and replicates spiked with adduct standard. A statement such as follows is the result: the concentration of the alpha-isomer adduct of styrene 7,8-oxide at the O(6)-position of guanine in mouse lung DNA would have to be at least 12 adducts per 10(8) nucleotides to be detected in the given experiment on a 5% level (type I error), with a probability of 5% to miss an existing effect (type II error).  相似文献   

The function of the human nucleotide excision repair (NER) apparatus is to remove bulky adducts from damaged DNA. In an effort to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the recognition and excision of bulky lesions, we investigated a series of site specifically modified oligonucleotides containing single, well-defined polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) diol epoxide-adenine adducts. Covalent adducts derived from the bay region PAH, benzo[a]pyrene, are removed by human NER enzymes in vitro. In contrast, the stereochemically analogous N(6)-dA adducts derived from the topologically different fjord region PAH, benzo[c]phenanthrene, are resistant to repair. The evasion of DNA repair may play a role in the observed higher tumorigenicity of the fjord region PAH diol epoxides. We are elucidating the structural and thermodynamic features of these adducts that may underlie their marked distinction in biologic function, employing high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance studies, measurements of thermal stabilities of the PAH diol epoxide-modified oligonucleotide duplexes, and molecular dynamics simulations with free energy calculations. Our combined findings suggest that differences in the thermodynamic properties and thermal stabilities are associated with differences in distortions to the DNA induced by the lesions. These structural effects correlate with the differential NER susceptibilities and stem from the intrinsically distinct shapes of the fjord and bay region PAH diol epoxide-N(6)-adenine adducts.  相似文献   

During pregnancy, mothers are exposed to complex chemical mixtures, such as air pollution and smoke from incomplete combustion. In this study DNA adducts were measured in human placentas from 29 mothers. Environmental exposure and several possible biomarkers in relation to levels of DNA adducts were measured. Placental aromatic and bulky DNA adducts were measured with the 32  相似文献   

Groups of male Alderley Park rats were dosed concomitantly with 2-acetylaminofluorene (2AAF) by gavage at doses between 0.01 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg, and livers sampled 2-72 h later. The liver of one group of animals was perfused to yield hepatocytes which were assayed in vitro for unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) via incorporation of tritiated thymidine and autoradiography. DNA was extracted from the livers of the other group and DNA adduct levels determined using the 32P-postlabelling technique. The major C-8 2-aminofluorene/guanosine adduct and 3 minor adducts were quantitated, enabling the relative sensitivity of the 2 techniques to be compared. A dose- and time-related UDS response was observed, which, at the most sensitive time-point (12 h) enabled DNA repair to be discerned at a dose level of 0.1-1 mg/kg of 2AAF, a response classified as formally positive at 5 mg/kg 2AAF. Only the C-8 adduct, as determined by 32P-postlabelling, was discernible at 0.01 mg/kg of 2AAF, although other adducts were visible on autoradiograms at higher dose levels. It is concluded that as part of a well-defined dose response, UDS can be discerned with confidence for doses of 2AAF between approximately 0.1 and 5 mg/kg, and DNA adducts for doses of 2AAF between approximately 0.01 and 1 mg/kg. Discernible UDS for 2AAF in the rat liver is apparent at approximately 13 DNA (total) adducts/10(8) nucleotides, or approximately 8 DNA (C-8) adducts/10(8) nucleotides. The presumed C-8 2-acetylaminofluorene/guanosine adduct, prepared by reaction of 2-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (2AAAF) with DNA, was a significant but unreliable marker of 2AAF/DNA adducts in the rat liver in vivo. DNA repair did not appear to remove DNA adducts selectively, and adducts remained in DNA when discernible DNA repair had ceased.  相似文献   

To allow more sensitive, selective, and routine analyses of platinum(Pt)-GG and -AG intrastrand cross-links we have significantly improved our quantitative (32)P-postlabeling assay (M. J. P. Welters et al. Carcinogenesis 18, 1767-1774, 1997). Instead of off-line scintillation counting we introduced an on-line flow radioisotope detector into the HPLC system. Furthermore, the isolation protocol for the adducts was significantly modified and optimized to reduce interfering background peaks that prevented quantification of low levels of the cisplatin-DNA adducts in white blood cells obtained from patients. Reduction of background signals was obtained by boiling the samples, followed by phenol/chloroform/isoamylethanol extraction after the DNA digestion step. The labeling efficiency for the adducts was increased by 40% by using Na-formate instead of NH(4)-formate for elution of the adducts from the strong cation-exchange columns. Finally, a calibration curve and quality controls were implemented. The labeling efficiencies were not different between the dinucleotides. The between- and within-run precision for the Pt-GG and Pt-AG adducts measured at the lower limit of quantification of 87 and 53 amol/microg DNA, respectively, was less than 20% CV. The adducts were stable in DNA stored for a 2-month time period at -80 degrees C. The assay is now routinely used for high-precision analyses of patient and cell line samples containing very low adduct levels.  相似文献   

In contrast to earlier studies conducted at lower dose levels, 2AAF is shown to induce a positive UDS response in the liver of mice dosed orally at dose levels between 500 and 1000 mg/kg. Similarly exposed mice had low levels of 2AAF-related hepatic DNA adducts at dose levels in the range 10-1000 mg/kg 2AAF, as determined by 32P-postlabelling analysis. It is concluded that the attenuated UDS response observed in the mouse liver, as compared to the rat liver, is due primarily to metabolic differences between these two species, coupled to a reduced capacity for UDS in the mouse liver for a given level of total 2AAF-related adducts per unit of DNA. These observations are compared and contrasted with identical studies conducted in the rat and reported in the preceding paper (Gallagher et al., 1991).  相似文献   

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