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Winkler  H.  Preleuthner  M. 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):193-202
The canopy of rain forests exhibits several distinct features that determine avian adaptations. Light intensity and colour, wind, and temperature are the most important components of the physical environment. Tree architecture poses many challenges for the evolution of avian morphological features, and resource availability varies greatly. The canopy is easily accessible for birds that are equipped to travel over considerable distances. Given these conditions, high behavioural flexibility, and adaptations in behaviour and morphology related to a nomadic life-style, should prevail among canopy birds. The easy access for certain groups of birds also has consequences for the historical processes that shape canopy bird communities. Birds may contribute greatly to forest dynamics and composition, mainly due to their role as seed dispersers. We elaborate on these points with behavioural, morphological, and ecological data collected at our Neotropical study site in southern Venezuela (Surumoni Canopy Crane Project). We discuss how behaviour and morphological features reflect the ecological demands in the canopy. We contrast the specific behavioural and ecological characteristics of canopy birds with those of species found in the other tiers of the rain forest. It is pointed out that much of our knowledge is biased towards the Neotropics, and that better knowledge of the larger canopy species is needed for conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Deciduousness is an important functional attribute of tropical trees, reflecting climatic conditions. Precisely quantifying and mapping deciduousness in tropical forests will be necessary for calibrating remote sensing images which attempt to assess canopy properties such as carbon cycling, productivity, or chlorophyll content. We thus set out to assess the degree of canopy deciduousness in three moist, semi‐deciduous tropical forests in central Panama. One site is a 6‐ha research plot near the Atlantic coast of Panama, where rainfall is 2830 mm/yr. The second site is a 50‐ha plot on Barro Colorado Island, near the center of the isthmus of Panama, where rainfall is 2570 mm/yr, and the final site is a 4‐ha plot near the Pacific coast of Panama, where rainfall is 2060 mm/yr. At each site, a random sample of trees from all canopy species (those with individuals ≥ 30 cm DBH) were visited and scored for deciduousness three times during the 1997 dry season. The estimated peak fraction of deciduous individuals in the canopy at the wetter site was 4.8%, at the intermediate site, 6.3%, and at the drier site, 24.3%. The estimated fraction of crown area deciduous peaked at 3.6%, 9.7%, and 19.1% at the wet, medium, and dry sites respectively. The percentage of canopy species that was deciduous –14%, 28%, and 41%–was much higher than the percentage of deciduous individuals, because not all individuals of deciduous species were deciduous. During the 1999 dry season, every individual of all the deciduous species was visited at the two drier sites, and the total number of deciduous trees observed closely matched the estimated numbers based on the smaller 1997 samples.  相似文献   

  1. Studies on the effects of human‐driven forest disturbance usually focus on either biodiversity or carbon dynamics but much less is known about ecosystem processes that span different trophic levels. Herbivory is a fundamental ecological process for ecosystem functioning, but it remains poorly quantified in human‐modified tropical rainforests.
  2. Here, we present the results of the largest study to date on the impacts of human disturbances on herbivory. We quantified the incidence (percentage of leaves affected) and severity (the percentage of leaf area lost) of canopy insect herbivory caused by chewers, miners, and gall makers in leaves from 1,076 trees distributed across 20 undisturbed and human‐modified forest plots in the Amazon.
  3. We found that chewers dominated herbivory incidence, yet were not a good predictor of the other forms of herbivory at either the stem or plot level. Chewing severity was higher in both logged and logged‐and‐burned primary forests when compared to undisturbed forests. We found no difference in herbivory severity between undisturbed primary forests and secondary forests. Despite evidence at the stem level, neither plot‐level incidence nor severity of the three forms of herbivory responded to disturbance.
  4. Synthesis. Our large‐scale study of canopy herbivory confirms that chewers dominate the herbivory signal in tropical forests, but that their influence on leaf area lost cannot predict the incidence or severity of other forms. We found only limited evidence suggesting that human disturbance affects the severity of leaf herbivory, with higher values in logged and logged‐and‐burned forests than undisturbed and secondary forests. Additionally, we found no effect of human disturbance on the incidence of leaf herbivory.

Trees compete for space in the canopy, but where and how individuals or their component parts win or lose is poorly understood. We developed a stochastic model of three‐dimensional dynamics in canopies using a hierarchical Bayesian framework, and analysed 267 533 positive height changes from 1.25 m pixels using data from airborne LiDAR within 43 ha on the windward flank of Mauna Kea. Model selection indicates a strong resident's advantage, with 97.9% of positions in the canopy retained by their occupants over 2 years. The remaining 2.1% were lost to a neighbouring contender. Absolute height was a poor predictor of success, but short stature greatly raised the risk of being overtopped. Growth in the canopy was exponentially distributed with a scaling parameter of 0.518. These findings show how size and spatial proximity influence the outcome of competition for space, and provide a general framework for the analysis of canopy dynamics.  相似文献   

Plant ecology of tropical and subtropical karst ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Substantial areas of tropical forests, including those within nine tropical biodiversity hotspots, contain karst landscapes that have developed on soluble carbonate rocks. Here, we review how the ecology of karst forest trees is influenced by hydrological, edaphic, and topographic factors that exhibit fine spatial heterogeneity. Comparative analysis of drought tolerance traits including wood density contributes to the assessment of whether karst tree species are more drought‐tolerant compared to non‐karst trees. Although karst ecosystems are generally considered to have low phosphorus availability, foliar nitrogen‐to‐phosphorus ratios exhibit wide variation across karst regions without a clear difference from non‐karst ecosystems. According to the analyses of leaf phenology, stem water storage, and isotopic signatures from xylem sap, water use strategies of karst trees can be classified into five types: (a) soil water dependent, (b) epikarst water dependent (mainly use water stored in fine pores and gaps within the epikarst rock during the dry season), (c) groundwater dependent, (d) fog water dependent, and (e) drought‐deciduous (shed leaves during the dry season). Overall, published data suggest that only a subset of karst tree species are exclusively distributed within karst hilltops where water availability is limited. The diverse resource acquisition and utilization strategies of karst plants across edaphic habitats must be considered when developing effective strategies to conserve and restore biodiversity in karst landscapes, which are under increasing anthropogenic pressure.  相似文献   

AIMS: Despite the biodiversity values of the freshwater floodplains of northern Australia being widely recognized, there has not been a concomitant investment in developing the extent of knowledge of the basic functions and ecological processes that underpin the ecological character of these habitats. This review addresses the extent of our knowledge on the plant ecology of these wetlands and covers: the relationships between the climate and the hydrological regime on the floodplain; the vegetation patterns, succession and adaptation; and primary production. SCOPE: Information is available on the seasonal, but less regularly on the inter-annual, dynamics of the macrophytic vegetation and its evident inter-relationship with the extent, depth and duration of inundation by seasonal flooding. The available scientifically collected information on plant distribution and relationship with the water regime could be complemented by more attention to traditional knowledge. The productivity of the vegetation is high-the dominant wetland grass species have an annual dry weight production of 0.5-2.1 kg m-2 and the surrounding riparian (Melaleuca) trees contribute litterfall of 0.7-1.5 kg (dry weight) m-2 year-1, approximately 70% due to leaf-fall. The availability of dissolved oxygen in the water is known to vary diurnally and seasonally, at least in some habitats. The importance of seasonal differences in the availability of dissolved oxygen for the growth of micro- and macrophytic vegetation has not been investigated. The seasonal distribution and growth of plant species on a few floodplains have been investigated, and maps at scales of 1:10,000 to 1:100,000 are available for these. However, only on a few occasions have longer term analyses been conducted and long-term changes in the vegetation measured and assessed. Species lists and categorization of growth strategies and forms are available and provide a basis for further ecological investigation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the large investment in managing the many pressures that have degraded the ecological character of these highly valued wetlands, the fundamental ecological processes that underpin the biodiversity values have not received the same level of attention. Further information on plant growth and the environmental factors that drive seasonal and annual changes in vegetation distribution and productivity is required to assist managers in attending to changes due to increasing invasive species and changes in fire regimes.  相似文献   

热带季节雨林冠层树种绒毛番龙眼的光合生理生态特性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定仪,对西双版纳热带季节雨林冠层树种绒毛番龙眼成树树冠上、中、下3层叶片进行了测定,分析西双版纳热带季节雨林冠层树木的光合作用.结果表明,绒毛番龙眼成树具有喜光的光合特性,光饱和点较高(1 000~1 500 μmol·m-2·s-1),而光补偿点较低(7.7~15.3 μmol·m-2·s-1),对光环境有较强的适应和调节能力,光合有效辐射是影响绒毛番龙眼光合日进程的关键因子;12月,叶片处于成熟期,生长良好,光合能力较强,树冠上层净光合速率(Pn)日变化为单峰型,最大净光合速率(Amax)约为8.9 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1;4月处于新老树叶更替期,光合能力下降,树冠上层Pn日变化为双峰型,中午出现“午休”现象,树冠上层Amax约为4.3 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1;7月上、中层叶片Pn为单峰型,下层出现“午休”.如人为使CO2浓度在短期内迅速升高,则绒毛番龙眼的Pn会增加,而气孔导度和蒸腾速率降低;CO2浓度从400 μmol·mol-1升高到800 μmol·mol-1时,干季水分利用效率(WUE)提高约50%~100%,雨季WUE较低.  相似文献   

This study measured the quantities of effective pollen vectors and their pollen loads arriving at the canopies of dioecious tropical rain forest trees in north-east Queensland. Population flowering synchrony, effective pollinator populations and pollen loads transferred between staminate and pistillate trees were compared among three insect-pollinated tree species. All three were visited by a wide range of insects, 75% of which (mostly 3–6 mm long) carried conspecific pollen. Fewer than 8% of individual insects were found to be carrying single-species pollen exclusively and none could be described as specialist pollen foragers. The introduced honeybee carried greater quantities of pollen than any native species but was not necessarily a reliable pollinator. The brief flowering periods in Neolitsea dealbata (3–4 weeks) and Litsea leefeana (4–5 weeks) populations were synchronized among individuals. Flowering in the Diospyros pentamera population extended over 15 weeks and most individuals were in flower for most of this period. Staminate trees began flowering earlier, produced more flowers and attracted relatively more insects than did pistillate trees, suggesting a density-dependent response of pollinators to flowering performance. Pollen was trapped in greater quantities on insects at staminate trees than at pistillate trees. Insect numbers increased at peak flowering periods and Diptera were the most abundant flower visitors. Anthophilous Coleoptera were more numerous at staminate than at pistillate trees in all three tree species populations. Larger quantities of pollen were mobilized during peak flowering times although the greatest quantities were transferred to pistillate canopies towards the end of the population flowering periods. Diptera carried pollen more often to pistillate N. dealbata and L. leefeana trees than did other groups whereas Coleoptera carried pollen more often to pistillate D. pentamera trees. The two contrasting flowering performances in the three tree species are discussed with reference to mechanisms that facilitate pollen transfer between staminate and pistillate trees.  相似文献   

Two major works on the ecology of Sumatra and Sulawesi two of the world's great tropical islands, have appeared relatively recently. These volumes represent the rarest of genres in tropical ecology: works of indigenous origin with an indigenous audience in mind. An examination of these exciting books prompts us to examine a wider literature on tropical ecology.  相似文献   

Wolfram Beyschlag  Ronald J. Ryel   《Flora》2007,202(8):608-623
A sizeable number of scientists and funding organisations are of the opinion that the relevance of plant physiological ecology as an important discipline has declined to the point that it is no longer considered as one of the important topics of ecological research. Plant physiological ecology is typically associated with the autecological plant research conducted during the latter portion of the 20th century or, even worse, simply with gas exchange measurements. However, taking a closer look, it becomes obvious that, by focusing on the intermediate integration levels (individuals, populations), this discipline represents an essential link between the high integration levels (communities, ecosystems, biosphere) and the disciplines at the bottom of the complexity hierarchy (physiology, molecular biology). In this paper we show that the principal question of all ongoing community and ecosystem level research – What is the mechanistic background of vegetation composition, biodiversity structure and dynamics and how is this linked to fluxes of matter at the community and higher levels of organisation? – can only be answered if the mechanism of interactions between the relevant organisms are understood. In consequence, the classical discipline of plant physiological ecology will continuously develop into a truly interdisciplinary experimental ecology of interactions and its importance will rather increase than diminish. Promising activities of this kind are already underway. Scientists needed for this new direction should have a rather broad scientific perspective, including knowledge and experience in fields outside of typical ecological research, instead of being specialists for single ecophysiological aspects.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of 29 herbaceous understory monocot species was studied in a tropical cloud forest of northern coastal Venezuela (Henri Pittier National Park). Of the 23 plant species, 6 (26.1%) were self-incompatible and 17 (73.9%) self-compatible, the latter consisting of 12 (52.2%) fully self-compatible and 5 (21.7%) partially self-compatible species. An analysis of sexual systems and temporal variation of sex expression showed that of 29 monocot species, 14 (48.3%) were hermaphrodite and adichogamous, 14 (48.3%) monoecious and dichogamous, and one (3.4%) dioecious. The combination of monoecy and dichogamy prevented autogamy in 11 (91.7%) of the 12 self-compatible and monoecious species; one (8.3%) was autogamous. Of all species, 24 (82.8%) were obligate outbreeders, 2 (6.9%) spontaneously autogamous, and 3 (10.3%) partially autogamous. Ovule and flower abortion were not significantly different between the different groups. Pollen-ovule ratio was significantly different between monoecious and hermaphrodite species. The number of pollen grains and ovules per flower and the pollen-ovule ratio were variable among various pollination types. The average pollen-ovule ratio was higher in beetle-, dipteran-, and wind-pollinated species than in bee-, bird-, and bat-pollinated species. The first three pollination types were restricted to monoecious species, and the second three groups were restricted to hermaphrodite species. Of 33 plant species investigated, 12 (36.4%) displayed vegetative reproduction. The reproductive features of the understory monocot species are discussed in the context of life form, devices of cross-pollination, and geological history of the tropical cloud forest.  相似文献   

Tropical forests vary substantially in the densities of trees of different sizes and thus in above-ground biomass and carbon stores. However, these tree size distributions show fundamental similarities suggestive of underlying general principles. The theory of metabolic ecology predicts that tree abundances will scale as the −2 power of diameter. Demographic equilibrium theory explains tree abundances in terms of the scaling of growth and mortality. We use demographic equilibrium theory to derive analytic predictions for tree size distributions corresponding to different growth and mortality functions. We test both sets of predictions using data from 14 large-scale tropical forest plots encompassing censuses of 473 ha and > 2 million trees. The data are uniformly inconsistent with the predictions of metabolic ecology. In most forests, size distributions are much closer to the predictions of demographic equilibrium, and thus, intersite variation in size distributions is explained partly by intersite variation in growth and mortality.  相似文献   

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